church currents · 9/5/2012  · 2015 2016 2017 elders: dave baarda marianne edwards jan clark john...

CHURCH CURRENTS First Presbyterian Church 210 S. Wayne Street Milledgeville, GA 31061 phone: 478-452-9394 [email protected] We seek to glorify God through: Inspiring worship in Word and music, Inquiring study for adults and youth, Inclusive hospitality locally and globally, Industrious outreach for social justice and environmental stewardship. September 2015 We are on the radio Our worship service is broadcast on WKZR (102.3 FM.) every Sunday morning at 11:00AM BOOK CLUB COMING IN SEPTEMBER The first meeting of a new book club is planned for Thursday, September 10, at 2:00p.m. in the FPC parlor. Please come with ideas for future books to read and discuss, as well as suggestions for best times to meet and any other ideas for the group. We are planning to discuss the newly released Harper Lee novel, Go Set A Watchman , considered to be a companion piece to the highly regarded To Kill A Mockingbird . If you are interested in the group, please contact Millie Murphy at [email protected] or Alice Tenold at [email protected] , or call, or talk with us, before or after church.

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Page 1: CHURCH CURRENTS · 9/5/2012  · 2015 2016 2017 Elders: Dave Baarda Marianne Edwards Jan Clark John Bradley Sam McChesney Doris Moody Anne Smart Nancy Miller, Clerk Charlie Morgan

CHURCH CURRENTS First Presbyterian Church 210 S. Wayne Street

Milledgeville, GA 31061

phone: 478-452-9394

[email protected]

We seek to glorify God through:

Inspiring worship in Word and music, Inquiring study for adults and youth,

Inclusive hospitality locally and globally, Industrious outreach for social justice

and environmental stewardship.

September 2015

We are on the radio Our worship service is broadcast on WKZR

(102.3 FM.) every Sunday morning at 11:00AM


The first meeting of a new book club is planned for Thursday, September 10, at 2:00p.m. in

the FPC parlor. Please come with ideas for future books to read and discuss, as well as

suggestions for best times to meet and any other ideas for the group.

We are planning to discuss the newly released Harper Lee novel, Go Set A Watchman,

considered to be a companion piece to the highly regarded To Kill A Mockingbird. If you are

interested in the group, please contact Millie Murphy at [email protected] or Alice

Tenold at [email protected], or call, or talk with us, before or after church.

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Coord. of Children &

Youth Ministries:

Gloria Burns

Issue No. 234 September 2015

First Presbyterian Church

Organists: Kate Phillips

Jenny Moore

Director of Music:

Jennifer Flory

Admin. Asst.:

Dianna Hendricks

Child Care Providers: Charis Andrews Amelia Andrews Kathleen Green

Interim Pastor:

Rev. Martha


The past is over and gone.

That is SO true, in the respect that we cannot go back in time and/or change anything that has already happened.

We simply do not get any “do overs.”

The past is over and gone.

That is NOT so true in many respects. For instance, in a pleasant sense:

The past lives on in our hearts and minds. The memories of days and years gone by often bring us great joy

and pleasure.

Accomplishments, discoveries, inventions that occurred in the past – such as medical break-throughs and

technological advances – often make our lives better and easier today.

Our own accomplishments, teachings, learnings, growth, etc. in our past usually serve us quite well in the

present living of our lives.

However, in a negative sense:

Mistakes that we made in the past can often “haunt” us in the present.

Wars, anger, hatred, injustice leave devastation and consequences in their wake that are felt and suffered for

years, even centuries, afterward.

Some things that we learned from our parents, our grandparents, other familial ancestors, or even our ancestors

in the faith, are harmful. And they are so ingrained in us that often we have trouble “letting go, moving in a

different direction, deciding for ourselves, changing our ways.”

We all receive good and bad “legacies” from the past.

A GOOD legacy that is available to us all is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is by far the greatest, the best, legacy to which we can cling.

When we cling to the Word of God in Christ, we find the means and the strength to overcome

and move beyond the negatives the past has left us.

We also find the truth and the light that can help us,

not only to prevent a recurrence of negative legacies, but

to leave a good and more positive past for future generations.

The past is over and gone, but its happenings and outcomes are still with us.

Our present will be someone else’s past.

May God help us to leave the most positive legacy we possibly can!




2015 2016 2017 Elders: Dave Baarda Marianne Edwards Jan Clark

John Bradley Sam McChesney Doris Moody

Anne Smart Nancy Miller, Clerk Charlie Morgan Deacons: Margie Dodd Joseph Dean Joel Burns

Millie Murphy Becky Henderson Nita Peavy

Bill Werts, Moderator Alice Tenold Irene Tchamna

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Presbyterian Women will resume meeting in September. The Sunday Evening Group will meet at 5:00 on September

13 and on the Second Sunday (this is a change) of each month through May. The Tuesday Morning group will meet

again this year at our usual time for Bible Study at 11:00 and for a covered dish lunch at 12:00. The first meeting will

be on September 8. The Bible study this year is entitled Come to the Waters and is written by Judy Record Fletcher.

She says this about our study:

Water plays a central role in the stories of scripture, from the chaotic waters of creation, to the River of Life in

Revelation, where chaos is no more. Sometimes there is too much water (think Noah); sometimes there is too

little water (think drought in the desert). In this study, we will explore some of the Bible’s more than 800

references to water, including the delivery of God’s people through the parting of the Red Sea and the

crossing of the Jordan River, the judgment of a people weak in faith, and the adoption of the people of God

through baptism.

Please join us for this interesting approach to the study of scripture. Rosemary Begemann will be the discussion

leader. Study books are available in the Church Office, the cost is $9, or see Rosemary to purchase your book.

We need your help!

Our after-church fellowship time is enjoyed by many. We need volunteers to provide

simple snacks and a beverage for this special time. If you have not done this recently,

please consider signing up for September or October.

Many thanks to Mike Tenold, Faye Heal, Margie Dodd, Nancy Holbrook, and Doris

Moody for providing refreshments in August. Thanks to those who have signed up for

September 6 & 13. The last two Sundays in September and all of October are currently

open, so please sign up on the sheet posted in the kitchen.

Please contact Alice Tenold at 478-968-7513 or [email protected] if more

information is needed.


On August 2, 2015, a reception was held to honor the life and memory

of Mary Barbara Tate. The reception was hosted by the Christian

Education Committee in remembrance of Mary Barbara’s devotion to

the children of First Presbyterian Church. Beautiful flowers were

placed in the sanctuary by members of the Wednesday Night

Group, and flowers were arranged in the Fellowship Hall by Sherrill

Jones and friends in the community. Stories and memories were

shared by members of the church, including touching recollections of

former youth. Thanks to all who shared in this special time.”

Mary Barbara Tate shared so much with so many. She will be missed.


Sunday School 9:45AM Potluck Wednesday 6:30PM

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00AM Bible Study 7:15PM

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Partners in Faith

Time With Children

Finding God in Others

For some time now I have stayed awake at night thinking about ways to have more

interaction within our church family. How can we get to know each other better?

Because I work with children & youth I began to think about how much the adults in this

congregation have to offer our young people but they seldom have the opportunity to do

so. We are beginning a group on September 20 that we are calling Partners in Faith.

The goals of this group include not only getting to know each other better, but sharing

with each other our experiences of faith and interactions with God. On the third Sunday

of each month, we will stay after church, and instead of having a fellowship time we will

pair up at tables and share a Bible Story with each other. Don't panic, you are only

required to show up. We will provide the Bible Stories, talking points or questions, as

well as coloring pictures or a simple craft for you to do. While sitting at a table with

other pairs you will spend a few minutes reading and talking about the story, when you

first heard it and what it means to you. Coloring and craft materials will be there, the choice is yours to use them or


Over the next three weeks there will be registration forms in the bulletins. Please

fill one out and put it in the offering plate or give it to Anne Smart or Gloria

Burns. We will talk about Partners in Faith again before September 20, so

please let me know if you have questions. I will be glad to answer them indi-

vidually or as a group. If you are on vacation and miss the opportunity to sign up

just give me a call or send me an email to join our group. [email protected],

or 478-454-6285.


Please fill out and place in the offering plate or give to Gloria Burns or Anne Smart.

(Forms also available in the Church Office, or see Gloria)

For Adults: Partners in Faith

I (please print your name)_______________________________________ am willing to commit to meeting once a month (3rd Sunday of each month) with a young person to share Bible stories and

conversation for the purpose of sharing our faith and getting to know each other.

For Children and Youth: Partners in Faith

I (please print your name)_______________________________________ am willing to commit to meeting once a month (3rd Sunday of each month) with an Adult to share Bible stories and

conversation for the purpose of sharing our faith and getting to know each other.

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September 6 Cecilia Odihe

September 13 Anne Smart

September 20 Doris Moody

September 27 Elizabeth Baarda

Thank you for your service to this ministry of the

church. We count on you to be in the nursery on this

date. If you cannot be there, please call someone on

the list and exchange dates. Our children are precious

and need you.

Anne Smart


Would your college student like to get a card in their

snail mail box each month? Our S.T.A.R.S. send cards to

our shut-ins each month and we would like to add your

college students so please give Gloria their address

[email protected].


Each of you are in my thoughts. Remember me through

snail mail: God bless, Marion

Cumberland Island, NS

101 Wheeler Street

St. Mary's, GA. 31558

CARE GROUP Thank you to Holley & Sunda for hosting our Italian Feast! The food was delicious and the company delightful. It was

fun to learn more about each other thru interesting questions. Our prayer time reminded us that there are a lot of

needs in our congregation.

Mike & Alice have offered to host on Friday, September 11. Details will come later. Be a blessing

and let us know if you would like to join us.

& ,

Debbie Lamsma

From the Treasurer:

An update on our financial progress for the month of July and the year-to-date:

July 2015 YTD

Contributions $19,408 $118,421

Other Income 177 2,383

Total Income 19,585 120,804

Budgeted Expenses 23,482 143,284

Net (Loss) (3,897) (22,480)

Please don’t be discouraged by our financial information. The fact is that many of you responded to our request to

catch up on your pledges in July. The month of July had 3 check -writing periods. This happens twice a year be-

cause we write checks every two weeks. We have 26 pay periods per year and the extra pay periods are in January

and July this year. Our payroll expenses are about $5,800 per pay period and the extra payroll in July accounts for

the deficit of $3,897.

Our total income for the year to date is a bit less than was budgeted, about $26,000 less. This explains why we

have a deficit of $22,480 so far this year. This is why we rely on your pledges in planning our budgets each year.

Our committees have already begun discussing their budgets for next year. As they discuss their ideas, they are

very mindful of our financial picture and are working diligently to get the most from every dollar. I will keep you

updated on their progress.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me.

Anne Dennis [email protected] or 478-452-6860

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If you had walked into the FPC kitchen around 11am on

August, 15th, you would probably think a party was going


The talking and laughing was loud. But guess what? By

11:30 a wonderful meal was on the table and our attention

had turned to our guests. It always gets done! No specific

assignments, no list of duties, everyone just does what ever

is needed. Oh, by the way, we always try to make sure that

men are washing dishes and driving the vacuum cleaner. We had 40 guests who enjoyed the BBQ sandwiches and many delicious side dishes. The desserts proved that FPC

members know what's good in the sweet department. Thank you to those who provided the food and desserts. I can

personally witness to the smiles that appeared as our guests (and members) perused the dessert table. Thanks also to the people who turned work into fun and fellowship. Alice and Mike Tenold, Barbara Rowe,

Bob Wilson, Faye Heal, Rosemary Begemann, Sunda Coleman, Holly Cowan, Nancy Holbrook, Margie Dodd,

and our hard working leader Millie Murphy. We are so happy that we can do it again next month on September 19th. Come join us! Margie

FOOD PANTRY We bring canned goods for the food pantry on the first Sunday of each month; the same

day we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Items needed are canned meats, fruits and

vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, snacks for lunchboxes, soups, mac and cheese,

pasta and spaghetti sauce. Each week our volunteers distribute food to many families in our community, some weeks

we have helped as many as 23 families. Your donations enable the Food Pantry Ministry

to continue to provide food to these families. Volunteers are needed! Contact Mary Baker, 478-457-5444 or [email protected] if you have any questions,

or would like to volunteer.

VIP’S CORNER (Visually Impaired Persons)

VIP’s Learn About Learning in Retirement If you are eager to explore new and exciting ideas and make new friends, then

Learning in Retirement maybe just the thing for you. Marie Farmer, the

President of the local Learning in Retirement Program, was the VIP August

speaker. She told the group about many of the fun activities the organization

offered, such as coursework in cooking, literature, history, etc. It also offers

opportunities to experience community events such as plays and take field trips to

interesting sites such as the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. The local organization has

a book club and a writers group. So many fun things to be a part of!

The group meets every 3rd Friday at the Milledgeville Country Club. There is a

fee of $35/year to join. If you want to know more about this program, you may contact Marie Farmer, Harry Beck or

Anne Weathers. The VIP support group meeting will be Wednesday, September 16th at 10:30 AM here at the church.

Lt. Bobby Langford of the Milledgeville Police department will present a program about scams here. Anyone

interested in attending is cordially invited to join us.


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of NEGA Presbytery invites you to


Saturday, October 3, 2015

10:00am - 2:00pm

First Pres Church, 239 W. Candler St., Winder, GA

10:00am register, and Noon lunch ($7.00)

RSVP to Kathy Woodall: (770-867-2424) [email protected]

Those with Limited Mobility:

Mary Carlton Martha Chappell Helen Danuser

Ben Gautier (& Donna) Bob & Eloise Lamb Jo Ann Manley

Polly Morrison Gloria Smith Chuck & Ruth Treptow

This congregation & our life & ministry together during this transition time

The Pastor Nominating Committee


Judy Bledsoe, Tom & Mary Lucik’s daughter, recovering from surgery

Harry Beck, malignancy

Charles Morgan, Jr., recovering from back surgery

Ben Gautier (& Donna)

Vona Wohlenberg, Mary Lucik’s sister, cancer, recovering from surgery

Julie Montemayor, Becky Henderson’s mother, back at home after rehab

Cephas & Jean Starnes, Martha's parents

John Fish, the Baarda’s son-in-law, leukemia

Ted Flynt, Jacqueline Northington’s son, cancer

Joseph Callender, Craig’s father, recovering from open heart surgery

Russell & Kathleen Edwards, Marianne’s parents, numerous health problems

Amy Smith, colon cancer, work & disability issues

Joe Owens, continuing recovery from broken back (and Charlotte)

Nancy Selecman, Sue York’s mother

Betty Owens, Joe & Charlotte’s sister-in-law, cancer

Tom Murphy, Kathy Carroll’s brother, colon cancer

Roy Pound, Sunda Coleman’s father

Chris Pearson, Sunda Coleman’s son

Ricky Spear, Vera Bales’ brother, chemotherapy after colon surgery

April McMillan, Jeanene Vinson’s granddaughter, in remission

Leigh Humphrey, friend of Bill & Ruby Werts, kidney failure

Marty Flory, Jennifer’s mother-in-law, ongoing health issues

In Assisted Living:

Jonnie Tenold, Mike Tenold’s mother, Green Acres

Katherine Lyda, Louise Sallstrom’s mother, Green Acres

Marguerite Owens, Gloria Burns’ mother, Savannah Court

Laurette Smith, Harbor Chase Room 319, 1385 Silver Bluff Rd. Aiken, SC 29803

Reba Vaughan, Pine Gate, 300 Charter Boulevard Apt. 109, Macon, GA 31210

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Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat


9:30-10:30 Food



6:30 Pot Luck

7:15 Bible Study


6:30 IOBI

7:00 Choir




9:45 Sunday School

11:00 Worship w/


Food Offering





9:30-10:30 Food


11:00 PW Lunch

12:00 PW Study

4:00 “Mourning



6:30 Pot Luck

7:15 Bible Study


10:00 Bottle


2:00 Book Club

7:00 Choir


Care Group

Get Together

5:00 - 9:00 MNS

Choral Retreat



9:45 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

12:15 Deacons

5:00 PW Study


5:30 Stewardship

& Finance

6:45 Property


9:30-10:30 Food


4:30 Worship


9:30 Samaritan’s



10:30 VIP’s

5:15 S.T.A.R.S.

6:30 Pot Luck

7:15 Bible Study


2:00 LIR Reading

3:00 LIR Writing

6:30 IOBI

7:00 Choir



12:00 Prison

Family Lunch


9:45 Sunday School

11:00 Worship

12:30 Youth Group

5:30 Session



9:30-10:30 Food


5:15 Kiwanis 6:30 Bridge


5:15 S.T.A.R.S.

6:30 Pot Luck

7:15 Bible Study


5:00 MCGA

7:00 Choir




9:45 Sunday School

11:00 Worship




6:00 GS Leaders


9:30-10:30 Food Pantry


5:15 S.T.A.R.S.

6:30 Pot Luck

7:15 Bible Study

“This is the day

which the LORD

hath made;

we will

rejoice and be

glad in it.”

September 1

Jan Thompson

September 2

Sheree Applebury

Elizabeth Baarda

September 4

Joseph Dean

September 8

Eloise Lamb

September 9

Frankie Holder

September 10

Tom Wood

September 11

Mollie Ritchie

September 1 Roy & Kate Phillips

September 3 Thomas & Mary Lucik

September 20 Joe & Haywood Edwards

September 21 George & Nan Carpenter


September 14

John Bradley

Ellen Thompson

Reba Vaughan

September 19

Stephanie Azahar

Iain Flory

September 20

Lonnie Bales

Polly Morrison

September 22 Alice Tenold