church at the center

CHURCH AT THE CENTER September 2018 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH “CENTER CHURCH” United Church of Christ One Church Street South Hadley, Massachusetts 01075 (413) 532-2262 email: [email protected] website: ALL ARE WELCOME AT CENTER CHURCH ON THE COMMON, AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING UCC CONGREGATION, WHERE THE SPIRIT OF GOD STIRS US TO EMBRACE OUR DIVERSITY, DEEPEN OUR FAITH IN JESUS, SHARE OUR TEARS AND LAUGHTER, AND EXTEND GOD'S ABUNDANT LOVE AND JUSTICE INTO THE WORLD. “The Soul that is attached to anything, however much good there may be in it, will not arrive at the liberty of divine union.” –Saint John of the Cross (Spanish Mystic, Friar, and Counter Reformer in the 1500’s) I don’t know about you but sometimes my seatbelt grabs my shoulder or belly and the more I move, it tightens. I feel imprisoned. A favorite tale growing up was Gulliver who traveled to the land of Lilliput. He awakened to 6 inch tiny people placing thousands of little strings anchored to the ground with thousands of pegs. Gulliver could not budge (maybe move his big toe). That is you and I when we become enslaved by stuff, when we direct our attention to things, not matter of the spirit or the heart, or acts of service. As I go through our house to see what can we free ourselves for the Columbus Day Tag Sale, I pick the item up, ask have we used it/admired it and place it in the “Go To Church” box if the answer is “no.” Then I confess, I look through the box a few days later and haul out the item because, “Maybe now I will value it.” If you are like me, you too maybe tied down by selfish attachments. As we enter a new season, it’s time to do some shedding to make room for what matters. You are needed and valued, now more than ever. We will find that the more we unclutter, the more we will be closer to God. Joyful Blessings, Lori

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September 2018


United Church of Christ One Church Street

South Hadley, Massachusetts 01075

(413) 532-2262 email: [email protected] website:



AND EXTEND GOD'S ABUNDANT LOVE AND JUSTICE INTO THE WORLD. “The Soul that is attached to anything, however much good there may be in it, will not arrive at the liberty of

divine union.” –Saint John of the Cross (Spanish Mystic, Friar, and Counter Reformer in the 1500’s)

I don’t know about you but sometimes my seatbelt grabs my shoulder or belly and the more I move, it tightens. I feel imprisoned.

A favorite tale growing up was Gulliver who traveled to the land of Lilliput. He awakened to 6 inch tiny people placing thousands of little strings anchored to the ground with thousands of pegs. Gulliver could not budge (maybe move his big toe). That is you and I when we become enslaved by stuff, when we direct our attention to things, not matter of the spirit or the heart, or acts of service.

As I go through our house to see what can we free ourselves for the Columbus Day Tag Sale, I pick the item up, ask have we used it/admired it and place it in the “Go To Church” box if the answer is “no.” Then I confess, I look through the box a few days later and haul out the item because, “Maybe now I will value it.”

If you are like me, you too maybe tied down by selfish attachments. As we enter a new season, it’s time to do some shedding to make room for what matters. You are needed and valued, now more than ever. We will find that the more we unclutter, the more we will be closer to God.

Joyful Blessings, Lori

Next Front Lawn Vigil – September 22nd 10am

The Environment

During the month of August, coffee hours were hosted by Nancy Towne, Karen Sabbs, Lynne Bertram and

Tom Waller. Thank you so very very much for volunteering to be a host for a summer coffee hour (when we

also had guests) AND for doing such a marvelous job at providing numerous and delicious

“goodies”. Also, many thanks to Jean Hazen who supplied our serving table flowers each

Sunday. The hosts for the September coffee hours are Membership and Adult Education teams.

The Membership team is responsible for church membership, including existing membership and

the development and assimilation of new members. Members of the team are:

Bobbie Ayers, Carolyn Baston, Nancy Towne and the clerk, David Morrell. The Adult Education

team sponsors programs relating to CE for the adult population. Our all church reads and discussions are

sponsored by this team. Members are: Betsy Bergen and Randy Purinton.


Join Us! Learn and Review Classic Social Dance Steps!

With Jeannette LoPresti

Thursdays beginning September 13th in Fellowship Hall (off Park Street)

First Congregational Church of South Hadley***

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm $5 per person per class

Couples and Singles Welcome!

Contact Corinne Chartrand for more information 413 219-6563

***September 27th and October 4th at the South Hadley Library at 6:30 pm

Fall Bible Study We will resume our Bible Study at Loomis (residents and non-residents of all ages are welcome). Soon we will nail down what apartments we will be using. If you haven’t attended, you are welcome. Our numbers are anywhere from 5-13. If you haven’t even read the scripture, you are welcome. We will meet on the Thursdays listed below 10:30 – 11:30 am.

We begin on Sept 13: Luke 16:19-31 October 11: More on Luke 16: 19-31

October 18: Matthew 25:14-30 October 25: More on Matthew 25:14-30


Come one Come ALL

On September 8th from 9am to noon Center Church members and friends are invited to help tend the landscape around the church – trim the bushes.

pull some weeds… If you have electric trimmers or clippers, please bring them.

So we’ll make it a “party”… complete with Pizza and beverages! Youth and children are welcome.

Hope you can help!



Betsy Bergen, home

Family and Friends of Carl Buschner who passed away August 8

Shelly Granger

Martha Guild’s father, Curt Guild

Audrey Heaphy

Tom Hazen, recuperating

Eunice Howes’ friend, Sarah Boynton

Edward Matuvhunye

Lucio Perez, in Sanctuary in Amherst FCC

Nancy Perman’s father, George Harris

on Hospice

Family and friends of Mike Thornton who passed away in July


Emily Bangs-Orsini (at Mt. St. Vincent)

Chuck Blakney

Luke Bradley

Marjorie Buschner

Wayne Cowan

Daniel Dempsey

Tim Garrett’s friends David Drummond &

Sterling McAndrew

Muriel Graham

Lou Hamilton

Jane Hazen

Phyllis Lacoste

Hector Reyes

Anita Sarro’s son Michael in need of a transplant

Jill Therrien, Linda Wolf’s niece

Ruth Thornton

We keep those serving in the military in our prayers.

On September 9th - when we welcome the choir,

children and youth back - we will offer a slide show

of the Weekend Urban Challenge Retreat, during

Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall. Come check out

and see what our youth, adults and Faith Methodist

of Chicopee did! Splendid! The cost of the trip was

covered by the John Hoffman Community Outreach

Trust Fund. Thank you John!

Becky MacArthur – who recently

celebrated her 100th birthday – holds

her sign that she created for when she

attends a Vigil in her hometown of


Facing The End of Life

Center Church is partnering with Cooley Dickinson Hospital and The South Hadley Council on Aging on October 17th , for a discussion with professionals on issues regarding the end of life - yours, a loved one’s, a friend’s. All are invited to attend at the Council on Aging – 45 Dayton Street SH - from 10-11:30am

Welcome Back Promised Landers and Families! Sunday School classes will begin September 9. This year brings new and exiting changes! Simone Jacob, a sophomore at Mount Holyoke College, will be teaching the “Littles” (pre-K) class this year. We look forward to welcoming Simone to the Center Church community. I will continue leading the Sunday School and teaching the elementary age Promised Landers with a new curriculum. Deep Blue

Rotation from Cokesbury Christian Publications is an amazing match to our teaching model and Christian education values. Simone and I can’t wait to get started! Following Sunday School and the service on September 9, the Christian Education Team will host Sundae Sunday. I hope to see you all there and please

bring your favorite ice cream topping. 🍦 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦 🍦

Martha Guild Children’s Education Director

First Table Fellowship We offer a class where your third grader (or older) learns about the significance and sacrament of communion. Following the class they will participate and receive communion as special guests. Please let Lori know if your child is interested.

In Center Church all people of whatever age may receive communion. First Table Fellowship recognizes the special passage.

Confirmation We will offer Confirmation Classes this year. Please talk to Lori if your child is in at least the 7th grade. Confirmation is a time where the youth affirms his/her baptism (or will be baptized), learns about our church, develops a stronger understand of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, does hands on service work, and shares in a community of other young people. Truly it is a journey of faith and love.

Welcome back! Claire and I are so excited to start the Youth Group up again for the new school

year. Over the summer, we have been looking into new curriculum, planning events, and getting ready for switching youth rooms. Some youth attended the Urban Challenge trip to Springfield in July, and they had a great time! Ask Lily, JB, or Sophie about their experience! Youth Group will start on September 9th, and we're looking for youth to help out at the Outreach Team's Car Wash on September 15th (more details to come). Moving youth rooms will also require lots of helpful hands, so keep an eye on your email for information about that. Can't wait for another great year!

Warmly, Emily


Youth Group

After a month “off,” the trustees met in early August to continue our care of the church and its financial health. The July report showed that we should be at 58% of the 2018 budget for both income and expenses. The total income stood at 62.4% and expenses were at 60.4%. Given that we were not physically at Center Church in July, these looked very good. We are working on a way to cut down the expenses associated with our gas heating and will keep working on that as the winter months will be upon us sooner than we think. At some point, we will be the recipient of the estate of one of our recently deceased members but we have no handle yet on what that will be. Lori gave her pastor’s report which was very positive. She sadly noted that Carl Buschner had just died as well. And all reports from our tenant on the third floor are very positive. We also heard concern about moldy smells in the first floor entryway and we are working on that. Now that the dehumidifier in the Meetinghouse Room has been vented to a drain in there, we agreed to purchase a second one for said hallway to attack that odor. A new air exchange connection has been updated which vents into the choir room. New outlets have been installed in the choir loft to allow easier access to electricity up there. Adam Suska had passed on information that he is finding unexpected “issues” with the exterior wood of the south rose window and he is fixing those. Once Adam has completed his work, we hope to have a blessing of all our windows and perhaps get some publicity (Town Reminder?) about this extensive work. We thank the South Hadley Chorale for increasing their annual donation to the church for their rehearsals. As with other teams, we were asked to check out the church website and make comments about it and our team’s mission. Stewardship will be starting its work by the end of September. Our investment group reports that July was a very good month and the investments increased by about $16,000. They will be meeting with our Wells Fargo adviser in September. We took a look at the draft of the Promised Land’s evacuation plan which will be discussed at the August Safety task force meeting (thanks to Stephanie Strand and CE folks). That group hopes to have the final plan in place after at least one practice run-through. Once that is ready, the group will begin to focus on evacuation issues for the sanctuary. It was reported that our application for submission to the National Historic Register has now gone from Boston to the national office. The cost of our consultant was funded by three members of the congregation – thank you very much!! We agreed to set Saturday, September 8 as an all-church work day concentrating on our “bushes.” All are welcome! Finally the budget sub-committee will begin its work soon and all teams are encouraged to get 2019 budget requests in to the church office very soon. Cindy Morrell, secretary

Who We Are Pew Pamphlets

You now see a small pamphlet in the pew racks. It is titled “ Who We Are” - the Membership Team

developed this with each team’s in put. We hope that visitors to our worship service will find them helpful

and take one home along with their bag of microwave popcorn! Of course, we want you to browse as well and

do feel free to take one with you and, of course, ask any question you may have relative to our overview of

Center Church teams and activities.

News from the Trustees for September 2018

Membership Team

The Council met on August 7, led by Bobbie Ayers moderator pro-tem. During her devotions, Rev. Souder asked the Council members to think about the sounds and smells of summer. Replies were: rain on the roof, new mown lawn smell, children at play, wind in leafy trees, and the sound of an old-fashioned rope swing. She stated that we are all about God.

Activities is gearing up for the three-day event for our annual Columbus Day Fair from Saturday October 6 through Monday October 8. They will be using recycled plastic bags but also encouraging buyers to bring their own bags. CE announced the Sunday school classes will begin on September 9 with a new curriculum. Also the Youth Group will begin that day. Deacons have finalized the new time for our Christmas Eve service at 5:00 p.m. Rev. Chris Mereschuk will be our guest preacher in September while Lori is away. We may also be hosting another guest preacher (with Lori in attendance) for a Ludlow church for them to evaluate. Membership has completed their “All About Us” booklet which will be in the pews in September. Outreach awarded four scholarships from the Peterson Fund, two for $500 and two for $600. The next front lawn vigil will be about “truth.” Trustees are keeping an eye on rising natural gas prices for our winter heating needs. Al Duffy gave an updated report about how the Safety Task Force is progressing. Lori announced that the estate of Charlene Johnson has been left to Center Church. Lori is gathering a future class for First Table/Confirmation attendees. Center Church will participate with the South Hadley Senior Center about “end of life” issues on October 17 at 10:00 a.m. Council is in the process of reviewing our Church’s website. We are also looking for a volunteer to help with the site. Council discussed the use and meaning of some of the wording and suggested some changes. Another discussion revolved around progressiveness and Center Church. Budget requests should be submitted to the Trustees in September and no later than November 1st. The next Council meeting has been moved to Wednesday, September 5th at 7:00 p.m. due to a conflict.

Center Church in Transition

Deaths: July 14, Barbara Noyes deFremery, 82 years of age (friend of the church) July 18, Roland “Mike” Thornton, 80 years of age August 8, Carl W. Buschner, 90 years of age

David C. Morrell, clerk


The Peterson Fund Update: This year the Peterson Fund was able to award a scholarship to all who

applied. We awarded two $500 scholarships and two $600 scholarships. Three of the recipients were from The

Care Center/Bard Micro College in Holyoke. As stated in their website, this educational opportunity is an

alternative education program” designed to prepare and empower young mothers to embrace education. It

attempts to break barriers by inspiring young women to excel intellectually and academically”. The fourth

recipient graduated from Chicopee Comprehensive High School and is determined, regardless of financial and

situational obstacles, to continue her education in the STEM program at RPI and to eventually carry her

knowledge into an area to help others.

One of the thank you notes we received said, “I am so very appreciative of being chosen to receive the

scholarship. It meant so much to me. I am thankful to you……. I am so lucky to have people like you that are

willing to support your community in so many positive ways.”

The Peterson Fund has been supported by this church since its inception and it is through your generosity

that it continues to provide a small outreach. Thank you.

Notes from Church Council

The Outreach Team began its season with a meeting on August 13th. In keeping with our mission statement to promote human welfare and justice, seek peace, and build community, we gathered in prayer and conversation to discern ways to fulfill our mission. To that end we are in the process of planning several future events.

SEPTEMBER 15th – CAR WASH: The Outreach Team and the youth of our Church will again this year have a car wash September 15th from 1 – 3pm on the Church Street side of the building. This summer we have had a wind storm of pollen, dirt from travel, and in some cases prohibitions on washing cars. Here is a chance to get your car CLEAN and support two good causes. One is the food pantry located in South Hadley Falls at the Methodist Church and the second one is Food for Friends, a monthly meals on wheels program for homebound elders in South Hadley and Granby. A $5.00 donation is suggested or more if you like. Both programs address food insecurity in our communities.

OCTOBER 14th CROP WALK: Our annual CROP WALK with the Granby UCC Church addresses hunger here at home and throughout the world. Ending hunger means responding with compassion and long term sustainable approaches. Our young people are gearing up to take part. We hope that many adults too will join us as walkers or supporters of those who walk.

OCTOBER 28TH SPEAKER in the Pulpit. The Theology of Immigration

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: There is interest in our Church in becoming involved once again in Habitat. We are networking with a group in Florence as they move ahead with plans to build. Fair and affordable housing is needed in our area.

VIGILS: We will continue with monthly Saturday morning vigils around issues of gun violence, immigration, speaking the truth, and other human rights as we struggle as a community to live out the teaching of Christ.

URBAN CHALLENGE: Four youth from our Church and three adults attended an Urban Challenge work retreat program in Springfield this summer. They were joined by 7 young people from Faith United Methodist Church making this a very rewarding and challenging experience for all. Their tasks included working in a community garden, singing to residents of a local nursing home, touring the Pan African Museum, picking up trash in neighborhoods, passing out sandwiches to people who are homeless, and discussing issues of poverty with a pastor in Springfield. The following is a report from Emily Carle, Youth Leader. “The youth seemed to really enjoy themselves. Some were a little nervous riding the PVTA bus for the first time because they didn't know what to expect. The Faith UMC youth were a little anxious when we passed out food and clothes to the homeless in Springfield because they were expecting a fight or that the homeless would be belligerent, but after interacting with the homeless, they realized that there was no need to worry. The Center youth were used to work like this because of Cathedral in the Night. Many were shocked that so little fresh food was available to Springfield residents. I think the kids had a new appreciation for people who live in cities after they witnessed the struggles they face, and they had more gratitude for what they have in South Hadley. There was also a lot of "coming out of our comfort zones" with each activity we did” Emily

On behalf of Center Church, the Outreach Team has sent a check for $150 to Strengthen the Church. This offering helps the UCC support new and growing ministries that meet the emerging needs of local communities. Grants from Strengthen the Church also go to programs for new church leaders, and help new UCC faith communities get started. Through your generosity to Center Church, we are able to do our small part to support these efforts. Thank you!

The Outreach Team presented a check for $500 to Food for Friends, our local food ministry program that brings together many volunteers from around our community. Each month (and sometimes twice a month!) Food for Friends volunteers prepare and deliver over 100 meals for elderly people in South Hadley and Granby. These folks receive Meals on Wheels during the week, but not on the weekends. Food for Friends and other local church meal preparation efforts fill this "food gap".

Outreach Partners of the Month

Come one, come all…there’s something for YOU!!! Maybe you can help by baking something for the homemade bake sale…or maybe you would like to work behind the

scenes setting up or taking down the tag sale. Whether you want to help with the selling of the items…or whether you want to browse and purchase….please plan to join

us setting up on September 29th - for the sale the weekend of October 6-8 and again on Saturday, October 13th for clean-up. Our annual Columbus Day Fair is here again!

It’s a major fundraiser; but with the work there are lots of laughs and wonderful fellowship to be shared. Please sign up for one job or be with us throughout the time;

but DO join in making this the best Columbus Day Fair ever!

Schedule of Times and Events Tuesday September 25th - LAST DAY TO BRING IN ITEMS FOR THE TAG SALE

Saturday, September 29th - Set-up emporium 8 A.M. until completed- Come for an hour or Come for the day

Week of October 1 – 5 Stop in anytime and empty a few boxes onto tables. We’ll have signs for which items go where. Saturday October 6 - Tag Sale 8am – 3pm Sunday October 7 – Tag Sale 1pm – 4pm Monday, October 8th- ALL DAY 9 A.M. to 2 P.M .


JEWELRY …. HOUSEHOLD…. TOYS SMALL FURNITURE…BAKE SALE…Much More! Saturday, October 13th - CLEAN UP DAY!! 8am - finished

Please help us with this very important and necessary task. Many hands will make light work.


Columbus Day Fair 2018

We Need YOUR Help!

Much of our success for the Columbus Day Fair is because so many hands help out before the fair, fair

day, and after the fair!! PLEASE help……every person’s effort is needed and appreciated!

So…please fill out the form below and get it to the church office (form will be in the Sunday worship bulletin too)…. or just speak to Karen Anderson or Bobbie Ayers, or leave your name with the church office and we’ll contact you.

Thank you ahead of time! Please sign up for MORE THAN ONE TIME – We need your support!!

Name: _______________________________Telephone # ___________________ e-mail address: _________________________________

I will be able to help: (check ALL that apply)

_____ Stay after worship on September 23rd and help put out folding tables (less than an hour)

_______ Help put boxes on tables during week before the fair (Monday – Friday during office hours)

_______ Set up on Saturday, September 29th (start at 8am)

_______ Provide baked goods and/or fudge to be sold at the fair

Help with the emporium (tag sale and books) (Check ALL that apply) ____Sat. Oct 6th 8am-10:30am_____ 10:30am -1pm ____ 12:30-3pm ____ ____ Sun. Oct 7th 12:30 – 2:30pm _______ 2:30 – 4:00pm ________ Lunch will be provided for volunteers

_____Mon. Oct 8th AM 9 – 11 am ________ 10:45 am – 12:15 ______

PM 12:15 – 2:00 _________ ALL DAY__________.

_____ Help pack things back into boxes during the week after Fair (Wednesday – Friday office hours)

_____ Help with breakdown (clean up) Sat. Oct. 13th

8am - 10 am ____________ (Please consider helping with this VERY important task!!!)

Help with the café: Saturday October 6

_________Preparation morning. _________Selling 11am – 2pm

Summary of Fair times

Saturday October 6th 8am – 3pm Sunday October 7th 1pm – 4pm

Monday October. 8th 9 am - 2 pm

Tues – Friday Honor system shopping

Sat. Oct. 14th - Breakdown and cleanup 8am

Summer 2018 will be completed with our Labor Day service. As always, regular services will be back in full swing, along with the choir, Cheryl Cobb, and Larry Schipull on September 9. For two Sundays in June, and all of August’s Sundays, as well as Labor Day, had music provided by a group of “summer singers/musicians” and myself. So it is with much gratitude that I thank the following for their “service:” Bobbie Ayers, Tim Garrett, John and Kate Hoffman, Sharyn Kovalesky, Gretchen Labonte, Randy Purinton, Karen Sabbs, Jane Ting and David Morrell. A very special thank you as well to ivy tillman, former church member, who brought her special musical gifts on August 12 – it is always an honor for me to work with her and a joy to welcome her back. I was especially pleased that Jane offered to play a duet with me (you will certainly hear us again) and that Gretchen was willing to share music on her harp (we hope to hear more from her during the rest of the year too)! Special thanks to Tim and Sharyn for their solo Sundays and especially to David who filled in for Cheryl on less than 24 hours’ notice. As always, it was a treat to hear our resident diva and choir director, Cheryl Cobb, for her duet with David on Labor Day. This was also the first summer when we did not have the talents of Linda Laderach at our disposal and hope that her new church home will appreciate her as much as we have. Thanks to all of these folks for letting the rest of the choir have some well-deserved time off. But we’ll all be back on September 9!

Congratulations to all of you in the congregation for your really nice work on the August 19 hymn Sunday. You sounded like you were all having a good time!! The music program is definitely one of our strengths here at Center Church and is mentioned often in listings of what draws in new members. I can assure you that Cheryl, Larry Schipull and I, along with the choir, will do all that we can to continue to lead our excellent music program forward, as we all come back for this new 2018-19 church year. I would be remiss if I did not mention how fortunate our congregation is that we have Mount Holyoke right next door and are so lucky to have Larry and Cheryl who share their considerable musical gifts with us on a continuing basis. And it is always nice when Cheryl can enlist some of her voice students to join us (fingers crossed for this year).

Cindy Morrell, associate in music

Summer Music Thank You - September 2018

On the first Sunday of each month, please bring any of the following items to worship:

Canned vegetables Canned fruits Cereals Soups

Dried Pastas Rice Canned beans Tuna Fish

Peanut Butter Jam/Jelly Juices Crackers

Spaghetti sauce Meals in a can

The monthly offering is used for direct appeals to Center Church and for donation to local food pantries.

Our gifts are extended to the hungry and the poor - those who need them most! Food offerings may be left inside the Church Street entrance at other times.

Thank you for your compassionate response!


During the August Council meeting our pastor, Lori Souder referred to Center Church as a progressive church. Through some research, we in the UCC, based our statement of faith on progressive orthodoxy which combined Congregational Christian with Evangelical and Reformed churches into a new United Church of Christ in 1958.

Progressive Orthodoxy thinking came about in the late 1800s. This was due to many clergy who were interested in “new ideas,” findings and opportunities by encouraging self-expression. This meant moving forward and believing in social improvement, not necessarily associated with politics, but through religious actions. An excellent example is our “front lawn/yard” vigils.

The American congregational theologian and minister, Rev. Horace Bushnell (1802-1876) is credited with championing the progressive movement which had its roots in “liberal Christianity” thinking. He was

born on April 4, 1802 in Bantam, CT. He was educated at Yale College-Yale University. He was ordained in 1833 and became the minister for the North Congregational Church in Hartford CT. He married Mary Apthorp in 1833 and they had three children. He led the North Congregational Church from 1833-1859 when he was forced to resign due to very poor health. He then became a prolific author and, when his health allowed, a very popular lecturer and sometimes a guest preacher. It is said that he was an “original, thoughtful and impressive” speaker. He helped to change the theology of the day by pointing the way toward unity through progressive thought. Rev. Bushnell spoke of placing God, humanity and the world together. Many New England theologians began to follow his lead and published his profound sermons on the subject. Center Church parishioners may have had the privilege of hearing Horace Bushnell through Mount Holyoke College which invited various theologians to speak. In his private life, Horace Bushnell was also greatly interested in civic action in Hartford. He established the first public park (Bushnell Park) in Hartford CT and also in the USA! Rev. Bushnell went on to create the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts which is still thriving today! Rev. Bushnell died in Hartford CT on February 17, 1876.

A progressive church is an enlightened church with a willingness to question traditional thought and beliefs. It accepts diversity and emphasizes social justice by caring for the poor and homeless. It is a steward of the environment. It believes in the gospel teaching of John 15-17 of loving one another through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Progressiveness prompts us to value compassion, mercy and tolerance. We inherited these “practices” of justice and care from the Hebrew traditions. We stay actively involved with the trends of the day pertaining to human caring by stressing fairness, justice, responsibility and volunteerism. We condemn racial injustices, corruption, exclusionary actions against all types of social groups. So, Center Church takes progressiveness seriously and we are willing to explore “new horizons” by breathing new life into our Christianity by becoming relevant. Center Church has indeed moved forward as a vibrant contemporary community of believers! Thank you, Lori, for gently reminding us of our progressive nature and values.

David C. Morrell, Center Church historian

From the Church Historian

Horace Bushnell 1802-1876

01 Katy Daniels Torri Daniels 04 Bob Russell 05 Alina Sokop 08 Chris Orsini 10 Corinne Chartrand 12 Patricia Correia (Keyes) Doug Smith 13 Nancy Towne 18 Lori Souder 19 Hal Harris 20 Phyllis Lacoste Ruth Thornton 21 Don Donihue

Matt Gage 22 Sallie Waite 23 Wayne Cordes 25 Jonas Clarke 27 Bennett Anz 29 Lynne Bertram


Open year round for your shopping convenience

Check out our gently used items for sale

We have an assortment of Fall treasures awaiting you NOW.


Ministers: All Church Members Senior Minister: Rev. Lori J. Souder

Minister Emeritus: Rev. Charles P. Blakney

Christian Education Program Music Children: Martha Guild, Simone Jacob Organist: Larry Schipull

Chelsea Korzeniowski Choir Director: Cheryl Cobb Youth: Emily Carle, Claire Houston Associate in Music: Cynthia Morrell Adult: Randy Purinton and Betsy Bergen, Team Chairs

Office Administrator: Cynthia Jubinville Sexton: Robert Farman

Registration forms available on the

table at the church Street entrance.

Join Lori in attendings workshops on Super Saturday October 20, 2018. Information and registration packets are available in the Church Office or visit the MACUCC website listed at the bottom of this page .