church calender. iilazard' - chronicling...

iiLazard' s We'll Get You Yet No.: throrgr h "a"Hls" or rut I: es. Not throu•h any- f!.Ing on earth but QUAIr 1i' ain t ,ALI, E You ran t deny tlhell- 'an't dod, e t het ! n---)U can't tIent th ttb l. We offer extlernely smart fabrl, stripes, ,aeges and all rl:oth. In migtty natty eare.r and d' trr:s lu ttylinC. 'Tha r•ie or groundwork Ii uLsuiply per- fect. Wheu we say tlher• pat tern r tdlItan ,anythlin you'll see at this. price by .wo muunths, thie notiCe :I't to Interest 3o0u. Souvenirs Given Away! Beginning Thursday, December 15th, and until Christmas we are going to GIVE AWAY with each purchase a Souvenir that will be of inter- est to all Children. H. Vezien, Boots and Shoes, 311 Morgan Street, Algiers, La. 6 ••,- YEAR , TA r ama•s oatln. ~O eatens oan b t ra rmat , ef Deale ei Groceries -" Wmai Polm, PELICAN AVE.. C. Vwrrr t St. ALGIERS, LA. Sierra Bros., S -DIAIWRS IN- GROCERIES. IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOSACCO, ETC. tlikevlle at. Oplusem Ave LbMES, LA. &AAAhAmAAAAA . j MARTIN S. MAHONEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC. fofe: 121 Cenmslt Stret, m8 Pollon Ave When in Need of CUT FLOWERS t 'WEDDING BOUQUETSr AND FUNEIRAL DESIGNS Virgin Teaspbs. wee or wire 838 Canal St. eaeMe in Sr a nm tmm Church Calender. CHURCH OF THE HOLY NAME OF MARY. Thos. J. Larkin, Parish Priest. Sunday (October 1 till June 1)- Masses: 6:15, 7:00; High Mass, 10:00, Sermon; 8:15, Children's Mus, Sun- cay School; 4:30 p. m., Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Sunday (June 1 till October 1)- Masses: 5:15, 7:00 and 9:00; Chil- dren's Mass at 8:30. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after the last Mass. Weekdays-Masses, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00. Wednesday, Children's Mass at 8:16. Baptisms-October 1 till June 1, from 2 to 4 p. m.; June 1 till October 1, 4 to p. m. I Confessions every day from 6 to 7 a. mn. Saturdays and eves of Feasts, from 4 p. m. till b:30 p. m. Sick calls at any hour, day or night. It is, however, requested that notice of such calls be given in the fore- noon. Altur Soc.ety the first Tuesday, In the Rsctury, at 7.b0 p. m. Confurence St. Vincent de Paul, Ievery Monday night, in the Rectory. at 7:30 p. m. Holy Angels Sodality, on the first Wednesday, in the Convent, at 3:30. Young Ladies' Sodality on the fourth Monday, in the parlors of the Rectory, at 7:30 p. m. Children of Mary, on the third Sun- day. Altar Boys, St. John Berchman's So- dality, on the third Tuesday in rec- tory at 7 p. m. Apostleship of Prayer-Gentlemen promoters on Friday following the third Sunday, in Rectory, at 7 p. m. Lady promoters on the fourth Sun- day, in Rectory, at 6 p. m. Holy Name Society, every third Sun- day in the Church at 7:30 p. m. The Omcers and Board of Councillors, on the Friday following the third Sunday in the Presbytery at 7:30 p. m. MOUNT OLIVET CHURCH. Rev. W. S. Slack, Rector, 235 Olivier St. Telephone, Algiers 235. Sundays-Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Morning Prayer or Litany and ad- dress, 11 a. m.; Confirmation Class (children). 4 p. m.; Evening Prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m. Holy Days, Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. unless otherwise announced. Vestry meets first Thursday of each month at the Rectory, 7:30 p. m. Ladles' Guild meets Tuesday after the third Sunday at the Rectory, 7:30 p. m. Senior Chapter Brotherhood of St. Andrew, second and fourth Tuesdays at the Rectory, 8:00 p. m. Choir Guild first Tqesday after prac- tice. Girls' Friendly Society, second Thursday at 7:00 p. m., homes of mem- bers. Missionary Society, second Friday. 4 p. m Teachers' Meeting, Saturday, 7 p. m. TRINITY EV.-LUTHERAN CHURCH. Cor. Olivier and Eliza Streets. Rev. Fred Wambsganss, Pastor, Residence: 438 Olivier Street. Sunday Services, 10:30 a. m. German-Every first, third and flfth Sunday. English-Every second and fourth Sunday. Sunday School-9:00 a. m. Weekday Services-Conducted in the English language, every Thursday Snight 7:30, from October to June. Communion serviees are previously announced. Church festivals observed by special Sservices. A parochial day school, conducted Eby a special teacher, in connection with the church. MeetYlngas-Co•nsregational meeting. t every first Meaday, 7:30 p. m.; Get man raenverern, every first Wed- nesday, 3 p. m.; Helping Band Cirle, every first Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.; t Young People's Soclety, every soeond Tuesday, 7:30 p. a. METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday Servioe. John Ioster, Pastor, 14 IDelaronde St. MornYatng arvice, 10:415 a.; eve. stang srvie, 1:451 p. a.; 8unday School. :SO a. i.; Junior Epworth Lasgue, 4:00 p. a.; Seaior Upworth I :Lague, 7:60 p. m. Junorr Epwlrth League Soal and Buslm meting at the church on the mseod rIday. 7:3 p. a. ealor pworth League Lterary, Social and Bsiness meetins at the crch on the ourt lh Priday, I:30 p. Woman's Home Mission Sooelety at the church on the first Tueday of each month and on third Tuesday of ach month at the ho mes of It moenm- hus at 1:30 p m. Choir prtne every Saturday at the church at 1:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Suaday school is held ever Sundaq evening at 3 o'clock and preach t ev- ery second Sunday at Pythia Hall by the Rev. J. C. Barr. Societies. Where and When They Meet and Ad- dressee of Their Omaeers. Masonic. 8T". JOHN LODGE NO. 158. Sts. John Lodge No. 153 F. and LA. M.. mets every Tuesday evening In A Masoe Hall, coruer Olivier St. ad Poellca Avenue at 7:30 o'clock. t W. M., Shbade G. Smith, 625 Belle- vl t.; 8. W., edH Gait; J. W, Adolph Spltzfaden, Jr.; Treasurer, Geo. Herbert, Jr.; Secretary, L J. Peterson, 518 Verret St.; Tyler, W. Senat; Stew- ards. W. Lucas, J. M. Couget; S. D., A. W. Lucas; J. D., E. Dosher. Pythian. CRESCENT LODGE NO. 3. Crescent Lodge No. 3, K. of P.. meets every Friday night in Pythian Hall at 7:30 o'clock. Theo. Olsen, C. C.; Roger Chestnut, V. C.; Jules B. Babin, M. W.; E. E. I- Babin, 307 Delaronde St., K. of R. and erson. M. E.; C. Barthaut, M. A.; C. Miller. I. G.; Louis Martin, O. G.; Pe- ter Clement, representative; Jules Ba- bin, alternate: Louis Peterson, Dr. C. SV. Kraft and F. C. Wagner, trus- Stee-s; C. Miller, janitor; Dr. Jno. A. r Rupp and Dr. W. Ii. Weaver, physic- ians; E. J. Mothe, undertaker: E. E. Babin, or-anist. L HALCYON LODGE NO. OS. e Meets second and fourth Thursday of each month; quarterly meetings, first Thursday in January, April, July and October, in Pythian Hall, at 7:30 p. m. (;ustave Peterson, 339 Elmira Ave., chancellor commander; August C. Bt 1rill, vice chancellor; Geo. W. Stewart, prelate: J. 1'. Lewis, master of work; SWin. A. Scholl, 132 Lavergne street, e keeper of records and seal; John I'orzler, master of finance; Frank H- eiinning, master of exchequer; James O. Stewart, master-at-arms: J. T. Sllughes, inner guard; J. T. Stuherland, .outer guard: .los. Hughes, Sr., grand lodge representative; James O. Stew- p art, alternate; Dr. J. E. Pollock for e Algiers. Dr. C. F. Gelbke for Gretna and Dr. W. B. Clark for New Orleans, lphysicians. Jno. A. Barrett, under- taker. e VIRGINIA LODGE NO. 136. I Virginia Lodge No. 136, K. of P., meets on the second and fourth Mon- days of each month in Pytlhian Hall at 7:30 p. m. Chancellor commander, W. B. Ow- r ens, 440 Elmira Ave.; vice chancellor. B. Voegtlin; prelate, J. Pendas; keep- 0 er of record and seals, L. F. Gisch, 538 Elmira avenue; master of exchequer. I- H. Acker; master of finance, S. G. B Smith; master-at-arms, A. J. Besson; r inner guard, W. Goodwin; outer guard, G. X. Fresch; grand lodge representa- D tive, S. G. Smith; alternate, A. F. Kaufmann; physician for Algiers. Dr. I .Jno. A. Rupp; for McDonoghville and Gretna, Dr. W. H. Weaver. r ORDER OF EASTERN STAR. ST8. JOHN CHAPTER NO. 35. 8ts. John Chapter No. 35-Meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in Masonic Hall, at 7:30 p. m. Worthy matron, Mrs. Eleanor Nel- son, 323 Bermuda St.; worthy patron, Mr. Arthur Lucas; associate matron, Mrs. Amelia Smith; secretary, Mrs. Augusta Burgis, 528 Bouny street; treasurer, Miss Selina Sutherland; conductress, Mrs. Jennie Reyn. olds; associate conductress, Mrs. Ele- lyn Corbett; warder, Mrs. Lily Good- lett; sentinel, Mr. John Cougett; Ada, Miss Olga Nelson; Ruth, Mrs. Flor- ence Amuedo; Esther, Mrs. Erminie Riehl; Martha, Mrs. May Pollock; El- eota, Miss Ruby Vanderlinden; chap- lain, Mrs. Lizzie Borden; marshal, Mrs. SJosephine Weaver; organist, Mrs. Vi- ola Huckins. Woodmen Circle. ORANGE GROVE NO. 9. SOrange Grove No. -- Meets on the first and third Thursday of each month I in Pythian Hall, 7:30 p. m. Amelia Smith, guardian, 625 Belle- Sville Street. SLizzie Borden, clerk, 549 Vallette Street; Via Demath, amritant clerk. Anna Vanderlinden, puast guardian; Mary Jacobs, advisor; Hattle Tufts, -banker; Shade G. Smith, attendant; Louise B. Casanova, chaplati; Dr. J. Ernest Pollock, physician; Marguerite I Capdevielle, inner sentinel; Josephine Mock, outer sentinel; Orace Praitt, Emma Short and Ida Hymel, nmanaers; Agnes Hayes, organist; Jno. A. Bar rett; undertaker. Benevolent Associations. OERMAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA. TION. I Meets on the frst Wednesday of ev- ery month at Reeeky's Hall at 1:30 p. m. Hemry Dieblman, president; Ju- lius Hambacher, vlce-president; Geo. Brunsann, treasurer; Frank Kreemer, 435 Bouany 8L, recording secretary; Philip malaser, iniacial secretary; John Klainger, ehairman sick con.- mittee; John Tesberl, ehatirm- at widow and orphans' committee; Wil. l1am Odenwald, marshal; Dr. M. J. Maeat physici• ; George Brme sana, udertaker. Addres all letters and communlcatlos to Prsank Kra mer. 655 Beellevllo street. WORKINOMEN'S UNION Ate 3E. NEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Meets every thirdt Weseday at ech month at Pythia all John Schroder, Jr., President, Ope• lousas Ave. and Ndnes Bt. or Court 1 House. Ias P. Wma Vises Predenut, 615 OpeSnmmes Ave. C. .Hlldbsrad, Treasurerm , 4 Atlante Ave. 3. A. Mel usb ee n ser Vrrent Ut. G. G. Bruassaa U. M., 243 Morgan 8L P. Ganthreauz, Sergeant at Arms. 808 Belleville St. Ed. Lawton, chairman of Relief Com- mittee, 437 Opelousas. Dr. J. R. Adams, physician. G. G. Brunasana, undertaker, 243 Mqrgan 8L Miscellaneous Organizations. ORIENT COUNCIL, TEMPERANCE BROTHERHOOD. Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in Pythian HalL H. J. O'Keefe, Commander. H. A. Pujol, Vice Commander. J. E. Huckins, Secretary and Bank- er, 324 Alix St J. O. Stewart, Financial Secretary. Geo. W. Stewart, Chaplain. Dave Lewis, Inner Guard. Arthur Davis, Outer Guard. Ed. Grimes, Sentinel. Knights of Honor ALGIERS LODGE No. 2549. Algiers Lodge No. 2549, K. of H., meets every third Tuesday of each month in Renecky Hall, corner Val- lette and Patterson streets. Chas. F. Fetherling, dictator; Chas. W. Brodtmann,. vice-dictator; Patrick Hardtnett, assistant dictator; Chas. H. Brownlee, reporter; J. D. Richard, fin- ancial reporter; Thos. A. Rhodes, treasurer; Albert Bourgeois, guide; Camile Berthaut, chaplain; W. A. Nel- son, guardian; L. C. Murphy, sentinel. Hope. Yes, death Is at the bottom of the cup, And every one that lives must drink it up. And yet between the sparkle at the top And ehe black lees where lurks that bitter drop There swims enough good liquor. heaven knows. To ease sour ;earlts of all our other woos The bubbles rise in sunshine at the brim. That drop below Is very far and dim. The quick fum•es spread and shape us such bright dreams That In the glad delirium it seems As though by some deft slight, if so we willed. That drop untasted might be somehow spilled. -- V. D. Howells. The Villain Still Pursued Her. Channing Pollock cites a certain melodrama produted a few years ago on Fourteenth street. New York, as containing t Ihe busiest and most inconsistent vil- lain ever created. In the first act be tied the beau- tiful heroine to a railroad track Just as the limit- ed was due. In the second he lured her into an old house, then locked her in an upper room and STARTED TO MARK set the place on LOVE. fire. In the third he strapped her un- der a buzzsaw and set the machinery in motion. In the fourth he tore the planking out of the Brooklyn bridge, so that her automobile plunged through to the raging flood below. In the fifth act he started to make love to her. She shrank from him. "Why do you fear me. Nellie?' he asked.-Success Magazine. --- The - Scrap Book A Mutual Surprise. A Springfield woman grew suspicious of her husband and believed him to be Ia the habit of kissing a pretty servant girl in her em- ploy, so she de- cided to watch him and catch him ; In the act. She heard him enter the kitchen quiet- ly one evening when the pretty servant girl was out. She imme- Jbh.•41~ dLately placed a shawl over her aaucx A xATca, head, slipped down the back stoop and, with matches in hand, entered the dark kitchen by the back door and was almost immediate- ly seized and kissed in the most ardent manner. Bent on administering a terrible re- buke, the enraged wife tore loose from his embrace and struck a match. There, with his knees knocking to- gether, stood the servant girl's beasu.- Boston Herald. Danish Proverb. He beas misery best who hidte U CHARTER OF THE NEW ORLEANS-NETHERLANDS$ COMLPANY. STATE OF LOUIRIANA. PARISH OF OR I LEANS. CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. Be it known, That on this the first day I of December in the year one thousand ninaeI hundre and ten, before me, Alexis Brian, I a Notary Puble in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Iulsioala, duly commis- sioned and qualified, ad in the preseace of the witneses hereinafter named and I undersigned, personally came and appeared the persons whose names are hereto sub- I scrlbed, all above the fall age of majority, who severally declared that, availing them- selves of Act 5 of 188, uas well uas the I general laws of the State of Louisiana rela. I tire to the organastlon ot eorporatios, I they hereby form thesmleves into and con- I stitate a eorporatiM for the objects aud ierposes and uder the stipulations here- I isfOtr set forth. AfRTICI L Thm ame sad title of the ermtalon a L•A•J.N3THrLAN•q$ (IANT. ItsI •aumle shall be the City t New Or- a Nsas. 8tste e feilIlamssaad it dshal have ase sQ ee~ -eie cee ste () r ties shal ave pekar d autheelM toy em- tract, sue, and be sued in its corporate name: to make and use a corporate to hold. receive, hire and pur-hias- rta.l anti personal property and to sell. mort -i ;. or pledge the same, and to borrow money and issue bonds. nlotes and other o'lig; in;. All citations or other legal process shall be served upon the president. andt in the event of his absence or inability to act fromt any cause, the same shall l.' served op,-,n the vice-president or any other olfti.r in New Orleans. louisiana. ARTICLE II. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is orgalnized, and the naturr. of the business to te carried on by it are lre,.by declared ito bI: To purchase. or otherwise acquire, erect, construct, equip, improve, extgotd. work. de- velop, operate. maintain own, repair, con- trol, sell leaste or otherwise dispose of water rights, reservoirs. dams, canals, tun nels. ditches., fluies. drainage systetms, con- trolling works, power plant; and irriga tion works or plants, of whatsoever kind or nature, for tihe purpose of irrigating lands, reclaiming submerged lands, or star ing waters, and the drainage and conveying of waters from one place or places to another pla-ce- or places. To purcham,., lease or otherwise aniquire, erect. equip, improve, extend, work, d.evelop, op. rate, maintain, own, repair control sell. lease or otherwise dispose of water rights, reservoirs, dams, canals, tunnels, ditches, flumes, drainage systems, controlling works power plants, or plants of whatsoever kind or nature, for thet purpose of purchasing, leasing or otherwise acquiring, and selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of power, light, heat, or energy in whatsoever form or nature, and the exercise of the customary and necessary powers incident thereto. To acquire by purchase or otherwise own, hold, buy, sell, convey, lease, mortgage or encumlber estate or other property. per- sonal or mixed, and to survey, subdivide, plat, improve and develop irrigated, sub- merged and other lands for pirposes of sale or otherwise, and to do and perform all things needful andi lawful or the develop- ment and improvement of the same for agri- cultural, planting, cattle raising, residence, trade and business. To purchase, or otherwise acquire, and to hold. own or control, receive. store, convey, deliver, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of water. ice or moisture in any form, or rights of any nature in and to water, or the usage theretof. igenerally to carry on or undertake any otiher business of the same general nature which from time to time seems to the di- rectors of this corporation capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above objects. or calculated directly or indirectly to r-ender valuable or enhance the value of any of the company's privileges or rights, and which is lawful in Louisiana. for a corporation so organized. ARTICLE III. The capital stock of this corporation is herebly fixed at the sum of seventy-tie thou- sand dollars ($75.000), divided into and represented by seven hundred and fifty 75o0) shares of the par value of one hun- dred dollars (1090.) Said stock shall be paid for In install- ments of such amounts and at such times as the Board of Directors may determine. but any part or parcel of said stock may be istsued by said Board of Directors at not less than par. in payment of labor done or property actually received by said corpora- tion. This corporation shall commence business and he a going concern as soon as one hundred (1001 shares of its capital stock shall have l,en subscribed for, and this Charter signed and executed by the incor- porators. ARTICLE IV. All the corporate powers of this corpor- ation shall be vested in and exercised by a board of five (5) directors, to be composed of stockholders, three (3, of whom shall constitute a quorum for transacting all bus- iness. The Board of Directors shall be vest- ed with full power and authority to make all contracts, purchases and sales, and adopt all by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the business and affairs of the company, and alter, amend and change the same at pleasure; appoint, hire and dis- charge all omcers, agents and employees, fix all salaries, and genetally do and perform all things necessary in the transaction of the business and afairs of the company. Any vacancy occurring in said board shall be filled by the remaining directors in the man- ner provided for in the by-laws. The first Board of Directors of this cor- poration shall consist of Cornelius J. Ton, William Brusse. Dirk W. Jellema. Chas. Kleinhulzen and J. Arthur Dixon. with the said ('ornellus J. Ton as president, William Brusse as vice-president, Dirk W. Jellema as secretary, and ('has. Kleinhuizen, treas- utrer who shall hold their offices until the third Tuesday in February. 1911. or until their successors are duly elected and quail- tied. On the third Tuesday in February, 1911. and annually thereafter, an election for di- rectors shall be held at the office of the com- pany, under the supervision of three com- missioners to be appointed by the presi- dent, and the directors then elected shall take their seats immediately and shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Each board shall elect its own officers, which shall consist of a presi- dent, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer; two of said offices may be held by the same person. All corporate elections shall be by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast shall elect, and at all stockholders' meetings held for any purpose, each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote either in person or by proxy, by the person in whose name same is registered on the books of the company, and the Board of Directors may close the stock transfer books for a period not ex- ceeding thirty days before any meeting. Written notice of stockholders meetings shall be given to each stockholder by the secretary at least ten (10) days prior to elections, by mailing same, postage prepaid, to his last known postomce address. The Board of Directors shall have power to establish stock transfer agencies under reasonable rules and regulations, In the Cities of New Orleans, Loulsiana, Chicago. Illinois, and at such other places as they may deem necessary and the business of the corporation shall require. ARTICLE V. This act of incorporation may be changed. altered or modified, or this corporation dis- solved, with the assent of three-fourths (3-41) of the stock present or represented at any general meeting of the stockholders convened for that purpose after thirty (30) days' prior notice of such meeting shall have been given by publication in one of the daily newspapers published in the City of New Orleans, by fivre (5) publicatlons during said period. and such changes as may be made in reference to the capital stock shall be made in accordance with the then exist- lng laws on the ttabject. ARTICLE VI. Whenever tbhis corporation Isa dissolved, either by limitation of its charter or from any cause, its affairs shall be liquidated by three (3) commissioners to be appointed from among the stockholders at a meeting of the stockholders convened for that pur- pose after thirty (30) days' prior notice shall have been given by the secretary to each stockholder. Bald eommissloners shall remain in ofce until the affairs of said cor- poration shall have been fully liquidated. In case of the death of either commissioner, the survivors shall continue to act. ARTICLE VII. No stockholder of this corporation shall ever be held liable or responsible for the contracts or faults thereof In any further sum than the unpaid bhalance due to the cor- poration on the shares owned by him, nor shall any mere informality in organlization havo the ffeet of renderling this charter null, nor of exposing a staoekholder to any liability beyond the amount of his stock. The subscribers hereto have each written opposite their names the number of shares subscribed for, so that this eact may also serve as the original subscrlption Ilit. Thus done and passed In my notarial of- fIee, in the City of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the presence of Edward Wisner and Geo. W. Schweltser, competent witnesses of law. ful age, and residing in this city, who hereunto subscribe their names, together with said partles and me, notary, on the day and date set forth in the caption hereof. Original signed: Cornellaus J. Teaon, sixty bnares; Win. Brsse, ten shares; Chas. Kleinhuisen, ten shares: Dlrk W. Jellema, ten shares;: J. Arthur Dixon, ten shares. Witaesses: Edward Wiaer, Geo. W. Sbhweltaer. ALEXIS BRIAN, Notary Public. I, the undersigned, Recorder of Mortgages in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Lous•sana, do hereby eertify that the above and foregoingl act of incorporatldh of the New Orletans-Notheralde Compeay was thIs day duly recorded in my oee ain beSk 1018, folio -. New Orleans, Dee. , 1910. (Signed) EMILE ~AONARD, Dy. Raeorder. I hereby certtiy the foregola a th to be a true and creat eot oftha orIlaal act of i•tpentIe• thbe New Orls Netherta Coma, e with the cer- t••ate of the oetisr of M s a e and of reord tn s idee. In thtt r s I have hereunto set my hea• •a d moat tL ird day at Deemher, 191 0. A BRIAN, De8. 15 2223 and ec. 1 ItI (Mat) Netry EUe. George G. Brunssann, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 243 MORGAN STREET. PHONE. ALGIEP. GO OD U n ion Saloon. 201" MOROAN STREET - JOE. TALLON. -- ro,,.,,: COLD "" '"""- --- -* B E E R Fine Wines, Liquors. Cigars. and Tobacco. UNION BEF E Thee. J. Lala, The Grocer, Dealer in High Class Food Produt;,,s Cooking Utensils, Liquors of All kinds. All kinds of Food Stuffs. Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran. Grain. Etc. TECHE A SLIDELL AVE PHONE, ALGIERS 60. GEORGE J. PETERSON Pittsburg Coal and Coke LUMBER, SAND AND FIRE WOOD Yard and Offee: 8268 seola street. Rieeldenees 421 Plleen Av PHONE. ALGIERS 454-W. $00oo,ooo.oo00 It you spend One Hundred Thousand Dollars you can't get a Sewing Machine equal to the New Home Gustav Seeger, PROPRIETOR, s91 Canal St., New Orleans, La. Beer Brewed in New Orleans is brewed to suit the climate. A That is why American Beer S Is Best BOTTLED American Brewing Co. NEW ORLEANS BREWERY PBONE MAIN IN BOTTLING DEPT. - . . MAIN 14l John Couget, Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton, St. John's Market. J. SPRADA'S CAFE FIRST-CLASS GERMAN SALOON Just at Ferry Landing ALGIERS, LA. DIXIE BEER, Always Fresh. All Other Bottic Beers. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. HOT MEALS AT ALL HOURS Furaished Rooenms at Popular Prices First-Class Services ride and eahibitl lW e m everyher alotCN DAYS' PRE TR•AL during wich time you mauy ride the hry~ rle an4 W t et w a ish If o a re ., : not pectly satialied or di' not s. b tO AErTaI UeT c e thi~ thear W theet grad bic lea its poribles matn ,ha oer . I Wt wIrh M p roove ctaol factory uv ao a middcm. aa' - I bgseir et ofu and havre the manuaturer'l guam a nee behind yor bicycle. DO ino 3t bicycle acor p.itro s bic l p a rics r be nSS owr a ues adlarn r unard of /•r Putsto rde:,a.gents. . , 1FIE Ultsdo suRperb models at the E.fa/ h i jrwerret •amakeyo this year. We rll the shihetrade bicyrls tor les ni,, orthan n other facoy. We me sid w i.oo prott above lactor• eCl DEALERS yucan selrOl owcyles undud yu own name pate a isue ourDicerdes old the day received. t SEOl hD DIroLES•, We do not reguLr andle sond hand bieryles. u ly hven naumber t hand te ion trade byo_ Cbic retail stores. "lhee vr cles0 mprthy at priae raging 5al to 05 or 61. D ,n barain Ilsts n:valed tree. nncuemasomers ealg th whelrl pstrsa reoIeseeapln e and eda, prs. repsars . r eu.. e ab. m ir al aat harfi ml ,,f cast. r e T rej 'alar BArda.lp I hw Ir o& oi aleuacr aoneirla mitorM.f0(c e ar••eerd f S). NAU S ?aks egOi will a !• moO 3. Ohs beal. e Ief s3 bour d pair sold last yres,. ar tw~ tsdr, houead pai rm aow In ure nc~~-g -5ladeiusll retae ItislIvely kner thait ye of rabbe, wheeer bttotla Wemu wtd whetich el as p treal1 puresrat wieace, tacthost remarkable tire oher allow- . 1Isk the thfit* rubber tiMac inihesirtoesape. Wes, h oa s h a letteersf rommt *a,, ud puncturee sntrosoy. Le o a nrar.ttn t theirt f ben pumped 'D,•" also rim strip 1i upone.ortwscelnawboleaeaaon. Theynwele I.3 p mmwrev-nt rim rutting. Thld anordiaryttire. thiepuncturer. eistingqualtiresbelnggivesL grll outlast any othej lbrthderoeonlx~4 o per pair. A•Lordersahippeda ed IdayletterIs r•eived. We ship O P -- Yu do mot lpeyi rent until y have mretined ata fonad them strictly a, reprie'T(.-i 5WewI~mL ow aL OM& i f ct(tereby Pakioi the price 54.511 p ppati \i•' -na• us- lastl r• ormr OI, D od thldet-imr eat.o nan no run 0 _', LISI all 6rd•" am •e f• O ~ retsraed at OUr expense if for any rea0 they ar• net rt• yen ezaminiation. e atre perfectly relable nd money sent to uj s as sale a4 inq UI you order S iSl of tee tire5. 7 Will ad that they will ride easer. run ,flat mar better, liat iongerd laoLo dlnertha ay tirs y•h ave wer used a sen at any p" Ic_ -' know that yeu willbose we.ll _plesd that wie y want a bicycle you will give 0 your ord..i We 1a ye to sadei a trial ouder art eoue, heate!?s• renaitable tire Drer. . don't buy aykind at any plrceuntil you en.d for P'a __ Irl)QI •I ledgetboe1 ]tlre-oroof tUr•rte approval aud tri -. tbeaeal trdseiyPrhs cuuoe daberwe s wrte fse, Mge au . sun d ry Catalogue w ,•C- desai amue saq uI eslfl n d sa d ell ritl Isb~ altlhe usual . -Jc Glow warnq e. W 51tI ftimb'y u noUtilyeannorwthe new and w i inlynna postol to hersa eemTdryt Writeit OW. - L EI i ei WNllPII, U •aS, IL,

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Post on 30-Aug-2018




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iiLazard' sWe'llGetYouYet

No.: throrgr h "a"Hls" or rutI: es. Not throu•h any-f!.Ing on earth but QUAIr1i' ain t , ALI, E You

ran t deny tlhell- 'an'tdod, e t het ! n---)U can'ttIent th ttb l.

We offer extlernely smartfabrl, stripes, ,aeges andall rl:oth. In migtty natty

eare.r and d' trr:s luttylinC. 'Tha r•ie or

groundwork Ii uLsuiply per-fect.

Wheu we say tlher• pat

tern r tdlItan ,anythlinyou'll see at this. price by.wo muunths, thie notiCe

:I't to Interest 3o0u.



Away!Beginning Thursday,December 15th, anduntil Christmas weare going to GIVEAWAY with eachpurchase a Souvenirthat will be of inter-est to all Children.

H. Vezien,Boots and Shoes,311 Morgan Street,

Algiers, La.

6 • •,- YEAR ,

TA • r ama•s

oatln. ~O eatens

oan b t • ra rmat ,

ef Deale ei

Groceries-" Wmai Polm,PELICAN AVE.. C. Vwrrr t St.


Sierra Bros.,



CIGARS, TOSACCO, ETC.tlikevlle at. Oplusem Ave



fofe: 121 Cenmslt Stret,m8 Pollon Ave

When in Need ofCUT FLOWERS t


VirginTeaspbs. wee or wire

838 Canal St.eaeMe in Sr a nm tmm



Thos. J. Larkin, Parish Priest.

Sunday (October 1 till June 1)-Masses: 6:15, 7:00; High Mass, 10:00,Sermon; 8:15, Children's Mus, Sun-cay School; 4:30 p. m., Benediction ofthe Blessed Sacrament.

Sunday (June 1 till October 1)-Masses: 5:15, 7:00 and 9:00; Chil-dren's Mass at 8:30. Benediction ofthe Blessed Sacrament after the lastMass.

Weekdays-Masses, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00.Wednesday, Children's Mass at 8:16.Baptisms-October 1 till June 1,

from 2 to 4 p. m.; June 1 till October1, 4 to p. m.

I Confessions every day from 6 to 7a. mn. Saturdays and eves of Feasts,from 4 p. m. till b:30 p. m.

Sick calls at any hour, day or night.It is, however, requested that noticeof such calls be given in the fore-noon.

Altur Soc.ety the first Tuesday, Inthe Rsctury, at 7.b0 p. m.

Confurence St. Vincent de Paul,Ievery Monday night, in the Rectory.

at 7:30 p. m.Holy Angels Sodality, on the first

Wednesday, in the Convent, at 3:30.Young Ladies' Sodality on the

fourth Monday, in the parlors of theRectory, at 7:30 p. m.

Children of Mary, on the third Sun-day.

Altar Boys, St. John Berchman's So-dality, on the third Tuesday in rec-tory at 7 p. m.

Apostleship of Prayer-Gentlemenpromoters on Friday following thethird Sunday, in Rectory, at 7 p. m.

Lady promoters on the fourth Sun-day, in Rectory, at 6 p. m.

Holy Name Society, every third Sun-day in the Church at 7:30 p. m. TheOmcers and Board of Councillors, onthe Friday following the third Sundayin the Presbytery at 7:30 p. m.


Rev. W. S. Slack, Rector, 235 OlivierSt. Telephone, Algiers 235.

Sundays-Holy Communion, 7:30a. m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.;Morning Prayer or Litany and ad-dress, 11 a. m.; Confirmation Class(children). 4 p. m.; Evening Prayerand sermon, 7:30 p. m.

Holy Days, Holy Communion, 7:30a. m. unless otherwise announced.

Vestry meets first Thursday of eachmonth at the Rectory, 7:30 p. m.

Ladles' Guild meets Tuesday afterthe third Sunday at the Rectory, 7:30p. m.

Senior Chapter Brotherhood of St.Andrew, second and fourth Tuesdaysat the Rectory, 8:00 p. m.

Choir Guild first Tqesday after prac-tice.

Girls' Friendly Society, secondThursday at 7:00 p. m., homes of mem-bers.

Missionary Society, second Friday.4 p. m

Teachers' Meeting, Saturday, 7 p. m.

TRINITY EV.-LUTHERAN CHURCH.Cor. Olivier and Eliza Streets.

Rev. Fred Wambsganss, Pastor,Residence: 438 Olivier Street.

Sunday Services, 10:30 a. m.German-Every first, third and flfth

Sunday.English-Every second and fourth

Sunday.Sunday School-9:00 a. m.Weekday Services-Conducted in

the English language, every ThursdaySnight 7:30, from October to June.

Communion serviees are previouslyannounced.Church festivals observed by special

Sservices.A parochial day school, conducted

Eby a special teacher, in connectionwith the church.

MeetYlngas-Co•nsregational meeting.t every first Meaday, 7:30 p. m.; Get

man raenverern, every first Wed-nesday, 3 p. m.; Helping Band Cirle,every first Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.;t Young People's Soclety, every soeond

Tuesday, 7:30 p. a.


John Ioster, Pastor, 14 IDelaronde St.

MornYatng arvice, 10:415 a.; eve.stang srvie, 1:451 p. a.; 8undaySchool. :SO a. i.; Junior EpworthLasgue, 4:00 p. a.; Seaior UpworthI :Lague, 7:60 p. m.

Junorr Epwlrth League Soal andBuslm meting at the church onthe mseod rIday. 7:3 p. a.

ealor pworth League Lterary,Social and Bsiness meetins at thecrch on the ourt lh Priday, I:30 p.

Woman's Home Mission Sooelety atthe church on the first Tueday ofeach month and on third Tuesday ofach month at the ho mes of It moenm-hus at 1:30 p m.

Choir prtne every Saturday atthe church at 1:30 p. m.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Suaday school is held ever Sundaq

evening at 3 o'clock and preach t ev-ery second Sunday at Pythia Hall bythe Rev. J. C. Barr.

Societies.Where and When They Meet and Ad-

dressee of Their Omaeers.

Masonic.8T". JOHN LODGE NO. 158.

Sts. John Lodge No. 153 F. and LA.M.. mets every Tuesday evening In AMasoe Hall, coruer Olivier St. adPoellca Avenue at 7:30 o'clock. t

W. M., Shbade G. Smith, 625 Belle-vl t.; 8. W., edH Gait; J. W,

Adolph Spltzfaden, Jr.; Treasurer, Geo.Herbert, Jr.; Secretary, L J. Peterson,518 Verret St.; Tyler, W. Senat; Stew-ards. W. Lucas, J. M. Couget; S. D.,A. W. Lucas; J. D., E. Dosher.


Crescent Lodge No. 3, K. of P..meets every Friday night in PythianHall at 7:30 o'clock.

Theo. Olsen, C. C.; Roger Chestnut,V. C.; Jules B. Babin, M. W.; E. E.I- Babin, 307 Delaronde St., K. of R. and

erson. M. E.; C. Barthaut, M. A.; C.Miller. I. G.; Louis Martin, O. G.; Pe-ter Clement, representative; Jules Ba-bin, alternate: Louis Peterson, Dr. C.SV. Kraft and F. C. Wagner, trus-Stee-s; C. Miller, janitor; Dr. Jno. A.

r Rupp and Dr. W. Ii. Weaver, physic-ians; E. J. Mothe, undertaker: E. E.Babin, or-anist.


e Meets second and fourth Thursday

of each month; quarterly meetings,first Thursday in January, April, Julyand October, in Pythian Hall, at 7:30p. m.

(;ustave Peterson, 339 Elmira Ave.,chancellor commander; August C.Bt 1rill, vice chancellor; Geo. W. Stewart,prelate: J. 1'. Lewis, master of work;SWin. A. Scholl, 132 Lavergne street,

e keeper of records and seal; John

I'orzler, master of finance; FrankH- eiinning, master of exchequer; JamesO. Stewart, master-at-arms: J. T.Sllughes, inner guard; J. T. Stuherland,.outer guard: .los. Hughes, Sr., grandlodge representative; James O. Stew-p art, alternate; Dr. J. E. Pollock fore Algiers. Dr. C. F. Gelbke for Gretna

and Dr. W. B. Clark for New Orleans,lphysicians. Jno. A. Barrett, under-taker.


I Virginia Lodge No. 136, K. of P.,meets on the second and fourth Mon-days of each month in Pytlhian Hall at7:30 p. m.

Chancellor commander, W. B. Ow-r ens, 440 Elmira Ave.; vice chancellor.

B. Voegtlin; prelate, J. Pendas; keep-0 er of record and seals, L. F. Gisch, 538

Elmira avenue; master of exchequer.I- H. Acker; master of finance, S. G.B Smith; master-at-arms, A. J. Besson;r inner guard, W. Goodwin; outer guard,

G. X. Fresch; grand lodge representa-D tive, S. G. Smith; alternate, A. F.

Kaufmann; physician for Algiers. Dr.I .Jno. A. Rupp; for McDonoghville and

Gretna, Dr. W. H. Weaver.r

ORDER OF EASTERN STAR.ST8. JOHN CHAPTER NO. 35.8ts. John Chapter No. 35-Meets on

the second and fourth Mondays ofeach month in Masonic Hall, at 7:30p. m.

Worthy matron, Mrs. Eleanor Nel-son, 323 Bermuda St.; worthy patron,Mr. Arthur Lucas; associate matron,Mrs. Amelia Smith; secretary, Mrs.Augusta Burgis, 528 Bouny street;treasurer, Miss Selina Sutherland;conductress, Mrs. Jennie Reyn.olds; associate conductress, Mrs. Ele-lyn Corbett; warder, Mrs. Lily Good-lett; sentinel, Mr. John Cougett; Ada,Miss Olga Nelson; Ruth, Mrs. Flor-ence Amuedo; Esther, Mrs. ErminieRiehl; Martha, Mrs. May Pollock; El-eota, Miss Ruby Vanderlinden; chap-lain, Mrs. Lizzie Borden; marshal, Mrs.SJosephine Weaver; organist, Mrs. Vi-

ola Huckins.

Woodmen Circle.

ORANGE GROVE NO. 9.SOrange Grove No. -- Meets on the

first and third Thursday of each monthI in Pythian Hall, 7:30 p. m.

Amelia Smith, guardian, 625 Belle-Sville Street.

SLizzie Borden, clerk, 549 Vallette

Street; Via Demath, amritant clerk.Anna Vanderlinden, puast guardian;

Mary Jacobs, advisor; Hattle Tufts,-banker; Shade G. Smith, attendant;

Louise B. Casanova, chaplati; Dr. J.Ernest Pollock, physician; MargueriteI Capdevielle, inner sentinel; Josephine

Mock, outer sentinel; Orace Praitt,Emma Short and Ida Hymel, nmanaers;Agnes Hayes, organist; Jno. A. Barrett; undertaker.

Benevolent Associations.OERMAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA.


I Meets on the frst Wednesday of ev-

ery month at Reeeky's Hall at 1:30p. m. Hemry Dieblman, president; Ju-lius Hambacher, vlce-president; Geo.Brunsann, treasurer; Frank Kreemer,435 Bouany 8L, recording secretary;Philip malaser, iniacial secretary;John Klainger, ehairman sick con.-mittee; John Tesberl, ehatirm- atwidow and orphans' committee; Wil.l1am Odenwald, marshal; Dr. M. J.Maeat physici• ; George Brmesana, udertaker. Addres all lettersand communlcatlos to Prsank Kramer. 655 Beellevllo street.


Meets every thirdt Weseday atech month at Pythia all

John Schroder, Jr., President, Ope•lousas Ave. and Ndnes Bt. or Court 1House.Ias P. Wma Vises Predenut, 615

OpeSnmmes Ave.C. .Hlldbsrad, Treasurerm , 4

Atlante Ave.3. A. Mel usb ee n ser

Vrrent Ut.

G. G. Bruassaa U. M., 243 Morgan8L

P. Ganthreauz, Sergeant at Arms.808 Belleville St.

Ed. Lawton, chairman of Relief Com-mittee, 437 Opelousas.

Dr. J. R. Adams, physician.G. G. Brunasana, undertaker, 243

Mqrgan 8L

Miscellaneous Organizations.


Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday ofeach month in Pythian HalL

H. J. O'Keefe, Commander.H. A. Pujol, Vice Commander.J. E. Huckins, Secretary and Bank-

er, 324 Alix StJ. O. Stewart, Financial Secretary.Geo. W. Stewart, Chaplain.Dave Lewis, Inner Guard.Arthur Davis, Outer Guard.Ed. Grimes, Sentinel.

Knights of HonorALGIERS LODGE No. 2549.

Algiers Lodge No. 2549, K. of H.,meets every third Tuesday of eachmonth in Renecky Hall, corner Val-lette and Patterson streets.

Chas. F. Fetherling, dictator; Chas.W. Brodtmann,. vice-dictator; PatrickHardtnett, assistant dictator; Chas. H.Brownlee, reporter; J. D. Richard, fin-ancial reporter; Thos. A. Rhodes,treasurer; Albert Bourgeois, guide;Camile Berthaut, chaplain; W. A. Nel-son, guardian; L. C. Murphy, sentinel.

Hope.Yes, death Is at the bottom of the cup,And every one that lives must drink it up.And yet between the sparkle at the topAnd ehe black lees where lurks that bitter

dropThere swims enough good liquor. heaven

knows.To ease sour ;earlts of all our other woos

The bubbles rise in sunshine at the brim.That drop below Is very far and dim.The quick fum•es spread and shape us

such bright dreamsThat In the glad delirium it seemsAs though by some deft slight, if so we

willed.That drop untasted might be somehow

spilled.-- V. D. Howells.

The Villain Still Pursued Her.Channing Pollock cites a certain

melodrama produted a few years agoon Fourteenth street. New York, ascontaining t Ihebusiest and mostinconsistent vil-lain ever created.In the first act

be tied the beau-tiful heroine to arailroad trackJust as the limit-ed was due. Inthe second helured her into anold house, thenlocked her in anupper room and STARTED TO MARK

set the place on LOVE.

fire. In the third he strapped her un-der a buzzsaw and set the machineryin motion. In the fourth he tore theplanking out of the Brooklyn bridge,so that her automobile plunged throughto the raging flood below.

In the fifth act he started to makelove to her. She shrank from him.

"Why do you fear me. Nellie?' heasked.-Success Magazine.

--- The -

Scrap BookA Mutual Surprise.

A Springfield woman grew suspiciousof her husband and believed him to beIa the habit of kissing a pretty servant

girl in her em-ploy, so she de-cided to watchhim and catch him; In the act. Sheheard him enterthe kitchen quiet-ly one eveningwhen the prettyservant girl wasout. She imme-

Jbh.•41~ dLately placed ashawl over her

aaucx A xATca, head, slipped downthe back stoop and, with matches inhand, entered the dark kitchen by theback door and was almost immediate-ly seized and kissed in the most ardentmanner.

Bent on administering a terrible re-buke, the enraged wife tore loose fromhis embrace and struck a match.There, with his knees knocking to-gether, stood the servant girl's beasu.-Boston Herald.

Danish Proverb.He beas misery best who hidte U



STATE OF LOUIRIANA. PARISH OF OR ILEANS. CITY OF NEW ORLEANS.Be it known, That on this the first day I

of December in the year one thousand ninaeIhundre and ten, before me, Alexis Brian, Ia Notary Puble in and for the Parish ofOrleans, State of Iulsioala, duly commis-sioned and qualified, ad in the preseaceof the witneses hereinafter named and Iundersigned, personally came and appearedthe persons whose names are hereto sub- Iscrlbed, all above the fall age of majority,who severally declared that, availing them-selves of Act 5 of 188, uas well uas the Igeneral laws of the State of Louisiana rela. Itire to the organastlon ot eorporatios, Ithey hereby form thesmleves into and con- Istitate a eorporatiM for the objects audierposes and uder the stipulations here- IisfOtr set forth.


Thm ame sad title of the ermtalon a

L•A•J.N3THrLAN•q$ (IANT. ItsI•aumle shall be the City t New Or- aNsas. 8tste e feilIlamssaad it dshal havease sQ ee~ -eie cee ste () r

ties shal ave pekar d autheelM toy em-

tract, sue, and be sued in its corporatename: to make and use a corporate hold. receive, hire and pur-hias- rta.l antipersonal property and to sell. mort -i ;. orpledge the same, and to borrow money andissue bonds. nlotes and other o'lig; in;.

All citations or other legal process shallbe served upon the president. andt in theevent of his absence or inability to act fromtany cause, the same shall l.' served op,-,nthe vice-president or any other olfti.r inNew Orleans. louisiana.


The objects and purposes for which thiscorporation is orgalnized, and the naturr.of the business to te carried on by it arelre,.by declared ito bI:

To purchase. or otherwise acquire, erect,construct, equip, improve, extgotd. work. de-velop, operate. maintain own, repair, con-trol, sell leaste or otherwise dispose ofwater rights, reservoirs. dams, canals, tunnels. ditches., fluies. drainage systetms, con-trolling works, power plant; and irrigation works or plants, of whatsoever kindor nature, for tihe purpose of irrigatinglands, reclaiming submerged lands, or staring waters, and the drainage and conveyingof waters from one place or places toanother pla-ce- or places.

To purcham,., lease or otherwise aniquire,erect. equip, improve, extend, work, d.evelop,op. rate, maintain, own, repair control or otherwise dispose of water rights,reservoirs, dams, canals, tunnels, ditches,flumes, drainage systems, controlling workspower plants, or plants of whatsoever kindor nature, for thet purpose of purchasing,leasing or otherwise acquiring, and selling,leasing, or otherwise disposing of power,light, heat, or energy in whatsoever formor nature, and the exercise of the customaryand necessary powers incident thereto.

To acquire by purchase or otherwise own,hold, buy, sell, convey, lease, mortgage orencumlber estate or other property. per-sonal or mixed, and to survey, subdivide,plat, improve and develop irrigated, sub-merged and other lands for pirposes of saleor otherwise, and to do and perform allthings needful andi lawful or the develop-ment and improvement of the same for agri-cultural, planting, cattle raising, residence,trade and business.

To purchase, or otherwise acquire, and tohold. own or control, receive. store, convey,deliver, sell, lease or otherwise dispose ofwater. ice or moisture in any form, or rightsof any nature in and to water, or the usagetheretof.

igenerally to carry on or undertake anyotiher business of the same general naturewhich from time to time seems to the di-rectors of this corporation capable of beingconveniently carried on in connection withthe above objects. or calculated directly orindirectly to r-ender valuable or enhance thevalue of any of the company's privileges orrights, and which is lawful in Louisiana.for a corporation so organized.


The capital stock of this corporation isherebly fixed at the sum of seventy-tie thou-sand dollars ($75.000), divided into andrepresented by seven hundred and fifty75o0) shares of the par value of one hun-

dred dollars (1090.)Said stock shall be paid for In install-

ments of such amounts and at such timesas the Board of Directors may determine.but any part or parcel of said stock maybe istsued by said Board of Directors at notless than par. in payment of labor done orproperty actually received by said corpora-tion.

This corporation shall commence businessand he a going concern as soon as onehundred (1001 shares of its capital stockshall have l,en subscribed for, and thisCharter signed and executed by the incor-porators.


All the corporate powers of this corpor-ation shall be vested in and exercised by aboard of five (5) directors, to be composedof stockholders, three (3, of whom shallconstitute a quorum for transacting all bus-iness. The Board of Directors shall be vest-ed with full power and authority to makeall contracts, purchases and sales, and adoptall by-laws, rules and regulations for thegovernment of the business and affairs ofthe company, and alter, amend and changethe same at pleasure; appoint, hire and dis-charge all omcers, agents and employees, fixall salaries, and genetally do and performall things necessary in the transaction ofthe business and afairs of the company. Anyvacancy occurring in said board shall befilled by the remaining directors in the man-ner provided for in the by-laws.

The first Board of Directors of this cor-poration shall consist of Cornelius J. Ton,William Brusse. Dirk W. Jellema. Chas.Kleinhulzen and J. Arthur Dixon. with thesaid ('ornellus J. Ton as president, WilliamBrusse as vice-president, Dirk W. Jellemaas secretary, and ('has. Kleinhuizen, treas-utrer who shall hold their offices until thethird Tuesday in February. 1911. or untiltheir successors are duly elected and quail-tied.

On the third Tuesday in February, 1911.and annually thereafter, an election for di-rectors shall be held at the office of the com-pany, under the supervision of three com-missioners to be appointed by the presi-dent, and the directors then elected shalltake their seats immediately and shall holdoffice until their successors are duly electedand qualified. Each board shall elect itsown officers, which shall consist of a presi-dent, a vice-president, a secretary and atreasurer; two of said offices may be heldby the same person.

All corporate elections shall be by ballot,and a majority of the votes cast shall elect,and at all stockholders' meetings held forany purpose, each share of stock shall beentitled to one vote either in person or byproxy, by the person in whose name sameis registered on the books of the company,and the Board of Directors may close thestock transfer books for a period not ex-ceeding thirty days before any meeting.

Written notice of stockholders meetingsshall be given to each stockholder by thesecretary at least ten (10) days prior toelections, by mailing same, postage prepaid,to his last known postomce address.

The Board of Directors shall have powerto establish stock transfer agencies underreasonable rules and regulations, In theCities of New Orleans, Loulsiana, Chicago.Illinois, and at such other places as theymay deem necessary and the business of thecorporation shall require.

ARTICLE V.This act of incorporation may be changed.

altered or modified, or this corporation dis-solved, with the assent of three-fourths(3-41) of the stock present or representedat any general meeting of the stockholdersconvened for that purpose after thirty (30)days' prior notice of such meeting shall havebeen given by publication in one of thedaily newspapers published in the City ofNew Orleans, by fivre (5) publicatlons duringsaid period. and such changes as may bemade in reference to the capital stock shallbe made in accordance with the then exist-lng laws on the ttabject.


Whenever tbhis corporation Isa dissolved,either by limitation of its charter or fromany cause, its affairs shall be liquidated bythree (3) commissioners to be appointedfrom among the stockholders at a meetingof the stockholders convened for that pur-pose after thirty (30) days' prior noticeshall have been given by the secretary toeach stockholder. Bald eommissloners shallremain in ofce until the affairs of said cor-poration shall have been fully liquidated.In case of the death of either commissioner,the survivors shall continue to act.


No stockholder of this corporation shallever be held liable or responsible for thecontracts or faults thereof In any furthersum than the unpaid bhalance due to the cor-poration on the shares owned by him, norshall any mere informality in organlizationhavo the ffeet of renderling this charternull, nor of exposing a staoekholder to anyliability beyond the amount of his stock.

The subscribers hereto have each writtenopposite their names the number of sharessubscribed for, so that this eact may alsoserve as the original subscrlption Ilit.

Thus done and passed In my notarial of-fIee, in the City of New Orleans, Louisiana,in the presence of Edward Wisner and Geo.W. Schweltser, competent witnesses of law.ful age, and residing in this city, whohereunto subscribe their names, togetherwith said partles and me, notary, on the dayand date set forth in the caption hereof.

Original signed: Cornellaus J. Teaon, sixtybnares; Win. Brsse, ten shares; Chas.

Kleinhuisen, ten shares: Dlrk W. Jellema,ten shares;: J. Arthur Dixon, ten shares.

Witaesses: Edward Wiaer, Geo. W.Sbhweltaer.

ALEXIS BRIAN, Notary Public.I, the undersigned, Recorder of Mortgages

in and for the Parish of Orleans, State ofLous•sana, do hereby eertify that the aboveand foregoingl act of incorporatldh of theNew Orletans-Notheralde Compeay was thIsday duly recorded in my oee ain beSk 1018,folio -. New Orleans, Dee. , 1910.

(Signed) EMILE ~AONARD,Dy. Raeorder.

I hereby certtiy the foregola a thto be a true and creat eot oftha orIlaalact of i•tpentIe• thbe New OrlsNetherta Coma, e with the cer-t••ate of the oetisr of M s a eand of reord tn s idee.

In thtt r s I have hereunto set myhea• •a d moat tL ird day at Deemher,191 0. A BRIAN,De8. 15 2223 and ec. 1 ItI

(Mat) Netry EUe.

George G. Brunssann,Funeral Director and Embalmer,


GO O D U n ion Saloon.201" MOROAN STREET -JOE. TALLON. -- ro,,.,,:COLD "" '"""- --- -*B E E R Fine Wines, Liquors. Cigars.

and Tobacco. UNION BEF E

Thee. J. Lala,The Grocer,

Dealer in High Class Food Produt;,,sCooking Utensils, Liquors of All kinds. All kinds ofFood Stuffs. Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran. Grain. Etc.



Yard and Offee: 8268 seola street. Rieeldenees 421 Plleen AvPHONE. ALGIERS 454-W.

$00oo,ooo.oo00It you spend One Hundred

Thousand Dollars you can't geta Sewing Machine equal to the

New HomeGustav Seeger,


s91 Canal St., New Orleans, La.

Beer Brewed in New Orleans isbrewed to suit the climate.

A That is why

American BeerS Is Best BOTTLED

American Brewing Co.NEW ORLEANS


John Couget,Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton,

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Just at Ferry Landing ALGIERS, LA.

DIXIE BEER, Always Fresh. All Other Bottic Beers. Fine Wines,Liquors, Cigars, Etc. HOT MEALS AT ALL HOURS

Furaished Rooenms at Popular Prices First-Class Services

ride and eahibitllW e m everyher

alotCN DAYS' PRE TR•AL during wich time you mauy ride the hry~ rle an4W t et w a ish If o a re ., : not pectly satialied or di' not s. b tO

AErTaI UeT c e thi~ thear W theet grad bic lea its poribles matn,ha oer . I Wt wIrh M p roove ctaol factory uvao a middcm. aa' - I bgseir et ofu and havre the manuaturer'l guama nee behind yor bicycle. DO ino 3t bicycle acor p.itro s bic l

p a rics r be nSS owr a ues adlarn r unard of /•rPutsto rde:,a.gents. . ,

1FIE Ultsdo suRperb models at the E.fa/h i jrwerret •amakeyo this year. We rll the shihetrade bicyrls tor les ni,,

orthan n other facoy. We me sid w i.oo prott above lactor•eCl DEALERS yucan selrOl owcyles undud yu own name pate aisue ourDicerdes old the day received.

t SEOl hD DIroLES•, We do not reguLr andle sond hand bieryles.u ly hven naumber t hand te ion trade byo_ Cbic retail stores. "lhee vr cles0mprthy at priae raging 5al to 05 or 61. D ,n barain Ilsts n:valed tree.

nncuemasomers ealg th whelrl pstrsa reoIeseeapln e and eda, prs. repsars. r eu.. e ab. m ir al aat harfi ml ,,f cast.

r e T rej 'alar BArda.lp I hw Ir o& oialeuacr aoneirla mitorM.f0(c e ar••eerd f S).

NAU S ?aks egOi will a !• moO 3. Ohsbeal. e Ief s3 bour d pair sold last yres,.

ar tw~ tsdr, houead pai rm aow In urenc~~-g -5ladeiusll retae ItislIvelykner thait ye of rabbe, wheeer bttotla

Wemu wtd whetich el as p treal1 puresrat wieace, tacthost remarkable tire oherallow- . 1Isk the thfit* rubber tiMac

inihesirtoesape. Wes, h oa s h a letteersf rommt *a,, ud puncturee sntrosoy.Le o a nrar.ttn t theirt ben pumped 'D,•" also rim strip 1i

upone.ortwscelnawboleaeaaon. Theynwele I.3 p mmwrev-nt rim rutting. Thldanordiaryttire. thiepuncturer. eistingqualtiresbelnggivesL grll outlast any othej

lbrthderoeonlx~4 o per pair. A•Lordersahippeda ed IdayletterIs r•eived. We ship O P-- Yu do mot lpeyi rent until y have mretined ata fonad them strictly a, reprie'T(.-i

5WewI~mL ow aL OM& i f ct(tereby Pakioi the price 54.511 p ppati \i•'-na• us- lastl r• • ormr OI, D od • thldet-imr eat.o nan no run 0 _',LISI all 6rd•" am •e f• O ~ retsraed at OUr expense if for any rea0 they ar•net rt• yen ezaminiation. e atre perfectly relable nd money sent to uj s as sale a4 inq

UI you order S iSl of tee tire5. 7 Will • ad that they will ride easer. run ,flatmar better, liat iongerd laoLo dlnertha ay tirs y•h ave wer used a sen at any p" Ic_ -'

know that yeu willbose we.ll _plesd that wie y want a bicycle you will give 0 your ord..iWe 1a ye to sadei a trial ouder art eoue, heate!?s• renaitable tire Drer. .

don't buy aykind at any plrceuntil you en.d for P'a__ Irl)QI • •I ledgetboe1 ]tlre-oroof tUr•rte approval aud tri -.tbeaeal trdseiyPrhs cuuoe daberwe s wrte fse, Mge au . sun d ry Catalogue w ,•C-desai amue saq uI eslfl n d sa d ell ritl Isb~ altlhe usual . -Jc

Glow warnq e. W 51tI ftimb'y u noUtilyeannorwthe new and w i

inlynna postol to hersa eemTdryt Writeit OW.

- L EI i ei WNllPII, U •aS, IL,