church covenant histor…  · web viewwe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we...

Church Covenant Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay. We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church 1

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Page 1: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Church Covenant

Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


Page 2: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the


Rev. A. C. Martin................................................................May 1950 – Jan. 1952

Rev Miles F. Holt...............................................................Feb. 1952 – Aug. 1953

Rev Robert Vinson...............................................................Sept 1953 – Feb 1954

Rev Jerrell Pritchett..............................................................Feb 1954 – Oct. 1957

Rev. O. C. Overby................................................................Jan. 1958 – Oct. 1958

Rev. Billy Searcy..........................................................Oct. 29, 1958 – June 1960

Rev. C.H. Meadows............................................................July 1960 – Feb. 1962

Rev. Larry Meadows......................................................April 1962 – March 1963

Rev W. B. Gaultney............................................................June 1963 – Nov 1965

Rev Otis Andrews...............................................Jan. 1966 – Sept. 1966 (Interim)

Rev. Jack Branan..................Sept. 1966 – Mar. 21, 1971 (resigned Aug. 3, 1970)

Rev Bill Anglin...............................................................Mar. 1971 – Aug 1, 1976

Rev Sidney Wheeler...........................................Sept. 1976 – Oct. 1977 (Interim)

Rev Roy Johnson................................................................Nov. 1977 – Feb. 1979

Rev. Cary Wood..................................................Feb. 1979 – May 1979 (Interim)

Rev Tom Hood...................................................................June 1979 – June 1981

Rev James Woodfin.......................................................Aug. 1981 – June 5, 1986

Rev Wesley Long...................................June 26, 1986 – Sept. 28, 1986 (Interim)

Rev Kerry Bunn.....................................Oct. 5, 1986 – Sept. 24, 1989 (10/22/89)

Rev Wesley Long.....................................Oct 29, 1989 – Mar. 25, 1990 (Interim)

Rev. G. B. Howell................................................April 1, 1990 – March 28, 1993

Rev Jack Ayers.........................................April 4, 1993 – July 25, 1993 (Interim)

Rev Joey Smith..........................................................Aug. 1, 1993 – Dec. 6, 1998

Rev Dennis Andrews....................................Dec. 13, 1998 – May 1999 (Interim)

Rev. Alan Fuller.........................................................June 6, 1999 – June 5, 2002

Rev Ken Danuser..........................................Sept 8, 2002 – Feb 9, 2003 (Interim)

Rev. Ken Danuser.............................Feb 9, 2003 – Nov. 6, 2005 (Bi-Vocational)

Rev. Dan Hodges.......................................March 12, 2006 – May 2007 (Interim)

Rev. Michael Woodham.................................May 6, 2007 – September 25, 2011

Rev. Freddy Hogg..............................................................May 27, 2012 - Present


Page 3: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

The East Side Baptist Church of Macon, Georgia, established a Mission at Ivey, Georgia in the early part of 1950. During the months that Ivey was a mission, Rev. Stephen Krysalka, then a member at the East Side Church, preached at Ivey.

On May 7, 1950. This mission was constituted into the Ivey Baptist Church with Rev Roy Fincher, pastor of the East Side Baptist Church, serving as moderator and Thomas H. Holloway serving as clerk during the organizational meeting. The Ivey Baptist church began that Sunday with 17 members. Four are living today:

1. John L. Brooks (deceased) (Lamar)2. Charles Byington Jackson (living)3. E. S. Youmans (deceased)4. Mrs. E. S. Youmans (Sallie) (deceased)5. Jessie Lee Jackson Korwin (living) 6. J. B. Youmans (James Byron, Sr.) deceased7. Mrs. J. B. Youmans (Flossie) (deceased)8. V. P. Jackson (deceased) 9. Jessie L. Jackson (deceased) (Lamar)10. O. L. Brooks (Orace Lamar – Red) (deceased)11. Mrs. O.L. Brooks (Gladys) (deceased)12. Ira S. Brooks (deceased)13. Mrs. Ira Brooks (deceased)14. Mrs. Mary Hardie Bills (living) (Thomasine)

It was agreed at that time that anyone who joined the church within 30 days after its constitution would also be considered a charter member of the church.

15. Willard Wood (05/10/50) (deceased)16. Jimmy Wood (05/20/50) (living)17. Mildred Wood (06/04/50) (Mrs. Willard Wood) (deceased)

That brought the total number to 17 Charter Members. As of 2006, We have 4 living Charter Members. Our only active Charter Member, Flossie Youmans, passed away in 2005 with Joey Smith and Ken Danuser as officiating Pastors.

At the first meeting of constitution in 1950, both the New Hampshire Confession of Faith and the Church Covenant, as published today in the Baptist Hymnal, were adopted as the church’s official confession of faith and covenant.


Page 4: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

October 18, 1950, at the 138th annual session of the Ebenezer Baptist Association Meeting with Gordon Baptist Church, Gordon, GA, the Ivey Baptist Church sent the following messengers, Mr. O. L. (Orace) Brooks, Mrs. O. L. (Gladys) Brooks and E. S. Youmans to request membership into the Association. Brother A. T. Wimberly, Moderator, appointed Rev. Frank Clark, Rev. Martin Smith and Brother H. E. Stephens to investigate the matter and make the proper report to the Association in order to admit the new church. On October 19, 1950, the committee submitted the following report:

“After having prayerfully investigated the Ivey Missionary Baptist Church, we recommend to this Association that the Ivey Baptist Church be accepted in the Ebenezer Association; and that their Associational Letter be included in the minutes.”

Respectfully submitted,M. D. SmithFrank ClarkH. E. Stephens

.After the Ivey Baptist Church was constituted, Rev. A. C, Martin, of Macon, Georgia, was called as its first pastor, serving from May of 1950 until January of 1952.

During this time Ivey was a half-time church, meeting on the 1st and 3rd Sundays only. The first year at Ivey Baptist Church was a year of tremendous growth with 22 people being baptized, more than any other year in the history of the church except one. The church was a frame building with a wood stove, but the church grew and many were saved.

The second pastor called to serve at Ivey was Rev. M. F. Holt, Jr. (Miles) of Macon, Georgia. Brother Holt was called as pastor on Feb. 10, 1952 and served the church until August of 1953. During this time the church went from a half-time church to a full-time church that met each Sunday. It was under his leadership that the church held its first Vacation Bible School. WMU was started by Ms Hennilu of Danville, on Sept 25, 1952. The first meeting was held at the church where Mrs. Martha Lord was elected the First Director and served until 1957when Myrtle Wood took over as Director. Meetings were held in the member’s home later. Baptist Training Union in 1952 had a larger attendance than our Sunday School. In 1952 we had 66 to attend “M” Night. (Mobilization) also in 1952, Dec 10, we hired a custodian for the church. The church also ran a church bus for some time back during the early years to bring many people to church that could not otherwise attend. The bus was discontinued on August 2, 1953, as it was revealed that people were failing to take advantage of the opportunity to come to church on the bus.

Rev. Robert Vinson, also of Macon was the next pastor called by the church. He served the church from September of 1953 until March of 1954. In 1954, the church added 4 Sunday School rooms to it frame building, but the need for a new building and more room became increasingly apparent. During his pastorate, a bus was purchased in January of 1954 for $200.00 plus $25.00 to be paid to Wilkinson County for the body on the bus. The bus was financed by the Wilkinson County Bank, and we were to pay back as we were able too. The final payment for the additional Sunday School rooms was paid on the same date the new note was made for the bus.

On Feb. 28, 1954, Brother Jerrell Pritchett was called as pastor of the Ivey Baptist Church. Brother Pritchett served the church for 3 ½ years, the second longest pastorate in


Page 5: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

the history of the church. During his pastorate the church grew in total membership past the 100 mark for the first time, from 71 members to 110 members. It also grew in giving doubling its income form $2,367 annually to $4,860 annually. The first Vacation Bible School was held in the summer of 1954. Literature was approved for order on July 2, 1954. In 1955 the pastor’s salary was raised to $5.00 per week as long as funds lasted also $5.00 was allocated to spend on advertising for the upcoming revival.. In 1955 goals for Cooperative Programs were $50.00 and for the Association Program $25.00. In 1956 Lottie Moon Offering and Annie Armstrong Offering was set at $14.50. Even though the church had previously added four Sunday School rooms to it frame building, the need for a new building and more room became increasingly apparent. Under Brother Pritchett’s leadership the church constructed a permanent brick sanctuary and educational building on the present church site. A loan from the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention was secured after some extended discussions and The Home Mission Board made an exception to its policy and loaned the maximum available. . Services were first held in the new church building on Homecoming Day, May 19, 1957.

Rev. Jerrell Prichett, Pastor, and the congregation celebrated worship in a new building for the first time on Sunday, May 19, 1957. The service began with a baptism of those who had been waiting. Some of Brother Pritchett’s sermon: “As we come today we recognize it is through the cooperation of the people and leadership of God that we are privileged to enter into this sanctuary. We are so grateful in our hearts to God for His goodness and kindness. He has so wonderfully blessed us in such a tremendous way. It is our prayer that the people of Ivey Baptist Church and this community will recognize God’s

power and that we will always look to Him for guidance in everything that we do.”Even the first baptism of the first Sunday of worship in the new church did not go by without some events. One of the most painfully experienced was the baptistery had been installed for quite some time and a good sized family of wasp had decided this was a good place to be. Apparently, they resented the intrusion of their space and proceeded to attack. Brother Pritchett’s neck was so swollen by the time he left the baptistery that the collar of his shirt had to be cut in order for him to have adequate air way.

In the early May 1954, Brother Jerrell Pritchett and his wife, Belva, came to Ivey Baptist Church. He was a ministerial student at Mercer University and Dr. Clark, Dean of Students Office sent for him to see if he was interesting in preaching. He explained it was a very small church near Gordon, Georgia and they needed someone to preach on Sunday. He was very much interested and got directions to the church. The following is what he remembers from his stay here.


Page 6: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Belva, his wife, was a new bride at the time. They left early on the cold wintry Sunday with the directions from Dr. Clark. When they arrived in Ivey there we no signs, no street markings, and no identification of a church. After a frustrating time, they determined the only building it could be was a small building near the railroad tracks. The building was unlocked and they went in and found the building was definitely used for worship. There were pews, pulpit and other items that identified it as a church, but they were not sure it was Ivey Baptist Church. They found a hymnal with the name Ivey Baptist written inside and decided this was the place.

The building had not been kept and was in great need of a good cleaning. Belva found an old brush Broom and started sweeping. As it was very cold in the building and the only source of heat appeared to be two radiant heaters, he prepared to light the heaters. He went out to his 1940 Ford and held in the “lighter” until it was beginning to burn his fingers. He placed the lighter to a piece of paper to set it afire and used a small stick to light the heater. He knelt down to the heater in the back of building, and just as he did “poof”. Someone had left the gas heater partially on. There went all his eyebrows, eyelashes and the front of his hair. There were no restrooms or water in the building and they knew no one in the area so Belva tried to clean him up as best she could.

It came time for Sunday School and three families arrived, the three families were Orace and Gladys Brooks, D.P (Doc) Carr family, and the Hubert Lord family. There were about twelve people that Sunday. Hubert wanted to know if he could come back the next Sunday. Brother Pritchett thought they might want to see what he looked like when he was cleaned up. He came back the next Sunday and for years of Sundays until 1957.

The church at that time was several years old but had experienced difficulty in reaching out in the community. There were general feelings that the church was not needed as people could go to nearby churches. Even the Baptist Association leadership was not for supporting a church in Ivey. The families attending were at a difficult point in making a decision to continue or close the church. The leadership was about to decide to make a compromise decision and have services twice each month, but Brother Pritchett felt strongly that he could not stay as pastor, even though they had not called him yet, if the church went to two services a month. He felt like the church should go forward not backward. He was asked to stay for ninety days until they could consider what to do. This was the only time he was voted to be pastor of Ivey.

Most would assume that he was an Interim Pastor because the call was never extended beyond the ninety days. But at the end of the ninety days, no one said anything and he wanted to preach and he said nothing. At the leading of Orace Brooks, it was determined that he needed to be ordained as a minister since he was only licensed. Ivey Baptist Church requested his home church Bethany Baptist Church in Cochran to ordain him as a minister of the gospel. It was held on May 9, 1954, Mother’s Day. After that, there was never a reference to the “ninety day call”.

There was a train coming through every Sunday Morning just before the conclusion of the service. There was no way to out do the sound of the train. This was frustrating as there were so many young adults and youth that needed to be reach. The church started a bus ministry that proved to be very successful, especially in bringing the children and younger youth to church. The church was growing, but the train still caused a problem with its noise during services. At this time relocation was mention.


Page 7: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Mrs. Hardie offered the ideal piece of property for the church and the church started a building fund. Not everyone agreed to the relocation of the church and funds were not received. Orace Brooks and Brother Pritchett would envision the beautiful worship building sitting on one of the tallest hills of the area overlooking what Orace envisioned and dreamed of being a beautiful lake from Commissioner Creek. It was determined that one reason the building fund did not grow was the people needed to see plans and something to work for. The church contacted the Baptist Sunday School Board and requested them to draw up plans for a worship area and adjoining Sunday School space. (Plans used for the original building at the present location). After a contractor gave us the price of the materials and estimated cost for building the church, funds still did not increase. It was decided that if we could get something started funds would come. Brother Pritchett and a new member and builder, Cosby Holland, went to see Mr. Bone who operated a brickyard and was known as a benefactor to churches in the area. He gave them the price for the brick and there was not enough money in the building fund to purchase the brick. Mr. Bone wanted to know how much money the church had in building fund and after realizing that it was less than $50.00 he laughed so hard you could hear him all over the brickyard. He then said he would give the church the bricks that were needed if the church could furnish a truck to pick them up. Believing God would provide, and the gracious effort of Byron McCook, there was a truck at the designated time to pick up the wonderful gift of bricks.

Brother Pritchett felt he and Belva could do so much more if they lived in the church area. The only problem was that the only house available was the Hardie House. It had not been lived in for some time and never been painted. Soon after Gean and Myrtle Hatfield began attending and stated they had a house in Gordon for rent. After Brother Pritchett moved into this house he started packing it every Sunday Nights after church with youth for a fellowship time.

At this time excitement was beginning to grow at Ivey for a new building. The Sunday School and Worship Services were growing. After much figuring the church acquired a loan from the Home Mission Board. The church now had the money needed to build a new church. It was decided that the work would be done through volunteer labor, even if no one in the congregation could do a specific job, contractors volunteered their crews and did the work at no cost to the church.

During this time he remembers it being some exciting events, anxious events, fun times as well as some sad times. It was not usual for the anxious time when you had individuals such as Fred Bloodworth, Marvin Snow, Carlton Lavendar, Hugh Lord and others trying to place rafters on the edge of the building with almost gale force wind blowing. Thankfully no one had any serious injuries. There was a near accident in securing the remainder few hundred bricks needed for the completion. Byron McCook said he had some of the same type brick left over from a job and he would give them to the church if someone would come and get them. Brother Pritchett and some of the teenage boys went to get the brick. Brother Pritchett has a scar on his left arm today but says thankfully it is not on F.I. Lord’s face.

One of the lighter moments while building the church was one of the coldest mornings you can imagine. It was a Saturday Morning and so very cold. Brother Pritchett prepared to go to the building site with questioning from Belva as to why he was going out in the


Page 8: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

cold. He told her someone might show up to work on the church and he wanted to be there if they did. (Hoping no one would show up). After being there for a while, he decided that no one was coming and that he would be able to challenge all the men in the church on Sunday Morning about being at work on the building. He started to leave when Cosby Holland drove up. They worked for a short time when Cosby said he was so cold he was going home. Brother Pritchett thought he would never say he was ready to leave. As they were leaving Brother Pritchett notice some minnows in the back of his truck and asked about them. Cosby said if he did not use them soon or they will die. They looked at each other and decide to go fishing. They went to the pond and had one of the best fishing days they had ever had.

The men and ladies of Ivey Baptist provided most of the labor for the construction and the work requiring a professional was almost all donated to the church. After approximately a year of construction the church was finally ready for the first service in the new building. Everyone worked very lat Saturday Evening making all the last minute touch-ups. One of the tasks being accomplished that evening was filling of the new baptistery. There were many who were awaiting baptism, as there was no baptistery in the old building near the railroad tracks. The last time baptism was held at the old church was at the creek and Brother Pritchett broke ice the first three steps he made. Therefore, many decided they could wait till the new church was ready.

Brother Pritchett and Belva came back for the note burning service after the paying of indebtedness of the new building. Hubert Lord introduced him and stated the church had called him for ninety days and he had stayed almost four years, that he did not know what would have happened if they had given him an indefinite call.

Brother Pritchett says he has many fond remembrances of Ivey that is impossible to include even a small number in this venue. It has been forty-eight years since he first searched for Ivey Baptist Church. But he says his love for the people and the place have not diminished but increased through the years. Belva and himself thank all the people of Ivey; from the first three families they met to all who are a part of it now, for all the fond remembrances of Ivey.

Rev. J.C. Overby followed Brother Pritchett as pastor at Ivey. Brother Overby served for January of 1958 to September of 1958.


Page 9: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Rev. Bill Searcy was called as pastor at Ivey Baptist in October of 1958. During Brother Searcy’s first year 21 people were baptized into the church. Giving increased to $6,070 annually. This was also a period of increased Sunday School and Training Union attendance. On Homecoming Day in 1959 there were over 100 in Sunday School for the first time in the history of the church. Brother Searcy served at Ivey Baptist until 1960.

Rev. C. P. Meadows was the next pastor at Ivey Baptist, serving from July of 1960 until February of 1962. Brother Larry Meadows then became pastor and served from April of 1962 until March of 1963.

In June of 1963, Ivey Baptist called Brother W.B. Gaultney as its pastor. Brother Gaultney along with Brother Pritchett and Brother Jack Branan were the only pastors to serve at Ivey Baptist for over two years at that time. During Brother Gaultney’s pastorate the total membership at Ivey Baptist grew for the first time past the 150 mark to 164 members.

In January of 1966, Rev. Otis Andrews became Interim Pastor. During the eight months he served at Ivey Baptist the church began work on a 3 bedroom, brick pastorium. Brother Andrews was quite active and interested in seeing that the church have a pastor who lived on the field.

In 1966, Brother Jack S. Branan was called as pastor of Ivey Baptist. He served until March of 1971. During his pastorate he moved into the new pastorium, but was not the first pastor to live on the church field as Brother Pritchett lived for a while in the Ivey community during the mid 1950’s. In March of 1970 Brother Branan became the pastor with the longest pastorate in the history of the Ivey Church at that time. During this period of time our church completed construction on the pastorium, finished paying off the debt on the church owed to the Home Mission Board, installed a heating and cooling system in our auditorium and nursery, constructed an outdoor sign, and installed a church speaker system. Active R.A. and Sunbeam Chapters were begun, the first standard Vacation Bible School and our first distinguished W.M.U. were obtained through the hard work of many of the members of Ivey Baptist. Also during this period 88 people joined the church with about half of these being by letter and half by profession of faith and baptism.In 1968 the total church membership (including non-resident members) was over the 200 mark for the first time. In May 1970, the total number of members was 225 with 156 being resident members and 69 non-members.One area of growth was the area of giving. In 1951 the total receipts were $2,717, by 1960 it had risen to $5,511and in 1969 the receipts had grown to $12,996, about 4 times what they were in 1951. Mission giving was also up dramatically with 1951 total $37 and in 1960 total was $131 but in 1969 the total receipts were up to $1,276 to mission causes, 38 times what was given in 1951.

Rev. Bill Anglin followed Brother Brannan and was pastor from March 1971 – August 1, 1976. During his pastorate we had 63 to become members of our church. March 1976, the Sunday School room for the preschool class was enlarged by taking in adjoining room The work was paid for by Mrs. Vera Woods. Plans were made for the 30’ by 60’ Education room at a cost of $21,000.00. The Church voted in 1971 for its new Sunday


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School addition including central heating and air condition as well as repairing and improving of our sanctuary roof, suspended ceiling

Rev. Sidney Wheeler was an Interim Pastor from Sept. 1976 – Oct. 1977 and very much loved by our church members. While he was pastor we received nineteen new members.

He was followed by Rev. Roy Johnson, Nov. 1977 – Feb. 1979. During his pastorate, Winfred S. Young, gave his testimony stating he had been called to preach and asked the deacons to bring a motion before Ivey Baptist Church that the church licensed him to preach. It was accepted. On April 2, 1978, a motion was made and approved that a committee be appointed to ask “Capt. Smith” when he attends church services to please keep seated until services are completed. The reason being it was distracting for Capt. Smith to be walking around during services. The Committee was Dennis Holder, Rev. Roy Johnson and Jimmy Youmans.

Rev. Cary Wood, was Interim Pastor from Feb. 1979 – May 1979; and Rev Tom Hood, June 1979 – June 1981.

Rev James (Woody) Woodfin came in August 1981 – June 5, 1986. I (Reta) have never met him, but after listening to his answer machine, have already made up my mind that he must have been a wonderful man with a keen sense of humor. He started the first church library in May 1985. Also during his pastorate a steeple committee was formed to see about a church steeple in 1985. The steeple cost $3,690 voted on Sept 29, 1985. The first copy machine was paid off in 1985. Rev. Woody sent me the following fun things that came to his mind as he pondered over his time at Ivey Baptist Church. Several of the men of the church were helping to take up the carpet. We were rolling it toward the front and started out the front door when I tripped. I fell with the carpet falling on top of me. Beryl Smith immediately yelled out “Who is on the pulpit committee?”The baptismal pool had overflowed on a Saturday night and flooded the education building. On Monday, Fred Bloodworth and I were sitting and watching the pool fill up again to see why the overflow didn’t work properly. We let the pool overflow again! The reason – on the opposite side, when the hole had been cut to install the water line; it had been cut lower than the overflow pipe. Therefore, we flooded the educational building again!! When Martha Fountain joined the church, she was coming from a Methodist Church and was baptized again. The water in baptism pool was so cold that as she came up from being baptized, she let out a loud OH-O-O-O-O!!!! and the church cracked up.I was recording the service on Sunday morning when the tape recorder started squealing. Since I don’t hear certain sounds near to me, I didn’t hear the noise, but the congregation was about ready to scream. In the evening service I was apologizing because I didn’t hear the noise in the morning service when the telephone started to ring in the back of the church. No one heard it ringing but myself. I still have strange hearing. Hope you’ll have a wonderful homecoming and greetings to everyone.

Rev. Wesley Long came as Interim Pastor from June 26. 1986 – Sept 28, 1986.

Rev. Kerry Bunn was called as Pastor Oct 5, 1986 – Sept 24, 1989 and stayed until Oct. 22, 1989. This year Rev. Bunn was called back to preach our Homecoming 2002 Service. In 1987, we added steps going from the road to cemetery and grass was planted. In 1987, 25 new hymnals were place in the Sanctuary. In 1988, we decided at a Special


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Conference, to pay the freight for medical supplies need, for 10 days to Rio de Janeiro. In 1989 a Benevolent Fund was put in the budget of $150.00.

Rev. Wesley Long came back as Interim Pastor on Oct. 29, 1989 – March 25, 1990.

Rev. G. B. Howell was call in April 1990 and stayed until March 28, 1993. He was a beloved pastor. During his pastorate a beautiful study was finish for him to come to. It was later furnished and dedicated in memory of our Brother in Christ, Mr. Gean Hatfield, by his children Lloyd Hatfield, Betty Young and wife Mrs. Myrtle Hatfield. He was the most enthusiastic pastor in the church history. The church grew in leaps and bounds in baptism and letters moved as never before. In 1990, 28 were baptized and 11 came by letter. In July 1990, the church had its largest average attendance in V.B.S., with 138 attending. On one Sunday, August 12, 1990, 17 people joined the church, 16 by baptism and one by letter. In August 1990, a plaque with the Charter Members was hung in the foyer of the Church.Brother Howell remembers his first Sunday at Ivey Baptist Church was April Fool’s Day, and said that should have been a warning or some type of signal to all of us! He went on to add: After I came to the church, working with Sheila Youmans, The Hilltoppers, a Senior Adult Group, began. Each gathering had a theme that was decorated to the hilt, and we had fun!! Eyes lit with delight as the seniors came into the fellowship hall each month. You have never experience any class in your life until you have seen Mary Hoke in her homemade hat, seen Marion McCook tossing mock mule muffins across the back yard at the church, or seen Algie Thomas rocking around the Christmas tree with the preacher’s wife! Every month Sheila and I began with an idea, Then, much like Lucy and Ethyl, we would take it to the extreme. As the ministry grew, it became painfully obvious that we needed help. Gwen and James Lassetter and Glenda and Danny Young soon were recruited for assistance. The group worked like a well-oiled machine, and it was so much fun.Additionally at the church, we celebrated holidays with an unusual pizzazz. Father’s Day was always a favorite, as we had had a Tacky Tie Contest – for the men who had the nerve to knot noticeable nutty neckwear. We had a men’s cake bake and awarded prizes. Jimmy Youmans wanted to make sure he won SOMETHING – even if it was the prize for the “Worst Tasting Cake.” So to his strawberry cake, Jimmy added a bottle of Tabasco sauce. The agonized look on Oretha Watson’s face, who was a judge, was priceless as she bit into the disastrous delicacy!! Again, it was all in fun.But beyond fun, the church’s most notable achievement was the growth we had those three years. The growth came because the church members got excited about what God was doing at the church and realized that God could and would do even more. Members invited friends who invited friends, and on it went. Many Sundays we pulled out chairs to accommodate the crowds. Parking became a problem, and what a great problem to have!!What a great joy it was to see people walk the aisle and follow in the baptismal waters. We baptized people from children to senior adult age. There was an air of excitement as we gathered week after week. Charlene Holder said, “Brother G.B., I hate missing one Sunday, because even when I miss a little, I miss a lot.” And that was the prevailing attitude at the church.Oh, there were physical improvements to the church – columns were added to the front of the side wings, the foyer was upgraded, and of course an elegant pastor’s study was added. All of the improvements were evidences of the church being alive and being enthused about what God was doing. But the improvements to the building were not what really mattered. What mattered were the improvements to people’s lives, the friendships


Page 12: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

that were formed, the families that were strengthened, and the souls that were added into the Kingdom.Three years to the day that I came, my family and I moved on. But, we shall forever remember the faith and the fun that we shared at Ivey Baptist Church.

Rev Jack Ayers came as Interim Pastor on April 1, 1993 until July 25, 1993 when Rev. Joey Smith was called on August 1, 1993 – December 1998. Brother Joey and his wife, Julie, were loved by all. Brother Joey remembers the wedding of Heather and Dennis Harrison. The lights went out when a big thunderstorm came. As you know when the wind blows in Ivey, the lights go out. When he came in the lights came back on, it was so electrifying, and they went back off about one minute later and the wedding and pictures were done by candlelight. It was still a very beautiful service. He also remembers Brotherhood, his first time attending. Fred Bloodworth told him to get up and go get something, and when he came back and tasted his coffee, it tasted salty. Fred Bloodworth had poured salt in his coffee. All the men were laughing and he could not believe this man did this to him but it was so funny. He remembers a lot of good and funny things that happening at the church while he was pastor. During his pastorate a new position as Financial Secretary was created in 1998. The First Secretary was Pat Brooks, who resigned in 2001 and Reta Smith took over the position on March 3, 2002.

Rev Dennis Andrews came as Interim Pastor for Dec 13, 1998 and stayed until May 1999.

Rev Alan Fuller was called as Pastor on June 6, 1999. Under his pastorate we have had 17 join by letter and 8 by baptism. Brother Alan was elected Associational Director of Bibb Ministries for year 1999 – 2000. Also in 1999, we purchased new office furniture for the Secretary’s office.

In Jan 2000, Sheila Youmans and Hazel Skaggs ask the church to sponsor an exercise program and give the members use of the house next door with exercise equipment donated by the members of the church. Also a new health program was approved by the church, First Place Health Program. Co-Directors of this program to be Eileen Sexton and Jeri Stapleton.The bathrooms in the church were remodeled in Feb. 2000. March 2000, we had a new picture church directory done. In the summer of 2000, we had our first Youth Minister. Tim Richardson came for nine weeks to work with the youth of our church. Our church saw its first landscaping in 2001, which made our church so much more attractive as we are located in a prestigious spot on the hill. Sadly we were vandalized in 2001 and had to have all the furnishings as well as the carpets professionally cleaned. We held our church service outside and had a wonderful service under the trees. In 2002, we re-roofed the church and also our pastorium.

In April of 2002, Larry and Hazel Skaggs offered to purchase tables for the fellowship hall and the church purchase the chairs. This was done and the fellowship hall looked so good with its new look. 2002 also brought in two new deacons, Ronnie Brooks and Scott Brooks were ordained as deacons.2002 was also a good year for the Hilltoppers, we picked strawberries, went to see a peach packing house, visited Pinegate Retirement Home and of course ate at every


Page 13: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

opportunity. In June 2002, Vacation Bible School was a great success under the leadership of Suzanne Brooks, Lisa Brooks and Sandy Youmans.

Our youth attended SuperWow and had a great turnout for the camp. Clint and Dawn Hardie, Pat Brooks and Ronnie and Lisa Brooks took the youth to camp. The RA’s planted a garden under the leadership of Pat Boone and presented the first fruits of the harvest to the church. Alan Fuller resigned as pastor on June 5, 2002.

During the summer of 2002 , we had many great Supply Pastors. Charles Asbell and his wife Anna came and the church was greatly blessed with not only his great sermon, but his wife’s wonderful singing. Tim Oliver and his wife were also a blessing to the church. Ben Haygood came and talked to the church about the Baptist Village. Ken Danuser came to fill in for the month of July. Richard Forrester was the supply pastor for the month of August.

In September 2002, Ken Danuser was called to be interim pastor. And served as interim until February 9, 2003 when he was voted in as permanent Bi-Vocational Pastor until Nov. 2005. Under his leadership, we have grown and are growing in Christ.

In September 2002, the church held 1st annual 9/11 Remembrance Service. Remembering all the First Response, Emergency workers, Police, EMA’s in the county. We had an attendance of around 200. We decided to have this each year.

A newsletter was created in 2002 to be sent out to all members and friends on the first of each month. This has the month’s activities in it as well as birthdays, anniversaries and new members. This newsletter is sent out by the Secretary, Reta Smith.

In December 2002, Our church was voted the “Best Decorated” in the county for Christmas.

In 2003, our church hired two Youth Leaders. Erik Fletcher and Beth Yates . They were to mentor the youth and spend time with them to help strengthen their faith.

In May 2003, our church hosted the Bible Study “Breaking Free” , by Beth Moore. Gwen Beck was the facilitator and we had 11 churches represented, 6 different denominations with 34 in attendance.

A new church directory was printed in 2003, to update new members and add Ken Danuser as our new pastor.

In July of 2003 the church voted in conference to Phase 1 of the new Fellowship Hall and renovation of the Sanctuary and approved.

In 2003 the church also hosted a Discipleship course, Max Lucado’s “Experiencing the Heart of Jesus”, lead by Dorris Brown. It was a 10 week course.

On Oct 19, 2003, Ferrell Kitchens was ordained as a Deacon in the evening services.

In November 2003, our church entered into a commitment to the church and God to pledge so that we can begin our new building project.


Page 14: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Our Senior Adults started a Choir to sing on Sunday night service. The choir’s name is JOY Choir, meaning “Just Older Youth”.

A tape ministry was started in 2003 for the members who are shut-in or can not attend church services. The Sunday morning and Sunday night service is taped and then either taken to the homes when it is possible or mailing them out to the members.

A new sign was installed on the outside of the church in 2004.

Purchased a second van in 2004.

Our Senior Adult Hilltoppers went to Alma, GA in 2004 to help them to start a Senior Adult Program.

Suzanne Brooks lead 2 Discipleship Programs for new mothers in 2004.

A Contract was voted on and awarded to Bennett Construction Co. to begin our building project. At a conference on June 20, 2004, the church voted 72 yes 2 no to award contract for $484,552.00. The church voted to secure a loan for $347,665.10.

Our Sunday School passed the average of over 100 each Sunday for Sunday School.

A revival was held on Oct 3-6, 2004 with Rev. Jason Danuser as pastor. Rev Jason Danuser is Brother Ken’s son. We held 5 cottage prayer meetings in preparation for the revival at different homes in the community.

Our fellowship hall was enlarged, new carpet added, drapes, sliding doors to mark off rooms for Sunday School as well as a new kitchen with commercial refrigerator, freezer, stove, sinks and dishwashers. New cabinets were installed

In April 2005, we were allowed to use our new sanctuary, with new carpet, upholstery, lights, stain glass windows, molding, doors and baptism pool curtains with modesty rail.Our sound system was upgraded and a power point screen was installed. Our stain glass windows were donated by members in honor of and in memory of loved ones. On May 2005 we dedicated our new building.

In May of 2005 on Senior Adult Sunday, Rev Jerrell Pritchett was our guest speaker. Several of our former older members as well as visitors came to hear this great tribute to Senior Citizens. A luncheon was held following the morning service.

In July 2005, WMU Association was revived under the direction of Julia Alderman and Mary Helen Rathbone. The first meeting had nine ladies present . It has continued to grow over the months.

In September 2005 George W Young stepped down as Music Director, starting in 1973, 32 years of faithful service as director. We served over 40 years in the music field at Ivey Baptist Church. A plaque and a gift from the church was presented to him for his service.


Page 15: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

In 2005 the church selected as Youth Director, Ferrell Kitchens, who had testified to the church that God had called him to the ministry. In Oct 2005 Ferrell was licensed to preach by Ivey Baptist Church at a special night service by Ken Danuser.

In October 2005, Ken Danuser submitted his resignation as of November 6, 2005. A farewell luncheon was given for Kay and Ken. He is presently employed by Macon Memorial Park, in Macon.

Flossie Youmans, our oldest active Charter Member died in November 2006, Ken Danuser and Joey Smith officiated at the funeral service.

On November 2005 Reta Smith, Secretary of Church, submitted her resignation effected as of Dec, 31, 2005. She was honored with a gift by the church and a party in her honor for her service to the church. She stayed on as acting Secretary until March of 2006, when Bonnie Sturgeon was voted in as Secretary of Ivey Baptist Church.

On March 12, 2006 Rev. Dan Hodges was voted in unanimously as Interim Pastor of Ivey Baptist Church. He is a missionary leader and comes to us from Milledgeville, GA. He planned to stay as long as we needed him as we searched for the right full-time pastor to come and lead us. He started out with telling the church he wanted to be available to all and listed his address, email and phone number in the bulletin. He said “Everybody is Somebody for Whom Christ Died at Ivey Baptist Church”! He started a Bible Study on Wednesday nights Titled “Always Abounding in the Work of the Lord”. We were really excited to have him to lead us in this time period of our church.

During his leadership at our church, he introduced us to a ministry in Ghana West Africa, Coast for Christ. He leads this ministry and they send boats up and down the river to fish and to tell other villages about Jesus. Jimmy Youmans headed up a fund raiser to get $10,000.00 for a new boat to send to Ghana. This was accomplished and when Eddie Emin, pastor of Ghana West African village came to our church to speak the check was presented to him to take back and buy a boat for Coast for Christ. Jimmy Youmans and Betty Thomas volunteered to go on the next mission to Africa with Dan & Betti Hodges. Later Betty Thomas did go but for medical reasons Jimmy was unable to go. The church then adopted the Coast for Christ Ministry and supports it with 1% of our monthly offerings. Brother Dan also introduced us to a monthly devotion call “Thought for the Day” and our church subscribed to 150 per month for the members to have for devotionals.The church added three deacons, Robert Jones and Den Holder were ordained Dec. 10, 2006 and Kevin Bentley was approved to transfer his deacon status to Ivey Baptist.

On May 6, 2007, we called our full time pastor by unanimous vote, Michael Woodham. He brought with him his wonderful family, Amy, his wife, and Elizabeth and Rebecca, his beautiful girls ages 4 and 1 year old at the time. We were very excited to have a full time pastor living in Ivey with us. Brother Michael brought his first message on Senior Adult Sunday and has since brought the next two Senior Adult Sunday Messages.In the last two years our church has grown under his leadership, we have gained 34 members, 23 by letter and 11 by baptism. He started a visitation program “Grow” and their goal is to visit every household in Ivey and surrounding area.


Page 16: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

2008 Relay for Life was a big success. We raised $3800.00. We had again in May 2008 our Annual Mother-Daughter Banquet with the tables individually decorated.

The church elected our first Historian this year, Roy Mixon, who will record history as it happens for the church.

Our youth attended Impact in 2008.

Our Senior Adults had two special guests in 2008; one was Elvis Presley of Macon, GA who entertained our group with the style of Elvis. Gordon Baptist Church entertained us with Hee-Haw with 108 in attendance. Our senior adult committee consist of: Roy Mixon, chairman, Hazel & Larry Skaggs, Reta Smith, Joann Smith, James Lassetter, Lynn Lamb and Honorary Annette Bloodworth.

We lost one of our oldest members Marian McCook, who passed away on March 15, 2009, joined in 1951. She was 88 years old. Brother Michael Woodham and Curt Montgomery conducted the services at Couey, Reese & Stanley Funeral Home with burial at Ivey Baptist Cemetery.

Our Sunday School has grown to an average of 107 each Sunday. Our Vacation Bible School has grown each year with an average of 187 and enrollment of 214 with opportunities to reach our children in the neighborhood. We also have an Adult Vacation Bible School each year the week before Children’s Vacation Bible School.

May 2009 Senior Day was observed on first Sunday.Mothers’ day was highlighted by recognition of all Mothers’. The Oldest Mother and Youngest Mother received corsages. They were…. Oldest Mother, Mrs. Myrtle Hatfield and Youngest Mother, Sherry Youmans.

Baby Dedication was held on Mothers Day with the dedication of Christian Keith Ledrick and Brianna Marie Youmans.

We recognized our graduates with gifts

Our 59th Homecoming services were held with Bro. Ken Danuser as our speaker. Dinner was served after the services. At the 59th Homecoming, May 17, 2009, the longest membership still attending our church were recognized. They are as follows: Gene & Claudette Vance 8/09/1951, JoAnn Smith, 10/15/1954, Jimmy Youmans 7/10/1955, GW.Young 4/26/1956, Myrtle Hatfield 10/10/1956, Betty Young 11/24/1956 and Sheila Youmans 04/14/1957 and our newest & Youngest member Emily Harrison joined on 4/19/2009 and baptized on 4/26/2009.

Church approved furnishing 2 meals to Camp Christian for the church youth.

The Relay for Life team received a quilt from Mr. Byron McCook which belonged to Mrs. Marion McCook and the Quilting Ladies placed a backing on the quilt. It was on display at the Relay for Life. Donations were taken for a drawing for the winner of the quilt. It was won by Mrs. Julia Alderman and who gave it to her niece who had cancer.


Page 17: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

The WMU prepared baskets for the Wilkinson County Teachers Appreciation Activity. The teachers were very appreciative of these thoughtful gifts.

Our average Sunday School Attendance was 92 for the month.

June 2009 A committee was formed to develop a church website.

Reta Smith was chosen to chair the committee to archive the Church Historical records. Pat Brooks and Roy Mixon were selected as committee members.

We had 18 Youth and 3 Leaders to attend IMPACT.

The church approved sending funeral flowers to any former pastor or his spouse when thy pass away.

Average Sunday School Attendance was 93 for the month.

Vacation Bible School was held June 7th thru 11th for the Youth and May 30th thru June 2nd for the Adults.

July 2009 Four Sunday School Teachers were approved to attend the Sunday School Leadership Training at Toccoa in September.

A Mother-Daughter weekend at Camp Pinnacle was attended by several Mothers and Daughters. A good time was had by all who attended.

Our Veterans were recognized on July 5th.

Reta Smith and Pat Brooks were approved to attend the Georgia Baptist History Conference.

Sunday School average attendance was 87 for the month.

August 2009 The church approved the purchasing of a new church computer and printer for the Office of the Pastor.

The website is still being worked on by Scott Brooks. The website will be

We lost our Pianist, Sheila Youmans to cancer on August 17th. Her service was conducted by Bro. Mike Woodham and Bro. Dan Hodges.

We collected supplies for the Georgia Baptist Children’s home and they were combined with other churches in the association.

Our oldest member, Mrs. Myrtle Hatfield, had her 90th birthday the 23rd of this month.

September 2009 Mrs. Hatfield’s family gave her a 90th Birthday Reception in the church Fellowship Hall. A birthday cake and light refreshments were served to the guest.


Page 18: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

We had an appreciation Fish Fry for all our county 911 First Responders. Music was provided by the Cumbie Family, a Southern Gospel group from Vada, Georgia.

Kaylee’s Kisses had a cookout for Type 1, Juvenile Diabetes. Kaylee Brooks received the donations which were given to the Juvenile Diabetes Association.

October 2009 It was time for “The Operation Christmas Child” to be started where we send shoeboxes with Christmas and everyday items to children overseas that live in poor countries.

Our Fall Festival was a big hit with all the children. They did not mind playing games, making craft, and generally enjoying themselves on the inside since it was raining that day and the Festival was unable to be taken outside.

Evening Services time has changed to 6:00 PM because of daylight savings time.

November 2009 Baptist Women, WMU, observed World Day of Prayer at Mt. Pleasant Baptist church.

Several of our members attended and enjoyed the Dallas Holm concert at the Gordon Methodist Church.

The Youth began a project to send Care Packages to the Military for Christmas.

The HILLTOPPERS, our senior group, met with a program called “Ears that can’t hear”.

Thanksgiving was observed November 22nd with a church wide fellowship supper for our congregation.

The Children’s choir had their Christmas program “Hanging of the Greens” led by Mrs. Amy Woodham on the 29th with finger food and fellowship after the program in the Fellowship Hall.

Our WMU observed the Week of Prayer and Mission Study on International Missions the week of November 29th through December 6th.

December 2009

Clint Hardie, our Music Director, led our Choir in presenting their cantata, “Emmanuel” at the morning services on December 6th.

Our Deacons and their wives enjoyed a catered Christmas Supper in our Fellowship Hall .

“All About Kids” held their Christmas Celebration December 11th.

Brother Michael, Amy and girls invited church members to drop by their home for Christmas refreshments. It was attended by many church members who enjoyed delicious refreshments.


Page 19: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

“The Nativity Story” movie was shown by Brother Michael on the 23rd.

A special Communion Service was observed on Christmas Eve.

Ivey Baptist car tags are still available from the church Youth.

The GA’s delivered Christmas Cards within the church to help make up money for Lottie Moon.

The HILLTOPPERS had their Christmas Party on the night of December 18th.

Our WMU ladies had their Christmas Social at Emma and Carl Snows home.

Our Brotherhood met and prepared fruit baskets for the shut-ins for Christmas.

In the 2009 – 2010 church Year – We lost one Member Dorothy Carden who went to be with our Lord. We had 5 join by moving their letters to Ivey Baptist and we had 7 join by Baptism.

January 2010 The HILLTOPPER’S program on the 19th was “Kick off the new year with GOD as your quarterback”.

Revival services were held the week of January 3rd through 6th with Bro. Tom Anderson as our guest speaker.

The final Lottie Moon offering collected was $3271.00.

A baby shower was given for Jenny Brooks and baby boy Joel Brooks.

The WMU had Mrs. Anne Asbell as their guest speaker.

Church members can now sign up for the Wednesday night suppers on our church website.

February 2010 The WMU prepared “Birthday Party Bags” for DFACS.

An invitation was received from Mrs. Martha Lord’s family inviting the church to attend her 90th Birthday Party at the Bolingbroke Nursing Home.

The Ivey Youth started their Fundraiser for IMPACT by serving dinner after church for donations one Sunday.

Casey Young volunteered to be the new Relay for Life Team Leader for the church team.

March 2010 A former member, Kasey Granade McInnis, was given a baby shower. She was expecting a little girl.

The Season of Prayer for North American Missions was held the week of March 7th thru 13th. The North American Mission Study was given by the WMU on March 9th.


Page 20: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

As one of the fundraisers for Relay for Life, we had Tacky Tie Day at church for several weeks. People made donations to the person they thought had the tackiest tie. Mr. Clint Hardie was the winner.

Daylight Savings Time started March 14th and evening services will begin at 7:00 pm.

Our HILLTOPPERS attended the Ebenezer Association Senior Adult Services and Luncheon at Mt. Zion March 16th.

The Associational Parade of Choirs presented by our own G.W. Young, Associational Song Director, was held at Mt. Zion Church. Our choir was present with Clint Hardie directing. We had several church choirs present and everyone seem to enjoy the good music and children’s music that was heard that night. It was good service attended by over 400 people even with the rainy weather that night.

Youth Sunday was observed March 21st.

The associational VBS Workshop was also held at Gordon First Baptist Church March 21st .

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering was started this month.

The church purchased Usher Handbooks for Usher training.

The associational “Spring Inspiration Meeting” was held at Irwinton Baptist Church on March 23rd.

“Christ In The Passover” was presented by Mark Landrum a Christian Jew on March 25th He described the Jewish symbols used in the Passover.

April 2010 We observed The Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday.

Easter Sunrise Services with the Gordon Baptist and Gordon Methodist were held at our church.

To make up money for IMPACT the Youth had a bake sale at the Gordon Bank.

Our Relay for Life Team had two fundraisers this month. They were a Ride for Life Motorcycle Rally and a Fish Fry/Silent Auction.

The Brotherhood had as their special guest speaker, Randy Dominy.

Our HILLTOPPERS enjoyed “A Taste of New Orleans” with G.W. Young and Nancy Hogue presenting a musical and a Cajun lunch furnished by the HILLTOPPER committee.

Kasey Granade McInnis had a baby girl. Her name is Brinley.


Page 21: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Choir practice was moved to Wednesday night during the month of May because of the many other services being held during May.

May 2010 A ladies brunch was enjoyed May 1st with special music and a guest speaker. Sheila Youmans family was recognized at the luncheon with flower corsages.We observed Senior Adult Day on May 2nd. With Mrs. Emma Snow giving her testimony, Mrs. Annette Bloodworth remembering Sheila Youmans and telling of her memories of her friendship with Sheila. She also told many funny descriptions of a Senior Adult. Billy Wilkes sang a special for the seniors.

We had Mothers Day and Baby Dedication on May 9th, Mothers Day. The Children’s Choir sang two specials for the mothers. Plants were given to the Oldest Mother, Mrs. Calvert (93) and one to our Children’s Choir Director, Mrs. Amy Woodham, for her dedication in working with our children’s choir. The following babies were dedicated, Joel Brooks (son of Matt and Jenny Brooks), Emma Harrell (daughter of Kayleigh Walker and Seth Harrell), and Avery Youmans (daughter of Josh and Rachel Youmans.

The Associational Mission Celebration was held May 11th at Ivey with a supper being provided for everyone before the Mission Celebration Services.

The Brotherhood had a Hot dog and Hamburgers with the all the trimmings “Lupper” (Lunch and Supper) get together at 4:00 pm on May 15th for our members and former pastors and their wives who wanted to come to Homecoming but were unable to be here on Sunday.

Bro. Joey Smith, our former pastor, was our guest speaker at our 60th Homecoming Celebration.

Our graduates were recognized on May 23rd with a gift from the church.

June 2010Adult VBS was held June 1-3rd and Childrens VBS was held June 13 – 17, 2010. It was a great attendance as always.

July 20, 2010 Hilltoppers put on “Celebrate America”. It was fun trying to figure out who was dressed as the different Americans, Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross, George Washington, Davy Crockett and Paul Revere. Gwen Lassetter stepped back in as Director of our skits after a long absent.

August 2010The church decided to stop mail out of our monthly newsletter and put in on the web site for the members to see. Mail out was still available to any who did not have access to Computer.

September 2010The men of the church participated in “Bigger Breakfast”, all Southern Baptist men getting together all over US, Canada, Europe and Africa for a simultaneous Breakfast. It was held at Ivey Baptist and was a huge success.

Vera Wood celebrated 42 years of perfect attendance during the 2009 -2010 awards.


Page 22: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

December 2010The children of the church put on a Cantata under the direction of Amy Woodham, “How Far is it to Bethlehem” on Dec 12th. The Adult Christmas under the direction of Clint Hardie was on Dec 19th.


In 2010 – 2011 Church Year - We lost Mark Smith, Georgia Lou Young, John Simmons, Mary Sanders, James Sheppard, Betty Layson and Martha Fountain as they went to be with our Lord.We had 8 baptized, and 14 people move their letters to Ivey Baptist.

In 2011 our Deacons had the congregation to fill our survey forms “How to Handle our Cup Overflow” We had to make some decisions about the church growth. It was a wonderful problem but we needed to get a handle on it. From the surveys it was suggested that we go to Two Services. One before Sunday School and one after Sunday School as usual. Another suggestion was to utilize the TV in the fellowship room and pipe the services into the room. We could have it set up in a manner to simulate being in the sanctuary as possible. Having a song leader, and etc in the back. This was left for prayerful consideration.

Revival Services were held on Mar 13 – 16, 2011. Rev Tim Oliver, from Lakeside Baptist , was guest speaker.

Sunrise services were held at Gordon United Methodist Church with Gordon Baptist providing the music and Ivey Baptist, Michael Woodham providing the message.

Our youth went on a trip to New Orleans. LA on July 4-9th, 2011 on a mission trip.

GA Mother and Daughter Luncheon by Gail Lavender, May 7th . Guest Speaker was Toni Slade.

Suzanne Brooks started a Book Swap and ask anyone to bring in any religious or inspirational books in to share with others. It is set up in one of the Sunday School Rooms.

61st Homecoming was held on May 15th 2011 with G.B. Howell, former pastor ,as our guest speaker. Omega, Southern Gospel Sing Group, preformed for us during the Homecoming. We had a record attendance.

Ivey called a Youth Pastor on June 1, 2011. Andrew Parish and his wife Holly moved to the community in Holiday Hills.

VBS in 2011, had the adults and the children attending at the same time. June 12-16th. Beach Blast was just that. We had a blast with record attendance as usual. Over 200 enroll with attendance of 150-160 each night.

Lynn Lamb went to Ghana West Africa on mission trip with coast for Christ in late July, The church took up a love offering to help with the expenses.


Page 23: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Aug 2011 the church participated in the truck loading for the GA Baptist Children’s Home.

In Sept 2011, our Acteens started back up after a long absent. It was headed by Gail Lavender.for girls 7th – 12th Grade.

Sept 25, 2011 Michael Woodham left our church as pastor and went to Elba, AL to First Baptist Church of Elba. He felt the need to be closer to his and Amy’s parents as they were ill. A farewell dinner was given to the Woodham’s to wish them well in their endeavor.

In Oct 2011

Andrew Parish, Youth Pastor, was ordained at First Baptist Church of Centerville on Oct 16, 2011.

We formed a Pastor Search Committee consisting with the Church Council Members.

Theresa Ledrick set up CPR Classes for the members in the church on Oct. 8th in the fellowship hall. This was not certified but to help the members know what to do in certain situations.

WMU visited Toomsboro Nursing Home taking hats, caps and hoods for the residents.

Fall Festival was held Oct 29 – We had a Trunk or Treat, played games, eat and dressed in friendly costumes.

Nov 2011

International Mission Study was held at Ivey Baptist on Nov 15th with Bob Murphy and wife as guest speakers.

Dec 2011

Brotherhood fixed Christmas Baskets for all the widows and shut ins in our church.

Children’s Christmas Cantata was held 12/11, “sounds of Christmas” Adult Christmas Cantata was held Dec 18th.

Youth went to Move Conference on Dec 29-30th.


The Pastor Search committee is meeting every Monday night as we go through the process of finding a new pastor. We have set up supply pastors for each of the services and continue to get resumes for new pastor.


Page 24: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Feb 2012

Otis Andrews former pastor was guest speaker at Hilltoppers Luncheon. He entertain us with his humor.

New Member Class – to learn Baptist Beliefs and Doctrine, was set up by Clint Hardie and Scott Brooks for any new members to attend.

Feb 19th The church called Bob Hamilton, Jr as Interim Pastor. He and his wife Towana and two girls came into our church and he held the pulpit until we could call a pastor.

March 2012The church started a bowling league under the direction of Bill Nissley at Baldwin Bowling. Ivey had 3 teams to sign up.

May 2012May 20th 62 nd Homecoming, Rev Dan Danuser was Guest Speaker. Since he was Pastor of the church during the time we built on to the church fellowship hall and remodeled the Sanctuary, the church felt it appropriate that he be at the church for the note burning for the loan. Also in attendance were Rev Freddy Hogg and his family.

Ivey Baptist Church has called Rev Freddy Hogg as pastor. He will begin on May 27, 2012. They will move from Pinehurst, GA. Bro Freddy his wife Lynn and Casey will be coming to Ivey in May. He has a daughter Gina and son in law Jim who live in Atlanta.

The Pastorium was renovated in preparation for our new pastor. It had not been remodeled since it was built in the 60’s. Wall were taken down floors were replaced, bathroom was added and every room in the house had a make over.

The Lord has really blessed Ivey Baptist Church with a loving, caring and giving Church Family. May the Church have many more years of growth and prosperity and win many souls to add to our family.


Page 25: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Sunday School Directors1950 – Present

(1966 List of Officers was never listed in the minutes)

E. S. Youmans.....................................................................................1950 - 1952

Hubert Lord .....................................................................................1953 - 1954

Darrell P Carr .................................................................................................1955

Winfred Young....................................................................................1956 - 1960

J. J. Davis .................................................................................................1961

Winfred Young....................................................................................1962 - 1963

Dennis Holder......................................................................................1964 - 1971

Jimmy Youmans..................................................................................1972 - 1976

Dennis Holder .....................................................................................1976 – 1978

Alton Parker .....................................................................................1978 - 1980

Ronnie Granade...................................................................................1980 - 1983

Roy H. Mixon......................................................................................1983 - 1994

Michelle Yaun.................................................................................................1995

Gus Brooks ......................................................................................1996- 2001

Scott Brooks........................................................................................2002 – 2006

Gus Brooks......................................................................................2006 – Present


Page 26: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Training Union Directors1950 - 1985

(1966 List of Officers was never listed in the minutes)

Orace L. Brooks...................................................................................1950 - 1952

Mrs. Marion McCook..........................................................................1953 - 1954

Mrs. Flossie Youmans.....................................................................................1955

Orace L. Brooks...................................................................................1956 - 1961

G. W. Young .................................................................................................1962

Bearl Smith..........................................................................................1963 - 1964

W. Hubert Lord....................................................................................1965 - 1966

Mrs. Mildred Daniel........................................................................................1967

G. W. Young .....................................................................................1968 - 1969

Roy H. Mixon .....................................................................................1970 - 1972

Mrs. Marion McCook..........................................................................1973 - 1976

Jimmy Youmans.............................................................................................1977

W. Hubert Lord...............................................................................................1978

Billy Gay .......................................................................................................1979

Jimmy Youmans...................................................................................1980- 1982

Mark Brantley.......................................................................................1983 -1984

Charter Discontinued......................................................................................1985


Page 27: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

PIANIST1950 - Present

(1966 List of Officers were never listed in minutes)

Mrs Gladys Brooks.........................................................................................................1950 - 1954

Mrs. Martha Lord...........................................................................................................1955 - 1961

Paul McCook..................................................................................................................1962 - 1963

Mrs. Shelia Youmans.....................................................................................................1964 - 1968

Miss Vera Dodge............................................................................................................1969 - 1970

Mrs. Sheila Youmans.....................................................................................................1971 – 2009

Mrs. Laurie Parkman..................................................................................................2009 - Present


(1966 List of Officers were never listed in the minutes)

Wilburn Brooks..............................................................................................................1950 - 1951

Johnny Brooks.....................................................................................................10/1952 – 11/1952

W. Hubert Lord...............................................................................................................1952 - 1972

G. W. Young..................................................................................................................1973 – 2005

Clint Hardie.................................................................................................................2005 - Present


Page 28: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

TREASURERS1950 – Present

J. B. Youmans.................................................................................................................1950 - 1951

Darrell P. Carr.................................................................................................................1952 - 1954

Cosby Holland................................................................................................................1955 - 1958

Gean Hatfield.............................................................................................................................1959

J. B. Youmans.................................................................................................................1960 - 1964

G. W. Young...................................................................................................................1965 - 1969

Guerry Holder.................................................................................................................1970 - 1975

Fred Bloodworth.............................................................................................................1976 - 1982

Lloyd Hatfield............................................................................................................................1983

Fred Bloodworth.............................................................................................................1984 - 1985

Rohm Flanders................................................................................................................1986 - 1988

Lloyd Hatfield................................................................................................................1989 – 1996

Dorothy Emminger....................................................................................................................1997

Don Sexton.................................................................................................................................1998

Tammy Gilbert...........................................................................................................................1999

Glenda Young..................................................................................................................2000 -2001

Lloyd Hatfield..............................................................................................................2002- Present

SECRETARYOctober 1998 – Present

Pat Brooks......................................................................................................................1998 – 2001

Reta Smith......................................................................................................................2002 – 2006

Bonnie Sturgeon.....................................................................................................2006 – Jan. 2010

Reta Smith...................................................................................................February 2010 - Present


Page 29: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Clerks1950 – Present

O.L. Brooks...............................................................................................................................1950

Wilbur Brooks............................................................................................................................1951

Mrs. Eleanor Brooks..................................................................................................................1952

Mrs. Martha Lord...........................................................................................................1953 - 1954

Carlton Lavender.......................................................................................................................1955

Fred Bloodworth.............................................................................................................1956 - 1958

W. Hubert Lord..........................................................................................................................1959

Mrs. Martha Lord...........................................................................................................1960 - 1962

Fred Bloodworth.............................................................................................................1963 - 1965

Charlene Holder..............................................................................................................1966 - 1970

Roy H. Mixon.................................................................................................................1971 - 1978

Linda Hubbard................................................................................................................1979 - 1980

Bearl Smith.....................................................................................................................1981 - 1982

Tasha B. Brookins......................................................................................................................1983

Robin Veal.......................................................................................................................1984 -1985

Gail Granade..............................................................................................................................1986

Betty Watson..................................................................................................................1987 - 1989

Marion McCook.........................................................................................................................1990

Towanna Brown.........................................................................................................................1991

JoAnn Smith...................................................................................................................1992 - 1993

Glenda Young...........................................................................................................................1994

Lynn Lamb.................................................................................................................................1995

Betty Thomas..................................................................................................................1996 - 1998

Roy H. Mixon................................................................................................................1999 – 2005

Charlene Holder...............................................................................................................2006- 2011

Reta Smith........................................................................................................................2011-2012

Pat Brooks...................................................................................................................2012- Present



Page 30: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

(As remembered by Marion McCook)Jerrell Pritchett.......................................................................................1957Billy Searcy............................................................................................1977Otis Andrews.........................................................................................1978Paul McCommon...................................................................................1979Tom Hood ..............................................................................................1980Tom Hood ..............................................................................................1981Pete Cliett ..............................................................................................1982

............................................................................1983Woody Woodfin.....................................................................................1984Otis Andrews.........................................................................................1985Jerrell Pritchett.......................................................................................1986Steve Krysalka.......................................................................................1987Wesley Long..........................................................................................1988Woody Woodfin.....................................................................................1989Jack Brannan..........................................................................................1990Rick Coram............................................................................................1991G.B. Howell...........................................................................................1992Woody Woodfin.....................................................................................1993Kerry Bunn.............................................................................................1994G. B. Howell..........................................................................................1995Woody Woodfin.....................................................................................1996Kyle Woodfin.........................................................................................1997John Stanley...........................................................................................1998John Granade.........................................................................................1999Jerrell Pritchett.......................................................................................2000Joey Smith..............................................................................................2001Kerry Bunn.............................................................................................2002John Granade.........................................................................................2003G. B. Howell..........................................................................................2004Kyle Woodfin.........................................................................................2005John Granade.........................................................................................2006Kyle Woodfin.........................................................................................2007Dan Hodges............................................................................................2008Ken Danuser...........................................................................................2009Joey Smith..............................................................................................2010G B Howell............................................................................................2011Ken Danuser...........................................................................................2012

WMU Director


Page 31: Church Covenant Histor…  · Web viewWe moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the

Gladys Brooks.................................................................................................................1972 -1977

Eleanor Brooks.................................................................................................................1977-1978

Myrtle Wood.....................................................................................................................1978-1993

Brenda Broach...................................................................................................................................

Audrey Aslinger...............................................................................................................2001-2005

Julia Alderman...............................................................................................................2005 – 2007

Mary Helen Rathbone...............................................................................................2007 – Present

VBS Director........................................................................................................................1972-1973


Neal Ginn ........................................................................................................................1974-1975

Linda Hubbard..................................................................................................................1975-1977

Myrtle Wood.....................................................................................................................1977-1990

Annette Bloodworth.........................................................................................................1990-1993


Lisa Brooks, Sandy Youmans, Suzanne Brooks..............................................................2002-2003

Lisa Kitchens....................................................................................................................2003-2006

Gail Lavender..............................................................................................................2006- Present

Brotherhood DirectorD. P. Carr ......................................................................................................................1956 – 1957

Winfred Young..........................................................................................................................1958

Bearl Smith......................................................................................................................1975 -1977

Julian Floyd......................................................................................................................1977-1979


Gene Carr ........................................................................................................................1980-1982

Ronnie Granade................................................................................................................1982-1984


John Richards.....................................................................................................................................

James Sheppard................................................................................................................................-

Danny Young.................................................................................................................2009 – 2010

Matt Gibbs...................................................................................................................2010- Present