church history part 3 the reformation in europe. 10 th february 2008clogher valley bible class the...

CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe

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Page 1: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar



The Reformation in Europe

Page 2: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

THE SCHOLAR ERASMUSAlthough not a believer this scholar assisted the Reformers in two ways:He wrote against the immorality of the church.He was responsible for the first printed Greek New Testament in 1516 which was the basis of the Reformation Bible translations.

Page 3: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Martin Luther

Page 4: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Luther’s Early YearsHis Father was a miner who aspired that his son would study law.He completed his law degree at the University of Erfurt.As a result of being stirred by God’s Word, the death of a friend and being frightened in a thunderstorm he promised to become a monk.

Page 5: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Spiritual StrugglesAt the Augustinian Monastery he observed every rule but he still had no peace.John Staupitz, head of the Augustinians in Germany, persuaded him to enter the priesthood.Staupitz persuaded Duke Frederick of Saxony to take Luther into his new university at Wittenberg as a teacher.

Page 6: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Light Begins To ShineStaupitz encouraged Luther to seek God’s forgiveness without it being earned.Luther also received from this man a gift of the Bible.The words, “the just shall live by faith”, would become his motto.His faith was small however and would have to mature.

Page 7: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Visiting RomeHe was sent on a pilgrimage to the “Holy City”.He visited as many churches, received as many masses and said as many prayers as were possible.He was filled with doubts when climbing what is allegedly Pilate’s staircase hoping to release his Grandfather from Purgatory.He would later claim that Rome is fit to be built over Hell.

Page 8: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Decisive MomentIn 1512 he became a Doctor of Theology and began preaching.

He spent the next 5 years studying God’s Word.

He became enraged by Tetzel, the Papal envoy, and his indulgences which he was selling to build St Peter’s.

He chose 31st October as the moment to oppose this practice by nailing his 95 arguments to the church door.

Page 9: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Conflict with the Church

After Luther refused to change a Papal Bull was issued in 1520.

All of Luther’s writings were to be destroyed.

Luther burned the Bull and renounced the Pope as Antichrist.

Page 10: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Diet of Worms

“Since your most Serene Majesty, andYour High Mightiness, require fromme a direct and precise answer, I willgive you one, and it is this. I cannot submit my faith either to the Pope or tothe Councils, because it is clear as daythey have frequently erred and contradicted each other. Unless,therefore, I am convinced by thetestimony of Scripture, or on plain andclear grounds of reason, so thatconscience shall bind me to makeacknowledgment of error, I can and Will not retract, for it is neither safe nor wise to do anything contrary toconscience. HERE I STAND. I CAN DO NO OTHER. MAY GOD HELP ME. AMEN.”

Page 11: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The WartburgAfter the Diet Luther was kidnapped by the Duke’s soldiers for his safety.

He was hidden in a castle called the Wartburg for one year.

It was here that he translated the Scriptures into German.

Page 12: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Luther’s Years of ServiceHe married Catherine Von Bora, an escaped Nun.His colleague, Philip Melancthon, said that prior to this happy occasion Luther neither made his bed nor changed it for one year and that it was mildewed with his perspiration!He wrote many books including his Larger and Shorter Catechisms and “The Bondage of the Will”. John Wesley was converted through his Comentary on Galatians.He was a musician and a poet writing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”.

He died in 1546.

Page 13: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Ulrich Zwingli

Zwingli was born in Northern Switzerland.

The writings of Wycliffe and Huss opened his mind to the errors of the church.

He publicly opposed the work of a seller of indulgences.

Page 14: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

A Fruitful MinistryIn 1519 he became a priest and agreed to preach in Zurich as long as he was free to proclaim the gospel.Great crowds heard him preach.The Bishop opposed Zwingli but the city supported the preacher and his influence was consolidated.

Page 15: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Protesters SeparateZwingli and Luther agreed on many points.

There were differences particularly on the nature of the Lord’s Table.

The two men met but there was no agreement.

Luther said that Zwingli had a different spirit.

Page 16: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Reformed Church Is Born

The Swiss brethren formed a new church.

It was called the Reformed Church.

This was different from the Lutheran Church in Germany.

Page 17: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

TragedyThe Catholic cantons of Switzerland enlisted the help of Catholic Austria to oppose the Protestants.God’s people were persecuted and murdered and civil war ensued.8,000 Catholic soldiers invaded Zurich and Zwingli joined the small army enlisted to oppose this assault as a chaplain.He was quartered and his remains mixed with dung.Luther believed it was wrong to take up arms to promote the gospel.

Page 18: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Helvetic ConfessionHenry Bullinger succeded Zwingli as leader.

He drew up a confession which all the reformed churches subscribed to.

It provided unity among brethren from Scotland, Poland, Hungary, the Rhineland as well as Switzerland.

Page 19: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

John Calvin

Born in France in 1509.

He was intended for the priesthood.

His Father quarrelled with the bishop and sent John to Orleans to study law.

Page 20: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Calvin’s ConversionHe became deeply influenced by the writings of the German Reformers.

He rarely spoke of his conversion but always described it as sudden or unexpected.

Protestantism has always been grateful for this event.

Page 21: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Escape From ParisAs a Parisian student he befriended the Protestants.He helped Nicholas Cop write his inaugural address as rector of the University.The arrest of both men was ordered as the speech attacked the Church.Both Cop and Calvin found refuge in Basel, Switzerland in 1535.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

William FarelCalvin stayed one night in Geneva en route to Strasbourg.William Farel, a fiery preacher challenged the 27 year old Calvin to stay and help him.Calvin was so shaken he was afraid to say no.

Page 23: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The LibertinesThe two men preached powerfully.

They desired that the lives of people would be changed.

They were opposed by the worldly libertines

The council asked the reformers to leave the city.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Return To GenevaThree years later the Church attempted to seize control of Geneva.

Friends of Calvin became councillors.

Calvin was invited back to the city.

He was resettled as the Church leader in September 1541.

Page 25: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

A City of ScholarsAfter Luther died in 1546 Calvin became the leader of Protestantism.English and Scottish refugees including John Knox found refuge and teaching here.It was here that the popular Geneva Bible was translated, in English, which had a profound influence upon the King James Version of 1611.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

A Bible Centred City3 services on Sundays.Services on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.17 sermons a week for 17,000 people.Fines for absenteesThe young were educated in literacy and the Scriptures.The university was the crown of the educational system.

Page 27: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

A Lasting LegacyCalvin’s concept of Church Government was introduced into Scotland by John Knox as Presbyterianism.

His strong emphasis on God’s Sovereignty has resulted in the doctrines of grace being nicknamed Calvinism although it would be better to call them Bible Truths.

He emphasised the centrality of God’s Word in worship.

He emphasised the three fold role of Christ as our Prophet, Priest and King; the all sufficient one upon whom we rest.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Faithful Unto DeathHe suffered greatly due to ill health.He endured loneliness with his wife dying after 9 years of marriage.He burned his life out for Christ dying at 57 years.He ordered that no stone mark his grave lest a memorial takes the eyes of the people away from the Scriptures.

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The Massacre of Saint Bartholomew

A Stain on French

and European History

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Spread of the Gospel in France

As a result of Luther’s influence Protestantism gained a firm hold in France.Francis 1st pursued a policy of persecution.By 1545 thousands had been burned and 22 towns and villages were destroyed.

Page 31: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Burning ChamberHenry 2nd followed the same policy as his father.He set up a special committee called “The Burning Chamber” to deal with Protestants.Calvin trained young Frenchmen to bring the gospel back to France.In 1559 Henry died at a tournament.

Page 32: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar

10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Huguenots

From 1560 the French Protestants became known as Huguenots.

They took their theology from Geneva.

They were dominated by the middle classes, tradesmen, lower nobility.

Few of the nobles and virtually none of the peasants espoused the Protestant faith.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

The Hugenot Leaders

Gaspard de Coligny,

Admiral of France

Louis de Bourbon,

Prince of Conde

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

A Country Torn Apart

From about 1560 France was dominated by Catherine de Medici.

She was the Regent as the mother of Charles 9th, only 10 years of age.

She pursued 30 years of war against the Huguenots.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

A Cunning PlotCatherine proposed that her daughter, Margaret, marry a Huguenot noble called Henry of NavarreShe claimed that this would create a peace treaty between the warring factions.All the prominent Huguenots were invited to Paris for the festivities.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

St Bartholomew Day, 24 August 1572

Catherine convinced her son of a Huguenot plot.

He signed a deed ordering that all Protestants be killed.

At midnight the Paris mobs slaughtered Huguenots wholesale.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Joy in the VaticanGregory 13th ordered a salute to be fired.

Rome was lit for 3 nights.

The bells were rang.

Medals was struck in memory of the event.

They included an angel carrying a sword and a cross.

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10th February 2008 Clogher Valley Bible Class

Grace and Judgement2 out of 3 Protestants in Paris escaped.Only 2 pastors were killed.Merlin hid in a barn for 3 days where he ate the daily egg laid by a hen.Protestant witness continued until 1685 when they were finally driven from the nation.

Charles 9th died in 1574 at the age of 24.

He was plagued with nightmares about the night of the massacre.

Catherine died in 1589 hated by all both Protestants and Catholics.

Page 39: CHURCH HISTORY PART 3 The Reformation in Europe. 10 th February 2008Clogher Valley Bible Class THE SCHOLAR ERASMUS Although not a believer this scholar