church of st. joseph · 5.07.2020  · your masterpiece could be entered in the ave maria guild art...

FOURTEENTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME JULY 5, 2020 INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND Church of St. Joseph Wurtsboro, NY 180 Sullivan St., Wurtsboro, NY 12790 P. O. Box 277 (845) 888-4522 (845) 888-5072 FAX

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Page 1: Church of St. Joseph · 5.07.2020  · your masterpiece could be entered in the Ave Maria Guild Art Show the weekend of August 1 & 2 !! We begin at 6:30 PM and the event lasts about



JULY 5, 2020


Church of St. Joseph Wurtsboro, NY

180 Sullivan St., Wurtsboro, NY 12790 P. O. Box 277

(845) 888-4522 (845) 888-5072 FAX

Church of St. Joseph Wurtsboro, NY

180 Sullivan St., Wurtsboro, NY 12790 P. O. Box 277

(845) 888-4522 (845) 888-5072 FAX

Page 2: Church of St. Joseph · 5.07.2020  · your masterpiece could be entered in the Ave Maria Guild Art Show the weekend of August 1 & 2 !! We begin at 6:30 PM and the event lasts about



Weekend Masses, Fourteenth Sunday in___ ___ Ordinary Time

Saturday, July 4: 5:00 PM For the People of the USA Sunday, July 5: 9:00 AM Janet Maresca 11:00 AM For the People of the USA

Monday, July 6___ 8:00 Evelyn Sheahan

Tuesday, July 7__ 8:00 Rita & Henry Lukas

Wednesday, July 8___ 8:00 Ralph & Margarete Striano ( from 4/28 )

Thursday, July 9___ 8:00 June C. Motl

Friday, July 10__ 8:00 Mary Griffin ( from 3/18 )

No Mass celebrated on Saturday Mornings__

Weekend Masses, Fifteenth Sunday in___ ___ Ordinary Time

Saturday, July 11: 5:00 PM Brian Rogers Sunday, July 12: 9:00 AM Stanley Hunko 11:00 AM Dominick Velardo, Sr.

Please pray for all our deceased parishioners, benefactors, relatives and friends, especially: Dante LaCatena. Please pray for those who are ill, especially: Miskit Airth; Brian Amrhein; Anita Auer; Robert Banks; the Berchtold Family; Sue Berry; Sharon Bierman; Dolores Bonpietro; Ed Boyle; Doris Buesing; Frank Caramico; Albert Caravello; Adeline Carbone; Tucker Carr; James Carney; Lottie Carney; Ronald Carr; Thomas Cashman; Nicholas Cetera; Adelina Rose Ciarelli; Nickolas Civi-tano; Rocky Collins; Mikie Congemi; Carl Consolo; Donna Consolo; Paula Cornine; Thomas Coughlin; Anna Courneya; William Cronic; Sue Currier; Donna Dalton; Jeannine Davis; Reilly Davis; Rosemarie Delia; Joan DeLizza; Carol Diamond; Christine Dobbs; Nancy Donohue; Thomas Dunn; Connie Durante; Jerry Earl; Larry Eisen; Josephine Emanuele; Buddy Fahey; Nellie Fahy; Rev. John Fan-ning; Roger Fiat; Shawn Finneran; Jennifer Florio; Joe Franklin; Jake Gabriel; Lawrence Gallott; Jim & Pat Gatens; Kevin Garvey; Matthew Germann; Amy Giuseffi; John Giustiniani; Dillon Gleason; Erik Godfrey; Alex Goodman; Jenna Graham; Robert Green; Karen Hackett; Mark Hairie; Jack Haley; Josh Harrison; Jill Hey; Steven Higgins; Theresa Higgins; Ola Hillar; Dennis Holohan; James Hol-den; Maggie Horne; Brenda Jansons; Conchita Javier; Cliff Jessup; Beatrice Johnson; Carolyn Johnson; Colin Johnston; Fred & Mar-garet Kinsella; Russell Kinsella; Patricia Kirby; Aidan Kokakis; Alfred Kramer; Ron Kramer; Patricia & Ed Krekorian; Kate Labuda; Pat Lawler; Verdanna Lawrence; Rick Lewis; Robert Linzer; John Longo; Mr. Lynn; William Maher; Diana Martinez; Eileen Mary-Rose; Tracy Motley; Tandy McClung; Rosemary McCormick; Eddie & Patricia (Ryan) McKay; Maree McKinney; Terry Mills; Mickey Mirra; Dawn Montforte; Liz Moore; Kenneth Moore; Robert Morris; Brian Mortonson; Jennifer Motillo; Eileen Murphy; Sr. Mary Murray, OP; Sharon Nelson; Margaret Nichols; Carol Niedermeyer; Carole O’Neill; Richard Ortiz; Donald Paccione, Sr.; Piper Paddock; Patricia Parish; Meredith Parks; Bobby Patchuoli; Florence Penzo; Susan & Janet Peters; Eileen & John Pinsl; Larry Polsky; Gerry Ragusa; Regina Rahilly; Carolyn Ramsay; Thomas Reinholz; John Rivera; Linda Roosa; Vivian Rutherford; Ed Ryan; Marie Sabastiano; Susan Sheridan; Fran Spielhagen; Loretta Spordone; Joan Springwalt; Aimee Swift; William Tappan; Gloria Taylor; Therese Van DeBogart; Louis Vega; Christian Vidale; Rita Volpe; Mary Wardell; Joel & Joan Welsh; William Wetzel; Linda Williams; John Williamson; Evelyn Young.

“150 CLUB” NEWS_____ The $ 50 winner for June 28 was # 31, Paul Ross. The Indepedence Day, July 4, prize of $ 50 went to # 56, Mary Radulski. Our traditional Grand Drawing BBQ cannot be held this July. Just this once, we will “pay it forward,” using the money saved from the BBQ to discount membership in the next Club to $ 20. This “special offer” also may encourage new members. Our “re-up” letter should be in the mail early in July. For more information, please call Kate at 888-2652. HOLY NAME SOCIETY NEWS The St. Joseph Holy Name Society attends the 9 AM Mass next Sunday, July 12. The monthly meeting takes place at 7 PM on Monday, July 13. Masks will be worn and proper distancing observed.


Page 3: Church of St. Joseph · 5.07.2020  · your masterpiece could be entered in the Ave Maria Guild Art Show the weekend of August 1 & 2 !! We begin at 6:30 PM and the event lasts about


6:30 PM, $ 35 It’s summertime in the Catskills and, with social distancing, we have fewer options for summer fun -- so here’s one!. Paint a com-plete picture in just two hours !! . . . while hoisting a convivial glass. Not artistic! ? NO problem. Our

parishioner, Liz Maloney, will guide us through the painting while we sip our way to a fun evening and come away with a wonderful keepsake Or perhaps your masterpiece could be entered in the Ave Maria Guild Art Show the weekend of August 1 & 2 !! We begin at 6:30 PM and the event lasts about two hours. Cost is $ 35 which includes canvas, paints, instruc-tions, coffee, tea, other “beverages” and snacks. Due to “social distancing,” there is a limit of 25 par-ticipants and, as this “Bulletin” goes to press, masks are still the order of the day. Please call Mildred at 845-866-8011 to reserve brush and glass.

Holy Name Society LIMITED


First Prize - $ 1,000 Second prize - $ 500

$ 10 per chance / 3 for $ 25 Drawing: Sunday of

Columbus Day Weekend * *



This “Bulletin” went to press on Friday, June 26. The usual reports for the weekend of June 27 & 28 will appear in the “Bulletin” for July 12. We have incurred a service expense on our air conditioning systems totaling $ 2,750. The service revealed the need of some major repairs which will cost the parish almost $ 3,000. Can’t complain. The summer hall system is twenty years old; the church system, just a few years younger. They have served us well. The service call was paid from the parish operating funds. The repairs will have to be taken from our savings . . . unless an “angel” should suddenly appear. SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND____ Dual charity collections are very difficult. The Col-lection for the Black and Native American missions here in the USA is especially frought. On the one hand, the First People on reservations are, as a group,

the poorst of all our citizens. The Catholic presence is often their only refuge. On the other hand, the recent protests have shed light on the need for us to im-prove our concern for black Catholics and the parish-es that serve them. Do what you think best. We will split the income, -- plus a parish “tithe” of about 3 % of the Offertory -- between these two urgent causes. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !!___ The cover art on this week’s “Bulletin” is an en-graving taken from Norman Rockwell’s famous pat-riotic painting, “The Four Freedoms.” In our role as citizens of our wonderful country, we should keep in mind that, when the Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of any legitimate religious group or individual are threatened, then the civil liberties of all people are endangered. The “founding fathers,” whatever their personal Creed, were unanimous in their con-viction that “all men . . . are endowed by the Crea-tor . . . with certain unalienable rights.” The First Amendment to the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an estab-lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .” Religious liberty is the first liberty protected by this First Amend-ment. Its scope in-cludes more than just our ability to go to Mass on Sunday or pray the Rosary in private. It also encom- passes our ability to contribute freely to the “common good.” This puts our right and duty to engage in civic issues squaely under our right to religious freedom. People may differ sincerely and genuinely over the question of what precisely constitutes the “common good” in any given situation. We Catholics take our cue from the moral law and the teachings of the Church. But most people, no matter their religious affiation or lack thereof, can agree on a few basics: To ignore regulations put forth in order to protect people from disease and death does not meet the standard of the “common good.” Treating those sus-pected of breaking the law differently based on race, or apprehending any suspect with more force than ne-cessary, does not meet the standard of the “common good.” Attempting to circumvent people’s right to vote does not meet the standard of the “common good.” Withholding rescue and shelter from those fleeing oppression does not meet the standard of the “common good.” Turning a blind eye to the unjust taking of innocent life does not meet the standard of the “common good.”

Page 4: Church of St. Joseph · 5.07.2020  · your masterpiece could be entered in the Ave Maria Guild Art Show the weekend of August 1 & 2 !! We begin at 6:30 PM and the event lasts about
Page 5: Church of St. Joseph · 5.07.2020  · your masterpiece could be entered in the Ave Maria Guild Art Show the weekend of August 1 & 2 !! We begin at 6:30 PM and the event lasts about