church of st. paul the apostle · 2016-05-12 · o gracious lord! the holy spirit is ... which...

Page 1 May 15, 2016 PASTOR: Rev. Msgr. James F. Pereda, J.C.D. Sunday Assistance by the Marianist Fathers of the Meribah Province PARISH OFFICE Office: (516)935-1880 Monday: 1:00-4:00PM Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00AM to 12:00PM & 1:00 to 4:00 PM Friday, Saturday, Sunday by appointment only Mrs. Barbara Genna, Parish & Administrative Assistant OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Red Barn: (516)938-4530 Msgr. Mario C. Costa (Lower) Hall: (516)935-1902 Br. Joseph Bellizzi, S.M., DRE Mrs. Louise Shannon, Faith Formation Administrator ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PRESCHOOL Office: (516)935-4127 Mrs. Gayle Crimarco, Director Mrs. Debbie Oliva, Administrative A ssistant BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Office: (516)433-3575 Mr. Bart Piscitello DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL MUSIC Mr. Gary Ducoing (516)935-1880 COORDINATOR OF PARISH MINISTRIES Mrs. Linda Curro (516)935-1880 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM Weekday: Monday thru Friday: 8:00 AM First Saturday : 9:00AM Holy Day: As Announced PRAYER NOVENAS AFTER 8:00AM MASS MONDAY MIRACULOUS MEDAL TUESDAY MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP WEDNESDAY ST. JOSEPH THURSDAY SAINTS : Ann, Jude, Anthony & Peregrine FRIDAY SACRED HEART FIRST SATURDAY after 9:00AM Mass ROSARY IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA ROSARY: Daily after 8:00AM Mass ADORATION: 1st Friday 12:00-8:00PM SACRAMENTS CONFESSION: Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM BAPTISM: 1st & 3rd Sunday 1:00PM / 2nd & 4th Saturday 12 Noon MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance by calling the Parish Office for an appointment with the Pastor. At least one of the two people being married must be a parishioner of St. Pauls. Weddings are celebrated on Friday afternoons/evenings and on Saturday between the hours of 11:00AM and 3:00PM and on Sundays between 2:00PM and 4:00PM. Nuptial Masses are not celebrated on Sundays. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: First Saturday of every month 9:00AM in chapel Prior arrangements must be made with the Pastor. Church of St. Paul the Apostle 2534 Cedar Swamp Road, Brookville, N.Y. 11545 TEL: (516)935-1880 FAX: (516)938-3683 [email protected] PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016

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Page 1 May 15, 2016

PASTOR: Rev. Msgr. James F. Pereda, J.C.D.

Sunday Assistance by the Marianist Fathers of the Meribah Province

PARISH OFFICE Office: (516)935-1880 Monday: 1:00-4:00PM Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00AM to 12:00PM & 1:00 to 4:00 PM Friday, Saturday, Sunday by appointment only Mrs. Barbara Genna, Parish & Administrative Assistant

OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Red Barn: (516)938-4530 Msgr. Mario C. Costa (Lower) Hall: (516)935-1902 Br. Joseph Bellizzi, S.M., DRE Mrs. Louise Shannon, Faith Formation Administrator

ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PRESCHOOL Office: (516)935-4127 Mrs. Gayle Crimarco, Director Mrs. Debbie Oliva, Administrative Assistant

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Office: (516)433-3575 Mr. Bart Piscitello

DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL MUSIC Mr. Gary Ducoing (516)935-1880


MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM

Weekday: Monday thru Friday: 8:00 AM

First Saturday : 9:00AM

Holy Day: As Announced



ADORATION: 1st Friday 12:00-8:00PM

SACRAMENTS CONFESSION: Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM

BAPTISM: 1st & 3rd Sunday 1:00PM / 2nd & 4th Saturday 12 Noon

MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance by calling the Parish Office for an appointment with the Pastor. At least one of the two people being married must be a parishioner of St. Paul’s. Weddings are celebrated on Friday afternoons/evenings and on Saturday between the hours of 11:00AM and 3:00PM and on Sundays between 2:00PM and 4:00PM. Nuptial Masses are not celebrated on Sundays.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: First Saturday of every month 9:00AM in chapel Prior arrangements must be made with the Pastor.

Church of St. Paul the Apostle

2534 Cedar Swamp Road, Brookville, N.Y. 11545

TEL: (516)935-1880 • FAX: (516)938-3683

[email protected]


Page 2 May 15, 2016

PASTORAL COUNCIL Fred Tamburino, Chairperson

Peter Boyle Jesmel John

Jay Coronel Ann Kissell

Linda Curro Paula Maturo

Paula Dawson Anne Maione

Michael D’Costa Toni Romas

FINANCE COUNCIL Joseph Palumbo, Chairperson

Joseph Curro Roxann Romano

Thomas Fitzsimmons Stephen Roti

James Galante Ronald Schneider

Michael Maturo Joseph Spinnato

Richard O’Hara

TRUSTEES Joseph Palumbo Antony Kozhipatt



SICK OR DYING, CALL (516) 935-1880.


ALTAR GUILD contact: Ursula Coughlin (516)433-2450 ALTAR SERVERS contact: Ileana Perez-Castillo (516)822-4501 or email: [email protected] CENTERSTAGE contact: Toni Romas (516)551-4711 or email: [email protected] or Jim Black (516)384-9706 or email: [email protected] CHOIR meets Tuesdays at 7:30PM in Church - contact: Gary Ducoing (516)935-1880 JOB SEARCH contact: Gerard Wendelken for an appointment (516)364-0640 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meets 3rd Thursday of each month 7:30PM contact: Jim Galante, Grand Knight, (917)613-4971 or email: [email protected] SQUIRES meet 4th Fr iday of each month 7PM contact: Peter Boyle (516)937-6516 or email: [email protected] MARIAN GUILD meets 3rd Wednesday of each month 7PM - contact: Gina Cinelli (516)333-5611 MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION contact: Gina Cinelli (516)333-5611 OUTREACH contact: Rectory (516)935-1880 PRAYER GROUP meets Thursday 11:00AM in Chapel - contact: Elise LeVaillant (516) 433-3503 PRE CANA contact: Linda Curro (516)681- 4479 or email: [email protected] RCIA contact: Jesmel & Sachi B. (516)396-4505 SENIORS meet 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at 1PM - contact: Madeline Wilson (516)349-1017 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL / FOOD PANTRY - contact: Joe Curro through rectory (516)935-1880 TROOPS OF ST. GEORGE contact: Michael Musella (516)315-7204 YOUTH GROUP contact: Michaela Lynch (516)462-3130 USHERS: contact Peter Boyle (516)937-6516 or email: [email protected]


BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Andrew Coughlin, Chairperson

Jesse Cromer

Douglas Dawson

John DeMeo

Tom Fitzsimmons

Michael Lynch

Joe Palumbo

Ron Schneider

Page 3 May 15, 2016


Today we celebrate the glorious Solemnity of Pentecost which brings the Easter mystery to a wondrous and glorious conclusion. The Holy Spirit is poured forth upon the earth. We congratulate John Gangemi who will be baptized, confirmed and receive First Holy Communion at the 11.00AM Mass today. We congratulate John and his family.

O Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth:

You are everywhere present and fill all things.

Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life, come and dwell within us,

Cleanse us of all stain, and save our souls,

O Gracious Lord!

The Holy Spirit is the sanctifier who makes all the members of the Church holy. Thus do we have in our churches the images (statues, icons, paintings) of the saints to remind us that holiness can be and has been lived in the lives of individuals like ourselves. That is why the images of the saints in a church building are so important.

The church building is designed for the liturgy, which is the summit and font of our life. But it should also accommodate and support private or group devotions, which spring from the liturgy and lead back to it. These two elements of liturgy and devotion, which are related insofar as they feed one another spiritually, should be considered in the design of the Church. What better place to invoke the intercession of the saints than in the nave of the Church, in the presence of the altar and the site of the liturgy? To support devotion, chapels or devotional shrines should be integrated with, and distinguished from, the nave by being given their own place such as in niches, side walls, or separate chapels. It is not proper to relegate images of the saints to the least noticeable areas of the church (such as the rear).

Devotional images, including shrines to the Mother of God or to the saints, and Stations of the Cross, surround us with material images of the invisible reality – the communion of saints and the truths of the faith. Just as Mary always points us toward her Divine Son – Do whatever He tells you (John 2.6) – so these images of devotion point us toward their liturgical consummation: Christ’s Eucharistic sacrifice exemplified in the altar and tabernacle. In many ways the shrines become miniature churches, daughters of the main sanctuary, and in that way they help prepare us for, and remind us of, the centrality of the liturgy in the lives of the saints and in our lives.

When one walks through the portal of the Church, one has entered into the House of God the Gate of Heaven. At the great Basilica of Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain, there is at the central portal the glorious tree of life in stone. It has been worn away with the faithful touching it throughout the centuries.

Page 4 May 15, 2016

We humbly walk into St. Paul’s and we are reminded that we are in heaven. At the present time there are two confessionals in the nave. On the practical level they are ill placed since invariably even if there is only one person in the Church that person will sit next to the confessional. Our regular penitents have often remarked how awkward this makes them feel. There is a great deal of movement and activity in that area of the Church, making what should be the great source of peace in confession, very distracted and disordered. Often the confessor cannot hear the penitent because of the noise right outside the confessional.

We are blessed to have two confessionals in the transepts of the Church. These are much calmer and less disordered areas. They afford the penitent a place to confess in discreet anonymity, calm and serenity. It is my hope that the two nave confessionals will become then the very niches of which I have written above. They will be the dwelling of the holy ones among us. And to be certain that the future ages will never forget that this great undertaking began in the Jubilee of Mercy, the two confessionals then will be two shrines: one of the Divine Mercy – the great devotion that God Our Lord gave to our own modern times so much in need of the Mercy of God. That Divine Mercy, deserved by none yet accessible to all, will stand with us in the nave of the Church. And Pope Francis who has proclaimed the Jubilee Year of Mercy, has confided the year to the Virgin of Guadalupe who says to us as she did to the poor to whom she appeared on December 12, 1531, Am I not here who am your Mother? What is it that you need? Thus shall we ever be covered with that ocean of Divine Mercy through the patronage of the Holy Mother of God.

Tomorrow the Keck Group, Inc. will take a small sample of one of our pews to demonstrate what can be done to restore them. The Keck Group is the finest company in our country that does Pew Restoration. It is this company which restored and refurbished the pews of St. Patrick’s Cathedral on 5th Avenue, Old St. Patricks’s on Mulberry Street, and St. Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre. As everyone is well aware our pews are in desperate need of attention, restoration and refurbishing. In some cases the kneelers are irreparably broken. It is not my intention to see the pews and kneelers continue to deteriorate. I know that it is not your intention either. The pews are of very good quality oak. Wood is a living thing which must be nurtured and cared for. It is a wondrous thing that we are beginning to restore our pews.

I will continue to write each week about different aspects of the Church building.

Trustees: Many may know that each par ish has two trustees. They are appointed by the Bishop himself at the request of the pastor to serve, generally speaking, two three year terms for a total of six years. They assist the pastor in offering counsel and advice and the pastor seeks their wisdom. When a new pastor is appointed he may ask the Bishop to appoint two new trustees since the serving trustees would naturally have been appointed by the previous pastor. (Such is often the case in parishes, as it is in many secular enterprises). When I came to St. Paul’s three years ago however I soon realized that there would be absolutely no need for me to ask the Bishop to appoint new trustees. Both trustees were (and are) outstanding men who have helped me in countless ways. Monsignor Clerkin had asked the Bishop to appoint Mr. Michael Maturo and Mr. James Black, Esq. to serve as trustees. I relied on them very heavily, and I am grateful to Monsignor Clerkin for having asked the Bishop to appoint them. Mr. Maturo’s six years term as trustee expired on December 31, 2014. As you may recall, I appointed Mr. Anthony Kozhipatt as a new trustee. His term began on January 1, 2015. Mr. Black’s six years term expired on December 31, 2015. In his place I have appointed Mr. Joseph Palumbo as our new trustee. His term began January 1, 2016. As we move into a new and definitive time in our parish history I have every confidence in our new trustees. At the same time I express sincere gratitude to Mr. Black, Mr. Maturo, and all our former trustees for their selfless dedication to St. Paul’s and its pastors.

Page 5 May 15, 2016

Come Holy Spirit, Creator, Come

From thy bright heavenly throne!

Come, take possession of our souls,

And make them all thine own!

Here is a prayer for us all to say at this Holy Time of Pentecost. It was written by St. Josémaria Escrivà:

Come O Holy Spirit!

Enlighten my understanding

In order that I may know Your commands;

Strengthen my heart against the snares of the enemy;

Enkindle my will. I have heard your voice,

And I do not want to harden my heart and resist, saying,

“Later…tomorrow, nunc coepi, now I begin,

Lest there be no tomorrow for me

O Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, O Spirit of Understanding and Counsel;

Spirit of Joy and Peace! I want what you want, because you want it,

As you want it, when you want it!

Try to say this prayer each day, and please pray for me.

In Jesus and Mary,

Monsignor James F. Pereda

Page 6 May 15, 2016

Our Weekly Masses

Monday, May 16 8:00 AM David Arcoleo (requested by Mr. & Mrs. J. Cromer)

Tuesday, May 17 8:00 AM Philip Engle (requested by Senior Group)

Wednesday, May 18 8:00 AM Rita DeLuca (requested by Senior Group)

Thursday, May 19 8:00 AM Fr. Robert Mason (requested by J. DeMaio)

Friday, May 20 8:00 AM For the Pope

Saturday, May 21 5:00PM Francesca Scaccia (requested by M. Berardi)

Sunday, May 22 8:00 AM Marie R. Pereda (requested by Mr. & Mrs. A. Toscano) 9:30 AM Parishioners of St. Pauls 11:00 AM Randall DiLavore (requested by L. DiLavore)

Liberatore & Francesa Scaccia (requested by M. Berardi) Anthony John (D) & Bertha D’Costa (L) (requested by C. D’Mello)

Gina Tarantini (requested by Aldo Tarantini)


ALTAR BREAD, WINE & CANDLES In Memory of Aloysius Lawn

Donated by Helen Gallagher

ALTAR FLOWERS In Honor of the Children

Who Received First Communion

SANCTUARY LIGHT In Honor of the Children

Who Received Confirmation

DEVOTIONAL CANDLES Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph

For the Intentions of our Pastor Msgr. Pereda


Frederic & Andrew DiPaola Donated by Mary DiPaola

PAPAL & AMERICAN FLAGS February 29, 2016-August 31, 2016

In Memory of Lucia Sigurdson Donated by Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Cromer


Saturday, May 21, 2016 5:00 PM Msgr. Pereda

Sunday, May 22, 2016 8:00 AM Msgr. Pereda 9:30 AM Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski 11:00 AM Msgr. Pereda

Weekend of: May 7-8 $13,737

Thank you for your continued support of the Parish.


Timothy S. Mangano-St. Raphael, East Meadow & Megan K. Orr-St. Paul Andrew J. Huber-Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington, MI & Christina S. Hong-St. Paul First Time Pasquale Cestaro IV-St. Paul & Jennifer R. Roeske-St. Patrick, Huntington


Page 7 May 15, 2016


For information concerning the Preschool, please call Gayle Crimarco at 935-4127 ext. 106.


May 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences 20 Pre-K Visits Planting Fields Arboretum 27-30 Memorial Day Recess June 1 Carnival 10:00am-12:00pm 7 Year End Party all Classes 8 Graduation: 9:30am Little Angels 11:00am Nursery 7:00pm Pre-K 9 Summer Recess begins Our Preschool is currently enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year, and our availability is becoming limited. If you would like to visit our school, please contact Gayle or Debbie at 516-935-4127 to schedule a tour or for more information. You can also visit us on the web at:


For information concerning religious education classes, please call 938-4530 ext. 110. Do not call the parish office.

The following teachers will be receiving awards for their service to St. Paul’s Religious Education Program:

Rose Emanuele 30 years Eileen Camarinos 25 years Mary Jean Hundt 25 years Maria Sy-Rangel 10 years Paula Dawson 10 years Eileen Northshield 10 years Andrea Lynch 10 years

We are in need of Teachers/Assistants for our Monday and Tuesday classes:

Monday 4:15-5:30pm 1st grade 1 Teacher/2 Assistants 4th grade 3 Assistants 5th grade 1 Assistant 6th grade 2 Assistants

Monday 7:30-8:30pm 7th Grade Teachers/Assistants

Tuesday 4:15-5:30pm 1st Grade 1 Assistant 4th Grade 2 Teachers/2 Assistants 5th Grade 1 Assistant 6th Grade 1 Assistant

If you are interested in volunteering, please call the Religious Ed office Monday-Wednesday (938-4530). All volunteers must attend a Virtus Training Class. This is mandated by the Diocese. Information on these classes can be found on the DRVC website.

Please return all registration forms to the Religious Ed. Office for the 2016-17 school year before the end of May.


Sign Up for Electronic Giving

Through E-Giving you can make all of your contributions to St. Paul the Apostle via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card - just as you may do now with many of your household bills and other monthly payments. This is a great way to simplify your giving and it’s the most cost effective, environmentally-friendly way for us to receive your gifts.

To enroll in the program, log onto St Paul the Apostle at and click on the link for E-Giving.

RCIA Are you interested in finding out about the Catholic Faith? Do you have questions? Have you been thinking of becoming a Catholic? Were you Baptized but never received Communion or Confirmation?

(If someone has asked you to be a sponsor for either Baptism or Confirmation, you must have received these sacraments.) Call the parish office at 935-1880.

Page 8 May 15, 2016


Please pray for our parishioners in the military:

David J. Munafo, 1st Lt. US Army

John P. Orr, Lt.jg, US Navy CEC Steven Paniccia, Pfc. US Army

Brandon Rieber, Lance Corporal US Marines Robert Simon Jr., MS US Army

Michael F. Wendelken, Major USAF


Congratulations to the family of the newly baptized: Madeline Starbuck Sylvester Anasofia Betancourt If you are planning to have your baby baptized, please contact the religious education office at 516 938-4530 x110. Please do this before making any arrangements with catering venues to be sure date is available.

Please note that godparents must be, confirmed Catholics, at least 16 years old and in good standing with the Church. They must obtain a sponsor certificate from the Parish where they are presently living.

PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for those whose names are on the parish

sick list. If you would like a family member placed on

the sick list, please call the bulletin editor at the parish

office. Only family members (or the individual

themselves) may place names on the sick list.

Geraldine Jesberger, Linda DiBenetto, Bobby

Sullivan, Matthew DiLascio, Noella Rao,

Christopher Louie, Anthony Grasso, Sr. Eva

Ernandes O.P., Anthony Ambrosio, Michael

DiBari, Sr. Regina Kraft O.P., Kelly Ann

Crovello, Teresa Bencardino, Mary Grace Spotter, Natella

Astuto, Pasqualina D’Onofrio, Nellie Ambrosio, Robert

Simone, Vincent Meade, Michael Kovac, Rita King,

Constance Ballantyne, Hank Brakeman, Jamie Dunn, Joseph

Herbst, Linda Malone, Guido Penafiel, Jeremiah McCarthy,

Santiago Alvarez, Rosa Marrone, Gabriella Fiorillo,

Lorraine and Matthew Masiello, Maria Perez, Linda

LeVaillant, Susan Mulligan, Giovanna Vizzari, Mildred

McCarthy, Rebecca Schirmer, Roch Preite.

Please let us know when you loved one can be

taken off the list. Thank You.


2016 Diocesan Pilgrimage to The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Washington DC

September 24, 2016

More information coming soon! Any questions contact Gina Cinelli (516)532-8799

or email: [email protected]

Just a Reminder…. Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month at 1:00PM and on the second and fourth Saturday of each month at 12:00 noon. Please call the Faith formation Office at (516) 938-4530 to schedule the Baptism of your child. Attendance at the Pre-Baptismal Class is mandatory. The class need only be attended for the first child.

In our experience, sometimes people are misled by what others tell them. Some may say: “The priest will not baptize your baby because…” Don’t listen to what others may tell you! If you are in doubt, always call the priest who will help you if he can.

Godparents for Baptism must be at least 16 years of age, have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. If they are married, they must have been married in the Catholic Church. Godparents who are not parishioners of St. Paul must get a Sponsor Certificate (note, not a baptismal certificate, birth certificate, confirmation certificate, social security card, etc.) from the parish to which they belong at present. (That means the parish in whose boundaries they are living).

Naming Your Children Please remember that the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church obliges pastors to be sure that children are not given names contrary to Christian sentiment at Baptism. Name your children after family members so that they will have a sense of connection in a fractured and broken world! The Church asks us to give children the names of Saints for the same reason: so that they may have special intercessors in Heaven and may have a Heavenly friend to learn about and imitate. In today’s world, your children need all the help they can get: give them the beautiful names of the Saints and family members and you will be giving them a great treasure indeed!

Page 9 May 15, 2016

Marian Guild and Knights of Columbus


Sunday, May 22, 2016

9:30 am Mass followed by Breakfast

Mass Celebrant and Guest Speaker

Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski

Auxiliary Bishop of R.V.C.


Vicar of the Western Vicariate


$15 per adult/$8 each child under 10

RSVP by May 15th - Anne Maione @ 516-759-2432

Mail checks to 78 The Glen, Glen Head New York 11545

St. Paul the Apostle R.C. Church Rev. Monsignor James f. Pereda, J.C.D. Pastor

2534 Cedar Swamp Rd., Brookville, NY

Page 10 May 15, 2016


May 19 @ 7:30PM

SQIURES Next Meeting:

May 26 @ 7:00PM

MARIAN GUILD Next Meeting: May 18th 7PM - Game Night

Sunday, May 22nd 9:30AM

Mary’s Day Mass & Communion Breakfast Speaker: Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski

(see flyer)

RSVP to Anne Maione 516 759-2432

Coming Up: June 15th 7PM - End of Year Dinner


Bread Wine & Candles for the week $ 50

Altar Flowers $ 125

Sanctuary Light for the week $ 25

Devotional Candles before Our Lady & St. Joseph $ 50

Tree of Life Memorials Call Parish Office


Thursday, May 26, 2016 1PM Activity: Trivia

Summer Meetings: June 9, June 23, July 14, July 28 August 11, August 25


Group meets Thursday mornings at 11:00AM in the chapel to lift up in prayer the requests mentioned in the intentions books. These books are located in the

narthex of the church and chapel.

If you are in need of prayer, please make use of these books.

For information, call Elise LeVaillant 516 643-3029 or email [email protected].

Need Help With Your Job Search? Our volunteers can assist you in updating or creating a resume, by identifying information about job opportunities, and provide tips on interviewing, networking and cover letters. Contact Gerard Wendelken at (516)364-0640 to arrange an appointment.


pantry is in great need of the


Canned tuna All paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels,

microwaveable bowls, napkins) Canned meals (Chef Boyardee, etc.) Jarred spaghetti sauce Decaf instant coffee (motels do not have coffee

makers) Regular canned coffee Personal items (toothpaste, deodorant,

shampoo, soap.) regular size only. PLEASE REMEMBER…



Your donations sustain lives and maintain dignity.

Thank you!