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12 Issue 14: July/August 2013 Church of the Open Door | Maple Grove, Minnesota Crossing the Line

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Issue 14: July/August 2013Church of the Open Door | Maple Grove, Minnesota

Crossing the Line

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Issue 14: July/August 2013


@thedoor is published by Church of the Open Door. Our mission is to invite people to pursue the struggle of becoming fully alive in God.

Church of the Open Door9060 Zanzibar Lane NorthMaple Grove, Minnesota 55311(763)

Log in to YourDoor!


Begin the new year with financial peace. 9-week class starting this fall.

Watch for details online this August.

Helping our church and local community

by serving single mothers, widows, and people who are distressed with home projects. If you need a hand, or have a friend, coworker or neighbor outside of the Open Door community who needs some extra help, see page 7 for more info.



middle school high schoolWe will be meeting on Wednesday nights throughout the summer. Hope you can join us!

Wed, July 17, 24, 31, Aug 14, 7-8:30pm (no mtg July 3, 10 or Aug 7, 21 or 28)

also:• 2013/14 mentoring program

begins September 11 and runs through May 7. New students register online by Fri, Sept 27.

See page 10 for details.

Take Note...Brown Out July 1-12In order to save operational expenses during a slower time of year, Open Door implements a Brown Out for a two-week period. The building will only be open Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm.

Saturday Night Services July 6, 13, 20, 27Just as a reminder, we won’t be holding Saturday night services for the four Saturdays in July.

Annual Meeting Wed, Aug 21, 7pmGet updates on the past year. Reflect with us and look forward to where we’re headed. Join us afterward for ice cream.

Lost ‘n’ Found

Crossing the Line

Your Life is Your Curriculum




Care Resources





Next Generation

Service Learning













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Child Dedications June 2013

Lucy Marie Bender

Jennifer & LeRoy

Parker Emory Herrmann

Lesa & Jimmy

Noah Ryan & Ella Mayonne Nordby

Travis & Jennifer - Alivia, Evan

Elijah Adam John Wardrip

Candice & Adam - Evah, Emme

Cecelia Violet Eggers

Jason & Lindsey - Jackson

Briar Rose Blair

Erica & Alan

Juliana Nicole Clark

Jonathan & Nicole

Aaliya Diwan Heinert

Rosie & Joe

Morgan Kate Moist

Nate & Katie

Births Adopted on February 24, 2013Evan James Guttormson, Chris & Courtenay

WeddingsJune 7Andrew and Morgan (Eikill) Coulson June 8Ryan and Desiree (Krueger) Patterson

Searching for peaceWhere is it found?Looking for joyBurdens abound

Worldly adventuresGoals to achieveMy gain’s successThis I believe

Drink for anxietyOne more and one moreStruggle and battleAn internal war

Obsession and worryMy daily normNeeding controlThis is my form

Jesus is waitingBut I’m not there yetResisting surrender‘Til one day we met

Delivered from desireRescued from despairI’ve discovered His peace Eternal to share

God’s call I answerAll is now foundI joyfully partake In His holy ground

Lost ‘n’ Found

by Mary Seubert

Mary Seubert is a member of the Fiction Writers group at Open Door. Through discussion, prayer and occasional guest speakers, they learn and talk about the writing craft and brainstorm ideas. See the Fiction Writers listing on page 8.

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Issue 14: July/August 2013

renda Larson was nervous as she directed her shiny black Lexus into the parking lot of the crisis

pregnancy center. The only available space was between a dull blue Dodge Caravan and a green two door with a grey quarter panel on the front driver’s side. She glanced one more time at the business card she had been holding in her hand all morning. She felt out of place. Up until today her life had followed a course of extreme premeditation. For years she followed her plan meticulously. She went to the finest Christian college with hunting in her blood and a MRS. degree in her sights. She poached her man before the end of her sophomore year. He was a finance major destined to become a major player in the banking world. Their three children attended the most exclusive prep school in the city. Their home was featured in a prestigious architectural magazine. Friends were hand-selected for their potential future usefulness or for their social status. She sang in the choir at a church that boasted a three thousand seat auditorium, marble tiled restrooms, and a million dollar multi- media system. She supported a number of causes with small tokens from her checkbook and she always voted for the morally upright political candidate. She strained tirelessly to retain complete control over her life (and the lives of those who orbited around her). She had been the puppet master of all this for years, quite successfully, until yesterday. COCOON Her women’s group at church met once a month. They always hosted entertaining speakers ranging from an executive of a leading Christian women’s magazine to a horticulturist who had her own gardening show on television. Yesterday however, the speaker was a woman who waded in quite a dissimilar stream. Her name was Sylvia Prentiss. She ran a pregnancy counseling center in the inner city. She was a decade older than Brenda. Her clothes were plain, her makeup was rather Spartan, and her graying hair was straight and simple. First impressions had

You have an awareness that life exists outside that cocoon, yet you have never been face-to-face with someone from that world. You have never held a broken and troubled heart in your hand.”

i juST ChANGeD These last words of Sylvia’s were a bomb. Somehow they bypassed Brenda’s brain and penetrated directly to some deeper place. Sylvia’s closing remarks didn’t convict Brenda. They didn’t make her feel guilty. They didn’t cause her to emote. They didn’t even propel her to take up a cause. Nonetheless, they performed a work. Some might argue a miraculous work. Those words changed her. And she knew it. It was not, “Oh I need to change,” but rather “Oh, I just changed.”

Brenda bracing herself for an unpleasant and unpolished presentation. She wasn’t all that enthralled about the topic either. Brenda believed only stupid or loose girls got themselves pregnant. They made their bed, so to speak. They could lie in it. That all changed when Sylvia began talking. It was obvious from the start that her intelligence was formidable. She had her bachelor’s degree at twenty and passed the bar at twenty-three. Yet, it was her stories and her passion that held the women transfixed. “I don’t mean to be overly blunt,” she said in closing. “But some of you ladies here in this room have gone to great lengths to surround yourself in your own carefully constructed cocoon.

Crossing the Line

Would she stay on her side of

the line, in her carefully crafted,

neat as a pin world, or cross

over the line into another way

of doing life? A story by Jeff Hill

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and she is here to discuss her options with us. I have already told her you might be joining us and she agreed that would be ok.”

Brenda thought to herself, “I didn’t know I’d be joining this. I thought I was just coming to talk to you.” But then she remembered she did ask about coming out of the cocoon.

Sylvia turned toward Audrey. “Audrey you know we are here to help you. Do not be embarrassed or ashamed. You are safe here. You can talk to us.”

Audrey’s beauty although unsophisticated, was stunning. She had thick natural brownish blonde hair. Her face was fresh with a perfect complexion highlighted by an ever so slight smattering of freckles. She had large brown eyes that were sharp and clear and still retained a measure of innocence. She was wearing jeans and a nice sweater. Her only jewelry was a single-stranded silver bracelet. She was

sixteen, but a casual observer wouldn’t have been able to tell if she was fourteen or twenty. Her mother died when she was ten. Her father was ill-equipped and not particularly disposed to raising a daughter by himself.

“It happened so fast. I wasn’t prepared for it.” She began. “I had only been out with this boy a few times. One night we started kissing and one thing led to another and I didn’t know how to stop. After that night we couldn’t stay away from each other.” Her speech was frequently interrupted with little sobs and sneezes. Sylvia handed her some more Kleenex. “Now he doesn’t want to have

anything to do with me or a baby,” she continued, her words coming faster and faster. “He says he’ll help pay for an abortion. My dad is angry. He said he’s not going to have a pregnant daughter parading around his house. I don’t want to have an abortion. I just know I can’t kill a baby. But, I’m not ready to be a mom. I don’t know what to do.” Audrey started sobbing again, in earnest.


After the talk was over, Brenda waited for Sylvia in the foyer. “Could I speak with you for a moment?” Sylvia stopped and smiled. “Of course.” “I think I want to come out of

my cocoon?” Sylvia was a no nonsense kind of person. She handed Brenda a card. “Meet me here tomorrow morning at 9:00.” The MeeTiNGTomorrow morning had arrived. Brenda tucked the card in her purse. Despite her apprehension, she entered the building. There was a reception counter that separated the modest lobby from a hallway leading back to Sylvia’s office and two other private rooms. A small sign next to the receptionist’s computer read, “First names are fine.” She was ok with that. “Hello, my name is Brenda. I’m here

to see Sylvia.” “Are you from the church group she

spoke at yesterday?” “Why yes I am.” Brenda brightened

a bit. “She’s the second door on the left and

you can go right in.” The door was open. Someone else was already in the room with Sylvia. It was a young girl. She’d been crying. “Am I interrupting?” Brenda asked

tentatively. “No, no,” Sylvia assured her. “Please

come in.” Besides a desk and a swivel chair positioned by the window, the only furniture in Sylvia’s office was a high back upholstered chair and a sofa. Sylvia was sitting in the chair. Brenda was forced to take the remaining sofa space next to the young girl. Sylvia made the introductions. “Audrey, this is Brenda. Brenda this

is Audrey.” Brenda smiled and recited her best,

“Pleased to meet you.” Audrey mumbled a rather subdued,

“Hello.” “Brenda,” Sylvia began. “Audrey’s

pregnancy test came back positive

CrOSSiNG The liNeAs Brenda was listening, she started wrestling with some powerful images. They were almost vision-like. She saw the spare bedroom with its own private bath in the lower level of her house. She saw the enormous balance in her checkbook, which at the moment seemed strangely obscene. She saw the face of her neighbor Michelle, the gynecologist. She saw Audrey in her kitchen on a sunny morning drinking orange juice. Brenda’s husband was in the kitchen too, drinking coffee and smiling. She saw the faces of a childless young couple taking the baby home from the hospital in a blue blanket. The scenes were all beautiful, yet unsettling. Their intensity was far outside any of Brenda’s previous experiences. She then sensed the Holy Spirit draw a line in the sand; stay on her side of the line, in her carefully crafted, neat as a pin world, or cross over the line into another way of doing life. Then another wholly new sensation came over Brenda. Her stiff, calculating heart melted. She felt a love for Audrey. A real love, not some self-serving warm emotion. She reached over and gently placed her hand on Audrey’s forearm. Audrey wiped her face and eyes. She raised her face and finally her gaze toward Brenda. “If you would be willing, you can

come and live in my home. We have extra space. I’ll walk beside this with you to the end. I’ll be with you as much as you want me to be. I don’t want you to worry about doctors or expenses either.”

“But I don’t... why?” Audrey was

verbally stumbling, not fully being able to comprehend the offer.

“Because I can and I want to.” Sylvia leaned back in her chair as Audrey and Brenda hugged each other, tears flowing, lives melding. “...And who is my neighbor?” - Luke 10:29

Jeff Hill is a member of the Fiction Writers group at Open Door. Through discussion, prayer and occasional guest speakers, they learn and talk about the writing craft and brainstorm ideas. See the Fiction Writers listing on page 8.

Crossing the LineAnother wholly new sensation

came over Brenda. Her stiff,

calculating heart melted.

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Issue 14: July/August 2013

everybody’s looking for a curriculum that will teach them how to live the

life that’s really life.

So we write and buy books, we create elaborate life plans, we change our bodies, we change careers, we change families. We secretly read People magazine, gazing and laughing and longing.

We change Everything. In search of Something.

What if your very own life, the one you actually live, is the curriculum that will most help you to become the beautiful, imperfect, integrated self that you long to become? All the shiny graduation moments alongside all the shameful secrets. All of it. What if the first step towards the life that’s really life, is to finally stop running?

To stop.

Here’s the beautiful secret: Leaning into the curriculum of your actual life happens moment by moment; that’s all there is. And the more we learn to live our moments – not in some ridiculous carpe diem sort of way, which denies the pain of leaning into the incredibly difficult ones and just creates pressure – the more we understand that every moment is a beginning. The beautiful secret is that ours is a life of endless beginnings. And that’s what gives us grace when we inevitably reach for the thing that will take us out of the moment. Like waves rolling in, a new moment will crash on top of that moment, inviting us back to our actual lives, and they come with a single question: Will we live it?

Here is what Carol Carretto writes, in Letters from the Desert:

“ Joy or sadness, war or peace, love or hate, purity or impurity, charity or greed, all are tremendous realities which are the hinges of our interior life. Everyday things, relationships with other people, daily work, love of our family – all of these may breed saints. Jesus at Nazareth taught us to live every hour of the day as saints. Every hour of the day is useful and may lead to divine inspiration, the will of the Father, the prayer of contemplation – holiness. Every hour of the day is holy. What matters is to live it as Jesus taught us. And for this one does not have to shut oneself in a monastery or fix strange and inhumane regimes for one’s life. It is enough to accept the realities of life. Work is one of those realities; motherhood, the rearing of children, family life with all its obligations are others.”

What reality do you need to accept about your actual life? What gift of grace do you need to lean into it and live it?

And to start embracing your life. The one you’re living, right now.

What if leaning all the way in to that life is what will most help you and heal you?

Leaning all the way in to your actual life is not accepting what is evil, or living with what is unacceptable. You begin things and end things. You make difficult decisions. Leaning into your life is owning your life. It’s not passive.

Owning your actual life means first that you embrace your story; the whole one with no shameful bald spot or gut wrenching regret left out. What if doing so creates a mosaic, that when put together and healed by God, becomes beautiful, and radiant? These people become a gentle, healing presence in the world. Honestly, more than making an impact or changing the world, what I most want to be is a gentle, healing presence.

lifeyour is your curriculum

What if leaning all the way in to your life, the one

you’re living, right now, is what will most help you

and heal you? by Steve Wiens, Associate Senior Pastor





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Financial Peace University This program, created by author and financial counselor Dave Ramsey, uses biblical principles and turns them into real action through a step-by-step process. It helps you understand the forces behind your financial distress, teaches how to create a budget that really works, gives practical lessons on eliminating debt, helps you set achievable goals, and empowers you to make things right – financially, emotionally and spiritually. Learn how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and God’s plan for your life and ultimately, financial peace. Contact Julia at [email protected] or ext 1902.

Next 9-week class will be held Fall 2013. Check online for details in August.Cost: $99 per person/family (inc workbook, CDs of each lesson, durable envelope system, Dave Ramsey’s book Financial Peace Revisited, tip cards, debit card holders and online resources.) Financial assistance available; contact Julia at [email protected].

Serving OpportunitiesOpen Door 101 VolunteersIf you are a member of Open Door who has experienced community here, we’d love to have you serve as a facilitator and follow-up coach for Open Door 101 participants. Serve during a scheduled 4-Sunday morning class or full day Saturday class. Contact Al at [email protected] or ext 1901.

Care resourcesWe want to walk alongside those who are experiencing times of transition such as the death of a loved one, hospitalization, divorce, birth, job loss, serious illness or injury.

Births and AdoptionsSupport and resources are available for those with a new family addition. Call Lynn at ext 1200.

Care Response Ministry For those in need of emotional and spiritual care during hospitalization or long-term illness, as well as those who are in need of a caring presence while grieving the loss of a loved one. This may include phone conversation, communion served at home and hospital visits.

Resources for Life A listing of Christian Counselors, Psychiatrists, Spiritual Directors and Retreat Centers. All those listed have a working relationship with Open Door. It also outlines Open Door’s guidelines for Pastoral appointments. Download at or pick one up at the Next Steps kiosk.

Meal MinistryThe Meal Ministry prepares and brings meals to people with a care situation who attend Open Door and live within an hour drive of the church.

Benevolent Fund Those who have been actively attending Open Door for a year or more and encounter short-term financial distress may receive a gift from the Benevolent Fund. This fund is sustained by donations provided by those in the Open Door community and is carefully dispersed. Call ext 1300.

Serving OpportunitiesFacilities CorpsHelp with facility needs related to Beacon Academy and other facility and seasonal tasks.

Lower Level Flip - Spend 2-3 hours of your time on Friday evenings (between 4pm and 8pm) or Sunday afternoons (1pm to 4pm) to help switch the setups from Beacon Academy to Open Door and vice versa. Duties include: setup and teardown of tables and chairs, vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, moving file cabinets and desks. Minimum commitment of once a month.

Contact Denise at [email protected] if you’d like to serve with Facilities Corps.

Bookstore AssistanceWe have volunteer openings available before, during and after all three services. Shifts and duties vary and may include setup, customer service, restocking and teardown. Training is provided. Contact Dawn at [email protected].

Communion SetupWe’re looking for several people to work with a Communion Team Leader to help set the front table with baskets and chalices. Commitment is 30 minutes the first Saturday of the month, every other month. Involves climbing stairs and moving throughout the Sanctuary and balcony. Contact Julia at [email protected].

UshersHelp hand out bulletins, seat people and collect the offering.

Coffee CrewHelp to make and serve coffee in the Gathering Place.

GreetersWelcome regular attenders and guests to our worship services with a warm greeting.

Contact Deb at [email protected]. You may serve once a month or as often as you like.

Next Steps Kiosk VolunteerVolunteers help create a friendly and informative place for people to explore next steps in their relationship with God and Open Door. Serve one weekend service per month as part of a team. Scheduling is flexible. Contact Julia at [email protected] or ext 1902.

ClassesOpen Door 101This class, taught by Pastor Al Schuck, is designed to clearly explain who we are and what we care about as a church. By using our mission, values and core beliefs, this class will focus on who God is and what He desires for us through our relationships with God, others and Open Door. Members will lead table discussions and are also available to help you identify tangible resources to assist you with taking your own next steps.Questions? Contact Julia at [email protected] or ext 1902.

Sun, Sept 22-Oct 13, 9-10:15amRegister by Sept 15

Sat, Oct 19, 9am-2:30pmRegister by Oct 13Bring a lunch and plan to eat with your table group.

Open Door 101 is a requirement for becoming a Member of Open Door. (see page 9)

The listings here represent ways you can experience God through connecting with others and serving those among and around us.




All-ChurchHearts in ActionThe group desires to help our church and local community by serving single mothers, widows, and people who are distressed. They help with various home projects such as repair work, painting, plumbing, etc. If you need a hand, or have a friend, coworker or neighbor outside of the Open Door community who needs some extra help, contact Jeff at [email protected] or (952)949-1485.

Sat, July 20, Aug 17, Sept 21, 7am (third Sat of every month)Meet at Original Pancake House, Maple Grove

BaptismBaptism is a way to declare out loud, in front of the church community, that the love of God has captured your heart. As a church, we would love to experience that part of your journey with you. If Jesus has changed your life, and you have chosen to follow Him, then we encourage you to consider being baptized. Baptisms are held at Open Door twice a year, spring and fall.

If you would like to be baptized at Open Door, please complete the online Baptism Application. All candidates (kids, youth and adults) will go through a preparation process. You will be contacted with more info after we receive your application.

Fall BaptismPrepared candidates will be presented to the congregation for prayer during the 11am worship service, and baptized at Open Door following the service.

Sun, Nov 10, 12:30pmApply by Oct 20

Prep Class Sun, Oct 27, 10:30am-12:30pm

For more info about Baptism, see Open Door’s Core Beliefs or contact Julia at ext 1902 or [email protected]. For info about child dedication and baptism for kids in Kindergarten- 6th grade, contact Lynn at 1200 or [email protected].

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Issue 14: July/August 2013

Serving OpportunitiesEvent HospitalityHelp prep and set up food, make coffee, serve, clean up and occasionally make bars for funerals, retreats and large events. We also occasionally ask for help with décor set up. Usual time commitment per event is a 2-4 hour shift. Request to join the Hospitality Team on YourDoor.

Meal MinistryDeliver a meal made from the deli or prepared in your home to someone who is struggling with a health situation or other major transition. You will be contacted as needs arise for people from your area. We are also looking for two volunteer leaders.

Contact Annie-Claude at [email protected] or ext 1300 if you’d like more info about Care resources or if you’d like to serve.

GroupsGroups offer a way to participate in a relational community of faith to mature and grow as a disciple of Christ.

20-something Get together with other young adults, both single and married, for fun, friendship and spiritual growth. Our goal is to create an environment where 20-somethings connect, serve and grow. We do that by meeting each week to explore what it means to live as a follower of Jesus, by having fun social events and by participating together in service environments. Join the 20-something group in YourDoor or contact Julia at [email protected] or ext 1902.

Mondays, 7pmWalk-ins welcome

Common Interest Connect with people who share similar interests.

Fiction WritersWriting can feel like such a solitary venture. Meeting with other writers is a way to share encouragement, ideas and experiences. Through discussion, prayer and occasional guest speakers, we’ll learn and talk about the writing craft and brainstorm ideas. Writers of all levels of experience are welcome. Meeting is held offsite; contact Stacy at [email protected] to find out where the group is meeting.

Wed, July 10, 24, Aug 14, 28, Sept 11, 25, 7-9pm (second and fourth Wed of the month)

Prayer Shawl MinistryIf you enjoy knitting or crochet, join us as we prayerfully craft these symbols of comfort and blessing. Shawls are prayed over and then given to those in need of a tangible expression of God’s love and care during seasons of loss, transition or celebration. Patterns provided; bring three skeins of Lion Brand Homespun yarn (size 11 or 13 knitting needles) or four skeins of yarn (size M or N crochet hook). Contact Eileen at [email protected].

Tues, July 16, Aug 13, Sept 10, Oct 8, 7-8:30pm

Marriage Newly MarriedsGet together with other couples married five years or less. You will hear stories from Open Door couples and receive tools you can use in your marriage. We will be meeting informally throughout the summer. Please check the Newly Marrieds’ calendar for social activity descriptions and dates or call Cal. Schedule resumes every other Sunday, Sept-May. Questions, contact Cal at [email protected] or Annie-Claude at ext 1300 for more info.

Sun, Sept 8, 22, Oct 6, 20, Nov 3, 17, 6:30-8:30pm

MenMen’s Morning Bible Study Connect with other men to root yourself in the story of God. This Bible study will start and end promptly, getting you on your way! Contact Bruce Kuehl at [email protected].

Wed, 6:45-7:45am

Father Hunger Help others experience Abba’s love in deep, personal and significant ways, through this prison ministry at the Lino Lakes Correctional Facility that invites men to deal with the Father thirst in their hearts. Contact Chuck at (763)544-4936.

Hearts in ActionThe group desires to help our church and local community by serving single mothers, widows, and people who are distressed. They help with various home projects such as repair work, painting, plumbing, etc. Contact Jeff at [email protected] or (952)949-1485 to help with future projects.

Sat, July 20, Aug 17, Sept 21, 7am (third Sat of every month)Meet at Original Pancake House, Maple Grove

Kingdom WarriorsA welcoming place for men of all ages to share and hear the wisdom of other believers in Christ. We desire and emphasize development in Jesus as men, workers, brothers, husbands and fathers.

Summer ScheduleTuesdays, 6:15pm at Fire Pit

SinglesWe provide a friendly and respectful environment for Singles – 30 and over – to develop authentic friendships that foster growth in our faith in Jesus. Contact Stacy at [email protected].

Camping TripJoin other singles at William O’Brien State Park, Marine on St. Croix, MN. RSVP with $20 deposit by deadline. For more info, contact Kevin Middleton at (612) 201-1812.

Fri-Sun, Aug 9-11RSVP by Jun 30

Support GroupsFirstlightMost of us grew up in churches where we could not be out loud about what was really happening in our lives. At Open Door, we believe the grace of God is big enough to handle our darkness, our pain and our addictions. Firstlight is for


resources that support

the message and beliefs

of Open Door.

All books and music

are always priced 20%

lower than regular

retail list prices.

Open before and after weekend services in the Gathering Place.

facebook + twitter

To hear from others in

our community, receive

updates and links to

videos and photos, and

be the first to know about

upcoming opportunities,

follow Open Door on

Twitter (@thedoor) or

“like” Church of the

Open Door on Facebook!

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Wed, Aug 21, 7pm Get updates on the past year. Reflect with us and look forward to where we're headed. Join us afterward for ice cream.

anyone who is struggling with an addiction and needs help. Through the wisdom of the Twelve Steps and the Story of God found in the Scriptures, we offer a place to have safe and confidential discussions so that you can move towards healing, wholeness and healthy patterns of living. (Women’s group will take a break and resume Sept 17. Men’s group will meet through the summer.)

Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm (men only; no mtg July 2 and 9)Walk-ins welcome

The Widows Well Historically, a well has been a place where women have gathered in community and could draw not only water, but encouragement from one another. Here, widows can come together in a safe and nurturing environment that will allow them to continue to grow and learn in this season of life. It’s a place where women can say the name of their late husband and feel that others understand what it feels like to lose someone so close. This group meets offsite.

Sun, July 21, Aug 18, Sept 15, 1pm (third Sunday of each month)

Contact Annie-Claude at [email protected] or ext 1300 if you’d like more info or have questions about Support Groups.

GriefShare A supportive group for those who have lost someone dear. Videos and small group discussions include the grief process; the flood of emotion: shock, anger, denial, blame, regret and feeling out of control; finding freedom in forgiveness and healing in Christ.

Tues, Sept 17 - Dec 10, 7-9pmWalk-ins welcomeCost: $20 (inc GriefShare workbook)

DivorceCareA supportive thirteen-week group for those dealing with the pain of divorce. Ext 1300.

Tue, Sept 17 - Dec 10, 7-9pmCost: $20 (inc workbook)Walk-ins welcome.

The HarborThis confidential group provides a safe place where women can share their stories in a deep and meaningful way. By creating and maintaining trust with each other, we can heal more deeply and support each other in taking the next step in getting the help needed. Trained volunteer leaders are leading this group and will be using the book Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse, by Steven R. Tracy. This book is recommended, but not required.

Wed, Sept 18 - Dec 11, 6:45-8:15pm

Family and Friends of the Harbor Connect with others to discuss, learn more and pray for friends and family members who are in a domestic abuse situation. We’ll use a variety of different resources to provide education on domestic abuse.

Thurs, Sept 19, Oct 17, Nov 21, Dec 19 7-8:30pm(third Thurs of the month)Walk-ins welcome

WomenCommon GroundWomen of all generations and faith stages are invited to come together in unity, to learn, to grow and to share the inheritance of sisterhood in Christ Jesus.

Thursday evenings Oct-May

Morning BlendMorning Blend focuses on relationships and valuing our authentic selves through our relationships with God, ourselves and others.

Tuesday mornings Oct-May

Common Ground and Morning Blend are taking a break for the summer. Check online in mid-August for further details.

Serving OpportunitiesPremarriage SupportBe listening ears for engaged couples and share your own premarriage experiences. Contact Bob at ext 1302 or [email protected].

Support Group LeadersWe need people who have a heart for the support ministry and are known in the Open Door community to colead a men’s or women’s support group. Contact Bob at ext 1302 or [email protected], so we may get to know you.

MembershipThere are many ways to be a part of the Open Door community. One significant way is through officially joining us in the struggle of becoming fully alive in God. If you have been personally impacted by the ministry of Open Door, if you believe in this place, if you desire to make this your church home, then we want to know you!

To become a Member, attend Open Door 101 (page 7). At the end of the class, you’ll have an opportunity to become a Member.

Contact Julia at [email protected] or ext 1902 for more information about Membership.

PrayerPrayer LineIf you need prayer for a situation, you may bring your request to the Prayer Line. Though this is a voicemail system and you leave a recorded message, our team of intercessors access the messages daily and pray for each need. Messages remain on the Prayer Line for one week. We welcome updates. Call ext 1374.

Restoration Through PrayerTeams of two or three trained lay ministers are available for 60-90 minute individual, confidential prayer appointments. (These are not counseling sessions.) The team, partnering with the Holy Spirit, will support you as you share your needs. They will spend time with you in prayer, asking God to bring His kingdom more fully. Email [email protected] or call ext 1373 to schedule an appointment. Please indicate whether or not we may leave a message on your voicemail.

A fun night of outdoor games and other activities at Open

Door, FamJam is open to families with kids through 6th grade. It provides a change of scenery on a summer evening, and is a great opportunity to stay connected with other families at Open Door during the summer. Sun, July 28, 4-6pm and Aug 25, 12:30-2:30pm


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Issue 14: July/August 2013

Participate in PrayerSentinelsReceive brief weekly updates inviting you to pray for Open Door’s ministries and partnerships as well as the specific requests around each weekend service. Join the Sentinels group through YourDoor or register online.

First Service PrayerEach Sunday during the 9am service, a group meets to pray for Open Door’s ministries, partnerships and whatever else God invites us to hold. Ext 1303.

Sundays, 9-10:15am

Prayer LinePray for the requests recorded on the Prayer Line. You may access these messages from any touch-tone phone. Contact Peggy at [email protected] or ext 1374 to serve.

Emergency Workers Moms in TouchJoin in intercessory prayer with other moms of adult children who work in emergency services (firefighters, paramedics, law enforcement personnel). Exchange emails to share information and prayer requests. A dinner will be held every couple of months. Contact Cindy at [email protected].

KidsFor most Kids events, registration is required. Pick up a registration form at the lower level Registration kiosk or register online. If you are a guest with us, please stop by the Kids registration kiosk for a visitor tag.

Sunday ProgrammingEarly Childhood Programming is available for Infants through Pre-Kindergarten every week at 9am and 11am (holiday weekends, Infants through two-year-olds only).

Elementary Programming is available for Kindergarten through 4th graders every weekend at 9am and 11am, except for holiday weekends.

Upper ElementaryProgramming is available for 5th and 6th graders every weekend at 9am and 11am, except Communion Sundays and holiday weekends.

Holiday ProgrammingProgramming is available for Infants through two-year-olds on July 7 & Sept 1. We have space for parents with older children in the Gathering Place, where you can watch the service; there are toys and activities available.

EventsChild DedicationThis beautiful service celebrates the life of a child through dedication and parental consecration. Registration for fall dates will be available online in July. For more info call ext 1200.

Kids Day in the ParkJoin other parents and their children for informal play dates at the park this summer! We’ll meet (weather permitting) at Lakeview Knolls Park in Maple Grove (93rd & Fernbrook).

Wed, July 10, 17, 24, 31, Aug 7, 10-11:30am (No mtg July 3.)

FamJamA fun night of outdoor games and other activities at Open Door. FamJam is open to families with kids through 6th grade. It is a great opportunity to stay connected with other families at Open Door during the summer.

July 28, 4-6pm and Aug 25, 12:30-2:30pm

KidServeDuring this four-day camp, kids going into 3rd-6th grade will learn how they can be a part of God’s Big Story by serving others. Kids will have an opportunity to serve and will participate in a debriefing of their experience.

Mon-Thurs, July 22-25, 9am-NoonRegister onlineCost: $20

5th & 6th Grade Cooking ClassBack by popular demand! 5th and 6th graders are invited to have fun together while preparing and enjoying a three-course meal.

Sun, Aug 18, 3-6:30pmRegister online; limited to 10 participantsCost: $20

Homeschoolers ConnectionAll Open Door parents who are interested in, planning on, or currently homeschooling are invited. We support parents through prayer, encouragement, sharing of info and resources. For info, contact Jodi at [email protected].

Serving OpportunitiesSuNDAy MOrNiNGRoom Assistant (Early Childhood, Elementary)Team with a group of adults to connect and interact with kids while providing a relational and helpful presence. Minimum commitment of two times per month.

Special Needs AssistantBuild a one-on-one relationship with a child with special needs. Creative accommodations provided. This is a weekly commitment.

Storyteller (Early Childhood, Elementary)Lead K-4th Graders in telling a Bible story with energy and creativity. Curriculum is provided. Minimum commitment of two times per month.

Substitute (Early Childhood, Elementary, Upper Elementary) Fill in for Room Assistants when they are sick or out of town. Choose dates that fit your schedule.

Kids KioskSpend the morning connecting with and providing information for new and visiting families. Minimum commitment of two times per month.

Room Leader (Early Childhood, Elementary)Provide oversight and take initiative in managing the logistics and activities for a particular room. This is a weekly commitment.

Teacher (Upper Elementary) Lead the 15 minute teach time using humor, biblical reference and personal story. Teach Time should warm up discussion and transition kids easily back into small groups. Time commitment of two times per month.

Small Group Leader (Upper Elementary) Small Groups are divided by grade and gender. Your job in facilitating this time is to guide kids to learn more about God, themselves and others. Time commitment of three times per month.

Student Assistant (Early Childhood, Elementary, Upper Elementary)Students ages 11-17 are given the opportunity to serve, play and enjoy the morning with kids of various ages. Limited spots available. Minimum commitment of two times per month.

Band (Elementary)Participate in the Kids’ Worship Band and lead K-4th graders in a time of worship on Sunday mornings. Music and curriculum provided. Minimum commitment of two times per month.

Worship (Early Childhood, Elementary)Lead kids with energy and enthusiasm in worshipping God through music. Music and curriculum provided. Minimum commitment of two times per month.

Tech Support (Elementary)If technology is your thing, we need individuals who can provide basic tech support for the K-4th Grade large group. Minimum commitment of one time per month.

DuriNG The WeeKResource Assistant (Early Childhood)Provide support to Kids staff by organizing, sorting and working on projects related to curriculum. Commitment is based on both availability and need.

TrAiNiNGFall Volunteer Training EventsNew fall volunteers, mark your calendar for Sun, Aug 11 or 18, 8:30-10:15am.

For more information contact Lynn at [email protected] or ext 1200. If you are a new volunteer interested in partnering with Kids, please complete the online Volunteer Application.

Next GenerationNext Gen Summer ProgramSummer program takes place at Open Door, unless otherwise specified. There will be small group time interacting around Scripture, as well as activities, games and lots of fun.

Wed, July 17, 24, 31, Aug 14, 7-8:30pm (no mtg July 3, 10 or Aug 7, 21 or 28)

2013/14 Mentoring Program RegistrationRegister online now for the 2013/14 mentoring program. Returning students & incoming 7th graders register by Thurs, June 27. New students register by Fri, Sept 27.

Urban Ventures Mission TripAs Christians we are called to make a difference in the world and to love the least and the lost. While it is good to focus on international needs, there are also many needs right here in Minneapolis. Urban Ventures provides a great opportunity for students to partner with a local ministry working to break the cycle of generational poverty in South Minneapolis, one person/family at a time. Pray for the team July 15-19.

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Wisconsin Dells TripNext Gen will travel to Wisconsin Dells and enjoy some sun and lots of fun together. We will camp at Mt. Olympus resort and enjoy waterparks, amusement parks, mini golfing and more! Contact Amanda at [email protected].

Aug 6-8, 2013Register by July 31; limited spaces available for students and mentors. Cost: $150

Mentor/Mentor Coordinator 2013-14 Onboard TrainingsAll Mentors and Mentor Coordinators need to attend one onbaord training session for the ministry year. These sessions are informative, interactive and give the tools needed to serve in Next Gen.

Aug 25, Oct 6, Nov 3New Mentors and Mentor Coordinators 9am-2pmRetunring Mentors and Mentor Coordinators 9am-11am

Middle School (7th & 8th Grade)E3Explore, engage in, and embrace God’s word, specifically through focusing on the primary themes of creation, fall, salvation and resurrection. Open to all middle school students, involvement in mentoring program is not required. Contact Amanda at [email protected] for more info.

Sundays, 9:15am (no mtg Communion Sundays)

High School (9th-12th Grade)

DeeperBeginning with the book of James, we’ll spend time studying scripture, including discussion and small group interactions. We’ll discuss various “hot topics” as well. Open to all high school students, involvement in the mentoring program is not required. Contact Amanda at [email protected] for more info.

Sundays, 11am (no mtg Communion Sundays)

ParentsParent Volunteer RolesWe encourage every parent to get involved with one or more of the Parent Teams. These six teams serve from September 12-May 8. Register for a team when you register your student or contact Amanda at [email protected]

Teams: Parent Patrol Team, Take-Down Team, Wednesday Prep Team, Mentor Childcare Team and Prayer Team.

Serving OpportunitiesMentorsThe role of a mentor is to build an intentional relationship with a middle school or high school student by modeling the love of Christ through experiences and conversation. A mentor listens to the student, helps them process and reflect on the situations and experiences in their lives. Mentors are not teachers or expected to have all the answers, but are instead a consistent, loving presence in the student’s life. Mentors commit to serve Wednesday evenings for one full school year. Mentors also have a mentor coordinator who will serve as a coach and resource as the mentor/student relationship develops. Mentor coordinators will meet with mentors once a month during program time.

Apply online for the 2013/14 school year.

Mentor CoordinatorsThe role of a mentor coordinator is to support and guide mentors as they build an intentional relationship with students. Each mentor coordinator will be assigned up to three mentors to coach and support throughout the year. This interaction will happen at Next Gen one Wednesday night a month and through other contact outside of program. Mentor coordinators also serve as the primary contact for parents.

Apply online for the 2013/14 school year.

Service Environment Site DirectorThe role of a service environment site director is to facilitate and oversee a service experience once a month for a group of students and their mentors at one of our service sites. Be the main contact for the organization, students, parents and mentors regarding the service experience.

Service Environment DriverThe role of a service environment driver is to drive students and mentors to and from their service site (starting point is Open Door) once a month.

Next Generation programming begins September 11 and runs through May 7. Wednesday night programming is from 6:30-8:30pm at Open Door. (Service Environments - First Wed of month, Nov-May, 5:45-9pm.)

For more information contact Amanda Walston at [email protected].

Service learningWe desire to be good neighbors and build community by serving together, learning about our call to be active in the world around us.

Service EnvironmentsSite Directors and DriversJoin us as we engage in our community by serving and learning. We are looking for Site Directors and Drivers for our Service Environments beginning in the fall. Site Directors act as a liaison between our partner organizations and the Open Door church community, facilitating experiences for participants. Drivers assist in transporting students and mentors to and from our partner sites on the first Wednesday of the month. For more information about either of these opportunities, contact Kim at [email protected] or apply online.

Haiti TripsWe are called to love others and work to bring justice to the world. We partner with people, locally and globally, to participate in God’s purpose and presence in the world. We currently send three teams throughout the year to Haiti. Each team has the opportunity to be with the staff and children at the Mephiboscheth Home and the sick babies at Mother Teresa orphanage. Our next trip will be January 2014. Information will be available late summer/early fall.

PartnershipsWe partner with organizations who understand the needs of our surrounding community and the people in it. Together, we love our neighbors by serving and recognizing how we are called into a more meaningful relationship with Jesus and others. Contact one of our partners from the list online to learn more about their ministry or for serving opportunities apart from the ones we facilitate.

For more information about Service Learning, contact Kim at [email protected].

Groups• 20-something

• Common Interest

• Newly Marrieds

• Men

• Women

• Singles

• Support Groups

Register for a group in

Check it...

Wisconsin Dells Aug 6-8Next Gen will travel to Wisconsin Dells and enjoy some sun and lots of fun together – waterparks, amusement parks, mini golfing and more! See page 11.

Singles Camping Aug 9-11 Join other singles at William O’Brien State Park, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota. RSVP with $20 deposit by June 30. See page 8.

your Summer Travels As you head to the cabin or travel this summer, remember you can listen to the weekend messages via iTunes or Vimeo. There are links to both at

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Crossing the Line9060 Zanzibar Lane NorthMaple Grove, Minnesota