churchill theatre bromley summer / autumn 2014

TUE 15 - SAT 19 JUL BOX OFFICE 0844 871 7620 Bkg fees apply SUMMER / AUTUMN 2014

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Page 1: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

TUE 15 - saT 19 jUl

box officE 0844 871 7620

Bkg fees apply

sUMMER /aUTUMn 2014

Page 2: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

WE WoRk closEly WiTh ThE folloWing coMpaniEs:


ocTobERan EvEning WiTh siR RogER MooRE thu 2 oct 18

aRThUR sMiTh sings lEonaRd cohEn fri 3 oct 19

black coffEE mon 6 - sat 11 oct 12 - 13

ERic & liTTlE ERn mon 13 oct 19

onE Man loRd of ThE Rings™ thu 16 oct 19

ThE holliEs sat 18 oct 19

sTonEs in his pockETs mon 20 oct 19

ha ha hood tue 21 oct 19

jEThRo wed 22 oct 20

MoToWn’s gREaTEsT hiTs thu 23 oct 20

ThE sEnsaTional 60s ExpERiEncE fri 24 oct 20

Roy oRbison & fRiEnds sun 26 oct 20

songs of sisTER acT tue 28 oct 20

ThE billy joEl songbook wed 29 oct 20

joE longThoRnE fri 31 oct 21

novEMbERabba Mania sat 1 nov 21

lET’s hang on sun 2 nov 21

jUly anniE gET yoUR gUn 15 - 19 Jul 4 - 5

aUgUsT gisEllE fri 15 - sat 16 aug 6

apRil in paRis tue 19 - sat 23 aug 7


pEppa pig’s big splash wed 3 & thu 4 sep 8

ThE Elo ExpERiEncE fri 5 sep 18

Roy chUbby bRoWn sat 6 sep 18

daWn fREnch tue 9 - fri 12 sep 9

RUby Wax - sanE nEW WoRld sun 21 sep 18

josEph tue 23 - sat 27 sep 10 - 11

ThE Man jEsUs mon 29 sep 18

blEss ‘EM all tue 30 sep 18


MoscoW ciTy ballET - ThE nUTcRackER mon 3 - wed 5 nov 14

psychic sally: on ThE Road thu 6 nov 21

TEnoRs UnliMiTEd fri 7 nov 21

an EvEning of bURlEsqUE sat 8 nov 21

calaMiTy janE tue 10 - sat 15 nov 15

ThaT’ll bE ThE day chRisTMas shoW mon 17 nov 22

ThE illEgal EaglEs tue 18 nov 22

ovER ThE RainboW - ThE Eva cassidy sToRy tue 18 nov 22

slEEping bEaUTy fri 28 nov 2014 - sun 4 Jan 2015 16 - 17

janUaRy 2015jEsUs chRisT sUpERsTaR wed 14 - sat 24 Jan 23

fEbRUaRy 2015onE Man, TWo gUvnoRs mon 2 - sat 7 feb 24

pETER pan goEs WRong mon 9 - sat 14 feb 25

aRcadia mon 16 - sat 21 feb 26

apRil 2015 spaMaloT mon 20 - sat 25 apr 27

cREaTivE lEaRning 28

closE Up Magic & coMEdy clUb 29

booking info 30

welcome to another exciting and varied season here at

the churchill theatre. with highlights including the classic

musical Annie Get Your Gun as well as the return of the

world renowned Moscow State Ballet. we are thrilled to

be hosting Dawn French in her first ever solo tour as well

as some great one night performances including Stones in

His Pockets, Ha Ha Hood and Ruby Wax. next year we are

proud to be launching the national tour of The Producers

in bromley. there’s also lots going on with Creative Learning

classes and workshops so plenty of ways to get involved.

we are also pleased to be taking part in the 2nd ever

Family Arts Festival in the autumn.

we are always appreciative of your support and are

interested in hearing your thoughts so please feel free

to contact me directly if you have any comments or

questions at [email protected]

we look forward to welcoming you soon.



MoscoW ciTy ballET ThE nUTcRackERmon 3 - wed 5 nov

Sarah Guppy

general manager

Page 3: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014


Tue 15 - sAT 19 juL Tue - sat eves 7.30pm Wed, Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £10 off opening night (Prem, A & B)

senioR speciAL Wed & Thu mats £25

c g Details page 30

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

bRinging ThE hEaRT of bRoadWay To ThE chURchill ThEaTRE

foR onE WEEk only from the producers of West Side Story and South Pacific

this tony award-winning version of irving berlin’s classic

musical receives its uK premiere this summer.

when buffalo bill’s wild west show comes to town, it only takes

one glance for sharp-shooting country girl annie oakley to fall head

over heels for its star marksman, frank butler. both have truly met

their match, revealing their competitive natures as they vie for best

shot - and each other’s hearts. featuring the all-time classic hits

There’s No Business Like Show Business, Doin’ What Comes

Natur’lly and Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better.

★★★★‘blEssEd WiTh fREshnEss,

chaRM and hUMoUR ThaT aRE coMplETEly capTivaTing’

charles spencer, the telegraph


Kate bassett, the times

jonaThan WilkEs


noRMan pacE

MajoR nEW pRodUcTion pRioR To london

Page 4: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014


0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

fRi 15 - sAT 16 Aug Fri 7.30pm sat 2.30pm & 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £1.50 off (A & B)

c g Details page 30

‘Eyb is a TRiUMph’DAnce exPression

‘Eyb cannoT bE faUlTEd WiTh sETs and cosTUMEs of REal qUaliTy’DAnce euroPe

‘ThE Magic WoRkEd, English yoUTh ballET noTchEd Up anoThER sUccEss’croyDon guArDiAn

‘clEaR concisE ballET acTing, This claRiTy oUTshonE coUnTlEss oThER pRodUcTions’DAnce euroPe

a dRaMaTic nEW pRodUcTion cElEbRaTing 16 yEaRs of Eyb

Giselleenglish youth Ballet presents an appealing and dramatic

production of Giselle set on an english country estate with an

‘upstairs downstairs flavour’ about a young girl who is betrayed

by the Prince Albert who is also engaged to Lady Bathilde. This

leads to a macabre, ghoulish scene dominated by Wilis who are

young women gilted in love and who rise from their graves at

night and take revenge on any man who crosses their path.

With enchantingly sumptuous costumes, pretty scenery and

spectacular dancing the production brings Giselle into

this century with warmth, colour and drama.

The policy of the english youth Ballet is to perform full length

productions of classical ballets in the regional theatres of the

uK, and to give young dancers an opportunity to perform within

a professional setting. english youth Ballet boasts sell-out

performances last year and the company brings their beautiful

new production of Giselle to the churchill Theatre Bromley.

Eyb - WinnER of sTagE aWaRd foR spEcial achiEvEMEnT in REgional ThEaTRE

pAuL TyReR & jAmie cLARk for ApRiL in pARis LTd jAne wALmsLey & michAeL bRAhAm for jAm picTuRes

with deRby TheATRe present

shobna gUlaTi & joE Mcgann in

written and directed by john godbeR

al and bet’s relationship is on the rocks. he has recently lost

his job, she works in a shoe shop and can only dream of a

better life, but things are about to change.

when bet wins a romantic night in the city of love,

al wonders who she’ll take along! resigned to taking her

husband, before long, they are both up to their necks in

culture, croissants and champagne. the bright lights of

paris rekindle their relationship, but the reality of

returning home always looms large.

Join al and bet in this hilarious romantic adventure

which was olivier-nominated for comedy of the year when

it premiered, and features John Godber’s unique

brand of observational comedy.

with star performances from Shobna Gulati (Coronation

Street, Dinnerladies) and Joe McGann (Calendar Girls,

Upper Hand, The Hanging Gale) April in Paris will

make your heart melt.


‘a gEnUinEly shining gEM’ DAiLy MAiL

‘bRillianTly siMplE poWERfUl piEcE of popUlaR ThEaTRE’ The guArDiAn

‘pERcEpTivE and WiTTy’ sunDAy exPress

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

Tue 19 – sAT 23 Aug Tue - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £10 off opening night £5 off Wed eve & Thu mat (Prem, A & B)

c g s Details page 30


Page 5: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

header goes here

8 9

ThE qUEEn of bRiTish coMEdy livE on sTagE

Dawn French, the Queen of british comedy,

performs her first ever solo tour. the award winning

actor, best selling novelist and all round very funny lady

has written a new show, 30 Million Minutes, based on her

life and career. 30 Million Minutes consists of various delights

and riches, with the odd irksome tribulation thrown in, as dawn

takes audiences through the various lessons life has taught

her and the things she knows for sure.

her extraordinary lack of willpower, combined with an enviable

knack for nosey parking and showing off, has driven her to

grapple with the big stuff of life in public. 30 million minutes

of life in fact. that’s how long she’s been alive.

it’s also worth coming, if only to finally witness what size she

actually is. can we believe the stolen images of so many women’s

magazines? what is the truth? is she so unfeasibly large that

she can hardly live? or does she sleep in a matchbox? marvel

at how one woman can mercilessly murder so much chocolate,

and yet remain so curiously slim.

a naTional TREasURE gETs sTUff off hER chEsTDirecTeD By

michAeL gRAndAge

seT AnD cosTuMe By

Lez bRoTheRsTon

LighTing AnD viDeo By

wiLLie wiLLiAms

dAwn fRench

phiL mcinTyRe enTeRTAinmenTs & michAeL gRAndAge compAny present

fUn faMily advEnTURE

here comes peppa’s brand new show Peppa Pig’s Big Splash.

come and join peppa and her friends for another all singing,

all dancing adventure full of songs, games and muddy puddles!

the nursery roof is leaking and peppa and her friends need to fix

it - quick! as they set up a fete to raise the money for the repairs,

they’ll need your help to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Join peppa, george, mummy and daddy pig, as well as danny

dog, pedro pony, suzy sheep as they have fun putting up

bunting, running stalls and organising a great day out.

Peppa Pig returns live on stage with super cute puppets

and brilliant sing along songs in this brand new show

that will brighten your day.

‘ThERE’s singing and dancing galoRE’ DAiLy MAiL

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

wed 3 & Thu 4 sep Wed 1pm & 4pm

Thu 10am & 1pm

f Details page 30

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

2 new dATes Added!Tue 9 - fRi 12 sep 7.30pm

Page 6: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

Tue 23 - sAT 27 sep Tue - Thu eves 7.30pm Wed & Thu mats 2.30pm Fri 5pm & 8pm sat 2pm, 5pm & 8pm

ATg TheATRe cARd half price opening night £5 off Wed - Thu (Prem, A & B)

c g s Details page 30


‘josEph RETURns in all iTs gloRy’

daily mail

Bill Kenwright’s ‘Amazing’, ‘Superb’, ‘Wonderful’ and ‘Brilliant’

production of tim rice and andrew lloyd webber’s sparkling family

musical embarks on a new tour having sold to date an estimated

15 million tickets. re-telling the biblical story of Joseph, his eleven

brothers and the coat of many colours, this magical musical is full

of unforgettable songs including Those Canaan Days, Any Dream

Will Do and Close Every Door To Me.

making his musical theatre debut, X Factor finalist, Lloyd Daniels

will play the title role in the uKs longest running musical. reaching

the final 5 of the competition, lloyd went on to perform in sold-out

arenas on the X Factor tour and release his first single. Joining him is

Danielle Hope in the role of the narrator. she captured the nation’s

hearts when she won the bbc’s Over the Rainbow and made her

professional debut as dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and then eponine

in Les Misérables in london’s west end. Matt Lapinskas will play

pharaoh in his first musical theatre role. famed for playing anthony

moon in bbc1’s EastEnders, matt was also a finalist in the

penultimate series of Dancing On Ice.

‘a sUpERb piEcE of EnTERTainMEnT. i Was ThRillEd’

daily mirror

lyrics by

TiM RicEmusic by

andREW lloyd WEbbER

biLL kenwRighTby arrangement with the really useful group presents

‘bRillianT. iT ExplodEs likE gliTTERing fiREWoRks’

★★★★ ‘a nighT To REMEMbER’The herALD

sunday times

lloyd daniEls (X Factor finalist)

MaTT lapinskas (EastEnders, Dancing On Ice)

daniEllE hopE (BBc’s Over the Rainbow)

Page 7: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014


poiRoT’s nExT casE

hercule poirot returns to the stage in Agatha Christie’s

Black Coffee, now starring Jason Durr from itv’s hit series

Heartbeat in the role of the famous belgian sleuth. since

Heartbeat Jason has appeared on television in Lewis,

Midsomer Murders, and Miss Marple. last seen on stage in

the west end production of noel coward’s Volcano, Jason

has also starred in Sherlock Holmes, Macbeth, and Losing

Louis. the cast will also include agatha christie company

regulars: Gary Mavers who is best known for playing

heart-throb doctor andrew attwood in Peak Practice

and Ben Nealon, perhaps best loved for his role as

capt forsythe in the itv drama Soldier Soldier.

a quintessential english country estate is thrown into

chaos following the murder of eccentric inventor sir claud

amory, and the theft of his new earth shattering formula.

arriving at the estate moments too late, one man

immediately senses a potent brew of despair, treachery,

and deception amid the estate’s occupants. that man

is hercule poirot.

in the first play ever written by Agatha Christie we are

introduced to a character who went on to become the

most famous detective of all time and the only fictional

character ever to receive a full-page obituary

in the new york times.

‘a coMpany ThaT clEaRly UndERsTands and lovEs chRisTiE’s WoRk’the express

‘iMpREssivE and EnTERTaining fRoM sTaRT To finish’the star

‘a TREMEndoUs piEcE of ThEaTRE’ whats on london

blacK coffee © 1930 agatha christie limited. all rights reserved. the agatha christie word mark and signature and poirot are registered

trademarks of agatha christie limited. all rights reserved.

★★★★‘ThE gREaT dETEcTivE

poiRoT RETURns’ mail on sunday

★★★★‘clEvER. dElicaTE. WiTTy. and slick’

cambridge news

★★★★‘ThE vERdicT is

UnaniMoUs : sUpERb’ birmingham post

biLL kenwRighT by special arrangement with AgAThA chRisTie LTd presents

Robin MccallUM

As cApTAin hAsTings

ERic caRTE

As chief inspecToR jApp



★★★★★‘a REsoUnding sUccEss.chRisTiE

is a MasTER of ThE gEnRE’ bristol post

gaRy MavERs

bEn nEalon

mon 6 – sAT 11 ocT Mon - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

Audio descRibed peRf sat 11 oct 2.30pm

cApTioned peRf sat 11 oct 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £10 off opening night £5 off Tue eve & Thu mat (Prem, A & B)

c g s Details page 30


0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

jason dURR

As hERcUlE poiRoT in

Page 8: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014


0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

mon 3 - wed 5 nov Mon - Wed eves 7.30pm Wed mat 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £7.50 off (Prem, A & B)

eARLy biRd offeR £10 off (A & B) if booked and paid by 31 Aug, Quote: eArLyBirD

c g s Details page 30

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

Tue 10 - sAT 15 nov Tue - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £3 off Tue - Thu opening night & Thu mat - all seats £21

c g Details page 30

jUsT sWEpT in fRoM ThE Windy ciTy!


following their recent acclaimed productions of

Oklahoma! and The Pirates of Penzance, wwos return to

the churchill with another family favourite Calamity Jane.

based on the 1953 movie musical of the same name which

starred doris day and howard Keel, Calamity Jane follows the

adventures of the legendary wild west tom-boy heroine and her

budding romance with sharp-shooting lawman wild bill hickok.

the stage version captures the comedy, romance and pathos of the

original film with an oscar-nominated score that includes The Black

Hills of Dakota, The Deadwood Stage (Whip-Crack-Away), Just Blew

in from the Windy City and the award-winning song Secret Love.

don’t miss this new whip-crack-away production

which blows into your city for one week only!


Ronald haMnER & phil paRkFroM The sTAge PLAy By

chaRlEs k fREEManFiLM WriTTen By

jaMEs o’hanlonLyrics By

paUl fRancis WEbsTER Music By

saMMy fain ‘an EnjoyablE, hUMoRoUs nighT oUT ThaT EvERyonE fRoM ThE kids To yoUR gRanny Will Enjoy’WhAT’s gooD To Do

(on pIRatEs OF pEnzancE)

This non-professional production

is presented by arrangement with

josef weinbeRgeR LTd

moscow ciTy bALLeT PresenTs

The Nutcrackerset to Tchaikovsky’s endearingly popular score, and complete

with stunning costumes and sumptuous sets, The Nutcracker

is an unmissable festive delight for all the family. An original

interpretation of the eternal seasonal favourite, this enchanting

fairytale follows clara’s magical christmas eve adventures with

her nutcracker prince and his battles with the Mouse King in

the beautiful Kingdom of Flowers.

For spectacular presentations of classical ballet, the russian

companies are hard to beat and Moscow City Ballet is currently

at its artistic best. The company is brimming with some of russia’s

best young dancers - outstanding principals, stunning soloists and

a sublime corps de ballet - all enhanced by the dynamic vitality of

a live orchestra. The choreography, interpretation, beauty and

outstanding virtuoso performances constantly win rapturous

audience response and excellent reviews.

The stand-out performances by the Moscow City Ballet

dancers never fail to add that magical ingredient of

russian soul.

classical ballET aT iTs bEsT

★★★★ ‘noT To bE MissEd’sunDAy exPress

Page 9: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

fRi 28 nov 2014 - sun 4 jAn 2015

novembeR 2014

Fri 28 7pm

sat 29 2.30pm 7pm

sun 30 1pm 5pm

decembeR 2014

Mon 1 no performances

Tue 2 1.30pm 6pm

Wed 3 10.30am (relaxed) 2.30pm

Thu 4 no performances

Fri 5 1.30pm 7pm

sat 6 1.30pm 5.30pm

sun 7 1pm 5pm

Mon 8 1.30pm 5.30pm

Tue 9 1.30pm 5.30pm

Wed 10 1.30pm 7pm

Thu 11 no performances

Fri 12 1.30pm 5pm

sat 13 2.30pm 7pm

sun 14 1pm 5pm

Mon 15 1.30pm 5.30pm

Tue 16 1.30pm 5.30pm

Wed 17 1.30pm 7pm

Thu 18 no performances

Fri 19 1.30pm 7pm

sat 20 11am 3.30pm

sun 21 1pm 5pm

Mon 22 1.30pm 5.30pm

Tue 23 1.30pm 5.30pm

Wed 24 1.30pm 5.30pm

Thu 25 Merry christmas!

Fri 26 1.30pm 5.30pm

sat 27 1.30pm 5.30pm

sun 28 1pm 5pm

Mon 29 11am 3pm

Tue 30 2.30pm 7pm

Wed 31 1.30pm 5.30pm

jAnuARy 2015

Thu 1 happy new year!

Fri 2 1.30pm 7pm

sat 3 1.30pm 5.30pm

sun 4 1pm 5pm

c f g s suitable for under 5s

0844 871 7620groups 10+ 0844 871 *Booking fees apply †restrictions apply

16 17

a Magical panToMiMEfoR all ThE faMily!

Coronation Street

MaRc baylisAs The pRince

soniaAs The good fAiRy

the legendary

bobby cRUshAs nuRse neLLy

CITV and Nickelodeon

jaMiE RickERsAs siLLy biLLy


uK productions returns with another highly anticipated and

magical traditional pantomime. Sleeping Beauty is fantastic

seasonal fun for everyone aged 3 to 103!

starring Marc Baylis from itv’s Coronation Street as the prince.

marc can currently be seen as series regular rob donavan where

he was recently revealed as the ‘corrie-Killer’. Joining him as the

good fairy is 80’s pop icon Sonia. sonia is most famous for her

number 1 hit You’ll Never Stop Me Loving You and representing

the uK in the 1993 eurovision song contest. a face the children

will know is Jamie Rickers who is playing silly billy. Jamie is a

familiar face on CiTV and Nickelodeon, hosting Toonattik and

Jamie and Anna’s U-Pick Summer. finally, playing nurse nelly is

the legend of radio, screen and stage, Bobby Crush. bobby first

came into the public eye after six winning appearances on

Opportunity Knocks in the 70’s.

this magical pantomime is a high-energy show packed with

sing-along songs, wonderful dance, colourful costumes and

sparkling sets. Sleeping Beauty is the tale of the beautiful

princess who is cursed by an evil fairy and can only

be awakened by her true love’s kiss.

the churchill promises yet another truly spectacular show to

delight your whole family! we expect another sell-out christmas

season so get your tickets now!

reviews of 2013/2014’s panto cinderella:

‘ExcEllEnT EnTERTainMEnT foR ThE WholE faMily!’

what’s good to do

‘if ThE REacTion of ThE kids saT nExT To ME in ThE aUdiEncE is any indicaTion of hoW good

cindERElla is, ThEn ThE chURchill is on To a WinnER’the news shopper

ATg TheATRe cARd2 for 1 opening night £5 off*

fAmiLy TickeT£5 off 3+ tickets*

undeR 16s £3 off*

*Fri 28 nov - Wed 17 Dec & sat 27 Dec - sun 4 Jan

gRoup RATescall 0844 871 7636 to enquire.

ReLAxed peRfoRmAnceWed 3 Dec, 10.30amThere will be no restrictions on noise

or movement in the auditorium during

this performance.

Proudly sponsored by

Page 10: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014


aRThUR sMiTh sings lEonaRd cohEnfRi 3 ocT 8pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £3 off

c g

channeling Leonard cohen,

Arthur muses on dementia,

death and decline to hilarious

and poetic effect. Accompanied

by The Smithereens, the

world’s most tuneful and

beautiful backing trio.

ThE holliEssAT 18 ocT 7.30pm

As major players in the

magnificent 1960’s British

Pop revolution, The Hollies

hallmark vocal harmony has

not wavered throughout 50

years of continuous touring,

performing and recording.

From 1963 through to the

mid-70’s, the hollies had more

hits than even The Beatles.

ERic & liTTlE ERnmon 13 ocT 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £3 off

c g

This affectionate, moving and

fantastically funny homage to

the greatest comedy double

act that Britain has ever seen,

Morecambe and Wise.

‘A wondeRfuLLy funny, genuine, And beAuTifuLLy pLAyed Two-hAndeR ★★★★★ ’ The herALD

sTonEs in his pockETsmon 20 ocT 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £2 off

c g

Following a sell-out run on

Broadway, four and a half years

in the West end and on tour,

Stones In His Pockets returns.

Don’t miss this hilarious tale of

a quiet irish community turned

upside down by the arrival of

a hollywood movie shoot.

onE Man loRd of ThE Rings™Thu 16 ocT 7.45pm

Charles Ross recreates the

enchanting world of Middle

earth with nothing more than

elbow pads and his imagination.

he will also take audience

questions and share anecdotes.

the Lord of the Rings and the characters, items,

events and places therein are trademarks or

registered trademarks of The saul Zaentz

company d/b/a Tolkien enterprises.

All rights reserved.

ha ha hoodTue 21 ocT 7.30pm c g

After a messy divorce robin

and Marian are forced back

together to fight the sheriff

once more. Little John and Friar

Tuck, now considerably older

and rougher around the edges,

join them to try and save the

citizens of nottingham. starring

Su Pollard and Cannon and Ball.

ThE Elo ExpERiEncEMR blUE sky ToUR fRi 5 sep 7.30pm

40 years on, and the music of Jeff Lynne and the Electric Light Orchestra is still regularly played on radio stations across the world. ELO Experience bring these great songs back to the live stage, wowing audiences up and down the country, this show is not to be missed!

ThE Man jEsUsmon 29 sep 7.30pm c g

siMon calloW performs

this fresh and moving account

of biblical stories including the

raising of Lazarus, the wedding

at cana and the journey to

Jerusalem. his powerful

portrayal of the tyrants, traitors

and madmen in Jesus’ life asks

people of all faiths and none:

what sort of a man was able to

inspire the history of the world?

Roy chUbby bRoWnsAT 6 sep 7.30pm c

ATg TheATRe cARd £1.50 off

returning with his meatiest show

yet, chubby is still rude, still

crude and this time he’s turning

headlines into punch lines as he

continues to burst bellies across

the country. Far too rude for Tv,

this live performance is the only

place to catch the flamboyant

comedian! recommended age 18+

blEss ’EM allTue 30 sep 2.30pm c g

A brand new wartime cavalcade

Bless ’Em All stars comedy

entertainer Steve Barclay,

Britain’s greatest virtuoso of the

ukelele Andy eastwood and

singing star Lucia Mattise. With

full supporting cast of singers

and the live music of the Martyn

St James Band here is a tribute

to our Armed Forces of yesterday,

today and tomorrow.

RUby Wax sanE nEW WoRldsun 21 sep 7.30pm c

Based on her critically acclaimed

book sane new World. Ruby

shows us how to rewire our

thinking to find calm in a frenetic

world and how to become the

master, not the slave, of our

own minds. This show is your

passport to saner living. she

might not be sane herself but

she does a pretty good imitation.

an EvEning WiTh siR RogER MooREThu 2 ocT 7.30pm g

Following the release of his new

book, the legendary film star

chats with biographer gareth

owen about his astonishing life

and career. There will also be a

unique opportunity to put your

own question to the hollywood

legend at the end of the show.

PhoTo creDiT: Terry o’neiLL

spEcial EvEnTs

book noW fee

Page 11: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

joE longThoRnEfRi 31 ocT 7.30pm g

Joe began his career over three

decades ago. his big break came

in 1981 when he was a finalist on

search for a star. A short time

later, Joe received the variety

club of Britain award as Most

Promising Artiste of the year.

During his career, Joe has

enjoyed sell-out concerts at the

royal Albert hall, as well as

touring Australia several times.

psychic sally: on ThE RoadThu 6 nov 7.30pm

international psychic Sally

Morgan delivers messages

from spirit with incredible

accuracy leaving audiences

completely astounded. she

has earned the title ‘psychic

to the stars’, most notably

reading for Princess Diana.sally Morgan is investigational/experimental.

There are no guaranteed or certain results and

the show is for the purpose of entertainment.

abba ManiasAT 1 nov 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £2 off c

40 years after ABBA won

eurovision, it’s your chance to

thank ABBA for the music! ABBA

Mania is a night not to be missed.

so dig out those platforms, dust

down those flares and enjoy all

your favourites including: Mamma

Mia, Voulez Vous, Dancing Queen,

super trouper and many more.

TEnoRs UnliMiTEdfRi 7 nov 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £2 off

c g

Known as the ‘rat Pack of opera’

due to their charm, charisma

and style, Scott, Jem and Paul

deliver a refreshing selection of

much loved classic hits from the

world of opera, musical theatre

and pop , from self-penned material

through to classics such as nessun

Dorma and You Raise Me Up.

lET’s hang on ThE MUsic of fRankiE valli & ThE foUR sEasonssun 2 nov 7.30pm c g

ATg TheATRe cARd £5 off

Let’s hang on returns to take

you on a musical journey

through the history of one

Frankie valli & The Four seasons!

Featuring can’t take My Eyes Off

You, December 1963 (Oh What a

night!), Walk Like a Man, sherry,

and many more!

an EvEning of bURlEsqUEsAT 8 nov 8pm c g

Britain’s biggest burlesque

extravaganza, featuring royal

Academy-trained bombshells,

present a riotous romp into the

bizarre world of burlesque and

cutting-edge variety. Delightfully

choreographed, couture costumes

abound in the slickest, wickedly

wittiest, spectacular of the year. over 18’s only.

jEThRowed 22 ocT 7.30pm g

Jethro’s fruity cornish humour

is the perfect remedy to cheer

everyone into cachinnation.

Turning everyday events into

farcical stories, embellished into

hilarity with his trademark west

country dialect. The perfect

anecdote to everyone’s day.

recommended age 15+

Roy oRbison & fRiEndssun 26 ocT 7.30pm

Barry Steele presents his

all live tribute to The Big o,

featuring classic hits from the

’60s right through to the late

’80s. With spectacular guest

tributes to Buddy holly, elvis

Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis.

sponsored by

MoToWn’s gREaTEsT hiTsThu 23 ocT 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £2 off

c g

introducing The Formations,

this ultimate celebration of the

sweet sound of Motown is back!

now in its 12th year, this stunning

100% live show combines first

class music together with the

slickest choreography and

an amazing band.

songs of sisTER acTTue 28 ocT 7.30pm g

The Songs Of Sister Act

includes Oh Happy Day, Joyful

Joyful, shout, ain’t no Mountain

High Enough and many more!

so get those habits on, dig out

your dancing shoes and prepare

for the night of your life!

starring the singers Of soul

choir and a full live band.

ThE sEnsaTional 60s ExpERiEncEfRi 24 ocT 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £3 off

c g

For one night only, six legendary

names take to the stage and

deliver a night you won’t forget!

Featuring Hermans Hermits,

The Swinging Blue Jeans,

Dave Berry, The Union Gapuk,

The ivy League and

Alan Mosca.

Elio pacE pERfoRMs ThE billy joEl songbook wed 29 ocT 7.30pm c g

ATg TheATRe cARd £2 off

elio Pace and his magnificent

6-piece band celebrate the

phenomenal music of Billy Joel.

Featuring the hits Uptown Girl,

Just the Way You are and

My Life as well as fan favourites

scenes From an Italian Restaurant,

Goodnight saigon and piano Man.

spEcial EvEnTs

2120 0844 871 7620Bkg fee

Page 12: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

ovER ThE RainboW ThE Eva cassidy sToRyThu 20 - sAT 22 nov 7.30pm ATg TheATRe cARd £2 off c g

starring Nicole Faraday (Bad Girls, Emmerdale), Over the Rainbow

is a compelling musical, which tells the life story of this legendary

artist, following eva’s life through dramatic scenes and stunning live

renditions of her music including a haunting interpretation of

somewhere Over the Rainbow.

This Award-Winning show has received plaudits from the eva cassidy

Band and members of her family and contains projection and original

footage from eva cassidy’s life, from an early age to her first

professional gig aged 18, her first meeting with her boyfriend and

mentor chris Biondo, a rabble-rousing rendition and recording at

Blues Alley with chuck Brown and culminating in her poignant and

tragic death.

Before she died at the tender age of 33, she was unknown outside

Washington, usA but within 2 years, she was discovered by Terry

Wogan who promoted her music to the top of the album charts in

the uK and now europe, Australia and throughout the World.

This is more than the Life story of eva cassidy which is an absolute

must-see for all eva cassidy Fans, its’ a show for anyone who’s lost

someone they love.

23book noW fee

spEcial EvEnTs


ThaT’ll bE ThE day chRisTMas shoWmon 17 nov 7.30pm

get ready to party as the uK’s

most successful rock ‘n’ roll

variety show, That’ll Be The Day

returns with its special

christmas show! Trevor, Gary

and the gang celebrate the

festive season with all your

favourite christmas classics

from the 50s, 60s & 70s plus

more hilarious comedy!

ThE illEgalEaglEsTue 18 nov 7.30pm c g

ATg TheATRe cARd £5 off

The world’s official no1. eagles

tribute, The Illegal Eagles

continue to amaze crowds

everywhere. Their ability to

capture the emotion of Don

henley’s vocal deliveries has

ensured that critical and acclaim

has been unanimous. Featuring

classics Hotel california, take It

Easy, Lyin’ Eyes, and many more!

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

wed 14 - sAT 24 jAn eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm (no perf sun 18 Jan)

ATg TheATRe cARd half price opening night £5 off thereafter (Prem, A, B & c)

c g s Details page 30

TiM RicE & andREW lloyd WEbbER’s lEgEndaRy Rock classic

TiM RicE & andREW lloyd WEbbER’s

Jesus Christ Superstar exploded onto the musical scene

in 1971 - stunning audiences and changing the face of musical

theatre forever. tim rice and andrew lloyd webber’s rock opera

tells the story of the last seven days in the life of Jesus through

an extraordinary, groundbreaking score. as compelling today as it

was at its inception over forty years ago, Jesus Christ Superstar

has some of musical theatre’s most legendary songs from

I Don’t Know How to Love Him, Everything’s Alright, and

Gethsemane through to, of course, Superstar.

produced by bill Kenwright and the creative team

behind numerous blockbuster musicals, this new production

of Jesus Christ Superstar tells the world’s oldest story with the

superb theatricality they have brought to Evita, Joseph,

Cabaret, Blood Brothers and Whistle Down the

Wind to mention only a few.

photos from previous cast.

‘sTUnning - an UnfoRgETTablE MUsical TRiUMph’evening post

‘an alMighTy hiT - soMEThing of a MiRaclE - aWEsoME sET, gREaT soUnd, TERRific lighTing, big EffEcTs and pERfoRMancE ThaT aRE siMply sTaTE of ThE aRT - iT doEsn’T gET bETTER Than This’birmingham post

biLL kenwRighT by special arrangement with the really useful group presents

Page 13: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

0844 871 7620 Bkg fees apply

dATe Mon - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd Discounts

g f s Details page 30



tbcAwaiting copy.

Peter GOESPan

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

mon 9 - sAT 14 feb Mon - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd half price opening night £5 off Tue - sat mat (Prem, A & B)

c g Details page 30

bEsT nEW coMEdy aWaRd awards 2014


‘ThE fUnniEsT shoW on ThE planET’daily mail

The National Theatre’s award-winning comedy One Man,

Two Guvnors, embarks on its biggest-ever tour of the uK and

ireland from may 2014. now seen by over 1 million people worldwide,

this internationally acclaimed smash-hit is a glorious celebration

of british comedy - a unique, laugh-out-loud mix of satire,

songs, slapstick and glittering one-liners.

fired from his skiffle band, francis henshall becomes minder

to roscoe crabbe. but roscoe is really rachel, posing as her own

dead brother - who’s been killed by her boyfriend stanley stubbers.

francis spots the chance of an extra meal ticket and takes a job

with one stanley stubbers - but to prevent discovery,

he must keep his two guvnors apart. simple.

directed by Nick Hytner and written by Richard Bean.

based on The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni,

with songs by Grant olding.

‘onE Man, TWo gUvnoRs, onE MassivE hiT’


supported by

cAsT incLuDes

shaUn WilliaMson(EastEnders)

EMMa baRTon(EastEnders)

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

mon 2 - sAT 7 feb Mon - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

Audio descRibed peRf sat 7 Feb 2.30pm

cApTioned peRf Wed 4 Feb 7.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £10 off opening night £5 off Tue eve & Thu mat (Prem, A & B)

c g s Details page 30

The cornley Polytechnic Drama society set out to present

J.M. Barrie’s classic tale of peter pan, but as the title suggests,

everything that can go wrong, does, as the accident prone

thesps embark on a thrilling adventure to neverland,

with hilariously disastrous results.

Following their smash hit success with the the play that Goes Wrong -

which now returns to the West end - Mischief Theatre company

(Winners of the 2014 Whatsonstage Best new comedy award)

bring their hilarious new spin on a family favourite to the stage.

Terrific fun for all ages, don’t miss this hysterical new laugh

out loud comedy at the churchill Theatre in February.

★★★★★ ‘ThE play ThaT goEs WRong WEnT viRTUally

WiThoUT a hiTch in coMpaRison WiTh This caTasTRophE’

Kenny WAx, The ProDucer


★★★★★ ‘joyfUl disasTERs fRoM coMEdy MasTERs. goRgEoUs!’LiBBy Purves, BBc rADio 4 ★★★★★ ‘EffoRTlEss slapsTick, ThaT kEaTon and chaplin WoUld bE haRd pUshEd To TRUMp’WhATsonsTAge

Page 14: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

mon 16 - sAT 21 feb Mon - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £10 off Mon - Wed (Prem, A & B)

senioR speciAL Thu 2.30pm £10 off (Prem, A & B)

c g s Details page 30

26 27

mon 20 - sAT 25 ApR Mon - sat eves 7.30pm Thu & sat mats 2.30pm

ATg TheATRe cARd £10 off Mon - Wed (Prem, A & B)

senioR speciAL Thu 2.30pm £25 (A & B)

buy 3 TickeTs geT 4Th fRee Tue - Thu (A)

c g s Details page 30

The DAiLy TeLegrAPh

First premiéred at the national Theatre, Tom Stoppard’s undisputed

masterpiece, Arcadia, is an exciting new collaboration between

Theatre Royal Brighton Productions (Dandy Dick, Blue Orange)

and english Touring Theatre (Ghosts, the Misanthrope).

in a stately home in 19th century rural Derbyshire, secret desires

and professional rivalries take hold of the residents of sidley Park as

Thomasina, a talented pupil, makes a startling discovery well ahead

of her time, whilst in the present day academics hannah and Bernard

attempt to piece together the fragments of truth that tell her story.

one of the greatest plays of the last century, the olivier Award-winning

Arcadia explores the delicate relationship between past and present,

blending history with actuality as the focus drifts from 1809 to now

and back again. Arcadia was recently voted one of the nation’s Top

Five plays in english Touring Theatre’s ‘My Favourite Play’ poll.

‘onE of ThE MosT ExqUisiTE plays of ThE 20Th cEnTURy’ inDePenDenT on sunDAy

opEning bRighTon


TRB PTheaTre royal BrighTon Productions

‘ToM sToppaRd’s daZZling MasTERpiEcE’the daily telegraph

Page 15: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

0844 871 7620 bkg fees apply

EvEnTs in ThE sTUdio

1 nighT, 3 mAgiciAns, 3 TAbLesAn intimate evening of close-up magic, trickery and sleight of hand

close-up magic is one of the most popular and

impressive forms of the art and this unique event

showcases some of the best exponents direct from

The Magic circle. Performers vary with each show

and audiences get to experience the magic in an

intimate setting, often taking part themselves.

Prepare to be amazed!

The format is informal with three to four tables and

a limited audience so they can be as close to the

magic as possible. Magicians of contrasting styles

perform a 20-25 minute set for each group in turn,

typically with cards, coins and borrowed objects.

There is a 30 minute interval to help the audience

catch their breath before the show resumes.

Although all shows are of a universal nature and

young enthusiasts are welcomed, 80 minutes

of close-up is not usually recommended for

those under 10. For more details:

fRi 18 juL, fRi 19 sep, fRi 17 ocT fRi 21 nov, fRi 19 dec & fRi 23 jAn check our website or ask the ticket office for more information.

sATuRdAys in The cTb sTudio dooRs 8pm show 9pm** TickeTs £12.50

one of south london’s most respected comedy

clubs, with quality acts and a fun, intimate

atmosphere. in five years some of the world’s

best comics have performed here; Russell Howard,

Micky Flanagan, Russell Kane, Sarah Millican,

Reginald D. Hunter, Jim Tavaré, Bob Mills,

Patrick Monahan and many more. every week

there are 4 or 5 different acts with a professional

mc to keep the ball of fun rolling. in the middle

are newer up’n’coming acts either discovered

at the edinburgh fringe festival or have been

highly recommended by industry. such as

Jack Whitehall, Andi osho, and many more

before they became famous.

bromley comedy is great for a celebration:

birthday, hen night or a work’s do, or just a fun

night out with your partner or your friends*.

it’s a great value local night out in bromley.

As well as youth, schools and

community programmes the

Creative Learning team run

a range of regular classes at

Churchill Theatre that cater

for all ages and abilities.

aUTUMn TERMstarts 15 sep 2014

new! mondAys

young compAny 3 A bespoke class for young people

wanting to pursue a career in

performing arts and the theatre.

Must have previous experience

7 - 9pm 18+ years


young compAny 1 & 2 our youth theatre classes led

by dynamic and skillful theatre


young compAny 1 5 - 7pm 12 - 14 years

young compAny 2 7.30 - 9.30pm 15 - 18 years

sLo-mo dAnce slo-Mo - our resident

contemporary dance class for

50+ years. A drop in class

suitable for everyone beginners

and experienced dancers alike. 11am - 12.30pm 50+ years

£6 per session (includes cup of tea)


AduLT singing An informal drop in singing

class designed to improve range,

tone and confidence in your

singing voice!

11am - 12.30pm 50+ years

(£6 per session includes cup of tea)


sLo-mo dAnce11.30am - 1.30pm 50+ years

(£6 per session includes cup of tea)


young dRAmA our children’s theatre

programme led by experienced

and imaginative practitioners.

young dRAmA 1 9.30 - 10.30am 4 - 6 years

young dRAmA 2 10.45am - 12pm 7 - 9 years

young dRAmA 3 12.15 - 1.45pm 10 - 11 years

associaTEd classEscreative Learning is pleased

to be working with experienced

practitioners to bring a wider

programme of classes to

the theatre.

Please note further enquiries for

the associated classes should go

directly to the tutor.



Adult Tap (18+) 6 - 7pm

impRoveRs Adult Tap (18+) 7 - 8pm

Tutor: Lexi Bradburn

[email protected]

AduLT dRAmAAct Two (21+) 7-9pm

£90 (or two payments of £45)

Tutor: suzie Lowe

[email protected]

spEcial EvEnTs and WoRkshops27 - 31 ocTobeR

dRAcuLA’s booTcAmp 10am - 4pm each day

For young people ages 12-15

cost: £135 (£115 concessions and

siblings) Max 16 places.

A coach full of kids arrives at a

dark manor house and the place

is crawling with vampires. The

question is will they get out alive?

Packed with some great songs

and blood curdling scenes this

fangtastic halloween musical –in-

a-week finishes on halloween

itself with a performance for

family and friends. Packed-lunch

required along with plenty of

water, suitable clothing and soft

footwear. costumes provided.

cREaTivE lEaRning

28 29

Page 16: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

prices in person at the box office

**A £2.85 transaction fee applies to online & telephone bookings (excluding Theatre Card holders & Group Bookings).*A 1% per ticket booking fee applies to all credit & debit card bookings made at the box office.

prices for online & telephone bookings**

pRice bAnd A b c d e p

Annie get your gun £35.50 £30 £25.50 £20 - £45.50

fame £27.50 £22 £15 £10 - £32

giselle eyb £22 £20 £16 - - -

April in paris £25 £20 £15 £10 - £29.50

joe Longthorne £22.50 £19.50 - - - -

bugle boy d-day Tour £20 £15 - - - £25

That’ll be The day £24.50 - - - - -

peppa pig’s big splash £16.50 £14.50 - - - -

The eLo experience £21 - - - - -

Roy chubby brown £21 - - - - -

dawn french £40.50 - - - - -

Ruby wax £19 - - - - -

joseph £25 £19.50 £15 £10 - £29.50

The man jesus £21.50 - - - - £26.50

bless ‘em All £13.50 - - - -

An evening with sir Roger moore £26 - - - - -

Arthur smith sings Leonard cohen £19.50 - - - - -

black coffee £25 £19.50 £15 £10 - £29.50

eric and Little ern £20 £15 - - - £25

one man Lord of The Rings £17 - - - - -

The hollies £30 £28 - - - -

stones in his pockets £20.50 £15 £10 - - £26

ha ha hood £21 £18 - - - £24

jethro £20.50 - - - - -

motown’s greatest hits £23 - - - - -

The sensational 60s experience £27.50 £25.50 - - - -

Roy orbison & friends £21 - - - - -

The songs of sister Act £20 £19 - - - -

The billy joel song book £21 £19 - - - -

Abba mania £18.50 £16.50 £14.50 - - -

Let’s hang on £23.50 - - - - -

moscow city balletThe nutcracker £35 £29.50 £19.50 £15 £10 £39.50

sally morgan £24.50 - - - - -

Tenors unlimited £19 £17 - - - -

An evening of burlesque £24.50 - - - - -

calamity jane £18 £21 £24 - - -

That’ll be The day christmas show £24.50 - - - - -

illegal eagles £24.50 - - - - -

halfway to paradise £21 - - - - -

The eva cassidy story £18.50 £20 - - - -

sleeping beauty £26.50 £22.50 £15 - - £32

jesus christ superstar £39.50 £33.50 £27.50 £19.50 £15 £45

one man, Two guvnors £29.50 £25 £19.50 £10 - £35

peter pan goes wrong Mon

Tue - sat £15




£10- -

- £23.50

Arcadia £10.50 £15.50 £20 £25.50 - £30

spamalot £10.50 £15.50 £22.50 £32.50 - £38

A b c d e p

£39.40 £33.90 £29.40 £23.90 - £49.40

£31.40 £25.90 £17.90 £12.90 - £35.90

£24.90 £22.90 £18.90 - - -

£27.90 £22.90 £16.90 £11.90 - £32.40

£25.40 £22.40 - - - -

£22.90 £16.90 - - - £27.90

£27.40 - - - - -

£18.40 £16.40 - - - -

£23.90 - - - - -

£24.90 - - - - -

£44.40 - - - - -

£21.90 - - - - -

£28.90 £23.40 £17.90 £12.90 - £33.40

£24.40 - - - - £29.40

£15.40 - - - - -

£28.90 - - - - -

£22.40 - - - - -

£27.90 £22.40 £16.90 £11.90 - £32.40

£22.90 £16.90 - - - £27.90

£19.90 - - - - -

£32.90 £30.90 - - - -

£23.40 £16.90 £11.90 - - £28.90

£23.90 £20.90 - - - £26.90

£23.40 - - - - -

£25.90 - - - - -

£30.40 £28.40 - - - -

£23.90 - - - - -

£22.90 £21.90 - - - -

£23.90 £21.90 - - - -

£21.40 £19.40 £16.40 - - -

£26.40 - - - - -

£37.90 £32.40 £22.40 £16.90 £11.90 £42.40

£27.40 - - - - -

£21.90 £19.90 - - - -

£27.40 - - - - -

£20.90 £23.90 £26.90 - - -

£27.40 - - - - -

£27.40 - - - - -

£23.90 - - - - -

£22.40 £23.90 - - - -

£29.40 £25.40 £16.90 - - £34.90

£42.40 £36.50 £30.40 £23.40 £17.90 £48.50

£32.40 £27.90 £22.40 £11.90 - £37.90

£16.90 £22.40

- £20.40

- £16.90

- £11.90

- -

- £26.40

£12.40 £18.40 £22.90 £28.40 - £32.90

£13.40 £19.40 £26.40 £36.40 - £41.90

in personChurchill Theatre Bromley,High Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1HA10am – 15 mins after perf start and 10am – 6pm on non-perf days

Ticket Sales 0844 871 7620 (bkg fee)Mon – sat 9am – 10pm sun 10am – 8pm

Groups Hotline (10+) 0844 871 7636Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5.30pm

ATG Theatre Card 0844 871 7633Mon – sat 9am – 10pm sun 10am – 8pm

Access Bookings 0844 871 7677 (bkg fee)

Type Talk 18001 0871297 5477(textphone user)Type Talk 18002 0871297 5477(hearing person)

Facsimile 020 8290 8248 (bkg fee)

booking TickeTschurchill Theatre Bromley spends £1 of the price you pay for your ticket on improving your theatre. Bookings may be subject to a per-ticket fee, transaction and postage charge. For most shows ATg Theatre card, group bookings and sales in person at the Box office are fee-free. Please check with the Box office when booking your tickets. Tickets can only be reserved in person and payment will be required within three days or one day prior to the performance,whichever is sooner. cheque payments must be made at least three weeks prior to the performance and 28 days total should be allowed for the delivery of tickets.

*Ticket prices marked with asterisks are subject

to an additional fee when booking by credit or

debit card.

† selected pricebands only

condiTions of sALeonce purchased, tickets are your property, if the performance takes place, we cannot refund the cost in any circumstances. Tickets can be exchanged 48 hrs or more in advance of the perf time for the same production and value subject to an exchange fee.

ResToRATion Levyup to £1.50 from each ticket sold contributes to churchill Theatre Bromley’s restoration fund.

discounTsA range of discounts are available, under the following Terms & conditions:

only one discount may apply to any one ticket.

Tickets at discounted rates are subject to availability at any particular performance and for any particular seat, at the absolute

discretion of churchill Theatre Bromley, which reserves the right to offer unpublished discounts.

under 16s, full-time students, registered unemployed and senior citizens

receive a £2 discount on selected seats for selected performances.

ATg TheATRe cARd ATg Theatre card offers are subject to availability on selected seat prices and for a max. of 4 tickets per card. Please book early to avoid disappointment.


c seniors/children/students/claimants

f Family ticket

e early booking offer

g groups of 10 or more varying ticket discounts are available on most shows.

s schools, colleges and universities Tickets from £9 are available on selected performances for groups of 10+.

For further details contact theGroups Hotline on 0844 871 7636(Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5.30pm)

Access foR ALLcustomers who require additional assistance to attend the theatre, or who need to sit in particular seats, should make this known at the time of booking.

Direct access from the Foyer to circle with space for nine wheelchairs. Please advise when booking if you have a larger wheelchair.

There is a platform lift from the circle Foyer to the circle Bar and Terrace.

Accessible toilet in the circle Foyer orange/Blue Badge holders can

park in churchill Way. infrared hearing equipment is

available from Ticket sales. A loop audio system is installed

at the Ticket sales counter.

Audio Described, sign Language interpreted and sTAgeTexT captioned performances available on selected shows as indicated.

Deaf and hard of hearing patrons may use Type Talk, which is a free service. you only pay for the call to the venue. For more info see

hearing dogs and guide dogs are welcome in the theatre. Please advise when booking.

how To geT heReBy TRAiN Bromley south (London victoria), Bromley north (London charing cross and London Bridge) By BUS All routes to Bromley centre

PARKiNG Parking recommended Bromley town centre car parks are the Pavilion car Park (Kentish Way, Br1 3eF) and the hill car Park (Beckenham Lane, Br2 0DA). There is a coach Park in churchill Way.

The information in this brochure is correct at

the time of going to press. The churchill Theatre

reserves the right to alter the advertised

programme, facilities and ticket prices

if necessary at its sole discretion.

booking infoRMaTion


AmbAssAdoR TheATRe gRoup co-founded by sir howard Panter and rosemary

squire oBe in 1992, the Ambassador Theatre group

Ltd (ATg) has grown to be the world’s number one

live-theatre group with a total of 40 venues in

Britain and on Broadway and an internationally

recognised theatre producer. it is also a leader in

theatre ticketing services through ATg Tickets and

The Ticket Machine group (TMg). ATg’s impressive

portfolio of West end theatres includes Apollo

victoria, Donmar Warehouse, Duke of york’s,

Fortune, harold Pinter, Lyceum, Phoenix, Piccadilly,

Playhouse, savoy and Trafalgar studios 1 & 2. in

new york, ATg owns The Lyric Theatre (formerly

Foxwoods), the largest theatre on Broadway. ATg’s

regional theatres include The Ambassadors Woking

encompassing the new victoria and rhoda Mcgaw

Theatres and the award-winning Ambassador

cinemas; Aylesbury Waterside Theatre; new

Alexandra Theatre Birmingham; Theatre royal

Brighton; Bristol hippodrome; churchill Theatre

Bromley; edinburgh Playhouse; Leas cliff hall,

Folkestone; King’s Theatre and Theatre royal,

glasgow; grimsby Auditorium; Liverpool empire;

Palace Theatre and opera house, Manchester;

Milton Keynes Theatre; new Theatre, oxford;

richmond Theatre; southport Theatre and

convention centre; regent Theatre and victoria

hall, stoke-on-Trent; sunderland empire; Princess

Theatre, Torquay; new Wimbledon Theatre and

new Wimbledon studio and grand opera house,

york. current and recent ATg co-productions

include Dirty Rotten scoundrels, Jersey Boys, Rock

of ages, Macbeth, the Hothouse, the pride, passion

play, posh, Jumpy and constellations (royal court

at the Duke of york’s), 9 to 5 the Musical, priscilla

Queen of the Desert, Legally Blonde the Musical,

Monty python’s spamalot, the Rocky Horror show,

Goodnight Mister tom, the Mystery of charles

Dickens, south pacific, all new people, Dandy Dick,

Blue/Orange, Ghost the Musical, Matthew Bourne’s

nutcracker!, Exit the King, the Mountaintop, Being

shakespeare, the Misanthrope, West side story,

Elling and Guys and Dolls.

This brochure and access details are available in large print and on audio cD. call 020 8464 7131 to request a copy.




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Page 17: Churchill Theatre Bromley Summer / Autumn 2014

Priority Tickets. Great Savings.

£7.50 off (Prem, A & B)

half price Tue 23 sep (Prem, A & B)

ATG Theatre Card benefits are subject to availability, please check with the venue or call 0844 871 7633. Members can purchase up to 4 tickets at the offer price per performance and up to 4 drinks at UK venues in the Ambassador Theatre Group. Additional booking fees may apply on selected music, comedy and named act events. ATG reserves the right to withdraw benefits or related offers and without notice. Theatre Card price is valid until 30/9/2014. For full Terms & Conditions please visit

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accepted at 39 venues across the uK and in the West end

aTG Theatre card is £35 for 12 months of great savings and priority tickets and only £30 when you join by Direct Debit.

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The Nutcracker