cim assignment

Introduction Our coffee shop ‘Ms. Bean’ is situated on the Dhamazaydi Road and which is quite famous for its famous Europeran food and variety of tasty coffee. It started in 2008 and became one of the most well-known coffee shop in yangon in 2009. Nowadays, coffee shop market is becoming more wide as drinking coffee in coffee shop is a popular habit. So, we need to adopt creative and innovative ideas of our menu to survive in this hypercompetitive marketplace. Therefore, maintaining ongoing creativity and innovation becomes crucial to survive and prosper in the industry. Company Profile Our coffee shop ‘Ms. Bean’ is founded in 2008 and is one of the most well-known coffee shop in Yangon because of its delicious food and drink. We sell only hygenic food with reasonable price to our customers. It is located in Dhamazaydi Road and is a convenience place for customers. We serve various kind of menu but it is mostly famous for its Eupean food and tasty coffee. The artistic decoration of our shop is also one of the reason of our loyal customers. Nowadays, our country’s economy is more and more widening and there have been many coffee shops and restaurant. To maintain our top place is our main target in this dynamic business environment. Mission Our mission is to provide authentic, affordable and perfect foods to our customers to get customer loyalty and attract new customers to get good reputation with our creative products through our innovative plan Vission Our vision is to be one of the top coffee shops in yangon. 1.1Current creative and innovative management processes in an organisation

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Our coffee shop ‘Ms. Bean’ is situated on the Dhamazaydi Road and which is quite famous for its

famous Europeran food and variety of tasty coffee. It started in 2008 and became one of the most well-known

coffee shop in yangon in 2009.

Nowadays, coffee shop market is becoming more wide as drinking coffee in coffee shop is a popular

habit. So, we need to adopt creative and innovative ideas of our menu to survive in this hypercompetitive

marketplace. Therefore, maintaining ongoing creativity and innovation becomes crucial to survive and prosper

in the industry.

Company Profile

Our coffee shop ‘Ms. Bean’ is founded in 2008 and is one of the most well-known coffee shop in

Yangon because of its delicious food and drink. We sell only hygenic food with reasonable price to our


It is located in Dhamazaydi Road and is a convenience place for customers. We serve various kind of

menu but it is mostly famous for its Eupean food and tasty coffee. The artistic decoration of our shop is also

one of the reason of our loyal customers.

Nowadays, our country’s economy is more and more widening and there have been many coffee shops

and restaurant. To maintain our top place is our main target in this dynamic business environment.


Our mission is

to provide authentic, affordable and perfect foods to our customers

to get customer loyalty and attract new customers

to get good reputation with our creative products through our innovative plan


Our vision is to be one of the top coffee shops in yangon.

1.1 Current creative and innovative management processes in an organisation

Innovation is the process of creating and implementing a new idea. It is the process of taking useful ideas

and converting them into useful products; services or processes or methods of operation. These useful ideas

are the result of creativity, which is the prerequisite for innovation. Creativity in the ability to combine ideas in

a unique way or to make useful association among ideas. Creativity provides new ideas for quality

improvement in organizations and innovation puts these ideas into action.

The new idea may be the creation of a new product or process or it can be an idea about how to change

completely the way business is carried out. Successful organisations understand that both innovation and

change are required to satisfy their most important stakeholders.

Our process of NPD

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To get a competitve advantage in today business, we need to be creative and innovate, i.e, to do

something different from the rivals. As innovation process can take much costs and need to take many risks,

we have to inspire by reality. In our organization, we use the following 8 major step processes whenever we

present new product to our customers.

Idea Generation

Idea generation is generation many ideas in order to get the most appropriate one. It is the first step

that we use for new product development. For our organization, as internal sources, we takes idea from all

the stakeholders. As external sources, we always analyze the customers’ feedback for idea generation.

Idea Screening

This step follow by after idea generation. In this step, our BOD group takes meeting and decide which

idea should be taken and what need to throw away.

Concept Development and Testing

After we choose the best idea for our new product development, we must develop a product concept

which is a detailed description of an idea. We must take our idea to our target audience to determine what

they think and where any gaps might lie. Market researchers can help us run focus groups and surveys to

determine how customers will respond to our product.

Market Strategy Development and Business Analysis

In order to get a strong place in this fully competitive marketplace, we must have a good marketing

strategy statement. We targeted middel and high level of income people. Setting reasonable price and the

annual sales, market share and the profit goals are all included in our market strategy.

Product Development and commercialization

Product development entails the actual design and manufacture of the product. Development

commences with the manufacture of a prototype that facilitates market testing. Based upon the results of the

tests, we decide on whether to undertake large-scale production or not. Favorable results precede large-scale

production and commercialization. We launch its promotion campaign for the new product. The market

research conducted during the conception stage influences the timing and location of the product launch.

1.2 How to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change

An organization needs to be always creative in order to survive in this hypercompetitive marketplace. The

concept of innovation and creative is like the concept of change. It is human nature that people are afraid of

change. So, we need to attract our employees not to be afraid to change and train them to be creative.

In our coffee shop, we generally use the autocratic leadership style to manage the staffs because our

organization is not too large to use different kind of leadership styles. In our organization, decisions are made

from the manager and all the activities in shop are reported to manager. All the procedures of the workstaffs

are regulated by him and all the goals are made form him. But the decisions are also taken from the staffs

because they are always keep in touch with the customers. So, we sometimes use participative leadership


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In order to accept the organizational change, we build open relationship with our employees by making

discussions not to fear the change. We persuade them to be interested in our change process, we plan certain

incentives like annual trip, more salary, paying increment, etc...

2.1 The influence of vision and mission on creative and innovation management process in an organization


Our mission is

to provide authentic, affordable and perfect foods to our customers

to get customer loyalty and attract new customers

to get good reputation with our creative products through our innovative plan


Our vision is to be one of the top coffee shops in yangon.

According to our vision, we must make the plan for creative and innovation. Therefore, we need to know what

is our strengths and weaknesses. Here, we explore our SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis


our loyal customers

our location with large compound

good reputation

artistic decoration


Cost is a little expensive in compare with

our rivals

Some people do not like our dim light



Drinking coffee at shop is becoming

popular habit


Foreign investments

High market entry barriers

2.2 Analytical tools to identify potential creative and innovative management idea

Our coffee shop is one of the top coffee shop in yangon, currently. To maintain this position in this

hypercompetitive marketplace, we must create our strengths to become our core competencies and turn

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weaknesses into our strengths. We need to be creative so that we keep our market share in the market. We

have the biggest market follower called ‘Koffee Korner’. It becomes popular during these years because of its

cost effective strategy. There are some other coffee shops which get good reputation because of their

So, we use the weighted analysis of our and two other popular coffee shops to know our strengths and


SN Areas Cafe Gardern Cafe Koner Cafe City Cafe JJ

1 Strategy and


2 2 2 2

2 Marketing 4 3 2 1

3 Technological


3 1 2 2

4 Quality


2 3 2 3

5 Logistics 3 2 1 3

6 Human


3 4 3 2

17 14 12 13

2.3 Risk and benefits of creative and innovative management ideas

Creative and innovation process is like the change process. . For innovation to occur, there needs to be

a creative idea and the ability to convert that idea into action to make a difference. The result is a specific and

tangible change in the products, services or business processes provided by an organization. (Power Point

slide, MIC , week 2, slide no.3)

In our coffee shop, we sell our food and drink with reasonable price. Being the best qualifiy product is

our stregths to be top-class coffee shop. To maintain this standard, we must create difference from other

rivals to get competitive advantage. In our process innovation plan, we plan to have a ‘Happy Hour’ that is

during midnight of 2am and 4 am, we discount our beverage into 20percentage and we design our coffee

shop into some kind of bar. But unlike any other bar, we do not play club songs but some juzz songs so that

every couples can play classic dance. Our innovative plan is based on romantic youth couples.

To be a successful plan, we must firstly count the risks and benefits. As risk, we must face the problems

of the club because nowadays there are so many club that open tills aurora. So, we need to let the people

know that our plan is so interesting and invite them to join. Without first impression, there can not have

second step. If we do not get success in this project, our customers look down of our coffee shop and

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probably even might lose our customers. Another risk is human resource. We need proficient waiters to know

what customers need without asking. Financial case is also count into our risk. As we will renovate some part

of our shop into bar and decorating romantic lights will cost alot.

As benefit, we must get the new customers and our loyal customers become more believe our shop.

We might get more good reputation and get the belief of suppliers so that whenever we do our new

innovations, they might willing to join so that we can reduce our financial problem. In business, reputation is

everything, we might take good reputation in this project.

2.4 Change model to support the implementation of creative and innovative management ideas

Value of proposition

We will give the chance of free testing taste of our new cocktails to our customers and we have a

special menu once a week.

Target of customers

Our target of customers for our new project will be the youths.

Distribution channel

We advertise through medias like newspaper, TV channels.

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Customers' relationship

We will serve with the best music and the new cocktails menus. Our stages will be the best for our

customers to release their mind.

Partner's network

As we have a good reputation of our shop, we have the best relationship with our partners in doing

every project.

Value configuration

Our core value is to serve with all the best- i.e- best quality food menu, best taste coffee and the best

service of our staffs

Core capabilities

We own good location and have excellent chiefs and staffs to create the best menus for our shop. Our

decoration is also our core capabilities.

Cost structure

We will cost for the new decoration and our new stage.

Revenue stream

We plan to call new stakeholders to get fund for new projects. Our shop is running with the best

incomes situation.

3.1 Appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders who may affected from the consequences of changes to

accept the innovative ideas

Stakeholders are groups or individuals having a legitimate interest in the activities and performance of

an organization, generally comprising customers, employees, internal teams, vendors and even members of

the surrounding community or local economy.

It is general that stakeholders are afraid of change because they think mostly change process cannot

bring positive effects for them and they fear of losing the current positions or benefits. It is natural that

stakeholders resist to change because innovative and creation process have to take many risks. But, like the

saying of ‘ no pain, no gain’ , we will not get large success without taking risks. To survive in this economy, we

must be always creative.

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Our stakeholders includes shareholders, managers, loyal customers, gouvernment and our target

people to become our customers. To get fully commitment from them, we must let them know our creative

and innovative plan. We will use the following methods to persuade them.

• Dialogue with individuals and groups

• Meetings

• Presentations

We must let them know the risks and benefits of our detailed plan during these activities. We try to

make them believe our creative and innovation plan will bring success of them. For external sources, i.e, for

custumers, we will promise them know that we must not absent in current activities and services because of

our new projects. After getting agreement from our internal stakeholders, we will let the people know our

creative and innovation ideas through medias with the aim of getting new customers and their interests.

3.2 Communicating a creative and innovative idea to stakeholders of an organization

We must inform and explain about our creative and innovative ideas to stakeholders to get fully

commitments from them. The following table give the information of how we will explain to the


Stakeholders What message that we

will give

How to communicate How many times

shareholders Large profits, their

values of share in the

organization will


Meeting, discussion,



suppliers Our order lists will

increase because of our

By telephone, face to once a month during the

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new projects, the

contract life will be


face meeting, e-mail project

employees They will get new

jobfield experience

Meeting, presentation weekly

customers They can enjoy our new

project is being

completely implemented

advertising Daily

3.3 Key goal ands priorities for implementation of a creative and innovative management ideas using feedback from stakeholders

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In our likely situation, customers X, the existing customers, shareholders A, our current shareholders

and Finance department do not will to implement our idea. So, we would explain them about our plan

carefully. Our existing customers do not agree because they think we will absent in present activies and our

coffee shop can not be the same like before. So, we will let them know through our staffs that our current

activities still be the same while our new project is evaluation. By this way, we will get positive attitude from

them. Next for shareholders A, they resist because they think that their share profit will reduce because of

change. So, we will make discussion and meeting and explain them our risks and profits of our plan so that

they will realize and willing to implement in this innovation plan. For Finance department, we will let them

know we are now persuading new shareholders to join our projects.

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4.1 Barriers to the implementation of a creative and innovative management idea in


It is natural that every project can face with barriers. In order to face these barriers, we

have to caculate what is our barriers in implementing our projects. So, we must identify our

main barriers to overcome to get success of our innovation plan.

As we former presented, we can face the resistance of stakeholders. The resistance of

stakeholders is a big block for our plan success. So , it must think carefully to overcome this


For our coffee shop, we must firstly analyze time. Taking so long time for project can

take more costs. So, there may become financial problems and stakeholders can even lose their

beliefs on our creative and innovation plan.

Another barrier we must face is human resource. As we expand our business, we need

more proficient employees. There may become labour gap. So, we need to plan our human

resource systmatically in order to prevent this barrier.

Another difficulty is architects who decorate our shop with romantic lights. There may

be some difficulties while getting the proficient architects on time because nowadays many

business is trying to expand.

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4.2 A strategy to overcoming barriers to the implementation of creative and innovative

management idea in an organization

We should think a plan to overcome the barriers to creative and innovative ideas. And

this is our plan.

No. Barriers How To Overcome

1 Resistance of stakeholders Making meeting

Open discussion

Presentation of risks and benefits of our

creative and innovation plan

2 Time commitment Make our plan systematically

Limit the time of when the stage must

start build and end

Limit the time taking by stage

Plan to be strong in human resource so

that we can start as soon as finishing our

decoration plan

3 Labour Gap Make our human resource plan


From now on, we call waiters for our new


Make training program for their busineess


4 Architect difficulty for


We must call proficient architect with his

best incentives and make him to sure as

fast as to finish

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4.3 How a strategy plan for overcoming barriers will ensure innovative change is achieved

For organization success, we need the smart creative and innovation plan that is the

main change process. In implementing this innovation plan, we must face many barriers and

difficulties. To be successful innovation plan, we must overcome the barriers.

As we former presented, we must face the resistance of stakeholders. In order to

overcome these obstacles, we will hold meeting and discussion to explain what is the risks and

benefits of our innovation plan. We will build open relationship with them in order to let them

know what we plan to implement for the success of our new project.

Another barrier we must face is time commitment. Time is very precious in this

hypercompetitive marketplace. To save time for our new project, we must set precise duration

for every activities of new project.

In order to overcome the problem of the labor gap, we must set our human resource

plan systematically. We will hire the new employees from now on and make training programs

for them in order to be skillful in their fields.

In our project, decoration plays in vital role. To get the best architect is also our key

point to complete this project. So, we must find the architect who is qualified the term we set

for the organization and persuade him with the fee that they do not want to deny.

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4.4 Communicate a strategy plan for overcoming barriers to relevant stakeholders in an


It is crucial to know how to communicate with the stakeholders of organization. So, we

need to identify who we should communicate, when will we inform them and how we

communicate to get a good strategy plan for overcoming barriers.

Stakeholders What message that

we will give

Way of



shareholders Every main activity of

our new projects

Open discussion,

meeting, presentation

Twice a month

suppliers Which products we

need more and which

items we want in

order lists

By telephone, e-mail,

face to face meeting

Once a month

employees Incentives will be

reward in accordance

with their workforce

Reports, discussion Weekly

customers Our new project


Advertising through

medias, handout the

pamphlets to our


During the project


Creative and innovative management is very important in changing the organization's

environment. Without this, we cannot imagine to achieve our goals. This report shows how we

will overcome the barriers and achieve the targeted goal.

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Hlaing K.M. 2014. Creative and innovative management [lecture slides]. MIC Slideshare. NEW PRODUCT AND NEW PRODUCT DELOPMENT PROCESS. [online].

Available at [11 May 2014] 2012. Information and case studies. [online]. Available at [12 May 2014]


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