cimigo on social media customer service in vietnam customer service in vietnam

Customer Service in Vietnam Today! A report by: A report by: for

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Cimigo on Social Media Customer Service in Vietnam Customer Service in Vietnam

Customer Servicein Vietnam Today!

A report by:A report by:


Page 2: Cimigo on Social Media Customer Service in Vietnam Customer Service in Vietnam

In preparation for ERC’s “Uplifting Service” seminar led by the worldrenowned Ron Kaufman, Cimigo and ERC conducted an online survey withthe business community of Vietnam.

291 Company representatives responded. This is the state of play ofCustomer Service in Vietnam today.


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Customer Service in Vietnam Today...80% of companies believe that Customer Service is a key part of their culture.However, the vast majority believe Customer Service needs to improve. Fewer than1/3 of companies have clear Customer Service metrics and the majority fail toinvestigate Customer Satisfaction with their customers nor benchmark themselvesagainst competitors.

Customer Service training is not being extensively deployed, with only 1/3 ofcompanies having this as a core part of their training programme. Few companies runa scheme to reward employees for Customer Service.

Most companies believe Customer Service is improving in Vietnam, but 78% believeinternational companies are better in this area than Vietnamese companies. Giventhat 9/10 believe Customer Service is essential for international competitiveness, itappears that companies in Vietnam need to focus on this critical area for their futuregrowth and success.

We hope you enjoy this report and the forthcoming “Uplifting Service” seminar fromthe ERC and Ron Kaufman.


80% of companies believe that Customer Service is a key part of their culture.However, the vast majority believe Customer Service needs to improve. Fewer than1/3 of companies have clear Customer Service metrics and the majority fail toinvestigate Customer Satisfaction with their customers nor benchmark themselvesagainst competitors.

Customer Service training is not being extensively deployed, with only 1/3 ofcompanies having this as a core part of their training programme. Few companies runa scheme to reward employees for Customer Service.

Most companies believe Customer Service is improving in Vietnam, but 78% believeinternational companies are better in this area than Vietnamese companies. Giventhat 9/10 believe Customer Service is essential for international competitiveness, itappears that companies in Vietnam need to focus on this critical area for their futuregrowth and success.

We hope you enjoy this report and the forthcoming “Uplifting Service” seminar fromthe ERC and Ron Kaufman.

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How would we rate our CustomerService performance today?


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On the positive side, the business community recognises theimportance of Customer Service. 80% believe it is a key part oftheir company’s culture…

Customer Service in My Company (%)

80Customer service is a key part of

my company's culture




Customer service is a key part ofmy company's vision

Customer service is a key part ofmy company's culture

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But, there are major concerns about the implementation ofCustomer Service. 2/3 Of companies believe Customer Serviceneeds to improve…

Customer Service in My Company (%)

69The leadership of my companyshould place more emphasis on

Customer Service




My company delivers an excellentlevel of Customer Service

My company needs to improve itsCustomer Service

The leadership of my companyshould place more emphasis on

Customer Service

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What Customer Service processesare we deploying today?


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Only a minority of companies appear to measure and benchmarktheir Customer Service performance. Fewer than 1/3 have clearKPI’s or investigate their performance…

My Company Has the Following Processes (%)

31My company has clear KPIs orMetrics relating to Customer





My company benchmarksCustomer Service performance

versus competitors

My company regularly conductsCustomer Satisfaction research

My company has clear KPIs orMetrics relating to Customer


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43% Of respondents have individual Customer Service targets, butonly a minority of companies supply training in this area. It seemscompanies are not supporting teams to deliver Customer Service…

43I personally have Customer Service

metrics as part of my goals

My Company Has the Following Processes (%)





Customer Service training is part ofmy company's induction…

I personally have attendedCustomer Service training

Customer Service is a key part ofmy company's training programme

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Even fewer companies have a scheme to motivate employees todeliver a high level of Customer Service…

My Company Has the Following Processes (%)


28There is a scheme that rewards or

recognises employees foroutstanding Customer Service

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And our opinions of how wellCustomer Service is delivered inVietnam today…


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3/4 Believe that Customer Service is improving, but the majoritythink Vietnam has much further to travel to deliver solid CustomerService and compete at an international level…

Opinion of Customer Service in Vietnam Today (%)


Customer Service is key forinternational competitiveness

Companies in Vietnam need toimprove Customer Service






Sales targets are more importantthan Customer Service targets in…

Customer Service is getting betterin Vietnam

International companies are betterat Customer Service than…

Customer Service is key forinternational competitiveness

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Business Respondent Profile


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>50% is B2B

>50% is B2C



30% Senior leadership

Senior management

Mid-level management

Junior level

Business Respondent profile…

Company Revenue Source: B2B vs B2C

Seniority Level of Respondent



32%43% <21 employees

21-100 employees

>100 employees



30% Senior leadership

Senior management

Mid-level management

Junior level

Seniority Level of Respondent

Size of Company Worked For

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The Voice of the Customer

[email protected] Director

[email protected] Director