
1)what is reflection?uses of reflection? 2)what is serilisation? 3)garbase collection ,write the code in finalise method and destructor while gar base collector is calling? 4)generics ?(type safe use better perfomance becoz no boxing,unboxing) 5)asseblies? 5)gac ,how to register sharedasseblies in gac? 6)what is satellite assembly?  * provides resource and culture info  * by us ing bindingredire ct we ca n bind s pecific version of assembly. 7)dictionary type safe,arraylist is not type safe.  * dictionary ii in srt.keys  * <key ,value> 7)finally block is used to have some database related data.like close dr,con. 8)custome exception 9)custome control will be created in 3 ways :  1.inherited  2.by composit.  3.custome 10)costome controls vs web user control? 11)life cycle events steps? 12)readonly vs const ? 14)interface vs abstarct 15)virtual key word? 16)upcast down cast in virtual ? 17)use of loading of operator or method?(what is the use of operator/method over loading ? just use of overloading) 18)how multiple inheritance is possible? 19)what is static? 20)what is the use of finally block?

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1)what is reflection?uses of reflection?

2)what is serilisation?

3)garbase collection ,write the code in finalise method and destructor while garbase collector is calling?

4)generics ?(type safe use better perfomance becoz no boxing,unboxing)


5)gac ,how to register sharedasseblies in gac?

6)what is satellite assembly?

  * provides resource and culture info

  * by using bindingredirect we can bind specific version of assembly.

7)dictionary type safe,arraylist is not type safe.

  * dictionary ii in srt.keys

  * <key ,value>

7)finally block is used to have some database related data.like close dr,con.

8)custome exception

9)custome control will be created in 3 ways :

  1.inherited  2.by composit.  3.custome

10)costome controls vs web user control?

11)life cycle events steps?

12)readonly vs const ?

14)interface vs abstarct

15)virtual key word?

16)upcast down cast in virtual ?

17)use of loading of operator or method?(what is the use of operator/method overloading ? just use of overloading)

18)how multiple inheritance is possible?

19)what is static?

20)what is the use of finally block?

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21)can we use multiple try blocks inside a try block?

22)can we use finally block after try block?

23)what diff b/w throw , throw ex?

24)what is the use of throw?

25)how can we see exception on codeview?

26)difference between task and process?

27)what is the use of notify?

28)what operator is usefull for reflection?(typeof(typename )) ex;(typeOf(Rect))

29)dif b/w reader and set?

30)what are the dataset methods?

31)what is dataview where exactly we are going to write query for dataview?

32)how can we work with multiple tables in dataset?have you worked on it?

33)what are the command class methods?

 * diff b/w datagrid@Gridview?


35)what is nullable?

36)anonimous type & method?


38)wpf architecture

39)wcf arctitecture

40)data contract,fault contract contract types?

41)what is end point?

42)what is appdomain?

43)what global.asax file?

44)what is the diff responce write,responce.out.write?

45)what is the diff responce.redirect& server.redirect?

46)how can we prevent browser 401 error?

47)can we convert grid data to excel formate if, what is the class for that convertion?

48)why we need 5 events in life cycle instead of sigle event?

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49)what is the use of load and preload event?

50)in which event we are going to set the theme?

51)in which event we are going to set the mastrpage?

52)what is the worker process?

53)what is w3ww.exe?

54)what is the aspnet_isapi.exe?

55)where exactly we can change the frame work version?

56)tell me some tags in we.config?

57)how to access the con string from web.config?

58)where we can set session time out?

59)how can we change the security in we.config?

60)can website have multiple web.config files?

61)what is dif b/w view state & session ?

62)what is dif b/w cookies & session ?

63)modes of session ?

64)how can we maintain session b/w the two pages?(control name)

65)what are server side statemanagement techniques?

66)have you faced any problem in project ?

67)have you know about teleric & rad controls?

68)how you differenciate client & server side validations?

69)different types of validations controls?

70)what are comon properties of all validation contrlos?

71)which version of your web server?

72)what is the os of your webserver system?

74)how can we execute application from server?

75)what are webserver controls you have used in your project?

76)what is mvc,mvvm?

77)how to do error handling?

78)what is design pattren?

79)what is partial class?

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80)how to prevent classes being inheritnig from another classes?

81)what is delegate?

82)write the program for deleagate?

83)have you used lamda expressions in your project?

84)if you use delete or truncate on table what will effect on identity column?

85)what is self join ?

86)types of joins?

87)have you used cross join in your project?

88)how many tables can we join by using self join?

89)what is acid?

90)what are normalisation types?

91)what is the use of systemdatabases in sql?

92)how to find second highest max salary?

93)what is cluster?

95)what is conection pool?

96)what is the advantage if we use session mode as sql server?

97)what is magic table?"

98)what is the diff b/w view and table?

99)what is url rewriting?

100)how to find third highest salary of an employee?

101)what are the diff indexes in sql?

102)what are the types of userdefined functions in sql?

103)diff b/w clustered and non clustered indexes?

104)what is the diff b/w webfarm and web garden?

105)can you do update with dataset?

106)what are settings you are going do in iis while you are working with securitymechanism?

107)how to do caching in your project?

108)how did you do sql server statemanagement?

109)how do you do update by using dataset with Commandbuilder?

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110)program for sum of digits in an array eqaul to digits itself?

111)program for count of duplicate words from a sentance?

112)what is SOA?

113)what is abc?

114)write the program to find the duplicate charecter count frm given string with out using built in functions?

115)write the program to find the duplicate word count frm given sentance with out using built in functions?

116)how to stop the elivator with mobile device?

117)write program for delegatemethod invocation?

118)write the query to find the max salary from emptable dept wise?

119)write the progrm for palidrome without builtin functions?

120)how to pass query string?

121)where exactly interface and abstract class is usefull?

122)how do you restict one client accessing methods from another client which are there in same interface in service?

123)how do you say that stor proc is fast execution?

124)where exactly you have used method overloading?

125)diff b/w method overloading and method overridding?

126)we should not do any change in a method in a service it should

127)how to retrive empname from emptable ,Address from addresstable,Deptname from depttable in sigle query?

128)how to retrieve deptname from dept and empname from Emptable as Deptid is primery and EmpId is foriegn keys?

129)using System;  using System.Collections.Generic;  using System.Linq;  using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication4{  class Program  {  static void Main(string[] args)  {  for (int i = 4; i < 11; i++)  {  for (int j = 4; j < 11; j++)  {

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  Console.Write(i + "" + j);

  return;  }  Console.WriteLine("\n");


  }  }}

output for above program

130)what is viewstate?

131)how do you come to know that there is a problem in the service at client side as a developer?

132)what are the tables you have designed in your project?

133)differance b/w forms and windows based authentication?

134)how to call perticular control id in jquery?

135)What are ASHX files?

136)how where cluase is used for?  a)will retrieve data column wise  b)will retrieve data Row wise  C)both A,b

137)what is the default class for asp.net websites?ans:system.web.ui.page

138)how do you access connection string from web.config?

139)Whats the use of GLOBAL.ASAX file ?

It allows to executing ASP.NET application level events and setting application-levelvariables.

140)difference between sqlserver 2005 and sql server 2008?

1 XML datatype is introduced. XML datatype is used.

2 Can not encrypt the entire database. Can encrypt the entire database introduced in 2008.3 Datetime is used for both date and time. Date and time areseperately used for date and time4 No table datatype is included. Table datatype introduced.5 SSIS is started using. SSIS avails in this version.6 CMS is not available.  Central Management

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 Server(CMS) is Introduced.

7 PBM is not available  Policy based management(PBM) server is Introduced.

141)what is Kerberos?

142)what is cursors?

143)what is dataintigrity in sql?

144)what is third normal form?

145)why context object is used for?

146)Difference Between executescalar and executenonquery?

147)what is cursor?
