cinematic architecture

Cinematic Architecture: A Selective Bibliography Compiled and updated by Aileen Smith, December 2005, November 2009 This bibliography consists of a selective list of books and articles relating to Cinematic Architecture. Those books held within the AA Library are indicated with a shelfmark. Books (Alphabetically by title) Architecture & arts 1900-2004: a century of creative projects in building, design, cinema, painting, sculpture / edited by Germano Celant Milan: Skira, 2004 ISBN 8876240098 AA SHELFMARK: 72.036:7.036 CEL (QR) Architecture and film / edited by Mark Lamster New York: Princeton University Press, 2000 ISBN 1568982070 AA SHELFMARK: 72+778.5 LAM Architecture and film / edited by Maggie Toy London: Academy Editions, 1994 ISBN 1854902466 AA SHELFMARK: 72+778.5 ARC Architecture and film II / guest-edited by Bob Fear London: Academy Editions, 2000 ISBN 0471629758 AA SHELFMARK: 72+778.5 ARC Architecture of image: existential space in cinema / Juhani Pallasmaa Helsinki: Rakennustieto, 2001 ISBN 9516826288 AA SHELFMARK: 791.4 PAL Atlas of emotion: journeys in art, architecture, and film / Giuliana Bruno London: Verso, 2002 ISBN 1859848028 AA SHELFMARK: 7.03:72:791.4 BRU

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Cinematic Architecture


Cinematic Architecture: A Selective BibliographyCompiled and updated by Aileen Smith, December 2005, November 2009hi! bibliography con!i!t! o" a !elective li!t o" boo#! and article! relating to Cinematic Architecture$ho!e boo#! held %ithin the AA &ibrary are indicated %ith a !hel"mar#$Boo#! 'Alphabetically by title(Architecture ) art! *900+200,: a century o" creative pro-ect! in building, de!ign, cinema, painting, !culpture . edited by /ermano Celant 0ilan: S#ira, 200,1SBN 22342,0092AA SHELFMARK: 72.036:7.036 CEL (QR)Architecture and 5lm . edited by 0ar# &am!ter Ne% 6or#: 7rinceton 8niver!ity 7re!!, 2000 1SBN *542922030AA SHELFMARK: 72+778.5 LAMArchitecture and 5lm . edited by 0aggie oy&ondon: Academy 9dition!, *99, 1SBN *25,902,44AA SHELFMARK: 72+778.5 ARCArchitecture and 5lm 11 . gue!t+edited by Bob :ear&ondon: Academy 9dition!, 2000 1SBN 0,3*429352AA SHELFMARK: 72+778.5 ARCArchitecture o" image: e;i!tential !pace in cinema . a#ennu!tieto, 200*1SBN 95*4224222AA SHELFMARK: 791.4 PALAtla! o" emotion: -ourney! in art, architecture, and 5lm . /iuliana Bruno&ondon: ?er!o, 2002 1SBN *2592,2022 AA SHELFMARK: 7.03:72:791.4 BRUBuilding !ci+5 movie!cape!: the !cience behind the 5ction . 0att =an!on :ocal 7re!!, 20051SBN 02,020332@AA SHELFMARK: O OR!ERCinema *: the movement Aimage . /ille! DeleuBe&ondon: Athlone 7re!!, *92@1SBN 0224,3305,AA SHELFMARK: 791.4 !ELCinema 2: time image . /ille! DeleuBe &ondon: Athlone 7re!!, *929 1SBN 0224,33042AA SHELFMARK: 791.4 !ELCinema and architecture: 0elie!, 0allet+Steven!, 0ultimedia . :rancoi! 7enB&ondon: Briti!h :ilm 1n!titute, *993 1SBN 025*305322AA SHELFMARK: 791.4+72 PECinematic architecture . 7a!cal Schoning &ondon: Architectural A!!ociation 7ublication!, oth&o! Angele!, CA: /etty >e!earch 1n!titute, 200*1SBN 0292@44*42AA SHELFMARK: 91(794LA) SAL0etropoli!: a cinematic laboratory "or modern architecture . Iol"gang 6-?6* 2008 " 5.103 NCinemarchitecture: e;ploration! into the !copic regime o" architectureL. article by Ni# Ni#olovin&+.*091 +@ A*;:846;4.*91 EA.;948+0 >+1.620+.1 S6546-?6* 2008 " 5.41)45 N7roce!!: action %hich continue! and progre!!e!L . article by Helley Cheng and other!inS80395+*6 A*;:846;40+.245 &.06"&.122008 " 5.15< 54< 56)113< 124)149N7er"ormance . architecture N. article by /eorge Dodd! and other!in &+.*091 +@ A*;:846;4.*91 EA.;948+0 >+1.61 0+.4 M92 2008 " 5.3)83< 131)135 N1ntervie%: 7eter /reena%ayL . article by Caroline >ou;inB1.65*804 0+.265 A5*81 2008 " 5.52)56 N:ilming in Duter SpaceL . article by 0ar#o +1.420+.9M92 2004 " 5.362003NBaQing archaeology: the !trange gravity o" /ordon 0atta+Clar#L! e;perience+optic!L . article by Stephen Ial#erin &+.*091 +@ (8/.91 C.14.*6>+1.20+.2 A.3./4 2003 " 5.161)185NBeau -e!tL . article by &iane &e"aivre 'e;hibition at the Netherland! Architecture 1n!titute on the cinematic de!igner +1.10+.2A.3./4 2002 " 5.183)204NCinema e citta RCity!cape and 5ctionSL . article by Carlo 7aganelliin A*;90+.172&.12 2002 " 5.2)52001N200*: a !pace ody!!eyL . article by Natalie Hing 'the %or# o" arti!t David Noonan i! di!cu!!ed, including !pace+!tation architecture, %ith anine+!ided !et de!ignT(in A*4 90A A./4*9189>+1.380+.3 2001 " 5.434)4412000N?an Ne!t 7olgla!e and the modern movie !et: a pioneer %ho changed the cinematic land!capeL . article by Donald Albrecht 'producing modern de!ign, and avant+garde architecture in 5lm!(in A*;:846;4.*91 !836/4>+1.570+.4A5*81 2000 " 5.158)171NCinema and the cityL . article by NeBar Al!ayyad, and other!inB.814 E0>8*+0-604 >+1.26 0+.42000 " 5.266)330 N:anta!tic !patial combination! in 5lmL . article by Harin DamrauinA*;:846;4.*91 !6/830< 70(1)&90.9*2 2000 " 5.58)61NArchitecture ) 5lm 2L . article by 7eter &y!!ioti! and other!inA! P*+D16 142: A*;:846;4.*91 !6/830 >+1.70 0+.1&90.9*2 2000 " 5.6)961998NCity!cape! 11: **@ article !pecial i!!ueL 'e;plore! 5lm and video in relation to architecture and urban !pace(in '8A6 A0316 >+1.200+.3&.12 1998 " 5.1)221NUuic# !pace in real time$ Deel 2: =et be%egend oppervla# RUuic# !pace in real time$7art 2: he moving !ur"aceSL . article by Dle Bouman 'the animation o" the architectural ob-ect(in A*;:8/0+.5M92 1998 " 5.62)65 NSetting the !cene: production de!igner!L cinematic !ource! in Ne% 6or#, &o! Angele! and Budape!tL . article by Avi! Berman '!pecial i!!ue on movie! and de!ign(in A*;:846;4.*91 !836/4 >+1.550+.4A5*81 1998 " 5.40+N1tinerario Domu!: *,* RDomu! itinerary: *,*SL rentL anni dopo: la citta nel cinema di "anta!cienBa Rhirty year! later: the city in !cience 5ction 5lm!SL . article by >o!a Baldocci and &uigi Spinelliin !+-./ 0+.800&90.9*2 1998 " 5.101)108 (4674 80 $491890+E0318/:)1997N=yper+cinematic architectureL . article by Stephen 7errella in C+1.-?89 U08>6*/842.%*9A.946 S;:++1 +@ A*;:846;4.*6< P1900803 90A P*6/6*>948+0. 6,/1806 >+1.10(1)F911 1997 " 5.51996N:ilm+Archite#tur R:ilm architectureSLin B9.,614 >+1.87 0+.30A.3./4 9< 1996 " 5.1704)1705 (4674 80 %6*-90)NArchitecture: >ichard NeutraL! =olly%oodL . article by homa! S =ine!in A*;:846;4.*91 !836/4>+1.53A5*81 1996 " 5.64+NBody language: an architectural approach to per"ormanceL'the %or# o" 0arc < =a%#er and other o" 0ovement Architecture 7er"ormance, a multidi!ciplinary group %or#ing at the cro!!road! o" architecture, in!tallation and 5lm(in '+*1A A*;:846;4.*6 0+.45A5*81 1996 " 5.68)71NHinoarchite#tur RCinema architectureSL . article by Chri!toph Bignen!, and other!in K.0/4 E A*;:846C4.* 80 A6* S;:,68F>+1.47 0+.31996 " 5.246)325 (4674 80 %6*-90< /.--9*86/ 80 F*60;:+$491890)1995NCollaborating on celluloidL . article by Demetrio! 0atheouin A*;:846;4/= &+.*091 >+1.201 0+.16A5*81 20< 1995 " 5.22)23 NCinetecture: ?er!uch einer Annaherung und Au!einander!etBung B%ichen Archite#tur und :ilm RCinematecture: attempt at an approach and e;amination bet%een architecture and 5lmSL . article by =elmut Ieih!manninA*;:846C4.* .0A B9.@+*.->+1.28 0+.1691995 " 5.40)441994NArchitecture and 5lm . 0aggie oy, and other!in A*;:846;4.*91 !6/830>+1.64+>6-?6*"!6;6-?6* 1994 " 5.6)96N:ilm und Archite#tur R:ilm and architectureSL . article by Benedi#t =otBe and other! in B9.,614 >+1.850+.9 F6?*.9*2 25< 1994 " 5.400)423 (4674 80 %6*-90)1993NCinematic architecture and architectural cinemaL . article by Neal 1 7ayton 'di!cu!!e! the %or# o" Sergei 9i!en!tein(inA*;9A6< 14 (1) '8046* 1993 " 5.28)291992NDe!ign! on the body: 5lm.architecture.%ritingL . article by David Iill!inA//6-?1936 0+.19!6;6-?6* 1992 " 5.96)105NArchite#tur und :ilm RArchitecture and the cinemaSL . article by 7atric# Devanthery, and other!in A*;:84:6/6 >+1.220+.5S6546-?6*"O;4+?6* 1992 " 5.14)82(4674 80 %6*-90)1991N&LArchitecture mange au mythe RArchitecture and 5lmSL . article by :ranci! >ambertin !=A*;:846;4.*6/ 0+.19O;4+?6* 1991 " 5.46)47(4674 80 F*60;:)1990NStorbyen 1 biogra"en! mro#e: om 5lmen, ar#ite#turen og byen! poetic Rhe metropoli! in the dar#ne!! o" the cinema: on 5lm, architecture and the poetic! o" the urbanSL . article by Car!ten hauin SC919 0+.221990 " 5.28)35 (4674 80 !908/:+E0318/:)1989NDe!ign "or dreaming: 5lm and architectureL . article by &eon ?an Schai#in F81- C+--604>1.25M9*;:"A5*81 1989 " 5.28)30+1987N&a velocitaTla notte RSpeedTnightSL . article by Chri!tiane &oui!'>ob 0allet+Steven!L architecture "or the 5lm N&L1nhumaineL, *92,(in!+-./0+.689!6;6-?6* 1987 " 5.80)84< 7788 (4674 80 $491890+E0318/:)N>eal !cene!: imagined architectureL . article by >o!anna &iebman, and other!in M+A.1./: 4:6 U08>6*/842 +@ (8*38089 S;:++1 +@ A*;:846;4.*6 R6>86,>+1.181987 " 5.1)1361986NVBraBilV: the architectureL . article by 7ilar ?ilada!inP*+3*6//8>6 A*;:846;4.*6>+1.670+.3M9*;: 1985 " 5.21)22'6?/846/ ,,,.99/;:++1.9;..C"S#U!B"AA$S.:4-,,,.?D.+*3..C Compiled and updated by Aileen Smith, Deputy &ibrarianDecember 2005, updated November 2009