cipa signature september 2014

 Colorado Independent Publishers Associaon 1  An e-Publicaon of the Colorado Independent Publishers Associaon Important Dates Saturday, September 20 Mine Your Own Business with Brian Jud—CIPA Monthly Meeng  Saturday, October 18 CIPA’s October Meeng  Friday, October 31 Last day to watch the three CIPA Summer Webinars with Brian Jud  Join our mailing list to keep up to date with all of CIPA’s events!  Inside— President’s Leer  CIPA’s September Meeng CIPA EVVY Award Results  New Author and Members Benet!  Arcle- Book Prinng: Ligate Truck Delivery Member News Upcoming Member Event 10 Reasons to Join CIPA  7 Ways to Make CIPA Pay for You  CIPA Board Members  November 2010 September 2014 President’s Leer Hello to all my CIPA friends! Welcome back to another year of CIPA and our wonderful program- ming and networking opportunies. I’m always learning something about the book world—it’s an ever chang- ing industry and it takes doing one’s homework to keep up with it all. This past summer, I learned some- thing about bookstores. One of my authors had a book signing. Yeah! The Barnes and Nobles in California where he held the signing was able to order 100 books through Lightning Source—even bigger yeah! Then on Monday  I found a big heavy box on my porch. It was the 60 books that he didn’t sell during the signing. He has- n’t sold enough books to prompt B&N to stock the books on their shelves.  That’s the reality of returns in this business, and it’s something that we indie publishers try to avoid at all costs. There are ways around it—and that’s what Brian Jud is going to be talking about at Saturday’s meeng. He’s sold thousands of books by pur- posefully NOT going to bookstores. He even talks about selling them return-free.  I’m a successful publisher. All seven books that I entered in the CIPA EVVY’s this year won awards. I teach my authors how to sell books, and many of them are successful, selling 2,000 to 5,000 books within the rst two years of publicaon (and in our Find us on: Colorado Independent Publishers Associaon 6565 West Jewell Ave. 4C Lakewood, Co. 89232 Phone: 970-315-CIPA (2472) [email protected]  ©2014 Colorado Independent Publishers Associaon  business, that’s actually prey darn good—ask any agent or wholesaler). CIPA, more than any other enty, has taught me how to be successful. We look forward to seeing you at Saturday’s meeng so you, too, can learn how to successfully produce and market your book! Much love, Dr. Patricia A. Ross CIPA President 2013- 2015 P.S. Most memberships are expiring October 1. If that is you, we invite you to renew your membership and con- nue to join us every month! Regular Membership (Authors, Publish- ers) — $75 Individuals w ho sup port the purpose of CIPA including authors, pub- lishers and other interested individuals. Associate Membership (Service provid- ers, Publishers with mulple authors) — $120 Individuals or companies who sup- port the purpose of CIPA and who desire to directly oer products and services to other members. Companies may desig- nate up to ve individuals per member- ship. They can aend events at regular member rates.  

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CIPA Signature September 2014


  • Colorado Independent Publishers Association 1

    An e-Publication of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    Important Dates

    Saturday, September 20 Mine Your Own Business with Brian JudCIPA Monthly Meeting

    Saturday, October 18 CIPAs October Meeting

    Friday, October 31 Last day to watch the three CIPA Summer Webinars with Brian Jud

    Join our mailing list to keep up to date with all of CIPAs events!

    Inside Presidents Letter CIPAs September Meeting

    CIPA EVVY Award Results

    New Author and Members Benefit!

    Article- Book Printing: Liftgate

    Truck Delivery

    Member News

    Upcoming Member Event

    10 Reasons to Join CIPA

    7 Ways to Make CIPA Pay for You

    CIPA Board Members

    November 2010 September 2014

    Presidents Letter Hello to all my CIPA friends!

    Welcome back to another year of CIPA and our wonderful program-ming and networking opportunities. Im always learning something about the book worldits an ever chang-ing industry and it takes doing ones homework to keep up with it all.

    This past summer, I learned some-thing about bookstores. One of my authors had a book signing. Yeah! The Barnes and Nobles in California where he held the signing was able to order 100 books through Lightning Sourceeven bigger yeah! Then on Monday I found a big heavy box on my porch. It was the 60 books that he didnt sell during the signing. He has-nt sold enough books to prompt B&N to stock the books on their shelves.

    Thats the reality of returns in this business, and its something that we indie publishers try to avoid at all costs. There are ways around itand thats what Brian Jud is going to be talking about at Saturdays meeting. Hes sold thousands of books by pur-posefully NOT going to bookstores. He even talks about selling them return-free.

    Im a successful publisher. All seven books that I entered in the CIPA EVVYs this year won awards. I teach my authors how to sell books, and many of them are successful, selling 2,000 to 5,000 books within the first two years of publication (and in our

    Find us on: Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    6565 West Jewell Ave. 4C Lakewood, Co. 89232

    Phone: 970-315-CIPA (2472) [email protected]

    2014 Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    business, thats actually pretty darn goodask any agent or wholesaler). CIPA, more than any other entity, has taught me how to be successful.

    We look forward to seeing you at Saturdays meeting so you, too, can learn how to successfully produce and market your book!

    Much love,

    Dr. Patricia A. Ross CIPA President 2013-2015

    P.S. Most memberships are expiring October 1. If that is you, we invite you to renew your membership and con-tinue to join us every month!

    Regular Membership (Authors, Publish-

    ers) $75 Individuals who support the

    purpose of CIPA including authors, pub-

    lishers and other interested individuals.

    Associate Membership (Service provid-

    ers, Publishers with multiple authors)

    $120 Individuals or companies who sup-

    port the purpose of CIPA and who desire

    to directly offer products and services to

    other members. Companies may desig-

    nate up to five individuals per member-

    ship. They can attend events at regular

    member rates.

  • 2 Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    CIPAs September Meeting

    This in-person presentation with Brian Jud will be an in-teractive event to create marketing plans to sell your in-dividual books. You will leave with a list of prospective buyers and a plan for how to reach them.

    More than half of approximately $90 billion in book sales every year are made in non-bookstore outlets like librar-ies, discount stores, gift shops and museums. Our guest speaker for our September meeting will show you how to tap into this lucrative market.

    We're excited to welcome Brian Jud back as our speaker in September. Brian is the best-selling author of How to

    Make Real Money Selling Books, a complete resource for selling books in bulk to non-traditional markets. He is also the Executive Director of APSS, The Association of Pub-lishers for Special Sales.

    Mine Your Own Business with Brian Jud will be an interac-tive class to create marketing plans to sell your individual books. You will leave with a list of prospective buyers and a plan for how to reach them.

    This summer, Brian presented 3 Steps to Selling Your Book By The Case, a 3-part webinar series to take you step-by-step through the process of prospecting for po-tential buyers, writing the proposal, and negotiating the special sale of your book. Designed especially as a lead-in to his September presentation, the replays are available for purchase on the CIPA website until October 31, 2014.

    CIPAs Upcoming EventCall for

    Panel Guests True confessions time! When you published your book, did you make these mistakes?

    Choose to go with a vanity publisher who over-charged you on everything?

    Have the teen down the street design your web-site?

    Think you didn't need to hire an editor? Started marketing your book 6 months after it was


    Every author makes a mistake or two when they publish their first book! Our goal for this presentation is to help everybody make a lot fewer!

    Our program chair is looking for two authors with a story (or two) to share! CIPA's November 15 meeting will fea-ture a panel discussion called "Publishing Bloopers: If We'd Only Known." Contact Mary Walewski if you'd like to join our stellar panel to share some of your publishing goofs and how you fixed them.

    Mine Your Own Business with Brian Jud

    Saturday, September 20, 2014 Free breakfast and coffee

    8:30 a.m. - Noon

    $20 for CIPA Members by 6pm Friday before Event $30 for Nonmembers, Guests,

    Member Door Pricing

  • Colorado Independent Publishers Association 3

    2014 CIPA EVVY Award Results...

    Congratulations to all our winners!

    Here are the first few of our 1st Place Winners For a list of all our winners, please visit the

    results page here. Also check out the photos from the event here!

    Autobiography/ Biography/Memoirs

    Simplicity & Sophistication by Dr. James W. Jackson,

    Winston Crown Publishing

    Anthology; Literary Nonfiction

    Freedom's Rush: Tales from the Biker and the Beast,

    by Foster Kinn, Hugo House Publishers

    Cover Design Horse Vet - Chronicles

    of a Mobile Veterinarian, by Courtney Diehl, D.V.M.,

    Jim Winn/Designer

    Business & Economics Figure It Out: Making Smart Decisions in a

    Dumbed-Down World, by Robert W. Wendover, Articulate Publications

    Children's Picture Book The Stiches Fairy, by Patricia Long,

    Publish 4 Kids

    Coffee Table Books Color Country: Touring the

    Colorado Plateau by Susan Neider, Rainstone Press

    Children's Story Book Colorado Creatures by Michelle Rodenburg,

    Grubnedor Press

    Editing; Family & Relationships

    The Compatibility Code: An Intelligent Woman's Guide

    to Dating and Marriage, by Elizabeth E. George, Hugo House Publisher,

    Patricia Ross, editor

  • 4 Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    New Author and Members Benefit!

    CIPA Announces CIPA Brigade Program

    Wouldnt it be nice to have your fellow peers come sup-port you at your next book signing? Would it be even greater if they had an incentive to support you further by buying a copy of your book at the book signing? Imagine how many more book signings you could book if the bookstores heard of the attendance you attract at your book signings? More people at your book signings means more potential customers for them. CIPA would like to announce the CIPA Brigade Program!

    So what is the CIPA Brigade Program? (For current CIPA members only.)

    1) List your "Bookstore" event with CIPA on our website form so we can include the info on our website and in the newsletter and send out a CIPA Brigade email blast.

    2) Within 72 hours of the event, an email blast will go out to CIPA members, alerting them of the event, time and place.

    3) Every CIPA member who attends visits with the featured event's member to have him/her initial the CIPA Brigade Card once if just there to support the event, and twice if the featured CIPA member's book is purchased.

    4) Once you have initials in six of the twelve boxes with the date of the events on the CIPA Brigade Card, you can redeem your points for "CIPA Bucks" (store credit) at the next meeting you attend. Six initialed and dated boxes get you $20 worth of CIPA Bucks and twelve initialed and dated boxes earn $40 CIPA Bucks! If you fill up one card you will receive another.

    So how can CIPA Bucks be used? CIPA Bucks can be ap-plied toward any CIPA monthly meeting, CIPA special event, or CIPA store item. The more support you give to CIPA and your fellow members the more Bucks you get to

    use for your publishing and educational endeavors through CIPA.

    As our members volunteer to fill the CIPA Brigade leader-ship ranks, we will select Brigade Captains to spearhead different areas of Colorado to help ensure strong turnout at events. The Brigade Captains will follow up on the Bri-gade email blasts by calling a list of members who live near the upcoming event's location. Our goal is to have a minimum of 10 to 20 CIPA members attend each event.

    The CIPA Brigade is a Win, Win, Win member event sup-port program. CIPA wins, our members win (twice!) and the bookstores win. When bookstores have successful events, they don't forget! They buy our books and ask us back!


    Receive your CIPA Brigade Card at the next CIPA Meeting you attend.

    Would you like to volunteer to be a regional CIPA Brigade Captain? Contact us today! Well announce at the CIPA meeting on Saturday the incentive for CIPA Brigade Capitan's! Stay tunedor better yet, register and find out in person!

    The Writing Doctor 40 years editor all genres

    Flat-rates on critiques, content edit,

    ebook line edit. To development.

    [email protected]

    Charol Messenger

  • Colorado Independent Publishers Association 5

    Book Printing: Liftgate Truck Delivery

    Mikey Likes It! Liftgate Truck Delivery By Mike Daniels

    When books are shipped from most book manufacturers, they are packed in boxes that are stacked on pallets and shrinkwrapped to hold them together on the pallet. Then the complete pallet of boxes is loaded on to the trailer of a big tractor-trailer truck. The semi-truck usually drives to a local terminal where it is unloaded and pallets are sepa-rated by destination. At the terminal, the pallet is then loaded on board another trailer destined for a major city near your location.

    If the publisher does not specify a Liftgate Truck for resi-dential delivery, the tractor-trailer will just go directly to your address, expecting to find a loading dock and forklift waiting to unload the pallet(s). If the driver shows up at your house or office and theres no loading dock, then you, your staff, friends and/or neighbors will have to climb up in the truck to remove the boxes one by one from the trailer. Thats IF the freight company has insur-ance and will allow it. If not, your delivery will be delayed as the driver will simply refuse to deliver and take the books back to the terminal where they will then have to unload them on to a Liftgate Truck for later delivery.

    What is a Liftgate Truck you ask? Thanks for asking! A Liftgate truck is a smaller delivery truck that has a tailgate platform usually hydraulically operated thats attached to the back. The driver moves the pallet of books from with-in the truck to the Liftgate using a Handjack and lowers the complete pallet to the ground. The driver then uses the Handjack (mini-hand operated forklift) to move the pallet into a garage, storage area, etc. If the complete pallet wont fit in your garage or your residence is on an incline, it may not be possible to just move the full pallet from the drop off point to the storage area. If thats the case, the pallet will have to be broken down box by box and hand-carried inside. Thats why some freight compa-nies also have Inside Delivery service available. Yes, there is an additional fee for a Liftgate Truck. Usually

    around $150 give or take. And yes, there is another fee for Inside Delivery. If its not specified prior to delivery and the driver has to hand carry books in to your home and/or upstairs, then chances are good youll be receiving an additional delivery charge. Check with your book man-ufacturer or freight company for estimated delivery costs to your location and be sure to explain exactly where the books will be delivered to avoid delays and problems. Dont be penny-wise and pound-foolish! A box of books usually weighs around 40 lbs so give yourself a lift!

    Mike Daniels is the Great Plains Territory Manager for Four Colour Print Group, a well-respected resource for quality book manufacturing where he consults authors and publishers on the production of their books. Hes a pub-lished author, editor of Peaks & Planes magazine, is a Past President of CIPA, current President of the CIPA Education and Literacy Foundation and serves on CIPAs Board of Directors.

    Email [email protected], or call 303-325-7876.

  • 6 Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    Member News

    CIPA Member Becomes Featured Artist by ArtCocoon Gary Michael, CIPA author and an artist, has won a national competition to become the spokes-artist for ArtCocoon. Check out his feature here.

    CIPA Member Receives 1st Place CIPA EVVY Life Awaits You. Decide that just for today, nothing is going to stop you! Gina Meagher was award-ed a 1st Place CIPA EVVY Award for her eBook, There Is Something about Gina - Flourishing with Diabetes and Celiac Disease. Learn more about Gina here.

    CIPA Members New Book Benefits from Other Members Jeffrey B. Miller feels fortunate that his new book was improved by three CIPA members: copy editor, Tom Locke; back cover and interior designer, Dan Pratt, Pratt Brothers Composition; and printer, Mike Daniels, Four Colour Print Group. Others on the book team: front cover designer, Laurie Shields; indexer, Linda Gregonis; and proofreader, Laura Furney. The book is Behind the Lines: WWIs little-known story of German occupation, Belgian resistance, and the band of Yanks who saved millions from starvation. Beginnings, 1914. Available October 1 as a print book, a print-on-demand, and an eBook in every major distribu-tion outlet.

    CIPA Associate Members Clients Receive Multiple CIPA EVVYs BookCrafters book authors earned nine awards in

    the 20th Annual CIPA EVVY Awards contest. We are proud of all of our authors and de-lighted that their hard work and dedication were recognized. Noteworthy was the 2nd Place award for Juvenile Fiction for Dreamweaver, authored by Lauren Hall-strom. Lauren was 15 years old when she won the 2012 NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month) prize sponsored by Douglas County Libraries.

    CIPA Member Keynote Speaker on Mental Illness Kathy Brandt will be the keynote speaker at the National Alli-ance on Mental Illness Conference in South Dakota in October. Shell be talking about hope and that recovery is possible for those who live with mental illness. Kathy and her son Max Maddox are the authors of Walks on the Margins: A Story of Bipolar Illness, which re-ceived a 2014 EVVY, the 2014 Golden Quill Award, and is semifinalist for the 2014 Kindle Book Award. The book is available on Amazon. Kathy and Max most recently appeared on Rocky Mountain PBS. Kathy writes and blogs about mental health issues. Her articles have appeared in dozens of national magazines. Shes also the author of the Hannah Sampson Underwater Investigation Mysteries (available in eBook on Amazon). Visit her website here.

    Upcoming Member Event

    CIPA Author Showcases Book These are love letters, but not between lovers, and a war story, but not about battlesnot exactly. Letters to Ann: The Korean War 1950-1951 is a poignant series of humorous and heart-warming letters that a dad sends to his four-year-old little girl, while serving on the battlefields of South and North Ko-rea. The ultimate question in this true story is whether the soldier makes it back. Edited by Ann Marie (not the Ann of the book), Letters placed third in editing and first in military/military history at the 2014 CIPA EVVY Awards. Its available at Tattered Cover, Amazon and Barnes & Nobel.

    Coming up events for this very different story include Arapahoe Public Librarys Author Open House at 2 p.m. on Oct. 4, Rampart Librarys Author Showcase on Oct.

    8 and Books & Brews in Greeley on October 25.

  • Colorado Independent Publishers Association 7

    10 Reasons to Join CIPA (as a Regular Member)

    1. Monthly meetingsOur monthly meetings offer expert industry professionals geared to jump start your writing, publishing, or book sales.

    2. Free adviceEach monthly meeting starts with a series of roundtable hosts to help answer your most pressing publishing questions.

    3. Early bird sign-up discounts for CIPA meetings and events.

    4. The annual CIPA EVVY AwardsA book competition program that honors the best of our members' books by providing an independently judged competition in vari-ous genres and technical categories.

    5. Access to Associate Service Providers where you can find the best of the best in editing, book cover design, layout, marketing, printing, and more.

    6. Trade show opportunitiesCIPA members can promote their books at such industry trade shows as Mountains and Plains Independent Booksellers Association (MPIBA), Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL), and others.

    7. Vote at membership meetingsMembers voices count with CIPA!

    8. Eligibility to participate in the Douglas County Libraries eBook Submission Program.

    9. Network with your PeersMeet and greet like-minded writers, authors, and industry professionals.

    10. FREE marketing for your book by submitting your news to the CIPA Signature, which is distributed to members and non-members alike!

    Successful publishers and authors belong in CIPA!

    1. Attend monthly meetingsComing to CIPA's monthly meetings puts you in direct contact with members and guests. You'll meet prospective customers and learn more about book publishing from high-caliber speakers.

    2. Do a presentation at a monthly meetingSpeaking of high-caliber speakers - be one! Are you an authority in your field? If you are interested in giving an information-based presentation, contact the Program Chair with your idea. The goal is not to advertise your specific business, but to educate the members in your specialized field.

    3. Volunteer on committees and/or CIPA's BoardYou know it's true: the more you put in, the more you'll get out of your membership. Email us here to see where you can volunteer your time and talents. Try it, you'll like it!

    4. Submit an article to CIPA SignatureWrite an infor-mation-filled article in your area of expertise and submit it to the newsletter editor here for inclusion in the CIPA newsletter. Keep it informational. Better yet, place an eye-popping advertisement in the Signature!

    5. Host a meeting roundtableCIPA roundtables are de-signed to help anyone with any genre, with any question, simple or complex, for new writers and publishers as well as experienced authors and publishers. Are you an expert in your field? Contact our Program Chair for consideration to host a roundtable.

    6. Prominently display your marketing materialsA desig-nated Associate Service Provider table is set up at each meeting where you can display your flyers, one sheets, business cards, or other marketing materials. That's nine chances to get your company in front of our members. The more members that see your information, the more business you attract. Think Law of Numbers!

    7. Showcase your servicesA designated Associate Service Provider Directory is hosted on the CIPA Catalog website, not only for our members to see, but for anyone doing a web search. Our analytics show that 50 percent of our web visitors come from search engine results. Get listed, get seen, get business!

    7 Ways to Make CIPA Pay for You (as an Associate Member)

  • 8 Colorado Independent Publishers Association

    CIPA Board 2014-2015

    CIPAs Signature Newsletter Team

    Veronica Yager CIPA Dir. of Internal Affairs

    Signature Editor

    Charol Messenger The Writing Doctor

    Signature Proofreader

    Patricia Ross President &

    CIPA EVVYs Coordinator

    Mike Daniels Immediate Past President & CIPA Brigade Chair; CIPA ELF President

    Ann Nye West Treasurer

    Kathy Mason Marketing Chair

    Karen Douglass Secretary & Focus Forums Chair

    AnnaMarie Jackson Sponsorship Chair

    Mary Walewski Program Chair & Marketing Committee

    Grady T. Birdsong Membership, Mentoring, &

    Community Liaison Chair

    Michelle Rodenburg Young Authors League Chair