circle time fun

Circle Time Fun

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Circle Time Fun. Preparing for Circle Time. The where…. Traffic patterns Stimulation M aterials. What should I include?. How much time do you have? attention spans vary widely within each center “specials” What is your class composition? learning styles prior knowledge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Circle Time Fun

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Preparing for Circle Time

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The where….Traffic patternsStimulationMaterials

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What should I include?• How much time do you have? •attention spans vary widely within each center• “specials”

• What is your class composition?• learning styles•prior knowledge

• What does your center want you to include?•calendar •books•new concepts

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What makes a Great Circle Time?

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Balance!•activity• loud•movement•novelty•predictability

• reflection•quiet•stillness• repetition•spontaneity

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As a teacher we need to balance these needs by…• knowing about learning styles• being prepared• filling our “pockets”• evaluating

Preschool planning takes just as much, if not more, planning than the primary grades. How much time are you putting into planning?

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Learning Styles

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Types of learning styles:• Visual learners- thinks in pictures, learns best

from visual displays. Older children prefer to take detailed notes that they often visualize later.

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Types of learning styles:• Auditory Learners- learns by talking things

through, listens for subtleties in voice.

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Types of learning styles:• Tactile/ Kinesthetic Learners- leans best through a

hands on approach, cannot sit still for long.

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Now what?We know HOW they learn…

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What to do for Visual Learners-K and below:• Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!• Have them illustrate.• Write as you talk.

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What to do for Visual Learns K and above:• Use different colored highlighters.• Use picture icons to separate information.• Give assignments that allow for illustrations.• Use videos and other visuals (pictures, charts,

maps, graphs, artifacts) to enliven the material.• Manipulatives!

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Activities for the Visual Learner

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Activities for the Visual Learner

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Activities for the Visual Learner

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Activities for the Visual Learner

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What to do for Auditory Learners K and below:• Explain, explain, explain!• How is your inflection?• Repeat.• Songs La la la!

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What to do for Auditory Learns K and above:• Read text aloud.• Songs- amped up!• Debates.• Verbal presentations.

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Activities for the Auditory Learner

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Activities for the Auditory Learner

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Activities for the Auditory Learner

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What to do for Kinesthetic Learns K and below:• Circle time stillness?• Rotate!• Hands-on please.

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What to do for Kinesthetic Learners K and above:• Frequently allowing them to move!!!• Chew gum?• Stand up for knowledge.• Don’t forget the hands-on.

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Activities for the Kinesthetic Learner

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Activities for the Kinesthetic Learner

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Activities for the Kinesthetic Learner

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Activities for the Kinesthetic Learner

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A necessary evilEvaluating

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Things to look at when evaluating circle time.• How many times the children get up.• How many times you need to redirect questions.• How easily can the children retell you what they

have done or learned later in the day.• How many times you need to regain volume

control of the group.

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And I don’t mean in our jeans!Filling our pockets

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What’s yours?