circulatory jeopardy !

Circulatory Jeopardy!

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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Circulatory Jeopardy !. Circulatory Jeopardy !. When you are first born, your skeleton is mostly ________ , not bone. When you are first born, your skeleton is mostly Cartilage , not bone. Back to Menu. What are 3 of the 5 major functions of your skeletal system?. Shape / Support - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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When you are first born, your skeleton is mostly ________, not bone.3Category 1 - 10What are the 4 components of Blood?What does the Heart do and what controls its rhythm?

Back to MenuWhen you are first born, your skeleton is mostly Cartilage, not bone.Two types of blood vessels are _______ & ______. The other, smallest vessels are ___________.

Back to MenuShape / SupportEnables movementProtectionProduces blood cellsStores materialsWhat is the function of each part of your blood?


Back to MenuA place where two bones meet is called a Joint.Movable: shoulder, knee, neckImmovable: skull, ribsMuscle tissue is different depending on its function. What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?List the 3 important functions of the Circulatory System.A place where two bones meet is called a _____. Give examples of the 2 different types of _____ and a body part to go with each.7What are the 4 blood types?Which are the universal donors / receivers?Locate the two Atria and two Ventricles in this picture.

ADECBWhere is Cardiac Muscle located? What are the 2 critically important features of this muscle?Explain the function of each blood vessel.

Back to MenuThe blood types are: A, B, O and AB. Type O is the universal donor.Type AB is the universal receiver.What is the function of the Lymphatic System, and what do Lymph Nodes do?What are 2 types of Cardiovascular disease, what causes them, and how does this affect your heart and blood vessels?Explain what your muscles do in order for you to flex and straighten as pictured.

What does this picture show? Describe the path of blood flow from one point to another.

Back to MenuThey are the Atria (into heart) and Ventricles (out of heart).

Back to MenuAtria: A and CVentricles: D and E


Back to MenuTwo types are Atherosclerosis & Hypertension. They are caused when artery walls become blocked. They make your heart work harder and increase blood pressure.

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Back to MenuMuscles you consciously control, Voluntary; and muscles you do not Involuntary muscles.

SkeletalSmoothCardiacBack to Menu

Back to MenuCardiac Muscle is found ONLY in the heart. It is Involuntary and it does not get tired.

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To flex, your bicep contracts while the tricep relaxes.To straighten, vice versa. Muscles can ONLY contract.34

Back to MenuTwo types of blood vessels are Arteries & Veins. The other, smallest vessels are Capillaries.

Back to Menu1) To Transport needed materials,2) Remove Waste products (carbon),3) And to Fight Disease.

Back to MenuArteries carry blood away from the heart.Veins transport blood back to the heart.Capillaries are thin enough to allow diffusion of materials between blood & cells.

Back to MenuThis shows the Two Loops of circulation. Loop 1: the lungs the heart rest of bodyLoop 2: body the heart the lungs

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2. Right Ventricle; to lungs.1. Right Atrium; from body.5. Left Ventricle; to body.4. Left Atrium; from lungs.3. Aorta.6. Valves.Back to MenuCompleted Heart diagram: