circulatory system

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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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Circulatory SystemThe circulatory system consist of three main parts, the three main parts are the heart, blood, and blood vessels. Blood flows through the lungs to pick up oxygen and then flows through the body to deliver it to the cells. Blood also transports the food molecules obtained from the digestive system. Blood carries food waste from the body tissues for disposal. It carries carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is released into the air, other waste are also carried to the kidneys for filtration and excretion. Lastly, hormones and enzymes are also transported all over the body.Homeostasis refers to all the activities that take place to keep the body stable and in consistent conditions.Examples of homeostatic activate: 1. Regulation of body temperatures2. Regulation of hormones and enzymes3. Regulation of the blood sugar and blood ph4. Transport of white blood cells for defense against bacteria and viruses if there is an attack Blood is made up of four particles: 1. Red blood cells picks up oxygen and carbon dioxide2. White blood cells fights and destroys harmful bacteria and viruses3. Platelets helps to clot thee blood to seal wounds4. Plasma the liquid portion, helps transportThe human heart is organizes into 4 chambers (2 upper and 2 lower)There are pace maker cells which make the heart beat possible. Without the pace making cells it would be impossible for the heart to have a beat because the heart does not respond to the brains pulses to tell it to beat. The heart has its own beat and does not receive signals from the brain. Since the brain cannot create pulses for the heart. The heart is made up of cardiac muscle that contract for the rest of our lives; this is how the blood is able to be pumped to different parts of our bodies. All four chambers of the heart are separate by valves; valves are to prevent backflow of the blood so that our veins and arteries do not get clogged.There are three types of blood vessels; the three types are Arteries, Veins, and capillaries. The difference between the three is that arteries lead away from the heart and veins lead towards the heart. Arteries are made of highly elastic walls allowing the arteries to expand. They also are very muscular and can contract and expand to withstand high pressure.Veins have a thinner wall and are not as elastic. They cannot contract and have one way valves to prevent back flow.The circulation of the cell does not