circus, rock hill college, -...

HHLP WANTED.PEMAUe. WANTED, » flOVETlNEBB for two llttle glfll, ni'«'d nlno and eleren jearss must touch Mualc; Mnlc aalarr Mpcctod, expcrlonce. m teaabltig atiil glte reforene*. Adftrens 1*. M,, uorol htlll, VH. 'WANTED, houae OIHI, at once, Apply 11B 6, Third Strift. _. WANTED, iui experlenced COOK at 209 Eaat Clay Street; must sleop on the |irelnl»e«. WANTED, in nble-fcodled whlle WOMAN fnr romii.inlon to nn old lady. Apply nt No. 10OS West Cfiry Street, SITUATI0N8 WANTED.FEMALE. 1EFTNED LADY deilrea posltlon ns housekoen- er. nr would care for nn Inrnlld, or wotiio llke posltlon In hotel to cnro for llnen or pnn- try. Address H. M.. t.nnenburg, An. WANTEB, hy * young lady of eduentlon and experlonce, a posltlon ns Stenogrnnhcrl ron- son for wntitlna to ehnnge frotn pMUJ dcn n peeunlnry one onfyj ntettibr h*rml»' slon tn present ctnployers. Address i. u. Bo* 180, clty.__ WANTED.A young lady of some. wparlenoa de- ilres n posltlon in .. privnto tamiytMaehH Enpllsb, I-ntin. Mntliomntlcs nml Muslc imaU ehlldrot preferred! icforettces: exelinnged. Ad- flreS Mlss hoatwiuoiit, New-Canton, Va. WANTED. hy a Vlrglnla girl, ft posltlon in a colleBO VraOed school or private famll.v; cnn tenrh kn/llsh. MathcmntlM. Utln aud Usinil ech.! aubjeclil best nf referenees. Adilresa MlM IDA F. KB1AY. Clode Sprlngs, Vn. tApy TEACKElt doslres posltlon in prlvato fnrallr to tnaeh Matlietnntlcs, Rngllsli, Muslc and Prendii Muslc n speolnlty: referenees ox- d.Jnged. Address OOVEllNESS, Box 174, luinville, Vn. HELP WANTED.MALE. WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY: Able- bodlr-d unmnrrled men, betwoen ages of 21 and 36, cltlzons of Unlted States, of trood chnracter luid teniperato hnblts, who can speak, rend ond wrlte Etigllsh. For inforrnntton npply to Rocrultlnp Officer, 310 Enst Brond Street. Richmond, Va, WANTED, a young MAN, 18 to 18 yoara of ago, lo Btnrt In orfleo to lenrn business ln i niiimi- fncraritiK plnnt: snlnry smnll to begln with: mnst wrlto a fnlr hand nnd be correct at llg- ures. Apply, In own bandwrltlng, to i.., care thla offlce. DO YOU SEE THE OTHER iCUSTOMER? nz ti'c ,. ,.. Ki little girl'fl elbow. JDU XUU S.C.E, Jtnn ujLJu»n.w.wuj.y.¦»~.»., Slution of piusle in yestcrdny's Tlmes-Dispntcli: Thn mollicr's dress, from tho bclt nt the back, forrns Uie bo_. Invert tho picturc nud the samo lincs form a girl AoUicr girl is under tho mother's, and tho lnst one » bclund tho SALESMErJ WANTED. WANTED, an oxporionced HAT BALESMAN mitst imvn thorough know edge of Ho hnt biialucaa nml cnpi.blo of tnltlnR «iprno,;ot department. Aptfy; stathiB whoro "nploypl, salary axpooted, ete., to TI1I3 IIUB, 371 Ximn Ptrnet, Norfolk, Va. A NEW TYPEWRITER. THE COLUMBIA, tho now sinclo koylioftrd m»- olTino; only ono .ulftl hnllt with 84 nml DO chnrnotcra; iioIhoIoss ln netloil, .cnsy nml llglit imich; spi'dl rcRiilnlpil to milt "porntor. T1IH llAitl.OCK TYI'BWUITEII OFFICB ('Pliouo lB)j 712 13nst Mnln. ___^^ FLATS WANTED^_aa-___^ WAMTeS; __AT| l4c_.a bot«o?n B«»*f* Wtl/MAM .M1UUN, enro thl. oltlc*-_ WANTED. ___._, ......,...,... .".*"*""'"."n_l-.l t_¥ MOEBTA'B Ooffeo Or.mJt__J______ WANTED, ta buTTlinTninruch .^$1$" WANTED, a fu'hi'ialiod'or unfutjttshod 16 « lsronii, IfofHi; ror n fnmll.v "f/n"rri ' nn.i on Prniiklln or Orncr. wrgl ^7,WH 4 ennt of llnrrlson streets. N. «. n»wn- * Norlli Blevwith Slrrrr._ WANTED, to buy FeAth<.r Brnai '''f.he,ft,^^ Ptlwn m«, rontlirrn '""'.'"""'{v Mnln Pirnft. oli.r. _ WANTED, by Rlolunond. No. 10. t. A. of M nll mnclilnlata In thla rlclnll;v "".''" VJSnt Hon to II,n .nv. of Iho «?","8.t.l»1 ln thla clty. locnto.l nt Murphy'* »otel- B' a' IIUHMf, Vrca. WANTED, by oxporlonce.l hnnd, WA8H1NO. Apply nt OOT Prlce Strwl. c|l.v, WANTED, to u.e ono or two "K&IYW,}', TUIIH ror about two inonlhui wl.**»&««« enro; no chlldren; wlll par rjnamablo¦ prteot hnst reformicen. Cnll nl M N. M"«" Sl"ct' FOR SALE. WANTED, to .oil or ront JV 8Wt«?b".£".*' .i£ old rollntiln Qraeery nml '''JWRbiiroiV i Slock nnd Llcenae. GEO. E. ANDRIISON. 1833 West Cary, county. Hlehmonil._ FOR BALE.HORSEs sound nnd gontto, aultable for Indy^lnelor or l^'''«v8ffirfflf____J wlthonl hltrhltiK. Apply IIVOfcA STABLUS. Flfth SJrect._____" Oyster COUNTBIH naiMii »«MJ'i»J£M2fJ0R ultli-liiirlc linr to mat.-li. M. HOSEM1LOO.U AND SON, lli.'H) Ennt Mnln._ STOOK SHEEP FObTTaiTe-Wo wlll have on MONDAY. Atlfllat 24th, ¦'»-M*SS_ nhout flOO cholce nreeiliiw W '''»,,' "'S *f «"? aoll roa.onnlile nml I" loh', " »"'t ttU y°un* nnd Bdcct. IUIAUEK CA1 fl.H CO. LOST._ LOST.Saturday', a whito DOOi blnok ajlot on back. onr. cut. neward lf returned to 715 Cuthcrlno Street. ctoryj, I THE TEE-DEE | Dally Business Dljgctory CARDfi under thla hsad ars Unen °« Wif. hioiiths' cnntrnct, Dally nml Sunday, al ai.oo per tnontli, BTc^YcTerXrTD'Tbvsr TOMfKINB' 'OYOtE flTORE,Jlll_^"t **"»"¦ PLUMBINQi AND MANTEl-9. W. 1\ MAHONEY AND 00,^707 Eaat Maln. PHOT0GRAPHER9, THE DAVIB OALtERV, 2B3 Eaat Broad, MINEHAL WATER9, THAW AND GRANT, Rlohmond, Va. EI-HCTRIC SHOE PAOtORV. W, E, DhEW AND 00. 710 Eaat »»'ni SEWINQ MACHINES. THE NEW HOME (I>h, 1448), 008 gait Bro»d; 8HIRT-BUILDER8. B. E, BIBHOP, 70E East Maln. _, TIN-PLATeTaND STOVES. HARRIB HARDWAHE 00.. "CO Eai.t Broad. ROOM9 FOR RENT, WANTED, ocoupant. for *...«»«. J^fifft Wlth honrd, Apply to Mrs.-. MMABET. WIM.SON, lina Enst Ctrnco Street._ WANTED, oooupants, wlthout board, I'or ono bnck room. soutliern exposure. Mrs, ftyuu, n Enst Miiln. ¦pttiikishED ROOM.Ocntleman dosiroB fiut- rSIS"eoD,,,n,odnlI|nns nud g*«f£] clty. "COUNTRY BOARD. notlNTRY BOARD and sport, Vlrglnla Moun- tnlW: hnrses nnd lioanda; hnn«Bj|aJd shoot. lng circulnrs und clty referenccs. RA.V DOM'll. Keswlck, Va. EOOK-BlNOtNG AND PRINTINO, lillilott, ete. botmd. 8. B, AblUNB- AND CO,, No, fl Qoteriior Slreat,_ CONTRAOTOR ANtTBUILDtR. B, A, ORASBEROER, offlce 18 N, SO! fritone 84127. Estltnnte* furtilstied, Rnpnlr wark « «|ieeltllty. ctJpVTN a~¥do K8.' j THE TOKIO Oopylnf look la ths best) orlflnal .rnpnnese pnpor: perfect results, THE .MAIJ« I.UCK TVt'inVltlTEIl 01TICI3 (Tliono IB), 712 Enst Maln Rtfeet. FURNITURE UPH0L8TBRED. BPEOfAl, MlDHtJMMEh PRIUES an teupholater- lim Pnrlor I'nrtitKlrn, CoUcilM otc. CHAIIMCS 0. .ItmOBN'fl' SON. 410-gl B. llrond Btrott, g=^:u"n NYf U~R'E~~UP~ HOL8TE RE RS, BPEOIAL M1DBUMMER PRIOEB pn MUphbUt^! lim l'nrlnr Furnlhirc, Ooileliea, etc. OHAHMCS q. JOtttlKNB' SON. 410-21 Ii. Broad Btrett. Tc¥-"C~R~EAM. MOEBTA'B Ice.Orcam Patlora ara mora popuUi !h"n fVgr' i_'.__-__.. . ^^ r^dUc"e d~p rTo E 8._ PRIOEB REDUOED on watoh work lOloanlnr, Sli Maln Sprlngs, $1 twenty years' experj. ofiee WM TOtltKN. Jr., 40S B, Broad Street, llleiiraonil, Vn. Specloeles nml Byeglu»»es, 26 cts. All Work giianiiitned._ M7MrVIEO'6"RAPlT"TuFPLIEB. .¦*¦ WE HANDLE tho Mlmoograph and Npoatyla Mnuehlnes nnd ««»PPll»;»-, THK TYPBWhlTMR OFFICB ('Photie Ifi), 712 Eaat Mnln Street. _/_ TYPEWR|TER BARCSAIN8. THE BARLOOK TYPEWRITER Offloo ('Phone 161 712 Enst Mnln, hns n lot of Hecond-bnnd (nll mnkes) Typewriter* for salo chenp; tnust hnvo room fnr new Oliunlda. _ ^Ty1,"ewr'iter CARBON. a P, LITTI.E'3 Batln Plnlih, ths baat oarbon in ihe world; $1 box. any slze nnd color. TIIBBAHI.OOK TYPHWK1TER OITIOB ('I'hone 16), 71" E"»t Mnln Street. _ TO KEEP COOL. ELEOTRIO FANB, Pure Ica1 Cream, Ioei, Bodi and cverythliig Ihnt'a coollng at MOEBTA'B. NOTICK. ALL, f,tA1llt,tTY Ot' THE) MAODBntJIlfi ftttll INSHllANOtl COMPANY OF .A01i»miIia. ' OMHMANY, ln Iho Sifttn of Vlrftlnlii, Imvlni been cnnoolled nml lertulnaled, ttotlce la her§« bn *lven llmt appllenlldtt lina be«rn made ta ihoW A. W. liAMtAN. 3r. Ttaaaiiwr ol the Slrttc, fnr tlie rolenae nf 1*. deponit of 1.17,000, held for tlie benoflt of tho companr'i liollor boldera In Vlrfilnln. I'Alilv B. tlABOtt, U. 8. Manaffef. AtiK, i-SOt _' .1 iiAvb ttiANSfRitnBr. to my nbmibw. JOSEPH M. KAIN, of thln clty, tho hlielneM of t.'iiilerliikrr, Emlinlnicf nt)i1 Flltiernl Plreelor, ao lonc rondnelcd nt Flrat and Broad, and liow nt No* 4m W. Hrond Btreet. Mr. Kaln hjs bnen nanoclntcil wllb nin for. aOTern year. Ihe mnnmrement of enld htialnoaa, nnd can cot_ mend hlm for hla nITIcleney. Thnnk na _f frletida.for tholr kltidncna itr tho paat, 1 retnnld very tmly, ^ ^^ N. B..All poreona Indcbted to me wlll pleeJl closo nceomita wlth Mr. Kn^n.g _, ^^ Iteferrlwr to tho aboto notlce 1 be* toetf thnt I wlll cnniltiiin tho Mialtioaa abore triet* lloneil at No. 401) W, Broad Btreot. I reapect fully nollclt tbe conaldorntlon of ray frlendn nnd n coutlmlAtiee Of tbat accorded to my predecenaor. nnd wlll gtvo aamo my prorapt nrid tH-raonnl nttenllon. Very reapeettilly, Aug. 30-1 mo JOS. M. KAIN. _ - :...» THE NEW COLUMBlA. THE ONLTT TYPEWRITER harinf parMraph and inlmeoHrnph ntnlchmenta; nothlnff entra /or tlieae, TIIB NAHLOCK Tyi'BWRlTBfl orrrcn VPhom tro, 712 Enat Mnln Street TYPEWRITER DE8K8. OUH BTECIAL Iloll-Top OABINE'f ia a baaut*. Sce our atock liefore liuylnx. TIIB BAR" LOOK TYPEWKITEU 0FFI015 ('Pliono 18), 713 Enilt Mnln Htreet. TYPEWRITER PAPER. WE HANDLE all the boat brand. Typewrlt.' Paper: entelngni! for tlie nnklnff. TIIB BAR- LOOK TYPEWUITEIt OFFICB CPhono 1ft), WINES AND LIQUORS. WHY PAY MORE when you can buy pure lour-yenr-old Whlakey for »2 per unllon: OM Coionlnl Whlakey. now aerou yeara old, S3 per fjttllon; alilppeil In hlauk Imxea to nny nddrcaa. All of Ihe lendln« branda of IVInet, Llnuora. nml full atock Of Orocerlea nt OEO. M'D, IILAK-'S, 7!!0 Wsat Broad Stroet, Illch- mond, Va, AMUSEMENTS. C/3 TO-NIOHT. ALL-STAR VAUDEVILLE Next Weok: N. Y. Boys' Symphony Orchestra. PRICES: lOo to 60c. The Only Big Show 0FTHESEAS0N, THE AMATEUR CIRCUS, Horse-Show Buildlng, SATURDAY, August 29th, MATINEE AND NIGHT. One Price - - 25c FOR SALE. Household Goods For Sale. CARPETS, CHAIRS, TABLE5, s BEDROOM SUITES, Etc. APPLY AT ONCE TO 811 W. MAIN ST.,CITY. LEGAL NOTICES. TO J. M. ROBINSON, GEO. C. NORTON, G. H MOUJtNING. AL.VAH H. TKRRY, DOUGDAS ..BARCDAY. P. HOOK.ER ROBINSON, COMPOSING THE FIRM OF J. M. ROBINSON, NORTON AND COMPANT: You are heroby notlfled that n lot ot land doscribod aa 1. 2, 3 and 1-10 acres. Blandon Avenue, Tuckahoo MiiBlstorlnl District, Henrico county, Vn., wns sold on the - dny of for dellnquent taxes, lovles, Interest and costs due there- on, in tho naino of G. M. Roblnson, Nor- ton and Company, for the year 1S91 to tho Commonwonlth of Vlrglnla; nn appllca¬ tlon for the purchase thoreof has beon fllod in thls offlce, and lt appearlng from the records of thls offlce that you aro In- terested in tlie Bold land, you aro furthar notlfled to appear here ln four months from the date of thls notlco and do what may be necessary to protect your intorest. Given undor my hand this 6th day of August, WCfl. BAMUKL P. WADDII,!. Clerk of tho County Court of Henrico county, Vb. A copy.Test e: SAMUEL P. WADDIIjL, Clork. Aug 7-law-U TO JOHN H. WAI.SH: You aro heroby notlfled that a trnct of land, desorlbod as 100x100 feet, Washlngton Street, in Tuckahoe Maglaterlol District, Henrico county, Va., was sold on tlio- day of - for dellnquent taxes, levlos, interests nnd coat due thoreon for the yofir 1RSC, in your namo, to tho Commonwonlth of Vlrglnla. An appllcatlon for the purchase theroot has U-een llled ln ihls offlce. und lt appoar- ine from tho recorda of tlils offlce tliat vou aro interested ln the snld land, you in-e ftirthtf notlfled to lippoar here wlthin four months from the ilcte nf thln notlco nnd do what may ba pecosaary to proleot your interest. Given under rny hand thls i'th day of August. 1W3, 8AMUEL, P, WADDIU/, (Tcrk of the County Court of llonrlco eou'nty, Va, A copy.Tcsto: HAMl'EI, P. WADDll.l,, Clerk, ililL' -Jl-lilW-lt ¦in JACK80N BRANPT: You nro hereby notlfled thut n lot of 1'iiici descrlbed us Hti 10-12x18-120 Cary und West, Tuckiihoe Maglsterlal Dlstrlct, Hen¬ rlco county, Va., was sold on, Iho - day nf-(ot dollnquent Uxos, lovles, niii-rcM und coata due thoreon for tho vc-ir 1RO6, to the Commonwonltn of vir- ninla; an niiiiiicutlon fnr ihe uurohase thereof haa been filed ln thla oillce, nud li anpearlnti from the records of thln of» iice itiat you i'lf Interested ln aaid land, you are furllier notlfled to appear hoio in four months fi'om the date m thln no¬ tlce nnd dQ what mny ho necessiiry to protect your Interest. Glven under my hand thls f,ih dny of AuKUst, 1003. KAMUEI. I'. W'AI.iIjII.1,, Clerk of tho County Court ot Heniico county. Va. A copy.Teutei SA...iJ_l« 1'. WADOII.I., Clerk. Ausr7-law-4l_ _ SPEND SUNDAY AT THE POPULAR RESORT, Beach Park; two speclal trains every Sunday. Lenve Rlchmond 9:30 A. M. and »;W P, ii.. Pifty cents round trlp. AN ORDINANCE. (Approved August IB, xW.) GRANT1NG PERMISSIOX'TO AMMU- CAN NATIONAD BANK lO CON- STRUCT AND MAINTA1N A CM.LAH JENTRANCE, WITH STONb STBPB AND IRON RAILING. ON SIDEI OF ENTRANCE ON THE SIDE OF THEIR PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE Ol' TENTH STREET BETWEEN MAIN AND CARY STREETS. Bo it ordnined by the Councll of the Clty of Richmond: 1 That permlsslon bo nnd tho same ls herebv granted the Amerlcnn Natlonal Bank to construct nnd mnlntaln a Cellar Entrnnce, wlth stone steps and Iron rall- Ing on slde of entrnnce, on the sldo of thelr property on the past slde of lentn Street between Mnln nnd Cnry Streets, subject to tho following conditlons: 2. That the snld Cellar Entrnnce Is to be constructed accordlng to tho plan pre- sented by snld Amerlcan Natlonal Bnnk, nnd now on flle In the officc of Clty En¬ gineer: nnd nlso In such ninnner and wlt.h such materlals as shall bo sntlsfnctory lo the Clty Engineer. 3. Tho snld Amerlcan Nntlonal Bnnk shnll nt nll tlmes keep snld Cellar En¬ trnnce ln proper repalr, nnd shall mnKO such repalrs ns tlie Commlttee on Streets mav at anv tlme deom rensonnblo for the safety of porsons uslng the hlRhwny over nnd around said Cellnr Entrnnco,, 4 The snld Amerlcnn Nntlonnl Bnnk shnll pnv tho rate fixed hy thn ordinance of t.ho citv allowlntr constructlon of arens or vnults"ln sldewalks or nllays. 5. The permlsslon Heroby gmntod shnll nt anv tlme he subject to nny nmondment or revocntlon bv the Clty Councll. Uppn n revocntlon or amendment of said permls¬ slon. the snld Amerlenn Nntlonnl Bnnk, or nnv suhsequent owner of snld house. shnll Irnmedlntely conform to such amendment or revocatlon. G. The snld permlsslon ls fflven subject to the conditlons thnt the snld Amerlcnn Natlonal Bank. or nny subsequent owner of snld houso. wlll Indemnlfy, rnlrnpiirse; nnd save hnrmless the clty of Rlchmond for anv chargos. dnmngos, or cost tliat thq citv mav bo requlred to nny by reason of anv person belng Injured or dnmagou in nnv wav, ln property or person, by tho constructlon, oxlstcnco, or malntennnce of said Cellar Entrnnce. 7. Before nnv work ls done under thls ordinnneo. the said Amerlcnn Nntlonal Bank shnll olitnln from the Clty Fnglneor his wrltten permlt to oxenvato In streets or nlleys of the city. 8. For n fnllure tn conform fully to thn provlslons of thls ordinance, or nny amendment or revocntlon thereof, or nny requlrement thereunder. the said Amerl¬ cnn Nntlonnl Bank. or any subsequent owner nf pnld house, shnll bo llanlo to n flne or not 1pp« thnn tnn nor moro thnn flftv dollnrs; each day's fallure to bo .a separnto offenso. 0. All ordlnnncnn or nnrti nf nrfllnnnoes nro hereby repcnlod, so far ns the samo may confllct herewith. 10 Thls nrrtlnnnco shnll ho In force from it3 pnssngo. q __ AlrrajST CRy CIork. miK lS-5t , AN ORDINANCE (Approved Amrust 1», W03.) GRANTINO PERMISSION TO AMERI- OAN NATIONAU BANK TO CON- STRUCT AND MAINTAIN SEVEN AREAS AND A COAL VAULT ON THE SIDE OF THEIR BUILD- 1NO ON THR EAST SIOR OR TENTH STRRET 'BETWEEN MAIN AND CARY STREETS. BoHt brdalned by tho Councll of the Clty of Rlchmond: lat. That permlsslon ho nnd tbe snino ls hereby granted 10 tho Amerlcan Nn¬ tlonal Ilnnk to construct nml mnlntnln Soven Arens nnd a Conl Vault on tho enst sido Tontli Slreet between Main nnd Cary Stroots, subject to tho condltlons heretn stntod: ,,.,.,. 2d. That thn snld Arens nnd Coal Vnult are to bo constructed accordlng to tho plan presented by snld Amerlcan' Natlonnl Bank, and now on flle ln ihe offlce of Clty EnBlneor; and also In such manner and wlth aiich ninterlnls ns BhaJI bo sutlsfnc- tory to the Clty Engineer. 3d. Tho sald Amerlcnn Nnllonnl Bnnk shall at ull tlmes keep sald Arens nnd Conl Vnult In proper ropalr, nnd shall mako such repalrs as tlie Commlttee on Streets may nt nny tlme deem rcusoiinblo for tlio snfetv of persons u«lm,' tho IiIrIi- wnv over snld Areas and Conl Vnult, 4th The Biild Amerlcan Nntlonal Hank shall nny Ihe rate flxed hy the ordlnanco o( the olty nllowlnir cnnstruetlon of nrons or vaullHln sldewalks or allcys. 5th The pormlsalon hereby Kranted shall nt any tlme bo BHbJeol to any amendment or revocatlon bv the Clly Councll. I'pon ii reviiciitiun or amendment pf snld'per* inlaalon, the snld Amerlcnn Niitloim Hnnk, or nnv BUbsenuont owner of snld house. shnll itiimedlalolv eonform lo Hiie.h amendment nr revocatlon, 6th, Tha snld permlsnlon is glven sub¬ ject tn the conditions thnt the snld Anvrl- i"in Natlonnl Bank, or nny subseqtieijt owner of Bald house, wlll indomnlfy. rpim- hurst, nnd uivc hnrmless the clty of Itleh- inond for nnv ehnrges, dumnees, or poil thnt tho cjty mny be rcf|l|j|'0(l to pay bv reason of nnv porson bnlni? Injured or damaRef) ln nny wny, in property or por¬ son, hy ihe construction. oxlsience, °r malnlennnco of sald Aivns und Conl W.llltH. Tlll. H.ffire nny work Is done under thls ordlnanco, the Bald Amnrlmn Natlonnl Bnnk slinll olitnln from the Olty Engineer hls writien permlt to exohvato lu glde< wnlk, stii'i-is .md nlleyg of ulf. cj[Vr 8th. Ror n fullui'i' to conform fully to iho provlslons of thls ordlnmico, or any nmendment or rOVOcntlon lliuioof, or nny reipilri in,!,! ihereunder, |ha s-ii.i Amert- enn Kallona] Bank, r,r nnv mihsequent owner of snld house, shnll i.. jiable tn a, flne ur nol less than len nor more thnn nny ilnllorn each t\:\y* rallure to ho n. uenjiraio offenso. Dth. All ordlnnncra or onrts ot mrtl- liance* are hereby repealed, so far as t-ho K.'iine may cojifllct herewllh, 10th, Thls ordinance shnll he ln forco from lis passsge. PEN T AUGUST. Clty Clerls. KUg, lS-« AN ORDINANCE (Approved August 15, 1903.) GRANT1NG FERMTSSJON TO THE RICHMOND CHAMBER OF COM¬ MERCE. ANDREW PI?IZNI.'_^JR,. CHBSAPEAKE AND OHO RAIL¬ WAY COMPANY.. THE RICHMOND TRANSFER COMPANY. C. L. & H, L. DENOON, ESTATE OF JAMES Vv. ALLISON. WARNER MOORE,- EX¬ ECUTOR AND TRUSTEE; JULIA G. MOORE. EXECyTRiX. ANN K GRANT (DECEASED), W.-P.. LONG¬ WORTH & CO.. AND G. & A. BAR- GAMIN CO. TO PLACE SUITABLE lvuEEL GUARDS IN ALLEY EX- TENDING FROM BIGHTH TO NINTH STREET AND BETWEEN MAIN AND CARY STREIOTS TO PROTECT THEIR PROPERTY ABUTTINC! SA D ALLEY FROM DAMAGE.'BY.WHEELS OPVEHICLES AND TO ALLOW CER- TAIN b!vSBMENT STEPS AND PLAT¬ FORMS NOW IN SAID ALLEY TO REMAIN. Be it ordained by the Councll ot tho city of Rlchmond: y 1. Thnt tho Rlchmond Chamber ot Commerce: Andrew Pizzln', ^r--Jz-ful penko and Ohlo Railway Company, the Rlchmond Transfer Co.. C. L. &. H. L. Denoon, estate of James XV. Allison, War¬ ner Moore. executor nnd trustee; Julia G'. Moore, executrlx Ann. E. Grant (de- donsed). XV. P. Longworth & Co. and G? &: A. Bargamln, lie nnd thoy nre herebv granted permlsslon to place sultnble wheols guards ln nlley oxtendlng from Elghth to N'lnth Street nnd botween Maln and Carv Streets, to protect thelr piopertj abu'ttlng snld nlley from dnmage by wheels of vehiclos and to allow certa n bnsement steps and platforms now n saia nlley, to remain subject to tho following conditlons: 2. That tho said Rlchmond Chamber of Commerce, Andrew Plzzlni. Jr.. Chesn- penko and Ohlo Rallwny Co., the Rlch¬ mond Transfer Co.. C. L. & H. L. De¬ noon, estate of James XV. Allison. "Unrnor Moore. executor and trustee; Julia G. Moore, executrlx Ann E. Grant .uo- censod). XV. P. Longworth & Co-',,n"nL?; & A. Bargamln Co., shall nt all tlmes koop said wheel guards, basement steps and platforms In propnr repalr, and sliai mnke such repnirs as the Commlttee on Streets and Slinckoe Creek may at nny time deem reasonable for the aatety ot i.ersons tislng the rondway of said alloj. 3. The said Rlcnmond Chamber. of Commerce, Andrew Plzzlni, Jr,, Chesa- poako nnd Ohlo Rallway Co., the Rich¬ mond Transfer Co., C. L. & XX. L. Denoon, estate of Jnmes XV. Allison. AVarncr Moore, executor nnd trustee; Julia u. Moore, executrlx; Ann E. Grant (ao- ceasod). W. P. Longworth & Co., and U. ,fc A. Bargamln Co., shall pny tho rate fixed by the ordinance of the clty allow- Ing constructlon of areas or vaults ln sldewnlks or nlloys upon nll basement steps or plntfonns In thls alley, whioh iibiiu thelr nroiiortv. 4. The permlsslon hereby granted shnll nt nny tlmo be subject to any amendment or revocatlon by the Clty Councll. Upon a rovocatlon or amendment nf said per¬ mlsslon, tho sald Rlchmond Chamber nf Commerce. Androw Pizzlni, Jr., Chesa- peako and Ohlo Rallway Company, tho Rlchmond Trnnsfer Co., C. L. & H. L. Dcnoon, estato of .lames W. Allison, Warner Mooro, ex'ocutor and trustee; Julla G. Mooro, cxccutrix Ann. E. Grant (deceased), \\. P. Lonsworth & Co., and G. & A, Bargamln Co., or any subsoquent owner of said property shnll immedlately conform to such amendment or rovocation. G. Tlie sald permlsslon is glven subject to the conditions that tho sald Rlchmond Chamber of Commerce. Andrew Pizzlni, Jr., Chcsapeako nnd Ohlo Rallway Com- panv, the Rlchmond Trnnsfer Co., C. L. & li. L. Denoon, estato of James \V". Alli¬ son, Warner Mooro, cxecutor and trustoo; Julln G. Mooro, executrix; Ann. E. Grain (deceased), \V. P, Long worth & Co., and G. & A. Bargamln Co., or any subsequent owners of sald property will Indemnlfy, r'olmburse, and snvo linrmloss tho clty of Rlchmond for any tjliarges, dainnges, or cost, thnt tho city may be to pay by reason of nny porson belng In¬ jured or dnmiiged In nny way, ln prop- orty or porson, ljy the construction, ox- istenoe, or malntonanco of sald bnsoment stops or platform. 0. For a falluro to conform fully to tho provlslons of thls ordinance, or any amendment or revocatlon thoroof, or any ronulremont thereunder, tlie sald Rlch¬ mond Chanibor of Commerce, Andrew Pizzlni, Jr., Chesapenko nnd Ohlo Rnilway Co. thn Richmond Transfor Co., C. L. A- II,.L. Denoon, estulp of James W. Alli¬ son, Warner Moore, o_neutrir nnd trustee Julla Q'. Moore, exeeiurlx; Ann. B, Grnnt (deceased), W. 1*. Longworth & Co., nnd Q, A. Bargamln Co,, or nny subsoquent owners of snld property, shnll bo liable to n flne of not less than ten nor moro than flfty dollars, ench day's falure to ho u Bepnrnte offenso. 7, All ordlnunces or pnrts of nrdlnances are hercbv repeiiled, 50 far ns tho samu mny confllot herewith, S. Thls ordlnano* slinll be ln force from Its pnssage, UEN. T. AUGUST, au 18-5t. Clty Clerk. SEALED PROPOSALS. PORT JIVEH, VA., Aug'. 17, I'JOil.-Soiilod IToposul*, ln tripllratc, for nddllloii to Hospltal, wlll ho recelved untll 10 A. M. SRl'T. 1, JD08, Tlie U, S. reserves rlght lo reject 0|' iu'eejit nny or all blds, or any imrt thereof. inl'ormutlon on nppllc.illon. Envolopcs contiiliilng lilds aliould ho In- dorsed "I'l-oposals for Additlon to llospl- lul," nddressod Cnpt. R. Harrlson, Q. M. NOTICE. TIiIh ls to notlfy our patrons that wo havo closed the branch ofllce at Jcl'ferson Hotel, Carrlago, cab, coach and biig- giigo calls left at Murphy's Hotel un- nex aud at tlio olllco, No. 819 East Mnln fctroot, wlll recilvo prompt .'itientlon. Rullro'id nnd sleauiBrlp tlckets sold to all parts of tho woild, nnd luiggugu cheeked to destlnatlon of tlckotr, uind to hoteU nnd resldences ln othor ijltles. Pulluiun li'tervatlons mnde for all llnes. RICHMOXD THANSFER CO.. S. H. HOWMAN. Genorul Muuuijer 'Phone 41 LITTLETON_FEMALE COLLEGE and witli a large patrouagefrom Eye States, «^g«&g» Now Jersey to Florid a-nn Institution that is doing a great work. We will tako a limited number of pupils, includiug Board and Full Literary Tuition, for $52.90 per term on conditions made known on application to REV. J. M. RHODES, A. M., Pres., Littleton, N. C. VIRGINIA FEWALE IHSTiTUTE, Staunton, Va. Collcge Prfpnrator, School for Glrls. Acadetnlo. l'rlmi.r.v and '"WW^JjIg Cnnraes Muslc. Art nml Elocutlon. 3he totn yZTblslm Sept.17. 1003. Fnr cutiilugtie apply to MIbb Marla Pondleton Duval, Princlpal, Buc cosBor to Mra, J. E. B. Stuart. EDOEWORTH BOARDINO AND DAY SOHOOL for Clrls. Heopens September Wth. WOa.ztA-a venr. Mrs. El, P. LBFBBVltE; MlNi h. I). HBM f.EY, I'rlnclpnls. 122-24 West Frniiklln Strcot, llnltlmore, Md. McGuire's University School, OPP. MOROE PARK, RICHMOND, VA. UFPBR SCHOOr.,.sl-x Unlverelty Men time of'them' part of day); LOWER SCFIOOI.-four '"eXTRACTS from UNIV. nnd CO.L. RE- COKD.-UnlvciJlty of VlrB nia: ISOS-O four .lc- greesi 1000-1, slx; 1001-2, four. In 1002-3: Univ. of Va., three desrees; TJniv. Oolt. of Mod., threoi Cornell, two; Mass. Inst. of Tcch., une. 8 Xiivnl Aend. 1S00-7, flrst 'outrnnce ; !sW.'flr«t 'stnnd'i 1000, thlrd; 1002-3, two re- urencntiittves, both succesaful. Thirty.Klnth seeslon. Entranco .days Sept. is nml 10 Schmd usscmblcs Sept. 2-'. Board- ers llmlted. Princlpal at T N. Belvlderc afler Stror5complete College Record, Tencliers. ete.. see cutnloiue nt Imok and drug utores or h> nm 1 JOHN P. M'GTJIBE, Princlpal j, p, M'OinRE, Jr., ABSooiate. ~suTvTm¥r resorts. HOTEL SCARBOROUGH. lleacbfront of Maryland Avenue, Atliintlc Clty. N J. 100 occan-front rooms, many wltli prlvnto i..h! riovninr and every convculencc of a ?it.'elBBB i Xru iotoi; Speclal w-eckly rate> fu"? large partles and familles. Coach meets ull trains. Hlustrsted ^..^__^a_j) WYMAN, VARIETY SPRINGS VA six varietlei of Mineral Waters; Hot and Cofd Baths" modern Improvements; 1-irce Swlmmlni: Pool; Tolegrnph, Tele- pno'ne nml fourVlly WllsjTon main Une C. & O. R. R.; new servlce, You wui llke lt. Address MANAGER, Varlety Sprlnirs. Va. ~mountain top. Coolest Resort in Vir_im_. Only 4K hours from Blohinonil. Clieup rouiitl-trip tioKets every weak Good livory nml goMjjy .Wrlto for booklet,. Addross, -1. «. GABY, P. O., Afton. Va. Manogor. MEETINOS^_ A STATED COSVOOATION OT WASII- ivii'IYIV nOYAIj AH0H CFIAI'I I.H. Wk?V wl.l't iS'ld .r«S »«"«»?/ the c_.. I'AM wlll lie lielc. al g rt cbaiond, Vn"5'on^TllUriSDAY* Septemm'r lOlh. 1003, ut TO MAKE Cheroote jnd Cigars, Lourners pald whlle belng taught. Address or apply t0 Whiflock Branch, 23d and CARY STS. RICHMOND. VA. ROCK HILL COLLEGE, Ellicott City, Kfd. A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOFt YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. Speclal attention to Modern Lan- gungcs, Sclenco and Commerce. Courscs.Lltorary, Sclontlflc. Com- morclal. A thorough Propnratory Course for boys not undor twelve years. Send for catalogue. THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. Randolph-ftacon Institute, Danville. Va. A select home school for forty gfrTs, Somo educators in other schools pro- nounco thls the best glrls' school ln Mr- glnla. Wrlto for Informatlon. WILLIAM HOLMES DAVIS, Principal. HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE. Tho 128th sesslon will open Wednesday. September 9, 1903. .... , :._ Four courses of lnstructlon, leadlng to the degrees of A. B., B. S.. B. L and A M. Nlne professors nnd Instructors. Hoa'lthful locatlon. Moral surroundings. For catalogue, apply to RICHARD M'lLWAlNE. President. Hampden-S'dnej, Va. St. Albans School for Boys. Nenr Radford, Vn. Sesslon Opcns Sept. 10 On a 50-acro tract, 2,000 feet abovo sea level in tho blue grass roglon of vlrglnla-, fltted wlth ovory modern convonlence; oloven vears of succossful wark; on mnln lino of Norfolk and Western. Addross for informatlon and catalogue. W. H. RANDOLPH. Headmaster, Radford. Va. State Female Normal School, Farmville, Va. rounded by tlio Leglslnturc to educatc tcaebcra for Iho publlc aehools. FIIEE TUIT10K for two hundred young woinen. .. ., Schnlnrehlna nppolnled among tho countles nnd cltiea. _; * Llbernl cournc in Lnngungo, Llterature, Hla- tnry, Kclencca nnd Arl. RTnONfJ PHOKKSSIONAI, courae for tenebera. Smalon boglim September Ptli, Wrlto for oataloeue and appllcatlon blank. Southern Female College PETERSBURG, VA. A tK-mitifiil deliool for frirln, After tbo Iilnhcef Vlr- Klnln Htimdnrda. clliiinte nnd lociitlpn. JJoderato ran-8. Slodenioqulpilient llliiMrnlodontaloiriinfree, AUTHUn KY1.K JUVIH. A. M., Prealdent. COLLEGE 0F..., WiLLIAMSBURQ, VA. Two liundrod and tonth sesslon boglns OCTOH1S11 1st, 1903. Full Colloglute Courso leadlng to degreo of 11. A. and M. A, Totnl exponse, $M3 por sesslon, Full Normnl Course, Board, Fuel, J.lglits nnd Wnshlng, $10 por month. Total os- ponso $103 por sesslon. Send for Catalogue, LYON O. TYLER. President. M. A., I.L. D. Nolley's School for Boys, J PINE STREET, Between Oriicc nnd Franklln, George Merrltl Nolley, Principal, The llfteonth sosslon of thls sohool wlll begln Wodiinsdiiy, Sontoinber 23d Now pupila onrollod Soptoinber 21st nnd 'Propnres ooys for colleges and unlver- sltles School limited to ilfty boys, r.italogues at tho book-slores and nrJ:i'?eJaro,r3prlnc?pa.. No. 112 North Flfth .Slieet. ROANOKE CCUE9E. $ALW». VA, ?lx elii reuai- uo tmr-rooms. Healtnful uiouii. RAILROADS. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Bteamship Lino. Direct Route to Boston, Mass., andProvldenoe.R, I, Steatnurs leave Norfolk for Boston Tues¬ day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Provldence Monday. Thursday nnd Satur¬ day at 6 P. M. Passengers and freight taken for nll New England pointa. Tick¬ ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and ,N. & W. Ry. offlccs nnd No. S19 East Maln Street. R. H, WRIOHT. Aajt.. Norfolk. V». ATLANTIG COAST LINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DA1L1'- bl'UU-S'L'llKK'l' STATION. EFFECUTVK SUNDAY, AUG. 2D. 9:05 A. il. A. C. U Ezpreus to oll polnts South. t>4Xi A. M. Fetcrsburg nnd Norfolk. 12:10 P. M. Petersburg und N. & W. weat. 3:00 P. M. Polorsburg and Norfolk. 14:10 P. M. Gnldsboro Local. &:iW P, M. Petersburg Local. 7:26 P. M.. "Florlda aud West Indlan Limited," to all polnts South. 9:40 P. M. Petorsburg and N. & XV. West. 11:30 H. ,M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARR1VB RICHMOND. 3:43 A. M.. 7:36 A. M. 8:25 A. M., exeepl Sunday,'' 11:25 A. M.. 11:00 A. M, 2:05 V. M., 7:20 P. M.. 7:45 P. M., 9:10 P. M. f Except Sundny. ; C 8 CAMPBELL. Dlv. Pass. Agt. XV. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pnss. Act. Ghesapeake !0U7e & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Mlnutes to Norfolk. LiiAl'fa i>ll/UjlU.M».HASTUUUND. 7:4o A. M..Uail}.Local to Ntwport Newa und wujr matlouB. 8:00 A. M..Dally.Limited.Arrlve. Willlam.- burg 0:OU A. M., Newport Newa 10:30 A. M., Old I'olut 11:00 A. il., Norfolk 11:» «:00 l'. M..Week daya.Speclal.ArrlTCA Wli- Ilamiburg 4:N1 t*. il., Notrpbrt Newa 0:30 I*. M., Old Polnt 0:00 I. M.. Norfolk 0:25 P. M. 6:00 P. M..Dnlly.Local to Old Polnt. MAIN LINE.WBSTIIOUND. 10:10 A. M..Local.Dally to Clinrlottcarllle, oxcept Sunday to Cllfton Korge. 8:00 I'. M..Dally.Speclal to Clnclnnatl. Loulsvllle, St. Louls nnd Cblesgo. 8:16 P. M"..Week dnys.Local to Gorrtonsvlllq. 10:30 P. M..Dally.Limited to Clnclnnatl, Loulsvllle. St. Louls and Chlcngo. JAMES niVEIt LINE. 10:80 A. M..Dally.Expresa to Lynchbnrg, Cllfton Korge and principal atntlona. 6:16 P. M..Week days.Local to Warren. TKAINfl AltltlVE HICnMOND FROM Norfolk and Old Polnt 10:05 A. M. <}a ly. Ili4.1 A M. Kx. Sun.. and 7:00 P. M. dally. Newiwrt Now* Local 7:55 P. M. dally. From Cincinnntl and Weat 7:45 Ai M. dsllr nnd 3:50 I'. M. dally. Maln Lliiol/wal from Cllfton Forge 8:10 P. M. I5x. Bun; from Cllfton Forgc, daily from Chnrlnttcsvlllc. Cordoiiavlllo Accom. 8:30 A. M. Ex. Sun. Jsmea Illver Llne I.ocnl from Cllfton Forie 6:85 P. M, dally. Warren Accom. 8:40 A. M. c.Vdoyle. w. o,:;WAnTRBN. Gen'l Manacer. HUt ?«¦»¦ ***. STEAM BOATS. VIRGIrilA NAVIQATIO* COMPAHY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON¬ DAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 AM. for Norfolk. Portsmouth, Old Poirit Newport News, Claremont nnd james Rlver landlngs, nnd cotuiectlng nt Old Polnt for Washlngton. Baltimoro and the North. State-rooms roseryod for tho nlght at moderato prlces. Elnctrlc cars d reot to wharf. Faro onj'll.M and $1 to Norfolk. Muslc by Gronrl Orchestrion. Krelcht recelved for abovo-named placos nnd all polnts ln.|i{,"Kr^vX!S^ift_nnd North Cnrol nn. IRVIN V BISlGEK. General Mnnngor. E. A. BARBER. Jr. Secretary. -STEAMSHJP C9 ^ HlSlit llni for Msrbl'i. Leave Rlchmond dally'(foot of Ash Street) 7 P. M, Steamera stop at New¬ port News In both dlrectlons, Faro (2.59, Include* stateroom berth; muals, 50c. each. FOR NEW YORK. By Chesnneake and Ohlo Ry., 0 A. M., 4 P, AI,; by Norfolk and Western Iiy., 9 A. M,, 3 P. M. All lines connoct nt Norfolk wlth dlroct steamors for New Yorlf, sall- Ina; dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. K, F. CHALKLEY, Clty Tlcket Asopt, «0S E. Mnln Street. JOHN F. MAYER, Asent, Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Rlchmond, Vn. H. n. WA1«KER. V. P. ft T, M., Now York, BAY LINE tO BAWIWORE- Vla 0. k 0, Rwy, and Old Polnt, V, S MAIL ROITCE. Lcnvn nichmowI'yln 0. k O. dallj except Sunday, nt 4 P. M., con- liectlng ut Old Polnt wlth ateoinera n of Old Hiiy Llne. lunvlng 7:18 .. \l M., nrrlvlng Unltlmoro (1:80 A. M-> ronnoottng Nurtb. Enat nnd Weat. For tlcket. und luror.mllon upply to O, & 0, flwy., Itlob. lOund Transfer Couiniiu.v. nr 8,10 EnM Maln 8t. Clyde Steamship Oo.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINJB. Frcieiu rocclvctl und dollvereU daily »M C, & O, H'w'y Co.'a depol, tjoventeeiHe and Brond Stroeta,_ The C^nfederme Kluseum, TWELFTH'AND CLAV BTR^BT'Sj Oiieus dally from 9 A- M. Wj-.r.'.m: Admissliin. ?3 cents. Frea ou gntiin»-i» ». The Valer.tine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREE'IS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ADMISSJON 2EC. FREE ON SATURDAY^ RAILROADS. RICHMOND AND PETERSBUR9 ELECTRIC RAILWAY. _e_innin_ Apnl lst. 1902, Cars leave cornor Porry and Sovcnth. Streets, Manchester, every hour '.on the hour) ircmi ii A. M. to lu 1'. M., last car 11:60 P. M. Cars leave Pctersburp, foot of Byca- moro Street. every hour from 0:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECLAL EXCURSIONS. 50 CENTS-ROUND TRIP.50 CENTS. RE OQ Richmond. Frederleks! iTiS I i burg &. Potomac R. R Trains Leave Rlchmond.Northward. »:61 A. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through. BMi A. M., dally. Main St. Through. 7:15 A. Al.. week days. Elba. Ashluuu ac¬ commodatlon. j S:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd 8L f:«0 A. m!, week days. Byrd St. Through. u:<X>noon. week days. Byrd St. Ttirougn., 4:00 P. M-, week days Byrd SL rr_4- erlcksburc accommodatlon. B:05 P. M.. dnlly, Mnln St. Throuirh. 6:?S P. M., week days. Elbs. Ashland ao« commodntlon. _ 8:05 P. M.i dully. Byrd St. Through. Trains Arrlve Rlchmond.Southward. 6:40 A, M.. week days. Elba. Ashland so- commodntlon. .".] . 8:16 A. M., week days, Byrd St.. Kred- erlckubun.' nccommodatlon. 8:15 A. M. dally, Byrd St. Through 11:66 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. ;.«*» P. M., dally. Main Bt. Tnruugh. 'J:iX» P. M.i weok days. Elba. Ashland ac- comniodritlon. 7:15 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through. '.^i P. -M.. dnlly. lnyrrt St. 1 hrmiyh. luT.'» P. M. d.illy. Mnln Bt. Through. Note.Pullman Sleeplnj; or Pnrlor Cars on all trnln* -xceitt local necomrnodntlnmi. w. ». ntJKB, c w.colp. w. p. tayloh. Gcn'l M&n'r. .ss't Oen'l Man'r. Traf. Men I Jone 14. 100X ,_.«£ LEAVE RICHMOND DA1LT. 8:00 A. M.. NORfc'Oi-K L1MITED. Ar- rlves Norfolk 11 :20 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Waverly and aufioik. 9:05 A. M.. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Pnrlor Car. Potershurg to Lynchburg und Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke lo Jolumbus, Bluerield to Clnclnnatl; also Roanoke to Knoxville. nnd Knoxville tu ChatlanooKn and Memphls. .,,..... 12:10 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle, Lynchbiirn and Roanoke._ 3:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE L1M1TED. Arrlves Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only r.t PetcrsburR. Waverly nnd Haffnlk. Cnnnecrts wlth stonmci> to Boston Providenoe. New York. BnlHinore and WHshlnKtpn. 7:26 P. M., for Norfolk and all statlons eust of PeicrBburg. ._ .._.._ 9-io P, M. NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Rlchmond to Lynchburg and Ronnoke; Petorsburg ta Bost Radford; Lynchburg to Che.Uano.iga. Memphls and New Orleans. Cafo Dlnfiig CTralns arrlve from the West 7:35 A. Mj, 2'(C P. M. nnd 9:10 P. M.'i from NortolE ll:m A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Offlce No. f=38 Enst MiUnJH.reot.. W B BEVILL. C H. BOSLEY. Gen. Pnss. Ag«n». OIb Pass. Acent SEABOARD Am Line Railwav TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. V.iU P, M..beaboard Mull-10:do V, M.- Seaboard Expreas-Ta Savaiuiuh, laen- sonvllle. Atlanta und Southweat. 9:10 A. _...Locul-For Norllna and Hara- TRAINS ARRIVEoRICHMONO OAILY. 0:36 A. M.-No. 34-4:65 P. M.-No. «6- From Florlda, Atlanta and bout iwest. ,6:30 P. M.-From Norllna and locol P°city' Tlckot Offlce 830 Enst Mnln Street 'Phone 406. 8CHEDULE IN EFFECT AUO. 12, 1803, i uu A Ai..Dully. Loeill ior Cliurlottc. .:6u P M.-Dally. Llmlted, Buttet PulJ. mun to Atlanta and _lrm'.n_ham, New Orleans. Memphls, ChatUliQU-tt and all sloo P°UMh-Ex. Sundny. Chase Clty lo- ii-08np II..Dally. Llmlted: Pullman ^e3adP^W.R/.aforiiUutho>3outh. e.^VW'l's'. ^ve %c&T<Vnp« M Daily except Sunday. 6:fXJ A. M.-Except Sunday. Local rnlxe, (or West Polnt. , "ilb P. M..Local for West Polnt. 4:80 P M.-Except Sunday, For West Polnt, connecllng wlth steamers for _al- tiniore ind rlver landlngs. 110 WaINB AHBIVE JUOHMOWD. 6:55 A. M. »nd «l7o P. M.-Prom all the g!i2Vr,lKM._Frotn Chnrlntto nnd Durham. Bii)' A'v M..From Chase Clty, 8* ?A M.-Hnltlmoro nnd West Polnt, fi.'lO P. M..From West Polnt. CttACKUnr mS. H. HARDWICK,^ 0, W. WK8TBIIUV. D. P. A.. niehmnnd. Vn. j BEACH PARK, WEST POINT, VA, Speclal chartered trains leave So, _Ry..Pepotj_Fourteenth_6t_ DAIL.Y TRAINS EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Richmond 6:80 P. JVf. Return- Ing, leave West Polnt 10:30 P. M. SUNDAY TRAIN8. L'Ve Rlchmond 9:30 A. M, & 4 P. M. L'vo West Point S P, M. 10:30 p, M.

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Page 1: CIRCUS, ROCK HILL COLLEGE, - … · HHLP WANTED.PEMAUe. WANTED, » flOVETlNEBB for two llttle glfll, ni'«'d nlno

HHLP WANTED.PEMAUe.WANTED, » flOVETlNEBB for two llttle glfll,

ni'«'d nlno and eleren jearss must touch Mualc;Mnlc aalarr Mpcctod, expcrlonce. m teaabltigatiil glte reforene*. Adftrens 1*. M,, uorolhtlll, VH.

'WANTED, houae OIHI, at once, Apply 11B 6,Third Strift. _.

WANTED, iui experlenced COOK at 209 EaatClay Street; must sleop on the |irelnl»e«.

WANTED, in nble-fcodled whlle WOMAN fnrromii.inlon to nn old lady. Apply nt No. 10OSWest Cfiry Street,


1EFTNED LADY deilrea posltlon ns housekoen-er. nr would care for nn Inrnlld, or wotiiollke posltlon In hotel to cnro for llnen or pnn-try. Address H. M.. t.nnenburg, An.

WANTEB, hy * young lady of eduentlon andexperlonce, a posltlon ns Stenogrnnhcrl ron-

son for wntitlna to ehnnge frotn pMUJdcn n peeunlnry one onfyj ntettibr h*rml»'slon tn present ctnployers. Address i. u.

Bo* 180, clty.__WANTED.A young lady of some. wparlenoa de-

ilres n posltlon in .. privnto tamiytMaehHEnpllsb, I-ntin. Mntliomntlcs nml Muslc imaUehlldrot preferred! icforettces: exelinnged. Ad-flreS Mlss hoatwiuoiit, New-Canton, Va.

WANTED. hy a Vlrglnla girl, ft posltlon in a

colleBO VraOed school or private famll.v; cnn

tenrh kn/llsh. MathcmntlM. Utln aud Usinilech.! aubjeclil best nf referenees. AdilresaMlM IDA F. KB1AY. Clode Sprlngs, Vn.

tApy TEACKElt doslres posltlon in prlvatofnrallr to tnaeh Matlietnntlcs, Rngllsli, Muslcand Prendii Muslc n speolnlty: referenees ox-

d.Jnged. Address OOVEllNESS, Box 174,luinville, Vn.


WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY: Able-bodlr-d unmnrrled men, betwoen ages of21 and 36, cltlzons of Unlted States, oftrood chnracter luid teniperato hnblts, whocan speak, rend ond wrlte Etigllsh. Forinforrnntton npply to Rocrultlnp Officer,310 Enst Brond Street. Richmond, Va,

WANTED, a young MAN, 18 to 18 yoara of ago,lo Btnrt In orfleo to lenrn business ln i niiimi-

fncraritiK plnnt: snlnry smnll to begln with:mnst wrlto a fnlr hand nnd be correct at llg-ures. Apply, In own bandwrltlng, to i.., care

thla offlce.



,. ,.. Kilittle girl'fl elbow.

JDU XUU S.C.E, Jtnn ujLJu»n.w.wuj.y.¦»~.».,

Slution of piusle in yestcrdny's Tlmes-Dispntcli: Thn mollicr's dress, from

tho bclt nt the back, forrns Uie bo_. Invert tho picturc nud the samo lincs form

a girl AoUicr girl is under tho mother's, and tho lnst one » bclund tho


WANTED, an oxporionced HAT BALESMANmitst imvn thorough know edge of Ho hntbiialucaa nml cnpi.blo of tnltlnR «iprno,;otdepartment. Aptfy; stathiB whoro "nploypl,salary axpooted, ete., to TI1I3 IIUB, 371 XimnPtrnet, Norfolk, Va.


THE COLUMBIA, tho now sinclo koylioftrd m»-

olTino; only ono .ulftl hnllt with 84 nml DOchnrnotcra; iioIhoIoss ln netloil, .cnsy nml llglitimich; spi'dl rcRiilnlpil to milt "porntor. T1IHllAitl.OCK TYI'BWUITEII OFFICB ('PliouolB)j 712 13nst Mnln.

___^^FLATS WANTED^_aa-___^WAMTeS; __AT| l4c_.a bot«o?n B«»*f*

Wtl/MAM .M1UUN, enro thl. oltlc*-_WANTED. ___._,......,...,... .".*"*""'"."n_l-.lt_¥ MOEBTA'B Ooffeo Or.mJt__J______

WANTED, ta buTTlinTninruch .^$1$"WANTED, a fu'hi'ialiod'or unfutjttshod 16 «

lsronii, IfofHi; ror n fnmll.v "f/n"rri ' nn.ion Prniiklln or Orncr. wrgl ^7,WH 4ennt of llnrrlson streets. N. «. n»wn- *

Norlli Blevwith Slrrrr._WANTED, to buy FeAth<.r Brnai '''f.he,ft,^^Ptlwn m«, rontlirrn '""'.'"""'{v Mnln

Pirnft. oli.r. _

WANTED, by Rlolunond. No. 10. t. A. of Mnll mnclilnlata In thla rlclnll;v "".''" VJSntHon to II,n .nv. of Iho «?","8.t.l»1 B«ln thla clty. locnto.l nt Murphy'* »otel- B' a'

IIUHMf, Vrca.

WANTED, by oxporlonce.l hnnd, WA8H1NO.Apply nt OOT Prlce Strwl. c|l.v,

WANTED, to u.e ono or two "K&IYW,}',TUIIH ror about two inonlhui wl.**»&«««enro; no chlldren; wlll par rjnamablo¦ prteothnst reformicen. Cnll nl M N. M"«" Sl"ct'


WANTED, to .oil or ront JV 8Wt«?b".£".*' .i£old rollntiln Qraeery nml '''JWRbiiroiV iSlock nnd Llcenae. GEO. E. ANDRIISON. 1833West Cary, county. Hlehmonil._

FOR BALE.HORSEs sound nnd gontto, aultablefor Indy^lnelor or l^'''«v8ffirfflf____Jwlthonl hltrhltiK. Apply IIVOfcA STABLUS.Flfth SJrect._____"Oyster COUNTBIH naiMii »«MJ'i»J£M2fJ0Rultli-liiirlc linr to mat.-li. M. HOSEM1LOO.UAND SON, lli.'H) Ennt Mnln._

STOOK SHEEP FObTTaiTe-Wo wlll have on

MONDAY. Atlfllat 24th, ¦'»-M*SS_nhout flOO cholce nreeiliiw W '''»,,' "'S *f «"?aoll roa.onnlile nml I" loh', " »"'t ttU y°un*nnd Bdcct. IUIAUEK CA1 fl.H CO.

LOST._LOST.Saturday', a whito DOOi blnok ajlot on

back. onr. cut. neward lf returned to 715Cuthcrlno Street.

ctoryj,I THE TEE-DEE| Dally Business DljgctoryCARDfi under thla hsad ars Unen °« Wif.

hioiiths' cnntrnct, Dally nml Sunday, al ai.oo

per tnontli,

BTc^YcTerXrTD'TbvsrTOMfKINB' 'OYOtE flTORE,Jlll_^"t **"»"¦

PLUMBINQi AND MANTEl-9.W. 1\ MAHONEY AND 00,^707 Eaat Maln.



EI-HCTRIC SHOE PAOtORV.W, E, DhEW AND 00. 710 Eaat »»'ni

SEWINQ MACHINES.THE NEW HOME (I>h, 1448), 008 gait Bro»d;





WANTED, ocoupant. for *...«»«. J^fifftWlth honrd, Apply to Mrs.-. MMABET.WIM.SON, lina Enst Ctrnco Street._

WANTED, oooupants, wlthout board, I'or ono

bnck room. soutliern exposure. Mrs, ftyuu,n Enst Miiln.

¦pttiikishED ROOM.Ocntleman dosiroB fiut-rSIS"eoD,,,n,odnlI|nns nud g*«f£]clty.


notlNTRY BOARD and sport, Vlrglnla Moun-tnlW: hnrses nnd lioanda; hnn«Bj|aJd shoot.lng circulnrs und clty referenccs. RA.VDOM'll. Keswlck, Va.


lillilott, ete. botmd. 8. B, AblUNB- ANDCO,, No, fl Qoteriior Slreat,_CONTRAOTOR ANtTBUILDtR.

B, A, ORASBEROER, offlce 18 N, SO! fritone84127. Estltnnte* furtilstied, Rnpnlr wark «

«|ieeltllty.ctJpVTNa~¥do K8.' j

THE TOKIO Oopylnf look la ths best) orlflnal.rnpnnese pnpor: perfect results, THE .MAIJ«I.UCK TVt'inVltlTEIl 01TICI3 (Tliono IB),712 Enst Maln Rtfeet.


lim Pnrlor I'nrtitKlrn, CoUcilM otc. CHAIIMCS0. .ItmOBN'fl' SON. 410-gl B. llrond Btrott,

g=^:u"nNYfU~R'E~~UP~HOL8TERE RS,

BPEOIAL M1DBUMMER PRIOEB pn MUphbUt^!lim l'nrlnr Furnlhirc, Ooileliea, etc. OHAHMCSq. JOtttlKNB' SON. 410-21 Ii. Broad Btrett.

Tc¥-"C~R~EAM.MOEBTA'B Ice.Orcam Patlora ara mora popuUi

!h"n fVgr' i_'.__-__.. .

^^ r^dUc"e d~prToE8._PRIOEB REDUOED on watoh work lOloanlnr,

Sli Maln Sprlngs, $1 twenty years' experj.ofiee WM TOtltKN. Jr., 40S B, Broad Street,llleiiraonil, Vn. Specloeles nml Byeglu»»es,26 cts. All Work giianiiitned._


WE HANDLE tho Mlmoograph and NpoatylaMnuehlnes nnd ««»PPll»;»-, THK OFFICB ('Photie Ifi), 712 EaatMnln Street. _/_


THE BARLOOK TYPEWRITER Offloo ('Phone161 712 Enst Mnln, hns n lot of Hecond-bnnd(nll mnkes) Typewriter* for salo chenp; tnusthnvo room fnr new Oliunlda.


^Ty1,"ewr'iter CARBON.

a P, LITTI.E'3 Batln Plnlih, ths baat oarbonin ihe world; $1 box. any slze nnd color.TIIBBAHI.OOK TYPHWK1TER OITIOB('I'hone 16), 71" E"»t Mnln Street.



ELEOTRIO FANB, Pure Ica1 Cream, Ioei, Bodiand cverythliig Ihnt'a coollng at MOEBTA'B.


ALL, f,tA1llt,tTY Ot' THE) MAODBntJIlfi ftttllINSHllANOtl COMPANY OF .A01i»miIia.' OMHMANY, ln Iho Sifttn of Vlrftlnlii, Imvlni

been cnnoolled nml lertulnaled, ttotlce la her§«bn *lven llmt appllenlldtt lina be«rn made taihoW A. W. liAMtAN. 3r. Ttaaaiiwr olthe Slrttc, fnr tlie rolenae nf 1*. deponit of1.17,000, held for tlie benoflt of tho companr'iliollor boldera In Vlrfilnln.

I'Alilv B. tlABOtt, U. 8. Manaffef.AtiK, i-SOt _'.1 iiAvb ttiANSfRitnBr. to my nbmibw.JOSEPH M. KAIN, of thln clty, tho hlielneMof t.'iiilerliikrr, Emlinlnicf nt)i1 Flltiernl Plreelor,ao lonc rondnelcd nt Flrat and Broad, and liownt No* 4m W. Hrond Btreet. Mr. Kaln hjsbnen nanoclntcil wllb nin for. aOTern year. _¦Ihe mnnmrement of enld htialnoaa, nnd can cot_mend hlm for hla nITIcleney. Thnnk na _ffrletida.for tholr kltidncna itr tho paat,

1 retnnld very tmly, ^ ^^N. B..All poreona Indcbted to me wlll pleeJl

closo nceomita wlth Mr. Kn^n.g _, ^^

Iteferrlwr to tho aboto notlce 1 be* toetfthnt I wlll cnniltiiin tho Mialtioaa abore triet*lloneil at No. 401) W, Broad Btreot.

I reapect fully nollclt tbe conaldorntlon of rayfrlendn nnd n coutlmlAtiee Of tbat accorded tomy predecenaor. nnd wlll gtvo aamo my proraptnrid tH-raonnl nttenllon.

Very reapeettilly,Aug. 30-1 mo JOS. M. KAIN.

_- :...»

THE NEW COLUMBlA.THE ONLTT TYPEWRITER harinf parMraphand inlmeoHrnph ntnlchmenta; nothlnff entra/or tlieae, TIIB NAHLOCK Tyi'BWRlTBflorrrcn VPhom tro, 712 Enat Mnln Street


OUH BTECIAL Iloll-Top OABINE'f ia a baaut*.Sce our atock liefore liuylnx. TIIB BAR"LOOK TYPEWKITEU 0FFI015 ('Pliono 18),713 Enilt Mnln Htreet.


WE HANDLE all the boat brand. Typewrlt.'Paper: entelngni! for tlie nnklnff. TIIB BAR-LOOK TYPEWUITEIt OFFICB CPhono 1ft),


WHY PAY MORE when you can buy purelour-yenr-old Whlakey for »2 per unllon: OMCoionlnl Whlakey. now aerou yeara old, S3per fjttllon; alilppeil In hlauk Imxea to nnynddrcaa. All of Ihe lendln« branda of IVInet,Llnuora. nml full atock Of Orocerlea nt OEO.M'D, IILAK-'S, 7!!0 Wsat Broad Stroet, Illch-mond, Va,





Next Weok:

N. Y. Boys'SymphonyOrchestra.PRICES:lOo to 60c.

The Only Big Show0FTHESEAS0N,


Horse-Show Buildlng,

SATURDAY,August 29th,


One Price - - 25cFOR SALE.

Household GoodsFor Sale.






land doscribod aa 1. 2, 3 and 1-10 acres.Blandon Avenue, Tuckahoo MiiBlstorlnlDistrict, Henrico county, Vn., wns soldon the - dny of for dellnquenttaxes, lovles, Interest and costs due there-on, in tho naino of G. M. Roblnson, Nor-ton and Company, for the year 1S91 to thoCommonwonlth of Vlrglnla; nn appllca¬tlon for the purchase thoreof has beonfllod in thls offlce, and lt appearlng fromthe records of thls offlce that you aro In-terested in tlie Bold land, you aro furtharnotlfled to appear here ln four monthsfrom the date of thls notlco and do whatmay be necessary to protect your intorest.Given undor my hand this 6th day of

August, WCfl.BAMUKL P. WADDII,!.

Clerk of tho County Court of Henricocounty, Vb.A copy.Test e:

SAMUEL P. WADDIIjL, Clork.Aug 7-law-U

TO JOHN H. WAI.SH:You aro heroby notlfled that a trnct of

land, desorlbod as 100x100 feet, WashlngtonStreet, in Tuckahoe Maglaterlol District,Henrico county, Va., was sold on tlio-day of - for dellnquent taxes, levlos,interests nnd coat due thoreon for the yofir1RSC, in your namo, to tho Commonwonlthof Vlrglnla.An appllcatlon for the purchase theroot

has U-een llled ln ihls offlce. und lt appoar-ine from tho recorda of tlils offlce tliatvou aro interested ln the snld land, youin-e ftirthtf notlfled to lippoar here wlthinfour months from the ilcte nf thln notlconnd do what may ba pecosaary to proleotyour interest.Given under rny hand thls i'th day of

August. 1W3,8AMUEL, P, WADDIU/,

(Tcrk of the County Court of llonrlcoeou'nty, Va,A copy.Tcsto:

HAMl'EI, P. WADDll.l,, Clerk,ililL' -Jl-lilW-lt

¦in JACK80N BRANPT:You nro hereby notlfled thut n lot of

1'iiici descrlbed us Hti 10-12x18-120 Cary undWest, Tuckiihoe Maglsterlal Dlstrlct, Hen¬rlco county, Va., was sold on, Iho-day nf-(ot dollnquent Uxos, lovles,niii-rcM und coata due thoreon for thovc-ir 1RO6, to the Commonwonltn of vir-ninla; an niiiiiicutlon fnr ihe uurohasethereof haa been filed ln thla oillce, nudli anpearlnti from the records of thln of»iice itiat you i'lf Interested ln aaid land,you are furllier notlfled to appear hoioin four months fi'om the date m thln no¬tlce nnd dQ what mny ho necessiiry toprotect your Interest.Glven under my hand thls f,ih dny of

AuKUst, 1003.KAMUEI. I'. W'AI.iIjII.1,,

Clerk of tho County Court ot Heniicocounty. Va.A copy.Teutei

SA...iJ_l« 1'. WADOII.I., Clerk.Ausr7-law-4l_ _


Beach Park; two speclal trains everySunday. Lenve Rlchmond 9:30 A. M. and»;W P, ii.. Pifty cents round trlp.

AN ORDINANCE.(Approved August IB, xW.)


Bo it ordnined by the Councll of the Cltyof Richmond:1 That permlsslon bo nnd tho same ls

herebv granted the Amerlcnn NatlonalBank to construct nnd mnlntaln a CellarEntrnnce, wlth stone steps and Iron rall-Ing on slde of entrnnce, on the sldo ofthelr property on the past slde of lentn

Street between Mnln nnd Cnry Streets,subject to tho following conditlons:

2. That the snld Cellar Entrnnce Is tobe constructed accordlng to tho plan pre-sented by snld Amerlcan Natlonal Bnnk,nnd now on flle In the officc of Clty En¬gineer: nnd nlso In such ninnner and wlt.hsuch materlals as shall bo sntlsfnctory lo

the Clty Engineer.3. Tho snld Amerlcan Nntlonal Bnnk

shnll nt nll tlmes keep snld Cellar En¬trnnce ln proper repalr, nnd shall mnKOsuch repalrs ns tlie Commlttee on Streetsmav at anv tlme deom rensonnblo for the

safety of porsons uslng the hlRhwny over

nnd around said Cellnr Entrnnco,,4 The snld Amerlcnn Nntlonnl Bnnk

shnll pnv tho rate fixed hy thn ordinanceof t.ho citv allowlntr constructlon of arensor vnults"ln sldewalks or nllays.

5. The permlsslon Heroby gmntod shnllnt anv tlme he subject to nny nmondmentor revocntlon bv the Clty Councll. Uppnn revocntlon or amendment of said permls¬slon. the snld Amerlenn Nntlonnl Bnnk,or nnv suhsequent owner of snld house.shnll Irnmedlntely conform to suchamendment or revocatlon.

G. The snld permlsslon ls fflven subjectto the conditlons thnt the snld AmerlcnnNatlonal Bank. or nny subsequent owner

of snld houso. wlll Indemnlfy, rnlrnpiirse;nnd save hnrmless the clty of Rlchmondfor anv chargos. dnmngos, or cost tliatthq citv mav bo requlred to nny by reasonof anv person belng Injured or dnmagouin nnv wav, ln property or person, by thoconstructlon, oxlstcnco, or malntennnceof said Cellar Entrnnce.

7. Before nnv work ls done under thlsordinnneo. the said Amerlcnn NntlonalBank shnll olitnln from the Clty Fnglneorhis wrltten permlt to oxenvato In streetsor nlleys of the city.

8. For n fnllure tn conform fully to thnprovlslons of thls ordinance, or nnyamendment or revocntlon thereof, or nny

requlrement thereunder. the said Amerl¬cnn Nntlonnl Bank. or any subsequentowner nf pnld house, shnll bo llanlo to n

flne or not 1pp« thnn tnn nor moro thnnflftv dollnrs; each day's fallure to bo .a

separnto offenso.0. All ordlnnncnn or nnrti nf nrfllnnnoes

nro hereby repcnlod, so far ns the samo

may confllct herewith.10 Thls nrrtlnnnco shnll ho In force from

it3 pnssngo.q __ AlrrajST CRy CIork.

miK lS-5t ,

AN ORDINANCE(Approved Amrust 1», W03.)


BoHt brdalned by tho Councll of the Cltyof Rlchmond:lat. That permlsslon ho nnd tbe snino

ls hereby granted 10 tho Amerlcan Nn¬tlonal Ilnnk to construct nml mnlntnlnSoven Arens nnd a Conl Vault on thoenst sido Tontli Slreet between Main nndCary Stroots, subject to tho condltlonsheretn stntod: ,,.,.,.2d. That thn snld Arens nnd Coal Vnult

are to bo constructed accordlng to thoplan presented by snld Amerlcan' NatlonnlBank, and now on flle ln ihe offlce of CltyEnBlneor; and also In such manner andwlth aiich ninterlnls ns BhaJI bo sutlsfnc-tory to the Clty Engineer.3d. Tho sald Amerlcnn Nnllonnl Bnnk

shall at ull tlmes keep sald Arens nndConl Vnult In proper ropalr, nnd shallmako such repalrs as tlie Commlttee on

Streets may nt nny tlme deem rcusoiinblofor tlio snfetv of persons u«lm,' tho IiIrIi-wnv over snld Areas and Conl Vnult,4th The Biild Amerlcan Nntlonal Hank

shall nny Ihe rate flxed hy the ordlnancoo( the olty nllowlnir cnnstruetlon of nronsor vaullHln sldewalks or allcys.5th The pormlsalon hereby Kranted shall

nt any tlme bo BHbJeol to any amendmentor revocatlon bv the Clly Councll. I'ponii reviiciitiun or amendment pf snld'per*inlaalon, the snld Amerlcnn NiitloimHnnk, or nnv BUbsenuont owner of snldhouse. shnll itiimedlalolv eonform lo Hiie.hamendment nr revocatlon,

6th, Tha snld permlsnlon is glven sub¬ject tn the conditions thnt the snld Anvrl-i"in Natlonnl Bank, or nny subseqtieijtowner of Bald house, wlll indomnlfy. rpim-hurst, nnd uivc hnrmless the clty of Itleh-inond for nnv ehnrges, dumnees, or poilthnt tho cjty mny be rcf|l|j|'0(l to pay bvreason of nnv porson bnlni? Injured ordamaRef) ln nny wny, in property or por¬son, hy ihe construction. oxlsience, °rmalnlennnco of sald Aivns und ConlW.llltH.

Tlll. H.ffire nny work Is done under thlsordlnanco, the Bald Amnrlmn NatlonnlBnnk slinll olitnln from the Olty Engineerhls writien permlt to exohvato lu glde<wnlk, stii'i-is .md nlleyg of ulf. cj[Vr8th. Ror n fullui'i' to conform fully toiho provlslons of thls ordlnmico, or anynmendment or rOVOcntlon lliuioof, or nnyreipilri in,!,! ihereunder, |ha s-ii.i Amert-enn Kallona] Bank, r,r nnv mihsequentowner of snld house, shnll i.. jiable tn a,flne ur nol less than len nor more thnnnny ilnllorn each t\:\y* rallure to ho n.uenjiraio offenso.

Dth. All ordlnnncra or onrts ot mrtl-liance* are hereby repealed, so far as t-hoK.'iine may cojifllct herewllh,

10th, Thls ordinance shnll he ln forcofrom lis passsge.

PEN T AUGUST. Clty Clerls.KUg, lS-«

AN ORDINANCE(Approved August 15, 1903.)


Be it ordained by the Councll ot tho cityof Rlchmond: y1. Thnt tho Rlchmond Chamber ot

Commerce: Andrew Pizzln', ^r--Jz-fulpenko and Ohlo Railway Company, theRlchmond Transfer Co.. C. L. &. H. L.Denoon, estate of James XV. Allison, War¬ner Moore. executor nnd trustee; JuliaG'. Moore, executrlx Ann. E. Grant (de-donsed). XV. P. Longworth & Co. andG? &: A. Bargamln, lie nnd thoy nre herebvgranted permlsslon to place sultnble wheolsguards ln nlley oxtendlng from Elghthto N'lnth Street nnd botween Maln andCarv Streets, to protect thelr piopertjabu'ttlng snld nlley from dnmage bywheels of vehiclos and to allow certa n

bnsement steps and platforms now n saianlley, to remain subject to tho followingconditlons:

2. That tho said Rlchmond Chamber ofCommerce, Andrew Plzzlni. Jr.. Chesn-penko and Ohlo Rallwny Co., the Rlch¬mond Transfer Co.. C. L. & H. L. De¬noon, estate of James XV. Allison. "UnrnorMoore. executor and trustee; Julia G.Moore, executrlx Ann E. Grant .uo-censod). XV. P. Longworth & Co-',,n"nL?;& A. Bargamln Co., shall nt all tlmeskoop said wheel guards, basement stepsand platforms In propnr repalr, and sliaimnke such repnirs as the Commlttee on

Streets and Slinckoe Creek may at nnytime deem reasonable for the aatety ot

i.ersons tislng the rondway of said alloj.3. The said Rlcnmond Chamber. of

Commerce, Andrew Plzzlni, Jr,, Chesa-poako nnd Ohlo Rallway Co., the Rich¬mond Transfer Co., C. L. & XX. L. Denoon,estate of Jnmes XV. Allison. AVarncrMoore, executor nnd trustee; Julia u.Moore, executrlx; Ann E. Grant (ao-ceasod). W. P. Longworth & Co., and U.,fc A. Bargamln Co., shall pny tho ratefixed by the ordinance of the clty allow-Ing constructlon of areas or vaults lnsldewnlks or nlloys upon nll basementsteps or plntfonns In thls alley, whiohiibiiu thelr nroiiortv.

4. The permlsslon hereby granted shnllnt nny tlmo be subject to any amendmentor revocatlon by the Clty Councll. Upona rovocatlon or amendment nf said per¬mlsslon, tho sald Rlchmond Chamber nfCommerce. Androw Pizzlni, Jr., Chesa-peako and Ohlo Rallway Company, thoRlchmond Trnnsfer Co., C. L. & H. L.Dcnoon, estato of .lames W. Allison,Warner Mooro, ex'ocutor and trustee;Julla G. Mooro, cxccutrix Ann. E.Grant (deceased), \\. P. Lonsworth &Co., and G. & A, Bargamln Co., or anysubsoquent owner of said property shnllimmedlately conform to such amendmentor rovocation.

G. Tlie sald permlsslon is glven subjectto the conditions that tho sald RlchmondChamber of Commerce. Andrew Pizzlni,Jr., Chcsapeako nnd Ohlo Rallway Com-panv, the Rlchmond Trnnsfer Co., C. L.& li. L. Denoon, estato of James \V". Alli¬son, Warner Mooro, cxecutor and trustoo;Julln G. Mooro, executrix; Ann. E. Grain(deceased), \V. P, Longworth & Co., andG. & A. Bargamln Co., or any subsequentowners of sald property will Indemnlfy,r'olmburse, and snvo linrmloss tho clty ofRlchmond for any tjliarges, dainnges, orcost, thnt tho city may be topay by reason of nny porson belng In¬jured or dnmiiged In nny way, ln prop-orty or porson, ljy the construction, ox-istenoe, or malntonanco of sald bnsomentstops or platform.

0. For a falluro to conform fully to thoprovlslons of thls ordinance, or anyamendment or revocatlon thoroof, or anyronulremont thereunder, tlie sald Rlch¬mond Chanibor of Commerce, AndrewPizzlni, Jr., Chesapenko nnd Ohlo RnilwayCo. thn Richmond Transfor Co., C. L.A- II,.L. Denoon, estulp of James W. Alli¬son, Warner Moore, o_neutrir nnd trusteeJulla Q'. Moore, exeeiurlx; Ann. B, Grnnt(deceased), W. 1*. Longworth & Co., nndQ, A. Bargamln Co,, or nny subsoquentowners of snld property, shnll bo liableto n flne of not less than ten nor morothan flfty dollars, ench day's falure to hou Bepnrnte offenso.

7, All ordlnunces or pnrts of nrdlnancesare hercbv repeiiled, 50 far ns tho samumny confllot herewith,

S. Thls ordlnano* slinll be ln force fromIts pnssage,

UEN. T. AUGUST,au 18-5t. Clty Clerk.


PORT JIVEH, VA., Aug'. 17, I'JOil.-SoiilodIToposul*, ln tripllratc, for nddllloii toHospltal, wlll ho recelved untll 10 A. M.SRl'T. 1, JD08, Tlie U, S. reserves rlghtlo reject 0|' iu'eejit nny or all blds, or anyimrt thereof. inl'ormutlon on nppllc.illon.Envolopcs contiiliilng lilds aliould ho In-dorsed "I'l-oposals for Additlon to llospl-lul," nddressod Cnpt. R. Harrlson, Q. M.

NOTICE.TIiIh ls to notlfy our patrons that wo

havo closed the branch ofllce at Jcl'fersonHotel, Carrlago, cab, coach and biig-giigo calls left at Murphy's Hotel un-

nex aud at tlio olllco, No. 819 East Mnlnfctroot, wlll recilvo prompt .'itientlon.Rullro'id nnd sleauiBrlp tlckets sold to allparts of tho woild, nnd luiggugu cheekedto destlnatlon of tlckotr, uind to hoteUnnd resldences ln othor ijltles. Pulluiunli'tervatlons mnde for all llnes.


'Phone 41

LITTLETON_FEMALE COLLEGEand witli a large patrouagefrom Eye States, «^g«&g» Now

Jersey to Florid a-nn Institution that is doing a great work.

We will tako a limited number of pupils, includiug

Board and Full Literary Tuition, for $52.90per term on conditions made known on application to

REV. J. M. RHODES, A. M., Pres., Littleton, N. C.

VIRGINIA FEWALE IHSTiTUTE,Staunton, Va. Collcge Prfpnrator, School forGlrls. Acadetnlo. l'rlmi.r.v and '"WW^JjIgCnnraes Muslc. Art nml Elocutlon. 3he totn

yZTblslm Sept.17. 1003. Fnr cutiilugtie applyto MIbb Marla Pondleton Duval, Princlpal, BuccosBor to Mra, J. E. B. Stuart.

EDOEWORTH BOARDINO AND DAY SOHOOLfor Clrls. Heopens September Wth. WOa.ztA-avenr. Mrs. El, P. LBFBBVltE; MlNi h. I). HBMf.EY, I'rlnclpnls. 122-24 West Frniiklln Strcot,llnltlmore, Md.

McGuire's University School,OPP. MOROE PARK, RICHMOND, VA.

UFPBR SCHOOr.,.sl-x Unlverelty Men timeof'them' part of day); LOWER SCFIOOI.-four

'"eXTRACTS from UNIV. nnd CO.L. RE-COKD.-UnlvciJlty of VlrB nia: ISOS-O four .lc-

greesi 1000-1, slx; 1001-2, four. In 1002-3: Univ.of Va., three desrees; TJniv. Oolt. of Mod.,threoi Cornell, two; Mass. Inst. of Tcch., une.

8 Xiivnl Aend. 1S00-7, flrst 'outrnnce ;!sW.'flr«t 'stnnd'i 1000, thlrd; 1002-3, two re-

urencntiittves, both succesaful.Thirty.Klnth seeslon. Entranco .days Sept.

is nml 10 Schmd usscmblcs Sept. 2-'. Board-ers llmlted. Princlpal at T N. Belvlderc afler

Stror5complete College Record, Tencliers. ete..see cutnloiue nt Imok and drug utores or h>nm 1 JOHN P. M'GTJIBE, Princlpal

j, p, M'OinRE, Jr., ABSooiate.

~suTvTm¥r resorts.

HOTEL SCARBOROUGH.lleacbfront of Maryland Avenue, Atliintlc Clty.N J. 100 occan-front rooms, many wltli prlvntoi..h! riovninr and every convculencc of a

?it.'elBBB i Xru iotoi; Speclal w-eckly rate>fu"? large partles and familles. Coach meets ulltrains. Hlustrsted ^..^__^a_j) WYMAN,

VARIETY SPRINGS VAsix varietlei of Mineral Waters; Hot

and Cofd Baths" modern Improvements;1-irce Swlmmlni: Pool; Tolegrnph, Tele-pno'ne nml fourVlly WllsjTon main UneC. & O. R. R.; new servlce, You wui

llke lt. Address MANAGER,Varlety Sprlnirs. Va.

~mountain top.Coolest Resort in Vir_im_.Only 4K hours from Blohinonil.

Clieup rouiitl-trip tioKets every weakGood livory nml goMjjy .Wrlto forbooklet,. Addross, -1. «. GABY,P. O., Afton. Va. Manogor.


Wk?V wl.l't iS'ld .r«S »«"«»?/ the c_..I'AM wlll lie lielc. al i»g rt cbaiond,Vn"5'on^TllUriSDAY* Septemm'r lOlh. 1003, ut

TO MAKECheroote jnd Cigars,

Lourners pald whlle belng taught.

Address or apply t0

Whiflock Branch,23d and CARY STS.


ROCK HILL COLLEGE,Ellicott City, Kfd.


Speclal attention to Modern Lan-gungcs, Sclenco and Commerce.Courscs.Lltorary, Sclontlflc. Com-

morclal.A thorough Propnratory Course for

boys not undor twelve years.Send for catalogue.THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS.

Randolph-ftacon Institute,Danville. Va.

A select home school for forty gfrTs,Somo educators in other schools pro-

nounco thls the best glrls' school ln Mr-glnla. Wrlto for Informatlon.


HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE.Tho 128th sesslon will open Wednesday.

September 9, 1903..... , :._

Four courses of lnstructlon, leadlng tothe degrees of A. B., B. S.. B. L andA M. Nlne professors nnd Instructors.Hoa'lthful locatlon. Moral surroundings.For catalogue, apply toRICHARD M'lLWAlNE. President.

Hampden-S'dnej, Va.

St. Albans School for Boys.Nenr Radford, Vn. Sesslon Opcns Sept. 10On a 50-acro tract, 2,000 feet abovo sea

level in tho blue grass roglon of vlrglnla-,fltted wlth ovory modern convonlence;oloven vears of succossful wark; on mnlnlino of Norfolk and Western. Addrossfor informatlon and catalogue.

W. H. RANDOLPH. Headmaster,Radford. Va.

State Female Normal School,Farmville, Va.

rounded by tlio Leglslnturc to educatc tcaebcrafor Iho publlc aehools.FIIEE TUIT10K for two hundred young

woinen. .. .,

Schnlnrehlna nppolnled among tho countlesnnd cltiea. _; *

Llbernl cournc in Lnngungo, Llterature, Hla-tnry, Kclencca nnd Arl.RTnONfJ PHOKKSSIONAI, courae for tenebera.Smalon boglim September Ptli,Wrlto for oataloeue and appllcatlon blank.

SouthernFemale College

PETERSBURG, VA.A tK-mitifiil deliool for frirln, After tbo Iilnhcef Vlr-Klnln Htimdnrda. clliiinte nnd lociitlpn. JJoderatoran-8. Slodenioqulpilient llliiMrnlodontaloiriinfree,AUTHUn KY1.K JUVIH. A. M., Prealdent.


WiLLIAMSBURQ, VA.Two liundrod and tonth sesslon boglns

OCTOH1S11 1st, 1903. Full CollogluteCourso leadlng to degreo of 11. A. and M.A, Totnl exponse, $M3 por sesslon,Full Normnl Course, Board, Fuel, J.lglits

nnd Wnshlng, $10 por month. Total os-ponso $103 por sesslon.

Send for Catalogue,LYON O. TYLER.

President. M. A., I.L. D.

Nolley's School for Boys,J PINE STREET,Between Oriicc nnd Franklln,

George Merrltl Nolley, Principal,The llfteonth sosslon of thls sohool wlll

begln Wodiinsdiiy, Sontoinber 23dNow pupila onrollod Soptoinber 21st nnd

'Propnres ooys for colleges and unlver-sltles School limited to ilfty boys,r.italogues at tho book-slores and

nrJ:i'?eJaro,r3prlnc?pa.. No. 112 North Flfth.Slieet.


?lx elii reuai- uo tmr-rooms. Healtnful uiouii.


Merchants and MinersTransportation Company.

Bteamship Lino. Direct Route to

Boston, Mass., andProvldenoe.R, I,Steatnurs leave Norfolk for Boston Tues¬

day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. ForProvldence Monday. Thursday nnd Satur¬day at 6 P. M. Passengers and freighttaken for nll New England pointa. Tick¬ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and ,N. & W.Ry. offlccs nnd No. S19 East Maln Street.

R. H, WRIOHT. Aajt.. Norfolk. V».



9:05 A. il. A. C. U Ezpreus to oll polntsSouth.

t>4Xi A. M. Fetcrsburg nnd Norfolk.12:10 P. M. Petersburg und N. & W. weat.3:00 P. M. Polorsburg and Norfolk.14:10 P. M. Gnldsboro Local.&:iW P, M. Petersburg Local.7:26 P. M.. "Florlda aud West Indlan

Limited," to all polnts South.9:40 P. M. Petorsburg and N. & XV. West.11:30 H. ,M. Petersburg local.

TRAINS ARR1VB RICHMOND.3:43 A. M.. 7:36 A. M. 8:25 A. M., exeepl

Sunday,'' 11:25 A. M.. 11:00 A. M, 2:05 V.M., 7:20 P. M.. 7:45 P. M., 9:10 P. M.

f Except Sundny. ;C 8 CAMPBELL. Dlv. Pass. Agt.

XV. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pnss. Act.

Ghesapeake!0U7e & Ohio Ry.

2 Hours and 25 Mlnutes to Norfolk.LiiAl'fa i>ll/UjlU.M».HASTUUUND.

7:4o A. M..Uail}.Local to Ntwport Newaund wujr matlouB.

8:00 A. M..Dally.Limited.Arrlve. Willlam.-burg 0:OU A. M., Newport Newa 10:30 A.M., Old I'olut 11:00 A. il., Norfolk 11:»

«:00 l'. M..Week daya.Speclal.ArrlTCA Wli-Ilamiburg 4:N1 t*. il., Notrpbrt Newa 0:30I*. M., Old Polnt 0:00 I. M.. Norfolk0:25 P. M.

6:00 P. M..Dnlly.Local to Old Polnt.MAIN LINE.WBSTIIOUND.

10:10 A. M..Local.Dally to Clinrlottcarllle,oxcept Sunday to Cllfton Korge.

8:00 I'. M..Dally.Speclal to Clnclnnatl.Loulsvllle, St. Louls nnd Cblesgo.

8:16 P. M"..Week dnys.Local to Gorrtonsvlllq.10:30 P. M..Dally.Limited to Clnclnnatl,

Loulsvllle. St. Louls and Chlcngo.JAMES niVEIt LINE.

10:80 A. M..Dally.Expresa to Lynchbnrg,Cllfton Korge and principal atntlona.

6:16 P. M..Week days.Local to Warren.TKAINfl AltltlVE HICnMOND FROM

Norfolk and Old Polnt 10:05 A. M. <}a ly.Ili4.1 A M. Kx. Sun.. and 7:00 P. M. dally.Newiwrt Now* Local 7:55 P. M. dally.From Cincinnntl and Weat 7:45 Ai M. dsllr

nnd 3:50 I'. M. dally. Maln Lliiol/wal fromCllfton Forge 8:10 P. M. I5x. Bun; from CllftonForgc, daily from Chnrlnttcsvlllc. CordoiiavllloAccom. 8:30 A. M. Ex. Sun.Jsmea Illver Llne I.ocnl from Cllfton Forie

6:85 P. M, dally. Warren Accom. 8:40 A. M.

c.Vdoyle. w. o,:;WAnTRBN.Gen'l Manacer. HUt ?«¦»¦ ***.



Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON¬DAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at7 AM. for Norfolk. Portsmouth, OldPoirit Newport News, Claremont nndjames Rlver landlngs, nnd cotuiectlng ntOld Polnt for Washlngton. Baltimoro andthe North. State-rooms roseryod for thonlght at moderato prlces. Elnctrlc carsd reot to wharf. Faro onj'll.M and $1 toNorfolk. Muslc by Gronrl Orchestrion.Krelcht recelved for abovo-named placos

nnd all polnts ln.|i{,"Kr^vX!S^ift_nndNorth Cnrol nn. IRVIN V BISlGEK.General Mnnngor.

E. A. BARBER. Jr. Secretary.

-STEAMSHJP C9^ HlSlit llni for Msrbl'i.

Leave Rlchmond dally'(foot of AshStreet) 7 P. M, Steamera stop at New¬port News In both dlrectlons, Faro (2.59,Include* stateroom berth; muals, 50c.each.

FOR NEW YORK.By Chesnneake and Ohlo Ry., 0 A. M.,

4 P, AI,; by Norfolk and Western Iiy., 9A. M,, 3 P. M. All lines connoct nt Norfolkwlth dlroct steamors for New Yorlf, sall-Ina; dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M.K, F. CHALKLEY, Clty Tlcket Asopt,

«0S E. Mnln Street.JOHN F. MAYER, Asent, Wharf Foot ofAsh Street, Rlchmond, Vn.

H. n. WA1«KER. V. P. ft T, M., Now York,

BAY LINE tO BAWIWORE-Vla 0. k 0, Rwy, and Old Polnt,

V, S MAIL ROITCE.Lcnvn nichmowI'yln 0. k O. dallj

except Sunday, nt 4 P. M., con-liectlng ut Old Polnt wlth ateoinera

n of Old Hiiy Llne. lunvlng 7:18 ..\l M., nrrlvlng Unltlmoro (1:80 A. M->

ronnoottng Nurtb. Enat nnd Weat. For tlcket.und luror.mllon upply to O, & 0, flwy., Itlob.lOund Transfer Couiniiu.v. nr 8,10 EnM Maln 8t.

Clyde Steamship Oo.'sPHILADELPHIA,

RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINJB.Frcieiu rocclvctl und dollvereU daily »M

C, & O, H'w'y Co.'a depol, tjoventeeiHeand Brond Stroeta,_

The C^nfederme Kluseum,TWELFTH'AND CLAV BTR^BT'SjOiieus dally from 9 A- M. Wj-.r.'.m:Admissliin. ?3 cents. Frea ou gntiin»-i» ».






_e_innin_ Apnl lst. 1902,Cars leave cornor Porry and Sovcnth.

Streets, Manchester, every hour '.on thehour) ircmi ii A. M. to lu 1'. M., last car11:60 P. M.Cars leave Pctersburp, foot of Byca-

moro Street. every hour from 0:30 A. 10:30 P. M.FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECLAL


RE OQ Richmond. Frederleks!iTiS I i burg &. Potomac R. RTrains Leave Rlchmond.Northward.»:61 A. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through.BMi A. M., dally. Main St. Through.7:15 A. Al.. week days. Elba. Ashluuu ac¬commodatlon. jS:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd 8L

f:«0 A. m!, week days. Byrd St. Through.u:<X>noon. week days. Byrd St. Ttirougn.,4:00 P. M-, week days Byrd SL rr_4-erlcksburc accommodatlon.B:05 P. M.. dnlly, Mnln St. Throuirh.6:?S P. M., week days. Elbs. Ashland ao«commodntlon. _

8:05 P. M.i dully. Byrd St. Through.Trains Arrlve Rlchmond.Southward.

6:40 A, M.. week days. Elba. Ashland so-commodntlon. .".] .

8:16 A. M., week days, Byrd St.. Kred-erlckubun.' nccommodatlon.8:15 A. M. dally, Byrd St. Through

11:66 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through.;.«*» P. M., dally. Main Bt. Tnruugh.'J:iX» P. M.i weok days. Elba. Ashland ac-comniodritlon.7:15 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through.'.^i P. -M.. dnlly. lnyrrt St. 1 hrmiyh.luT.'» P. M. d.illy. Mnln Bt. Through.Note.Pullman Sleeplnj; or Pnrlor Cars

on all trnln* -xceitt local necomrnodntlnmi.w. ». ntJKB, c w.colp. w. p. tayloh.Gcn'l M&n'r. .ss't Oen'l Man'r. Traf. Men I

Jone 14. 100X



rlves Norfolk 11 :20 A. M. Stops only atPetersburg. Waverly and aufioik.9:05 A. M.. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet

Pnrlor Car. Potershurg to Lynchburg undRoanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke loJolumbus, Bluerield to Clnclnnatl; alsoRoanoke to Knoxville. nnd Knoxville tuChatlanooKn and Memphls. .,,.....

12:10 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS forFarmvllle, Lynchbiirn and Roanoke._3:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE L1M1TED.

Arrlves Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only r.tPetcrsburR. Waverly nnd Haffnlk. Cnnnecrtswlth stonmci> to Boston Providenoe. NewYork. BnlHinore and WHshlnKtpn.7:26 P. M., for Norfolk and all statlonseust of PeicrBburg. ._ .._.._9-io P, M. NEW ORLEANS SHORTLINE. Pullman Sleepers. Rlchmond toLynchburg and Ronnoke; Petorsburg ta

Bost Radford; Lynchburg to Che.Uano.iga.Memphls and New Orleans. Cafo DlnfiigCTralns arrlve from the West 7:35 A. Mj,2'(C P. M. nnd 9:10 P. M.'i from NortolEll:m A. M. and 7:20 P. M.Offlce No. f=38 Enst MiUnJH.reot..W B BEVILL. C H. BOSLEY.Gen. Pnss. Ag«n». OIb Pass. Acent

SEABOARDAm Line Railwav

TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY.V.iU P, M..beaboard Mull-10:do V, M.-

Seaboard Expreas-Ta Savaiuiuh, laen-sonvllle. Atlanta und Southweat.9:10 A. _...Locul-For Norllna and Hara-

TRAINS ARRIVEoRICHMONO OAILY.0:36 A. M.-No. 34-4:65 P. M.-No. «6-

From Florlda, Atlanta and bout iwest.,6:30 P. M.-From Norllna and locol

P°city' Tlckot Offlce 830 Enst Mnln Street'Phone 406.

8CHEDULE IN EFFECT AUO. 12, 1803,i uu A Ai..Dully. Loeill ior Cliurlottc..:6u P M.-Dally. Llmlted, Buttet PulJ.mun to Atlanta and _lrm'.n_ham, NewOrleans. Memphls, ChatUliQU-tt and all

sloo P°UMh-Ex. Sundny. Chase Clty lo-

ii-08np II..Dally. Llmlted: Pullman^e3adP^W.R/.aforiiUutho>3outh.e.^VW'l's'. ^ve %c&T<Vnp«M Daily except Sunday.6:fXJ A. M.-Except Sunday. Local rnlxe,(or West Polnt. ,

"ilb P. M..Local for West Polnt.4:80 P M.-Except Sunday, For WestPolnt, connecllng wlth steamers for _al-tiniore ind rlver landlngs.110 WaINB AHBIVE JUOHMOWD.6:55 A. M. »nd «l7o P. M.-Prom all the

g!i2Vr,lKM._Frotn Chnrlntto nnd Durham.Bii)' A'v M..From Chase Clty,8* ?A M.-Hnltlmoro nnd West Polnt,

fi.'lO P. M..From West Polnt.CttACKUnr mS. H. HARDWICK,^0, W. WK8TBIIUV. D. P. A.. niehmnnd. Vn.


Speclal chartered trains leave So,_Ry..Pepotj_Fourteenth_6t_DAIL.Y TRAINS EXCEPT SUNDAY.Leave Richmond 6:80 P. JVf. Return-Ing, leave West Polnt 10:30 P. M.

SUNDAY TRAIN8.L'Ve Rlchmond 9:30 A. M, & 4 P. M.L'vo West Point S P, M. 10:30 p, M.