citizen (berea, ky.). (berea, ky) 1904-07-21 [p ]

THE CITIZEN JHHHSH i Eastern Kentucky News II in foil by the writer The name of good faith Write pliinly I I I I IM t1 frf tIt t t II I ROCKCASTLE COUNTY BOONE July IS11e hada pleasant shower Saturday evening which even ono was glad to seeHm J W Lambert and wife attended church on Brush Fork in Madison county SundayJesso Wren who has been working on the railroad at White Station is at homo for a few days on account of a mashed too Nannie the smallchild of Mr nUll Mrs J B Coyk of this place is not expected to liveRev J W Lambert was in Berea Saturday on busiuessMr and Mrs Harry Woodall of Estill county are visiting relatives in this neighborhood The small child ol Joseph Wren is thoOghfto bo some hltterJ M Nave of Goiiway was at Boone Saturday on business Joseph Griiliu hnVi bought a new Deering mowing nlachlno andrake Mrs Mary Wren who has been very Hick is able to be out again Isaac Martin of Rockford was here this week looking for a boy who had been staying with him and had run array- S OWSLEY COUNTY STURGEON July ItG M Treadway and Perry Begley were on Island Creek last week buying cattle they pur ¬ chased a nice bunch from G C Roberts Win May United States Marshal is out again on Government business Walter Bryant anti wife visited Arthur Bryant of Doe Creek Saturday and SundayGC Roberts bought a fine tunic lately for 110Henry Peters of White Oak visited W J Blake Monday on busi ¬ lIessliss Daisy Moore and Simon Blake passed up the creek Monday on their way to Sturgeon Some of our boys and girls attended Mt Carmell church SundayThe Owsloy schools have all begun with good at- tendance ¬ Stephen Bryant of Illi ¬ nois is visiting friends in this vicinity Arthur Bryant is the proud father of a 12pound boyJohn M Mar graves pas purchased now organ George Carrell passed down the creek Tuesday Win McCollumn of Conkling visited Sturgeon Wed ¬ nesday Everett Ross sold a fine saddle horse for pr lCSlooHarr Briggs of the O K Lumber Co passed down the creek Tuesday The school at Walnut Grove opened July 11 with a good enrollment W II Tenable is teacher The teachers institute of Owsley county will con ¬ vene Monday 18th with Prof John Burke of Newport as instructor Corn is scarcer in our county than ever known before prices ranging from 73cents to 100 per bushel The ploys accused of killing Gillus Barnett were held over under a bond of 1000each at the examining trial W S White and familyof Estill county are visiting friends and rel- atives ¬ on Island Creek Minter Day expects to go west soon to make his home Andy enable and Arch Roberts will start for the Worlds Fair soon told willspend sometime in the Western States CON KLINC July IIJ S Rowland has gone to Mt Sterling with 400 head of sheep The deed of Daglin Ray failed to hold his land as a goodly portion of it washed oft in the recent heavy rains Jessie Wilson has gone to Beattyville on businessMrs i Laura Minter of Madison is visiting her mother this wweokMrs Belle Wilson wife of G B Wilson Deputy Sheriff is very iIlMiss Roxio Manious is visiting her aunt Mrs Edna Couch of Taft July 15The Highland school taught by N F Ambrose was begun Monday Through TilE CITIZEN wo wish to send our congratulations and best wishes to P M Fro who in company with Miss Mattie Gentry entered matrimonial ulissM V Roberts returned to Berea July 12 Henderson Sizemore is the cham- pion ¬ at frog shooting Miss S E McQueen was at Saddler Sunday Several of the young folks attended preaching at Clifty last Sunday Charles Eversole visited on Island Creek Saturday and Sundh yClay Moore bought a flue pair of mules the other day for 380 Jasper Carmac paid Sherman Rowland 135 for a undo last weekMiss Jane Bailey is very sick and Mrs Cretie Combs is not expected to liveThe Sunday school on White Oak under the leadership of A M Clark shows signs of improvement Edna Couchof Sextons Creek visited her sister on Doe Creek July 0 to 10G W Garrett of Major has sold his store to his fuller and brother Daglin Rays farm lUll fences were badly damaged last week by rain FLOYD July 1 2Our school is progress a ing nicelyat Grassy Branch C II jI Moore is teachingBorn to Mr and Mrs J Ie Frost a 12 pound boy Monday nightJ W Wilder of Stringtown visited G Horn Sun ¬ dayS Baker of this place is plan ¬ ling to go to Cow Creek Kyto mako pictures GARRARD COUNTY CARTERS LLE July Jrs B F Lear and two daughters of Paint Lick and Givens Terrell and family of Cartcrsvillo visited Mrs Tom Green Saturday Mrs Mary Hammack has been visit ¬ ing her children at Paint Lick for several laysJ B Carter is able to get around ngainF M Carter is improving slowlyUncle Jack Ham mack has been in bad shape for ten days but was able to go with School Board to Lancaster yesterday in re ¬ gard to our schoolTho yield of hay is v ry heavy though mixed with a great de1 ofwhito blossom Huckle errtei are plenty at 25cents per gallon Tom Green has been stack ¬ ing wheat for his neighbors for over two weeks You may hear of trouble here at any time as we have to raise funds for school by tax 100 poll and 15cents on the hundred MASON COUNTY MAVSVILLE July ISMiss Frances Strawder left Wednesday for Philadelphia Rev W M J Price of this citywas elected Moderator of the Baptist As sociation in Lexington last week Gee Routt is still improving The concert given by James A Monday at the Bethel Baptist Church Friday evening was a succes Mr Tibbs of Lexington the musician of the even ¬ ing was well received MADISON COUNTY PEYTON TOWN July IGIisl Sarah Martin is very illSeveralof our people at tended the rally at Kirksville Sunday Misses Mary E Merrill and Addcll Phelps spent Saturday with Mrs Mary 1 the Phelps The people of Peytontown were surprised at the marriage of Miss Mattie Campbell and George Shearer Our school opened Monday with Miss Addell Phelps teacher Wo hope to have a prosperous school yearWo an nounce the marriage of Thomas Campbell and Miss Sallie Shearer Thursday night July21st The bride to be is a laughter of the bride ¬ groom of last week Rev GD Miller willoficateFrank Peyton gave a fish supper at his house Saturday night Miss Mary V White is teach- ing school nt Valley View this year Goodby Money Away with filthy lucre With cold and clammy cash Awns with vulgar money Theres microbes on the trash The doctors say It fairly squirms With forty million kinds of germs Just think of nil the chances Youre taking with the truck When In your Inside pocket A dollar bill you tuck Or two or three or four some men Have had at times as high as ten You may say when I tell you Im talking through my bat But I had thirteen dollars At one tlmlhlnk of that All tucked In ono small pocketbook- Oh what frightful chance I tookl No more will dimes and Quarters My lonescmo pockets fill No longer will I fondle The lonthesome dollar bill- I will not risk my precious life So If you owe me pay my wife Learning Young My chickens said the speckled hen are the brightest chickens In the lot Yes sold the proud rooster step- ping a little higher I noticed that they ran to rover when a colored preacher drove by Escapes One OrdeaL Do you believe In punishment after deathI dont know anything about It At any rate a man does not have to listen to his own funeral sermon Disease takes no summer vacationIf need flesh awl strength us- eScotts Emulsion summer as in winter Send for tree sample SCOrr ft ISOWNK Chemists 409415 Pe N wYork soc andLoot aU druulall THE STRIKE CRISIS Allied Trades Unions in the Stock ¬ yards May Become Involved in the Controversy HELD A FIVE HOURS CONFERENCE At its Conclusion a Letter Was Sent to the Packers Asking For a Joint Conference The Unions Joining In the Request For the Meeting Represent All the Trades Engaged In the Pack- Ing Industry Chicago July roThe crisis In tbo stock yards strike will como Wednes ¬ day afternoon Ttio allied trades unions In the stock yards which ore certain to become Involved In the con troversy if It Is not soon settled held a conference Tuesday afternoon lust ¬ ing five hours and at Its conclusion sent a letter to the packers aaklnc for a Joint conference between represen ¬ tatives of the strikers of the packers and of the allied trades to see If a set ¬ tlement of the strike along careful lines can not be reached Tuesday night there was nobody who would say that the packers would agreo to the conference and It Is Impossible to say with certainty that the meeting will be heldArthur Meeker manager for Ar- mour sit Co speaking Tuesday night for tho other packers as well OB for his own establishment said he would send a reply In Wednesday morning to the letter received Tuesday after ¬ noon from tho representatives of tho allied unions Ho declined to say however what the nature of the reply would be The unions joining In the rQuest for the meeting represent all the traders engaged in tho packing Industry and they have joined In a final appeal for arbitration between the packers and the striking butchers President Don ¬ nelly of tho Butchers union said Tuesday night that bo was anxious to have peace but that unless It came with tho proposed conference Wed ¬ nosday there would be a general sym pathtlc strike on tho part of the al ¬ lied trades unions The letter was signed by represen- tatives of the coopers packing house teamsters stationary firemen station ¬ ary engineers steamOtters steam t ters helpers electrical workers car pontors car workers millwrights and machinery erectors blacksmiths and horseshoers unions Both sides still claim to have the advantage In the strike The packers assert that they are operating their plants almost at their full capacity while the strikers contend that tho packing trade throughout tho country Is practically demoralized The pack ¬ ers also assort that there Is no neces- sity for any advance In tho prices ot moat and declare that It Is simply a holdup by the retail dealers St Paul Minn July 201t Is stat- ed ¬ that President Willis of the local branch of the Meat Cutters and Butch ore union received a telegram at 1 oclock Wednesday morning from President Donnelly at Chicago asking that the South St Paul blockade be suspended pending negotiations at Chicago Wednesday President Willis will comply with the request A COLORED MOB It Runs One of Their Race Out of the Cripple Creek District Cripple Creek Col July 20A mob of Negroes Tuesday compelled one of their race named Edwards to leavo the district under their threats of hanging him If he remained They were Incensed over an exhibition In a group of moving pictures for which they allege Edwards posed The pic ¬ lures represented a supposed assault upon a white woman and a chase of the criminal by bloodhounds The Guards Called Out Dawson Ga July 20The Dawson guards were called out by order of the governor to protect Will Nix who Is In jail charged with being an acces ¬ sory to tho murder of W O Cham bless a merchant at Graves against a supposed mob Weavers Strike Patersbn N J July 2OThe wea ¬ vers employed by Johnson Cowdln St Co silk manufacturers struck Tues ¬ day because refused a ten per cent Increase In wages It la said that tho warpers and winders may strike out of sympathy Lumber Workers Strike Reddlno Cal July 20Tho plant of the McCloud Lumber Co at Me Cloud the largest lumber plant In the state Is tied up by a strike About 1800 men are affected Ordinary la- borers ¬ havo been receiving 112 for 11 hours work Bricklayers Strike Washington July 20 Twentyeight bricklayers engaged In construction work at the Washington army bar ¬ racks are on ntrlke because a non- union ¬ colored bricklayer was given work there The union will support the strikers Advance For Cutters and Gatherers Cleveland 0 July 20Tho Amal- gamated ¬ WIndow Gives Workers con ¬ vontlon took up the wage scale basis for tho coming year It was decided to ask an advance of 14 and 2 per- cent respectively for cutter and gath sera t 1 A CHANCE FOR YOU There is n good clmnco for strong nml willing young men to earn money for school expenses ia1 Berea this fall by work on tho Farm and in the Brickyard nml at other work These chances are only for such ns will bo hero in the Full Term be ginning Septemlwr 11 and tho worl must he engaged beforehand For particulars address W C GAMBLE Secretary Boron Ky No man or woman in tho stale will hesitate tosp ftk well ot Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets nftor once trying thorn They always produce a pleasant movement of tho towels itn prove the appotito mid trongthoi the digestion For sale by S K Welch Jr Druggist For Pain Take a Dr Miles AntiPain Pilland the Pain will disc appear Like Magic Not by paralyzing tho nerves and glands like opium morphine cocaine and other dangerous drugs but by in- creasing the natural secretions This action Is obtained an a result of modern discoveries In medicine making it possible to relieve pain without bad nftereffects You can stately depend upon Dr Mlles Antirain Ills to relieve and cure such pains as Neuralgia Headache Stomach ¬ ache Menstrual Pains Rheumatism Backache Toothache etc They will also by their calming act ¬ ion on tho nerves almost Instantly re- lieve ¬ such distressing feelings as Dli zlness Car Slcknlss Indigestion Irri ¬ tability Sleeplessness Nervousness etc Not merely do they relieve but they also absolutely cure because by perse ¬ vering In their use you do away with tho cause Dr Miles AntiPain Tills are guar ¬ anteed that nrst package will benefit or your money hack Never sold In bulk I am thankful for tho good Dr Miles AntlIMIn Pills have and are doing me Ever since the war I IIIIXM had spells of severe throbbing head ache caused by catarrh until nix yean ago I began taking Antl1nln 1llls the remidy that ever gave me relief Blnco then I have not hail ono hard attack because I take a Illl dltncultyOLOSAINDIilt9 FREE Wrlto to us for FrI TriAl Iuckago of Dr Mlles Anti PaIr Pills the New Scientific Ilemedy for rain Alro Symptom mink Our Specialist will dlagnoitn your tell you what lx wronltlnnd how tn right It- ortf Dlt MIIIHCAI CO LAUOKATOIUKB UUU1AHT iND u To Farther Increase Our Trade Wo are offering tho cheapest goods out Before buying elsewhere call nml son tin Millinery latesUtylofl nt Hock Bottom Prices MOIIH Cloth ing from F3 riO up to JSOO Regular ro and 510 Values Calico 5c par yd Iorcalwi iA cts to 12l cts Hr yard Groceries in proportion Coal Oil 12 eta per gal Highest Prico Paid for Traduce Azbill Azbill Beren and Big IIi Piko u HEALTHI hose without Thedfordi mack Draugb6 We have used It In the family for over two yeas with the beat of ttiulU I have not had a doctor In the house for that length of time H Is a doctor In Itself and alwiya ready to make a person well and happy JAMKS UALL Jack aooTllle ill- Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains free Uio constipated bowels and invigor- ate ¬ the torpid liver and weak ¬ cued kidneys No DOCTOR is necessary in the home where lekept country miles from any physi ¬ healthforyears ThedfonlsBlackDraught headachesdiarnccea alimentbecause liver and ki nes so nearly con trol the hea- lthTHEDFORDS QLACI DRAUGHT 10701101101100r The Kirksville School o For Boys and a Ir IIt r G P Simmons Principal Mark S Pockham Asst Prin ot ° Miss Ada Alton Prin Dopt of Music o 0r sr 0- o Incidental Fees s AHGrmloH HO cents por Term All foH Payable in Advance oM o Tuition Fees B Primary JIO 00 per Tonu- S A Primary anti B Grammar lri 00 ° ° A Grammar 15 00u o High School 20 00 It acing o Knrollmnnt lust year 101 Wo oxpoct to increase It largely this ° q year Our teachers are competent and uptodate Remember beforeo o deciding what school you will patronize that KirkHvilla him four It- o churcheH and NO SALOONS Wo solicit patntnagu from people y J who wish their he ° so aired at following ratoso 0o South for Catalogun and investigate 0 rrosorororosororororororonoovorosostorostoKoKolto It The International f > Bible Series L la TNt LARGEST LINE OF SELFIKONOUNCING UII1LES IN TilE WORLD TMCT ast MCNOWNIO rOM THIIH CLEAR IRINTSCIIOLARLY HELPS SUPERIOR BINDINGS led Letter Testament ADDRESS DO YOU NEED A BIBLE Then send for this Frtncb Morecco Divinity Circuit Round Careers Red Under Cold Zdcti SILK SEWED tJLure Type Minio- nSELFPRONOUNCING TEACHERS BIBLES NCO Neal NINON The Combination Concordance tile Most Satisfactory In Existence Illnitritlont Mi pi la colors sad the mast COMPLETE HELM TO THE STUDY OF THE AISLE With tile WtrdiSMkei brChrlit 1 Morce1l1041IrtDIYlalt7 Price Only SIl5 to e7- stage Same Bibl- eyeralshrd wits resatThemll1dsz ftrJOcti Adlltluil Price only 85 c1s I BEREA THE c CITIZENI I G 8 GG- W RICHMOND GREENHOUSES e Phone 188 Richmond Ky Ie t Designs and Blooming Plants 9 O BE A SOLDIER W ANTE 100000 BOYS 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER I TO KM 1ST IN Uflt IIOVN lIon IIKIfiAlu on hnn l rltlnr UUnx age HlilriM c TUHiliii anil mlliury experleixvlf anysend IS reuu for Irt yes- rparticnlarsmnrerniaapmmooueetc ti IlitiiiAtiKOrniUt MtuiilHi Uvethtr with All promatloosand plolntmenu that nay be rank from time to unit lr the ifllrrr will In pulillihnl earls month In our mirailniitlemrnmpvtiiUeeiamluatluH faialrjr Artillery Infantry Helical Tbe regulation are such n onolln Interfere In any the tram work or Mudrol the txir but rather lu rrtMte ilinrlplme aud each a plIcatiun M will tend to make him mare dllleent and lntvi lir the manly ipirit HI ilitlraMc in your Imjr Memhrn will be known l y the refutation Hrlrade bails to tie worn on tort hgrt Ktlnll Addra Major W WILSON IRWIN Brigade Commander Box 1106 Des Melissa Ia- N ITlmn opi ortmiity lor a boy In be i mliller every day at hli own home I1IIIIHIhltHI1I1II1IHiff1IIIIiiH1 III111IIHlh1 1 25 Percent OH For the next 30 days on the Celebrat- ed ¬ White Mountain Refrigerators Lnrgn Stock to pnlwt from ARBUCKLE SIMMONS Main Street Richmond Ky 11I1i1Ihl1I11iI1t1Mt11HIi11 + O + O+ ofo I o +o + o + o + o + o1 o4o + o + od od oi o +od o + odod od o + oo f t THE HOUSECLEANING SEASON i o In here nnd ovary housewife wants ono or morot 1liO > of now + OARPKT or MATTING tPUUNl1UJm Take a Look Through Our Steak t to S IP ITS FROM US ITS GOOD o New Florence Drop Top Ball Bearing Sowing Machines I f 25 ISO nnd 1 worth 10160 anti KJ5 o + I 0 CRTJTCHER EVANS 1 Jojillns Old Htniid nirliinonil Ky pay Phone i3i Night Phone 4711t 0010 + o + o + od od 010 + o + 010 + 00010 + od 010 + od o + o + od od od odo + o THE CITIZEN 1001r Yearly tt 4

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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1904-07-21 [p ]



i Eastern Kentucky NewsII in foil by the writer The nameof good faith Write pliinly

I I I I IM t1 frf tIt t t II I


July IS11e hada pleasantshower Saturday evening which evenono was glad to seeHm J WLambert and wife attended churchon Brush Fork in Madison countySundayJesso Wren who has beenworking on the railroad at WhiteStation is at homo for a few days onaccount of a mashed too Nanniethe smallchild of Mr nUll Mrs J B

Coyk of this place is not expectedto liveRev J W Lambert was inBerea Saturday on busiuessMrand Mrs Harry Woodall of Estillcounty are visiting relatives in thisneighborhood The small child ol

Joseph Wren is thoOghfto bo somehltterJ M Nave of Goiiway wasat Boone Saturday on businessJoseph Griiliu hnVi bought a newDeering mowing nlachlno andrake

Mrs Mary Wren who has beenvery Hick is able to be out againIsaac Martin of Rockford was herethis week looking for a boy who hadbeen staying with him and had runarray-



July ItG M Treadway andPerry Begley were on Island Creeklast week buying cattle they pur ¬

chased a nice bunch from G C

Roberts Win May United StatesMarshal is out again on Governmentbusiness Walter Bryant anti wifevisited Arthur Bryant of Doe CreekSaturday and SundayGC Robertsbought a fine tunic lately for110Henry Peters of White Oak

visited W J Blake Monday on busi ¬

lIessliss Daisy Moore and SimonBlake passed up the creek Mondayon their way to Sturgeon Some ofour boys and girls attended MtCarmell church SundayThe Owsloyschools have all begun with good at-


Stephen Bryant of Illi ¬

nois is visiting friends in this vicinityArthur Bryant is the proud father

of a 12pound boyJohn M Margraves pas purchased now organGeorge Carrell passed down thecreek Tuesday Win McCollumnof Conkling visited Sturgeon Wed ¬

nesday Everett Ross sold a finesaddle horse for pr lCSlooHarrBriggs of the O K Lumber Copassed down the creek TuesdayThe school at Walnut Grove openedJuly 11 with a good enrollment W

II Tenable is teacher The teachersinstitute of Owsley county will con ¬

vene Monday 18th with Prof JohnBurke of Newport as instructorCorn is scarcer in our county thanever known before prices rangingfrom 73cents to 100 per bushelThe ploys accused of killing GillusBarnett were held over under a bondof 1000each at the examining trial

W S White and familyof Estillcounty are visiting friends and rel-


on Island Creek Minter Dayexpects to go west soon to make hishome Andy enable and ArchRoberts will start for the WorldsFair soon told willspend sometimein the Western States


July IIJ S Rowland has goneto Mt Sterling with 400 head ofsheep The deed of Daglin Rayfailed to hold his land as a goodlyportion of it washed oft in the recentheavy rains Jessie Wilson has goneto Beattyville on businessMrs

iLaura Minter of Madison is visitingher mother this wweokMrs BelleWilson wife of G B Wilson DeputySheriff is very iIlMiss RoxioManious is visiting her aunt MrsEdna Couch of Taft

July 15The Highland schooltaught by N F Ambrose was begunMonday Through TilE CITIZEN wowish to send our congratulations andbest wishes to P M Fro who incompany with Miss Mattie Gentryentered matrimonial ulissM V

Roberts returned to Berea July 12Henderson Sizemore is the cham-


at frog shooting Miss S EMcQueen was at Saddler SundaySeveral of the young folks attendedpreaching at Clifty last SundayCharles Eversole visited on IslandCreek Saturday and Sundh yClayMoore bought a flue pair of mules theother day for 380 Jasper Carmacpaid Sherman Rowland 135 for aundo last weekMiss Jane Baileyis very sick and Mrs Cretie Combsis not expected to liveThe Sundayschool on White Oak under theleadership of A M Clark shows signsof improvement Edna CouchofSextons Creek visited her sister onDoe Creek July 0 to 10G WGarrett of Major has sold his storeto his fuller and brother DaglinRays farm lUll fences were badlydamaged last week by rain


July 1 2Our school is progressa ing nicelyat Grassy Branch C II


Moore is teachingBorn to Mr andMrs J Ie Frost a 12 pound boyMonday nightJ W Wilder ofStringtown visited G Horn Sun ¬

dayS Baker of this place is plan ¬

ling to go to Cow Creek Kytomako pictures


July Jrs B F Lear and twodaughters of Paint Lick and GivensTerrell and family of Cartcrsvillovisited Mrs Tom Green SaturdayMrs Mary Hammack has been visit ¬

ing her children at Paint Lick forseveral laysJ B Carter is able toget around ngainF M Carter isimproving slowlyUncle Jack Hammack has been in bad shape for tendays but was able to go with SchoolBoard to Lancaster yesterday in re ¬

gard to our schoolTho yield of hay isv ry heavy though mixed with a greatde1 ofwhito blossom Huckleerrtei are plenty at 25cents pergallon Tom Green has been stack ¬

ing wheat for his neighbors for overtwo weeks You may hear of troublehere at any time as we have to raisefunds for school by tax 100 polland 15cents on the hundred


July ISMiss Frances Strawderleft Wednesday for PhiladelphiaRev W M J Price of this citywaselected Moderator of the Baptist Association in Lexington last weekGee Routt is still improving Theconcert given by James A Mondayat the Bethel Baptist Church Fridayevening was a succes Mr Tibbs ofLexington the musician of the even ¬

ing was well received


July IGIisl Sarah Martin isvery illSeveralof our people attended the rally at Kirksville Sunday

Misses Mary E Merrill and AddcllPhelps spent Saturday with MrsMary 1 the Phelps The people ofPeytontown were surprised at themarriage of Miss Mattie Campbelland George Shearer Our schoolopened Monday with Miss AddellPhelps teacher Wo hope to have aprosperous school yearWo announce the marriage of ThomasCampbell and Miss Sallie ShearerThursday night July21st Thebride to be is a laughter of the bride ¬

groom of last week Rev G D MillerwilloficateFrank Peyton gave afish supper at his house Saturdaynight Miss Mary V White is teach-

ing school nt Valley View this year

Goodby MoneyAway with filthy lucre

With cold and clammy cashAwns with vulgar money

Theres microbes on the trashThe doctors say It fairly squirmsWith forty million kinds of germs

Just think of nil the chancesYoure taking with the truck

When In your Inside pocketA dollar bill you tuck

Or two or three or four some menHave had at times as high as ten

You may say when I tell youIm talking through my bat

But I had thirteen dollarsAt one tlmlhlnk of that

All tucked In ono small pocketbook-Oh what frightful chance I tookl

No more will dimes and QuartersMy lonescmo pockets fill

No longer will I fondleThe lonthesome dollar bill-

I will not risk my precious lifeSo If you owe me pay my wife

Learning Young

My chickens said the speckled henare the brightest chickens In the lot

Yes sold the proud rooster step-ping a little higher I noticed that theyran to rover when a colored preacherdrove by

Escapes One OrdeaLDo you believe In punishment after

deathI dont know anything about ItAt any rate a man does not have tolisten to his own funeral sermon

Disease takes no summer

vacationIfneed flesh awl

strength us-

eScotts Emulsionsummer as in winter

Send for tree sample

SCOrr ft ISOWNK Chemists409415 Pe N wYork

soc andLoot aU druulall


Allied Trades Unions in the Stock ¬

yards May Become Involvedin the Controversy


At its Conclusion a Letter Was Sentto the Packers Asking For

a Joint Conference

The Unions Joining In the Request Forthe Meeting Represent All the

Trades Engaged In the Pack-Ing Industry

Chicago July roThe crisis In tbostock yards strike will como Wednes ¬

day afternoon Ttio allied tradesunions In the stock yards which orecertain to become Involved In the controversy if It Is not soon settled helda conference Tuesday afternoon lust ¬

ing five hours and at Its conclusionsent a letter to the packers aaklnc fora Joint conference between represen ¬

tatives of the strikers of the packersand of the allied trades to see If a set ¬

tlement of the strike along carefullines can not be reached Tuesdaynight there was nobody who would saythat the packers would agreo to theconference and It Is Impossible to saywith certainty that the meeting willbeheldArthur

Meeker manager for Ar-mour sit Co speaking Tuesday nightfor tho other packers as well OB forhis own establishment said he wouldsend a reply In Wednesday morningto the letter received Tuesday after ¬

noon from tho representatives of thoallied unions Ho declined to sayhowever what the nature of the replywould be

The unions joining In the rQuest forthe meeting represent all the tradersengaged in tho packing Industry andthey have joined In a final appeal forarbitration between the packers andthe striking butchers President Don ¬

nelly of tho Butchers union saidTuesday night that bo was anxious tohave peace but that unless It camewith tho proposed conference Wed ¬

nosday there would be a general sympathtlc strike on tho part of the al ¬

lied trades unionsThe letter was signed by represen-

tatives of the coopers packing houseteamsters stationary firemen station ¬

ary engineers steamOtters steam tters helpers electrical workers carpontors car workers millwrights andmachinery erectors blacksmiths andhorseshoers unions

Both sides still claim to have theadvantage In the strike The packersassert that they are operating theirplants almost at their full capacitywhile the strikers contend that thopacking trade throughout tho countryIs practically demoralized The pack ¬

ers also assort that there Is no neces-sity for any advance In tho prices otmoat and declare that It Is simply aholdup by the retail dealersSt Paul Minn July 201t Is stat-


that President Willis of the localbranch of the Meat Cutters and Butchore union received a telegram at 1

oclock Wednesday morning fromPresident Donnelly at Chicago askingthat the South St Paul blockade besuspended pending negotiations atChicago Wednesday President Williswill comply with the request


It Runs One of Their Race Out of theCripple Creek District

Cripple Creek Col July 20A mobof Negroes Tuesday compelled one oftheir race named Edwards to leavothe district under their threats ofhanging him If he remained Theywere Incensed over an exhibition In agroup of moving pictures for whichthey allege Edwards posed The pic ¬

lures represented a supposed assaultupon a white woman and a chase ofthe criminal by bloodhounds

The Guards Called OutDawson Ga July 20The Dawson

guards were called out by order of thegovernor to protect Will Nix who IsIn jail charged with being an acces ¬

sory to tho murder of W O Chambless a merchant at Graves against asupposed mob

Weavers StrikePatersbn N J July 2OThe wea ¬

vers employed by Johnson Cowdln St

Co silk manufacturers struck Tues¬

day because refused a ten per centIncrease In wages It la said that thowarpers and winders may strike outof sympathy

Lumber Workers StrikeReddlno Cal July 20Tho plant

of the McCloud Lumber Co at MeCloud the largest lumber plant In thestate Is tied up by a strike About1800 men are affected Ordinary la-


havo been receiving 112 for 11hours work

Bricklayers StrikeWashington July 20 Twentyeight

bricklayers engaged In constructionwork at the Washington army bar¬

racks are on ntrlke because a non-


colored bricklayer was givenwork there The union will supportthe strikers

Advance For Cutters and GatherersCleveland 0 July 20Tho Amal-


WIndow Gives Workers con ¬

vontlon took up the wage scale basisfor tho coming year It was decidedto ask an advance of 14 and 2 per-

cent respectively for cutter and gathsera t 1


There is n good clmnco for strongnml willing young men to earnmoney for school expenses ia1 Bereathis fall by work on tho Farm andin the Brickyard nml at other workThese chances are only for such nswill bo hero in the Full Term beginning Septemlwr 11 and tho worlmust he engaged beforehand

For particulars addressW C GAMBLE Secretary

Boron Ky

No man or woman in tho stale willhesitate tosp ftk well ot ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets nftor oncetrying thorn They always produce apleasant movement of tho towels itnprove the appotito mid trongthoithe digestion For sale by S K

Welch Jr Druggist

For PainTake a Dr MilesAntiPain Pillandthe Pain will disc

appear LikeMagic

Not by paralyzing tho nerves andglands like opium morphine cocaineand other dangerous drugs but by in-

creasing the natural secretionsThis action Is obtained an a result of

modern discoveries In medicine makingit possible to relieve pain without badnftereffects

You can stately depend upon Dr MllesAntirain Ills to relieve and cure suchpains as Neuralgia Headache Stomach ¬

ache Menstrual Pains RheumatismBackache Toothache etc

They will also by their calming act ¬

ion on tho nerves almost Instantly re-


such distressing feelings as Dlizlness Car Slcknlss Indigestion Irri ¬

tability Sleeplessness Nervousness etcNot merely do they relieve but they

also absolutely cure because by perse ¬

vering In their use you do away withtho cause

Dr Miles AntiPain Tills are guar ¬

anteed that nrst package will benefit oryour money hack Never sold In bulk

I am thankful for tho good DrMiles AntlIMIn Pills have and aredoing me Ever since the war I IIIIXM

had spells of severe throbbing headache caused by catarrh until nix yeanago I began taking Antl1nln 1lllsthe remidy that ever gaveme relief Blnco then I have not hailono hard attack because I take a IllldltncultyOLOSAINDIilt9FREE Wrlto to us for FrI TriAl

Iuckago of Dr Mlles AntiPaIr Pills the New Scientific Ilemedyfor rain Alro Symptom mink OurSpecialist will dlagnoitn your tellyou what lx wronltlnnd how tn right It-ortf Dlt MIIIHCAI COLAUOKATOIUKB UUU1AHT iND


To Farther IncreaseOur Trade

Wo are offering tho cheapestgoods out Before buyingelsewhere call nml son tinMillinery latesUtylofl nt HockBottom Prices MOIIH Clothing from F3 riO up to JSOORegular ro and 510 ValuesCalico 5c par yd IorcalwiiA cts to 12l cts Hr yardGroceries in proportion CoalOil 12 eta per gal HighestPrico Paid for Traduce

Azbill AzbillBeren and Big IIi Piko


HEALTHIhose without Thedfordi mackDraugb6 We have used It In thefamily for over two yeas with thebeat of ttiulU I have not had adoctor In the house for that lengthof time H Is a doctor In Itself andalwiya ready to make a person welland happy JAMKS UALL JackaooTllle ill-

Because this great medicinerelieves stomach pains free Uioconstipated bowels and invigor-ate


the torpid liver and weak ¬

cued kidneys

No DOCTORis necessary in the home wherelekeptcountry miles from any physi ¬


headachesdiarncceaalimentbecauseliver and ki nes so nearly control the hea-



10701101101100rThe Kirksville Schoolo

For Boys and a IrIItr G P Simmons Principal Mark S Pockham Asst Prin ot° Miss Ada Alton Prin Dopt of Music o0r sr0-

o Incidental Feess AHGrmloH HO cents por Term All foH Payable in Advance


o Tuition FeesB Primary JIO 00 per Tonu-

S A Primary anti B Grammar lri 00 °°

A Grammar 1500uo High School 20 00 ItacingoKnrollmnnt lust year 101 Wo oxpoct to increase It largely this °

q year Our teachers are competent and uptodate Remember beforeoo deciding what school you will patronize that KirkHvilla him four It-

o churcheH and NO SALOONS Wo solicit patntnagu from people yJ who wish their he °

so aired at following ratoso0oSouth for Catalogun and investigate0



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All promatloosand plolntmenu that nay berank from time to unit lr the ifllrrr will In pulillihnl earls month In ourmirailniitlemrnmpvtiiUeeiamluatluH faialrjr Artillery Infantry Helical Tberegulation are such nonolln Interfere In any the tram work or Mudrol thetxir but rather lu rrtMte ilinrlplme aud each a plIcatiun M will tend to make him maredllleent and lntvi lir the manly ipirit HI ilitlraMc in your Imjr Memhrn will be knownl y the refutation Hrlrade bails to tie worn on tort hgrt Ktlnll AddraMajor W WILSON IRWIN Brigade Commander Box 1106 Des Melissa Ia-

N ITlmn opi ortmiity lor a boy In be i mliller every day at hli own home


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