citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap

tizen-led perspectives: bridging the g @erinmaochu #EFA14 #citizenscience

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Talk to inform Austrian perspectives on bridging the gap between science and society presented at the Alpbach Forum 2014 working group session: Featuring best practice principles and examples from UK citizen science projects


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Citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap@erinmaochu #EFA14 #citizenscience

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Professor Muki Haklay, Extreme Citizen Science GroupUniversity College London Haklay M 2013

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Policy relevance

Typology & history

Cost effectiveness

Improved productivity

Quality assurance measures

Maintaining engagement

Making best use of data

Wentworth 2014

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Constructing scientific communities:

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Crowdsourcing neuroscience

And many others, see #citizenscience

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Genes in Space: spotting patterns in genetic information from tumours

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Can volunteers do real research? What about the data quality?

Can volunteers do real research? What about the data quality?

Help! I am not trained to do this as a scientist.

Help! I am not trained to do this as a scientist.

Page 11: Citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap

Social vs scientific valueCommunity Building

Awareness & Stewardship

Recognition of citizen participation

Cost effectiveness

Improved productivity

Quality assurance measures

Maintaining engagement

Making best use of data

Freitag 2013 & Tweddle et al 2012

Page 12: Citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap

Edgy #citizenscience

Working at the 'edge’ – making use of resources through collaboration (Carolyn Kagan, 2007)

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1. Crowdsource number patterns in nature dataset 2. Engage 3000 people from Greater Manchester 3. Learn about Turing & how number patterns work in sunflowers 4. Provide a media story

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What did people do?

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Novelty vs Utility et al 2012; Stock et al 2013

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Carolyn Kagan 2007

Fostering an ecological edge

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Innovative communication

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Lance Weiler

Story, Design, Interaction

Lance Weiler

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Social vs scientific value

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Principles•1. Mutual respect•2. Equality and inclusion•3. Democratic participation•4. Active learning•5. Making a difference•6. Collective action•7. Personal integrity

Professor Sarah Banks, Durham University

Everyday Ethics

Page 31: Citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap

Guide to citizen science & when and how to use citizen science

Page 32: Citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap


1.Beyond Borders- Partnerships- Post-disciplinary- Commons- Access to all

2. Skills & Training- Big data & little data- Design, Visualisation & Gaming- Engagement

3. Social Innovation- Pressing social needs- community building & civic action- recognising citizen participation

[email protected]

Page 33: Citizen-led perspectives: bridging the gap

ReferencesCagan, K (2007) Working at the Edge, Psychologist, Vol 20, part 4, pp224 - 227

Roy, H.E., Pocock, M.J.O., Preston, C.D., Roy, D.B., Savage, J., Tweddle, J.C. & Robinson, L.D. (2012) Understanding Citizen Science & Environmental Monitoring.  Final Report. NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and Natural History Museum on behalf of UK-EOF. 175pp

Tweddle, J.C., Robinson, L.D., Pocock, M.J.O & Roy, H.E. (2012). Guide tocitizen science: developing, implementing and evaluating citizen science tostudy biodiversity and the environment in the UK. Natural History Museumand NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology for UK-EOF.

Riesch H, Potter C and Davies, L (2013) Combining citizen science with public engagement: the open air laboratories programme. Journal of Science Communication 1 – 18;

Frietag, A, Pfeffer, M.J. (2013) Process, not product: Investigating Recommendations for improving Citizen Science "Success". PLoS ONE 8(5): e64079. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064079

Banks, S. (et al) (2013) 'Everyday ethics in community-based participatory research', in Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences

Wentworth J (2014) Environmental Citizen Science – POST Note

Haklay M (2012) Citizen Science and Volunteered Geographic Information: Overview and Typology of Participation. Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge pp 105-122

Science Communication Unit, University of the West of England, Bristol (2014). Science for Environment Policy In-depth Report: Social Innovation and the Environment. Report produced for the European Commission DG Environment, February 2014. Available at:

Fort S (2012) Independent evaluation of the Turing’s Sunflower project.

Whittle, J, Ochu E, Ferrario, M.A, Southern, J.and McNally R (2012) Beyond research in the wild: Citizen-led research as a

model for innovation in the Digital Economy. Presented at Digital Economy Conference 2012. Aberdeen University.

Stock, Ruth Maria, Pedro Oliveira and Eric von Hippel (2013) “Impacts of Hedonic and Utilitarian Motives on the Novelty and Utility of User-Developed Innovations.” MIT Sloan School of Management working paper (SSRN)