citizens for holy human birth

Upload: mike-carvell

Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Citizens for Holy Human Birth


    Citizens for holy human birth

    God teaches is the sites for citizens for human birth right in Jesus thereHoly Spirit. Here all people are equal human beings no hate of any

    human life on God earth. Here all children are the main objective to bed

    feed cared for along with every mother father. God teaches the Citizens

    human rights site hand in hand toward a better human world today

    tomorrow for all people.

    This is the holy human site to open God Jesus the Holy Spirit up to all

    nations people on God earth. The earth the home house birth site Godcreated in Jesus the Holy Spirit is the total freedom of all these rights.

    God teaches the site fir holy human citizens for holy human truth change

    all people are welcome without thoughts of any human stereotyping of

    any human life just god birth right children.

    Holy human birth born human citizens for human rights freedom peace

    care share all of human life with all people. Holy human truth is the end

    to war world poverty peace in the entire world. Holy human citizenthere is much human change needed human healing schooling.

    There is much human care needed chances to help the entire world

    become the human race again. The healing closing of all human hellholes

    war crimes for rape abuse of women or children these are not acts of

    war. Holy human citizens there is much inhumanity we need to help

    these billions of people across the human earth holy human truth all

    people need v care rest truth school clothes housing medical care. Yes

    this God teaches the holy human citizens site open for the whole human

    race without questions come share in God Jesus the Holy Spirit by holy

    human birth right.

  • 8/3/2019 Citizens for Holy Human Birth


    God teaches for all birth right citizens on earth with Jesus the Holy Spirit

    here come share in quality equality works of all human life. Together

    with the holy trinity we can make a world of heaven pan earth with

    complete human rights care for all people.

    Life free for all holy children of God no matter what race religion or sex

    crippled handicapped abused all God children are welcome in holy

    human life for all Citizens. Holy human Citizens for the equality of god

    birth right for all people on earth in Jesus the Holy Spirit

    God teaches is the coming of the dawn of the human holy age on God

    earth we help all God children become better healed free. God teaches inJesus the Holy Spirit the laws of humanity life earth are from God Jesus

    the Holy Spirit for all people. Holy human citizens are the God teaches

    ways open this world up to all people let God white light shine on every

    human being.

    This is the holy human birth right holy human truth open for all holy

    human citizens of all human life with God Jesus the Holy Spirit. God

    teaches in the holy human birth right truth light of the holy messiah theHoly Spirit amen father Michael.