city journalism - magazine ma - week 4 - choosing networks

Choosing the right network Magazine Journalism MA City University, Wednesday 12 October

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Page 1: City Journalism - Magazine MA - week 4 - Choosing networks

Choosing the right network

Magazine Journalism MACity University, Wednesday 12 October

Page 2: City Journalism - Magazine MA - week 4 - Choosing networks

This course is not about...

Being "on Twitter"

Or having "a blog"

It's about a mixture of different media and profiles

But which ones?

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Page 4: City Journalism - Magazine MA - week 4 - Choosing networks

This is about reaching readers

And finding out

● Who they are● What they do● What they talk about● Where they talk about it● What resources are out there that can help you● And how your journalism can into existing networks

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Case study: theMediaBriefing

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TMB's audience and networks

● UK - 60% / US 30% / everywhere else 10%● Media professionals - many very senior, at board

level● Intelligent, literate and (some) are digital natives● Interesting in how the industry is changing● Biggest traffic spikes at 7am to 9am - reading on

commute or at their desks.● Tend to be aged over 30

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● Email newsletters: Aggregation and original analysis - more than 3,000 sent a week

● Twitter: 2,500 followers - growing rapidly, v important● LinkedIn: 500+ group members - lively debate● YouTube: 1,000s of views - good marketing platform● Facebook: 200 likes - but we're not a consumer site.

-- Some networks work better for professionals than others

-- Think about age: TMB average reader age over 30, with many over 50, so lots of people aren't on Twitter / Facebook

-- Our readers don't tend to use forums and chatrooms but yours might

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● If you’re targeting a local area, is there a healthy online forum? (sometimes you’ll find a lot of news discussion on a local football club site) Are there keen local photographers who use a photo sharing site like Flickr?

● If it’s a profession, are they using LinkedIn or a niche professional networking site? Has anyone compiled a Twitter list? Is there a hashtag that they use for regular discussions or themes?

● If it’s a hobby or interest, is there a specialist wiki? (My personal favourite is Brickipedia) Or pages on Wikipedia and people who edit those? A YouTube channel?

● If it’s a cause, is there a Facebook group, mailing list, and/or e-petition

● Are there key bloggers in the network? Do they have Twitter accounts? Delicious or Digg? Google Plus? Search for their username on Google.

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Task 1 - existing versus new

Think about your chosen community/target audience and decide

a) What already exists

b) What you could build to add to that network and increase your brand footprint

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Task 2 - Choose your platforms and tools

● A central blog● Social media presences● Shared email account

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A few tips

Think about your personal and group biog: describe what you do

Think about tone of voice: is it appropriate for your audience

Think about the time of day you publish: morning, noon or night?

Start following lots of relevant people in your network now

Even better, why not start talking to them?

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You should use the time before your next formal lesson to do the following:

● Continue to experiment with web platforms - Wordpress, Blogger, Posterous, Tumblr, Facebook Pages, etc. Don’t wait to be taught to learn technical skills - it is better to come with experience and questions than a blank piece of paper.

● Let the objectives of the project dictate your learning - if you need to learn HTML or CSS to achieve a certain look, then you’ll have a target to hit. If you need to host your own site to access particular functionality, then there’ll be a reason for you learning that.

● Continue to listen to your network and connect with new members. Make yourself useful and build social capital - it will pay off later on.

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