city of omaha, nebraska 2019 summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ......

City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary ● Cooperation and Teamwork ● Honesty and Integrity ● Responsiveness and Reliability OUR CITY GOVERNMENT CURRENT DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION City Median Home Price - Omaha $139,800 Median Home Price - US $184,700 Median Household Income - Omaha $50,827 Median Household Income - US $55,322 Average Household Income - Omaha $70,442 Average Household Income - US $77,866 Per Capita Income - Omaha $28,545 Median Age 34.2 Geographical area - sq miles 144.5 Omaha, founded in 1854, is the largest city in the State of Nebraska. According to Indian legend, the name means "upstream" or "against the current". The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that Omaha has a population of 446,970. The eight-county Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) has a population of 933,316 and covers nearly 4,350 square miles. The Greater Omaha MSA grew by 21.7% between 2000 and 2017. In addition, there are over 1.2 million people that live within a 60-minute drive of Omaha. Omaha operates with a Mayor- Council form of government. The Mayor and seven-member City Council are both elected to four-year terms. The executive and administrative powers of the City are vested in the Mayor, who is popularly elected on a non-partisan basis. Agreements with Douglas County provide for the sharing of library, information technology, parks, purchasing, printing, mail and 911 services between city and county residents. SHARED GOALS *Omaha MSA consists of Douglas, Sarpy, Saunders, Cass and Washington counties in Nebraska and Pottawattamie, Harrison and Mills counties in Iowa. Demographic information provided by the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce VISION Service and leadership that enriches the community MISSION To provide quality service and leadership that maximizes resources and responds to our community's present and future needs. Photo courtesy of 23

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Page 1: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha, Nebraska

2019 Summary

● Cooperation and Teamwork

● Honesty and Integrity

● Responsiveness and Reliability





Median Home Price - Omaha $139,800Median Home Price - US $184,700Median Household Income - Omaha $50,827Median Household Income - US $55,322Average Household Income - Omaha $70,442Average Household Income - US $77,866Per Capita Income - Omaha $28,545Median Age 34.2Geographical area - sq miles 144.5

Omaha, founded in 1854, is thelargest city in the State ofNebraska. According to Indianlegend, the name means"upstream" or "against thecurrent". The U.S. CensusBureau estimates that Omahahas a population of 446,970.The eight-county MetropolitanStatistical Area (MSA) has apopulation of 933,316 andcovers nearly 4,350 squaremiles. The Greater Omaha MSAgrew by 21.7% between 2000and 2017. In addition, there areover 1.2 million people that livewithin a 60-minute drive ofOmaha.

Omaha operates with a Mayor-Council form of government.The Mayor and seven-memberCity Council are both elected tofour-year terms. The executiveand administrative powers of theCity are vested in the Mayor,who is popularly elected on anon-partisan basis. Agreementswith Douglas County provide forthe sharing of library, informationtechnology, parks, purchasing,printing, mail and 911 servicesbetween city and countyresidents.


*Omaha MSA consists of Douglas, Sarpy, Saunders, Cass and Washington counties in Nebraska and Pottawattamie, Harrison and Mills counties in Iowa. Demographic information provided by the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce

VISION Service and leadership that enriches the community


To provide quality service and leadership that maximizes resources and responds to our community's present and future needs.

Photo courtesy of


Page 2: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a


Cash Management and Investment Policies

1. The City maintains a Cash Reserve Fund whichshall not exceed 8% of General Fund appropriationsfor the purpose of meeting emergencies arisingfrom: (a) the loss or partial loss of a revenuesource; (b) unanticipated expenditures due to anatural disaster or casualty loss; (c) expendituresfor the satisfaction of judgments and litigation whenthe Judgment Levy Fund balance is inadequate;and (d) conditions wherein serious loss of life,health or property is threatened or has occurred.Ordinance #38790, adopted August 24, 2010,requires an appropriation to the Cash Reserve Fundsufficient to increase the end-of-the-year fundbalance by 4%.

Financial Policies

Reserves and Contingencies

1. The Cash flow forecast shall, with reasonableaccuracy, identify the funds available to pay thecosts of government and investable funds remainingthereafter.

The Cash Management and Investment Policies aredivided into four major components of cashmanagement systems. They are: Cash FlowForecasting; Cash Mobilization; Bank Relations; andInvestment of Idle Surplus Funds.

3. The City maintains a Contingent Liability Fund.The purpose of this fund is to accumulate resourcesto provide financial assistance in cases of uninsuredor under insured casualty losses and settlement ofCity lawsuits prior to a court judgment. TheContingent Liability Fund is supported by yearlyappropriations from the General, Sewer Revenueand Street and Highway Funds. The city also hasthe option to make transfers from year-end GeneralFund balances when available.

4. The investment of idle surplus funds shall be inaccordance with the Investment Policy adopted bythe City Council and with authorized state statutesand provide reasonable liquidity in connection withthe least default risk and highest rate of return oninvestments.

2. The cash mobilization shall identify andaccelerate deposit flows into the bank coupled withmaximizing the disbursement float and minimizingthe average daily bank cash balance.

2. The City's objective for the year-end GeneralFund budget balance will be a minimum of 1% ofannual General Fund revenues carried forward twoyears.

6. In May 2010, the voters of the City of Omahaapproved an amendment to the City Charterauthorizing the position of City Treasurer. On June1, 2010 all treasurer duties that were previouslyperformed by the Douglas County Treasurer weretransferred to the City of Omaha FinanceDepartment's Revenue Division.

4. In 1995, the City established the Keno/LotteryReserve Fund. A $3 million balance plus 25% ofinterest earnings annually will be maintained as anappropriation reserve for utilization if the ConventionCenter Hotel revenues are inadequate to supportcorresponding debt service.

5. The investment and management of the City'sidle surplus funds shall be monitored and reviewedby the City of Omaha Investment AdvisoryCommittee. The Committee is formed by ExecutiveOrder of the Mayor for the City of Omaha.

3. The banking relationships shall be maintained inan environment such that the lowest cost forbanking services is provided to the taxpayers.


Page 3: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

1. An independent audit of all City funds andaccounts will be performed annually by a qualifiedpublic accounting firm.

1. The City will confine long-term borrowing tocapital improvements with a useful life of 15 years orgreater.

5. Revenue bonds and interest are payable solelyfrom the revenues of the facility or enterprise forwhich the bonds were issued and are not generalobligation debt of the City.


2. Budgets are prepared using the accrual basis ofaccounting. Revenues are recognized in theaccounting period in which they become availableand measurable. Expenditures are recognized inthe accounting period in which the fund liability isincurred. The City will maintain a budgetary controlsystem and produce quarterly financial reports. Forbudgetary purposes, the City employs encumbranceaccounting which reserves a portion of theapplicable appropriation for purchase orders,contracts and other commitments.

4. The City will continue to implement accountingprocedures which will provide annual financialreports in accordance with Generally AcceptedAccounting Principles (GAAP) as outlined inGovernmental Accounting, Auditing and FinancialReporting (GAAFR) guidelines.

Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting

Financial Policies

3. The City will maintain cash reserves for generalobligation debt and annexation debt of 2% of theoutstanding debt or $2 million, whichever is less. Allrevenue bonds shall maintain reserves inaccordance with the respective bond resolution.

3. The City prepares a balanced budget, in which estimated operating revenues plus beginning fund balance are equal to, or exceed, estimated operating expenditures.

Section 5.14 of the Home Rule Charter for the City of Omaha states "The year-end fund balance as of the close of any particular fiscal year shall be applied as general fund revenue in the budget for the fiscal year two years subsequent to that fiscal year."

9. The City will forecast annually the cash balanceof the Debt Service Fund for a period of 20 years.

6. Tax increment debt will be paid solely from theCommunity Development project tax receipts. Thedebt repayment schedule shall not exceed 15 yearsfrom the date of the initial City Council approval.The debt shall be the obligation and responsibility ofthe developer and not the City.

7. The City will limit the Redevelopment DebtService Levy to a maximum of $.026 per $100 ofvaluation as required by State Law.

4. The total amount of general obligation bondsoutstanding at any time shall not exceed 3.5% of thetotal actual value of taxable real and personalproperty in the City.

Debt Management Policies

2. The City will issue bonds as proposed in theCapital Improvement Program (CIP) only.

8. The City will not use derivative products for anytype of speculative purpose.


Page 4: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

1. The City will at all times attempt to ensure that itreceives its fair share of all State shared revenues.

2. The demand and need for fees and charges forservices will be analyzed to determine if the intendedpurpose of the service is being accomplished.

1. The Sewer Revenue, Air Quality, Marinas, GolfOperations, Tennis Operations, Parking Facilities,Printing Services & Graphics, Omaha Convention Hotel,and City Wide Sports Revenue Funds will be operatedas enterprise funds with the objective of being orbecoming self-supporting.

Specific Revenue Policy Objectives

Local Property and Sales Tax:

1. The City will attempt to maintain a stable taxbase.

2. The local taxing effort of other cities as well asthe demand and need for local public services willbe major considerations in determining tax rates.

Occupation Taxes and "In Lieu of Tax" Receipts:

1. The City will continue lobbying efforts to protectcurrent revenue sources which are allowed by Stateand Federal legislation.

2. The City will aggressively enforce regulations as theyapply to vehicle licensing and registration.

Municipal Enterprises, Cost Recoveries and Other

Charges for Services:

1. The rate structure will provide a cost recovery of100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses)of providing the service unless additional City subsidiesare required to provide the service to youth,disadvantaged or handicapped groups or to provideeconomic development.

2. The support of private, community and corporatefoundation matching funds will be actively solicitedprojects.

Utility and Enterprise Funds:

3. In the determination of rates charged for specificservices, rates charged by other public and privateorganizations for similar services will be a majorconsideration.

4. All fees and charges will be reviewed annually.

1. The City will aggressively seek Federal and Statematching funds for City projects.

2. The City will, after having considered all possiblecost reduction alternatives, explore the possibility ofobtaining new or expanded revenue sources as away to help ensure a balanced budget.

3. Cost recovery revenue sources will be analyzedon an annual basis and modified as necessary toensure that revenue collections reflect the cost ofproviding associated City services.

4. The City will actively oppose State and/orFederal legislation which would mandate costs tothe City of Omaha without providing or increasing arevenue source to offset those mandated costs.The City will continue lobbying efforts to protectcurrent revenues received from State and Federalsources.

5. The City will follow an aggressive policy ofenforcement of revenue regulations and collectionof revenues.

Federal, State and Local Grants:


Financial Policies

Overall Revenue Policy Objectives

1. A diversified yet stable revenue system will beutilized by the City to protect it from possible short-term fluctuations in any of its revenue sources.

In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a primary concern. The City'sprimary revenue policy goal is to maintain a diversified revenue system to protect it from possible short-termfluctuations in any of its various revenue sources. To accomplish this, revenues are monitored on a continuousbasis to insure that receipts from each revenue source are at maximum levels. An understanding of theeconomic and legal factors which directly and indirectly affect the level of revenue collections is an importantpart of the City's revenue policy. The following policies are those which have been utilized throughout thisbudget document, as they pertain to revenues.

Vehicle and State Replacement Taxes:


Page 5: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

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Page 6: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City Council, 0.1%

Finance, 0.5%

Fire, 10.7%

Human Resources, 0.3%

Human Rights & Relations, 0.1%

Law, 0.5%

Library, 1.5%

M ayor's Office, 0.1%

Other Budgetary Accounts - Benefits,


Other Budgetary Accounts - M isc, 13.5%

Parks, 3.2%

Planning, 1.1%

Police, 15.7%

City Clerk, 0.1%

Convention and Tourism, 0.6%

Other Budgetary Accounts - Debt

Service, 13.9%

Public Works, 35.6%

City Of Omaha

Revenues and Appropriations

All Funds

2019 Appropriations

Revenue Sources2019

Departments 2018 Budget 2019 Budget

Mayor's Office 1,262,990 1,369,316City Council 1,219,432 1,237,623City Clerk 745,628 797,061Law 4,522,881 4,891,872Human Resources 2,641,692 2,798,090Human Rights & Relations 900,520 1,186,180Finance 4,458,078 5,007,526Planning 10,631,930 11,036,898Police 147,668,792 164,053,840Fire 105,448,865 111,679,280Parks 33,980,669 33,221,881Convention and Tourism 6,013,885 6,380,629Public Works 369,174,096 371,199,887Library 15,900,732 16,076,083Other Budgetary Accounts - Benefits 25,039,230 26,645,978Other Budgetary Accounts - Misc 42,496,386 140,809,730Other Budgetary Accounts - Debt Service 132,543,086 145,246,815

$ 904,648,892 $ 1,043,638,689

Detail in this schedule may not add to the totals due to rounding.

Revenue Sources 2018 Budget 2019 Budget

11,142,368 11,347,628General Fund Carryover159,734,274 168,615,330City Sales and Use Tax158,585,569 170,091,626Property Tax

33,193,166 34,007,711Restaurant Tax66,801,940 73,054,448Other Taxes12,387,001 13,343,776Licenses and permits51,943,968 57,248,649Intergovernmental1,550,471 1,839,534Investment Income

146,871,732 170,599,595Sewer Use Fee20,524,675 22,197,750Motor Veh Wheel Fee67,966,505 62,576,488Charges for services1,386,476 1,445,513Rents, Royalties, & Other2,978,998 85,319,990Contributions and grants

160,427,000 169,988,000Proceeds from sale of bonds$ 895,494,143 $ 1,041,676,038

Detail in this schedule may not add to the totals due to rounding.Charges for services, 6.0%

City Sales and Use Tax, 16.2%

Contributions and grants, 8.2%

General Fund Carryover, 1.1%

Intergovernmental, 5.5%

Investment Income, 0.2%

Licenses and permits, 1.3%

Motor Veh Wheel Fee, 2.1%

Other Taxes, 7.0%

Proceeds from sale of bonds, 16.3%

Rents, Royalties, & Other, 0.1%

Restaurant Tax, 3.3%

Sewer Use Fee, 16.4%

Property Tax, 16.3%


Page 7: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of OmahaPositions Funding

By Department $ Change % Change2018 2019 2018 Appropriated 2019 Appropriated

2019 Budget Summary

Mayor's Office 1,262,990 1,369,31611 10 106,326 8.42%City Council 1,219,432 1,237,62314 14 18,191 1.49%City Clerk 745,628 797,0618 8 51,433 6.90%Law 4,522,881 4,891,87236 36 368,991 8.16%Human Resources 2,641,692 2,798,09021 21 156,398 5.92%Human Rights & Relations 900,520 1,186,1809 10 285,660 31.72%Finance 4,458,078 5,007,52643 42 549,448 12.32%Planning 10,631,930 11,036,898128 125 404,968 3.81%Police 147,668,792 164,053,8401040 1062 16,385,048 11.10%Fire 105,448,865 111,679,280665 666 6,230,415 5.91%Parks 33,980,669 33,221,881157 157 (758,788) -2.23%Convention and Tourism 6,013,885 6,380,62925 25 366,744 6.10%Public Works 369,174,096 371,199,887611 629 2,025,791 0.55%Library 15,900,732 16,076,083100 100 175,351 1.10%Other Budgetary Accounts - Benefits 25,039,230 26,645,978 - - 1,606,748 6.42%Other Budgetary Accounts - Misc 42,496,386 140,809,7301 1 98,313,344 231.35%Other Budgetary Accounts - Debt Service 132,543,086 145,246,815 - - 12,703,729 9.58%

904,648,892 1,043,638,6892869 2906 138,989,797 15.36%Department Total

By Expenditures CategoryEmployee Compensation 360,420,063 375,980,430 15,560,367 4.32%Non-Personnel 301,951,236 330,837,307 28,886,071 9.57%Capital 242,277,593 336,820,952 94,543,359 39.02%

904,648,892 1,043,638,689Expenditures Total 138,989,797 15.36%

By Source of FundsGeneral 386,513,029 401,263,244 14,750,215 3.82%Stadium Revenue 3,444,002 3,481,159 37,157 1.08%Cash Reserve Fund - - - 0.00%Contingent Liability Fund 700,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 185.71%Judgment 2,519,826 2,521,296 1,470 0.06%Library Fines And Fees 375,000 350,000 (25,000) -6.67%Douglas County Library Supplement 1,195,000 2,400,000 1,205,000 100.84%Keno/Lottery Proceeds 7,001,909 7,097,976 96,067 1.37%Storm Water Fee Revenue 1,805,426 2,495,583 690,157 38.23%City Street Maintenance 31,096,270 28,922,063 (2,174,207) -6.99%Street And Highway Allocation 45,139,568 50,880,073 5,740,505 12.72%Interceptor Sewer Construction 1,612,347 2,261,729 649,382 40.28%State Turnback Revenue 300,000 300,000 - 0.00%Pedestrian Trail Bridge - Joint Use 105,282 117,000 11,718 11.13%Omaha Convention & Visitors 5,142,323 5,212,787 70,464 1.37%Household Hazardous Waste Facility 606,506 634,757 28,251 4.66%Development Revenue 474,380 502,500 28,120 5.93%Technology and Training 629,500 609,850 (19,650) -3.12%Debt Service 68,947,520 80,124,878 11,177,358 16.21%Redevelopment Debt Service 11,446,856 13,873,198 2,426,342 21.20%City Capital Improvement 5,291,805 10,150,000 4,858,195 91.81%2014 Environment 2,974,000 6,787,000 3,813,000 128.21%2014 Transportation 31,582,000 18,504,000 (13,078,000) -41.41%2018 Transportation - 21,458,000 21,458,000 0.00%2014 Public Facilities 1,948,000 339,000 (1,609,000) -82.60%2018 Public Facilities - 13,767,000 13,767,000 0.00%2014 Public Safety 1,707,000 1,648,000 (59,000) -3.46%2018 Public Safety - 392,000 392,000 0.00%2014 Parks and Recreation 3,578,000 2,898,000 (680,000) -19.01%Downtown Stadium & Companion Proj 672,500 2,492,758 1,820,258 270.67%Riverfront Development Fund - 95,000,000 95,000,000 0.00%Crossroads Infrastructure Improv. 6,557,000 - (6,557,000) -100.00%Library Facilities Capital 300,000 - (300,000) -100.00%Capital Special Assessment 763,000 213,000 (550,000) -72.08%Service Special Assessment 8,000 8,000 - 0.00%City Wide Sports Revenue 607,362 654,921 47,559 7.83%Marinas 446,834 491,231 44,397 9.94%Tennis Operations 284,269 287,803 3,534 1.24%Golf Operations 4,666,883 4,441,122 (225,761) -4.84%Parking Revenue 19,840,211 24,794,181 4,953,970 24.97%Omaha Convention Hotel Fund 10,851,766 9,974,040 (877,726) -8.09%Sewer Revenue Improvements 164,399,000 134,128,000 (30,271,000) -18.41%Sewer Revenue 77,901,537 88,929,154 11,027,617 14.16%Air Quality Fund 671,976 727,748 55,772 8.30%Printing Services And Graphics 478,414 442,896 (35,518) -7.42%Lewis and Clark Landing 64,591 62,742 (1,849) -2.86%

904,648,892 1,043,638,689Source of Funds Total 138,989,797 15.36%29

Page 8: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City Clerk, 0.2%

City Council, 0.3%

Convention and Tourism, 0.4%

Finance, 1.2%

Fire, 26.7%

Human Resources, 0.7%

Human Rights & Relations, 0.3%

Law, 1.2%

M ayor's Office, 0.3%

Other Budgetary Accounts - Benefits,


Other Budgetary Accounts - M isc,


Planning, 2.5%Police, 38.3%

Library, 3.3%Public Works, 5.7%

Other Budgetary Accounts - Debt

Service, 0.9%

Parks, 5.6%

City Of Omaha

Revenues and Appropriations

General Fund

2019 Appropriations

Departments 2018 Budget 2019 Budget

Mayor's Office 1,262,990 1,369,316City Council 1,219,432 1,237,623City Clerk 745,628 797,061Law 4,452,331 4,821,322Human Resources 2,538,635 2,798,090Human Rights & Relations 900,520 1,186,180Finance 4,265,524 4,750,721Planning 9,559,230 9,967,017Police 146,943,792 153,756,840Fire 103,741,865 107,304,280Parks 22,072,489 22,515,622Convention and Tourism 1,200,000 1,515,000Public Works 22,208,365 22,908,925Library 14,030,732 13,226,083Other Budgetary Accounts - Benefits 20,824,437 22,051,754Other Budgetary Accounts - Misc 27,616,771 27,523,874Other Budgetary Accounts - Debt Service 3,460,288 3,533,536

$ 387,043,029 $ 401,263,244

Detail in this schedule may not add to the totals due to rounding.

2019 Budget2018 Budget Revenue Sources

11,142,368 11,347,628General Fund Carryover87,892,449 92,224,731Property Tax

159,734,274 168,615,330City Sales and Use Tax33,193,166 34,007,711Restaurant Tax53,610,866 57,638,019Other Taxes10,190,001 11,002,776Licenses and permits29,596,705 24,268,849Charges for services

883,200 958,200Rents, Royalties, & Other800,000 1,200,000Investment Income

$ 387,043,029 $ 401,263,244

Detail in this schedule may not add to the totals due to rounding.

Charges for services, 6.0%

City Sales and Use Tax, 42.0%

General Fund Carryover, 2.8%

Investment Income, 0.3%

Licenses and permits, 2.7%

Other Taxes, 14.4%

Property Tax, 23.0% Rents, Royalties, & Other, 0.2%

Restaurant Tax, 8.5%

Revenue Sources2019


Page 9: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a



Net BalanceInitial Current Total Total Encumbrance Carried

Year Credit Revenue Available Expended Adjustment Forward2002 3,730,851 213,054,098 216,784,949 217,467,319 683,703 1,333 2003 2,223,541 219,661,030 221,884,571 221,845,462 450,002 489,111 2004 1,333 226,154,027 226,155,360 224,195,929 1,803,568 3,762,999 2005 489,111 235,048,234 235,537,345 231,305,063 (1,588,454) 2,643,828 2006 3,762,999 242,439,136 246,202,135 241,135,451 (2,407,362) 2,659,322 2007 2,643,828 259,834,927 262,478,755 260,372,368 1,789,723 3,896,110 2008 2,659,322 269,019,103 271,678,425 269,358,687 (446,273) 1,873,465 2009 3,896,110 269,098,283 272,994,393 273,371,758 377,365 - 2010 1,873,465 284,531,967 286,405,432 284,992,902 1,603,249 3,015,778 2011 - 307,298,655 307,298,655 306,893,937 2,309,595 2,714,312 2012 3,015,778 317,058,004 320,073,782 312,194,214 1,480,750 9,360,318 2013 2,714,312 320,753,990 323,468,302 312,437,113 726,122 11,757,311 2014 9,360,317 337,789,443 347,149,760 338,303,717 153,957 9,000,000 2015 11,883,612 341,856,795 353,740,407 345,790,131 669,162 8,619,438 2016 9,000,000 351,838,068 360,838,068 359,736,218 10,040,518 11,142,368 2017 8,619,438 367,780,877 376,400,315 368,421,474 3,368,787 11,347,628

General Fund

Year-End Fund Balance

The General Fund surplus as of the close of any particular fiscal year shall be applied as General Fund revenue in thebudget for the fiscal year two years subsequent to that fiscal year.














2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017



s $



Page 10: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Historical Property Tax Rates

Historical Schedule of Property Tax Rates


Cents Per $100

Valuation Percent Change2002 43.387 2.03%2003 43.387 0.00%2004 43.387 0.00%2005 43.387 0.00%2006 43.387 0.00%2007 43.387 0.00%2008 43.387 0.00%2009 43.387 0.00%2010 47.587 9.68%2011 49.922 4.91%2012 49.922 0.00%2013 49.922 0.00%2014 49.922 0.00%2015 48.922 -2.00%2016 48.922 0.00%2017 47.922 -2.04%2018 47.922 0.00%2019 47.922 0.00%








1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015




r $


0 o

f V





City of Omaha Historical Property Tax Rates

1960 - 2019


Page 11: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

Median Home Price - Omaha $139,800

Tax Description


Value Tax Rate


Amount % Allocation

Education (Breakdown Below) 139,800$ $ 0.0138364 $1,934.33 61.53%

Douglas County 139,800$ $ 0.0028059 $392.26 12.48%

Metro Area Transit 139,800$ $ 0.0005247 $73.35 2.33%

NRD 139,800$ $ 0.0003780 $52.84 1.68%

City County Building 139,800$ $ 0.0001500 $20.97 0.67%

City of Omaha 139,800$ $ 0.0047922 $669.95 21.31%



Educational Service Unit 1 139,800$ $ 0.0001500 20.97$

Learning Community Capital Project 139,800$ $ 0.0001625 22.72$

Metro Comm College 139,800$ $ 0.0009500 132.81$

School - Omaha 139,800$ $ 0.0125739 1,757.83$

All, but City of Omaha

Used Snagit to get the jagged edges.

Combined all areas except Omaha per Andrew, still showing the breakout along the dollar?

Property Taxes by Collecting Agency


Page 12: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Sales Tax Receipts

The City sales tax rate is 1.5 percent. LB775 refunds are the result of state-legislated tax incentives businesses receive by meeting minimum thresholds for employment and investment.

Schedule of Sales Tax Receipts

1990 $ 60,058,839 6.9% $ (5,229,159) $ 54,829,6801991 59,778,607 -0.5% (3,083,834) 56,694,7731992 64,097,314 7.2% (5,591,881) 58,505,4331993 67,235,909 4.9% (6,304,537) 60,931,3721994 73,716,758 9.6% (6,840,951) 66,875,8071995 78,058,833 5.9% (8,244,381) 69,814,4521996 81,836,340 4.8% (9,187,520) 72,648,8201997 87,500,204 6.9% (8,686,702) 78,813,5021998 96,177,566 9.9% (11,777,708) 84,399,8581999 100,568,214 4.6% (9,171,102) 91,397,1122000 104,709,650 4.1% (11,148,229) 93,561,4212001 105,846,630 1.1% (11,398,782) 94,447,8482002 107,565,620 1.6% (12,745,765) 94,819,8552003 110,910,102 3.1% (8,496,168) 102,413,9342004 117,526,998 6.0% (7,864,766) 109,662,2322005 120,873,521 2.8% (7,918,549) 112,954,9722006 122,721,806 1.5% (9,087,824) 113,633,9822007 128,625,275 4.8% (9,944,289) 118,680,9862008 131,801,802 2.5% (10,269,009) 121,532,7932009 127,301,965 -3.4% (5,992,039) 121,309,9262010 131,452,524 3.3% (5,314,336) 126,138,1882011 133,058,058 1.2% (8,122,222) 124,935,8362012 140,385,259 5.5% (8,526,213) 131,859,0462013 146,863,169 4.6% (12,538,799) 134,324,3702014 151,645,504 3.3% (8,886,942) 142,758,5622015 157,366,257 3.8% (9,362,439) 148,003,8182016 158,954,114 1.0% (7,720,964) 151,233,1502017 164,827,311 3.7% (6,392,525) 158,434,7862018 est. 168,819,155 2.4% (10,000,000) 158,819,1552019 est. 177,115,330 4.9% (8,500,000) 168,615,330


Gross Sales

Tax Receipts


Year %


Net Sales



LB 775




















t S




Annual Net Sales Tax Receipts


Page 13: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

2017 2016Principal Interest PrincipalMaturing Requirements Maturing

Year By Years By Years Total By Years

$General obligation bonds: 2017 - 46,475,000

2018 45,445,000 20,598,306 66,043,306 44,430,000 2019 43,945,000 18,970,557 62,915,557 43,235,000 2020 44,260,000 17,103,692 61,363,692 42,680,000 2021 45,695,000 15,222,888 60,917,888 44,075,000 2022 45,195,000 13,272,393 58,467,393 43,445,000 2023 41,115,000 11,217,566 52,332,566 39,300,000 2024 39,395,000 9,263,842 48,658,842 37,500,000 2025 37,440,000 7,374,252 44,814,252 35,475,000 2026 34,130,000 5,524,871 39,654,871 32,000,000 2027 33,860,000 3,758,483 37,618,483 31,660,000 2028 12,570,000 2,567,188 15,137,188 10,685,000 2029 11,260,000 2,053,943 13,313,943 9,185,000 2030 9,295,000 1,591,630 10,886,630 8,060,000 2031 8,405,000 1,231,004 9,636,004 7,165,000 2032 8,560,000 899,436 9,459,436 7,275,000 2033 5,715,000 621,716 6,336,716 4,505,000 2034 4,865,000 390,414 5,255,414 3,695,000 2035 3,670,000 203,614 3,873,614 2,380,000 2036 2,430,000 83,716 2,513,716 1,295,000 2037 1,135,000 17,734 1,152,734 -

Total general obligation bonds (1) 478,385,000 131,967,245 610,352,245 494,520,000

Revenue bonds: (2) Special Tax Revenue Bonds (3) 31,315,000 8,932,171 40,247,171 29,565,000 Special Obligation Bonds (4) 64,990,000 22,470,097 87,460,097 67,125,000 Highway Allocation Bonds 1,085,000 269,590 1,354,590 1,160,000 Convention Center Hotel Bonds 35,605,000 36,631,777 72,236,777 138,890,000 Sanitary Sewer System Revenue Bonds 377,875,000 235,736,380 613,611,380 388,580,000

510,870,000 304,040,015 814,910,015 625,320,000

Total bonded indebtedness $ 989,255,000 436,007,260 1,425,262,260 1,119,840,000

(3) These Bonds are supported from a Special Redevelopment Property Tax Levy.

(2) Revenue bonds, together with the interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenues of the facility or municipal enterprise for which the bonds were issued and are neither general obligations nor general debt of the City.

(4) These Bonds are supported by a variety of revenue sources including Property Tax Revenue, Tax Allocation Revenue, State Cigarette Tax, NRD Miller Park Construction, Douglas County Miller Park Contribution and Land Sales.



DECEMBER 31, 2017 AND 2016

(1) As of December 31, 2017, the City Of Omaha has $60,885,000 general obligation bonds authorized but unissued. On May 15th, 2018 voters approved an additional bond authorization in the amount of $227,465,000. These bonds will be issued in varying amounts through 2026.


Page 14: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a


Net Direct General

Obligation Bonded Debt (2) Valuation (1)

% of Net Direct General

Obligation Bonded Debt to Actual Valuation Population (3)

Per Capita Net Direct General

Obligation Bonded Debt

2010 509,486,524 26,889,903,480 1.89% 409,850 1,243.10

2011 500,154,602 27,483,461,755 1.82% 416,855 1,199.83

2012 498,105,711 27,913,680,440 1.78% 419,041 1,188.68

2013 474,783,181 27,803,448,875 1.71% 421,570 1,126.23

2014 487,068,966 28,961,164,220 1.68% 434,353 1,121.37

2015 483,727,275 30,646,108,895 1.58% 446,599 1,083.14

2016 471,485,281 31,724,365,620 1.49% 443,887 1,062.17

2017 440,376,654 32,703,220,890 1.35% 446,970 985.25

(1) Source: Office of the Douglas County Clerk/Comptroller

(3) Source: U. S. Census Bureau estimates.

Article V, Section 5.27, City Charter of Omaha, as amended, provides:

Computation of the general obligation debt as defined in the City Charter, based upon 2017valuations, is as follows:

Maximum debt limit (3.5% of total actual valuation) $ 1,144,612,731

General obligation bonds outstanding $ 478,385,000

Less balance in General Obligation Debt Service Fund, December 31, 2017 38,008,346 440,376,654

General obligation debt margin (1) $ 704,236,077



(2) Amounts shown above as Direct General Obligation Bonded Debt are net of the fund balance in the Debt Service Fund.



December 31, 2017

"The total amount of general obligation indebtedness outstanding at any time, which shall include bonds issued but shall not include bonds authorized until they are issued, shall not exceed 3.5 percent of the total actual value of taxable real and personal property in the City."

(1) Revenue bond indebtedness, general obligation notes and lease-purchase agreements are not chargeableagainst the general obligation debt margin. The City of Omaha has no general obligation notes outstanding.Revenue bond indebtedness is set forth on the schedule above and lease-purchase agreements are set forth inthe "Debt Service" of Section F.


Page 15: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

The City maintains two funds which function as designated debt service funds. The Debt Service Fund servicesthe City's General Obligation Debt and the Redevelopment Debt Service Fund services the City's Special TaxRevenue and Special Obligation Debt. Annually the City forecasts year-end balances in these funds for a periodof 20 years. The current forecast includes the following parameters:

1. Annual valuation growth of 4.25% in 2019, 3% in 2020 and 2.25% thereafter.

2. A tax collection factor of 100% including prior years collections.

3. The 2018 issuance interest rate at 4%, 2019 and 2020 at 4.25%, 2021 through 2024 at 4.5% and 2021 and beyond at 5.0%.

4. Principal amounts issued are projected to be as follows:

Year Amount2018 33,880,000$ 2019 61,490,000$ 2020 59,510,000$ 2021 61,530,000$ 2022 34,670,000$ 2023 37,180,000$ 2024 27,000,000$ 2025 39,000,000$ 2026 42,000,000$ 2027 45,000,000$


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27



ns (


Debt Service and Redevelopment Funds 2017 Actual and 2018 - 2027 Projected Year-End Balances

Debt Service Fund Redevelopment Fund Combined



17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27





General Obligation Debt 2017 Actual and 2018 - 2027 Projected

Debt Margin Net General Debt


Page 16: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary


(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

TB-10 43 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 4 - - - - - - - - -

2006T10642nd and Q Street Intersection

Improvements6,500 TOTAL 47 - - - - - - - - -

TB-10 3,380 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 3 - - - - - - - - -

2000T30284th Street - Pacific Street to

Dodge Street3,800 TOTAL 3,383 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 4,128 - - - - - - - - -

2012T404132nd and Pacific Street

Intersection Improvements4,128 TOTAL 4,128 - - - - - - - - -

TB-10 3 - - - - - - - - -

2012T103 16th St Mall Improvements 3 TOTAL 3 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 2 - - 350 - - - - - 350

FA - - - 3,150 - - - - - 3,150

2014T104 24th Street - L to Leavenworth 3,534 TOTAL 2 - - 3,500 - - - - - 3,500

TB-14 20 - - 2,642 - - - - - 2,642

STP-FA - - 6,020 - - - - - - -

FA - - 5,000 - - - - - - -

2008T10526th and “Q” Street Bridge

Replacement13,971 TOTAL 20 - 11,020 2,642 - - - - - 2,642

TB-14 - - 226 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - - - 524 - - - 524

TAP-FA - - 904 - - 1,325 - - - 1,325

OL - - - - - 2,836 - - - 2,836

2014T118North Downtown Riverfront

Pedestrian Connector6,411 TOTAL - - 1,130 - - 4,685 - - - 4,685

HBP-FA 1,568 - - 1,450 - - - 6,397 - 7,847

2015T11942nd Street Bridge at C/D

Street9,415 TOTAL 1,568 - - 1,450 - - - 6,397 - 7,847

TB-18 - - - - 360 - - - - 360

HSIP-FA - - - - 1,800 - - - - 1,800

SHA - - - - 1,100 - - - - 1,100

2016T121 30th St - Cuming to Ames Ave 3,260 TOTAL - - - - 3,260 - - - - 3,260

TB-14 180 - - - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - - 3,400 - - - - 3,400

2016T122Jones Street: 11th Street to

13th Street3,580 TOTAL 180 - - - 3,400 - - - - 3,400

TB-18 - - - 200 300 2,500 - - - 3,000

2016T123 Q Street – 36th to 42nd Street 3,000 TOTAL - - - 200 300 2,500 - - - 3,000

TB-18 - - - - 3,500 - - - - 3,500

OL - - - - 1,500 - - - - 1,500

2018T127North Downtown Truck Route

Bypass5,000 TOTAL - - - - 5,000 - - - - 5,000

TB-18 - - - 9,000 - - - - - 9,000

2019T128Harney Street - 8th Street to

10th Street9,000 TOTAL - - - 9,000 - - - - - 9,000

TB-18 - - - 2,500 - - - - - 2,500

RDB - - - 10,000 - - - - - 10,000

2019T129Kiewit Headquarters Street

and Sewer Infrastructure2,500 TOTAL - - - 12,500 - - - - - 12,500

TB-18 - - - - 400 - - - - 400

2019T130Indiana Street - 11th Street to

13th Street400 TOTAL - - - - 400 - - - - 400

TB-18 - - - - - 700 - - - 700

2019T13111th Street - Izard Street to

Cuming Street700 TOTAL - - - - - 700 - - - 700

FTB - - - - - - - - 1,500 1,500

2019T13212th Street - Indiana Street to

Seward Street1,500 TOTAL - - - - - - - - 1,500 1,500

TB-18 - - - - - 6,000 - - - 6,000

2019T133St Marys Ave at 18th and 19th

Streets6,000 TOTAL - - - - - 6,000 - - - 6,000

Recently Completed Projects






2018 Appro-


2019-2024 Capital Budget 2019-






Total Cost


of Funds




Zone A (42nd Street and East)


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City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary


(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024






2018 Appro-


2019-2024 Capital Budget 2019-






Total Cost


of Funds




TB-18 - - - - - 500 7,425 - - 7,925

2016T12448th Street - Q to Harrison

Street7,925 TOTAL - - - - - 500 7,425 - - 7,925

TB-14 - - - 200 - - - - - 200

TB-18 - - - - - 1,500 - 8,000 - 9,500

SHA 14 - - - - - - - - -

2010T206Q Street – 48th Street to 60th

Street9,700 TOTAL 14 - - 200 - 1,500 - 8,000 - 9,700

TB-14 - - 520 1,226 - - - - - 1,226

TB-18 - - - 335 2,539 - - - - 2,874

OL - - 580 - - - - - - -

RDB - - 1,000 - - - 1,000 - - 1,000

2014T207UNO Arena Street

Improvements7,200 TOTAL - - 2,100 1,561 2,539 - 1,000 - - 5,100

SHA 264 - - - - - - - - -

HBP-FA - - - - - 1,100 7,700 - - 8,800

2015T20872nd Street Bridge at ”D”

Street8,800 TOTAL 264 - - - - 1,100 7,700 - - 8,800

OL - - 4,000 - - - - - - -

2017T20942nd and Leavenworth

Intersection4,000 TOTAL - - 4,000 - - - - - - -

TB-14 7 - - - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 48 350 - - - - 398

HSIP-FA - - - 432 3,500 - - - - 3,932

2017T21172nd and Maple Intersection

Improvements4,330 TOTAL 7 - - 480 3,850 - - - - 4,330

TB-10 71 - - - - - - - - -

HBP-FA - - - - - - - 2,000 - 2,000

2017T21272nd and L Street Bridge

Replacement2,000 TOTAL 71 - - - - - - 2,000 - 2,000

TB-18 - - - - - - 5,500 - - 5,500

2017T214Saddle Creek and

Leavenworth Improvements5,500 TOTAL - - - - - - 5,500 - - 5,500

TB-14 17 - - - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 1,700 - - - - 1,700

2017T21560th and Harrison Street

Improvements1,700 TOTAL 17 - - 1,700 - - - - - 1,700

RDB - - 5,100 - - - - - - -

2017T216 iEXCEL UNMC 5,100 TOTAL - - 5,100 - - - - - - -

FTB - - - - - - - - 500 500

2019T217Farnam Street - Saddle Creek

Road to Happy Hollow Blvd500 TOTAL - - - - - - - - 500 500

TB-14 - - 400 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 330 3,300 - - - - 3,630

OL - - - - 1,600 - - - - 1,600

2004T30178th Street - Mercy Road to

Pacific Street5,630 TOTAL - - 400 330 4,900 - - - - 5,230

BBF 410 - - - - - - - - -

2011T30384th and Madison Street

Bridge Replacement1,000 TOTAL 410 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 116 - 157 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 1,778 - - - - - 1,778

STP-FA - - 620 7,113 - - - - - 7,113

2004T306108th Street - Madison Street

to Q Street9,784 TOTAL 116 - 777 8,891 - - - - - 8,891

TB-14 - - 400 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 300 6,000 - - - - 6,300

2016T310Crown Point – 72nd Street to

Blair High Road6,700 TOTAL - - 400 300 6,000 - - - - 6,300

OL - - - - - 1,500 - - - 1,500

TB-18 - - - 200 300 3,500 - - - 4,000

2018T31284th and Dodge Street

Intersection Improvements5,500 TOTAL - - - 200 300 5,000 - - - 5,500

Zone B (42nd Street to 72nd Street)

Zone C (72nd Street West to I-80/680)


Page 18: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary


(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024






2018 Appro-


2019-2024 Capital Budget 2019-






Total Cost


of Funds




TB-18 - - - - 600 6,600 - - - 7,200

2017T311108th-Decatur Street to Burt

Street7,200 TOTAL - - - - 600 6,600 - - - 7,200

TB-14 407 - - - - - - - - -

2000T402114th Street - Burke Street to

Pacific Street5,424 TOTAL 407 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 3 - 160 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 564 3,389 - - - - 3,953

STP-FA - - 640 2,257 - - - 13,555 - 15,812

2000T403120th Street - Stonegate Drive

to Fort Street20,568 TOTAL 3 - 800 2,821 3,389 - - 13,555 - 19,765

TB-14 537 - - 2,750 - - - - - 2,750

TB-18 - - - - 2,985 - - - - 2,985

STP-FA - - 17,542 - - - - - - 17,542

2013T408 23,814 TOTAL 537 - 17,542 2,750 2,985 - - - - 5,735

TB-14 1 - - - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 800 - 3,720 - - - 4,520

STP-FA - - - 3,200 - 14,880 - - - 18,080

2004T409168th Street - West Center

Road to “Q” Street 22,870 TOTAL 1 - - 4,000 - 18,600 - - - 22,600

TB-14 1 - 400 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - - 1,660 - - - - 1,660

STP-FA - - 1,600 - 6,640 - - - - 6,640

2004T410168th Street - West Center

Road to Poppleton Avenue10,300 TOTAL 1 - 2,000 - 8,300 - - - - 8,300

TB-10 365 - - - - - - - - -

2008T411Harrison Street - 147th Street

to 157th Street4,600 TOTAL 365 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 24 - 500 - - - - - - -

2014T415Elkhorn Business District

Improvements524 TOTAL 24 - 500 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - - 1,000 888 - - - 1,888

OL - - - - 3,000 14,000 - - - 17,000

2015T416192nd and Dodge Street

Interchange18,888 TOTAL - - - - 4,000 14,888 - - - 18,888

TB-14 3,147 - - - - - - - - -

ASIP - - 11,516 - - - - - - -

2016T417 168th Street – Dodge to Maple 14,663 TOTAL 3,147 - 11,516 - - - - - - -

TB-14 - - - 1,166 - - - - - 1,166

HSIP-FA - - 4,662 - - - - - - -

2016T419132nd and Center Street

Intersection Improvements5,828 TOTAL - - 4,662 1,166 - - - - - 1,166

TB-18 - - - 120 300 567 - - - 987

2016T420192nd and Center Street

Intersection Improvements5,000 TOTAL - - - 120 300 567 - - - 987

TB-14 - - 289 - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - 333 810 8,861 - - - 10,004

2016T421 156th Street: Pacific to Dodge 10,293 TOTAL - - 289 333 810 8,861 - - - 10,004

FTB - - - - - - - 300 605 905

2016T422114th Street – Pacific to West

Center Road3,500 TOTAL - - - - - - - 300 605 905

TB-14 31 - - - - - - - - -

TB-18 - - - - - - - 810 - 810

FTB - - - - - - - - 1,390 1,390

2016T423168th Street – V Street to

Harrison Street10,000 TOTAL 31 - - - - - - 810 1,390 2,200

FTB - - - - - - - - 180 180

2016T424Fort Street – 123rd to 132nd

Street14,000 TOTAL - - - - - - - - 180 180

FTB - - - - - - - - 300 300

2018T425 Pacific Street - 169th to 183rd 12,000 TOTAL - - - - - - - - 300 300

TB-18 - - - - - - 200 1,000 - 1,200

FTB - - - - - - - - 2,385 2,385

2019T426180th Street - Harney Street to

Center Ridge Drive5,700 TOTAL - - - - - - 200 1,000 2,385 3,585

Present Development Zone (West & North of I-80/680)

156th Street - Pepperwood

Drive to Corby Street Phase 2:

156th Street - Pepperwood

Drive to Corby Street and

Blondo Street - 160th Street to

155th Street


Page 19: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary


(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024






2018 Appro-


2019-2024 Capital Budget 2019-






Total Cost


of Funds




TB-14 553 - 1,000 1,000 - - - - - 1,000

TB-18 - - - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 4,000

FTB - - - - - - - - 1,000 1,000

SHA 304 - - - - - - - - -

2004T502Bridge Replacement and

ReconstructionOngoing TOTAL 857 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000

TB-10 6 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 - - 10 10 - - - - - 10

TB-18 - - - - 10 10 10 10 - 40

FTB - - - - - - - - 10 10

2013T503 Bicycle Parking Program Ongoing TOTAL 6 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 60

TB-14 140 - 100 100 - - - - - 100

TB-18 - - - - 100 100 100 100 - 400

FTB - - - - - - - - 100 100

2013T504Complete Streets Corridor

Study ProgramOngoing TOTAL 140 - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 600

TB-10 5 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 128 - 1,000 1,000 - - - - - 1,000

TB-18 - - - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 474 - 3,474

FTB - - - - - - - 526 1,000 1,526

1982T506Major Intersection

ImprovementsOngoing TOTAL 133 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000

TB-10 45 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 - - 1,000 1,500 - - - - - 1,500

TB-18 - - - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - - 4,500

FTB - - - - - - - 1,500 1,500 3,000

1989T507Major Street Curb and Inlet

Replacement ProgramOngoing TOTAL 45 - 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 9,000

TB-14 1,459 - 1,000 1,500 - - - - - 1,500

TB-18 - - - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 6,000

FTB - - - - - - - - 1,500 1,500

1992T508Neighborhood Curb and Inlet

Rehabilitation ProgramOngoing TOTAL 1,459 - 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 9,000

TB-14 2,999 - 300 300 - - - - - 300

TB-18 - - - - 300 300 300 300 - 1,200

FTB - - - - - - - - 300 300

SPA - - 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 900

2006T510 Sidewalks & ADA Ramps Ongoing TOTAL 2,999 - 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 2,700

TB-14 - - 315 350 - - - - - 350

TB-18 - - - - 350 350 350 350 - 1,400

FTB - - - - - - - - 350 350

1982T511 Street Improvement Capital Ongoing TOTAL - - 315 350 350 350 350 350 350 2,100

TB-14 152 - 1,808 820 - - - - - 820

TB-18 - - - 820 820 820 820 - 3,280

FTB - - - - - - - 820 820

SPA 25 - - - - - - - - -

1982T512 Street Improvement Districts Ongoing TOTAL 176 - 1,808 820 820 820 820 820 820 4,920

TB-14 52 - 250 250 - - - - - 250

TB-18 - - - - 250 250 250 250 - 1,000

FTB - - - - - - - - 250 250

SHA 238 - - - - - - - - -

2000T513 Traffic Calming Program Ongoing TOTAL 290 - 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1,500

TB-10 300 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 317 - 400 400 - - - - - 400

TB-18 - - - - 400 400 400 400 - 1,600

FTB - - - - - - - - 400 400

STP-FA - - 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 9,600

2012T514 Traffic Control Center Ongoing TOTAL 617 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000

TB-14 47 - 600 600 - - - - - 600

TB-18 - - - - 600 600 600 600 - 2,400

FTB - - - - - - - - 600 600

1982T515 Traffic Signal Installation Ongoing TOTAL 47 - 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 3,600

TB-14 44 - 300 300 - - - - - 300

TB-18 - - - - 300 300 300 300 - 1,200

FTB - - - - - - - - 300 300

2015T516 Citywide Safety Projects Ongoing TOTAL 44 - 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 1,800

Citywide Projects


Page 20: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary


(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024






2018 Appro-


2019-2024 Capital Budget 2019-






Total Cost


of Funds




TB-14 1,568 - 500 1,700 - - - - - 1,700

TB-18 - - - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 10,000

FTB - - - - - - - - 2,500 2,500

2006T517 Infrastructure Rehabilitation Ongoing TOTAL 1,568 - 500 1,700 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 14,200

FA - - 14,900 - - - - - - -

OL - - 19,000 - - - - - - -

2017T518 Bus Rapid Transit 33,900 TOTAL - - 33,900 - - - - - - -

TB-10 39 - - - - - - - - -

TB-14 1 - 310 340 - - - - - 340

TB-18 - - - - 340 340 340 340 - 1,360

FTB - - - - - - - - 340 340

2018T519Urban Design Retrofit

ProjectsOngoing TOTAL 39 - 310 340 340 340 340 340 340 2,040

TB-18 - - - 250 250 250 250 250 - 1,250

2019T520 Retaining Wall Program Ongoing TOTAL - - - 250 250 250 250 250 - 1,250

OL - - - - - 2,000 - - - 2,000

2019T521City of Omaha Master Plan

Update2,000 TOTAL - - - - - 2,000 - - - 2,000

GRAND TOTAL 23,166 - 106,779 66,314 63,303 86,471 34,795 45,032 19,580 315,495


Page 21: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary


(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

EB-14 215 - 3,703 4,762 768 - - - - 5,530

EB-18 - - - - 2,582 100 100 100 100 2,982

OL - R - - 500 500 55 - - - - 555

2011E102Missouri River Flood Levee

Maintenance & RepairsOngoing TOTAL 215 - 3,203 4,262 3,295 100 100 100 100 7,957

EB-14 55 - 75 700 - - - - - 700

EB-18 - - - - 700 200 200 200 77 1,377

FEB - - - - - - - - 123 123

OL - R - - 48 350 350 100 100 100 100 1,100

2007E202 Cole Creek Flood Mitigation Ongoing TOTAL 55 - 27 350 350 100 100 100 100 1,100

SRI 7,646 - 6,214 15,728 64,651 31,569 7,025 45,750 38,000 202,723

1991E501Capital Asset Replacement

ProgramOngoing TOTAL 7,646 - 6,214 15,728 64,651 31,569 7,025 45,750 38,000 202,723

EB-10 68 - - - - - - - - -

EB-14 881 - 605 1,000 - - - - - 1,000

EB-18 - - - - 850 1,050 800 1,950 - 4,650

FEB - - - - - - - - 1,200 1,200

OL - R - - 395 455 455 200 200 500 500 2,310

2009E502 Channel Rehabilitation Program Ongoing TOTAL 949 - 210 - 545 395 850 600 1,450 700 4,540

SRI 83,916 - 143,496 92,400 101,900 76,900 91,700 95,200 63,900 522,000

2007E503Combined Sewer Overflow

Control ImplementationsOngoing TOTAL 83,916 508 - 143,496 92,400 101,900 76,900 91,700 95,200 63,900 522,000

SRI 724 - 11,299 12,000 12,000 12,350 14,100 18,600 20,000 89,050

2007E504Combined Sewer Renovation

ProgramOngoing TOTAL 724 - 11,299 12,000 12,000 12,350 14,100 18,600 20,000 89,050

EB-10 5 - - - - - - - - -

EB-14 754 - 16 50 - - - - - 50

EB-18 - - - - 50 100 55 250 - 455

FEB - - - - - - - - 100 100

1982E505Local Neighborhood Storm Sewer

ImprovementsOngoing TOTAL 759 - 16 - 50 50 100 55 250 100 605

ISCF 1,237 - 1,600 2,250 2,250 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 22,500

2000E507 Papillion Creek Interceptor Sewers Ongoing TOTAL 1,237 - 1,600 2,250 2,250 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 22,500

SRI 1,122 - 3,390 14,000 19,000 28,150 29,900 34,400 35,800 161,250

1982E509Sewer Reconstruction/

RehabilitationOngoing TOTAL 1,122 - 3,390 14,000 19,000 28,150 29,900 34,400 35,800 161,250

EB-14 419 - 485 200 - - - - - 200

EB-18 - - - - 300 846 500 1,000 - 2,646

FEB - - - - - - - - 854 854

OL - R - - 30 - - - 100 100 100 300

2018E510 Erosion/Storm Sewer Repair Ongoing TOTAL 419 - 455 200 300 846 400 900 754 3,400

EB-14 - 508 - - - - - - - -

2017E511Rolling Meadows Water

Connection508 TOTAL - 508 - - - - - - - -

EB-14 316 - 144 75 - - - - - 75

EB-18 - - - - 25 100 1,000 500 - 1,625

FEB - - - - - - - - 100 100

2019E512Stormwater Facilities Capital

Asset ReplacementOngoing TOTAL 316 - 144 75 25 100 1,000 500 100 1,800

97,359 508 170,054 141,860 204,216 155,565 149,480 201,750 164,054 1,016,925







of Funds





Total Cost










2019-2024 Capital Budget


Page 22: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary

Parks and Recreation

(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

PRB-14 18 - - - - - - - - -

2009P104 Hanscom Park Rehabilitation 150 TOTAL 18 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 847 - - - - - - - - -

2003P107 Levi Carter Park Renovation 1,000 TOTAL 847 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-18 - - - - - 70 700 - - 770

2018P101Adams Park - Playground & Picnic

Areas770 TOTAL - - - - - 70 700 - - 770

PRB-18 - - - - - - 200 800 - 1,000

OL - - - - - - - 1,000 - 1,000

2018P102 Mandan Park Renovations 2,000 TOTAL - - - - - - 200 1,800 - 2,000

PRB-14 4 - - 210 - - - - - 210

FA - - - 675 - - - - - 675

OL - - - 420 - - - - - 420

2014P110 Riverfront Trail IV 1,310 TOTAL 4 - - 1,305 - - - - - 1,305

GF (L-P) - - - 15,000 15,000 20,000 - - - 50,000

OL - - - 80,000 80,000 80,000 - - - 240,000

2019P111 Riverfront Revitalization 290,000 TOTAL - - - 95,000 95,000 100,000 - - - 290,000

PRB-14 - - 100 - - - - - - -

OL - - 1,400 - - - - - - -

2018P201 Sunken Gardens Rehabilitation 1,500 TOTAL - - 1,500 - - - - - - -

OL - - - - - - 3,000 - - 3,000

PRB-18 - - - - - 250 250 - - 500

2017P401Common Ground Outdoor Pool

(Elkhorn)3,500 TOTAL - - - - - 250 3,250 - - 3,500

PRB-18 - - - - - 80 470 405 - 955

2018P402Lawrence Youngman Lake Park

Trail955 TOTAL - - - - - 80 470 405 - 955

PRB-18 - - - - - - - - 100 100

2019P403 Elkhorn Parks Maintenance Facility 650 TOTAL - - - - - - - - 100 100

PRB-10 12 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 40 - 250 300 300 - - - - 600

PRB-18 - - - - - 325 350 525 200 1,400

2011P501 Community Park Rehabilitation Ongoing TOTAL 52 - 250 300 300 325 350 525 200 2,000

PRB-14 - - 25 - 15 - - - - 15

PRB-18 - - - - - 15 15 15 15 60

2006P502Historic Boulevards Master Plan

ImplementationOngoing TOTAL - - 25 - 15 15 15 15 15 75

PRB-14 558 - 145 350 51 - - - - 401

PRB-18 - - - - 199 225 250 275 51 1,000

FPRB - - - - - - - - 199 199

1991P503 Linear Trail Corridors Ongoing TOTAL 558 - 145 350 250 225 250 275 250 1,600

PRB-10 150 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 557 - 250 250 - - - - - 250

PRB-18 - - - - 250 275 300 375 - 1,200

FPRB - - - - - - - - 350 350

1989P504 Neighborhood Park Renovations Ongoing TOTAL 707 - 250 250 250 275 300 375 350 1,800

PRB-10 180 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 509 - 150 200 - - - - - 200

PRB-18 - - - - 250 275 300 325 - 1,150

FPRB - - - - - - - - 250 250

2000P505Outdoor Park Facilities

Construction/ RenovationOngoing TOTAL 689 - 150 200 250 275 300 325 250 1,600

PRB-10 107 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 242 - 250 125 - - - - - 125

PRB-18 - - - - 225 225 250 250 - 950

FPRB - - - - - - - - 250 250

1982P506Park Roads and Parking Lots

RenovationOngoing TOTAL 349 - 250 125 225 225 250 250 250 1,325

PRB-10 85 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 293 - 635 453 - - - - - 453

PRB-18 - - - - 400 700 480 465 - 2,045

FPRB - - - - - - - - 500 500

2005P507Parks and Recreation Major

Buildings Rehabilitation ProgramOngoing TOTAL 378 - 635 453 400 700 480 465 500 2,998

PRB-14 2 - 15 10 - - - - - 10

PRB-18 - - - - 15 15 15 15 - 60

FPRB - - - - - - - - 15 15

2011P508 Public Art Rehabilitation Ongoing TOTAL 2 - 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 85

PRB-14 - - 300 - - - - - - -



TotalProject ID


Total Cost





of Funds









2019-2024 Capital Budget

Recently Completed Projects

Zone A (42nd Street and East) Projects

Zone B (42nd Street to 72nd Street) Projects

Present Development Zone (West & North of I-80/680)

Citywide Projects


Page 23: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary

Parks and Recreation

(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024



TotalProject ID


Total Cost





of Funds









2019-2024 Capital Budget

PRB-18 - - - - 100 50 100 50 - 300

FPRB - - - - - - - - 50 50

2011P509Suburban Park Master Plan

DevelopmentOngoing TOTAL - - 300 - 100 50 100 50 50 350

PRB-10 48 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 251 - 150 50 - - - - - 50

PRB-18 - - - - 125 110 150 165 - 550

FPRB - - - - - - - - 150 150

1992P510 Swimming Pool Rehabilitation Ongoing TOTAL 299 - 150 50 125 110 150 165 150 750

PRB-10 129 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 487 - 200 50 - - - - - 50

PRB-18 - - - - 200 200 300 300 - 1,000

FPRB - - - - - - - - 220 220

2010P512 Trails & Park Sidewalks Ongoing TOTAL 616 - 200 50 200 200 300 300 220 1,270

PRB-10 2 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 - - 35 - - - - - - -

PRB-18 - - - - 35 35 35 35 - 140

FPRB - - - - - - - - 35 35

2009P513Trail Bridge Inspections and

RehabilitationsOngoing TOTAL 2 - 35 - 35 35 35 35 35 175

PRB-10 5 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 6 - 25 - - - - - - -

PRB-18 - - - - 35 35 35 35 - 140

FPRB - - - - - - - - 25 25

OL - - 15 - - - - - - -

2008P514 Tree Planting Ongoing TOTAL 11 - 40 - 35 35 35 35 25 165

PRB-10 194 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 81 - 100 50 - - - - - 50

PRB-18 - - - - 100 100 100 100 - 400

FPRB - - - - - - - - 100 100

2010P515 Sports Facilities Ongoing TOTAL 275 - 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 550

PRB-10 19 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 148 - 100 50 - - - - - 50

PRB-18 - - - - 100 75 150 138 - 463

FPRB - - - - - - - - 110 110

2014P516 Golf Course Rehabilitation Ongoing TOTAL 167 - 100 50 100 75 150 138 110 623

PRB-10 342 - - - - - - - - -

PRB-14 274 - 175 50 - - - - - 50

PRB-18 - - - - 117 75 200 225 - 617

FPRB - - - - - - - - 100 100

2014P517Americans with Disabilities Act

(ADA) RenovationsOngoing TOTAL 616 - 175 50 117 75 200 225 100 767

PRB-14 276 - 750 750 - - - - - 750

PRB-18 - - - - 710 - - - - 710

2017P518 Emerald Ash Borer Ongoing TOTAL 276 - 750 750 710 - - - - 1,460

5,868 - 5,070 98,993 98,227 103,135 7,650 5,498 2,720 316,223GRAND TOTAL


Page 24: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary

Public Safety

(all monetary references in


Project ID Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

PSB-14 460 - 1,707 1,648 - - - - - 1,648

PSB-18 - - - 227 2,789 2,067 2,023 1,800 718 9,624

FPSB - - - - - - - - 482 482

2018S101 Fire Apparatus Replacement Ongoing TOTAL 460 - 1,707 1,875 2,789 2,067 2,023 1,800 1,200 11,754

PSB-18 - - - 165 21 - - - - 186

OL - - - - 500 - - - - 500

2018S107Public Safety Training Center

Tactical VillageOngoing TOTAL - - - 165 521 - - - - 686

460 - 1,707 2,040 3,310 2,067 2,023 1,800 1,200 12,440

2019-2024 Capital Budget2019-





Total Cost


of Funds













Page 25: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a

City of Omaha

Capital Improvement / Operating Impact Summary

Public Facilities

(all monetary references in


Project Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

CCI 335 - - - - - - - - -

GF (L-P) - - 300 - - - - - - -

2017F101 RFID Security Conversion 635 TOTAL 335 - 300 - - - - - - -

GF (L-P) - 465 - - - - - - - -

2017F310 Fire Station Alerting System 465 TOTAL - 465 - - - - - - - -

OL - - - - - 20,000 - - - 20,000

2018F102 New Downtown Library 20,000 TOTAL - - - - - 20,000 - - - 20,000

GF (L-P) - - - - 15,000 - - - - 15,000

2018F103 Southwest Branch Library 15,000 TOTAL - - - - 15,000 - - - - 15,000

PFB-18 - - - 100 - - - - - 100

2019F104Omaha Public Library

Branded Signage100 TOTAL - - - 100 - - - - - 100

HRF - - 750 750 750 750 750 15,000 750 18,750

2007F202Convention Center Hotel

Capital ImprovementsOngoing TOTAL - - 750 750 750 750 750 15,000 750 18,750

PFB-14 66 - 299 - - - - - - -

2001F203Park Maintenance Facility

RehabilitationOngoing TOTAL 66 - 299 - - - - - - -

PFB-18 - - - 2,500 2,000 500 - - - 5,000

2015F303 Fire Station #31 5,000 TOTAL - - - 2,500 2,000 500 - - - 5,000

PFB-18 - - - - - - - 3,000 1,148 4,148

FPFB - - - - - - - - 852 852

2016F309 Fire Station #53 5,000 TOTAL - - - - - - - 3,000 2,000 5,000

PFB-14 - - 493 - - - - - - -

PFB-18 - - - 9,107 - - - - 9,107

2018F301 Fifth Police Precinct 9,600 TOTAL - - 493 9,107 - - - - - 9,107

OL - - - - 68,000 - - - 68,000

2013F304Police Administration

Headquarters68,000 TOTAL - - - - 68,000 - - - - 68,000

PFB-10 22 - - - - - - - - -

PFB-14 14 - - - - - - - - -

2012F305Police Headquarters Critical

Functions RenovationOngoing TOTAL 36 - - - - - - - - -

PFB-10 6 - - - - - - - - -

PFB-14 - 509 - - - - - - - -

PSB-14 - 620 - - - - - - - -

PFB-18 - - - 549 - - - - - 549

OL - 1,200 - - - - - - - -

2012F306Public Safety Training Center

Outdoor Gun Range2,884 TOTAL 6 2,329 - 549 - - - - - 549

PFB-18 - - - - 1,250 - - - - 1,250

2019F307 Helicopter Hangar 1,250 TOTAL - - - - 1,250 - - - - 1,250

PFF 1,064 - 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 960

2003F401 Parking Garage Renovations Ongoing TOTAL 1,064 - 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 960

PFF - - - 18,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 20,000 15,000 87,000

2018F402 New Parking Structures Ongoing TOTAL - - - 18,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 20,000 15,000 87,000

PFB-18 - - - 450 - - - 1,855 - 2,305

OL - - - - - - - 5,945 - 5,945


Fleet Management Building

Addition and Site


8,250 TOTAL - - - 450 - - - 7,800 - 8,250

PFB-10 108 - - - - - - - - -

PFB-14 1,016 581 1,400 339 - - - - - 339

PFB-18 - - - 1,061 6,400 6,650 1,400 1,400 - 16,911

FPFB - - - - - - - - 1,400 1,400

CCI 50 - - - - - - - - -

SHA 1,418 - - - - - - - - -


Citywide Building



Ongoing TOTAL 2,592 581 1,400 1,400 6,400 6,650 1,400 1,400 1,400 18,650

OL - - 4,710 4,710 - - - - - 4,710

RDB - - 2,500 - - - - - - -

2016F504 Homeless Day Shelter 11,920 TOTAL - - 7,210 4,710 - - - - - 4,710

GRAND TOTAL 4,099 3,375 10,612 37,726 103,560 40,060 14,310 47,360 19,310 262,326









2019-2024 Capital Budget 2019-



Citywide Projects

Recently Completed Projects

Library Projects

Parks, Recreation, & Public Property Projects

Fire Projects

Police Projects

Public Works Projects


of Funds



ImpactProject ID


Total Cost


Page 26: City of Omaha, Nebraska 2019 Summary...100% of the full cost (operating and indirect expenses) ... In the City of Omaha's fiscal system, the monitoring and control of revenues is a



2010 Street & Highway Bonds TB-10 Future Public Facilities Bonds FPFB2014 Street & Highway Bonds TB-14 City Capital Improvement CCI2018 Street & Highway Transportation Bonds TB-18 General Fund Lease-Purchase GF(L-P)Future Transportation Bonds FTB Hotel Revenue Fund HRF2010 Sewer Bonds EB-10 Interceptor Sewer Connection Fee ISCF2014 Sewer Bonds EB-14 Parking Facilities Fund PFF2018 Sewer & Environment Bonds EB-18 Redevelopment Bonds RDBFuture Environment Bonds FEB Sewer Revenue Improvement SRI2010 Park & Recreation Bonds PRB-10 Street & Highway Allocation SHA2014 Park & Recreation Bonds PRB-14 Special Assessments SPA2018 Park & Recreation Bonds PRB-18 Arterial Street Improvement Program ASIPFuture Park & Recreation Bonds FPRB Bridge Buyback Funds BBF2010 Public Safety Bonds PSB-10 Other Local Assistance OL2014 Public Safety Bonds PSB-14 Other Local- Reimbursement OL-R2018 Public Safety Bonds PSB-18 Federal Aid FAFuture Public Safety Bonds FPSB Highway Bridge Program HBP-FA2010 Public Facilities Bonds PFB-10 Highway Safety Improvement Program HSIP-FA2014 Public Facilities Bonds PFB-14 Surface Transportation Program STP-FA2018 Public Facilities Bonds PFB-18 Transportation Alternatives Program TAP-FA