civil engineering objective

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  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective



    1. A good building stone should not absorb water more than

    a) 5 % b) 10 % c) 15 % d) 20 % Ans: a

    2. Crushing strength of a good building stone should be more than

    a) 50 MPa b) 100 MPa c) 150 MPa d) 200 MPa Ans: b

    . !"ecific gra#it$ for most of the building stones lies betweena) 1.5 to 2.0 b) 2.0 to 2.5 c) 2.5 to .0 d) .0 to .5 Ans: c

    . &he age of a tree can be 'nown b$ e(amininga) cambium la$er b) annular rings

    c) medullar$ ra$s d) heart wood Ans: b

    5. Common sand is a #ariet$ of 

    a) caicite b) uart* c) fels"ar d) chlorite Ans: b

    +. &he "ractical limit of moisture content achie#ed in air dr$ing of timber isa) 5 % b) 15 % c) 25 % d) 5 % Ans: b

    ,. Crushing strength of a first class bric' should not be less than

    a) .5 -mm2 b) ,.0 -mm2 c) 10.5 -mm2 d) 1.0 -mm2 Ans: c

    /. &he "ercentage of alumina in a good bric' earth lies between

    a) 5 to 10 % b) 20 to 0 % c) 50 to +0 % d) ,0 to /0 % Ans: b

    . &he nominal si*e of the modular bric' isa) 10 mm ( 0 mm ( /0 mm b) 10 mm ( 10 mm ( 0 mm

    c) 200 mm ( 100 mm ( 100 mm d) 200 mm ( 200 mm ( 100 mm Ans: c

    10. e Chateliers de#ice is used for determining thea) setting time of cement b) soundness of cement

    c) tensile strength of cement d) com"ressi#e strength of cement Ans: b

    11. According to 3! s"ecifications4 the com"ressi#e strength of ordinar$ Portland cement after three da$s should n

     be less than

    a) , MPa b) 11.5 MPa c) 1+ MPa d) 21 MPa Ans: c

    12. or testing com"ressi#e and tensile strength of cement4 the cement mortar is made b$ mi(ing cement and

    standard sand in the "ro"ortions of a) 1:2 b) 1: c) 1: d) 1:+ Ans: b

    1. &he slum" recommended for mass concrete is about

    a) 25 mm to 50 mm b) 50 mm to 100 mm

    c) 100 mm to 125 mm d) 125 mm to 150 mm Ans: a

    1. 6hich of the following cements is suitable for use in massi#e concrete structures such as large dams7a) ordinar$ Portland cement b) low heat cement

    c) ra"id hardening cement d) sul"hate resisting cement Ans: b

  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective


    15. Pro"er amount of entrained air in concrete results in

    i) better wor'abilit$

    ii) better resistance to free*ing and thawingiii) lesser wor'abilit$

    i#) less resistance to free*ing and thawing &he correct answer is

    a) 8i) and 8ii) b) 8i) and 8i#) c) 8ii) and 8iii) d) 8iii) and 8i#) Ans: a

    1+. 9ed colour is im"arced to bric's due toa) irono(ide b) lime c) silica d) magnesia Ans: a

    1,. &he basic "ur"ose of a retarder in concrete is

    a) to increase the initial setting time of cement "aste in concrete

     b) to decrease the initial setting time of cement "aste in concretec) to render the concrete more water tight

    d) to im"ro#e the wor'abilit$ of concrete mi( Ans: a

    1/. Com"ared to mild steel4 cast iron has

    i) high com"ressi#e strength

    ii) high tensile strengthiii) low com"ressi#e strength

    i#) low tensile strength

    &he correct answer isa) 8i) and 8ii) b) 8ii) and 8iii) c) 8iii) and 8i#) d) 8i) and 8i#) Ans: a

    1. &he "ressure acting on the stones in stone masonr$ construction should be

    a) along the direction of bedding "lanes

     b) at 5 to the direction of bedding "lanesc) at +0 to the direction of bedding "lanes

    d) "er"endicular to the direction of bedding "lanes Ans: d

    20. &he de"ression "ro#ided in the face of bric' during its manufacturing is 'nown asa)3ndentation b) Anchorage c) 6ell d) rog Ans: d

    21. &he t$"e of bond "ro#ided in bric' masonr$ for carr$ing hea#$ loads is

    a) single lemish bond b) double lemish bondc) ;nglish bond d) *ig*ag bond Ans: c

    22. &he "ro"ortions of lime and sand in the mortar normall$ used in bric' construction are

    a) 1:2 b) 1: c) 1:+ d) 1:/ Ans: a

    2. &he differential settlement in case of foundations on sand$ soils should not e(ceed

    a) 25 mm b) 0 mm c) +5 mm d) 100 mm Ans: a

    2. 3n case of foundations on blac' cotton soils4 the most suitable method to increase the bearing ca"acit$ of soils

    toa) increase the de"th of foundation b) drain the soil

    c) com"act the soil d) re"lace the "oor soil Ans: d

    25. &he t$"e of footing which is used to transmit hea#$ loads through steel columns is

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    a) raft foundation b) grillage foundation

    c) well foundation d) isolated footing Ans: b

    2+. &he minimum de"th of foundation in cla$e$ soils is

    a) 0.5 m b) 0., m c) 0. m d) 1.2 m Ans: c

    2,. &he bearing ca"acit$ of a water logged soil can be im"ro#ed b$

    a) com"acting the soil b) draining the soilc) increasing the de"th of foundation d) grouting Ans: b

    2/. &he t$"e of flooring suitable for use in churches4 theatres4 "ublic libraries and other "laces where noiseless flo

    co#ering is desired is

    a) cor' flooring b) glass flooringc) wooden flooring d) linoleum flooring Ans: a

    2. &he #ertical distance between the s"ringing line and highest "oint of the inner cur#e of an arch is 'nown asa) intrados b) rise c) s"andrel d) e(trados Ans: b

    0. Percentage of silica in a good bric' earth lies betweena)10

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    ,. &he t$"e of arch generall$ constructed o#er a wooden lintel or o#er a flat arch for the "ur"ose of carr$ing the

    load of the wall abo#e is

    a) segmental arch b) "ointed archc) relie#ing arch d) flat arch Ans: c

    /. &he t$"e of roof suitable in "lains where rainfall is meagre and tem"erature is high is

    a) "itched and slo"ing roof b) flat roof c) shell roof d) none of the abo#e Ans: b

    . Pitched and slo"ing roofs are suitable for 

    a) coastal regions b) "lain regions

    c) co#ering large areas d) all of the abo#e Ans: a

    50. >uic' lime isa) calcium o(ide b) calcium h$dro(ide

    c) calcium carbonate d) none of the abo#e Ans: a

    51. &he t$"e of roof which slo"es in two directions with a brea' in the slo"e on each side is 'nown as

    a) gable roof b) hi" roof c) gambrel roof d) mansard roof Ans: c

    52. Mansard roof is a roof which slo"es ina) two directions without brea' in the slo"e on each side

     b) two directions with brea' in the slo"e on each side

    c) four directions without brea' in the slo"e on each side

    d) four directions with brea' in the slo"e on each side Ans: d

    5. ?igher "itch of the roof i) results in stronger roof 

    ii) results in wea'er roof 

    iii) reuires more co#ering materiali#) reuires less co#ering material

    &he correct answer isa) 8i) and 8iii) b) 8i) and 8i#) c) 8ii) and 8iii) d) 8ii) and 8i#) Ans: a

    5. &he function of 'ing "ost in a 'ing "ost roof truss isa) to su""ort the frame wor' of the roof 

     b) to recei#e the ends of "rinci"al rafter 

    c) to "re#ent the walls from s"reading outwardd) to "re#ent the tie beam from sagging at its centre Ans: d

    55. &he thic'ness of each leaf of a ca#it$ wall shall not be less thana) 5 cm b) ,.5 cm c) 10 cm d) 15 cm Ans: b

    5+. or masonr$ wor' with solid bric's4 consistenc$ of mortar should be

    a) 5 to / cm b) to 1 cm c) 1 to 1/ cm d) 1 to 2 cm Ans: b

    5,. 6ater retenti#it$ for bric' masonr$ should not be less than

    a) 50 % b) +0 % c) ,0 % d) /0 % Ans: c

    5/. 9ich cement mortars are more liable to crac'ing as com"ared to lean mortars because rich mortars ha#e

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    a) high shrin'age b) less strength

    c) both 8a) and 8b) d) none of abo#e Ans: a

    5. Cement mortars richer than 1 : are not used in masonr$ because8i) there is no gain in strength of masonr$ 8ii) there is high shrin'age 8iii) the$

    are "rone to segregation @f these statements

    a) @nl$ 8ii) is correct b) 8i) and 8ii) are correct

    c) 8ii) and 8iii) are correct d) 8i)4 8ii) and 8iii) are correct Ans: b

    +0. Consider the following statements:A high lime content in a com"osite cement

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    +/. 3n le#eling wor' the diagram where each line is ha#ing "oints of eual ele#ations is called as<

    8a) Contour ma"

    8b) sur#e$ ma"8c) to"ogra"hic ma"

    8d) !ur#e$ ma" Ans: a

    +. &he "rismatic com"ass and sur#e$ors com"ass

    a) gi#e whole circle bearing 86CF) of a line and uadrantal bearing 8>F) of a line res"ecti#el$ b) both gi#e >F of a line and 6CF of a line

    c) both gi#e >F of a line

    d) both gi#e 6CF of a line Ans: a

    ,0. &he hori*ontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a "lace is calleda) a*imuth b) declination

    c) local attraction d) magnetic bearing Ans: b

    ,1. A negati#e declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the

    a) eastern side of the true meridian

     b) western side of the true meridianc) southern side of the true meridian

    d) none of the abo#e Ans: b

    ,2. Agate ca" is fitted with a

    a) cross staff b) le#elc) chain d) "rismatic com"ass Ans: d

    ,. &heodolite is an instrument used for 

    a) tightening the ca"stan

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    c) needle bearing d) Gewel bearing Ans: c

    ,/. &he bo( of "rismatic com"ass is made of 

    a) steel b) brass c) iron d) aluminium Ans: b

    ,. A le#el line is a

    a) hori*ontal line

     b) line "arallel to the mean s"heriodal surface of earth

    c) line "assing through the center of cross hairs and the center of e$e "iece

    d) line "assing through the obGecti#e lens and the e$e

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    //. &he difference of le#els between two stations A and F is to be determined. or best results4 the instrument

    station should be

    a) euidistant from A and F b) closer to the higher station

    c) closer to the lower station

    d) as far as "ossible from the line AF Ans: c

    /. Contour inter#al isa) in#ersel$ "ro"ortional to the scale of the ma"

     b) directl$ "ro"ortional to the flatness of ground

    c) larger for accurate wor'sd) larger if the time a#ailable is more Ans: a

    0. An imaginar$ line l$ing throughout the surface of ground and "reser#ing a constant inclination to the hori*onta

    is 'nown as

    a) contour line b) hori*ontal eui#alent

    c) contour inter#al d) contour gradient Ans: d

    1. !elect the correct statement.a) A contour is not necessaril$ a closed cur#e.

     b) A contour re"resents a ridge line if the conca#e side of lower #alue contour lies towards the higher #alue contou

    c) &wo contours of different ele#ations do not cross each other e(ce"t in case of an o#erhanging cliff.d) All of the abo#e statements are correct. Ans: c

    2. A series of closel$ s"aced contour lines re"resents a

    a) stee" slo"e b) gentle slo"e

    c) uniform slo"e d) "lane surface Ans: a

    . =irect method of contouring isa) a uic' method b) ado"ted for large sur#e$s onl$

    c) most accurate method d) suitable for hill$ terrains Ans: c

    . &he ma(imum allowable limit u"to that a measurement ma$ #ar$ from the true #alue is 'nown as

    a) "ermissible error b) residual error 

    c) e("ected error d) safe error Ans: c

    5. Benerall$ while chaining4 the arrow which accom"an$ with one chain must be

    a) nos. b) 5 nos. c) 10 nos. d) 12 nos. Ans: b

    +. As "er 3ndian standard4 the length of one lin' in 0 metre chain should bea) 20 cm b) 0 cm c) 0 cm d) 10 cm Ans: a

    ,. 3n direct method of contouring4 the "rocess of locating or identif$ing "oints l$ing on a contour is called

    a) ranging b) centring

    c) hori*ontal control d) #ertical control Ans: d

    /. !elect the correct statement.

    a) Contour inter#al on an$ ma" is 'e"t constant.

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     b) =irect method of contouring is chea"er than indirect method.

    c) 3nter

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    c) the effects of tem"erature #ariations d) the unit weight Ans: a

    10. 6or'abilit$ of concrete is in#ersel$ "ro"ortional toa) time of transit b) water

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    121. Concrete contains

     8i)!iliceous aggregates4 ha#ing higher coefficient of e("ansion

    8ii)3gneous aggregates4 ha#ing intermediate coefficient of e("ansion 8iii)ime stones4 ha#ing lowest coefficient of e("ansion

    I A J i and iii I F J ii and iii I C J i and ii I = J i4 ii and iii Ans: d

    122. !elect the incorrect statementI A J 9.C.C has better fire resistance than steel

     I F J 9.C.C. structure is economical than steel structure I C J !trength of concrete decreases as age increases I = J 9.C.C can be used for under water and marine structures Answer : C

    12. 6ater cement ratio is the ratio of

    I A J 6ater to cement b$ weight

    I F J 6ater to cement b$ #olumeI C J Cement to water b$ weight

    I = J Cement to water b$ #olume Answer : A

    12. Concrete isI A J 6ea' in tension

    I F J !trong in tension

    I C J !trong in both tension and com"ressionI = J 6ea' in com"ression Answer : A

    125. &he strength and ualit$ of concrete de"ends u"on

    8i)Brading of aggregates 8ii)!ha"e of aggregates

    8iii)!urface area of aggregates 8i#)!urface te(ture of aggregates I A J i4 ii and i# I F J ii4 iii and i#

     I C J i4 iii and i# I = J i4 ii4 iii and i# Answer : =

    12+. 3n order to a#oid segregation4 fresh concrete should be dro""ed from a height ofI A J ess than one meter I F J ess than two metres

    I C J More than one metre I = J More than two metres Answer : A

    12,. &he "rocess of hardening of concrete in the "resence of water is called

    I A J Cree" I F J ?$dration I C J !hrin'age I = J Curing Answer : F12/. &he "rocess of 'ee"ing the concrete structure moist is called

    I A J ?$dration I F J Curing I C J Cree" I = J !hrin'age Answer : F12. &he se"aration of water or water cement mi(ture from the freshl$ laid concrete is 'nown as

    I A J 6or'abilit$ I F J !egregation I C J Fleeding I = J Cree" Answer : C

    10. &he continuous strain4 which the concrete undergoes due to a""lication of e(ternal loads is called

    I A J Cree" I F J Fleeding I C J 6or'abilit$ I = J !egregation Answer : A11. &he "rocess of con#ersion of "lastic concrete to solid stage is called

    I A J ?$dration I F J ?ardening I C J !etting I = J Curing Answer : C

    12. At 2/ da$s of curing concrete attains a strength of 

     I A J 20 to 25% I F J +0 to ,0% I C J +5 to /0% I = J 0 to 5% Answer : =

    1. 3n a mass concrete4 the aggregates occu"$ a s"ace of

    I A J 25% I F J ,5% I C J 0% I = J +0% Answer : F

    1. &he coarse aggregate which "ossess the "ro"ert$ of good interloc'ing are

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     I A J rounded sha"e I F J elongated sha"e

    I C J angular sha"e I = J none of the abo#e Answer : C

    15. 6hile "lacing of concrete the thic'ness of each la$er for 9.C.C. is

     I A J 150 to 00 mm I F J 50 mm I C J 500 to ,50 mm I = J 500 mm Answer : A

    1+. 3ncrease in water content in a cement concrete

    8i) 3ncreases wor'abilit$ 8ii) 3ncreases the strength

    I A J i I F J ii I C J both 8i) and 8ii) I = J neither 8i) nor 8ii) Answer : A

    1,. !lum" cone test is used to determine

    I A J !hrin'age of concrete mi( I F J Cree" of concrete

    I C J 6or'abilit$ of concrete mi( I = J !oundness of concrete Answer : C

    1/. 6hile determining the wor'abilit$ of concrete mi(4 the com"action factor test is

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    I A J Curing I F J Mi(ing I C J Brading I = J Fatching Answer : =

    M&3P; C?@3C; >;!&3@-!

    1. A "ortion of a bric' cut longitudinall$ with one long face uncut is a

    a) Fat b) Fed c) Closer d) >uoin

    2. Alternate courses of stretchers and headers are there in LLLLLLLL bond.

    a) lemish b) 9a'ing c) acing d) ;nglish

    . A timber "iece4 which is attached in an inclined "osition4 within a frame is 'nown as

    a) Million b) ou#er c) !ash d) !t$le

    . &he function of Calcium !ul"hate in cement is to

    a) 3ncrease strength b) 3ncrease initial setting time

    c) 3m"art colour d) 3ncrease wor'abilit$

    5. 3nitial setting time of cement is controlled b$ the addition of NNNNN during the "rocess of grinding.

    a) B$"sum b) calcium c) !odium d) Potassium

    +. 9esistance to "enetration is 'nown as

    a) &oughness b) ?ardness c) Com"ressi#e strength d) 3m"act #alue

    ,. =ensit$ of cement is

    a) 200 Ogm  b) 1+0 Ogm  c) 2500 Ogm  d) 10 Ogm

    /. Carbon content of Mild steel is about

    a) 0.1 to 0.25% b) 0.25 to 0.+% c) 0.+ to 1.1% d) -one of the abo#e

    . =ensit$ of steel is

    a) /,50 Ogm  b) ,/50 Ogm  c) ,5/0 Ogm  d) /5/0 Ogm

    10. &he "rocess of mi(ing cla$4 water and other ingredients to ma'e bric' is 'nown as

    a) Moulding b) Oneading c) Pugging d) &em"ering

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    11. 3n a mortar4 the binding material is

    A.cement F.sand C. sur'hi =. cinder.

    12.ltimate strength to cement is "ro#ided b$

    A.&ricalcium silicate F.=iuic' setting cement is "roduced b$ adding

    A. less amount of g$"sum in #er$ fine "owdered form

    F. more amount of g$"sum in #er$ fine "owdered form

    C. aluminium sul"hate in #er$ fine "owdered form

    =. "o**olana in #er$ fine "owdered form

    1,.Minimum reuired water cement ratio for a wor'able concrete4 is

    A. 0.0 F. 0.0 C. 0.50 =. 0.+0

    1/.&he si*e of modular bric's4 is

    A. 10 ( 10 ( cm F. 1 ( ( cm C. 22.5 ( 10 ( /.5 cm =. 22.5 ( /.0 ( cm.

    1.&he minimum com"ressi#e strength of 1st class bric's should be

    A. ,5 'gcm2 F. 0 'gcm2 C. 100 'gcm2 =. 120 'gcm2

    20. !trength of cement concrete "rimaril$ de"ends u"on

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    A.ualit$ of water F. uantit$ of aggregate C. uantit$ of cement =. water

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    C. "articles are cohesi#e

    =. "ro"ert$ to undergo a #olumetric change due to #ariation of moisture content.

    0. &he "ortion of a bric' cut across the width4 is called

    A. closer F. half bric' C. bed =. bat.

     1. &he e(terior angle between outer faces of a wall4 is 'nown as

    A. turn F. Gunction C. uoin =. all the abo#e.

    2. &he inclined surface of an abutment to recei#e the arch4 is 'nown as

    A. s'ew bac' F. soffit C. s"andrel =. haunch.

    . 3n case of foundations on sand$ soil4 ma(imum "ermissible differential settlement4 is usuall$ limited to

    A. 15 mm F. 25 mm C. 5 mm =. 5 mm

    . 3n grillage foundations a minimum 15 cm co#er is "ro#ided on

    A. u""er flange of to" tier F. lower beam of lower tier  

    C. ends of e(ternal beams =. none to these.

    5. &o obtain good bonding in bric' masonr$

    A. first class bric's are used F. #ertical Goints in alternate courses are 'e"t in "lumb line

    C. bats are used where necessar$ =. all the abo#e.

    +. 9aft foundations are used for :

    A. "ro#iding increased area of foundation o#er "oor bearing ca"acit$ of soil

    F. s"anning o#er small soft or loose "oc'ets

    C. counter acting the h$drostatic effect

    =. all the abo#e.

    ,. An arch constructed with finel$ dressed stones4 is 'nown

    A. ashlar arch F. rubble arch C. gauged arch =. a(ed arch.

    / &he foundation which consists of a thic' reinforced cement slab co#ering whole area to su""ort hea#

    concentrated structural loads4 is 'nown as

    A. combined footing F. stra" footing C. raft footing =. none of these.

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    . &he lower half "ortion between crown and s'ew bac' of the arch4 is called

    A. s"andrel F. haunch C. s"ringing =. soffit.

    0. A co#ering of concrete "laced on the e("osed to" of an e(ternal wall4 is 'nown as

    A. cornice F. co"ing C. frie*e =. lintal.

    1. &he de"th of concrete bed of the foundation de"ends u"on

    A. the "roGection of the concrete bloc' be$ond the footing o#er it

    F. the u"ward soil "ressure C. the mi( of the concrete

    =. all the abo#e.

     2. &he t$"e of stone masonr$ in which stones of same height are laid in la$ers4 is called

    A. random rubble masonr$ F. course rubble masonr$

    C. uncoursed rubble masonr$ =. ashlar masonr$.

    . &he t$"e of bond in a bric' masonr$ containing alternate courses of stretchers and headers4 is called

    A. lemish bond F. ;nglish bond C. !tretcher bond =. ?eader bond.

    . &he inner section of a ca#it$ wall4 is generall$ 'nown as

    A. buttress F. leaf wall C. "ilaster =. "illar.

    5. &he de"th of e(ca#ation of foundations4 is generall$ measured with a

    A. ranging rod F. steel ta"e C. le#elling staff =. bonning rod.

     +. &he t$"e of bond in which e#er$ course contains both headers and stretchers4 is called

    A. ;nglish bond F. lemish bond C.9ussian band =.Mi(ed bond.

     ,. &he concrete slum" recommended for foundations4 is

    A. 25 to 50 mm F. 0 to 125 mm C.50 to 100 mm =. ,5 to 125 mm

    /. &he &o construct a 10 cm thic' "artition wall4 $ou will "refer 

    A. ;nglish bond F. lemish bond C. ?eader bond =. !tretcher bond.

     . or "lastering the e("osed bric' walls4 the cement sand mortar should be

    A. 1:2 F. 1: C. 1: =. 1:+

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    50. An arch ma$ fail due to

    A. une#en settlement of abutments F.sliding of #oussoirs

    C. crushing of the material =.all the abo#e.

    51. &he local swelling of a finished "laster4 is termed

    A. crac'ing F. dubbing C.blistering =. hac'ing.

    52. Pile foundations are suitable for 

    A. water logged soils F. soft roc's C. com"act soils =. multistore$ed buildings

    5. &he nominal thic'ness of one bric' wall in mm4 is

    A. 0 mm F. 150 mm C. 10 mm =. 200 mm.

    5. &he "iece of a bric' cut along the centre of width in such a wa$ that its length is eual to that of full bric'4


    A. half bric' F. ueen closer C. 'ing closer =. be#elled closer.

    55. &he stone masonr$ of finel$ dressed stones laid in cement or lime4 is

    A. random rubble masonr$ F. coursed rubble masonr$

    C. dr$ rubble masonr$ =. ashlar masonr$.

    5+. &he "rocess of filling hollow s"aces of walls before "lastering4 is 'nown

    A. hac'ing F. dubbing out C. blishering =. "eeling

    5,. &he minimum strength of the mortar used in load bearing bric' masonr$4 is

    A. 50 -cm2 F. 100 -cm2 C. 150 -cm2 =. 200 -cm2.

    5/. &he wedge sha"ed bric's forming an arch ring4 are called

    A. !offits F. #oussoirs C. haunchs =. s"andrils.

    5. &he most fire resistant "aints are :

    A. enamel "aints F. aluminium "aints C. asbestos "aints =. cement "aints.

    +0. !tuco "aints are suitable for 

    A. stone masonr$ F. bric' walls C. both 8a) and 8b) =. neither 8a) nor 8b

    +1. !miths test of stones is "erformed to find out

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    A. the "resence of soluble matter of stone F. the com"ressi#e strength of the stone

    C. the hardness of the stone =. the toughness of the stone.

    +2. 3n "aints4 the "igment is res"onsible for 

    A. durabilit$ F. colour C. smoothness =. glass$ face

    +. &he foundation in which a cantile#er beam is "ro#ided to Goin two footings4 is 'nown as

    A. stri" footing F. stra" footing C. combined footing =. raft footing

    +. &he ma(imum bearing ca"acit$ of soil is that of 

    A. blac' cotton soil F. loose fine sand$ soil

    C. dr$ coarse sand$ soil =. hard roc's

    +5. Fearing ca"acit$ of soils cannot be im"ro#ed b$

    A. draining sub

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    A. strength

    F. wor'abilit$

    C. stabilit$ of structure

    =. all the abo#e.

    Answer: @"tion C

    . &he cm ( cm side of a bric' as seen in the wall face4 is generall$ 'nown as

    A. stretcher F. face

    C. front =. header  

    Answer: @"tion =

    . Flac' cotton soil is unsuitable for foundations because its

    A. bearing ca"acit$ is low

    F. "ermeabilit$ is uncertain

    C. "articles are cohesi#e

    =. "ro"ert$ to undergo a #olumetric change due to #ariation of moisture content.

    Answer: @"tion =

    5. &he "ortion of a bric' cut across the width4 is called

    A. closer  

    F. half bric'  

    C. bed

    =. bat.

     Answer: @"tion =

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    &he e(terior angle between outer faces of a wall4 is 'nown as

    A. turn

    F. Gunction

    C. uion

    =. all the abo#e.

    Answer: @"tion C

    ,. &he inclined surface of an abutment to recei#e the arch4 is 'nown as

    A. s'ew bac'  

    F. soffit

    C. s"andril

    =. haunch.

    Answer: @"tion A

    /. 3n case of foundations on sand$ soil4 ma(imum "ermissible differential settlement4 is usuall$ limited to

    A. 15 mm

    F. 25 mm

    C. 5 mm

    =. 5 mm

    Answer: @"tion F

    . 3n grillage foundations a minimum 15 cm co#er is "ro#ided on

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    A. u""er flange of to" tier  

    F. lower beam of lower tier  

    C. ends of e(ternal beams

    =. none to these.

    Answer: @"tion F

    10. &o obtain good bonding in bric' masonr$

    A. first class bric's are used

    F. #ertical Goints in alternate courses are 'e"t in "lumb line

    C. bats are used where necessar$

    =. all the abo#e.

    Answer: @"tion =

    11. 9aft foundations are used for :

    A. "ro#iding increased area of foundation o#er "oor bearing ca"acit$ of soil

    F. s"anning o#er small soft or loose "oc'ets

    C. counter acting the h$drostatic effect

    =. all the abo#e.

    Answer: @"tion =

    12. An arch constructed with finel$ dressed stones4 is 'nown

    A. ashlar arch

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    F. rubble arch

    C. gauged arch

    =. a(ed arch.

    Answer: @"tion A

    1 &he foundation which consists of a thic' reinforced cement slab co#ering whole area to su""ort hea#

    concentrated structural loads4 is 'nown as

    A. combined footing

    F. stra" footing

    C. raft footing

    =. none of these.

    Answer: @"tion C

     1. &he lower half "ortion between crown and s'ew bac' of the arch4 is called

    A. s"andril F. haunch

    C. s"ringing =. soffit.

    Answer: @"tion F

    15. A co#ering of concrete "laced on the e("osed to" of an e(ternal wall4 is 'nown as

    A. corniceF. co"ing

    C. frie*e =. lintal.

    Answer: @"tion F

     1+. &he de"th of concrete bed of the foundation de"ends u"on

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    A. the "roGection of the concrete bloc' be$ond the footing o#er it

    F. the u"ward soil "ressure

    C. the mi( of the concrete

    =. all the abo#e.

    Answer: @"tion =

     1,. &he t$"e of stone masonr$ in which stones of same height are laid in la$ers4 is called

    A. random rubble masonr$

    F. course rubble masonr$

    C. uncoursed rubble masonr$

    =. ashlar masonr$.

    Answer: @"tion F


    &he t$"e of bond in a bric' masonr$ containing alternate courses of stretchers and headers4 is called

    A. lemish bond

    F. ;nglish bond

    C. !tretcher bond

    =. ?eader bond.

    Answer: @"tion F

    1. &he inner section of a ca#it$ wall4 is generall$ 'nown as

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    A. butress

    F. leaf wall

    C. "illaster  

    =. "illar.

    Answer: @"tion F

    20. &he de"th of e(ca#ation of foundations4 is generall$ measured with a

    A. ranging rod

    F. steel ta"e

    C. le#elling staff  

    =. bonning rod.

    Answer: @"tion =

      21. &he t$"e of bond in which e#er$ course contains both headers and stretchers4 is called

    A. ;nglish bond

    F. lemish bond

    C. 9ussian band

    =. Mi(ed bond.

    Answer: @"tion F

      22. &he concrete slum" recommended for foundations4 is

    A. 25 to 50 mm

    F. 0 to 125 mm

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    C. 50 to 100 mm

    =. ,5 to 125 mm

    Answer: @"tion C

      2. &he &o construct a 10 cm thic' "artition wall4 $ou will "refer 

    A. ;nglish bond

    F. lemish bond

    C. ?eader bond

    =. !tretcher bond.

    Answer: @"tion =

      2. or "lastering the e("osed bric' walls4 the cement sand mortar should be

    A. 1:2 F. 1:

    C. 1: =. 1:+

    Answer: @"tion C

      25. An arch ma$ fail due to

    A. une#en settlement of abutments

    F. sliding of #oussoirs

    C. crushing of the material

    =. all the abo#e.

    Answer: @"tion =

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    2+. &he local swelling of a finished "laster4 is termed

    A. crac'ing F. dubbing

    C. blistering =. hac'ing.

    Answer: @"tion C

    2,. Pile foundations are suitable for 

    A. water logged soils

    F. soft roc's

    C. com"act soils

    =. multistore$ed buildings

    Answer: @"tion A

    2/. &he nominal thic'ness of one bric' wall in mm4 is

    A. 0 mm

    F. 150 mm

    C. 10 mm

    =. 200 mm.

    Answer: @"tion =

    2. &he "iece of a bric' cut along the centre of width in such a wa$ that its length is eual to that of full bric'4


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    A. half bric'  

    F. ueen closer  

    C. 'ing closer  

    =. be#elled closer.

    Answer: @"tion F

    0. &he stone masonr$ of finel$ dressed stones laid in cement or lime4 is

    A. random rubble masonr$

    F. coursed rubble masonr$

    C. dr$ rubble masonr$

    =. ashlar masonr$.

    Answer: @"tion =

    1. &he "rocess of filling hollow s"aces of walls before "lastering4 is 'nown

    A. hac'ing

    F. dubbing out

    C. blishering

    =. "eeling

    Answer: @"tion F

    2. &he minimum strength of the mortar used in load bearing bric' masonr$4 is

    A. 50 -cm2

    F. 100 -cm2

    C. 150 -cm2

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    =. 200 -cm2.

    Answer: @"tion F

    . &he wedge sha"ed bric's forming an arch ring4 are called

    A. !offits F. #oussoirs

    C. haunchs =. s"andrils.

    Answer: @"tion F

    . &he most fire resistant "aints are :

    A. enamel "aints

    F. aluminium "aints

    C. asbestos "aints

    =. cement "aints.

    Answer: @"tion C

    5. !tuco "aints are suitable for 

    A. stone masonr$

    F. bric' walls

    C. both 8a) and 8b)

    =. neither 8a) nor 8b).

    Answer: @"tion C

    +. !miths test of stones is "erformed to find out

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    A. the "resence of soluble matter of stone

    F. the com"ressi#e strength of the stone

    C. the hardness of the stone

    =. the toughness of the stone.

    Answer: @"tion A

    ,. 3n "aints4 the "igment is res"onsible for 

    A. durabilit$

    F. colour  

    C. smoothness

    =. glass$ face

    Answer: @"tion F

    /. &he foundation in which a cantile#er beam is "ro#ided to Goin two footings4 is 'nown as

    A. stri" footing

    F. stra" footing

    C. combined footing

    =. raft footing

    Answer: @"tion F

    . &he ma(imum bearing ca"acit$ of soil is that of 

    A. blac' cotton soil

    F. loose fine sand$ soil

    C. dr$ coarse sand$ soil

  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective


    =. hard roc's

    Answer: @"tion =

    0. Fearing ca"acit$ of soils cannot be im"ro#ed b$

    A. draining sub

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    10. &he building stone can be dressed #er$ easil$

      a. Gust after uarr$ing b. after seasoning c. after some months of uarr$ing d. an$ time

    11. &he "re"aration of surface of stones to obtain "lain edges or to obtain stone of reuiredsha"e and si*e is 'nown as

      a. blasting of stone b. uarr$ing of stone c. seasoning of stone d. dressing of stone

    12. 3n stone masonar$4 the direction of "ressure line is  a. "arallel to natural bed b. "er"endicular to natural bed

      c. inclined to natural bed at 0 d. inclined to natural bed at 5

    1. !"ecific gra#it$ for most of the building stone lies between

      a. 1.5 to 2.0 b. 2.0 to 2.5 c. 2.5 to .0 d. .0 to .5

    1. Attrition test on stone is done of find out

    a. com"ressi#e strength b. hardness c. rate of wear d. toughness

    15. A good building stone should ha#e

      a. strength b. good a""earance and colour c. resistance to fire d. hardness and toughness

    1+. 3ngredient of the bric' earth which enables the bric' to retain sha"e is

      a. alumina b. silica c. iron o(ide d. magnesia

    1,. Percentage of silica in a good bric' earth lies between

      a. 10 20% b. 20 0% c. 50 +0% d. -one of the abo#e

    1/. &he red colour of the bric' is due to

      a. iron o(ide b. silica c. magnesia d. alumina

    1. &he standard si*e of a bric' is

      a. 20 ( 10 ( 10 cm b. 1 ( ( cm c. 1/ ( ( cm d. 1/ ( / ( / cm

    20. &he normal si*e of a modular bric' is

      a. 20 ( 10 ( 10 cm b. 1 ( ( cm c. 1/ ( ( cm d. 1/ ( / ( / cm

    21. &he "ercentage of alumina in good bric' earth lies between

      a. 10 20% b. 20 < 0% c. 0 0% d. 0 50%

    22. ;(cess of silica in bric' earth causes

      a. loss of cohesion b. im"ermeable c. crac'ing and war"ing on dr$ing d. brittleness

    2. ;(cess of alumina in a bric' earth causes

      a. loss of cohesion b. im"ermeable c. crac'ing and war"ing on dr$ing d. brittleness

    2. &he main function of alumina in bric' earth is

      a. to im"art "lasticit$ b. too increase durabilit$

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      c. to "re#ent shrin'age d. to increase im"ermeabilit$

    25. &he "rocess of mi(ing cla$4 water and other ingredients to ma'e bric' is called

      a. moulding b. tem"ering c. "ugging d. blending

    2+. &he "rocess of mi(ing sand with the "owdered natural soil to im"ro#e the ualit$ is 'nown

    a. moulding b. tem"ering c. "ugging d. blending

    2,. ;(cess of iron o(ide in bric' earth causes

    a. loss of cohesion b. deca$ of bric's

    c. the colour change i.e. from red to dar' blue d. none the abo#e

    2/. ime is mi(ed with bric' earth

      a. to im"art "lasticit$ b. to increase durabilit$

    c. to "re#ent shrin'age d. to increase im"remeabilit$

    2. or one cubic metre of bric' masonar$4 the number of bric's reuired is

      a. 00 b. 500. c. 5000 d. +000

    0. Ad#antage of clam" burning as com"ared to 'iln burning is

      a. less initial cost b. tal'ed less time

    c. when large number of bric's are reuired d. none of the abo#e

    1. &he o#er ground continuous 'iln is

      a. FullDs hench 'iln b. ?offmanDs 'iln c. &unnel 'iln d. All of the abo#e

    2. 3n bric' masonr$4 frog of the bric' is generall$ 'e"t on

      a. to" face b. bottom face c. e("osed face d. interior face. ire bric's are used

      a. to reflect heat b. to increase heat flow c. to decrease heat flow d. all of the abo#e

    . &erracotta is used in buildings for 

      a. @rnamental wor' b. insulation c. storage d. none of the abo#e

    5. !welling of bric's is 'nown as

      a. Floating b. amination c. Chuffs d. ;fflorescence

    +. &he discolouration and formation of white de"osits due to "resence of relati#el$ large "ro"ortion of soluble salts in a bric' is 'nown as

      a. Floating b. ;fflorescence b. Chuffs d. -odules

    ,. Portion of the bric' left after remo#ing the corner eual to half the width and half thelength is called

      a. Closer b. Oing closer c. >ueen closer d. -one of the abo#e

    /. Portion of the bric' cut across its width and ha#ing its length eual to that of a full bric'4 is'nown as

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      a. Closer b. Oing closer c. >ueen closer d. !uint bric'  

    . Portion of the bric' cut to form angles other than right angles in "lan4 is 'nown as

    a. closer b. 'ing closer c. ueen closer d. suint bric' 

    0. 3n the "rocess of bric' manufacturing the "ug mill is used in

    a. 6eathering b. Flending c. &em"ering d. -one of the abo#e

    1. Cause of failure of foundation of a building isare

    a. uneual settlement of soil b. withdrawal of subsoil moisture

     b. lateral esca"e of the su""orting material d. all of the abo#e

    2. Minimum load which will cause failure of a foundation is called

    a. nominal strength of soil b. ultimate com"ressi#e strength of soil

    c. ultimate bearing "ower of soil d. one of the abo#e

    . 6hen the walls are subGected to hea#$ loading and the bearing ca"acit$ of the soil is

    #er$ low4 then the wall is constructed on

    a. reinforced concrete footing b. column footing

    c. lean concrete footing d. none of the abo#e

    . Ma(imum differential settlement in case of foundations on cla$e$ soils is usuall$ limited


    a. 10 mm b. 25 mm c. 0 mm d. 100 mm

    5. Ma(imum differential settlement4 in cause of foundations on sand$ soils is usuall$

    limited to

    a. 10 mm b. 25 mm c. 0 mm d. 100 mm

    +. 9aft foundations are generall$ used4 when the area reuired for indi#idual footing is

    more than

      a. 25% of total area b. a. 0% of total area c. a. 0% of total area d. a. 50% of total area

    ,. A t$"e of foundation in which a cantile#er beam is used for Goining the two footings isa. raft footing b. stra" footing c. combined footing d. none of the abo#e

    /. ro su""orting a hea#$ structure in a sand$ soil4 the t$"e of foundation generall$

     "referred is

    a. stra" footing b. "ier footing c. raft footing d. none of the abo#e

    . Benerall$ for a column in a wor'sho" using Bantr$ cranes4 the foundation to be used

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      should be

    a. "ile foundation b. grillage foundation c. raft foundation d. well foundation

    50. &$"e of masonr$ in which the stones of the same height are used and the courses are

    also of the same height is called

    a. random rubble masonr$ b. coursed rubble masonr$

    c. uncoursed rubble d. ashlar fine masonr$

    51. &$"e of masonr$ in which the stones of irregular si*e and sha"es are used and there are

    no regular courses is called

    a. riubble masonr$ b. coursed rubble masonr$

    c. uncoursed rubble masonr$ d. "ol$gonal rubble masonr$

    52. A hori*ontal la$er of bric's laid in mortar or sometimes without mortar is 'nown as

    a. bond b. course c. bric' masonr$ d. all of the abo#e

    5. 3n a single da$ the ma(imum height of masonr$ to be raised should not be more than

    a. 0.5 m b. 1 m c. 1.5 m d. 2 m

    5. &he interior or hearting of a wall should be filled with

    a. stretchers b. headers c. bats d. closers

    55. 3f after e#er$ three or four stretchers4 one header is used in a bric' masonr$ wall4 then the

     bond so formed will be called as

    a. ;nglish garden wall bond b. lemish garden wall bondc. !tretcher bond d. ?erring Fone Fond

    5+. &he wall constructed along the slo"es to "rotect the slo"es of cutting from the ad#erse

    effect of atmos"here are called as

    a. retaining walls b. breast walls c. buttresses d. counter fort retaining wall

    5,. or hearting of thic' walls4 the bric' used is

    a. headers b. stretchers c. bats d. ueen closer  

    5/. An e(ternal corner in bric' masonr$ is called

    a. uoin b. Gamb c. slee"er wall d. "ara"et

    5. &he "art of a wall at the side of an o"ening in the masonr$ is called

    a. uoin b. Gamb c. slee"er wall d. "ara"et

    +0. &he o"eration of finishing mortar Goints after com"letion of a masonr$ wall is called

    a. toothing b. "ointing c. rac'ing bac' d. Gointing

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    +1. rogs made in the bric's are

    a. to reduce weight of the bric' b. to form a 'e$ for holding the mortar  

    c. to indicate $ear and name of the manufacture d. to indicate to" of the bric' 

    +2. A "ortion of a bric' cut across the width is 'nown as

    a. bed b. base c. bat d. half bric'  

    +. &he bric's ha#ing one or two edges rounded for use in slightl$ cur#ed corners are called

    a. bull nose b. closer c. round nose d. s"ecific nose

    +. &$"e of bonding in which all courses are laid as stretchers4 is 'nown as

    a. !tretcher bond b. ?eader bond c. ;nglish bond d. lemish bond

    +5. &he end of a bric' as seen in the wall faced 8 ( cm) wide is 'nown as

    a. front b. face c. header d. stretcher  

    ++. 6hen lengthwise bric' is laid "arallel to the face of wall4 it is 'nown as

    a. front b. face c. header d. stretcher  

    +,. A ca#it$ wall is constructed to resist

    a. a(ial forces b. wind loads c. heat flow d. dam"ness

    +/. Part of wall at the side of an o"ening in the masonr$ is called

    a. Qamb b. Para"et c. >uoin d. !uint

    +. A wall built to resist the "ressure of earth filling is 'nown as

    a. breast wall b. retaining wall c. "ara"et wall d. buttress

    ,0. =am"ness in a building is caused b$a. rain water b. ground moisture c. defecti#e construction d. all of the abo#e

    ,1. &he dam"ness on roof ma$ be due to

    a. insufficient la" of co#ering material b. use of "orous materials

    c. bad wor'manshi" in "lumbing d. all of the abo#e

    ,2. &o "rotect the to" of a "ara"et wall from the action of rain water4 it is "ro#ided with a

    s"ecial course 'nown as

    a. dri" course b. string course c. co"ing d. cornice

    ,. &o facilitate draining off rain water from the co"ing4 sills4 sunshades4 a groo#e is cut on

    the underside of these and this groo#e is 'nown is

    a. dri" course b. throating c. string course d. all of the abo#e

    ,. Portion of the wall left on the face of the door or window is called as

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    a. still b. Gamb c. re#eal d. all of the abo#e

    ,5. Benerall$ in 6.C.4 'itchens and bathrooms4 the t$"e of door used is

    a. ledged and braced t$"e b. flush t$"e

    c. "artl$ gla*ed and "artl$ "aneled d. full$ gla*ed

    ,+. A hori*ontal member fi(ed in a door or window frame for the se"aration of fan light is

    'nown as

    a. &ransom b. &hreshold c. Mullion d. !ill

    ,,. Princi"le of sur#e$ing followed to "re#ent accumulation of errors is

    a. to wor' from whole to a "art b. to wor' from "art to whole

    c. both 8a) and 8b) abo#e d. none of the abo#e

    ,/. Beodetic sur#e$ is different from "lane sur#e$ing because of 

    a. #er$ large area is co#ered b. the cur#ature of the earth is considered

    c. undulations of the to"ogra"h$ c. the large difference of ele#ations

    ,. A well conditioned triangle has angles not less than and more than res"ecti#el$

    a.°° 010   and 

     b.°° 12020   and 

    c.°° 1200   and 

    d. -one of the abo#e

    /0. A chain D feet long and consisting of 1+ lin's each



     feet long is

    a. ;ngineerDs chain b. BunterDs chain c. Figha chain d. 9e#enue chain

    /1. ;#er$ 20 m chain should be accurate to within

    a. R 2 mm b. R 5 mm c. R / mm d. -one of the abo#e

    /2. @ff sets are

    a. chain lines out of alignment b. small measurements from chain line

    c. measurements ta'en in chain sur#e$ing d. none of the abo#e

    /. 3f a chain is found too short on testing4 it can be adGusted b$

    a. !traightening the lin's b. 3nserting additional circular rings

    c. lattening the circular rings d. An$ of the abo#e

    /. -umber of lin's in a 0 m metric chain is

    a. 100 b. 150 c. 1/0 d. 200

    /5. 9anging is the "rocess of 

    a. mar'ing some intermediate "oints in a straight line4 Goining the two end

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      "oints in the field b. fi(ing ranging rods on the e(tremities of the area

    c. ta'ing offsets from a chain line d. none of the abo#e

    /+. &he longest chain line "assing through the centre of the area is 'nown as

    a. Fase line b. &ie line c. Chec' line d. All the abo#e

    /,. &he tie line is run throught the sur#e$ to

    a. ta'e off sets for detailed sur#e$ing b. ta'e details of nearb$ obGects

    c. chec' accurac$ of wor' d. none of the abo#e

    //. &he "osition of "oint can be fi(ed more accuratel$ b$

    a. Per"endicular offset b. @"tical suare c. Prism suare d. @bliue offsets

    /. Positi#e error is caused if 

    a. length of chain is shorter than the standard

     b. slo"e and sag corrections is not a""lied

    c. measurements are made along the incorrectl$ aligned line

    d. all of the abo#e

    0. 3n#ar ta"es are made of an allo$ of 

    a. -ic'el and steel b. Co""er and steel

    c. &in and steel d. aluminimum and steel

    1. Chain sur#e$ing is used for 

    a. small areas in o"en ground b. small areas with crowded detailsc. small areas with sim"le details d. large areas with sim"le details

    2. 3f 6 is weight of the chain4 is the s"an and P is the tension or "ull4 the sag correction for chain linewill be




    2 P 


     b. P 







    2% P 


    d. P 




    . &he angle that can be set b$ rench cross staff is






    °° 0%5   or 

    d. -one of the abo#e. &he method of offset la$ing in#ol#ing minimum measurement of the ground is

    a. "er"endicular offset method b. obliue offset method

    c. tie offset method d. none of the abo#e

    5. &he sag correction is alwa$s

    a. "ositi#e b. negati#e c. *ero d. none of abo#e

  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective


    +. &he angle of intersection of hori*on mirror and inde( mirror of an o"tical suare and "rism suare is





    ,. A ri#er is an obstacle to

    a. chaining but not ranging b. ranging but not chaining

    c. both chaining and ranging d. none of the abo#e

    /. 3n chain sur#e$ e(ecution4 this first ste" ta'en is

    a. 9eference s'etches b. Mar'ing stations

    c. 9unning sur#e$ line d. 9econnaissance

    . 3n a closed tra#erse

    a. difference between fore bearing S bac' bearing should be°0

     b. sum of included angles should be 82- < ) right angle4 where - is the

    number of sides

    c. sum of inclined should be 82-

  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective


      sight round the circle

     b. anti cloc' wise from the north "oint

    c. with the notations of cardinal "oints -4 ;4 ! S 6 d. none of the abo#e

    10. A negati#e declination shows the magnetic meridian to the

    a. eastern side of the true meridian b. western side of the true meridian

    c. southern side of the true meridian d. none of the abo#e

    105. 3sogonic lines are

    a. lines "assing through "oints ha#ing same declination at a gi#en "oint

     b. line "assing through "oint of *ero declination

    c. line "assing through "oint ha#ing same di"

    d. line "assing through "oint ha#ing *ero di"

    10+. Angle of di" at "ole is





    10,. &he true bearing of a line can be calculated as

    a. &rue bearing T magnetic bearing±

     magnetic declination

     b. &rue bearing T magnetic bearing magnetic declination

    c. &rue hearing T magnetic declination magnetic bearing d. -one of the abo#e

    10/. 3f the uantrantal bearing of a line isW °5

    the whole circle bearings is





    10. &he "rismatic com"ass and sur#e$orDs com"ass res"ecti#el$ gi#e

    a. whole circle bearing of a line and uadrantal bearing of a line

     b. both uadrantal bearing or a line c. both whole circle bearing of a line

    d. uandrantal and whole circle bearing of a line

    110. or a line AF4 the for bearing

    a. and bac' bearing of line AF differ b$


     b. of AF S bac' bearing of line FA differ b$°1/0

    c. both 8a) and 8b) abo#e d. none of the abo#e

    111. ocal attraction in a com"ass sur#e$ing ma$ be due to

    a. fault$ adGustment in com"ass b. due to "resence of magnetic materials

  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective


    c. loss of magnetism in the needle d. friction of the needle at the "oint

    112. &he closing error in a tra#erse is adGusted b$

    a. elimination the error and modif$ing the sha"e

     b. the error is distributed to all stations "ro"ortionatel$ b$ shifting the station

     "arallel to the direction of closing error

    c. the error is distributed to all stations "ro"ortionatel$ b$ shifting the stations

     "er"endicular to the direction of closing error d. none of the abo#e

    11. 3nclination of the needle to the hori*ontal towards the "ole is called

    a. =i" b. =eclination c. A*imuth d. Fearing

    11. &he di" of the needle

    a. is constant

     b. #aries from "lace to "lace S is *ero at the euator and ma(imum at the "oles

    c. is *ero at the euator and "oles d. none of the abo#e

    115. &he angle which the true meridian ma'es with magnetic meridian is called

    a. Magnetic declination or declination b. &rue declination

    c. =i" d. A*imuth

    11+. Magnetic declination

    a. remains same at different "laces b. #aries from "lace to "lace

    c. does not #ar$ with tem"erature d. none of the abo#e11,. A tra#erse sur#e$ can be "lotted

    a. F$ rectangular coordinates or "lotting b$ tangents

     b. F$ "a"er "rotractor or b$ included angles

    c. F$ "arallel meridian method or "lotting b$ chords d. -one of the abo#e

    11/. or a station to be free of local attraction

    a. the fore and bac' bearings of line should be measured accuratel$

     b. the fore and bac' bearings of line should differ b$ e(actl$°1/0

    c. the fore and bac' bearing of the line should be e(actl$ same but with o""osite signs

    d. none of the abo#e

    11. A 10 cm theodolite means that

    a. length of its telesco"e is 1 cm b. height of the telesco"e is 10 cm

  • 8/17/2019 Civil Engineering objective


    c. diameter of the graduated circle of its lower "late is 10 cm

    d. diameter of the graduated circle of its #ertical circle is 10 cm

    120. =ifference between a le#el line and a hori*ontal line is that

    a. le#el line is normal to "lumb line while hori*ontal line is not necessaril$

     b. le#el line is cur#ed but hori*ontal line is a straight line

    c. both lines are same lines

    d. none of the abo#e


    1. a 2. b . c . a 5. b +. c ,. a /. b . a 10. a 11. b 12. b

    1. c 1. c 15. e 1+. b 1,. c 1/. a 1. b 20. a 21. b 22. a 2. c 2. a25. b 2+. d 2,. c 2/. c 2. b 0. a 1. b 2. a . c . a 5. a +. b

    ,. b /. c . d 0. c 1. d 2. c . a . c 5. b +. d ,. b /. b

    . b 50. b 51. c 52. b 5. c 5. b 55. b 5+. b 5,. a 5/. a 5. b +0. b

    +1. b +2. c +. a +. a +5. c ++. d +,. d +/. a +. b ,0. d ,1. d ,2. c

    ,. b ,. c ,5. a ,+. a ,,. a ,/. b ,. c /0. d /1. b /2. b /. d /. b

    /5. a /+. a /,. b //. b /. d 0. a 1. a 2. c . c . a 5. b +. b

    ,. a /. d . b 100. b 101. b 102. b 10. a 10. b 105. a 10+. b 10,. a 10/. a

    10.a 110.a 111.b 112.b 11. a 11. b 115. a 11+. b 11,. e 11/. b 11. c 120.b