civil procedure(1).docx

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  • 8/18/2019 CIVIL PROCEDURE(1).docx




    1. What is the object of remeia! !a" #

    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% $he object of &roce'ra! !a" is (ot to ca'se '('e

    &rotractio(of the !iti)atio(* b'ta. to faci!itate the aj'icatio( of co(+icti() c!aims

    a( b. to ser,e* rather tha( efeat* the e(s of j'stice. -Sa(to $omas U(i,ersit

    /os&ita! ,.S'r!a* et a!.* G.R. No. 10213* &rom. A')'st 12* 13 referri() to

    Co(ti(e(ta! Leaf $obacco4Phi!.5* I(c. ,. I(termeiate A&&e!!ate Co'rt* 167 SCRA 08

    citi() Dimaacac ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* 9 SCRA 08:; NO$ES AND COca!! refers o(! tothe R'!es.$he isti(ctio( ma o(! be a matter of

    sema(tics beca'se the e( res'!t of the object of remeia! !a" "ith the objecti,e of

    the R'!es of Co'rt is the same.

    0. De>(e ci,i! &roce're.

    SUGGES$ED ANSWER%a. $he metho of co('cti() a j'icia! &roceei() b. toreso!,e is&'tes i(,o!,i() &ri,ate &artiesc. for the &'r&ose of e(forci() ri)hts or

    obtai(i() reress for the i(,asio( of ri)hts.

     $/E RULE?

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    a. $he 'iciar sha!! e(jo >sca! a'to(omb. . b. A&&oi(tme(s to the j'iciar sha!! be mae from the (omi(ees of the

     'icia! a( ar Co'(ci!* "hich a&&oi(tme(ts o (ot (ee a( Commissio( o(

    A&&oi(tme(t co(>rmatio(.c. Sa!aries of members of the j'iciar sha!! be >=e b !a" a( (ot to be

    ecrease'ri() their co(ti('a(ce i( oce..

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    AND CO(a! a( e=ec'tor. Veri!* the ri)ht to a&&ea! is a stat'tor ri)ht a( o(e "ho seeHs

    to a,ai! of that ri)ht m'st com&! "ith the stat'te or the r'!e. $he bare i(,ocatio( of 

    Jthe i(terest of s'bsta(tia! j'sticeK is (ot a ma)ic "a( that "i!! a'tomatica!!

    com&e! the S'&reme Co'rt to s's&e( &roce'ra! r'!es. JProce'ra! r'!es are (ot to

    be be!itt!e or ismisse sim&! beca'se their (o(?obser,a(ce ma ha,e res'!te i(

    &rej'ice to a &arts s'bsta(ti,e ri)hts. LiHe a!! r'!es* the are reF'ire to be

    fo!!o"e e=ce&t o(! for the

    6 most &ers'asi,e of reaso(s "he( the ma be re!a=e to re!ie,e a !iti)a(t of a(

    i(j'stice (ot comme(s'rate "ith the e)ree of his tho')ht!ess(ess i( (ot com&!i()

    "ith the &roce're &rescribe. KR'!es of &roce're* es&ecia!! those &rescribi() the

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    time "ithi( "hich certai( acts m'st be o(e* Jha,e ofte( bee( he! as abso!'te!

    i(is&e(sab!e to the &re,e(tio( of (ee!ess e!a sa( to the orer! a( s&ee

    ischar)e of b'si(ess. = = = $he reaso( for r'!es of this (at're is beca'se the

    is&atch of b'si(ess b co'rts "o'! be im&ossib!e* a( i(to!erab!e e!as "o'!

    res'!t* "itho't r'!es )o,er(i() &ractice. = = = S'ch r'!es are a (ecessar i(cie(t to

    the &ro&er* ecie(t a( orer! ischar)e of j'icia! f'(ctio(s.K $ R'!es ma bere!a=e o(! i(J e=ce&tio(a!! meritorio's cases.K -LaBaro et a!.* ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s*

    et a!.* G.R. No. 192281*A&ri! 8* 0777;c.

    Reaso( for a!!o"i() s's&e(sio( of the r'!es.

     $he r'!es o( &roce're are mere! too!s esi)(e to faci!itate the attai(me(t of

     j'stice. Strict ahere(ce to &roce'ra! r'!es is (ot the e(?a!! a( be?a!! of !iti)atio(*

    a!tho')h strict ahere(ce to &roce'ra! r'!es m'st at a!! times be obser,e.

    Ajecti,e !a" is (ot to be taHe( !i)ht!* for "itho't it* the e(forceme(t of

    s'bsta(ti,e !a"s ma (ot remai( ass're. Ne,erthe!ess* tech(ica! r'!es of

    &roce're are (ot e(s i( themse!,es* b't &rimari! e,ise a( esi)(e to he!& i(the &ro&er a( e=&eie(t ami(istratio( of j'stice. I( a&&ro&riate cases therefore*

    the r'!es ma ha,e to be so co(str'e !ibera!! i( orer to meet a( a,a(ce the

    ca'se of s'bsta(tia! j'stice. -Lao ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 62719 Co ,.

    Co'rt of A&&ea!s*et a!.* G.R. No. 87862* a( the Associate A()!o?America( $obacco

    Cor&oratio( ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. Nos. 87:3?: &rom. a('ar 12*


    Cases "here the R'!es of Proce're o (ot a&&!.

     $he R'!es of Ci,i! Proce're )e(era!! o (ot a&&! to !a( re)istratio( caastra!

    a( e!ectio( coes* (at'ra!iBatio( a( im&!eme(ti() &roce'res e=ce&t b a(a!o)or i( a s'&&!etor character a( "he(e,er &racticab!e a( co(,e(ie(t. E!ectio(

    co(tests are s'bject to the Come!ec R'!es of &roce're.-arrosa ,. /o(. Am&i) r.*

    etc.* et a!.* G.R. No. 193013* &rom.

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    9; Prescri&tio(

    6; or'm sho&&i()

    :; Res j'icata

    0. Are there a,ai!ab!e aeF'ate re!iefs a( remeies#

    a. Is there a (ee for &ro,isio(a! remeies #

    . Who are the &arties to a s'it #

    1; Parties i( )e(era!

    0; Criteria for i(,oHi() j'icia! &rocess

    a. $hresho! reF'ireme(ts

    1; Le)a! ca&acit

    0; Rea! &art i( i(terest

    9; Loc's sta(i

    9; oi(er of &arties

    a. @i(s of &arties

    b. oi(er of i(itia! &arties

    1; Com&'!sor joi(er

    0; Permissi,e joi(er

    c. Im&!eaer

     1; $hir?fo'rth* etc. &art

    . S&ecia! joi(er e,ices

    1; C!ass s'it

    0; I(ter,e(tio(

    9; I(ter&!eaer

     C. Determi(e a&&!icatio( of octri(e of &reco(itio(s* &rior resort* a!ter(ati,e

    moes of is&'te reso!'tio(*

    1. Com&romise

    0. @atar'())a() Pambara()a

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    9. E=ha'stio( of ami(istrati,e remeies

    6. Arbitratio( a( a!ter(ati,e moes of is&'te reso!'tio(

    D. Se!ectio( of co'rt

    1. DiMere(t Hi(s of ci,i! actio(s

    a. Ori(ar a( s&ecia!

    b. I( rem*i( &erso(am* F'asi?i( rem

    c. Rea!* &erso(a!

      . Loca! a( tra(sitor

    0. /ierarch of co'rts

    9. 'risictio(

    6. Ve('e

    :. S'mmar &roce're

    E. P!eai()s a( motio(s

    1. P!eai()s i( )e(era!

    a. orma! ReF'ireme(ts


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    . DocHet fees

    C. Rae of cases


    A. Obtai(i() j'risictio( o,er &arties

    1. S'mmo(s i( )e(era!


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    a. De&ositio(s a( isco,eries

    b. O&&ositio(s to &!ai(tiMs ,ario's motio(s


    A. P!ai(tiMs motio(s a( &!eai()s after a(s"er


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    A .Commo( motio(s

    1. or reco(sieratio(

    0. or (e" tria!

    . Others

    1. Notice of a&&ea!

    0. Petitio( for re!ief from j')me(t


    A. I( )e(era!

    1. Pre!imi(ar co(ce&ts


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    E. A&&ea!s from ecisio(s of the Co'rt of A&&ea!s

    1. I( )e(era!

    0. A&&ea! b certiorari to the S'&reme Co'rt


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    raise i( the a(s"er. $he t"o efe(ses a)ai(st !acH of a ca'se of actio(* are


    a. A motio( to ismiss* or

    b. As a( armati,e efe(se i( a( a(s"er. If the !acH of ca'se of actio( is a&&are(t

    o( the face of the com&!ai(t or other i(itiator &!eai()* the( a motio( to ismiss

    ma be >!e o( the )ro'(*

     $hat the &!eai() asserti() thec!aim states (o ca'se of actio(.

    -Sec. 1 4)5. R'!e 18* ROC; O( the other ha( if the )ro'( is

    (ot raise i( a motio( to ismiss it

    ma be &!eae as a( armati,e efe(se i( the a(s"er a(* i( the iscretio( of the

    co'rt* a &re!imi(ar heari() ma be ha thereo( as if a motio( to ismiss ha bee(


    -1st &ar.* Sec. 8* R'!e 18* ROC;Of co'rse* e,e( if the !acH of ca'se of actio( is (ot

    a&&are(t o( the face of the com&!ai(t or i(itiator &!eai()* b't the same is

    &!eae i( a( a(s"er the( fai!'re o( the &art of com&!ai(a(t -the &!ai(tiM; to sho"

    the e=iste(ce of a ca'se of actio( 'ri() the co'rse of thetria! "o'! '!timate! !ea

    to a ismissa! of his com&!ai(t.

    What are the e!eme(ts of a ca'se of actio( #


     $he e!eme(ts of a ca'se of actio( are%

    a. A !e)a! ri)ht i( fa,or of the &!ai(tiM b "hate,er mea(s a( '(er "hate,er !a" it

    arises or it creates b. A corre!ati,e ob!i)atio( o( the &art of the (ame efe(a(t to

    res&ect or (ot to ,io!ate this ri)ht

    c. A( act or omissio( o( the &art of s'ch efe(a(t ,io!ati,e of the ri)ht of the

    &!ai(tiM or co(stit'ti() a breach of the ob!i)atio( of the efe(a(t to the &!ai(tiM

    -Re&'b!ic P!a(tersa(H* et a!.* ,. IAC* et a!.* 191 SCRA 89;*for "hich the !atter ma

    mai(tai( a( actio( for reco,er of ama)es. -Leberma( Rea!tCor&oratio(* et a!* ,.

     $&i()co* et a!.* G.R. No. 108862* &rom. '! 0* 13; NO$ES AND CO

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     Disti()'ish ca'se of actio( from ri)ht of actio(.


    a. Ca'se of actio( co(sists of a ri)ht be!o()i() to o(e &erso( a( a "ro()f'! act b

    a(other "hich ,io!ates that ri)ht W/ILE ri)ht of actio( is the ri)ht to comme(ce a(

    mai(tai(a( actio(

     b. Ca'se of actio( is a forma! stateme(t of the o&erati,e facts "hich )i,e rise to

    s'ch remeia! ri)ht W/ILE ri)ht of actio( is a remeia! ri)ht be!o()i() to some


    c. Ca'se of actio( is a matter of ri)ht a( e&e(s o( s'bsta(ti,e !a" W/ILE ri)ht

    of actio( is a matter of stateme(t a( is )o,er(e b the !a" o( &roce're.

    . A ca'se of actio( is (ot aMecte b the r'((i() of the stat'te of !imitatio(s*

    esto&&e!* etc.* W/ILE a ri)ht of actio( is so aMecte.

     $he o"(er of a( estate fe(ce his &ro&ert* as a res'!t of "hich the te(a(ts of the

    a&artme(t ajoi(i() the &ro&ert !ost their &assa)e"a. $here "as (o ri)ht of "a

    e(joe b the te(a(ts. Co(seF'e(t!* the te(a(ts !eft. Co'! the a&artme(t o"(er

    reco,er ama)es from the estate o"(er #


     $he mere fact that the a&artme(t o"(er s'Mere !osses oes (ot )i,e rise to a ri)ht

    to reco,er ama)es. $o "arra(t the reco,er of ama)es there m'st be both a ri)ht

    of actio( for a !e)a! "ro() i(+icte b the efe(a(t a( ama)e res'!ti() to the

    &!ai(tiM therefrom. Wro() "itho't ama)e* or ama)e "itho't "ro()* oes (ot

    co(stit'te a ca'se of actio(* si(ce ama)es are mere! &art of the reme for the

    i(j'r ca'se b a breach or a "ro(). I( orer that a &!ai(tiM ma mai(tai( a(

    actio( for the i(j'ries of "hich he com&!ai(s he m'st estab!ish that s'ch i(j'ries

    res'!te from a breach of 't "hich the efe(a(t o"e to the &!ai(tiM* a

    co(c'rre(ce of i(j'r to the &!ai(tiM a( !e)a! res&o(sibi!it b the &erso( ca'si()

    it.-S&s. C'stoio* et a!.* ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* 0:9 SCRA 639; NO$ES AND


    . $he !oss* h'rt or harm "hich res'!ts from the i(j'r* ama)es are the recom&e(se

    or com&e(satio( a"are for the ama)e s'Mere. .-PI E=&ress Car Cor&oratio(

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    ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 10789* &rom. Se&tember 0:* 13; Att.

    Ricaro "as the ho!er of a com&!ime(tar creit car iss'e b PI E=&ress Car

    Cor&oratio( "ith a creit !imit of P9*777.77 "hich "as s'bseF'e(t! i(crease to

    P:*777.77. $he a&&!icatio( for creit car &ri,i!e)es state that PI co'!

    a'tomatica!! s's&e( a car "hose bi!!i() has (ot bee( &ai for more tha( thirt

    as. Ofte(times he e=ceee the creit !imit a( PI to!erate this as "e!! as his&ame(t of his acco'(t b checHs. I( October* 13 he "as (ot ab!e to &a his

    acco'(t amo'(ti() to P3*32.36* b't PI ema(e from him a checH of

    P1:*777.77 "hich "o'! i(c!'e his f't're bi!!s* a( "as threate(i() to s's&e( his

    creit car. Att. Ricaro iss'e a December 1:* 13 &ostate checH i( the

    amo'(t of P1:*777.77 "hich "as recei,e b a( em&!oee of PI o( No,ember 09*

    13.O( No,ember 03* 13 PI se(t a !etter to Att. Ricaro b ori(ar mai!

    i(formi() him of the tem&orar s's&e(sio( of his creit car &ri,i!e)es a( '(!ess

    he sett!es his acco'(t "ithi( : as from recei&t of the !etter* his membershi& "i!!

    be &erma(e(t! ca(ce!!e. $here is (o sho"i() that Att. Ricaro recei,e the !etter

    before December 3* 13.Co(>e(t that he ha sett!e his acco'(t "ith the

    iss'a(ce of the &ostate checH* Att. Ricaro i(,ite some )'ests o( December 3*

    13 a( e(tertai(e them at Cafe Ariatico. Whe( he &rese(te his creit car for

    the bi!! amo'(ti() to P29:.90* sai car "as isho(ore. O(e of the )'ests*

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    '&!icate co& of the tit!e to er(a(o a( i( aitio( e=ec'te a !ease co(tract i(

    fa,or of er(a(o for 67 ears. S'bseF'e(t!* A!eja(ro so! the &ro&ert to his

    brother Remi)io "ith the '(ersta(i() that the &ro&ert is to be he! i( tr'st for

    er(a(o a( that Remi)io "o'! e=ec'te the oc'me(t of sa!e i( fa,or of er(a(o

    '&o( the !atters ema(. A(other !ease co(tract* this time bet"ee( er(a(o a(

    Remi)io "as e=ec'te i( fa,or of er(a(o to safe)'ar his i(terest o,er the&ro&ert. No re(ts "ere e,er &ai b er(a(o (or "ere the reema(s mae '&o(

    him. Remi)io "as Hi!!e a( 'ri() his "aHe* er(a(o remi(e hischi!re( of the

    a)reeme(t a( the &romise to tra(sfer the s'bject &ro&ert to er(a(o "hob

    this time has acF'ire i!i&i(o citiBe(shi& b (at'ra!iBatio(. $he chi!re( (e,er

    mae )oo their &romise a( i( fact the tra(sferre the &ro&ert i( their (ames.

    U&o( recei&t of the com&!ai(t the efe(a(ts >!e a motio( to ismiss c!aimi()

    amo() others that the com&!ai(t states (o ca'se of actio(. At the time of the >!i()

    of the com&!ai(t A!eja(ro "as a!rea ea. R'!e o( the motio(.


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    a. A( actio( for reco(,ea(ce of a &arce! of !a( base o( im&!ie or co(str'cti,e

    tr'st &rescribes i( 17 ears* the &oi(t of refere(ce bei() the ate of re)istratio( of

    the ee or the ate of the iss'a(ce of the certi>cate of tit!e of the &ro&ert.

    -Vi!!a('e,a cate of Sa!e is j'st a certi>catio( of "hat "as

    o(e 'ri() the a'ctio( sa!e. -/eirs of Seras&i ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No.

    19:870* &rom. A&ri! 03* 0777; NO$ES AND CO

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    &ro&ert* si(ce if a &erso( c!aimi() to be the o"(er thereof is i( act'a! &ossessio(

    of the &ro&ert* as the efe(a(ts are i( the i(sta(t case* the ri)ht to seeH

    reco(,ea(ce* "hich i( eMect seeHs to F'iet tit!e to the &ro&ert* oes (ot

    &rescribe.$he reaso( for this is that o(e "ho is i( act'a! &ossessio( of a &iece of

    !a( c!aimi() to be the o"(er thereof ma "ait '(ti! his &ossessio( is ist'rbe or

    his tit!e is attacHe before taHi() ste&s to ,i(icate his ri)ht* the reaso( for the r'!ebei()* that his '(ist'rbe &ossessio( )i,es him a co(ti('i() ri)ht to seeH the ai

    of a co'rt of eF'it to ascertai( a( etermi(e the (at're of the a,erse c!aim of a

    thir &art a( its eMect o( his o"( tit!e* "hich ri)ht ca( be c!aime o(! b o(e

    "ho is i( &ossessio( $he actio( for reco,er of tit!e or &ossessio( of rea! &ro&ert or

    a( i(terest therei( "hich ca( o(! be bro')ht "ithi( te( -17; ears after the ca'se

    of actio( has accr'e is acF'isiti,e* (ot e=ti(cti,e &rescri&tio(. or e=ti(cti,e

    &rescri&tio(* the a&&!icab!e !a" is Artic!e 1161 of the Ci,i! Coe "hich &ro,ies that*

    rea! actio(s o,er immo,ab!es &rescribe after thirt -97; ears* "itho't &rej'ice to

    "hat is estab!ishe for the acF'isitio( of o"(ershi& a( other rea! ri)hts b

    &rescri&tio(. -/eirs of Seras&i ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 19:870* &rom.

    A&ri! 03*0777;

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    &art is s'ccessf'!* amo'(t to res j'icata o( the other actio( '(er co(sieratio(.

    -e!icia(o ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 10909* &rom. !e before the R$C a (e" actio( for F'ieti() of tit!e

    i(,o!,i() the same &arce! of !a( b't (ot the ho'se. $he efe(a(ts a!so >!e

    before the R$C a (e" actio( for F'ieti() of tit!e i(,o!,i() the same &ro&ert. Sho'!

    the actio( for F'ieti() of tit!e j'stif the s's&e(sio( of the ejectme(t s'it # E=&!ai(.

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    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% es* o( eF'itab!e co(sieratio(s as a( e=ce&tio( to the

    )e(era! r'!e that a &e(i() ci,i! actio( i(,o!,i() o"(ershi& of the same &ro&ert

    oes (ot j'stif the s's&e(sio( of the ejectme(t &roceei()s. $he ejectme(t s'it is

    o(e of '(!a"f'! etai(er a( (ot of forcib!e e(tr. $he ejetm(et of the efe(a(ts

    "o'! mea( a emo!itio( of their ho'se* a matter that is !iHe! to create co(f'sio(*

    ist'rba(ce* i(co(,e(ie(ces a( e=&e(ses. Necessari!* the arma(ce of the

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    bi(i() '&o( the "ho!e "or!. -Vi!!a('e,a?(a!0; $he ecisio( m'st

    ha,e bee( re(ere b a co'rt ha,i() j'risictio( o,er thes'bject matter a( the

    &arties9; $he is&ositio( of the case m'st be a j')me(t or o( the merits.6; $here

    m'st be bet"ee( the >rst a( seco( actio(* the three ie(tities%a; Ie(tit of

    &arties* b; Ie(tit of s'bject matter* a(c; Ie(tit of ca'ses of actio(. -Re&'b!ic*etc. ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.*G.R. No. 179610* &rom. ebr'ar 9* 0777;c.

     ')me(t o( the merits.

    A j')me(t "hich etermi(es the ri)hts a( !iabi!ities of the &arties base o( he

    '!timate facts as isc!ose b the &!eai()s or iss'es &rese(te for tria!.It is (ot

    (ecessar that there sho'! ha,ee( a tria!* act'a! heari() or ar)'me(ts o( the facts

    of thecase. or as !o() as the &arties ha f'!! !e)a! o&&ort'(it to be hear o( their

    res&ecti,e c!aimsa( co(te(tio(s* the j')me(t is o( the merits. -Re&'b!ic* etc.* ,.

    Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 179610* &rom. ebr'ar 9* 0777;.

    S'bsta(tia! ie(tit of &arties o(! reF'ire.

    or &'r&oses of

    res j'icata

    * o(!s'bsa(tia! ie(tit is reF'ire a( (ot abso!'te ie(tit. Parties i( both cases

    (e (ot be &hsica!! ie(tica! &ro,ie hat there is &ri,it bet"ee( the &arties or

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    their s'ccessors?i(?i(terest s'bseF'e(t to the comme(cme(t of the &re,io's ca'se

    of actio(* !iti)ati() for the samethi()* tit!e* or ca&acit. -Re&'b!ic* etc. ,. Co'rt of

    A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.r. No. 179610* &rom.ebr'ar 9* 0777;e.

     Res j'icata

    is (ot efeate b a mi(or iMere(ce of &arties


    * as it oes (ot reF'ireabso!'te b't o(! s'bsa(tia! ie(tit of &ar&ties. 't there is

    s'bsta(tia! ie(tit o(! "he( theJaitio(a!K &art acts i( the same ca&acit or is

    i( &ri,it "ith the &arties i( the former actio(.Co?o"(ers are (ot &arties

    i(ter se

    i( re!atio( to the &ro&ert o"(e i( como(. A s'bseF'e(tactio( b a co?heir* "ho

    i (ot joi( the ear!ier ismisse actio( for reco,er of &ro&ert* sho'!(ot bebarre b &rior j')me(t. Neiher "i!! co(c!'si,e(ess of j')m(t a&&! beca'se

    there "as(o ie(tit of &arties. -Ner* et a!.* ,. Leso(* t a!.* G.R No. 19978* &rom.

    A')'st 0* 0777;f.


    res j'icata

    '&o( &arties "ho i (ot si)( the com&romise a)reeme(t

     beca'sethere is (o ie(tit of &arties. A j')m(t '&o( a com&romise has a!! the

    force a( eMect of a(other j')me(t* he(ce co(c!'si,e o(! '&o( &arties theretoa( their &ri,ies. -Go!e( Do('ts*I(c.* et a!.* ,. NLRC* et a!* G.R. Nos. 119888?83*

    &rom. a('ar 1* 0777;).


    res j'icata

    "here ca'ses of actio( are iMere(t .

     $he ca'ses of actio( areiMere(t bet"ee( a( '(!a"f'! etai(er case a( a(other

    case "hich co(ce(r(s the ,a!iit of the



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    e=ec'tio( &roceei()s* s&eci>ca!! the ,a!iit of the a'ctio( sa!e of &ro&erties to

    satisf themo(e j')m(ti( the ejectm(t case. $he t"o cases fai! the test of

    ie(tit of ca'ses of actio(* i.e."hether the same facts or e,ie(ce "o'! s'&&ort

    a( estab!ish the ca'ses of actio( i( each case.-Va. e Sa!a()a* et a!.* ,. /o(.

    A!a)ar* etc* et a!.* G.R. No. 19673* &rom. '! 16* 0777;


     S&o'ses e !a Cr'B o"( a resie(tia! !ot "hich "as !ease to Domi()a "here she

    b'i!t a t"o?stor ho'se "here her fami! !i,e. $he !essess re!i)io's! &ai her

    mo(th!!ease e(ta! '(ti! '(e 12 "he( the !essor sto&&e co!!ecti() the same. I(

     '(e 12 $heresa i(forme Domi()a that she &'rchase the !ot from the

    &re,io'so"(ers. She "a(te to taHe immeiate &ossessio( of the &ro&ertsi(ce she

    ha (o other resie(tia! !ot a( she i(te(e to maHe 'se of the !ot for the

    co(str'ctio( of her o"( ho'se.$heresa )a,e Domi()a three -9; mo(ths (otice to

    ,acate a( to emo!ish the im&ro,eme(ts"hich the !atter ha b'i!t o( the !ot. As a

    res'!t of Domi()as fai!'re to ,acate* $heresa >!e a( ejectme(t case base o(hera!!e)e (ee for the &ro&ert. $he co'rt ismisse the case a( he! that the

    efe(a(t has (ot bee( i( arrears i( the &ame(t of the mo(th! re(ta!s a( (ote

    that the &!ai(tiM (e,er trie to co!!ect. $hat ecisio( ha !o() become >(a! a(

    e=ec'tor. I( 130* $heresa >!e a seco( ejectme(t case* this time a)ai(st A!mario

    "ho s'cceee his mother Domi()a. $he case "as a)ai( ismisse as the re(ta!s

    '& to a( i(c!'i() ebr'ar 130 ha bee( &ai i( f'!!. $he ecisio( ha a!so

    become >(a! a( e=ec'tor. I( 13* !e

    a(other ejectme(t case a)ai(st A!mario i(sisti() the same &remises s'bject of the

    >rst t"o ejectme(t cases. A!mario a)ai( &re,ai!e. I( 10* !e the fo'rth

    ejectme(t s'it a!!e)i() that he is !"asi() the &ro&ert to A!mario* that the !essee

    has ,io!ate the terms of the !ease a)reeme(t b (ot &ai() re(ta!s si(ce

    December* 132 "hich has acc'('!ate to P12*:86.6:. $hat he has mae se,era!

    ema(s '&o( A!mario to &a his arrears a( to ,acate the &remises the !atest of

    "hich is thro')h a a('ar 18* 10 !etter. A!mario is (o" raisi() the octri(e of res

     j'icata co(te(i() that this !atest ejectme(t s'it is barre b the >(a! a(

    e=ec'tor ecisio(s i( &re,io's cases. R'!e o( A!mariosefe(se.



     $here is (o

    res j'icata

     beca'se of the !acH of ie(tit of ca'ses of actio( bet"ee( the !atest a( &re,io's

    cases.$he >rst ejectme(t case ha for a ca'se of actio( base o( the (ee for the

    &remises. $heseco( ejectme(t case i(,o!,e a iMere(t ca'se of actio(* that is* for

    (o(?&ame(t of re(ta!s '&to ebr'ar 130. $he thir case ha for ca'se of actio(

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    com&! there"ith. -achrach Cor&oratio( ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No.10396*

    &rom. Se&tember 0:* 13;


    What are the co(ce&ts of res j'icata #




    a. ar b former j')me(t


    b. Co(c!'si,e(ess of j')me(t. -Ro=as ,. Ga!i(o* 173 Phi!. :32;


    NO$ES AND COrst case

    "here the j')me(t "asre(ere* a( the seco( case "hich is so')ht to be

    barre* there is ie(tit of &arties* s'bjectmatter a( ca'se of actio(.$he j')me(ti( the >rst case co(stit'tes a( abso!'te bar to the s'bseF'e(t actio(.It is >(a! as to

    the c!aim or ema( i( co(tro,ers* i(c!'i() the &arties a( those i( &ri,it "ith

    them* (ot o(! as to e,er matter "hich "as oMere a( recei,e to s'stai( or

    efeat the c!aim or ema(* b't to a( other amissib!e matter "hich mi)ht ha,e

    bee( oMerefor that &'r&ose a( of a!! matters that co'! ha,e bee( aj')e i(

    that case. -Xa(sibaria(Resie(ts Associatio( ,.

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    E=am&!e of bar b former j')me(t

    % A j')me(t re(ere '&o( a &romissor (oteis co(c!'si,e as to the ,a!iit of thei(str'me(t a( the amo'(t 'e '&o( it* a!tho')h it bes'bseF'e(t! a!!e)e that

    &erfect efe(ses act'a!! e=iste of "hich (o &roof "as oMere* s'chas for)er*

    "a(t of co(sieratio( or &ame(t.If s'ch efe(ses "ere (ot &rese(te i( the actio(

    a( estab!ishe b com&ete(t e,ie(ce*the s'bseF'e(t a!!e)atio( of their e=iste(ce

    is of (o !e)a! co(seF'e(ce* $he j')me(t isco(c!'si,e* so far as f't're &roceei()s

    a !a" are co(cer(e* as tho')h the efe(ses (e,er e=iste


    -Pe(a!osa ,. $'aso(* 00 Phi!. 979;


    Co(ce&t of co(c!'si,e(ess of j')me(t%

     $hat o(! is eeme to ha,e bee(aj')e i( a former j')me(t or >(a! orer

    "hich a&&ears '&o( its face to ha,e bee( soaj')e* or "hich "as act'a!! a(

    (ecessari! i(c!'e therei( or (ecessar thereto areco(c!'si,e bet"ee( the

    &arties. -Sec. 62 4c5* R'!e 62* ROC;$he r'!e of co(c!'si,e(ess of j')me(t &rec!'es

    the re!iti)atio( of a &artic'!ar fact or iss'e i( a(other actio( bet"ee( the same

    &arties base o( a iMere(t c!aim or ca'se of actio(.$he j')me(t i( the &rior

    actio( o&erates as esto&&e! o(! as to those matters i( iss'e or &oi(tsco(tro,erte*

    '&o( the termi(atio( of "hich the >(i() of j')me(t "as re(ere. $he

    &re,io&'s j')me(t is co(c!'si,e i( the seco( case o(! as to those matters

    act'a!! a(irect! co(tro,erte a( etermi(e a( (ot as to matters mere!

    i(,o!,e therei(. -RiBa!S'ret Y I(s'ra(ce Com&a( ,. CA* et a!.* G.R. No. 110987*

    &rom. '! 13* 0777;



    E=am&!es of co(c!'si,e(ess of j')me(t

    % I( a( actio( to reco,er se,era!i(sta!!me(ts 'e a( '(&ai o( a &romissor (ote

    "itho't a( acce!eratio( c!a'se* the j')me(tec!ari() the &romissor (ote to be

    )e('i(e is co(c!'si,e bet"ee( the &arties or their s'ccessors?i(?i(terest i( a

    s'bseF'e(t actio( to reco,er s'cceei() i(sta!!me(ts 'e a( '(&ai. -Pe(a!osa,.

     $'aBo(* 00 Phi!. 979

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     $he (e)!i)e(ce of the shi&&i() !i(e "hich iss'e ha a!rea bee( &asse '&o( i(

    acase >!e b o(e of the i(s'rers* is co(c!'si,e a( ca( (o !o()er be re!iti)ate i( a

    simi!ar case


    S'mmo(s* e>(e.

    S'mmo(s is the mea(s b "hich the efe(a(t i( a case is (oti>of the e=iste(ce

    of a case a)ai(st him a(* thereb* the co'rt is co(frre j'risictio( o,er the &erso(

    of the efe(a(t. -

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    -Sec. 8* r'!e 16* ROC;


     /o" is s'bstit'te ser,ice of s'mmo(s mae #


    If* for j'sti>ab!e ca'ses* the efe(a(t ca((ot be ser,e"ithi( a reaso(ab!e time as

    &ro,ie i( the &recei() sectio(* ser,ice ma be eMectea; b !ea,i() co&ies of

    the s'mmo(s at the efe(a(ts resie(ce "ith some &erso(of s'itab!e a)e a(

    iscretio( the( resii() therei(* orb; b !ea,i() the co&ies at efe(a(ts oce or

    re)'!ar &!ace of b'si(ess "ith somecom&ete(t &erso( i( char)e thereof.

    -Sec. 2* R'!e 16* ROC arra()me(t s'&&!ie; NO$ES AND COcate* the e,ie(ce m'st

    be c!ear a( co(,i(ci(). -Uma(a& ,.')e Sabio* r.* eta!.* G.R. No. 167066* &rom.

    A')'st 0* 0777;


     /o" is ser,ice of s'mmo(s mae '&o( a omestic &ri,ate e(tit #


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    Whe( the efe(a(t is a cor&oratio(* &art(ershi& orassociatio( or)a(iBe '(er the

    !a"s of the Phi!i&&i(es "ith a j'riica! &erso(a!it'*ser,ice ma be mae o( the






    ma(a)i() &art(er*


    )e(era! ma(a)er*


    cor&orate secretar*


    treas'rer* or


    i(?ho'se co'(se!.

    -Sec. 11* R'!e 16* ROC ('mberi() a( arra()eme(t s'&&!ie; NO$ES AND


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    .9; What )i,es the co'rt j'risictio( is (ot j'risictio( o,er the &erso( b't

     j'risictio( o,er the


    i.e.a; Perso(a! stat's of the &!ai(tiM -(ot the efe(a(t; "ho isomici!e i( the

    Phi!i&&i(es b; $he &ro&ert !iti)ate or c; $he &ro&ert attache. -Va!mo(te* et a!.*

    ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s*et a!.* G.R. No. 173:93* &rom. a('ar 00* 18;



    . I!!'stratio( of a&&!icabi!it a( (o(?a&&!icabi!it of e=traterritoria! ser,ice

    '(erSec. 1:* R'!e 16* R'!es of Co'rt% I(sta(ces "here there "as NO ,a!i ser,ice%

    1; No ,a!i ser,ice i( a( actio( for &artitio(i() a( acco'(ti() '(er R'!e 8 of the

    R'!es of Co'rt -"hich is a( actio(

    F'asi i( rem

    ;* if mae '&o( theh'sba(* "ho is resii() i( the Phi!i&&i(es* of a (o(?resie(t

    efe(a(t (ot fo'(i( the Phi!i&&i(es. Lea,e of co'rt m'st be obtai(e a(

    methos i( Sc. 1:* R'!e16* ROC m'st be fo!!o"e.



     $he ser,ice '&o( the h'sba( ca((ot be j'sti>e '(er the !ast &hrase of Sec. 1:*

    R'!e 16* ROC* "hich &ro,ies* i( a( ma((er the co'rt ma eems'cie(t*

    beca'se%a; $his moe of ser,ice !iHe the >rst t"o -&erso(a! a( &'b!icatio(;* m'st

    be mae o'tsie the Phi!i&&i(es* s'ch as thro')h thePhi!i&&i(e Embass i( the

    forei)( co'(tr "here the efe(a(t resies b; No !ea,e of co'rt "as obtai(e i(

    the form of a motio( i("riti()* s'&&orte b aa,it of the &!ai(tiM or some other

    &erso( i( his beha!f a( setti() forth the )ro'(s or the a&&!icatio(. -Va!mo(te* et

    a!.*,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 173:93* &rom. a('ar 00* 18;0; A!tho')h

    the S'&reme Co'rt co(siere &'b!icatio( i( the Phi!i&&i(esof the s'mmo(s

    -a)ai(st the co(te(tio( that it sho'! ha,e bee( mae i( theforei)( state "here theefe(a(t "as resii(); s'cie(t* (o(ethe!ess the ser,ice"as co(siere

    i(s'cie(t beca'se (o co& of the s'mmo(s "as se(t to the !astH(o"( correct

    aress i( the Phi!i&&i(es. -Saha)'( ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* 13SCRA 66; b.

    I(sta(ces "here there WAS ,a!i ser,ice%

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    1; Ser,ice of s'mmo(s o( the h'sba( "as co(siere ,a!i beca'ses'mmo(s "as

    ser,e '&o( the efe(a(ts h'sba( i( their co(j')a! home. $he"ife "as

    tem&orari! abse(t beca'se she "as o( ,acatio(. -De Leo( ,./o(ta(osa* 82 SCRA

    6:3* 680?689;0; Ser,ice o( the "ife of a (o(resie(t efe(a(t "as fo'( to

    bes'cie(t beca'se the efe(a(t ha a&&oi(te his "ife as his attor(e?i(?fact.

    -Gem&er!e ,. Sche(Her* 10: Phi!. 6:3;


     D'ra&roof Ser,ices s'e for ama)es ,ario's &arties i(c!'i() a(co o raBi!* a

    (o(?resie(t forei)( ba(H "hich "as ser,e s'mmo(s thro')h the ambassaor of

    raBi! to the Phi!i&&i(es as "e!! as thro')h &'b!icatio(. or fai!'re of a(co o raBi!

    to >!eits a(s"er* it "as ec!are i( efa'!t a( j')me(t re(ere a)ai(st it

    a"ari() ama)es i( fa,or of the &!ai(tiM. Di the co'rt obtai( j'risictio( o,er

    a(co o raBi! # Wh #

    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% No. $he actio( is o(e that is

    i( &erso(am

     beca'se the &!ai(tiM so')ht to reco,er ama)es for the a!!e)e commissio( of a(

    i(j'r to the &erso( or &ro&ert of the &!ai(tiM. Si(ce the actio( is o(e

    i( &erso(am*

     &erso(a! or* if (ot &ossib!e*s'bstit'te ser,ice of s'mmo(s o( the efe(a(t* a(

    (ot e=traterritoria! ser,ice* i( (ecessar toco(fer j'risictio( '&o( the &erso( of

    a(co o raBi!. -a(co o rasi! ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* eta!.* G.r. Nos. 101:28?23*

    &rom. '(e 18* 0777; NO$ES AND CO

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    F'asi i( rem*

    "here a( i(i,i'a! is(ame as efe(a(t a( the &'r&ose of the &roceei() is to

    s'bject his i(terest therei( to theob!i)atio( or !oa( b're(i() the &ro&ert. $his is so

    i(asm'ch as* i(

    i( rem


    F'asi i( rem

    actio(s* j'risictio( o,er the &erso( of the efe(a(t is (ot a &rereF'isite to co(fer

     j'risictio(o( the co'rt &ro,ie that the co'rt acF'ires j'risictio( o,er the


    A( re!ief )ra(te i(

    i( rem


    F'asi i( rem

    actio(s m'st be co(>(e to the


    a( theco'rt ca((ot !a"f'!! re(er a &erso(a! j')m(t a)ai(st the efe(a(t.

    -a(co o rasi! ,. Co'rtof A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. Nos. 101:28?23* &rom. '(e 18*0777;


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     I(,estco so! to So!i /omes* I(c.* a &arce! of !a( o( i(sta!!me(ts. As ares'!t of the

    a!!e)e fai!'re of So!i /omes* I(c.* to &a beca'se its &ostate checHs bo'(ce

    '(!a"f'! etai(er case i( orer to a"ait the >(a! j')me(t i( the more s'bsta(ti,e

    casei(,o!,i() !e)a! &ossessio( or o"(ershi&. -AB(ar rothers Rea!t Co. ,. Co'rt of

    A&&ea!s* et a!.*G.R. No. 103170* &rom.* !e acom&!ai(t for forcib!e e(tr* b't the (a!. I(the mea(time* the

    heirs?efe(a(ts >!e a com&!ai(t for accio( &'b!icia(a* a!!e)e that the

    )o,er(me(t i (ot &a them j'st com&e(satio(* the &ro&ert "as (ot bei() 'se

    for the &'r&ose for "hich the "ere e=&ro&riate* the "ere i( &ossessio(* tit!es to

    same "ere i( their (ames* (o res j'icata beca'se there are other &arties* etc. $he

    case "as rae to R$C* ra(ch 19. $he )o,er(me(t mo,e to ismiss the

    com&!ai(t. I(stea of reso!,i() that motio(* ra(ch 19 iss'e a $RO ate

    No,ember 13* 12 irecti() the (a!

    a( e=ec'tor* the c!aim of o"(ershi& of the !a( a( act'a! occ'&atio( thereof b

    the heirs -asie from the fact that the ha (ot et bee( com&e(sate for the

    a&&ro&riate !a(;* ema(e sta of e=ec'tio(.Was R$C* ra(ch 19 correct i(

    iss'i() the i(j'(cti,e "rit# If (ot* "hat sho'! be thereme of the heirs?


    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% No. A!tho')h the i(j'(cti,e "rits iss'e b R$C* ra(c

    19"ere irecte to the

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    What is the a&&e!!ate j'risictio( of the Co'rt of A&&ea!s o,er ecisio(s of Re)io(a!

     $ria! Co'rts #


    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% $he Co'rt of A&&ea!s sha!! e=ercise %a. E=c!'si,e ori)i(a!

     j'risictio( o,er actio(s for a(('!me(t of j')me(ts of Re)io(a!$ria! Co'rts a(b.

    E=c!'si,e a&&e!!ate j'risictio( o,er a!! >(a! j')me(ts* ecisio(s* reso!'tio(s*

    orers*or a"ars of Re)io(a! $ria! Co'rts.


    -Sec. * .P. !). 10 &ara&hrasi() s'&&!ie;


    What ma (ot be a&&ea!e #


    SUGGES$ED ANSWER%-a; A( orer e(i() a motio( for (e" tria! or reco(sieratio(

    -b; A( orer e(i() a &etitio( for re!ief or a( simi!ar motio( seeHi() re!ief from

     j')me(t-c; A( i(ter!oc'tor orer-; A( orer isa!!o"i() or ismissi() a(

    a&&ea!-e; A( orer e(i() a motio( to set asie a j')me(t b co(se(t*

    co(fessio( or com&romise o( the )ro'( of fra'* mistaHe or 'ress* or a( other

    )ro'( ,itiati() co(se(t-f; A( orer of e=ec'tio(-); A j')me(t or >(a! orer for ora)ai(st o(e or more of se,era! &arties or i( se&aratec!aims* co'(terc!aims* cross?

    c!aims a( thir?&art com&!ai(ts* "hi!e the mai( case is &e(i()*'(!ess the co'rt

    a!!o"s a( a&&ea! therefrom a(



    -h; A( orer ismissi() a( actio( "itho't &rej'ice


    -0( &ar.* Sec. 1* R'!e 61* ROC;NO$ES AND CO

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    Where the j')me(tor >(a! orer is (ot a&&ea!ab!e* the a))rie,e &art ma >!e a(

    a&&ro&riate s&ecia! ci,i! actio('(er R'!e 8:


    -!ast se(te(ce* Sec. 1* R'!e 61* ROC;b.

    What ma be a&&ea!e%

    A( a&&ea! ma be taHe( from a j')me(t or >(a! orer thatcom&!ete! is&oses of

    the case* or of a &artic'!ar matter herei( "he( ec!are b the R'!es of Co'rt to be



    -1st &ar.* Sec. 1* R'!e 61* ROCA j')me(t or orer e(i() re!ief '(er R'!e 93 is

    >(a! a( a&&ea!ab!e* '(!iHe a( orer )ra(ti() s'ch re!ief "hich is i(ter!oc'tor.

    /e(ce* j'risictio( the( &ro&er! be!o()e to theCo'rt of A&&ea!s. -Ser,ice

    S&ecia!ists* I(c. ,. SheriM of (a! cha(ce to &rosec'te or efe( his ca'se. ei() a( act of )race* a

    &etitio( for re!ief from j')me(t is 's'a!! (ot re)are "ith fa,or a( th's* is

    a!!o"e o(! i( e=ce&tio(a!cases "here there are (o other aeF'ate a( a,ai!ab!e

    remeies. -asco Sa!ao ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s a( the Peo&!e of the Phi!i&&i(es* G.R.

    No. 10:07* &rom. A')'st * 0777;


    De(ia! of motio( for reco(sieratio( (ot a&&ea!ab!e.

     $he fai!'re to &erfect a(a&&ea! "ithi( the re)!eme(tar &erio is (ot a mere

    tech(ica!it. It raises a j'risictio(a! &rob!em as it e&ri,es the a&&e!!ate co'rt of

     j'risictio( o,er the a&&ea!. $he fai!'re to >!e the(otice of a&&ea! "ithi( the

    re)!eme(tar &erio is aHi( to the fai!'re to &a the a&&ea! fee "ithi(the &rescribe

    &erio. I( both cases* the a&&ea!


     /o" are a&&ea!s taHe( from the Re)io(a! $ria! Co'rt to the Co'rt of A&&ea!s#


    SUGGES$ED ANSWER%1; A&&ea! i(

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    ori(ar cases%

    a; i!i() of (otice of a&&ea! "ith the Re)io(a! $ria! Co'rt that re(erethe j')me(t

    or orer a&&ea!e from. -Sec. 0 4a5* R'!e 61* ROC; b; Pame(t of the a&&e!!ate

    ocHet fee a( other !a"f'! fees to theRe)io(a! $ria! Co'rt. -Sec. 6* R'!e 61* ROC;c;

    Withi( >ftee( -1:; as from (otice of the j')me(t or >(a! orer a&&ea!e from.-Sec. 9* R'!e 61* ROC;0; A&&ea!s i(

    s&ecia! &roceei()s

    a( other cases "herei( m'!ti&!e a&&ea!s area!!o"e%a; i!i() of a (otice of a&&ea!

    a( recor o( a&&ea! "ith the Re)io(a!$ria! Co'rt that re(ere the j')me(t or

    orer a&&ea!e from. -Sec. 0 4a5* R'!e60* ROC; b; Pame(t of the a&&e!!ate ocHet

    fee a( other !a"f'! fees. -Sec. 6*R'!e 61* ROC;c; Withi( thirt -97; as after (otice

    of the j')me(t or >(a! orer a&&ea!e from. -Sec. 9* R'!e 61* ROC;9; A&&ea!s of


    i( e=ercise of a&&e!!ate j'risictio(

    %a; i!i() of ,eri>e &etitio( for re,ie" "ith the Co'rt of A&&ea!s. -Sec.1* R'!e 60*

    ROC; b; Pame(t of ocHet a( other !a"f'! fees a( e&osit of P:77.77 for costs.

    -Sec. 1* R'!e 60* ROC;c; Withi( >ftee( -1:; as from (otice of the ecisio( so')ht

    to bere,ie"e or of the e(ia! of the &etitio(ers motio( for (e" tria! or

    reco(sieratio(>!e i( 'e time after j')me(t.; Aitio(a! &erio of >ftee( -1:;

    as* o(! after motio( for e=te(sio(* &ame(t of ocHeti() a( other !a"f'! fees

    a( f'rther e=te(sio( of >ftee( -1:;as o(! for the most com&e!!i() reaso(s. -Sec.

    1* R'!e 60* ROC;




     /o" are a&&ea!s taHe( from the Co'rt of $a= A&&ea!s a( F'asi?j'icia! a)e(cies tothe Co'rt of A&&ea!s #



    A&&ea!s from the Co'rt of $a= A&&ea!s a( F'asi?j'icia!a)e(cies

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    !iHe the Ci,i! Ser,ice Commissio(* Ce(tra! oar of Assessme(t A&&ea!s*

    Sec'ritiesa( E=cha()e Commissio(* Oce of the Presie(t* La( Re)istratio(

    A'thorit* Socia!Sec'rit Commissio(* Ci,i! Aero(a'tics oar* 'rea' of Pate(ts*

     $raemarHs a( $ech(o!o)$ra(sfer* (atio(a! E!ectri>catio( Ami(istratio(* E(ter)

    Re)'!ator oar* Natio(a!$e!ecomm'(icatio(s Commissio(* De&artme(t of

    A)raria( Reform '(er Re&'b!ic Act No.88:2* GSIS* Em&!oees com&e(satio(commissio(* Phi!i&&i(e Atomic E(er) Commissio(*oar of I(,estme(ts*

    Co(str'ctio( I('str Arbitratio( Commissio( a( ,o!'(tar arbitratorsa'thoriBe

    b !a"

    to the Co'rt of A&&ea!s

    %1; A&&ea! thro')h ,eri>e &etitio( for re,ie" >!e "ith the Co'rt of A&&ea!s.-Sec.

    :* R'!e 69* ROC;0; Pame(t to c!erH of co'rt of the Co'rt of A&&ea!s the ocHeti()

    a( other !a"f'! fees a( P:77.77 e&osit for costs. -Sec. :* R'!e 69* ROC;9; Withi(

    >ftee( -1:; as from (otice of a"ar* j')me(t* orer or ate of !ast &'b!icatio( if

    reF'ire. -Sec. 6* R'!e 69* ROC;6; Aitio(a! time of >ftee( -1:; as o(! ma be)ra(te after motio( for e=te(sio(* &ame(t of ocHet a( other !a"f'! fees a(

    e&osit for costs a( f'rther e=te(sio( for the most com&e!!i() reaso(s a( i( (o

    case to e=cee >ftee( -1:; as.-Sec. 6* R'!e 69* ROC;

    APPEAL $O $/E SUPREe &etitio( for re,ie" o( certiorari raisi() o(!F'estio(s

    of !a" a( >!e "ith the S'&reme Co'rt. -Sec. 1* R'!e 6:* ROC;0; Pame(t of ocHet

    fee a( other !a"f'! fees to the c!erH of co'rt of theS'&reme Co'rt "ith e&osit of

    P:77.77 for costs.9; Withi( >ftee( -1:; as from (otice of the j')me(t or orer

    a&&ea!e from*or of e(ia! of &etitio(ers motio( for (e" tria! or reco(sieratio(

    >!e i( 'e time after (otice of j')me(t.6; E=te(sio( to >!e &etitio( for a &erio of

    thirt -97; as o(! ma be )ra(tefor j'sti>ab!e reaso(s* o( motio( '! ser,e

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    "o'! !ose as to a &artic'!ar iss'e or the e(tire case*if (o e,ie(ce "ere )i,e( o(

    either sie. -


    citi() Sec. 1* R'!e 191* ROC;c.

    Prosec'tio( has b're( of &roof i( crimi(a! cases

    % I( crimi(a! cases the b're( of &roof as to the oMe(se char)e !ies o( the

    &rosec'tio(. A (e)ati,e fact a!!e)e b the &rosec'tio( (ee (ot be &ro,e '(!ess it

    is a( esse(tia! i()reie(t of the oMe(se char)e.REASON% $he acc'se has i( his

    fa,or the &res'm&tio( of i((oce(ce..

    're( of &roof i( i(fri()eme(t cases

    % $he b're( of &roof to s'bsta(tiate a char)eof i(fri()eme(t is "ith the &!ai(tiM.

    't "here he &!ai(tiM i(tro'ces the &ate(t i( e,ie(ce*a( the same is i( 'eform* there is create a

     &rima facie

     &res'm&tio( of its correct(ess a(,a!iit. $he ecisio( of the Commissio(er of

    Pate(t -(o" the Director of the I(te!!ect'a!Pro&ert Oce;* i( )ra(ti() the &ate(t is

    &res'me to be correct.$he b're( of )oi() for"ar "ith the e,ie(ce -b're( of

    e,ie(ce; the( shifts to theefe(a(t to o,ercome b com&ete(t e,ie(ce this !e)a!

    &res'm&tio(. -

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    efe(a(ts* a( so forth* ha,i() se&arate efe(sesa&&ear b iMere(t co'(se!* the

    co'rt sha!! etermi(e he re!ati,e orer of &rese(tatio( of their e,ie(ce. -Sec. :*

    R'!e 97* ROC arra()eme(t a( ('mberi() s'&&!ie; NO$ES AND CO

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    b!ocH the amissio( of e,ie(ce s'&&orti() his o&&o(e(ts materia! a!!e)atio(s

    "hether raise i( the &!eai()s or (ot.I( orer to &erform this 'a! ro!e the attor(e

    sho'! e(s're that the e,ie(ce he oMersare amissib!e i( accora(ce "ith the

    R'!es of Co'rt a( those of his o&&o(e(t are &ro&er!objecte to for bei()



    What is the ratio(a!e for reF'ireme(t of oMer of e,ie(ce #


    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% $he oMer is (ecessar beca'se it is the 't of a j')e to

    resthis >(i()s of facts a( his j')me(t o(! a( strict! '&o( the e,ie(ce

    oMere b the &artiesto the s'it. -

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    What is the eMect of i(amissib!e e,ie(ce that has (ot bee( &ro&er! objecte to #


    SUGGES$ED ANSWER% It is a "e!!?sett!e octri(e that "here the &ro&o(e(toMerse,ie(ce eeme b co'(se! of the a,erse &art to be i(amissib!e for a(

    reaso(* the !atter hasthe ri)ht to object.A &rotest or objectio( a)ai(st the amissio(

    of a( e,ie(ce m'st be mae at the &ro&er time* a( that if (ot so mae it "i!! be

    '(erstoo to ha,e bee( "ai,e. $he &ro&er time to maHea &rotest or objectio( is

    "he(* from the F'estio( aresse to the "it(ess* or from the a(s"er thereto* or

    from the &rese(tatio( of &roof* the i(amissibi!it of e,ie(ce is* or ma be i(ferre.

    -ritish Air"as ,. Co'rt of A&&ea!s* et a!.* G.R. No. 101306* a('ar 0* 13 citi()

    Abre(ica,. Go(a* 96 Phi!. 29;Cross?e=ami(atio( co('cte to the i(amissb!e

    e,ie(ce ma co(stit'te "ai,er.-ritish Air"as*




     /o" is the a,erse &arts "it(esses im&eache #




    a. co(traictor e,ie(ce.


    b. e,ie(ce that his )e(era! re&'tatio( for tr'th* ho(est* or i(te)rit is ba.



    c. e,ie(ce that he has mae at other times stateme(ts i(co(siste(t "ith his


    't (ot

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    b e,ie(ce of &artic'!ar "ro()f'! acts*


    that it ma be sho"( b the e=ami(atio( of the "it(esses* or the recor of the

     j')me(t that he has bee( co(,icte of a(oMe(se. -Sec. 11* R'!e 190* ROC;



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    circ'msta(ces is s'ch as to &ro'ce a co(,ictio( beo(reaso(ab!e o'bt. -Sec. 6*

    R'!e 199* ROC;