civil war ltrs between munsell angevine

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  • 8/14/2019 Civil War Ltrs Between Munsell Angevine


    Three Letters Written


    John G. Munsell


    An Angevine

    July 1863 August 1864

    Version 1

    31 December 2001

    Prepared by: John R. Angevine, 2006 Swan Terrace, Alexandria VA 22307

    Email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    This document contains the images and transcripts of three letters written by

    John G. Munsell over the period of July 1863 to August 1864. The recipient of all

    three letters is a Brother Angevine that resides in Pataskala, Licking County

    Ohio. I am unsure which member of the Angevine family this is, but John G.

    Munsells (JGM) would have been contemporaries with Edwin Angevine, b. Dec

    1830 in NY; Hiram R. Angevine, b. Jun 1834 Harrison Twp; or Frank Angevine, b.

    Nov 1841Granville Twp. The letters came into my possession through my father

    Robert C. Angevine, who received them from the estate of my Aunt, Dorothy


    The letters are dated July 6th 1863, Nov 5th 1863, and Aug 2nd 1864. There

    are no envelopes or other supporting documentation. They are in generally fair

    condition with folds, creases, yellowing, and minor stains and tears. The writing is

    still legible, although some parts require a magnifying glass to better discern what

    is written.

    Who is John G. Munsell:

    At the time JGM wrote these letters he was assigned to the 110th Illinois

    Infantry Regiment, a history of the regiment is attached at Appendix A.1 JGMs

    historical references all seem to match the documentation that I have found in

    multiple sources and are identified in endnotes throughout the transcripts. His

    service within the regiment is recorded2 as follows:

    Date of Muster

    Rank Residence Date of Rank or Enlistment Remarks

    Private Mt. Vernon Sep 11, 1862 Prom. Hospital StewardHosp Steward Mt. Vernon Aug 14, 1862 Sep 11, 1862 Prom. 2nd Asst Surg.

    2nd Asst. Surg. Mt. Vernon Mar 10, 1864 Apr 6, 1864 Mustered out Jun 8, 1865

    JMG became a First Lieutenant when he was promoted to 2nd Asst. Surgeon and it

    appears that he mustered out of the Army at that rank. The record shows that he

    was mustered out on June 8, 1865.

    I posted a query on and got a quick reply back from Bill Munsil

    and Nancy Cunningham. Bill provided the following information: John G

    MUNSELLE was born in 1836 in Harrison Twp, Licking, Ohio. He appears in the

    1850 Ohio Census at age 14. He may be the same John Munsell as 1900 Illinois

    census (b. Aug 1838) or in the 1900 Ohio Census (b. 1837). If he is the Munsell in

    the IL census, he lived at 128 N. Walnut, Centralia, Marion Co. IL. Copies of the

    emails are attached. According to Bill the last name is spelled nine different ways:

    Muncel, Muncell, Muncil, Muncill, Munsel, Munsell, Munselle, Munsil, and Munsil.

    However it is spelled most of the family descended from Thomas Munsell (and other

    spellings) who showed up in Connecticut prior to 1680.

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    From JMGs letters we learn that he was a medical school student in

    Cincinnati at the beginning of the war and that he sat for the Illinois Medical Board

    Exams in September 1863.

    It is plausible then that JGM knew one of the Angevines from his early years

    in Harrison Township, Licking County Ohio perhaps school, church, or grange?

    We will do some more investigation to see if we can confirm this. It is clear from the

    letters that number were exchanged over the period covered, so we only have a

    small sample.

    Historical Context

    1863 was the third year of the war; the first two had not gone well for the

    Union. In fact the state governors were having trouble raising enough troops and

    conscription was instituted, unrest grew and draft riots occurred in New York City.

    Lincoln faced reelection in 1864 and knew he must improve the performance of theArmy if he was to win the election. The year did not begin well, and hit a low point

    in May when Gen Hooker was decisively defeated by Lee's much smaller forces at

    the Battle of Chancellorsville. During this battle Stonewall Jackson was killed

    along with 13,000 other confederates and 17,000 union soldier. In June, Gen Lee

    launches his invasion of the North but is defeated at Gettysburg and chased south.

    At almost the same time, July 4th, Grant also takes Vicksburg. The Union was now

    in control of the Mississippi, the Confederacy was effectively split in two, cut off

    from its western allies.

    The 110th and JGM marched with Rosecrans from Readyville in May, fought

    at Tullahoa, pushed onto Manchester and then to the Elk River when the first letteris written on July 6, 1863. The Union is headed towards Chickamauga. On

    September 19-20 the decisive Confederate victory by Gen. Bragg's Army of

    Tennessee at Chickamauga leaves Gen. William S. Rosecrans' Union Army of the

    Cumberland trapped in Chattanooga, Tennessee under Confederate siege. The

    siege continued until late November when Union forces under Grant defeat the

    confederate siege by Bragg. The 110th didnt participate in Chickamauga, but was

    nearby. JGM plays down the defeat in his second letter on November 5th, but the

    loss is significant enough that Rosencrans was relieved.

    The year 1864 opened with the North in control and in the spring a series of

    coordinated attacks was launched to defeat the confederacy. In Virginia, Grant

    with an Army of 120,000 begins advancing toward Richmond to engage Lee's Army

    of Northern Virginia that included battles at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and

    Cold Harbor. In the west, Sherman, with 100,000 men begins an advance toward

    Atlanta to destroy Johnston's Army of Tennessee. Richmond was considered the

    mind of the confederacy and Georgia the heart. Destroying the confederate

    forces in these areas would position the Union for victory. The third and final letter

    from JGM is dated August 2, 1864 in the field, before Atlanta. The 110th

    participated in the battle for Atlanta which began on July 20th, and is described in

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    the letter by JGM. Atlanta was finally taken in September, Richmond was under

    pressure, and a final decisive victory by Gen Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley

    over Early's troops all helped to reelect Lincoln on 8 November.

    The war continued into 1865, with Richmond finally being taken on 2 April

    and Gen Lee surrendered to Gen Grant on 9 April at the village of Appomattox

    Court House in Virginia. On April 15th, President Abraham Lincoln dies.

    Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston surrenders to Sherman near Durham NC on

    April 18th the 110th Ill is present for the surrender In May the remaining

    confederate forces surrender. The 110th marched to Washington DC and

    participated in the Grand Review celebrating the end of the war. The 110th was

    mustered out on June 5, 1865. JGM was muster out on June 8, 1865; perhaps he

    participated in the parade.

    I am not an expert on the Civil War so I apologize for any errors in the above

    description, needless to say I have left out many key events. I have included the

    briefest descriptions of these three battles at Appendix B (Tullahoma), C

    (Chickamauga), and D (Atlanta).

    Future Revisions:

    I will revise this in the future based on any additional information I obtain.

    In particular I will try to determine:

    - which Angevine JGM was writing to,

    - JGMs history in Ohio, and

    - JGMs life after the war

    Future editions will be indicated with a new version number and date on the

    cover sheet.

    Editing Notes:

    I have preserved the original spelling and punctuation from the original letters in

    my transcript. If I could not decipher a word or letter it is indicated by a question

    mark in the transcript. Any editorial comments made by me within the transcripts

    are surrounded by { }.

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    Letter 1

    In the Field on Elk River, Franklin Co. Tenn.

    July 6th, 1863

    Bro. Angevine

    Yours of the 28th ???. came duly into camp. It found me in good soldiering condition

    - health of the Army, ordinary. Having, from various causes, been reduced to less

    than 400 men, the 110 Ill Vol. was by petition of officers, consolidated into 4 comps

    {companies}. The surplus officers being mustered out. This arrangement cleared us

    of Wrongdoodles & Old Grannies after which the command improved so rapidly

    in appearance, drill, and discipline that special mention was made of us by Gen.

    Rosecrans3. We were consolidated about the 10th of May last, at which time we left

    the 22 Brigade at Readyville4 and have belonged to no Brigade since but are used by

    Gen. Palmer as a Light Battalion and camp by his Hd. Quarters5. When this

    Army left its base (40 miles long) the calculation was that the rebs would stand at

    Tullahoma6, and we moved with a view of concentrating on that point. TheAdvance was made as follows: Left Wing, Gen. McCooks corps on the Shelbyville

    Pike, Center, Gen Thomas Corps on the Manchester pike Left-wing. Gen.

    Crittendens Corps on byroads to Manchester; then, still to the left Crittendens

    Corps consists of 3 Divisions viz: 1st. Gen. Hood, 2nd Gen. Palmer, 3d Gen Vancleve,

    the latter was left a Murfreesboro to hold it7.

    (Letter 1- Page 1)

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    Figure I. Letter July 6, 1863, page 1

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    Gen Palmers Divison consists of 3 Brigades, viz: - 1st Gen. Cruft, 2d Gen. Hazen, 3d

    COL Grose (act. Brig. Gen.). I give you the foregoing order of things so when you

    read accounts of the doings of the army you may know where the Battalion 110 Ill

    is. We commenced our advance June 24. (St Johns Day) I speak of the Left Wing

    I know no more about the Right & Center then you do; (by reading the papers) Our

    Division took the front and Gen Hoods Div. followed. The 110th took the advance

    and of course was the first to find the Rebs, which we did about 3 oclock P.M. and

    immediately went for em. Gen. Ps Escort (Part of Co. C 7th Ill Cav.) also went

    in They always do it tho it is not their place to do so; They seem to delight in

    fighting. The enemy (about 75 or 80 I should think) were posted in a very

    advantageous position, the ground being hilly and brushy but an hours

    skirmishing drove them back. Losses on our side, one killed & 3 wounded, Cos A

    & C of our Batn {Battalion}. Only were engaged and I was mightly much

    magnified to see Co. A. (composed of old Cos. B & D) march steadily and briskly

    forward under a tolerably sharp fire from the concealed foe, thereby giving renewed

    evidence of the grit they exhibited on the battle-field of Stone River. I forgot to

    state that we got one prisoner. After the Skrimage we went into Camp for thenight. The next day and subsequently on the march we were ordered to march in

    the rear of Battery M 4th U.S. Art. (Regulars) and support it in case of an action.

    (Letter 1- Page 2)

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    Figure II. Letter July 6, 1863, page 2

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    The roads are awful bad and we have moved very slowly. It rained heavily the day

    we started and has kept it up every day since with the exception of the 1st and 2d of

    this month on which days it sprinkled slightly. The weather is fair now (7 P.M.) has

    not rained since early this morning. The amount of rain that falls is astonishing

    and makes the roads almost impassable for the Artillery some of which is very

    heavy (24. Pdrs.) We crossed Duck River8 at Manchester on a pontoon bridge. On

    the 3d of July we arrived at this river (Elk) on (it is said) our way to Winchester, but

    we could not ford it and having no pontoons we are unable to cross and as it rains

    very hard every day, I do not know how long we will stay here or what we will do

    next.9 This (Franklin) is the last Co. between us and Alabama. Distance to State

    line between 25 & 30 miles. On the 3d ????, Gen. Palmer informed us that Gen.

    Rosecrans had ordered that the Battalion 110th Ill, shall be mounted

    Consequently as soon as horses can be procured we will mount.CandleLight

    But t is so dark I must get a candle, -

    Since writing the above I have I have recd & read an epsistle from Simon Slough,

    which was very good for me.

    I have taken some pains to inform myself in regard to the politics of Ohio soldiers inthis Division, and I have not found one that will vote for Val10, most of them

    Swear if they hear his name mentioned. They watched for him every day at the

    depot a Murfreesboro, but he came

    (Letter 1- Page 3)

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    Figure III. Letter July 6, 1863, page 3

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    like a thief in the night on a Special train and was hurried thro the lines before

    the Soldiers knew anything of it. Maj. Wall, Prov. Marshall on the Gen. Jeff C.

    Davis Staff, and brother of our Asst. Surgeon, said that there was no doubt in his

    mind but that the Ohio soldiers would have hung Vallandigham had they known

    the he was in the lines. The n. {number} in favor of it being so great opposition

    would have been useless. (Tis raining again; an hour ago the sky was clear) I feel

    and felt for a long time very doubtful as to our ability to put down the Rebellion.

    However, we may do it very quickly when we get a good start. But I am in favor

    of continuing the war as long as there are men and money to do it. I dont like

    soldiering altogether so well, but as long as we have an Army in the field I expect to

    be with it or be rubbed out in the service. Since we have been on this march we

    have run almost constantly we?, day and night, marched several nights most of the

    night, is dark and rainy. Such exposure would ruin a new Regiment, but we seem

    to stand it very well, tho considerable Dysentery prevails, which, I attribute

    mainly to the wet weather. We find some Union men even down here, but not

    many. But little farming is being done most of the fields are lying idle, and it

    seemeth to me that the prospecs of starvation in this neck of woods is flattering.We are in about 10 miles of the Cumberland Mountains, probably we will have to

    cross them. I am told that the rebel army will make a stand at Bridgeport where

    the ?? & Chattanooga R.R. crosses the Tenn. River. Prisoners uniformly say that

    the Ky. & Tenn. Troops will not fight if driven out of this State farther than

    Bridgeport. They say if Vicksburg is taken and Bragg driven out of Tenn. The

    confederacy is gone down. Concerning Jaky Simon writes that he is in Nashville

    Tenn. Sick with Consumption. I know ?ou about him. I am Hospital Stewart of the

    Battalion, wages $30.00 per mo11.

    Write - ??? yours ??

    J.G. Munsell

    (Letter 1- Page 4)

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    Figure IV. Letter July 6, 1863, page 4

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    Figure V. Letter November 5, 1863, page 1

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    two days; passed the Med. Board; - went to Springfield and filed my certificate

    of qualification: with the Adjs. General, who said he would give an appointment as

    soon as a vacancy occurs (of which there are none at present.) From Springfield, I

    set my countanance as tho I would go down into Egypt. I arrived at home on the

    11th; taking the natives by surprise found the old folks at home all well got

    an honorable (?) mention in the local column of the Unconditional Unionist.13

    (County paper, edited by a discharged soldier; disabled at stones river) Marched

    and counter marched over the country, occasionally storming and taking breast-

    works and forts, (with crinoline defences) in which I used a great deal of strategy

    in making flank movements heard the army of the Cumberland were fighting;

    started to return two days sooner than I had calculated to heard of the results of

    the battle on the way felt particularly anxious about the 110th Saw an officer of

    my acquaintance at Bridgeport who informed me that the Battalion was there (at

    Bridgeport) at time of battle felt better concerning the safety of my personal

    friends, also to know that they had not been thro the firey ordeal of battle, when I

    was luxuriating at home, etc, etc. I found the boys all right, behind the outer

    defences at Chattanooga. I was immediately ordered to report at the Div. Hospitalevery morning to dress and re-dress wounds as the wounded were brought from

    battlefield under flag of truce. I spent several hours daily dressing wounds til they

    were nearly all removed over the river, when I was relieved. Since when I have

    been with the Battalion. On the 5th Oct. the rebs shelled us nearly all

    (Letter 2- Page 2)

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    Figure VI. Letter November 5, 1863, page 2

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    day. Some shells came into our neck of woods One by Lt. Dukes (Co. A) tent, but

    fortunately did not crack open there, but bounced far to the rear. Several shells

    passed over, lighting mile in the rear, and some burst 200 feet high over our

    heads. Our guns in the mean time replied quite briskly. A Parrott in fort

    Wood, near us, made the rebs move a signal station (that had been working and

    sassin us evry day) move its traps in a hurry. The same gun made Bragg move

    his Hd. Qrs. from Missionary ridge a few days after; a deserter pointing it out.

    After the battle the entire army was reorganized, and we were taken from our

    independent position under Gen. Palmer (2d Div. 21 A.C.) much against his will,

    and placed in the 3d Brigade, 22 Div. 14 A.C. Gen. Palmer was appointed to

    command 1st Div. 4th A.C. But the Removal of Gen. Rosecrans and the appointment

    of Gen. Thomas to command of Army (under Grant) left a vacancy of Corps

    Commander in 14th A.C. (ours) and Gen Palmer was appointed to fill it by order of

    War Dept. Which places us again under his command. Our Brigade is commanded

    by Col. Dan McCook (of the fighting family.) Our Division, by Gen. Jeff. C. Davis,

    of Ind. Our Corps, by Gen. Palmer of Ill. Our Army by Gen. Thomas, and the

    Department (of the Mississippi) by Gen. Grant. Grant arrived here from theMississippi on the 23d last and is now in Chattanooga.

    The Army was very sorry to part with Old Rosy but the necessity of the

    armies of the west acting in concert is very apparent, and probably, the present

    arrangement is the best that can be done Our Brigade is composed of the 22d

    Mich., 52d. O. (Col. McCs Reg.) 85th, 86th 125th and Batt. 110th Ills. Col. McCook

    says he considers himself an Illinoisan,

    (Letter 2- Page 3)

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    Figure VII. Letter November 5, 1863, page 3

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    having been an inhabitant of that state since his 10th year. Jackson Charles, (son of

    Geo. Charles14 by Kirkersville O.) is Capt. Co. A 125 Ills. Capt. Lee, Co. G. 125 Ill.

    was a med. Student and room-mate of mine in Cincinnati. He (Capt. Lee) is going

    before the Ill. Med. Board of examiners to be examined for Asst Surg. Preferring

    that posish to a captaincy. I was offered the Adjutancy of this Batt. Last May and

    would not accept, as I then had an idea of going before the Board as I since have

    done, and would have much rather be Asst. Surg. Than Adjt, in fact would rather

    remain Hosp. Steward as I do not wish to leave the Med. Dept.

    In regard to our defeat at Chickamauga I do not think it was a very bad one, tho we

    lost the field. Alltho under their manifold disasters the rebels catch at anything to

    magnify into a great victory, the tone of the rebel press show very clearly that they

    look upon the battle as a failure on their part in not retaking Chattanooga.

    Hookers battle on Sand Mountain in which he cleaned them out and opened the

    river to within 7 miles of Chattanooga was fought in the night and was a very

    sanguinary affair. Our loss was 200 killed with a proportionate no. of wounded.

    The rebel loss was still heavier as Hooker buried 200 of their dead and they carriedmany off, of course. It was a great victory for us, as our supplies now come up the

    river to within 7 miles, and from there to the city there is a good road. Previously

    all of our supplies had to be brought over the mountains, and the recent heavy rains

    had made it almost impracticable. Our cracker line is all right now, if we can hold

    what we have gained, and I think we can. I think it will take a year or two longer to

    end the war, but such calculations are of no weight, as no man can tell anything

    about it for certain, and all speculations are valueless.

    I have been acquainted with Dr. Bugh for some time but did not know that he was

    from Pataskala til the last time I saw him. He is Asst. Surg. of 41st Ohio, of the

    Brigade to which we used to belong before our consolidation. When Bugh told mehe was from Pataskala, I remembered that you had mentioned that some Dr. had by

    some means got into the army from Pataskala. Hes a weak brother. His Reg. is

    down at Shell Mound, on the Tenn. R. below Chattanooga, and probably I may not

    see him soon again. He pretended he did a heavy business about Pataskala.

    I have no idea as to the tenor of future military movements here. It is generally

    believed here, that if the rebs do not leave our front that Grant will try to coerce

    them to fall back before long, and if so, a hell of a battle will be fought.

    Our men picket the river on this (North) side and the rebs on the south side, in free

    view of each other. Have quit shooting at each other by mutual agreement.

    Probably you have learned ?? this that Burnside did not reenforce us, and the 112th

    Ill. Did not come here.

    Write us soon By the way, I saw Jacob Steed when on my way to Ill. At Stevenson

    Ala. Dont know where the 3d Ohio is now. Remember us to Br. David Mrs A.

    etc. etc.

    J.G. Munsell

    (Letter 2- Page 4)

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    Figure VIII. Letter November 5, 1863, page 4

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    Letter 3

    In the Field, Before Atlanta, Georgia

    Aug. 2d 1864

    Brother Angevine

    I do not know whether I owe you a letter or not, be that as it may. I will make a

    short report on the present occasion. I have been able to report able for duty

    everyday so far during the present campaign. The health of the army as far as I

    know, is as god as could be expected. The 110th ILL has lost nary man so far, by

    the enemys engines of destruction from which you will justly infer that we have

    done no fighting, which is correct, except that we have skrimaged with the rebels

    in establishing our lines; and exchanged shots with them on the picket line. We

    (110th) were relieved from the Division Train on the 20th ???. and ordered to report

    to the 3rd Brigade of this (2d) Div. which we did and were assigned to duty on the

    right of the Brigade (then in line of battle on Peach Creek) as a support to the 5th

    Wis. Battery L.A. {Light Artillery}. We had just got in position and were

    constructing breast works when the enemy charged our line to our left, includingthe left Div. of our Corps

    (Letter 3- Page 1)

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    all of the 20th Corps and the right Div. of the 4th Corps (That was the battle of the

    20th July) Our Div. was the extreme right of the Army and our line was a very weak

    one, and it was good for us that the enemys assault did not extend to our portion

    of the line. On the 22d we found the enemy in our front had disappeared and we

    moved up, still keeping our position on the extreme right, to within three miles of

    Atlanta, our position being west and south of the city. We could hear the roar of

    battle on our left (battle of the 22d) but we met with but very little opposition in

    our front. On the 26th the 16th, 17th, and 15th Corps came from the left and passed to

    our right, the 1st Brigade of the Div. drove the enemys cavalry pickets off the

    ground for the above Corps to camp on. The next morning (27th) our Div. being cut

    out of line by the 16th Corps (we having been refused on the flank) was ordered to

    go to Turners Ferry on Chattahoochee R. and then feel for *Howards flank who in

    the mean time was to take position We found only rebel cavalry, which we

    skirmished with for several hours driving them slowly back, as we turned from the

    Ferry and started for the point as above ordered. Our job was to protect Howards

    flank and rear which we did with out loss, but we had a hard days march and got

    into camp at 2 oclock A.M. 28th

    * Commands Army of the Tennessee vice McPhereson

    (Letter 3- Page 2)

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    Figure X. Letter August 2, 1864, page 2

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    About the time we reached the Ferry the sound of Artillery and heavy musketry

    informed us that Howard had found his game (the battle of the 27) I could not help

    feeling uneasy as I listened to the sound of battle; many of my friends were there, I

    felt better however upon hearing in the night that our loss was comparatively very

    small while the rebels severely punished, having been repulsed in five successive

    charges on our lines; all of which news was more than verified on inspection of the

    field which I did next day, after our Div. had advanced an formed a line still on the

    right of the 15th Corps, which was the right of Howards army and it did most all of

    the fighting that day. Our loss was not quite 500 in killed wounded and missing,

    nearly a thousand rebels were found dead in front of the 15 A.C. {Army Corps ?}

    Over 800 were reported and afterward (two days) in advancing our skirmish line

    120 more were found dead in a hollow where there seemed to have been a

    temporary hospital during the battle, this latter number was not in the official

    report. Ithoe I had seen great slaughter at Stone River Mission {?} Bridge &c. but

    I saw nothing on those fields to

    (Letter 3- Page 3)

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    compare with the battle ground in front of the 15.A.C. When I visited the field our

    dead were all buried, but the rebels still lay on the field as they fell, from Col. To

    privates. Captains and Lieutenants were thickly mixed in (Bars on their coat

    collars indicated their rank). Col. Shiels 30th La, (an Ohioan) was killed in front of

    the 4th Div. while holding the rebel banner. The Major and Adjutant took their turn

    next, and were all found dead together. I was not surprised at the difference

    between the Union and rebel loss upon an examination of the ground, which was all

    in our favor. The 111th Ill lost only 7 men slightly wounded. In their front were

    more dead rebels than the 111th had men in the Reg. They were mostly killed by

    other Regiments on the left who had a cross fire on them, our men in woods, the

    rebels in open field. I was at the 76th O. {Ohio} yesterday. Saw Barrett Root and

    Jesse Ewing, only of my acquaintance, as I staid but a few minutes. Bill Elliot had

    been sent back (leg give out where it was broken once) Presley Johnston slightly

    wounded on 22d and sent to Hospital Ed. Aris and Chryslar boys all well. Jess

    Ewing had heard his father was taken prisoner at Martinsburg. The boys in the

    113 O. {Ohio} are all well. I have not heard from John Eggleston since he was sent

    to rear after battle of Kinesaw.The 23d A.C. is now passing from the extreme left of our lines to our right. They

    will probably get into position without a fight unless they get too close to the R.

    {Rail} Road. The arrangement now seems to be to extend our lines to the right and

    draw back our left either to draw the rebels out of Atlanta or to get possession of the

    Macon R.R. I think we will take Atlanta sometime, but maybe not soon. As for

    the end of the war, I cant see it. Not even if Richmond and Atlanta are both taken.

    The weather is misarebly warm down here, making active military operations

    almost impossible. Cases of sun stroke are very frequent. The country is tolerable

    level here; rather poor sandy soil, Thick brush and heavy timber; principally oak

    and pine. Dont fail to write soon. Remember us to family and friends.

    Yours J.G. Munsell

    ?irech 110 Ill. 23 Div 14 A..C. via. Chattanooga.

    (Letter 3- Page 4)

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    Figure XI. Letter August 2, 1864, page 4

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    Appendix A

    110th Illinois Infantry Regiment

    Adjutant General's Report

    The One Hundred and Tenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry was organized at

    Anna, Illinois by Colonel Thomas R. Casey in September, A.D. 1862 and was

    mustered into the United States service September 11, 1862 by Captain

    Washington, of the Sixteenth Regular Infantry.

    The Regiment was recruited from the counties of Jefferson, Washington, Wayne,

    Hamilton, Saline, Franklin, Perry and Williamson.

    On the 23rd day of September, A.D. 1862, the Regiment was ordered to Louisville,

    Ky., and there was assigned to the Ninteenth Brigade, compromised of the Forty-

    first Ohio, Ninth Indiana, Sixth and Twenty-seventh Kentucky regiments, andcommanded by Col. W.B. Hazen. The Brigade formed a part of the Fourth Division,

    general William Sooy Smith commanding, Army of Ohio.

    September 27th, 1862, left Louisville in pursuit of the Rebel General Bragg, who

    had followed General Buell from Nashville Tenn., to Salt River, about forty miles

    from Louisville, The march was by the way of Bardstown to Perryville, when the

    Regiment with the Brigade was in line of battle by noon the on the 8th of October,

    1862, and not more than two miles distant from where the battle of Perryville was

    being fought. An advance was not ordered. The regiment lay in line of battle the

    night and advanced in that order in the morning only to find that during the night

    Bragg had retreated and escaped.

    On the 11th day of October the Brigade encountered the enemy a mile in front of

    Danville. A line of battle was formed and the rebels were driven thriugh and beyond

    the town of Danville. This was the first skirmish that the Regiment was engaged in.

    The Regiment remained near Danville until the 11th of October, and on that day

    moved toward Crab Orchard in pursuit of the enemy.

    On the 16th of October, not far from Mt. Vernon, Ky., the rear of the enemy was

    encountered drawn up in line of battle. The Ninteeth brigade advanced in line of

    battle, and after sharp skirmishing the rebels were driven from their position and


    On the 15th and 16th of October the Regiment was constantly skirmishing. On the

    night of the 16th the camp was at Big Rock Castle Creek. On the 17th moved to

    Wild Cat. On the 18th and 19th encamped at Petman's Cross roads, within forty-

    five miles of Cumberland Gap. From there the Regiment moved by the way of

    Somerset, Columbia, Glasgow and Gallatin to Nashville Tenn., where it encamped

    on the 7th day of November, 1862.

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    Of the campaign in southeastern Kentucky, the Brigade Comander, Colonel, (now

    Brigade General) hazen, in his report said: " It is proper to remark that during the

    entire campaign, although we were destitute of many of the comforts usual in

    campaigns, without tents, often without sufficient food, through the most inclement

    weather, marches of almost unprcedented length, I have never heard a murmur,

    and now have to report a condition of health better than ever before know in the

    Brigade, and a state of thorough discipline in the highest degree satisfactory."

    On the 26th of December, the Regiment marched toward Murfreesboro. At

    Lavergne, the Regiment came up with the rebels, and a considerable skirmish

    ensued. The Twenty-seventh marched on the Jefferson pike and crossed Stewart


    On the 29th of December the Regiment was within three miles of Murfreesboro, and

    on the 30th in line of battle.

    On the 31st engaged in the battle of Stone River. In that battle the Regiment lost in

    killed and wounded very heavily, Lieutenant Jesse G. Payne, of Company D, a

    valiant and brave officer, being among the killed.

    The battle ground of the Regiment was exactly where the monument to " Hazen's

    Brigade" now stands. On the night of the 31st the Regiment slept where they had

    fought during the day in the extreme advance until the early dawn of the first day

    of January, when it took a position on the bank of the Stone River.

    Of the conduct of the Regiment in the battle of Stone River the Brigade Commander

    said: "It displayed that fearless courage one admires in vetrans." of this brigade he

    said: "Such heroic service rendered their country this day, such heroic and daring

    valor justly entitles these men to the profound respect of the people and the


    After the battle of Stone River the Regiment, with the the remainder of the Brigade,

    was posted at Readyville, ten miles from Murfreesboro, on the exterme left of the


    On the 2nd day of April, breaking camp at 11 p.m., the Regiment participated in the

    attack on the rebels at Woodbury, and in this expedition at daylight on the 3rd of

    April, captured one picket post consisting of thirty mounted rebels with their

    horses. One of the rebels captured was a brother of one of the assistant surgeons of

    the Regiment. He was a mere boy, 17 years old, who after being properly advised

    was sent back back to his aged mother, who lived in the immediate neighborhood.

    In May, 1863, the Regiment being much reduced because of losses in battles,

    sickness and discharges, was consolidated. After that the Regiment was engaged in

    the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, the battles around Atlanta and in

    the "March to the Sea," then in the march north through the Carolina's and was at

    the surrender of General Johnston's Army. Marched from there to Washington City,

    participated in the Grand Review of General Sherman's Army, and was there on the

    the 5th day of June, 1865 mustered out of the service. From there the Regiment was

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    moved by rail to Chicago, Ill., where on the 15th day of June it received final

    payment and discharge.



    The consolidation of this Regiment was ordered by Paragraph 6, Special Field

    Orders 123, Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, May 7, 1863, and

    approved by Major General John M. Palmer, which order is as follows:

    "Major General Palmer, commanding Second Division, Twenty-first Army Corps,

    will cause the consolidation of the One Hundred and Tenth Regiment Illinois

    Volunteers, under the instructions contained in General Orders No. 86, War

    Department, current series. The officers to be retained in service will be selected by

    him. The Assistant Commissary of Musters, Second Division, Twenty-first Army

    Corps, will muster out of service all officers rendered supernumerary by the


    A report of the battalion as re-organized will be made to these Headquarters. Bycommand of Major General ROSECRANS.

    H. THRALL, Captain and A.A.G.

    May 8, 1863 - Consolidations made, by reducing the Regiment to four (4)



    NEAR WASHINGTON, D.C., June 5, 1865.

    SPECIAL ORDERS No. 80, Extract

    XVII. In accordance with telegram orders from War Department, dated May 18,1865, the men belonging to the One Hundred and Tenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry,

    whose terms of service do not expire prior to October 1, 1865, are hereby transferred

    to the Sixtieth Illinois Veterans Volunteer Infantry. By command of Brevet Major

    General J.C. DAVIS

    A.C. McCLURG, A.A.G. and Chief of Staff

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    Appendix B (Tullahoma)


    The Tullahoma campaign 23 June - 3 July 1863Rosecrans & Thomas vs. Bragg vs. Hardee and Polk

    A military masterpiece which did more damage to the Confederacy thanVicksburg or Gettysburg

    From Bragg's report: "We were now back against the mountains, in a country affording us nothing, with a longline of railroad to protect, and half a dozen passes on the right and left by which our rear could be gained. In thisposition it was perfectly practicable for the enemy to destroy our means of crossing the Tennessee, and thus secureour ultimate destruction without a battle. Having failed to bring him to that issue, so much desired by myself andtroops, I reluctantly yielded to the necessity imposed by my position and inferior strength, and put the army inmotion for the Tennessee River."

    After the battle ofMurfreesboro (31 Dec. 62, 2 Jan. 63) Rosecrans established his winter camp

    there. Bragg withdrew south and prepared a defensive line north of Tullahoma which was toblock any Federal advance toward Chattanooga. Rosecrans prepared thoroughly for the comingbattle by stockpiling supplies and training the troops by means of constant skirmishing. Hisbiggest problems were his inferior cavalry forces. The solution to this problem was tossed intohis lap by a volunteer Col. named John T. Wilder, a mechanical engineer from Indiana, whocame to Rosecrans with a revolutionary idea: take infantry, mount them on horses, arm themwith the brand new 7-round Spencerrepeating rifle, and use them as mobile shock troops whowould ride ahead, dismount, and use their tremendous firepower to attack the enemy in the rearwith the force of a much larger body of conventionally armed infantry. Rosecrans listened andgave Wilder the approval to round up the horses. Wilder made an arrangement with his bank sothat the members of his brigade would pay the purchase price ($35 dollars per rifle) in

    installments out of their monthly pay. In the plan for dealing with Bragg, Wilder was assigned toThomas.

    Meanwhile, the pressure from Washington for action steadily increased. However, Rosecrans(like Buell) had little patience and diplomatic skill for parrying such incursions and respondedwith sarcasm to sarcasm. When Grant crossed to the east side of the Mississippi belowVicksburg on 1 May 63, the volume of messages demanding an attack reached a crescendo dueto the fear that Bragg "unoccupied" would be able to send reinforcements to Johnston (whichwere not sent, by the way).

    Rosecrans refused to budge until he was ready. That he turned out later to have been right did not

    further endear him to Halleck. At the risk of his military career Rosecrans was carefullypreparing a plan to utilize the revolutionary tool which Wilder had put in his hands. The plan wasboth audacious and complex involving 4 separate attack columns, and it went off like clockwork,in spite of incessant rain and bad roads, thanks to the months of preparation and, according toBradley, just the right amount of improvisation. On the Federal right Stanley and Granger'scavalry demonstrated toward the fortified town of Shelbyville. In the middle McCook andThomas threatened the passes, and on the left Crittenden gestured toward McMinnville beforebecoming literally stuck in the mud caused by the rain, the most which had fallen in that periodsince records had been kept. Stanley's movement on 23 June was a feint (rendered moreconvincing by the presence of most of Rosecrans' cavalry), because Rosecrans had no intention
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    of directly attacking the fortifications. On the other side of his line on the left, Crittenden wasfeinting at a feint according to Woodworth, that is, it was supposed to be recognized as being notthe main thrust, thus diverting attention back to Stanley on the Federal right in front ofShelbyville. In the middle, McCook's movment twoard Liberty Gap was also a demonstration,and a few days later his forces moved east to join those of Thomas.

    The main thrust with the 14th corps underThomas took place on 24 June. First Wilder's newlymounted "lightning" brigade (with the firepower of a division) stormed through Hoover's Gap

    and overwhelmed the forces under Stewart which were supported by a small unit of Wheeler'scavalry. Never before in the history of warfare had so much firepower covered 12 miles soquickly. Wilder was thus able to establish himself close to Tullahoma and await Thomas'sinfantry. When Thomas arrived, he said to Wilder that his action had prevented 2000 casualties.Hardee, just to the west of Hoover's Gap, knew only that huge force had suddenly appeared onhis right flank. For some reason for two days he sent no messages back to Bragg (whom hedespised) about the fighting, and then he retreated without orders into Tullahoma. This isolatedPolk's corps in Shelbyville which therefore also withdrew into Tullahoma, as ordered by Bragg.

    On 28 June Hardee and Bishop Lenoidas Polk (Davis's plant in theAoT who constantlyfomented rebellion against Bragg) advised in guarded and less guarded terms to abandon

    Tullahoma because Rosecrans was now solidly placed in Manchester and poised to make anotherflanking maneuver to the east and cut Bragg off from Chattanooga. The next day Bragg's armybegan its withdrawal to Chattanooga. On 3 July the Federals effected the crossing of the ElkRiver to the south of Tullahoma, and on the next day the pursuit was called off, as Bragg wassafely across the Cumberland plateau on his way to Chattanooga. By a strange coincidence, theTullahoma campaign and the battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg (which unjustly overshadowit), all ended on the same day.

    At the price of about 500 casualties Rosecrans swept forward 100 miles and was set topermanently establish a Federal presence on the all-important trunk line from Virginia toMemphis. To take Chattanooga (the door to the deep South), Rosecrans first had to get there, and

    get there he would.

    This campaign did not and still does not receive much attention and has little attraction for thosewho thrill to high body counts. All the more reason for discerning students of history to give thismasterpiece of planning and execution its due consideration. If you want to get a feel for howmuch fun it is to be the object of "soft war", read the reports of Bragg, Polk, and Cleburne.Battle reports: Rosecrans US, Thomas US, WilderUS, Bragg CS, PolkCS, Cleburne CS,
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    Appendix C (Chickamauga)


    The Battle of Chickamauga 19-20 Sept. 63

    The bloodiest 2 days of the Civil War. Rosecrans planned badly, but Thomas saved theUnion army.

    Bragg planned well enough, but some of his subordinate generals (Polk and Hindman)

    betrayed him.

    After the Tullahoma Campaign (23 June - 3 July 63), Rosecrans prepared his movement towardand around Chattanooga very carefully. First he feinted in front of Chattanooga and upstream.On 29 Aug. 63 his forces crossed the Tennessee at 4 points in the vicinity of Bridgeport, Ala.,downstream from Chattanooga. He then sent theAotCin 3 groups on a 50 mile wide frontaround Chattanooga. McCook was to the south of Lookout Mountain, Thomas occupied

    Cooper's and Stevens' Gaps of Lookout Mountain (with the help of a local Union sympathizer),and Crittenden was to occupy Chattanooga afterBragg had left, which he did on 8 Sept.However, all reports that Bragg was fleeing in disorder toward Atlanta or Rome, Ga. were false.Thomas warned Rosecrans that Bragg was not far away and dangerous to Rosecrans's widelydispersed forces, and that it was much safer to first concentrate and consolidate the Union holdon Chattanooga before going further.

    However, Rosecrans was under ceaseless pressure from Stanton and Halleck to pursue and"destroy" Bragg, and Rosecrans decided to go after him. He was also upset because he hadreceived practically no recognition for his brilliantly concieved and executed Tullahomacampaign, and he wanted advancement as much as many another general. But Bragg too was

    aware that Rosecrans was widely dispersed and prepared several attempts to defeat Rosecrans indetail before Rosecrans could concentrate. However, every one of these attempts was vitiated bythe dissension of Bragg's subordinate commanders and their disobedience of orders. One suchattempt took place at McClemore's Cove directly east of Stevens' Gap. It was a strange valleywith few exits and located just west of La Fayette, Ga. (accent on the 2nd syllable). A portion ofThomas's command under Negley had advanced into the cove by Stevens' Gap, the one entrancefrom the west from the southern end of Lookout Montain. Negley was supposed to continue toLa Fayette, but Negley and Thomas, disturbed by sightings and reports of large masses ofConfederate troops a few miles away, finding suspiciously stiff resistance at Dug Gap (a narrowpass through the considerable obstacle of Pigeon Mountain), and also warned by the local Unionsympathizers, stopped and waited for 2 days (11-12 Sept. 63), despite Rosecrans'

    remonstrances. It also helped Thomas that his secret service had cracked Bragg's signal code(the Union not only had better cannon, it also had the better mathematicians).

    Bragg had prepared a trap. Hindman was to attack Negley from the wide-open valley opening tothe north, and A.P. Hill was to attack from Dug Gap in the East upon the signal of the sound ofHindman's attack. Negley might have been caught in a bottle if Hindman hadn't perceiveddiscretion in his orders and delayed. Bragg, waiting with Hill at Dug Gap and listening forgunfire from the north side of the Cove, hesitated also, and perhaps for good reason. TheConfederates at Dug Gap would have had to descend from the gap in a single column beforebeing able to form a battle line. While Bragg attempted to get Hindman to move, Negley pulledback west out of the Cove and escaped the trap.
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    In any case a hole was made, and the massed column under Hood happened to find it whilemaking one of Hood's famous all-or-nothing attacks, and the Federal right, already in a state ofadvanced confusion, collapsed. Rosecrans and many of the high command fled back toChattanooga, thus effectively ending their military careers. Negley even took back with him 22guns, which represented most of the remaining Union artillery. Charles Dana, AssistantSecretary of State and spy to Stanton, panicked as well and told Wilder the entire army wasrouted. He positively ordered Wilder (whose brigade with its Spencerrepeaters until then

    seemed to be everywhere on this battlefield) to escort him back to Chattanooga. That morninghis brigade on the Union far right had stopped the Confederate attack cold. At this momentWilder was about to attack Longstreet in the flank and cut his way through to Thomas becauseanyone with ears and a clear mind knew that Thomas hadn't quit. Being only a colonel and notknowing that Dana did not have the authority to give such orders, he stopped his preparations,sent Dana back to Chattanooga with some scouts, and restored order in his sector during thewithdrawal to Rossville. Another prominent general who performed poorly on the 20th wasSheridan.

    According to the author Glenn Tucker, Sheridan, who had not been involved in the fighting onthe 19th and although barely touched by the Confederate attack, abandoned the Union right in

    the morning while Wilder fought on. He had a second opportunity to come to Thomas's aid whenhe, in the company of Negley and Davis, was specifically requested to do so by ColonelThruston who found them about 1 1/2 miles away from Snodgrass Hill. Jefferson C. Davis, thegeneral under a cloud who had murdered Nelson, made an about face and took his division backtoward the battle and helped cover Thomas's retreat. Sheridan and Negley continued with theirtroops to Rossville. For some reason Sheridan was forgiven, while the other higher commanderswho left the field during the rout were not. Did Sheridan's friendship with Sherman haveanything to do with it? In his Personal Memoirs Sheriden wrote that he too had gone back andhelped cover Thomas's retreat. Here as elsewhere in his memoirs Sheridan lied.

    It is relevant here to quote from a telegraph dispatch (20 Sept. 63 - 3:45 PM) from Garfield to


    I arrived here [Thomas's HQ] ten minutes ago, via Rossville. General Thomas has Brannen's Baird's,Reynold's, Wood's, Palmer's, and Johnson's divisions still intact after terrible fighting. Granger is here, closed upwith Thomas, and is fighting terribly on the right. Sheridan is in with the bulk of his division, but in ragged shape,though plucky and fighting...If we can hold out an hour more it will be all right. Granger thinks we can defeat thembadly tomorrow if all our forces come in. I think you had better come to Rossville tonight and bring ammunition.

    Cozzens writes ("This Terrible Sound", p. 469) that "where Garfield heard this is unclear". If youconsider, however, that Garfield as Rosecrans's chief of staff had previously sent damaging (andfalse) reports about Rosecrans to his protector Chase back in Washington, then the possibilitysuggests itself that Garfield invented the bit about Sheridan remaining with Thomas in order to

    ingratiate his way into the "Ohio Gang".

    By noon or thereabouts, Thomas was alone with about 25,000 men on the field against the60,000 or so Confederates. As his situation became clear to him, Thomas concentrated most ofhis troops around Snodgrass Hill and resolved to stay and fight until nightfall, which he did. Hewas helped by relative passivity of Polk, whose troops were apparently fought out. Polkdisregarded repeated orders by Bragg to attack, but Polk was also plagued by insubordinationfrom, for example, D.H. Hill who refused to attack until certain conditions had been met. Thekey, however, to Thomas's survival that afternoon were the uncoordinated frontal attacks whichan overconfident Longstreet carried out from the southern end of the Confederate line (just the
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    sort of error which Thomas had speculated upon), and by the arrival ofGrangerin the afternoonwith the reserve corps (2 divisions) and ammunition. As Thomas said, his opponents that day"fought without system". It helped also that Thomas's men were the best trained soldiers in eitherarmy or even in the entire country, and that Thomas had the knack of getting extraordinaryperformances from subordinate officers, many of whom on this day were from other commandsand had found him by following the sound of battle. But then, Thomas always seemed to enjoythis sort of luck. The performance and personal heroism of the generals Brannan, Beatty,Johnson, Reynolds, Steedman, Palmer, Baird, Turchin, Willich, and Wood on this day deserve

    special mention. Other officers (including colonels and brigadier generals) separated from theircommands fought on the line along with the privates. Thomas himself thanked mostly hisordinary soldiers. In fact, during the final withdrawal he got down from his horse to shake thehand of a nameless private.

    When the day ended, Thomas was able to withdraw through McFarland Gap to Rossville instages in a fairly orderly manner, and he thus saved the Union army. For this exploit he becameknown as the Rock of Chickamauga. More than a year later his stand at Chickamauga was citedas the reason for his promotion to major general of the regular army, not for his interveningvictory atNashville, by the way. But that is another story...

    The casualty statistics are eloquent. Out of 58,000 Union effectives there were 16,000 casualties(28%), and out of 66,000 confederate effectives there were 18,000 casualties (also 28%). Thisbattle has been called the bloodiest two days of the war. Bragg had won a victory of sorts, but hisarmy was almost as bad off as Rosecrans's. Bragg was not willing, and his army was probablynot able to pursue, so Rosecrans held onto Chattanooga. Bragg's victory was barren, whileRosecrans's loss was, in the long run, inconsequential.

    Rosecrans, perhaps undermined by frustration and driven by ambition, had been pressured intopursuing Bragg with more impetus than was prudent, and this was the cost. Was it worth it?Even today many commentators fault Bragg for not having vigorously pursued on the followingday. They overlook the fact that no victorious Civil War army on either side, after having

    sustained such high losses, had undertaken decisive action immediately. This was not becausethe commanders had not recognized the advantages from a successful pursuit, but because theirarmies were not capable of it. Some commentators, even today, also leave out the Thomas factorfrom their calculations. On 21 Sept. 1863 Thomas was not defeated, and by then Bragg and otherclear thinking Western theater commanders on both sides knew what that meant after havingeither faced Thomas or fought beside him at Murfreesboro and Hoover's Gap. Other astuteobservers also knew and drew their conclusions.

    At Chickamauga Thomas's contribution was unique and decisive. The reluctance of many toaccord him his rightful place in history has various reasons. Some of his fellow Union officerscould not advance their careers unless they checked his and tarnished his reputation. Southern

    commentators regarded him as a traitor to their cause, discounting the possibility that he actedalso in the South's best long-term interests. Northern commentators perhaps would rather notadmit that the Union victory was largely the work of a Virginian. So what's your excuse?Thomas van Horne in Major General George H. Thomas, 1882, p. 143: "Seldom in war has sucha burden of responsibility fallen upon a subordinate, as upon General Thomas at Chickamauga.

    The battle was left to him before noon on the 20th. He received no instructions from thecommanding general. He was ignorant of the disaster on the right until the on-coming left wingof Bragg's army revealed it. Uninformed as to the general situation, he could not anticipateemergencies, but he was strong and versatile to master them as they were developed. It was not a
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    light matter to command the Army of the Cumberland, as a whole, against a vast army that hadbeen gathered from the East and West to crush it; an army superior in numbers, and inspired bythe hope that in winning a decisive victory the general contest would be decided also. But, totake command of half of the Army of the Cumberland, with no supporting cavalry, with exposedflanks, and unconnected lines - to be supreme on the field by the demands of the situation ratherthan by the orders of a superior, and under such circumstances to contend successfully againstBragg's whole army, infantry and cavalry, was an achievement that transcends the highersuccesses of generals."

    Battle reports: Rosecrans US, Thomas US, Wood US, Parkhurst US provost marshal, Dana USdispatches, Bragg CS plus correspondence, Longstreet CS, PolkCS, Cleburne CS
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    Appendix D (Atlanta)



    The battles for Atlanta 20 July - 1 Sept. 64

    (the siege of Atlanta)Hood's 4 desperate attempts to defeat various portions of Sherman's army

    This is actually pretty dull stuff. Hood's army was much smaller than that ofSherman, and Hoodwas repulsed every time he attacked a portion of Sherman's army. The continuously lopsidedcasualty ratios reveal the futility of Hood's efforts; reveal as well the Gtterdmmerungpsychosis which grips the losing side in any war. The fact that Sherman scattered his forceswhen he knew that Hood was going to attack in any case (in order to offer Richmond his contrastto Johnston) makes it even duller. Foregone conclusions which the victorious commander can'tmess up, no matter how unimaginative he is, are not my idea of fascinating history. Anyway, The4 main phases were: 1) Peachtree Creek 20 July; 2) Battle of Atlanta 22 July; 3) Ezra Church 28

    July; 4) Jonesboro 31 Aug -1 Sept.

    1. After being flanked out of the positions behind the Chattahoochee, Johnston retired south ofPeachtree Creek, an east to west flowing stream about three miles north of Atlanta. Sherman splithis army into three columns for the assault on Atlanta with Thomass Army of the Cumberlandmoving from the north. Johnston had decided to attack Thomas, but on 17 July Davis replacedhim with Hood whose direct correspondence with Davis may have had some influence on thedecision. In these letters Hood represented the opinion of the major commanders of the Army ofTennessee as being unfavorable to Johnston. This was pretty much what Davis wanted to hearbecause Johnston and he had been feuding since the beginning of the war about a date on a pieceof paper. On 20 July Hood's army (including boys and old men) attacked Thomas while his army

    was astride Peachtree Creek. Hooker's troops fought very well. The Federal artillery underThomas's personal direction was particularly effective against the Confederates whooutnumbered this portion of Sherman's army, but were nevertheless repulsed. If I had been theConfederate commander, I would have avoided Thomas like the plague, but Hood apparentlythought he could gain more glory by defeating his former artillery instructor. The price for thishubris was high. Estimated casualties: 6,506 total (US 1,710; CS 4,796)

    2. During what is called the battle of Atlanta on 22 July, Hood again attacked in detail one of thegroups of Sherman's army, this time singling out McPherson. Hood sent Hardee with his corps(including Cleburne) on a fifteen-mile march to surprise and hit the unprotected Union left andrear, east of the city. Thirty-seven hundred casualties including McPherson, the only army

    commander in the Union armies to be killed in action, was the price of another juvenile decisionof Sherman who wrote in his memoirs: "I purposely allowed the Army of the Tennessee to fightthis battle almost unaided because I knew that...if any assistance were rendered by either of thesetwo armies, the Army of the Tennessee would be jealous." The issue was finally decided bySherman's artillery, which prevented a breakthrough on the part of Cheatham, whereupon Loganled a counterattack, which restored the Union line. Estimated casualties: 12,140 total (US 3,641;CS 8,499)

    3. At the battle of Ezra Church on 28 July 64 the commander of the Army of the Tennesse wasnow Howard who had replaced McPherson. Hooker resigned when his former subordinate who,in his opinion, had helped cause the debacle at Chancellorsville, was chosen for this command
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    intead of him. Howard was now ordered to cut the railroad line on the western side of Atlanta.Hood moved out of Atlanta to attack and ran into Howard's fortifications. Again the Confederatelosses were heavy, although Howard failed to cut the railroad line. Estimated casualties: 3,562total (US 562; CS 3,000)

    4. At the battle (or non-battle according to Sam Watkins) of Jonesboro south of Atlanta on 31Aug. - 1 Sept. 64 it was Hardee who, with 2 corps, tried to attack 6 corps of Sherman whoavoided battle. Thomas had proposed a plan for eliminating Hardee, but Sherman was more

    interested in cutting the last railroad link, which he did. Estimated casualties: 3,149 total (US1,149; CS 2,000). Hood evacuated Atlanta on 1 Sept., and on 2 Sept. Sherman moved in and senthis telegram to Lincoln. Church bells rang all over the North and Lincoln's reelection wasassured. Thomas summed up Jonesboro in his report: "Federal forces occupy Atlanta, Georgia.Sherman withdraws his forces from Lovejoy's Station rather than attacking and destroying ordispersing the Army of Tennessee. He leaves Hood to mend his Army."

    Battle reports: Thomas US, Grant US, Sherman US, Hood CS plus correspondence
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    1The information regarding the 110

    thIll Inf reg was obtained from:

    2I obtained the military service record information from, where I conducted a

    name search for John G. Munsell. Additional information and unit rosters located at , #1 above, also confirmed the information

    3William Rosecanswas born in Kingston, Ohio, on 6th September, 1819. He studied at the U.S.Military Academy at West Point and after graduating in 1842 joined the United States Army. Hespecialized in engineering and after a period based in New England he lectured on the subject atWest Point. In 1854 he resigned from the army and became a civil engineer, architect and oilrefiner in Ohio. He also joined the Democratic Party and was active in local politics.

    On the outbreak of the American Civil WarRosecans joined the Union Army and wascommissioned as a colonel in the Ohio Volunteers. He joined the staff ofGeorge McClellan inJune, 1861, and successfully defeated Robert E. Lee at Rich Mountain. Rosecans took part inbattles at Iuka and Corinth before being given the rank of major general and the command of theArmy of the Cumberland. In December, 1862, Rosecrans moved his army towards Chattanooga.General Braxton Bragg, commander of the Army of Tennessee, who had just retreated fromPerryville, was also in the area.

    When Bragg's scouts told him of the Army of the Cumberland movements, Bragg decided toconfront them at Murfreesboro, on the Stones River. Braxton Bragg attacked Rosecrans on 31stDecember. Taken by surprise Rosecrans was in danger of being routed but he was eventuallyable to repulse the attack. Rosecrans was able to hold his position for the next two days and onthe night of the 3rd January, 1863, Bragg and his Army of Tennessee retreated to Tullahoma. It isestimated that the Union Army lost 12,906 men in the battle.

    At Chickamuga (September, 1863) where he made a serious tactical blunder that opened up agap in the Union Army lines. Rosecrans and his men fled to Chattanooga leaving General GeorgeThomas on the battlefield. General Braxton Bragg followed and was attempting to starveRosecrans out when union forces led by Ulysses S. Grant, Joseph Hookerand William Shermanarrived. As a result of the Chickamuga disaster Rosecans was transferred to the Department of

    Missouri. He went on sick leave in December, 1864, but did not officially resign until on 28thMarch, 1867.

    After the war Rosecrans returned to politics and represented California in the House ofRepresentatives (1881-85) and served as register of the U.S. Treasury. William Rosecans diedon 11th March, 1898.

    (1) In his autobiography, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Ulysses Grant looked at WilliamRosecrans record in the American Civil War(1885)

    After the fall of Vicksburg I urged strongly upon the government the propriety of a movementagainst Mobile. General Rosecrans had been at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, with a large and well-equipped army from early in the year 1863, with General Braxton Bragg confronting him with a

    force quite equal to his own. But after Vicksburg, Bragg's army was largely depleted to strengthenGeneral Joseph Johnson, in Mississippi, who was being reinforced to raise the siege. I frequentlywrote General Halleck suggesting that Rosecrans should move against Bragg. General Halleckstrongly approved the suggestion, and finally wrote me that he had repeatedly ordered Rosecransto advance, but that the latter had constantly failed to comply with the order.

    Finally he did move, on the 24th June. Rosecrans very skillfully maneuvered Bragg south of theTennessee River, and through and beyond Chattanooga. If he stopped and entrenched, andmade himself strong there, all would have been right and the mistake of not moving earlierpartially compensated. But he pushed on, with his forces very much scattered, until Bragg'stroops from Mississippi began to join him. Then Bragg took the initiative. Rosecrans had to fallback in turn, and was able to get his army together at Chickamauga. Some miles south-east ofChattanooga, before the main battle was brought on. The battle was fought on the 19th and 20th
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    September, and Rosecrans was badly defeated, with a heavy loss in artillery and some sixteenthousand men killed, wounded or captured.

    (2) Henry Villard worked for the New York Tribune during the American Civil War. In hismemoirs he wrote about the abilities of William Rosecrans.General Rosecrans was of middle stature, with a broad upper body and rather short, bow legs(owing to which peculiarities he presented a far better appearance when mounted than on foot); ahead not large, with short, thin, light-brown hair; a narrow, long face with kindly blue eyes, strong

    nose and mouth, and scanty full greyish beard. His general expression was very genial. He was agreat talker, voluble, earnest, and persuasive. He invited me to his camp so urgently that I grewsuspicious, and thought that he cared more for my pen than my person. My subsequentexperience proved that I had judged him correctly. Source:

    4Readyville, TN is located due east of Murfreesboro TN (central Tennessee)

    5I havent found anything to support this. I did find the Union Order of Battle for the Fourteenth ArmyCorps, or Army of the Cumberland, The Stone's River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign(DECEMBER 26, 1862-JANUARY 5, 1863). This was of course before the reorganization in May:

    Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans, U.S. Army, commanding


    First (late Twenty-second) Brigade.Brig. Gen. CHARLES CRUFT.

    Second (late Nineteenth ) Brigade.Col. WILLIAM B. HAZEN.

    110th Illinois,

    Col. Thomas S. Casey.9th Indiana,Col. William H. Blake.

    6th Kentucky,Col. Walter C. Whitaker.

    41st Ohio,Lieut Col. Aquila Wiley.

    Third (late Tenth) Brigade.Col. WILLIAM GROSE.

    Artillery.Capt. WILLIAM E. STANDART.

    6 Tullahoma, TN is Northeast of Lynchburg TN (south-central Tennessee)7

    Munsells description in not particularly clear but appears accurate, a clearer description of theadvance: .the plan was both audacious and complex involving 4 separate attack columns, and it wentoff like clockwork, in spite of incessant rain and bad roads, thanks to the months of preparation and,according to Bradley, just the right amount of improvisation. On the Federal right Stanley and Granger'scavalry demonstrated toward the fortified town of Shelbyville. In the middle McCook and Thomasthreatened the passes, and on the left Crittenden gestured toward McMinnville before becoming literallystuck in the mud caused by the rain, the most which had fallen in that period since records had been kept.Stanley's movement on 23 June was a feint (rendered more convincing by the presence of most ofRosecrans' cavalry), because Rosecrans had no intention of directly attacking the fortifications. On theother side of his line on the left, Crittenden was feinting at a feint according to Woodworth, that is, it wassupposed to be recognized as being not the main thrust, thus diverting attention back to Stanley on the
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    Federal right in front of Shelbyville. In the middle, McCook's movment toward Liberty Gap was also ademonstration, and a few days later his forces moved east to join those of Thomas. Source:

    8Duck River is west of Manchester, TN.

    9 The historical account: .Hardee, just to the west of Hoover's Gap, knew only that huge force hadsuddenly appeared on his right flank. For some reason for two days he sent no messages back to Bragg(whom he despised) about the fighting, and then he retreated without orders into Tullahoma. This isolatedPolk's corps in Shelbyville which therefore also withdrew into Tullahoma, as ordered by Bragg. On 28June Hardee and Bishop Lenoidas Polk (Davis's plant in the AoT who constantly fomented rebellionagainst Bragg) advised in guarded and less guarded terms to abandon Tullahoma because Rosecranswas now solidly placed in Manchester and poised to make another flanking maneuver to the east and cutBragg off from Chattanooga. The next day Bragg's army began its withdrawal to Chattanooga. On 3 Julythe Federals effected the crossing of the Elk River to the south of Tullahoma, and on the next day thepursuit was called off, as Bragg was safely across the Cumberland plateau on his way to Chattanooga.By a strange coincidence, the Tullahoma campaign and the battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg (whichunjustly overshadow it), all ended on the same day. Source:

    10 Clement Larid Vallandigham (1820 - 1871). Vallandigham made a national reputation as aconservative and as a contentious states-rights advocate. He became brigadier general of Ohio militia in1857, met with the captured abolitionist John Brown in 1859, subsequently spread rumors of a nationalabolitionist conspiracy, then supported a moderate course in the secession crisis, backing Democraticpresidential candidate Stephen A. Douglas in 1860.

    Vallandigham opposed the Federal government's prosecution of the Civil War, publishing a letter inthe 20 Apr. 1861 Cincinnati Daily Enquirerstating his belief that the South could not be coerced intoreentering the Union. Supported by vocal immigrant and farm constituencies in Ohio, he blamed the waron Pres. Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party, voted against national Conscription, refused tocooperate with congressional war measures, and alienated the powers within his own political party. ACopperhead, falsely believed to belong to the Knights Of The Golden Circle, he was abandoned by thestate's War Democrats in a fight to keep his original congressional district intact. It was gerrymandered tocontain a minority of his supporters, and he was not reelected in 1 862. Determined to run for the

    governorship in 1863, he began an unofficial campaign in spring 1862, following Democratic victories inDayton, and tried to rally support for his candidacy over that of Democratic elder-statesman Hugh J.Jewett. The preliminary Ohio Democratic convention met 28 Apr. and rejected Vallandigham's bid for thegubernatorial nomination.

    On 13 Apr. 1863, Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, Commmander of the Department Of The Ohio,had issued General Order No. 38, forbidding expression of sympathy for the enemy. On 30 Apr.Vallandigham addressed a large audience in Columbus, made derogatory references to the president andthe war effort, then hoped that he would be arrested under Burnside's order, thus gaining popularsympathy. Arrested at his home at 2 a.m., 5 May, by a company of troops, he was taken to Burnside'sCincinnati headquarters, tried by a military court 6-7 May, denied a writ ofhabeas corpus, and sentencedto 2 years' confinement in a military prison. Following a 19 May cabinet meeting, President Lincolncommuted Vallandigham's sentence to banishment to the Confederacy. On 26 May the Ohioan was taken
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    to Confederates south of Murfreesboro, Tenn., and there entered Southern lines. Outraged at histreatment, by a vote of 411 -11 state Democrats nominated Vallandigham for governor at their 11 Juneconvention.

    Vallandigham was escorted to Wilmington, N.C., and shipped out to, Bermuda, arriving there 1 7June. He traveled to Canada, arrived at Niagara Falls, Ontario, 5 July, and from there and Windsor,Ontario, conducted his campaign for the governorship. Candidate for lieutenant governor George Pughrepresented Vallandigham's views at rallies and in the press. Lincoln interested himself in the election,endorsed Republican candidate John Brough, downplayed the illegalities of a civilian's arrest and trial by

    military authorities, and claimed that a vote for the Democratic contender was "a discredit to the country."In the election of 13 Oct. 1863, Brough defeated Vallandigham 288,000 - 187,000.With the election crisis passed, Lincoln and the military ignored Vallandigham's return to the U.S, in

    disguise 14 June 1864. Here established residence in 0hio, attended the August national Democraticconvention in Chicago, and helped construct the disastrous "peace" plank in presidential candidateGeorge B. McClellan's platform.

    In postwar years the Democratic party declared himpersona non grata at its 1866 Philadelphiaconvention, a meeting of old Federals and recently reconstructed Southern Democrats, where it was felthis presence was disruptive. After he lost a bid in 1867 for election to the state senate, he resumed hislaw practice. In a Lebanon, Ohio, hotel, 16 June 1871, a gun went off while he was demonstrating toother attorneys how a defendant's supposed victim may have accidentally shot himself. He died there thefollowing day.

    The Ohioan is best remembered for the Feb. 1864 Supreme Court decision, Ex Parte Vallandigham,which decreed that the Court could not issue a writ ofhabeas corpus in a military case, and for a

    Democratic campaign slogan he created May 1862: "The Constitution as it is, the Union as it was."Inspired by the story of Vallandigham's banishment and his remark at that time that he did not care to livein a country where Lincoln was president, Edward Everett Hale wrote "The Man Without a Country"(1863). Source: Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War

    11Military records show that he was promoted to Hospital Steward Aug 14, 1862.

    12Im not sure if this says Logansport & so home to Chicago or Logansport & (another town name) to

    Chicago The first letter after & looks like the old form for a script S but could also be an H. I couldntfind a town located between Logansport and Chicago that seemed to match so Ive left it as so home

    13Source: Illinois Newspaper Project Database, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

    OCLC Number: 25625688Title: Unconditional unionistTown of Publication: Mount VernonArea of Coverage: Mount VernonCounty: JeffersonState Or Non-US Country: IllinoisLife Span: 1863-18uuEthnic Group/Subject Access:Institutions listed below hold the reflected dates of this title:Illinois State Historical Library: Year(s) Held:1863

    It appears that the Illinois State Historical Library may have copies. It would be interesting to see if thehonorable mention can be found.


    The 1866 Licking County Atlas, Plan of Harrison Township, shows George Charles owned land NNWof Kirkersville. It appears the farms name is Pleasant View. In the bottom corner of the same plan is amap of Kirkersville. One of the businesses advertising (sponsoring) the map is a J. Charles StockHandler.