cjl mbmmas03 08/14/2015 14:44 board minutes 2 minute book

CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 447 MEETING AGENDA/OPENING Date 1/12/2009 JANUARY 12, 2009 The Board of Supervisors met at 9:00 a.m. the 12th day of January, 2009, in the Supervisor's Board Room, in the Chancery Court Facilities Building at the Pearl River County Courthouse in the City of Poplarville, Mississippi, with the following members of said Board and officers of said County present to-wit: President, Anthony Hales, member from District No. One; Vice-President, Patrick Lee, member from District No. Four; Charles Culpepper, member from District No. Two; Hudson Holliday, member from District No. Three; Sandy Kane Smith, member from District No. Five; County Administrator, Adrain Lumpkin; Joe Montgomery, Board Attorney; Chancery Clerk, David Earl Johnson; and Sheriff, David Allison. The following proceedings were had and entered of record to-wit: PAGE 2

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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 447 MEETING AGENDA/OPENING Date 1/12/2009

JANUARY 12, 2009 The Board of Supervisors met at 9:00 a.m. the 12th day of

January, 2009, in the Supervisor's Board Room, in the Chancery Court Facilities Building at the Pearl River County Courthouse in the City of Poplarville, Mississippi, with the following members of said Board and officers of said County present to-wit:

President, Anthony Hales, member from District No. One; Vice-President, Patrick Lee, member from District No. Four; Charles Culpepper, member from District No. Two; Hudson Holliday, member from District No. Three; Sandy Kane Smith, member from District No. Five; County Administrator, Adrain Lumpkin; Joe Montgomery, Board Attorney; Chancery Clerk, David Earl Johnson; and Sheriff, David Allison.

The following proceedings were had and entered of record to-wit:


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 448 SHERIFF PERSONNEL/CUEVAS AUCTION Date 1/12/2009


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of personnel changes in the Sheriff's Department.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the following and attached personnel changes in the Sheriff's Department.

Kristopher V. Robbins from part-time deputy to full time certified deputy efffective January 5, 2009. Mr. Robbins is replacing James Bolton. Hire Barbara Mitchell as a part time LPN effective January 9, 2009. Ms. Mitchell will be filling in for Mary Cecil Wheat, LPN until her return to work. Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO APPROVE THE SALE OF COUNTY VEHICLES AT CUEVAS AUCTION There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of selling county vehicles at Cuevas Auction.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the the order for the sale of county vehicles at Cuevas Auction, (see attachments) .

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 468 LAMBERT AMEND/FORFEITURES Date 1/12/2009

DECEMBER 30, 2008 There carne on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of approving amendment to board letter.

Upon the motion made by Charles Culpepper and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the amendment to board letter dated December 30, 2008. See attachment changing Deputy Ashley Lambert to George Dominguez

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO ACCEPT FORFEITURES AND ADD VEHICLES TO COUNTY INVENTORY There carne on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of forfeitures from the Sheriff's Department.

Upon the motion made by Hudson Holliday and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to accept the attached declaration of Forfeitures under Mississippi Law from Pearl River County Sheriff's Department and the 15th Circuit Court District Attorney's office and add vehicles to the County inventory.

Declaration of Forfeitures: U.S. Currency Steven Lee---------------$1,083.00 DECLARED that the above described currency is hereby

forfeited to be used or disposed of according to law with the Pearl River County Sheriff's Department receiving eighty (80%) percent of the currency and the remaining twenty (20%) percent to the 15th Circuit Court District Attorney's Office.

Be It Further Ordered to direct the clerk to issue warrants to the Pearl River county Sheriff's Department and the 15th Circuit Court District Attorney's Office.

VEHICLE FORFEITURES Mike Nowell 2001 Chevrolet Cavalier

2003 Dodge Truck DECLARED that the above described property is forfeited under

the provisions of Mississippi Law to the Pearl River County Sheriff's Department receiving 80% and the 15th Circuit Court District Attorney's Office receiving 20% of the proceeds of the



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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 468 LAMBERT AMEND/FORFEITURES Date 1/12/2009

property from the sale thereof. See attached documents. Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 479 JH&H INVOICES/NUTRITION EVALUATION Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO PAY JH&H INVOICES ON BOARD NOTIFICATION There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to pay JH&H invoices upon Board notification.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to pay the attached JH&H invoice number 08-0804 in the amount of $4,102.70 for Architectural Fees from Micro Printing and Blueprint, upon Board notification.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE NUTRITION EVALUATION REPORT There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to acknowledge the Nutrition Evaluation Report.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to acknowledge the attached Mississippi State Department of Health, Nutrition Evaluation Report.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kande Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 490 NCRS 68-4423-8-1807/CURT STASNY Date 1/12/2009


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve NCRS Amendment 1 to Local Agreement 68-4423-8-1807.

Upon the motion made by Hudson Holliday and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached NCRS Amendment 1 to Local Agreement 68-4423-8-1807.

Ordered and adopted this 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to acknowledge the resignation of Curt Stasny from the Poplarville School Board.

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to acknowledge the attached resignation of Curt Stasny from the Poplarville School Board.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 494 UTILITY AUTH. EASEMENT/POP. SCHOOL LEASE Date 1/12/2009


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to authorize Board President to execute easement documents for CDBG Projects PRCUA-02-W2 and 02-S2.

Upon the motion made by Hudson Holliday and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to authorize the Board President to execute the attached easement documents for CDBG Projects PRCUA-02-W2 and 02-S2.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO APPROVE THE POPLARVILLE SCHOOL LEASE There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve the Poplarville School Lease.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached 16th Section Trust Lands Commercial Lease Agreement between Poplarville Special Municipal Separate School District and Skrivanos Engineering, INC, Book 984 Page 495-506.

Ordered and Voting AYE:

Voting NAY:

adopted, this the 12th day of January, Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper, Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith. None.



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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 516 AMACKERTOWN VFD/SMPD COMMITMENT Date 1/12/2009


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve the new appointments to Amackertown VFD Board of Commissioners.

Upon the motion made by Charles Culpepper and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached new appointments to Amackertown VFD Board of Commissioners.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to authorize Board President to sign SMPD Memorandum of Commitment.

Upon the motion made by Hudson Holliday and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to authorize Board President to sign the attached Memorandum of Commitment in amount of $47,700.00, between the Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District Area Agency on Aging and the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 519 TAX STRIKES/TAX REDUCTIONS Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO APPROVE STRIKES FROM TAX SALE There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve the Strikes From Tax Sale.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl river County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached Strikes From Tax Sale as recommended by the Tax Assessor.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO APPROVE TAX REDUCTIONS There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve Tax Reductions.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached list of Tax Reductions as recommended by the Tax Assessor.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 526 TAX INCREASE/HOMESTEAD CORRECTIONS Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO APPROVE TAX INCREASES There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve Tax Increases.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisor to approve the attached list of Tax Increases as recommended by the Tax Assessor.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve to Adjust Exemption On Homestead Exemption Supplemental Roll.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to Adjust the attached list of Exemptions On Homestead Exemption Supplemental Roll as recommended by the Tax Assessor.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 562 ASPHALT, EMULSION BIDS/SPEED LIMITS Date 1/12/2009


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to acknowledge the receipt of and take under advisement the bids for asphalt, emulsion and related materials.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to acknowledge the receipt of and take under advisement the attached bids for asphalt, emulsion and related materials. Bids were as follows:

Warren Paving Huey Stockstill Southland Oil Blacklidge Emulsions Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER CONFIRMING POSTED SPEED LIMIT PROJECT NO. SAP-55(13)S There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of confirming posted speed limit on Project No. SAP-55(13)S.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted,to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to adopt the attached Order Confirming Posted Speed Limit Project No. SAP-55(13)S as follows:

Salem Road-----35 MPH McNeill-Steep Hollow Road-----35 MPH Hilt Fornea Road-----35 MPH Stanford Lake Road-----35 MPH Lavelle Ladner Road-----35 MPH Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 566 MH CANCELATION/UTILITY AUTH EASEMENT Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO APPROVE CANCELLATION OF PRIOR YEARS' MOBILE HOME TAXES There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of the cancellation of prior years' mobile home taxes.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Hudson Holliday, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached list of Cancellation of Prior Years' Mobile Home Taxes.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


There came on this day to be considered by the Board of Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to authorize the Board President to sign Utility Authority Easements and Permit Application For Use And Occupancy Agreement.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to authorize the Board President to sign the the attached Utility Authority Easements and Permit Application For Use And Occupancy Agreement For The Construction Or Adjustment Of A Utility Within Road Or Highway Right-Of-Way. These documents are on file in the Office of the County Administrator.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 587 RESCIND JH&H/SEMI ANNUAL BIDS Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO RESCIND MOTION 479 TO ADD JH&H INVOICE TO DOCKET There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to rescind Motion 479 to add JH&H invoice to the docket.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to rescind the attached Motion 479 to add JH&H invoice to the docket contigent on further information.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO APPROVE SEMI ANNUAL BIDS There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve the semi annual bids.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the attached semi annual bids.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.~


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 601 ASPHALT BIDS/HOLLIDAY Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO APPROVE AND AWARD ASPHALT BIDS ON A QUARTERLY BASIS There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve and award asphalt bids on a quarterly basis.

Upon the motion made by Hudson Holliday and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve and award asphalt bids on a quarterly basis.

Ordered and adopted this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO DECLARE PAID HOLIDAY FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to declare a paid holiday for county employees.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to declare January the 19th a paid holiday for county employees per the attached recommendation from the Secretary of State.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 603 CO ADMIN MO REPORT/SPCA REPORT Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MONTHLY REPORT There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to acknowledge the County Administrator monthly report.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to acknowledge the County Administrator monthly report which is on file in the County Administrator's Office.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE MINUTES FROM COUNTY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to acknowledge minutes from County Government Agencies.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Sandy Kane Smith, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to acknowledge the monthly minutes from county government agencies which are funded from the county budget as follows:

SPCA On file in the County Administrator's Office.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 604 KANDUIT INVOICE/CLOSE SESSION Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO ADD KANDUIT INVOICE TO DOCKET There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to add Kanduit Invoice to the docket.

Upon the motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to authorize the clerk to pay and add to the docket the attached KanDuit Contractor's Application for Payment No. 6 in amount of $79,866.40.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

CLOSE SESSION There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to close session.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Hudson Holliday, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to close the session to determine the need bo executive session.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 608 EXECUTIVE SESSION/OUT Date 1/12/2009

EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion made by Patrick Lee and seconded by

Charles Culpepper, the following order was adopted, to-wit: Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors

to retire into executive session at 11:52 a.m. Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by

Hudson Holliday, the following order was adopted, to-wit: Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors

to return to regular session at 1:15 p.m. after taking no action in executive session.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 609 TRAVEL/APPROVE DOCKET Date 1/12/2009

ORDER TO APPROVE TRAVEL There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter of travel for county employees and officials.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve travel for the following listed officials and county employees to attend various workshops, seminars and meetings listed below and that reimbursement for any expenses incurred be and is hereby approved, including, but not limited to, travel, meals, lodging, registration fees and other expenses incidental to said workshops, seminars and meetings.

Vickie Hariel to attned Circuit Court Conference in Jackson, Mississippi. Board of Supervisors and County Officials to travel to Washington, D.C. Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.

ORDER TO APPROVE DOCKET There came on this day to be considered by the Board of

Supervisors of Pearl River County, Mississippi, the matter to approve the docket.

Upon the motion made by Sandy Kane Smith and seconded by Patrick Lee, the following order was adotped, to-wit:

Be It Ordered by the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors to approve the docket for January 10,2009.

Ordered and adopted, this the 12th day of January, 2009. Voting AYE: Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper,

Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.


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CJL MBMMAS03 08/14/2015 14:44 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0130 Page 610 RECESS Date 1/12/2009

RECESS Upon the motion made by Hudson Holliday and seconded by

Patrick Lee, the following order was adopted, to-wit: Be It Ordered that this Board does now take a recess until

the next scheduled meeting to be held at 9:00a.m., Monday, the 26th day of January, 2009 at the Board of Supervisors meeting room in the Chancery Court Facilities Building at the Pearl River County Courthouse in Poplarville.

Voting AYE : Anthony Hales, Charles Culpepper, Hudson Holliday, Patrick Lee, and Sandy Kane Smith.

Voting NAY: None.