ckeditor widgets with drupal

CKEditor Widgets with Drupal Engr. Ranel O. Padon Kite Systems |

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CKEditor Widgets with Drupal

Engr. Ranel O. Padon

Kite Systems |

About Me

•  Software Engineer at Kite Systems (Hong Kong-based company) –  full-time Drupal developer for CNN Travel (our client)

•  part-time Python lecturer in University of the Philippines •  involved in Java and Python projects before

•  plays competitive futsal

Topics •  Why give importance on contents? •  Why use a WYSIWYG tool and CKEditor?

•  Why use widgets? •  How to create widget from scratch?

–  Grouped Texts widget

–  HERE Maps widget •  CNN Travel in-house widgets

–  Inline Ads –  Inline Maps

–  Service Info widget •  My personal project: Leaflet Maps widget

Why Contents?

•  one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site is to create valuable and interesting contents

•  to create high-quality contents the editors must have effective and high-quality tools


•  WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editors could be used to create/edit contents directly in your web site

•  eliminates the need to use a word document processor(MS Word, LibreOffice Writer)

•  boosts editor’s productivity


•  Node view (normal page view)


•  Node Edit link

CKEditor Toolbar

•  Node Edit view (CKEditor view)

Why CKEditor?

image captured from

Why CKEditor?

image captured from

Why CKEditor?

image captured from

Why CKEditor?

image captured from

Why CKEditor?

image captured from

Why CKEditor?

•  Has good support for common CMSes like Drupal, WordPress, Django, etc.

•  Default WYSIWYG Editor in Drupal 8!

Why CKEditor?

•  Check-out xEditor 2.0 for in-place editing of contents (Drupal module for live node view editing):

Why CKEditor?

•  a redesigned version of FCKeditor •  created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Why Widgets?

•  grouped CKEditor elements •  subclass of the Plugin class •  widget styling has a template

- could have a generic style for all widget - could have specific style for specific via a custom Dialog window

•  widget is a drag-and-drop element, but as a group •  widgets could have multiple instances

Why Widgets?

•  we use to inject spatial information in our

content using a customized Drupal’s Leaflet module.

•  we could display maps in Leaflet as a block but it could be too limiting

•  sometimes our editors write articles like Top10 articles in Hong Kong and want to insert the map alongside its content writeup

Widget 1: Grouped Texts

Widget 2: Code Snippets

Widget 3: Annotated Images

Widget 4: Math Formulas

CKEditor Widgets Live Demo

•  Check-out the live demo of the four widgets:

Custom Widget

•  Structure/Required Files –  PLUGIN_NAME/plugin.js

–  PLUGIN_NAMEs/css/contents.css –  PLUGIN_NAME/icons/PLUGIN_NAME.png

Custom Widget: Grouped texts

•  Required Files –  grouped_texts/plugin.js

–  grouped_texts/css/contents.css –  grouped_texts/icons/grouped_texts.png

ideas for this sample widget is obtained from the Simple Box widget from here:

Custom Widget: Grouped texts

Custom Widget: Grouped texts

Custom Widget: Grouped texts –  grouped_texts/plugin.js

Custom Widget: Grouped texts

Custom Widget: Grouped texts

Custom Widget: Grouped texts

Custom Widget: Grouped texts –  grouped_texts/css/contents.css

Custom Widget: HERE Maps

Workhorse Widget Files •  Plugin Core: Defines the plugin and attaches the

plugin to the CKEditor toolbar.

•  Dialog Script: Displays the map options when creating and editing existing maps.

•  Map Iframe Renderer: Parses the map options via URL and renders the map accordingly.

Custom Widget: HERE Maps

•  Widget Files –  here_maps/plugin.js

–  here_maps/css/contents.css –  here_maps/icons/here_maps.png

–  here_maps/dialogs/here_maps.js

–  here_maps/scripts/here_maps_iframe.html

Custom Widget: HERE Maps

•  Creating a new HERE Maps widget

Custom Widget: HERE Maps

•  Inserting the new HERE Maps widget; loads the iframe element

Custom Widget: HERE Maps •  Editing the HERE Maps widget (by double-clicking the handle bars that

displays in upper-left corner of the widget when you hover the mouse)

Custom Widget: HERE Maps

–  here_maps/plugin.js

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/plugin.js

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/dialog/here_maps.js

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/dialog/here_maps.js (setup method, for editing

existing widgets)

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/dialog/here_maps.js (setup and commit methods)

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/dialog/here_maps.js (commit method, acts as a Submit/

Save handler)

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/dialog/here_maps.js (commit method)

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  here_maps/scripts/here_maps_iframe.html (executes when the commit

method is called)

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  parse the URL query parameters and pass them as info

to build the map

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  build the map using the info from iframe’s URL

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  specify the HERE Maps credentials, could be passed as URL params

also or store them in Drupal.settings object

Custom Widget: HERE Maps –  instantiate a new map using the specified map options via URL

(Latitude and Longitude parameters) –  you could include via URL other map variables like zoom level, map

center, etc

Custom Widget: Drupal Hook the custom widgets could be registered in Drupal using hook_ckeditor_plugins:  

Custom Widget: Drupal Hook

Custom Widget: Drupal Hook

Custom Widget: Drupal Hook enable them in the activated CKEditor profile, usually in admin/config/content/ckeditor/edit/Advanced  

Custom Widget: Drupal Hook they must be included in the Current Toolbar as well  

Custom Widget: Drupal Hook they will now appear in the CKEditor toolbar when adding/editing articles/contents  

CNN Travel Ads Widget has similar mechanism to that of HERE Maps widget (uses iframe also)  

CNN Travel Ads Widget Dialog window’s options for specifying ads  

CNN Travel Map Widget

•  maps could show one or more places •  maps could have various dimensions •  maps could have the specified alignment

•  could show nearby TripAdvisor places •  popups should be styled similar to


•  preserves the last zoom level state –  via mouse scroll zoom events

CNN Travel Map Widget •  Node Edit mode

CNN Travel Map Widget •  Node Edit mode •  shows the Dialog window’s Places tab options

CNN Travel Map Widget

•  Node Edit mode •  shows the Options tab and the auto-

complete search functionality •  uses Twitter’s TypeAhead API and

fetches live data from TripAdvisor’s servers

CNN Travel Service Info

•  CNN Travel Map widget plus other add-ons •  shows one Place only •  focuses on custom texts and TripAdvisor data –  user ratings/reviews –  booking info

CNN Travel Service Info •  Node Edit mode (Hong Kong’s Insider Guide article)

CNN Travel Service Info •  Node Edit mode

CNN Travel Service Info

CNN Travel Service Info

•  the widget showing the TripAdvisor reviews

CNN Travel Service Info

•  the widget showing the HERE Maps section

Challenges We Encountered

•  iframes are notoriosly slow, for contents with lot of map widgets, the page takes too long to fully load

•  we refactored our widget implementation and converted the map iframes to ordinary divs, and treated the main page as the main iframe for all the widgets

Challenges We Encountered

•  we further optimized the widget rendering by rendering them only as needed or as the page scrolls

•  so if the widget is not currently visible in the viewing area, the widget will be not rendered yet

CKEditor leaflet Maps

Project Page:

CKEditor leaflet Maps Live Demo:

CKEditor leaflet Maps

Live Demo (Dialog window):

CKEditor leaflet Maps

Utilizes these libraries: •  CKEditor's Widget API

•  Google's Places Library/Type-Ahead Search •  Google's Geocoding API •  Leaflet JS,

•  Leaflet - Tile Providers •  Leaflet - MiniMap

CKEditor leaflet Maps

•  has good code base (with ample inline code comments) when you want to develop custom widgets

•  includes installation guide that could be useful in installing CKEditor and/or plugins/widgets in Drupal:


•  take time to read the much improved and comprehensive documentation (includes useful links to related resources) and familiarize yourself to the valuable APIs: –

Recommendation | CKEditor sdk

Special Thanks

•  CNN Travel ( for allowing me to share what we are working on.

•  HERE ( for sponsoring my talk.

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