cl install guide

Calcu late Lin ux Documen tation Our documentation is available in the following languages: English | Russian 1. Installing Calculate 1. Installing Calcula te Linux 2. Installation Gu ide 3. Hardware Requirements 4. FTP Mirror Structure 5. Disk Partitioning 6. Software 7. Installation From LiveCD 8. Where to Go From Here? 2. Working with Calculate 1. Frequently Asked Questions 2. User Guide 3. Create System Users 4. Add/Remove Programs 5. System Update Guide 6. Init Sc ripts 7. Default P rograms 8. Compiling Your Kernel with the cl-kernel Tool 9. Interactive System Build 10. System Utilities 11. System Optimization 12. Packa ges fr om Calcu late Overlay: calcboot , calckernel , calculate-sources, keyexec, pam_keystore 3. Worki ng with Portage 1. A Portage Introduction 2. USE Flags 3. Portage Features 4. The emerge Pac kage Manager 5. Environment Variables 6. Files and Directories 7. Configuring through Variables 8. Mixing Software Branches 9. Additional Portage Tools 10. Diverting From the Official Tree 11. Using ebuild 12. make. conf, or Cu stom Settings f or Portage 13. euse 14. eix 4. Calcula te Utilitie s 1. Calculate Templates 2. Templates Variables 3. Storing User Profile Settings 4. Building Your System with calculate-assemble 5. Server Configuration Need Help? Ask in IRC Channel

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Page 1: Cl Install Guide

8/3/2019 Cl Install Guide 1/2

Calculate Linux Documentation

Our documentation is available in the following languages:

English | Russian

1. Installing Calculate

1. Installing Calculate Linux

2. Installation Guide

3. Hardware Requirements

4. FTP Mirror Structure

5. Disk Partitioning

6. Software

7. Installation From LiveCD

8. Where to Go From Here?

2. Working with Calculate

1. Frequently Asked Questions2. User Guide

3. Create System Users

4. Add/Remove Programs

5. System Update Guide

6. Init Scripts

7. Default P rograms

8. Compiling Your Kernel with the cl-kernel Tool

9. Interactive System Build

10. System Utilities

11. System Optimization

12. Packages from Calculate Overlay: calcboot, calckernel, calculate-sources, keyexec, pam_keystore

3. Working with Portage1. A Portage Introduction

2. USE Flags

3. Portage Features

4. The emerge Package Manager

5. Environment Variables

6. Files and Directories

7. Configuring through Variables

8. Mixing Software Branches

9. Additional Portage Tools

10. Diverting From the Official Tree

11. Using ebuild

12. make.conf, or Custom Settings f or Portage

13. euse

14. eix

4. Calculate Utilities

1. Calculate Templates

2. Templates Variables

3. Storing User Profile Settings

4. Building Your System with calculate-assemble

5. Server Configuration

Need Help? Ask in IRC Channel

Page 2: Cl Install Guide

8/3/2019 Cl Install Guide 2/2

1. Migrating users to Calculate Directory Server

2. Configuring an LDAP server

3. Using LDAP for User Accounts

4. Configuring a Samba Server

5. Setting Filesystem ACL

6. Configuring an FTP Server

7. Configuring a Jabber Server

8. Configuring a Mail Server

9. Configuring a Proxy Server

10. Configuring a DNS Server11. Configuring a DHCP Server

12. configuration of gateway server

13. configuration of asterisk server

14. Configuring Samba Servers Replication

15. Configuring Mail Servers Replication

16. LDAP Server Structure

17. Managing CLD Clients

18. Gitosis + Git Setup

19. Backup

6. Workstation Setup

1. Migration to Linux

2. Connecting to a Directory Server3. Storing Users' Profiles

4. Setting Up WM Environment

7. Calculate Network Configuration

1. Network Configuration

2. Configuring Your Network with Calculate Utilities

8. Hardware Setup

1. Sound Configuration

2. Software Modem Configuration

3. Configuring a T V T uner: Avermedia AVerTV 305/307

4. Configuring a Scanner: Epson Perfection 1670

5. Configuring Wake-on-LAN

9. Guides

1. IRC: Description

2. git, Recommit

3. Software Raid

4. Re-Encoding MP3 Tags

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