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Review: Essay #4Basic Features

Discussion: Kornbluh

In-Class Writing: Finding a problem to write about: Community

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Essay #4Essay #4: Proposing a Solution : Essay 150 points

Assignment: Write an essay from 4 - 6pages in length, that addresses the topic below. Use a minimum of two credible sources to support your argument.

Prompt : Write an essay proposing a solution to a well-defined problem faced by a community or group to which you may belong. Alternatively, you may address a well-defined problem faced by one of the districts or communities in The Hunger Games. Address your proposal to your audience: one or more members of the group, its leadership, or to outsiders who may be able to contribute to solving the problem.

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In groups, consider the basic features of Kornbluh’s “Win

Win Flexibility”A Well-Defined Problem

A Clearly Described Solution

A Convincing Argument

An Effective Counterargument

An Evaluation of Alternative Solutions

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Consider Kornbluh’s “Win Win Flexibility”

What is the problem? Which of these strategies does Kornbluh use to define her problem?

• giving examples to make the problem specific

• using scenarios or anecdotes to dramatize the problem

• quoting testimony from those affected by the problem

• citing statistics to show the severity of the problem

• vividly describing the problem’s negative consequences

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What is Kornbluh’s Solution?

Which does she use to demonstrate her solution?

the proposed solution would reduce or eliminate a major cause of the problem;

a similar solution has worked elsewhere;

the necessary steps to put the solution into practice can be taken without excessive cost or inconvenience; or

stakeholders could come together behind the proposal.

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How Does Kornbluh Address Questions and

Concerns? by acknowledging an objection

by conceding the point and modifying the proposal to accommodate it

by refuting criticism—for example, by arguing that an alternative solution would be more costly or less likely to solve the problem than the proposed solution.

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Alternative Solutions

How does Kornbluh present her solution as preferable to other possible solutions?

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A Readable Plan Which of the following does Kornbluh include to make her

essay easy to read:

a forecast of the argument

key words introduced in the thesis and forecasting statement

topic sentences introducing paragraphs or groups of paragraphs

repeated use of key words and synonyms throughout the essay, particularly in topic sentences

clear transitional words and phrases

headings that explicitly identify different sections of the essay

visuals, including charts that present information in an easy-to-read format

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Choosing a Topic for your Essay!

My Community, Club, or Group

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Your ChartGroups and organizations

The Hunger Games

De Anza College

Your Neighborhood

Your Club



Not Enough Food


Drug Dealers?

Martial Arts Group?

No place for kids to play?

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Choosing a Problem From Your Community


No safe place for kids to play


1. Start a volunteer parents group to offer after school activities at local schools.

2. ???

3. ???

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HomeworkWriting: Post #38 Identify a problem faced by people in a group or community you belong to. How would you solve the problem? Write one paragraph outlining the problem. Write another explaining a solution.