class 4 imo model papers

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  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    IMO Model Paper 1 Class4

    1. Which of the following option contains g. (X)?

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    2. Every hour, a group of students can make ! sandwiches.

    Which of the following num"ers complete the given chart ?

    (a) 20, 20

    (b) 50, 60

    (c) 60, 80

    (d) 80, 120

    3. Which face is parallel to the shaded face in this gure?

    (a) Back (b) Top (c) Bottom (d) Side

    4. The picture gie! be"o# $ho#$ #hat happe!ed #he! the !umber$ 8,

    % a!d 13 #ere put i!to the !umber machi!e.

    &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g cou"d be the ru"e u$ed b the !umber


    (a) *u"tip" b 2 (b) *u"tip" b 6 (c) +dd 3 (d) +dd 6

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    5. o# ma! tria!g"e$ are there i! the gie! -gure

    (a) 13 (b) 15 (c) 12 (d) 14

    6. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g $ho#$ a ip o' the gie! -gure oer the

    dotted "i!e

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    /. The $tude!t$ i! *r. agha$ c"a$$ are $o"i!g thi$ prob"em.

    ria had 20 $tamp$. The! $he 'ou!d more $tamp$. o# ria ha$

    26 $tamp$. o# ma! $tamp$ did ria -!d

    Three $tude!t$ #rote the$e $e!te!ce$ to $o"e the prob"em.

    &ho #rote a correct !umber $e!te!ce

    (a) !" oma" a!d +ra (b) !" oma"

    (c) !" +ra a!d 7$ha! (d) !" 7$ha!

    8. ia dre# "i!e$ o! a recta!g"e to make a -gure #ith e9act" 2

    recta!g"e$, 2 tria!g"e$ a!d 1 trape:ium. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g i$

    ia$ -gure

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    %. The $#immi!g poo" $ho#! here i$ diided i!to "a!e$. &hat i$ the

    de!omi!ator o' the 'ractio! that $ho#$ ho# much o' the poo" i$ o!e


    (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    10. irti p"aced 'our card$ o! the tab"e. The !umber$ o! the card$

    'o""o#$ a patter!. 7' the patter! co!ti!ue$, #hat $hou"d be the !e9t


    (a) 6% (b) 102 (c) 113 (d) 203

    11. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g are correct" matched

    1. ;;7; < 31

    2. => < 50

    3. * < 1000

    (a) 1, 2 (b) 2, 3 (c) 1, 3 (d) !" 1

    12. &hich "e!gth i$ the "o!ge$t(a) / m 55 cm (b) / m 80 cm (c) 6 m %2 cm (d) 6 m 31 cm

    13. o# much #i"" ria pa i' $he bu$ a"" the item$ gie! here

    (a) $ /.00 (b) $ /.10 (c) $ 8.50 (d)$ 8.10


    (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 6

    15. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g $tateme!t i$ true

    (a) + i$ the "arge$t o' a"" other !umber$.

    (b) i$ the "arge$t o' a"" other !umber$.

    (c) B i$ the $ma""e$t o' a"" other !umber$.

    (d) B i$ the "arge$t o' a"" other !umber$.

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    16. The !umber$ i! $ectio! (i) $ho#$ that the !umber$ ca! be

    diided b?????.

    (a) % (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 3 a!d 6

    1/. &hich 'ractio! repre$e!t$ the "arge$t part o' a #ho"e

    (a) 1@6 (b) 1@4 (c) 1@3 (d) A

    18. 135 hour$ .......

    (a) 5 da$ (b) 5 da$ 10 hour$ (c) 5 da$ 15 hour$(d) 5 da$ 20 hour$

    1%.20. +t a $choo", 'ourth, -'th a!d $i9th grader$ $o"d o#er$ a$ a

    'u!drai$er. The adCoi!i!g graph $ho#$ ho# ma! o#er$ #ere $o"d

    b each grade. o# ma! o#er$ did the $tude!t$ $e"" i! a""

    (a) 20

    (b) 35

    (c) 40

    (d) /021. &hat i$ the area o' the gie! -gure

    (a) 18 $Duare u!it$

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (b) 26 $Duare u!it$

    (c) 22 $Duare u!it$

    (d) 24 $Duare u!it$22. Ea $tarted c"ea!i!g hi$ room at 8F50 a.m. e -!i$hed at 10F05

    a.m. o# "o!g did Ea take to c"ea! hi$ room(a) 15 mi!ute$

    (b) 45 mi!ute$

    (c) 1 hour a!d 15 mi!ute$

    (d) 1 hour a!d 45 mi!ute$23. The thermometer $ho#$ a temperature 10G "e$$ tha! the room

    temperature. &hat i$ the temperature o' the room

    (a) /1G H

    (b) 68G H

    (c) /5G H

    (d) /8G H24. *ihika ride$ the $choo" bu$ 'or 45 mi!ute$ each da. &hat i$

    the tota" time *ihika ride$ the $choo" bu$ i! 5 da$

    (a) 2 hour$ 15 mi!ute$

    (b) 2 hour$ 25 mi!ute$

    (c) 3 hour$ 45 mi!ute$

    (d) 3 hour$ /5 mi!ute$25. 13 turt"e$ #ere $#immi!g i! a po!d. / o' the turt"e$ c"imbed

    o!to a "og. &hich !umber $e!te!ce $ho#$ ho# ma! turt"e$ $taedi! the po!d

    (a) / < 6 1

    (b) 13 I / 20

    (c) 13 I 6 1%

    (d) 13 < / 6

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    26. ! Thur$da, >ha!da! droe 16/ km, o! Hrida he droe 68

    km a!d o! Saturda he droe /3 km. +ppro9imate" ho# ma! km$

    did >ha!da! drie i! three da$

    (a) 100 km

    (b) 200 km(c) 308 km

    (d) 400 km2/. There are 11 ro#$ o' $eat$ i! a theatre. Jach ro# ha$ the $ame

    !umber o' $eat$. 7' there i$ a tota" o' 1331 $eat$, ho# ma! $eat$

    are i! each ro#

    (a) 1/

    (b) 121

    (c) 1%

    (d) 2028. There are 58 ca$e$ o' $oda i! a #arehou$e. 7' there are 24 ca!$

    o' $oda i! each ca$e, ho# ma! ca!$ o' $oda are i! the #arehou$e

    (a) 13%2

    (b) 1362

    (c) 12%2

    (d) 12622%. + ear ha$ 365 da$ a!d a da ha$ 24 hour$. o# ma! hour$

    are there i! a ha"' ear(a) 4368

    (b) 4380

    (c) /6/%

    (d) 8/6030. Kiek paid $ /2 'or a maga:i!e $ub$criptio!. 7' he i$ pai!g $

    4 'or each i$$ue o' the maga:i!e, ho# ma! i$$ue$ o' the maga:i!e

    #i"" he receie

    (a) 18

    (b) 20(c) 22

    (d) 2431. +dita bought 3 bag$ o' red gumba""$ a!d 5 bag$ o' #hite

    gumba""$. Jach bag o' gumba""$ had / piece$ i! it. &hich e9pre$$io!

    cou"d +dita u$e to -!d the !umber o' gumba""$ he bought

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (a) (/ 9 3) I 5

    (b) (/ 9 5) I 3

    (c) / 9 (5 I 3)

    (d) / I (5 9 3)


    (a) 25

    (b) 45

    (c) 50

    (d) 6033. The #eight o' each o' the 6 ide!tica" ba""$ i$ ????.

    (a) 250 gram$

    (b) 350 gram$

    (c) 450 gram$(d) 500 gram$

    34. The gie! tab"e $ho#$ the price$ 'or ice

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (b) $ 41.4

    (c) $ 25.2

    (d) $ 28.335. The gie! bar graph $ho#$ the +!Ca"i$ i!come i! 4 diLere!t

    mo!th$. 7' +!Ca"i $pe!t(1@5)th

    o' the tota" amou!t $he ear!$ 'romEa!uar to +pri", the! ho# much amou!t o' mo!e $he $aed

    (a) $ 3800

    (b) $ 1%000

    (c) $ 15200

    (d) $ 1/25036. S!eha ca! make 8 cake$ i! 5 hour$. +t thi$ rate, ho# much #i""

    $he ear! i! t#o #eek$, i' $he #ork$ 10 hour$ each da a!d i$ paid

    $ 80 'or each cake $he make

    (a) $ 1/400

    (b) $ 1/%20(c) $ 16840

    (d) $ 18250

    IMO Model Paper 2 Class4

    1. Suma! ha$ 36 $tamp$ i! her $tamp co""ectio!.

    7' Suma! put$ % $tamp$ o! each page o' her book, ho# ma!

    page$ doe$ $he hae

    (a) 3

    (b) 4

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (c) 6

    (d) %2. The "etter$ S a!d T $ta!d 'or !umber$. 7' S < 100 T < 100,

    #hich $tateme!t i$ true

    (a) S T(b) S M T

    (c) S T I 100

    (d) S M T I 1003. There #ere 5 pupi"$ i! a room. Jach pupi" $hook ha!d$ o!ce

    #ith each o' the other pupi"$. o# ma! ha!d$hake$ took


    (a) 5

    (b) 10

    (c) 15

    (d) 204. +rCu! u$ed a ru"e to #rite the $et o' !umber$ $ho#! be"o#.

    1, 5, 13, 25, 41,

    &hat #i"" be the !e9t !umber i! the patter!

    (a) 4%(b) 52

    (c) 84

    (d) 615. o# ma! tria!g"e$ are there i! the gie! -gure

    (a) 2/

    (b) 26

    (c) 32

    (d) o!e o' the$e

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    6. &hich -gure #i"" -t i!$ide the prob"em -gure to make it

    comp"ete $Duare




    (d)/. &hich $et o' po"go!$ ca! be u$ed to compo$e the 'o""o#i!g


    (a) !e $Duare a!d t#o recta!g"e$

    (b) !e recta!g"e, o!e $Duare, a!d o!e tria!g"e

    (c) !e recta!g"e, o!e tria!g"e, a!d o!e trape:ium

    (d) !e trape:ium, o!e recta!g"e, a!d o!e $Duare

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    8. 7! a certai! code *JN i$ #ritte! a$ =HO. o# i$ T7PJ

    #ritte! i! that code

    (a) QHS

    (b) REHS

    (c) REHQ(d) SHHE

    %. ria i$ goi!g to $pe!d the !ight at a 'rie!d$ hou$e o!

    6th*arch. Toda$ date i$ 21 $tHebruar. ! #hich da $he #i""

    i$it her 'rie!d$ hou$e

    (a) Hrida

    (b) Su!da

    (c) Saturda

    (d) *o!da10. &hat i$ the "ea$t !umber o' $tick$ to be remoed $o that

    there are e9act" 4 tria!g"e$ "e't

    (a) 3

    (b) 4

    (c) 5

    (d) 611. Hour ba$ketba"" p"aer$ $cored the 'o""o#i!g !umber$ o'

    poi!t$ duri!g 'our ear$ o' high $choo".

    2,005, 1,%83, 1,%%0, 1,8%%

    &hich i!eDua"it $ho#$ the poi!t$ i! order 'rom greate$t to


  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (a) 1,%%0 M 1,%83 M 1,8%% M 2,005

    (b) 1,%%0 M 1,%83 M 2,005 M 1,8%%

    (c) 2,005 M 1,%%0 M 1,8%% M 1,%83

    (d) 2,005 M 1,%%0 M 1%83 M 1,8%%

    12. a$hi $aid, 7 am addi!g 3 'our

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (d) , becau$e the thou$a!d$, te!$ a!d o!e$ digit$ are the

    $ame, but the digit i! the hu!dred$ p"ace i$ greater i! 1,32315. Suma! u$ed 12 b"ock$ to make the to#er pictured.J9act"

    1@3 o' the b"ock$ #i"" be pai!ted red. &hat i$ the tota" !umber

    o' b"ock$ that #i"" be pai!ted red

    (a) 1

    (b) 3(c) 4

    (d) 6





    (d)1/. + group o' e"eme!tar $choo" $tude!t$ #rote "etter$ to

    their 'rie!d$. The !umber o' "etter$ #ritte! b each c"a$$ i$

    "i$ted i! the adCoi!i!g chart.

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    7' 101 "etter$ #ere #ritte! a"together, #hich method cou"d be

    u$ed to -!d the !umber o' "etter$ #ritte! b the $tude!t$ i!

    grade 3 to their 'rie!d$

    (a) +dd 42 a!d 101

    (b) +dd 101 a!d 5%

    (c) Subtract 5% 'rom 101

    (d) Subtract 42 'rom 10118. Ta!a arra!ged the adCoi!i!g !umber$ to make a "ea$t


  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers



    (d)20. +!a!a arra!ged the circ"e$ i! the 'o""o#i!g order. &hich

    mu"tip"icatio! 'act repre$e!t$ +!a!a$ order

    (a) 5 U 5

    (b) 5 U /

    (c) 35 U 5

    (d) 35 U /21. The c"ock$ $ho# the time a moie $tarted a!d the time

    the moie e!ded. &hat i$ the ma9imum !umber o' time$ the

    moie ca! be $cree!ed 'rom 12 !oo! to 12 mid!ight

    (a) 5(b) 6

    (c) /

    (d) 822. *r. Sharma$ c"a$$ i$ goi!g o! a -e"d trip. 7! each o' the 2

    a!$ there #i"" be / chi"dre! a!d 1 adu"t. 7! each o' the 4 car$

    there #i"" be 4 chi"dre! a!d 1 adu"t. o# ma! peop"e are

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    goi!g o! the -e"d trip

    (a) 1/

    (b) 30

    (c) 36

    (d) 3823. + ca'eteria ha$ 6 "arge tab"e$. J9act" 12 $tude!t$ ca! $it

    at each tab"e. 7' a"" 6 tab"e$ are 'u"", #hat i$ the tota" !umber o'

    $tude!t$ #ho cou"d be $itti!g at a"" the tab"e$

    (a) 24

    (b) 62

    (c) /2

    (d) 8424. ia$ gra!dma #a$ i"". The doctor gae her a bott"e #ith

    1@2 "itre o' medici!e. She ha$ to take the medici!e eer

    mor!i!g 'or 10 da$. o# ma! mi""i"itre$ o' medici!e doe$ $he

    ha$ to take eer mor!i!g

    (a) 50 m"

    (b) 10 m"

    (c) 20 m"

    (d) 40 m"25. *eera made 204 ca!d"e$ to $e"" i! the market. 7' $he

    pack$ them i! packet$ o' 12, the! ho# ma! packet$ #i"" $hemake

    (a) 6 packet$

    (b) 1/ packet$

    (c) 1% packet$

    (d) 14 packet$26. ikita bri!g 15 $tor book$ 'or her c"a$$. 45 $tude!t$ #ere

    pre$e!t i! the c"a$$. o# ma! $tude!t$ !eed to $hare o!e


    (a) 15(b) 3

    (c) 12

    (d) 242/. Shi"pi #a!t$ to pack 338 $oap bar$ i! 1 carto!. o# ma!

    $oap bar$ doe$ $he !eed 'or packi!g i! a"" 85 carto!$

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (a) 2/%4

    (b) 28/30

    (c) 2%480

    (d) 423

    28. eepti bought 1 do"" a!d 4 tedd bear$. She gae theca$hier a $. 100 !ote. o# much cha!ge did $he get

    (a) $. %2

    (b) $. 10

    (c) $. 8

    (d) $. 1082%. There are 20 $tar$. + Duarter o' them are red. o# ma!

    o' them are !ot red

    (a) 15

    (b) 5

    (c) 12

    (d) %

    30. There #ere /6 pupi"$ i! t#o c"a$$e$ a"together. +'ter o!epupi" #a$ tra!$'erred 'rom c"a$$ + to c"a$$ B, the t#o c"a$$e$

    had the $ame !umber o' pupi"$. o# ma! pupi"$ #ere there i!

    c"a$$ B at -r$t

    (a) 35

    (b) 36

    (c) 3/

    (d) 3831. 7' the #eight o' the cat i$ 1@4 o' the #eight o' dog, the!

    #hat i$ the #eight o' the dog

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (a) / kg

    (b) 6 kg

    (c) 8 kg

    (d) 5 kg32. The circ"e graph o! the right $ho#$ ho# artik $pe!d$ hi$

    mo!th" a""o#a!ce. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g $tateme!t i$


    (a) artik $pe!d$ 2 time$ a$ much mo!e o! ideo game$ a$

    he doe$ o! $!ack$.

    (b) artik $pe!d$ o!e

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (b) 14 cm

    (c) 36 cm

    (d) o!e o' the$e34. +dita bought 12 $ma"" bo9e$ o' pear$. Jach $ma"" bo9

    co!tai!ed 56 pear$. e thre# a#a 16 rotte! pear$. e the!packed the remai!i!g pear$ eDua"" i!to 8 big bo9e$. o#

    ma! pear$ #ere there i! each big bo9

    (a) /8 pear$

    (b) 82 pear$

    (c) 85 pear$

    (d) %0 pear$35. The bar graph be"o# $ho#$ ho# much Eoh! had $pe!t o!

    hi$ chi"d oer the pa$t ear. e had $pe!t a tota" o' $. 2225.

    o# much did he pa 'or hi$ chi"d$ a$$e$$me!t book$

    (a) $. 265

    (b) $. 250

    (c) $. 225

    (d) $. 202

    IMO Model Paper 3 Class4

    1. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g part$ mu$t be $haded $o that "i!e Qbecome$ the "i!e o' $mmetr

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (a) 7 a!d 77

    (b) 7 a!d 777

    (c) 7 a!d 7K

    (d) 77 a!d 7772. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g -gure i$ the mirror image o' -g. (;), i' the

    mirror i$ p"aced a"o!g Q




    (d)3. Stud the adCoi!i!g diagram to a!$#er the Due$tio! gie! be"o#.

    Prape tree i$ South

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (a) *a!go tree

    (b) each tree

    (c) +pp"e tree

    (d) Ba!a!a tree4. =ook the a"phabet $erie$ be"o# F

    + B > J H P 7 E = * Q S T R K & ; N O

    &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g i$ %thto the "e't o' 3 rda"phabet 'rom right e!d




    (d) *5. Hi!d the !e9t -gure i! the -gure patter! be"o#.





    6. >omp"ete the patter! i! Hig. (;), b $e"ecti!g a -gure 'rom the gie!optio!$.

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers





    (d)/. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g part i$ !ot embedded i! the Hig. (;)




    (d)8. 7' i! a mo!th o' 30 da$, third Tue$da 'a""$ o! 1/th, #hat #i"" be the

    "a$t da o' the mo!th

    (a) 5thTue$da

    (b) 4thSu!da

    (c) 5th*o!da

    (d) 4th&ed!e$da

    %. o# ma! po$$ib"e combi!atio!$ o' o!e da a!d o!e mo!th ca! be'ormed 'rom 5 da$ a!d 5 mo!th$

    (a) 20

    (b) 25

    (c) 10

    (d) 22

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    10. Hi!d the a"ue o' 15 9 50 9 80 9 40 9 20 9 10 9 10 9 100 9 0 9

    100 9 20 9 100.

    (a) 15800

    (b) 15000

    (c) 168000(d) 0000

    11. 7 am a 'our digit !umber. Sum o' m digit$ i$ 28. * thou$a!d$

    digit$ i$ t#ice o' m te!$ digit. &ho am 7

    (a) 8%4/

    (b) 6835

    (c) 468/

    (d) 386%12. The ?????? a"ue o' a digit i$ the digit it$e"', #herea$ the ??????

    a"ue o' a digit i$ determi!ed b the p"ace it occupie$ i! the


    (a) Hace, Hace

    (b) "ace, Hace

    (c) Hace, "ace

    (d) "ace, "ace13. Hi!d the a"ue o' e9pre$$io! I Q V 9 S, #here , Q, , S are

    to be 'ou!d 'rom gie! dii$io! prob"em.

    (a) 10

    (b) 8

    (c) 6

    (d) 414. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g -gure$ ha$ 'ractio! o' $haded part more

    tha! the 'ractio! o' u!$haded part o' the -g. (;)

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers





    (d)15. 7' I I I I 2/80 a!d I I 1%60. Hi!d

    the a"ue o' I I I I I

    (a) 4560

    (b) 4650

    (c) 4%50(d) 410

    16. The diLere!ce bet#ee! eight thou$a!d$ $i9 hu!dred$ -e o!e$

    a!d $i9 thou$a!d$ $ee!t $ee! o!e$ i$ ???????.

    (a) 1880

    (b) 2880

    (c) 2528

    (d) 15281/. The !umber bo!d be"o# $ho#$ the commo! 'actor$ o' 36 a!d

    54. Hi!d the $um o' , Q a!d .

    (a) 16

    (b) 15

    (c) 20

    (d) 1818. The $i9th mu"tip"e o' a !umber i$ the Duotie!t o' 3/8 a!d %.

    &hat i$ the !umber

    (a) %

    (b) 6

    (c) 8

    (d) /

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    1%. Stud the gie! bar graph care'u"" a!d a!$#er the Due$tio!

    that 'o""o#$.

    Hi!d the diLere!ce i! the highe$t a!d the "o#e$t $core.

    (a) 80

    (b) 64

    (c) 32

    (d) /220. +dd %36 to the product o' 343 a!d /6. ou!d oL the a!$#er to

    the !eare$t te!.

    (a) 2/004

    (b) 2/010

    (c) 28004

    (d) 2/000

    21. + to $o"dier co$t$ 28 more tha! a to po"icema!. 7' the co$t o'the t#o to$ i$ 12%0, ho# much doe$ the to po"icema! co$t

    (a) 53%

    (b) 65%

    (c) 631

    (d) 53122. *$. *egha !eed$ %6 egg$ 'or cake. 7! $hop +, the co$t o' a

    carto! o' 12 egg$ i$ $ 18 #hi"e i! $hop B, co$t o' 12 egg$ i$ $ 15.

    Hrom #hich $hop $hou"d $he bu the egg$ a!d ho# much #i"" $he

    $ae(a) Shop + a!d S 18

    (b) Shop B a!d S 24

    (c) Shop B a!d $ 26

    (d) Shop + a!d $ 15

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    23. Parima a!d =atika had a! eDua" !umber o' marb"e$. Parima

    gae 35 marb"e$ to =atika. o# ma! 'e#er marb"e$ did Parima

    hae tha! =atika !o#

    (a) 35

    (b) /6(c) 105

    (d) /024. There are 54 marb"e$ a!d the are put i!to 6 bag$, $o that the

    !umber o' marb"e$ i! each bag i$ $ame. o# ma! marb"e$ #ou"d 2

    bag$ co!tai!

    (a) % marb"e$

    (b) 108 marb"e$

    (c) 18 marb"e$

    (d) 12 marb"e$25. +bhi$ mother bought 8 bo9e$ o' $oda 'or a part. There #ere

    24 ca!$ i! each bo9. o# ma! ca!$ o' $oda did hi$ mother bu


    (a) 1%2

    (b) 184

    (c) 1/2

    (d) 132

    26. +t a grocer $tore, there #ere 350 cerea" bo9e$ o! $he"e$.There #ere 10 diLere!t bra!d$ o' cerea"$, a!d there #ere a! eDua"

    !umber o' bo9e$ o' each bra!d. &hat i$ the #a o' determi!i!g the

    !umber o' cerea" bo9e$ o' each bra!d o! the$e $he"e$

    (a) Subtract 10 'rom 350

    (b) +dd 10 a!d 350

    (c) *u"tip" 350 b 10

    (d) iide 350 b 102/. eha$ room ha$ t#o chair$ o' 4 "eg$ each, o!e tab"e o' 4 "eg$

    each a!d three $too"$ o' 3 "eg$ each. o# ma! "eg$ are therea"together o' the 'ur!iture i! her room

    (a) 20

    (b) 21

    (c) 16

    (d) 13

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    28. Eaed ha$ 21 comic$. e got t#o more 'rom hi$ au!t, 12 more

    o! hi$ birthda a!d bought 3 more #ith hi$ pocket mo!e. o#

    ma! comic$ doe$ he hae !o#

    (a) 38

    (b) 40(c) 36

    (d) 282%. *ohit #e!t 'or a #a"k a!d retur!ed home at /F00 a.m. 7' it took

    him 1 hour a!d 30 mi!ute$, at #hat time did he $tart to #a"k

    (a) 8F30 a.m.

    (b) 4F30 a.m.

    (c) 5F30 a.m.

    (d) 6F30 a.m.30. Suma! u$e$ 15 tomatoe$ to make ha"' a "itre o' tomato $auce.

    o# much $auce ca! $he make 'rom 45 tomatoe$

    (a) !e a!d a ha"' "itre$

    (b) T#o "itre$

    (c) Three "itre$

    (d) T#o a!d a ha"' "itre$31. Hi!d the a"ue o' ;, i' the perimeter o' the -gure be"o# (!ot

    dra#! to $ca"e) i$ 50 cm.

    (a) 10 cm

    (b) 5 cm

    (c) 15 cm

    (d) 6 cm32. 1 kg o' potato co$t $ 25. 7' 3 kg o' potatoe$ co$t a$ much a$ 5

    kg o' carrot$, ho# much #i"" it co$t to bu 12 kg each o' potatoe$

    a!d carrot$

    (a) $ 400

    (b) $ 180

  • 7/25/2019 Class 4 IMO model papers


    (c) $ 480

    (d) $ 30033. &hich o' the 'o""o#i!g $tateme!t i$ >J>T

    (a) There are $ee! ba$ic $mbo"$ o' the oma! !umera"$.

    (b) + $mbo" o' greater a"ue i$ #ritte! to the right o' a $mbo" o'$ma""er a"ue, the $ma""er a"ue i$ added to the "arger a"ue.

    (c) + $mbo" o' $ma""er a"ue i$ #ritte! to the right o' a $mbo" o'

    greater a"ue, the $ma""er a"ue i$ $ubtracted 'rom the "arger a"ue.

    (d) K i$ !eer #ritte! o! the right o' ;.34. Hour $ma"" $Duare$ o' $ide 5 cm are cut 'rom each o' the

    cor!er$ o' a big $Duare #ith $ide 20 cm. The perimeter o' remai!i!g

    -gure i$ ???????.

    (a) 80 m

    (b) 8 m

    (c) 80 cm

    (d) 8 cm35. The -gure $ho#$ the #eight o' diLere!t group$ o' obCect$.

    &hat i$ the tota" #eight o' a ba"", a tedd, a!d a gi't bo9

    (a) 13/ kg

    (b) 14/ kg

    (c) 150 kg

    (d) 11/ kg