class c.k. hardware, class cutlery,...selecoeas for sabbath reading. fer site ty apl2 cleaves &....

I Li il r V f a Profitable .stment. ., feet ef Ground cn the south tide of .eel, adjoining the bayea (eppolte J. Pbe--jed-re) on wcK there it a geod Dwelling House .taHtiBg 6 Room, with 2 Cisterns and aH ceaveclet.t t .t houses necessary fer family purposes. Aho. a FatnUr I cond story and 2 State In to first, with a cod CU-rn- above property Is off tor sale by Private . itract until the in of next month. either la f' ,abvlslente suit purchaser. If not kM trd;e UwillbesoM tothehlrbest bidder for ow-thl- rd lalaaee in ece and twe years. JAMES BOXU aplO-dJ- w MOST DESIRABJLE LOTS 3eor Solo. -- TUVE Lots SB Alabama road, adJolBlngthe property of Mr. Marsh Miller, and nearlr opposite the residence 7i fronting oa Alabama real 60 feet -- act. runnln?back H8H fee'. This Is a most desirable Jetsiten tor resKJewmi, in a rrost healthy past of the city, sad wUl be sotd In lots t- - suit purchasers . ALSO. 117 feet on Market street. Immediately opposite the residence of F. Titus. Esq-- , running back some lbO lee, upon wblca it dwelling and outhouses, wetland a choice selection f fruit tr-- Those trt.Wng to secure sites for family residences contiguous o the boslness portion of the city would do well to mate c.rlyappHcatien. Teeasy. aplS-S- v At E. M Apperson h Co ' ifr-i- T rsT itp rnn sale. va a - . . t .v-- r. -- L. I HATE for sale nine acres m one .e -- r. aoatedontheMeiorhls and Chartrtton RaHread, attest two Biles and a half from Court Square. .re. These dceirtBE caeap preperrij, m rj U O.DSUK their jBterett in applying "rtyto na-t- f At PBilitB&-WTilte'- . 233 Main street. FOR SALE! seotfa half ot Lot No. 4S, treating 37 H' feet on THE street, and nwtBtBB back 13M feet. Oa tilts Lot there Ha man coalortal boase. nie terms to B LOCK.K, are liberal Apply - marW-- U AactloBeer and Real Batate Broker. T n- PrlT-n- t Snip. a.w in a .a.ww - - OFFER for sale, upon easy terms, aalmproved Lota, I 1!1 122,125,136, 1W, KM, 131. 132. Improved Lota. 16S and 170 betes ob the plan of inbiivisHHief Greenlaw. SaSarrant. Loaaey h Keete. O. B. LOCKE, Mrt-t- f ABCtfoceer and Seal Estate Broker. Tlios. Peters' Residence for Sale. HATE for aste the Beetdeaee and 183X acres of lead I beieagiBg t Thomas Peters. Esq., lying on the SUte- - ... . n&ilraad.21 .v. u,Mwi. .iwf rhiflMtM miles east of MeasaaM, at Bray's Station The traprove- - meats consuls ox a Jt - . n u fli L&Ba ctarfli FBARS. &C rooms aaav -- " V.' . Kttcben, 2 serraata' toobh, dstera, weU, sttNes ana barn carriage hoase, wason sbed, &c, 4te In short, It is one of the best lmoroTed places la Shelby connty, all . , . , . t .in j th imBTsreraents jew awx is i' v. " and S3 H acres of Uad, or slI together. If desired, I will Mil the stock aoeep, tB, -- " - and pork, aUaghtered and packed In the smoke boose. A barfUn will be Siren. Apply to Thos. Peten . on the premises, or to decai Aactioneer and Real Estate Broker. Suburban Residence for Sale. nnnpub,..!. .n tr,A tMl ,t V. fl tbTOffT Refit mr- - , wvh IUIIum t. t--i IrtBrnn fh Tuirlh tide Of I oeucc w u. a T c... it ...a - .It mnA a fclf ut of the im new cutc-u- u - - dty. The tract eaatates 11 aeres, and is improved with a small resweace ol inree rooms, ni ui nun Also, a fonr acre wood kt, nearly oppostte. This tract is within three qaaalers of a QBe of a good charca and ef the best and healthiest neUhlor- - achool. aad is In eae . . .... . -- . i . r rnirv coods m tse Tscttuty or aiemptit.. . . u) both Aactiuaeer and Real Estate Broker. TO REXT. OV Landerdale atre-1- , oststde the corporalton, VTVE AOF.ES OF LAXD. which has been oc-- 'II mAnl tar wars bra Gardener. On tbe prem- - Ism it a aaan cweiiinK. coauiBiBE lour mui i bunsnt. There is a cead cistern near the hoaae. Tsiere is also a good orchard, and a Cne grape arbor. Ap ply immediately to jan2S-- tf JOHK CAKKOTAX. A RARE CHAXCE. OFFER for sale, oa favorable terms and at alow ?rice, T nrPi iVTiTmr: nf fino acres of the best anility of MlsslsalBpi bott m land, all greatly aboTe overflow, 10 sited west ef MesonUs, on the plank road; 1G0 acres of cleared Laa4 and a new doable-fram- e House with smu abtooces. Apply at the place to PETER LEONARD, or to iep7-- tf DANIEL HUGHES, Memphis The Best in the World r i v n ane lbaxe who wish to nnrchas nu-- Pronertr. or hindsame Coantry ResldeDces jiiil in the sabarbs. on some of the latter caa be i"U nun iteiideace. readr for occnratlon. Terms liberal, and title goua. APPiy u ocUT-- tf CHARLES D. McLEAK FOR SALE. THE sabscrlber oSers for sale the tract of land an which he now resides, in Haywood coanty, Tennessee, throngh which the MemphU aBd Ohio . Railroad sasses. Salt tract contains about four tboasaitd acres. The improvements consist of a fine frame dwelling, with ten rooms, negro qaaners, gin fcaese. atabtea. a fine steam and grist mill, good orchards, and ad the necessary improvements for a large farm, or caa be conveniently divided into several small ones. For health and fertility ef soil this place is unsurpassed by any iti tbecoeatrj. For farther partlcejars apply to the ssbscrieer on the premises. declO-dac- if TH03. SHAPARD. lusks aitH JltatioMrjJe Books for Every Library. TiEVSOK'S Abridgement of the Debates of Congress D Beaton's Thirty Tears in the United States SeeaU, ttreTois.; Cerresponoerjce of Daniel Wcbiter, two vols.; Webster's 'Htrks. 6 vols.; John C. Oalheaa's "Works. 6 vols.; Cane's Arctic Explorations, two vols.; Catlia'a American Indians. 2 vols.; Csiapb-U't- - Uvea of the Lord CI ana&ors, 7 vols.; Camobell's Lives of the Chief Justices, 2 vols.; Miss Strickiaad'a Lives ot the Qoeensot England, C vole. Bancroft's History of .be UnlUd SUtes, 5 vets.; The Britssh EesayisU. 3 vols : TJayckiack a Cydpcdta of American Literature, 2 vols.; Irviara Life of TTahiaglon, 3 vols.; Spark's American Biography, IS vols.; SelecOeas for Sabbath Reading. Fer site ty apl2 CLEAVES &. GUION'. INTEREST IIVG BOORS. EBNEST, Talame 1 ; Or, Ten Days' THEODOeHA ot the Chares. Tbe Giant Killer; Or, The Battle All Must FUht. Scampi vial from Gibe! Tarek to Stambeel, by Lieut. Vise, U. S. X. Fifty Tears la Bath Hemcpberes ; Or, Brmlatseeaces ef the Life of a Farmer Merchant, by Vincent Nolte, late vf Xew Orleaas. Chambers' History of tbe Russian Ifar, 1SI1-'S- 6, with Maps, Plans and 'Wood Engravings. CarUs' Works, S vols., embracing NHe Notes, Howadji ia Syria, Potepfaar Papers, and Prae aad I. CatMas' North American Indians, 2 vols. Charles Lamb's Works, t vols. Hood's Works, I vols. For sale by ap5 CLEAVES fc GUIOX. LIST OF LATE PUBLICATIONS TOB SALE BY Cleaves & Guloiu Artist's Bride; or. The Pawabreker'a Heir, by THE Bennett, author of " Prairie Flo-ve- r, " ic. 01 Hasn, the Pawnbruker;or, Tbe Orphan's Lsgacy; A Tale of NewTork, Founded on Facta ; Inquire Within for Anything Tea Want to Enow; or. Over Three Thousand and Seven Euadred Facts worth knowing ; Tbe GoMen Legacy; A Story of Life's Phases, pro- nounced to be oa of tbe best novels written by a lady; A Tb'eefM Test ef Modern Spiritualism ; by William S Gartten, D. D.; . Sitverweed ;A Book ef Memories ; Xsthte Braade; A Fireside History ef a Qatet life; The Poetical Works of neraee Smith and James Smith ; authors ef the " Bejected Addresses, " with Por- traits and Biographical Sketch ; edited Vy Epes St Parlor Dramas; or. Dramatic Scenes for Heme Amuse-mea- ts ; by Wm. B. Powle. msrlS CLEAVES &. GCI0N. JUST KECEIFED. FEW copies of "WASHINGTON CROSSING TOF A DELAWARE " Painted by E. Leutae, and engraved byPaaJGlrardet. A large assortment ol French Lithographs and Steel Eagraviegs, ssitaMe for Grecian PalntUg, weH worthy the atteatlos of Teachers; those wishing, would do well ta call early and make selections. Late Books. Benton's Abridgement or the Debates in Congress fr m 1789 ta I7SS, boaad la mud in or law sheep. Dayckisk's Cyclopedia of American Literature, in two vols IHsstrated Fiae 16cao. Pocket edition of Longfellow's Poems. . . - ot Tennyson's " Fer sale by CLEAVES & GD10N. IMPROVE YOUIt STOCK- - COMPROMISE win make the pre.ent aeasea in l my farm in Fayette, and at S. W. Maloae's. In near Mason's Depot; stopping cne day inthrwctrklnthenelghtorbood of Galloway's Switch. vn the Mewpfais aad Ohio Kallroaa. Having tasen two Premiums as thoroagh.brtvd Stallion, and six of his colts Premiums at the District aad County Fairs, Compro- mise can wed claim patronage from those withUg to Im- prove their stock, or raise Premium Colts. Mares from adistanoe sent to me or Mr. Malone wi.I be properly a'teaded to, and fed el $2 per week, but to liability fer accidents or escapes. Trails Season $15; insurance $25; Groom fee nttr out. For pedigree, ttc, write to me, at Macon, or S. W. Malone, Shane. Seasaa will dose at Maloae's, 1st July; continued at home till Aagast. Gemp'omlse will make a fall season at R. Vaa'a, Mill Rh-ge- , St. Francis county, Arkan- sas, eemmencinz 1st September J J. WILLIAMSON. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Tlrtaeef a trat deed executed by Abram Block to BT as Trustee, on tbe 12th day of September. 1SSS, ua the feHowiac piece, parcel or lot of ground situated, lying aLd being in the city of Memphis, (formerly partly la South Metapbl' and Butler's addition) Shelby county, Tennessee, and bounded and desctioed as follows, 1o wit : BegtBBiag at a stake on the east ride of Main street, one hundred and twelve and a half feet northward from the northeast corner of Main and Elliott streets ; thence with tbi.-ei.- ikle of Main streetin a northward direction 54 feet and one inch to an alley to a stake; theace touth-wan- with tbe west side of said alley forty-thr- feet nine Inches to a stake ; thence north 76 !,- - west, one hun- dred and sixty-tw- o feet to Main street, theb ginning cor- ner as wHl fulls appear from said deed t oly registered In tbe Register's office ot Shelby runiy, aforesaid, on the 25th day ef September, IS56. m 3ik No. 25 pases 635, US and 577; the object and purjosi of said deed being to secure th prrmpt and punctual payment of certain notes therein specified; and the said notes being due and unpaid; new in consideration of the power and authority in me vested, and the cf ssld notes so secured, I will proceed to sH said lot to tbe highest bidder fer cash, la frvBt ef the Pest OOoe in the city of .Memphis on the 8th day of May. 1S57 Redemption expressly waived by said Trust. The title Is deemed perfect. I convey as Trustee only. ap5-1- d B. g. TPBNAGE. Trustee. JACOB BECHTOLB-- , COKNEK OF CHICKASAW AND JACKSM-ST- S o zs2.T33bLJS , Toun.. ' in Ale, Porter, Cider and'Wines of an Binds DEALER by the most celebrated estatlish-neut- i to the United States. For sale, WTiolesale or Retail. From ray long experience In the business (twelve years ci which has been la the city of Memphis) I flaterniysei: with tbe guaranty I have had front my old enstcmen that my exertions bsvebeen appreciated by them. Jnlrn-oswt- f JACOB BECHTOLD. - Iai aaaMliiaTs"r GOATS COATS ! J COATS!! Blsck and Olive, Stage xuru us? , BLUE. Mars and Dck ; Blaci Alpscca and Drab De Elte; Brown Linen Dus ers, ate., 4c. Pants 1 Pants! Pants I Light Casjlmere, assorted colors; Black Dee St In, extra ; Black Drab De Ette. extra ; White. Dock and DrtllDg; Marseilles, ssstrted styles; Seersucker. ic. Vests! Vests I Vests! Marseilles, new styl'S , Marseilles, White and Buff; Orleans Drill; light and dark colored Silk. A. D. MANSFIELD 4 CO., No S .trest. XEWSPIUXG AXD SD3DIEU GOODS, JOH. 1857. JAS. A. STEEETT & CO., NO 21 MAIN-ST- ., OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL, ARE jost opening a choice buck or ana c rtRT GOODS, which tber offer low for cash, or the usual time to prompt customers. We invite tte at- - t mloncr cur ana coaiurj payers uu ujiirc our stock before purchasing el.ewbere. Oar stock con-ili- ts In part of rich Dress Silks, Silk Tissues, Orsandles. French Cambrics, Lawns, Preach, English . . ISC AQKTiau rnu, uiuB,uia, - ALSO, Silk Tissue, Jjeretr, ursuutTf uani Lawn Rbes Oi the newest design; Lace Shawls and Mantillas, new and elegant stiles. Pflmilv Purnishinc Materials, TU .nrf ITnltnti Shfwtlcr 11 widths aad qualities. Pillow Case Linens, doable and sln-- gle uamasa aote i,iuu. , w..., T wellBgs, Curtain MaterUL of all descriptions, Mar- - . fT3av iaa m vw r r Tttr&d and Brown Bliettnjr nd Shlrtiag. Pliln aad Apron CnecKs, iltnnets, jcani, k., m mic www, wu-.i.u- nnrfMl ftntl frcied Swlis Baelc In dia. .Mull. &c ; EmbroWe riea and Laces. - n.Wu TM lit ssul 1?TnirAb1tsi1 TT TV . Kl n Of LIV iWll, A (JSgaa oaawa uuo v a wavw GIotm, noiiery. Fancy Bella, Fan, Perfumery, Smail yv arvi. etc. ture ol nnviness, and oar friends can rely vpon flndmc at aU IIXJC lUil AIM aJWatsw;. iuiws. Clothine and Purnishing Goods. Stock in this line manufacture under our cwn super- - VlftlOU. Boots and Shoss, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Carpet Bags, a c apl 3m DEALERS IX Gcntlemcns' Boys and Cbildrens FINE CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, Sole "Licatlicv Trunks, Car pel lsags, xc., JcM 243 MAIN STREET, UNION BLOCK, MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE. are now receiving oar SPRING AND SUMMER VY STOCK, which will be found comilele In quality. styW aad prices. We have 600 Spring aad Summer Casslmere Suits, "seme very One;" COO pairs Fancy Casslmere Pantaloons, "at sll prices ; " 500 pairs Black Casslmere and Drap E Tete Pantaloons; 300 Black Cloth Frock and Dress Costs, some very cne: Hue Cloth Dress Coats. good style;" Black and Faccy Silk Vests, Ktflan Patterns and styles ; 600 Fancy and White Mareilles Vests, Raglan style ; Rich White Figared Satin Vests, new styles ; 0-- White Linen Fnxks aad Raslans : 600 Slsck Drap E Tele, Alpacca and Cashmere Frock and Raglan coats ; Spring Casslmere Raglan Over Coats ; 600 'oten White and Fancy Shirts, which will be found all tbe styles. We also have a large stock of Medina Goods. "We respectf nlly solicit an examination of our stock. The prices will be found low. rssrl7 STIVE T &. CLARKE. J. 1FITTT... H. C. CLAUSE. SPXVEY & CliAKKE, WnOIXSALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS I1C GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS Fine CIotMng, FlJRIWSIIXiVG GOODS, Sole Leather Trunks and Carpet Bags 343 aiAI. STREET, Union Block, Opposite Court Square, "tUR terms are cash, which enables as to sell at the J lowest prices. "Werepectlully solicit a call from all in want or ixoinrng. mayo-aawi- y Spring ami Summer T R. ATD E . SDION" & SEESSEL, 3fAKUFACTURERS OF 3IEXS' ASD BOYS' CLOTHING, AKD WHOIXSALE SEALERS IN Staple and Domestic Dry Goods BOOTS, SHOES AND PLANTERS' GOODS. UR facilities this year being ot such a nature we are W enabled toour oar Spring and Summer stock, which is unusually large, to the trade and citizens geneiallyat the very lowest rates. Country Merchants and River Traders la particular are earnestly requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. SIMON & SEESSEL, 61 Front Row, Corner Jeceraon-st- ., under Commercial Hotel, marlO-daw- tt J. W. WATSON Merchant Tailor, remove. to No. 6 Court street, between HAVING street and Front Row, begs to retuin his thanks to his friends and tbe public generally for their liberal patronage for the last six years, and hopes, bv strict attention to baslness to merit a continuance ot the same. Having engaged a No. 1 Critter, of long experience, he is now prepared to make up his goods In first rate style, and cheaper than any other house In Memphis, for cash, De buys for cash and sells for cash. fet27-3- AVIDIA.! voqLiiil', Jflercliant Tailor, 187 -- rvr attvt ST., Under the Worsliani House. rrtnE subscriber begs leave to auncunce to his custom- - cifl suu uie uiixca. ui xruijtoii lust nc uu return ed from Xew Tort with a full assortment of most sclen did Goods, which be is prepared to make up for cash on short notice. sep6-l- y MODXE IISSUKAXCE COMPANY, OP MEMPHIS, TEOTi", AUTHORIZED CAPITAL GUARANTY CAPITAL S200.000. I 100,000. by the Legislature ot Tnnesee. Session CHARTKREU to make Fire, Life and Mirine Insurance aad to cause tbesnselves to be when deemed expedient. In view of wblch they have arranged with the following Companies, for by means of open policies : Brlti.h Commercial Life, London.. ...Capital $3 000,000 " " 2,000,000 Equilable Fire, International Life, " " 2 600,000 Knickerbocker Life, TjLltrd States, " 200.0o0 Great Wi stern Marine, " " 1,000,000 Howard Fire rnd Marine, " " 600,000 Consolidated Fire " 300 000 At the annual election on Tuesday, the 10th i'stant, the lo) lowing Directors and Committee were elocted for the ensuing year : DIRECTORS. JAMES B. THORNTON, L. J. D CTREE, GEO R.GRANT, TIIOS. McADAlf, STEPHEN B. CURTIS, J. H. MDLPORD, HENRT S. KING, JOS. BARBIEHE, Jr4 JAMES RORO. riNANCC COJIM1TTEE. 3. B. CrrRTIS, L. J. DOPREE, H. S. E1HQ. Medical Examiner GhO. R. GRANT, 1 . O, Attorney J. B. THORNTON, Esq AttutedbvS. P. BANCHEAD. Kta. And at a meeting of tte new Directory of MtoiaeoSsr. the 11th inst., the following officers were sboocc tor the year: JAMES B. THORNTON, President. GEO R. GRANT, FTcc President. THOS. McAD.VM. Secretary. OFFICE No. 8, Madison street, comer Iroat Sow. febl7-dl- y District Inspector fP STEAMBOATS, Steamboat Boilers, and Steambost Vy Jiacninery. naaer the provisons of the Acts of Con gress ct 1S33 and 1812. Office, S Madison street, marl THOMAS McADAM, Intpector. TENNESSEE flURIXE AXD FIRE IXSDRAXCE CO. Of Xoslaville, Tenn. CAPITAL, :::::: 8150,000. JOSEPH VAULX Pres'U....A. TV. BUTLER, Eecy. DIRECTORS: JohnM H1U, Alex. Allison, Thompson Anderson, James uoney, is. u. uaruner, r. A. uvea, O.M.Fogg. Joseph Vaulx, James Ellis, N. E. Alloway, T. S. Eakin. MARINE INSURANCE on Cargoes and Freights under open or special policies. Inland Transportation Risks St. Merchandise, by steamboats, railroads, or landcarrlagisj also, hazards on rivers and lazes to or from any part of the United States. FIRE INSURANCE oa buildings, dwelling or other ileuses, goods in store, furniture, sc., in town or xentry. Insured against the dangers ot the rlvei. J. G. LONSDALE, Agent, Office Jefferson street, Memphis. Toe Mutual Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. Accumulated Fund, S3.0O0.0OO. THE rates adopted by this Company are based upon ths aad correct observations. Policy holders get all the gains ot the Company, aa it is purely mutual, having no prefer- red stoexor other capital to taze the first fruits ot ptcSts from the Insured. Any person wishing Insurance on his or her life will re- ceive all InformatUn, together with tbe requisite forms ti application, by calling en J. G. LONSDALE, Agent Mutual Life Insurance Company, octll-l- y Office Jefferson street. Memphis. JLOSZ. THIS day lost In Memphis, and as I believe, cn "Wash I lngton street, a small memoranda-bou- k, ' and $1000 o Arkansas Swamp Land Scrip. No. 1013 for $ 0 No. lull for 96C $1900 Issued in September, 1S56, and payable at Pine lnufi This is to notify tbe finder who the owner is, and lo xlrt all persons notice not to purchase th- - same. A proper compensation wit! be given by me to the finder on delivery tome. covS-- tt THOMAS JAMES, A. I fS. 1. ail douteati oe s ' SWAN & QO.'S LOTTERIES. Capital Prize 50,000. TICKETS ONLY $10! to the eat lavor with wblch our Single OWING have been received by tbe public, and the. large demand Tor llckeU, the Manaxers. S SWAN Si CO will have a drawin each Saturday tbrougiijui ma year. The f Hewing Scheme will U! drawn in tacu oi tWlr Lotteries for May, 1SS7. CLASS 3&, To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, UmocU, In public. on SATDBDAT, May 2d, 1SS7. CLASS 35, To be drawn In the city of Atlanta, Georgia, In public, oa SATJKDAT, May 9lh, 1S57. CLASS as. To be drawn In the city ot Atlanta. Georgia, la public, on SATURDAT, May 16th, 1S67. nr. a rtV. To be drawn In the city cf Atlanta, Gdorsta, in public, oa MltttlAl, flWfl. To be drawn la tbe city of Atlanta. in public, on a ATI KUA , May mjui, iooi, uu iud juau wi Single JViimhers 3.290 JPi-jy.oi- si : I More than One Prize to Every Ten Tickets. BULGNIFICRXT SC1SE3IE, TO 1C DRAWS EACH SATURDAY IS MAY. 1 Prise of $50,009 l $50.0iW 1 2,000 Is 20 000 1 10 000 Is 10,000 1 " 1O.U00 i 10 000 1 6,0 O Is 6.000 1 6,000 U 6,000 1 6,000 i 6.000 1 2,600 U 2,600 t 2,600 Is 2,600 I 2 600 is 2.100 I ti 2 600 is 2 600 1 " 2,t0o Is 2,600 1 2,503 is 2,600 1 1,0.0 is 1,000 1 i 1,C is 1,000 100 ' 100 are 10,100 100 " 60 are 6,V00 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of SiSSAprox'tlng to $50 000 Prixe are $900 4 " 1C0 " 20.000 " 610 5 " 80 " 10,000 " 650 12 60 " 8,000 " 600 21 30 ' 2,600 " 720 20 " 25 " l,0f0 " 600 3,000 " 20 are SO.tOO 3.290 prises amounting to 3201,000 Whole Tickets, 810; Halves, 85 00; Quarters, tu. PEAK OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers frura I to 30 000. corresponding with those Vnmbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of pa per, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one wheel. The first 218Prixes. similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel. TBC wneeis are isea rcroiTeu, iuu uuuiwr is m frera the wheel of numVers, and at tbe same time a Prize 1. drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn eat are opened and exhibited to the audience, aad registered by tbe Commissioners; tbe prize being piaceu against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all tbe Prizes ar drawn out Approximation Prizes. The two preceding and the two succeeding: Numbers to those drawing tbe first IS Prizes will be entitled ti the 72 Approximation Pi lies, ac cording to the sebe-ne- . 53-T- he 3.000 Prizes of $20 will be determined bv the last figure ot ihe number that draws the $60,000. Prize. Fer example, it tbe Nnn-ber- s drawing $60,000 Prize eads with No. 1, then all the Tickets where the number ends in 1 will be entitled to $20. It the Number ends with No. 2, then all tbe Tickets where tbe number ends in 2 will be entitled to S20. and so on to 0. Certificates ot Packages will be soM at the to! lowing rates, wblch Is tbe risk : Certificate of Package of 10 "Whole Tickets $50 00 " 10 Half " 10 00 " " 10 Quarter " 20 00 " 10 Eighth 10 00 In ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose the money to our aJdres- - for tb Tickets ordered.on receiptor which thev will be forwarded by first mall. Purchasers can haveTickets ending In any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be foiward, ed to purchasers Immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their sign.tures plain, and elve their Post Office. County and State. 53" Remember that every Prize Is drawn and payable in full without deduction. J3 A'J Prizes of $1,000 and undsr, paid immediately after trn drawing other Prizes at the usual time of thirty days, ef - All Communications strictly confidential. Addm orders for Ticket, or Certificates of Packages to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga. S. SWAN St CO.. Montgomery. Ala. 3" A lift of the numbers that are drawn irom the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one Is en- titled lo, will be published alter every drawing in the fol lowing pipers : new unrans iia, aioDiie uecisicr, Charleston Standard. Nashville Gazette, Atl.nta Int-lli- - sencer, New Tork Wtekly Day Boos, and Savannah Morning Hews. f afror-Jfelrii- uj TacjjhtcSa Planters, Eook. to Your Interest! TTTE are etUl agents for the sale of the EAGIE GIN r T STAND Actual tests pruve that the Gins now be inc manufactured are the bet In ue. Fer lightness of draught, speed, and making a fine sam ple, these Gins csnnot be equaled. Now is the time to vend In your orders, so as tn have them made and to arrive here in time for the next crop, HARRIS, WORM El ET & CO., Azents, mr25 daw3m No. 8 Front Row, Memphis. J3 Enquirer copy. S. D. 1RUEIIEART 3. M. WOODSOrt, TRUEHEART & WOODSON, Manufacturers of Southern Star Cottou Gin, GERMANTOWN, TENN., call the attention tf the public, RESPECTFnLLT ton Planter, to their GIN MANC-FACTO- ni.w in succesff ul operation In this place. We deem It unn ce.sary lo pub'lsh any testimonials of the good performances of our Gins, thush many could be prncwred of gentlemen who are now uing hem men of high reputation as plauws. and wou'd not be satisfied with any but a good Gin ; and we will only add ".bat we are determined to spare bo pairs or means lo mate a Cotlun Glc that will pi- - ase the Planter. In addition to the Gin we formerly advertis-- and sold for$J per saw, we are nw fittlnt up aa improved style, at additional expense, wvich we will sell at $3 60 per saw. A sample or our Gins can always b seen at Messrs. Graham & mil's, who are our agents in Mtmphis. Gentlemen Platters, send in your orders with speclfl cations, and th y shall be prompt y attended to. A suf ficient guaranty given In every sale Repairing done with neatness and disratch. mar24-dawS- m Important to Cotton Planters! THE TAILOR PRElillUM COTTON GIX, JfaJSUrACTtTBED BY CLEMATIS, BBOWXT & CO., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. subscriber begs leave to call the attention ot THE to an examination of tbe merits or there Gin Stands. which possess In a greater degree the quail-ti- es to be desl-e- d In a Cotton Gin vU. : Speed, Light Draught, and Good Sample than any Gin extant, and are offered on as reasonable terms as any establishment in the South. I feel fully authorized in saying that I caa furnish, all things considered, a superior Gin Staud to any factory in the United Statts. Messrs. Fowlkrs, Mount & Co. are agents for tbe ssle of these Gins, who will keep a supply of various sizes on band, or will order any rlze at short notice. Office on JeCnoa street, Memphis, Tenn. S. A. TflORNTON, Ag't. Premium Cotton Gins. attention of Cotton Planters is respectfully cslled THE the above superior Gins, manufactured by E. Car- ver & Co., East Brldgewater, Mass. Under a recent the Carver Gins are regarded as the best now in general ase; their superiority needs ao comments frcza as, aa thousands are now in successful operation in tie Southern country. Wefhave on hand fifty Gins, embracing all the different a lies and numbers of saws. Also 10 and 12 feet segment bolts, washers, 4tc, com. plete, all of wblch wo offer to oar friends upon the usual terms and time. GWTNN & GIBSON, Kos. 1 and 2 Exchange Building. Memphis, Sept. 23, 1854 tf TFHITEEY'S PATENT PORTA- BLE CIRCULAR I fTiii Wmm rmEsti. SAW MILLS, MAXtjrACTTJRED BT CLAKE & AYEKI, St. Louiif Mo. AGENT AT MEMPHIS, TENS'., G. HcIiEAl?. taken the Agency for the sslo of the above HATING Saw Mills, I am prepared to till all orders fer Mills, with or without the power te drive them oa the shortest notice. Persons wishing to purchase Mills, and also deslrons thst they should be set up and put into operation, can be ac- commodated. We do net wish to praise our own work, all we ask of persons wishing to purchase Mills Is to examine our work before buying elsewhere, as we think they will give us the preference after such examination. We are sati- sfied our Mills will saw more lumber, and la better style in the same number of hours than any other Saw Mill now made Persons wishing to purchase Mills will please address me at Memphis, Tenn. O. M CLEAN. e.McIsEAW, BOILER -- MAKER. Black Smith and Sheet Iron Worker, Corner of Front Row and IVinchatcr-tt- ., MEMPHIS,' TENN. SECOND-HAN- D Boilers bought, sold and exebacged for new ones. Sheet Iron work done of every aescripiion, sucu as Chimnevs. Brichen. Fire Beds. Escape Pipes. Condensers Forges.Metallc Life-Boa- aadSteam-bo- at Work in general. Also, Bank Safes, Flreprovf Shuts, Gasometers, CUterns, &c N. B. Boilers repaired at the shortest nolle, and oa the noil reasonable terms. novH-daw- ly - - r J. xi r DISSOLUTION. OX the 1st June, 1S56, the firm heretofore existing F. n. CLARE and A C. WURZAnrr wat un solved by mutual Consent. F. H. Clark Is charged wKn the tettiemeut cf the business of the late firm of T H. Clark St Co. F. H. CLARK. A. O.WUBZBACH. XEW FIRM. The subscribers bsve associated thernutn. iv.ih under the firm of F. H. CLARE & CO. F. H. CLARK, JAS. 3. WILTONS, THOS. HILL. 5f C.K. OUE NEW .FIRM. It affords me pleasure to announce to m rri.nd. .ni the public that I have associated with me my former ., . . ...- -, TIQ a T T V?"n J --, ud mj assu -- tsnt, T1I03. niLL, nndr the familiar style of F. H. CLARK &. CO. The new firm will start with an efficient force In each mechanical branch, tbe Watch department being under tbe supervision of nr. wiikins. Sto fall at all times of tbelatest fashions, and crteea ai loi. is tbe same quality and style of goods can be pur- chased In Philadelphia or New Tork. I am thankful tor the liberal patronage extended to me during my fifteen years' resilience in Mempvls, aad my aim win oe 10 merit its continuance. F. H. CLARK. ESTABLlisiED 1841. OUR aim has besn to keep pace with our growing city, furnish those who want Goods in our line with good articles, snd at fair prices. Our assortment, for years, nas Deen mui nine lr any Deaina our Kastern cities. It Is more extensive this season than ever. Our leuiLg branches are, first WATCHES, s? Of whl.-J- i we have every variety in general use. together with a large assortment made to our order, which for neatness ot style sndUme-keep-'in- g. are surpassed by none. In our assortment will be found the Eight Day "Watch and the Repeating v aronomeier, giving toe time to a minute In the dark. JEWELRY. Our assortment in this Important branch Is kept full by frequent receipts of all the new styles, whether of I j reign or aamesuc production. GUjl8, GUNS We have made this branch ot our business a study for years, not only posting ourselves with regard to the dif- ferent qualities and merits of the different styles and ma- kers, but of the kinds best suitable to our market Our assortment, for a number of years, has been large, to which we have recently made many additions of our own lmrcrtatkm. We caa furnish our customers with SHOT GUNS from $5 to $200; RIFLES frem $10 to $100 Also, the celebrated SUAIU'K'S rijtlk. Pistols, DERRINGER and COLT, of all sizes, Also, a full as- - sjrtmeat ot the kinds in, general use. SILYER GOODS. Tea and Cofie Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Castors, Spoons, Forks, Ladles, with many choice Fancy Articles, all coin fine. S1XYER PLiTED GOODS. Urns, Castors, Candlesticks, Tea and Coffee Sets, Eperg nes. Cake and Fruit Baskets. Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Pitch' era, Gobteti, Cups, Wallers, ox., ate. OTJTIiSRT. A full assortment of Pocket and Table, from the beat makers, with a great variety of Fancy Goods. OUB MECETANICAIi BRANCH. All kinds ot Watch Work done in the most faithful manner. Jewelry repaired, and new made to order. Engraving1. Plain and Oramental; Seals for Lodges, Courts, Stc., in any style, stencei nates oi ail sizes. D AGIJERRE AN GALLERY, Prof Remington, Artist, Embraces a suit of rooms built expressly for the purpose. and we are prepared to furnish our customers with first class pictures in all the various styles. Ia building expressly tor our business, we have com blned every convenience fr the different branches, and greatly reduced our expenses, which, with our facilities and theextemien of our business, enables us to sell goods and do work on the most reasonable terms. Goods cheer fully shown aud fairly represented, and we invite all both buyers and the curious, to drop in without ceremony and examine our stoc. W e keep open bouse for all. octI6-daw- Iy F. II. CLARK it CO. 20" 33 W SPRING STOCK! Some very fine. WATCHES New styles. SILVERWARE Coin fine. SILVER PLATED GOODS Best quality. SPCTACLf.S To suitevery ccndit.on of sight. GUNS Best makers. PISTOLS Fml assortment POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. CLOCKS. CANES. FANCr GOODS. Making by far the best assortment ever offered In this market F. II. CLARK & CO., mar2S No. 1 Clsrb's Marble Block. SHARP'S RIFLES Mississippi BiOes, FOR SALE BT F. II. CLAKR & COMPANY. marll THE SPHEREOTYPE. rp riElatett and by far tLe most Important Improve JL merit In Photography Is th: recently patented pic ture known as the SFHEREOTTPE, which Is not only new ana unlike any of Its predecessors, but greatly su- perior te all. The Sphereotype is proof against time, air and WATEK,and for richness of tone, warmth of expression and distinctness bis ro equal In fact the II luslon Is such thst th? picture, or image, seems suspcrd ed in air, entirely Independent of the back ground For this picture we have the exclusive right for Mem phis. Specimens can be seen in our Gallery, where pic tures are also taken in the various style by our Artist, PROP. REMINGTON, who enmblms the Chemist with the Artist., which ena, bles him at all times to produce superior Pictures. T. n. CLARK & CO , dec2-- tf No. 1 Clark's Marble Block. (fonftrttflimtus- - PARIS HOCSE CONFECTIONERY. Wliolcsalc and "Retail CANDY MANUFACTORY, No. 67 Front Row. Cj7 THANKFUL to his friends and the public tbe very liberal patronage extended to him fer tbe last eight years, M. LOUIS begs leave to Inform the citizens of Memphis and vicinity that he will constantly keep on hand a large assortment of the best Imported Wines Claret, Fort, Madeira, White, &c ; also, Scotch Ale and London Porter. M. L. MOXTEDONICO always keeps on band a great variety ot Fancy Candles and Toys, sn asortmst of stick Candy, Prunes In Jars and boxes. Raisins, Grapes, every kind of fruits ana .nuk, JAUSiers, aaraines, Olives. French and English Mustard, Sugar in loaf and boxes, Caracao, Maras hins, Old Wines, Ginger, Pre- serves, Savannah, New Tork and Boston Preserves, Cat- sup, Pepper Sauce, Chocolate, Cordials, Syrups, Macca-ron- l, VemacelU, the best Havana Cigars, and a great many o'her articles, too numerous to mention, now offered for sale very low, either by wholesale or retail. Having, at much expense, secured theiservlces of two of the most experienced workmen ever in this city, be flatters himself that he cannot be surpasse I In arranging and decorating tables for Parties Wedding., & , with honor to himself and satisfaction to nis customers. dec24-t- r It. ROCCO, Manufacturer and "Wholesale Dealer In JPlain and Fancy CANDIES, CAJCES, &C. No. ii20 Main-s- t, Odd Fellows' Hall, Memphis, Tenn., TTEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Green J. and Dry Fruits, Fruits in their own juice. Jellies, Preserves. Sardines, Lobsters, Spiced and Pickled Oys ters, Pickles, Cordials, Syrups, fine Wines, Brandies, all kinds ot Nuts, itc In connection with this establishment I have Stted up in superior style an Ice Cream Saloon, expressly for the Ladles. Also. Gen:.enen oaoon, where ice urearn is servea irom a. n. im 12 r. a. ap27 C. C. MAYD WELL'S OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, MEMPHIS, TENN., TTTTIERE can be found all description of Grave Work. VV which will be furnished aa cheap a; it can be got in any market West. Also, Building Work done at short notice. It Is to tbe Interest ot all persons wanting such work to purchase from the yards at Memphis instead of purchas- ing from Agents, as tbe Manulactorshave to add the twenty per cent, mat is psia Agents to me worx soia oy them. Southerners, lock to your Interest. der3-diw- m O fl WAYDWTST.T. JflempHis Founder t AND MACHINE SHOP, Adams Stroot, Memphis, Tenn., now prepared to do all kinds ot Machine Work; also, IS Stesmboat Work o. every description. Steam Engines, Saw Mills Of everv description, Cotton and Wool Ma- chinery, Oln Gearing, Planing Machines. Also. Brass Foundery, Casting and Finishing. Steam Guage Cocks and Casting!- - of every description, heavy Wrought Iron Forg-ln- g, Wroujtht Iron Gratlncs for Jails, Bank Vaults, Cel- lar and Side-Wa- lk Grater, Iron Fencing of every descrip- tion made to order. Alio, House Fronts, Window Caps and 8111s, of varloa patterns. In a word, I am preparec" to do every description of work in my line. I have now In shop tho latest aud most Improved pat- terns ot Steam Engines. ISAAO MELON 3. McKehxa, Supetlntendcnt. fcblO-l-y IAWKS. SMITH & CO.'S BULLETIN. Spring Txn.cio, 1857 ! MERCHANTS, PLASTERS, MECHANICS'. LOOK. TO YOUR INTEREST. HAWKS, SMITH & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware, CUTLERY, AJID AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Nob. S04 and 806 Main-s- t. ALSO AOESTS TOR " Heaing's " Patent Salamander Safes ! HAVING now received tbe greater portion of our for tho TRADE, bv recent arrivals from Europe and the Eastern Cities, we are prepared to ouer greater inducements lo I tie Merchants, Planters ana jsecnamcsoi ine aoumwest than have hilnerto been of fered in this market, for proof ot wblch we respectfully so lclt the Inspection uf our stock and prices. In view of this, we have placed ourselves in a position to offer such inducements to those who may visit Memphis for the pur- pose of making their purcbas a. as will deter them from aeexmganotQer market, so far at least as our ousiness is concerned. To fully carry out this object we have mads permanent arranztmcais with the best manufacturers In England and in this country, to be regularly supplies with a full stock of Goods In our line, and will furnish those wba way farorus with their orders, with goods at aa low ngurrs as any nouse in ine country,.aoum or n cab uur stock comprises For tlie Country Trade. Boiled and Charcoal Iron Castings, Boston. Phllalelphla and Wheeling Nails, Hunt's and Collins' Axes and Hatchets, Log, Trace. Stay and Stretch Chains, Brlsht snd half bright caststeel Hoes, Caststeel polished rive ted -- eye Hoes, Oil root aud steam bent 1 lames, nog skin Collars, horse and mule. Cotton, wool aud Jim Crow Cards, Manilla and Jute Cordage, Thread and common cotton Rope, Plow Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, he., Louisville, Cincinnati and New Tork Sitters, Nova Scotia and Bsved Grindstones, Ames' caststeel Shovels and Spades, Rowland's and Can's Shovels and Spades, Table and Pocket Cutlery, all patterns. Locks, Latches, Hinges, &c "Well Wheels aud Well Buikets. Together with every at tide suited to the trade of th country merchant. In the Agricultural Department We hate made tbe best selections Irom thosnost approved manufacturers of every article necessary for the planting community, inciuuinc Cotton. Cane and Grub Hoes. Cane Knives, and Briar Hooks, Plow and Wagon Chains, Fan Mlds, Corn Mills, Corn SteHers, Corn aud Cub Crushers, Straw Cutters, Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, ac. Grain Cradles, and Scythes, Patent and common Churns, Hames, Collars, Singletrees, &c, Pruning Saws and Chisels, Garden Implements ot all kinds. Hall K Spear's wrought and cast Plows, Allen's Cottou Plows and Scrapers. Together with a full stock of tbe celebrated Avery and Livingston St Co. Plows, wblch have for several years past given such universal satisfaction. We are tally pre pared to keep always on hand a large stock of these Plows, together with the extra Points aud Castings, su as to be ante to supply our planters with tbetn at all times, In the seltctlon of our stock of Goods In the Mechanical Department We have pildrnesi particular attention to tbe Interests of our mechanics. We have selected such goods as are best suited to this market, and can safely guaranty satis faction is an. Our stock in this department is full and complete, comprising in Building Materials Greenwood's celebrated Pinges, Greenwood's Axle Puliies and Shutter Fastnlngs, Pearl White snd Mineral Knb Locks and Latches, Cloie and Electro-Plat- ed " " " " Cottage, Rural and Mortise " " Front and store door " " Sliding door Locks and Furniture, door and Gate Hinges and Latches, Bolts and Hooks. Nails. Brads. Screws. 2tc. This departmen . In our business Is under the special supervision of one of the partners, who has fer many years, In this city, given It his careful attention, and be- lieving that this branch ot our business requires more than ordinary care, both tn the selection of the goods and In filling orders. h is determined to use bis best en deavors to keep .nch goods as shall please all our me chanics, jnd will hold every Inducement to merit thi patron-- e We wouldcall particular attention to our stock ot Tools, the quality of all which we can f nlly guaranty, compris ing in Carpentf-r'- s Tools Union Factory Plane, Rules, &c, Spear & Jackssn's Hand and Pannell Saws, Butcher's cast steel Chisels and Files, Earl Smith & Co.'a Files, Wetherby's Chisels and Draw Knives, Cam's celebrated " " Spirit Levels, Rules and Gnages, Augers, Auger Bitts, Screwdrivers, &e. niacltsmitli-'- s Tools. Peck's Louisville Bellow, Newcomb's New Tork Bellows, Slid Box and Parallel Vices. Armitage's Mousehole Anvils, Coleys warranted Anvils, Hand and Sledge namniers, Blacksmith Tongues, Farriers, Hammers, Knives and Pincers. Tinners' Materials. Best Charcoal Tin Plate 1 0. 1 4t "II " Leaded Roofing Plate 1 C, Bar Tin, Speltrf, Stc, Iron Brass and Copper Wire, Bolt Copper, Soldering Irons, &c, Tinned and Braziers Sheet Copper, Boiled andCbarcoiI Sheet Iron. Buss Imitation, Russ. and Galvernlzed Iron, Bar Lead, Rivets, Copper Tacks, Jcc. We would also call the attention ot Ra lire ad and Levee Contractors to our stock of Railroad Barrows, Ame's Shovels and Spades, Boring Machines, Mattocks. Picksi &c Having a thorough knowledge ot our buslnesi In all It branches, we are determined to give It our entire atten tion, and shall attend personally to all thi orders, and lo the transaction of our business in every particular, and by so doing flatter ourselves that we can give satisfac tion. HAWKS, SMITH & CO., febl 301 and 306 FREESE & FLOWERS' NEW MERCANTILE COLLEGE No. 338 Main Street, Bet. Union and Gsyoso, TS now open for the reception of Students. Everything X that is taught in any Institution of a similar kind in the united States can be learned here. The course id braces Single and Double Entry g, Penman ship. Commercial Law, Commercial Forms and Calcula tlens, Banking, Wholesale and Retail, Commission, Steambost, Manufacturing &c Students are not taught In classes ; they are Instructed Individually aud e'paiately ; so there will be no detention on account of classes. It takes but a few weeks to com plete tbe course. The hours ot Instruction will be from 9 to 12 A. M., and from 2 to 5 p. at. Also, Evening Lessons Irom 7 to 9 TERM Si For full course, time unlimited, $35 00 For partial course....... 25 00 For Penmanship, time unlimited 16 00 For " twenty lessons................ 6 00 For further particulars, address FREESE & FLOWERS, febl0-6- Proprietors. A CARD. T HAVE this day disposed of my entire Interest In the JL firm of GOODLKTT, NADERS t CO., to my asociati a in Dusmes, woo assume tu iiaDltlties, aud to whom pay ment must be made. In retlilug I beg to return my sin. cere acknowledgments to my friends tor their support auring my connection with the above cause, acd would now bespeak a continuance of the same to my former partners and successors In business. B. D. NABERS. "vewIfiimi. THE subscribers beg letve to annource to their friends and the public that Mr. R. B. Bone, ot Hickory Wythe, Tenn., becomes a partner In their house this day. The Groc ry and Commission bu Iness will be continued by them under tbe style aud firm ot GOODLETT. BONE h. CO.Tat their old stand. No. 47 Front Row, they assum. dug Ihe liabilities and entir control of the huse of Goodlctt, Nabers & Co. They hop by strict attention to business to merit a further kind patronage, heretofore so liberal y extended to them. R. 1). GOODLETT, Memphis April 15, 1S57. W. W. MILAM. apl6.dawlm CHARLES N. ERICH, IMPORTER Or FOREIGN LUXURIES, AND DEALER IX FAXCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, 32S MAIA-ST- ., WEST SIDE, I SO Cm OF UNION STREET.) TTAS lust received a large assortment of EUROPEAN II LUXURIES, such as Prussian CeeseBreasts, Bruns- wick Sausages, Eel In Gelee. Paf de Foies d' Oiet, it Canard, de Becatset en rruje. Green vegetables, con- sisting of Asparagus, Beans, Peas, etc.; Anjovlsb, Hol land Herrings, Limourg ana sap aago ineese, jr rencn Chocolate, German Prunes, Rhenish, Hungarian. Mosel and French WINES, Cove Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines, Sauces, Pickles, etc., and general assortment of FANCY and FAMILY UKUUKltltS. Manvof the abovo articles are for the first time Im ported Into the United States, and can be had In Mem phis ONLY 01 uiiaq. n. ∋u. feblO tt NEW ESTABLISHMENT. undersigned are now opening at their NEW TriE STORE, NO. 37 FRONT ROTF, a general snd well selected assortment of Frcsli Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals Paints, Oils, Dyestufii, Patent Mtdlcines. Glassware and Perf nmery, warranted to be fresh and f. nclne, direct from New Tork, wl ich are offered on ac- commodating terms. Call and Judge for yourselves, or send in your orders, which will be promptly attended to, particularly those from a distance, and the goods sent forward without delay. The patronage of our friends and the public Is respectfully solicited to our new es- tablishment, as we reel assured we can render satisfac- tion to all who may favor us with their custom. Pnscilptlons put up carefully at all hours. n BLACK fc'PRRKINS. 3Et an ivr o 7 Xj OP THE WBW DRUG STORE. n WE take pleasure In informing thevcitixens of A MemphU aud the public generally that we have re-- W moved our stock of Drugs lo the corner ot Main and H Union streets, and will take pleasure in accommo dating all who may favor us with a call. We are also in receipt of a full supply of fresh and gen- uine Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, ic reticular attention paid to filling of Prescriptions at all hours of day and nigbt. decJI-- tf A. JUXMGB K tu. !iaralaTsTsTsTsslWtPaTsTsaTTlaT laT mTrTmWmTWI M II tall WiIsmii il la as AtSU - TO MERCHANTS. "TTTE respectfully call your attention to our extensive VV stock of Hardware. Cutlery, Guns, French Window Glass, Nails, Castings, Metals, and all other articles In our Una suited to the trade of this section of country moil or wnicn nss eitner been imported by us direct front Europe, or selected from the best factories in America by our partner resident In the Est. The recent addition ot another store to our premises, enabled us to establish a convenient WHOLESALE SA11PLE R003I. entirely disconnected from the retail branch ot our trade. ana we reel assured mat aiercnants win consult their own interest by looking Into this room and making their se- lections. None but good and punctual men need apply, unless accompanied with the cash. LOWNE3. 0RGILL i CO , 13 and It Front Row. Jsn NewTork Once, 1 Piatt street. Chinese Sugar Cane and Prolific Pea. CHINESE SUGAR CANE This most valuable plant at perfection, and fully ripen its planted any time befoie the middle of June. We have. on ssle, genuine seed, from D. Redmond, editor of ths ' aociuciu muiTaior. ALSO, the new Chinese Prolific Pea. the most nrtvlnc. tlve variety known. Price of each, (1 per package or, if sent per mall, pre-pai- d. 4130. Circulars furnished gratia. Address, with plain directions for mailing er auipping. ORGILL tc CO., apl I daw Memphis, Tenn. Three Thousand Kecs Nails. 711 recent heavy additions to our stock, we have now JlJ on hand orr Three Thousand kegs Boston and ether warranted brands of aasorted Nails and Spikes, which we oner 10 tne irsae. in regularly assorted lots, at ex ceeuiusiy low raies lor car a. LOWNES. ORGILL k CO., ap!2-da- IS and 1 1 Front Row. Sheet an Hoop Iron. BUNDLES Sheets, assorted. No. 12 to 28: UU 2CS bundles Hoops ass'ted, to 2 Inches wide, LUW.NK3. ORGILL & CO., splX daw 13 and 14 Front Row. Ncvr Corn and Cob Crusher. WE now have the moat efSelent . Crusher, for less money, than has eTer before been offered In any market. It win make Meal and t Hominy, and crush the Corn and Cob perfectly, and has taken the premium la every contest. LOWNES, ORGILL CO., 13 and U Front Row, apI2-da- w . SUPERIOR FISniXG TACKLE! r ENTLEMEN who desire to provide themselves with VJT a good outat for Summer Fishing, Are invited to call aud select from our new and rare stack, the following articles ot tbe choicest styles and qualities : Walking Cane Rods, asserted patterns ; French Rods, 3, 4. and S Joints ; English Rods. 3. 4 and 5 Joint. ; Artlneial File, Minnows, Mace, and every other variety or Artinciai salt ; German Silver and Brass Reels, Sneil Books ; Sandwich Boxes and Dram Flasks ; Lines of Silk, Linen, Sea Grass and Cotton. ALSO, a complete stock, comprising every size ot Hoiyoakes Superior Cast Steel, LimerKk, Cheatertown Virginia, Klrby ana uarusie PISH HOOKS : LOWNE-"- , ORGILL & CO , mar27 13 and 14 Front Row. Memphis, Tenn. JPlou&JisJ JPloualis TUST Received, heavy shipments of Ploughs, embracing U various sizes or "ijvingsion iuniy," amongst wnica are several hundred ot the celebrated No. 11. Also Double Mould-boar- d. Sub-ao- ll. Hill-sid- e, Harrows. Cultivators, and an endUss variety of and necessary Agricultural and Horticultural Implements tor particulars of which, see our Illustrated Catalogue, furnished eraru at our store. LOWNES, ORGILL h. Co., J ant 13 snd 14 Front Bow. RICH'S Fire - Proof Safes I FACTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS ! ! IT the great fire which broke out in Warren and Murray . streets, jew xorx, '.a aovemper last, wnere prop erty to the amount of 600.000 !! was destroyed, several of these Safe's weru tested with results similar to the following : New Tors. Nov. II. 1S55 Mr. Editor : In the fire at No. 33 Warren-stree- t, on the morning of the 9th lust., our most valuable books and papers were exposed for 3S hours In one of Stearns Marvin's Flre-Pro- cf Safes. We say fire proof, not because they are so labeled, but because we have so proved them. Our books and papers came out uninjured, save the binding of the books, occa sloned by steam. Our store was five stories above ground, and two sto- ries below, occupied from cellar to garret. The intensity of the heat can b attested by any fireman who witnessed It, No furnace could be contrived by tbe ingenuity of man to create a more intense heat. We voluntarily five this tribute to the value ot these Safes, and select yonr widely circulated commarslal Jaurnal to Inform the mercantile Community what estimate to place upon Stearns X Mar vin's Wilder Patent Salamander Safes. Respectfully, HAVILAND, BARREL Jc RI3LET, Wholesale Bruggists. In this connexion the Manufacturers write us: "We have made these Safes over 14 yea I have sold over 9.600 nad 215 tested In accidental fires in the United States and Canada, and never yet had a customer to lose a dollar by fire from one ot them. We think they have earned a high reputation, as they are readily sold here in preference to other Safe's at 25 to SO percent. less price." A full stock kept constantly en hand by LOWNES. ORGILL & CO. Agents for Stearns k Marvin. 8100 REWARD. RANAWAT from the subscriber, at Bowie's tJk. Point, Tunica county. Miss., three negro men, Jar it : TOM. hUelr. ared ihflnt'.23THni about five teet eleven Inches high, thick under Up, and rather slow ot spcecn. wetgns about 170 pounas. GEORGE, black, aged about 21 years, about six feet high, we.l made, fine countenance, and weighs about 160 pounds. WILSON, black, aaed about 22 years, about 5 feet 9X or 10 incurs high, weighs about 160 pounds, has a slight aerect in nts walk as 11 cis leu were sore. If taken out ef the State, and lolged In Jail at Mem, phis, I will pay the above reward. If within the State, and secured so I get tntm, fifty dollars E. W. DALK, maris dawtf Bowie's Point, Tunica Miss. C. K H0LST & SON, Cabinet Jtlalcers AND UNDERTAKERS Maln-st- ., Old Stnnd, First Dor below Monroe, fTTle oldest permanent stand in the City.) TTAVE constantly on hand all sties ot Patent Mrlall JLJ. Burial Cases, which they line and put up alr-ina- t. In the best manner Also, all kinds ot Wood an' C'lott Covered Coffins, which they sell at a fair price. Orders from the courtry promptly attended to. Fur niture made and repaired, and Upholstering done, ool-l- y A GREAT SPECULATION ! PEARL WORK UPON GLASS. NOTICE Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, undersigned Is the Patentee, having th ex elusive and sole right to manufacture and vend SHAW'S PATENT PEARL WORK., being an entirely new and Deautirui mutie or ornamenting glass la Imitation of pear wjrk, by an original design and Droces. lmoartlnz a brilliant, vai legated appearance to the snrface of the Glass. It is admirably adapted to lettering upoa signs, show cards, &c , He , being impervious to water, durable ana lasting, ana cneaper tn execution than ordinary pain ting, aud can be learnt in one hour. Any Infringement upon my patent will be prosecuted to the extent t the law. Persons wbodeslre to purchase auieorwuDirniuii. euner in Tennessee. Arkansas or Mlisissippi, can apply lo J.M. SHAW & CO.. corner ct Bank Avenue and MadisoVstreet, Memphis, Tenn., whj are imiy auiaorizza 10 act ror me. JEROME B. SnAW, apl-l- m NewTork City. Fancy Prints. OATH CASES Fancy Prints, new styles, on hand and for 4U sale Dy JAME-- LOW &. CO., marll 418 Main streeu, LoalsvlBe. Ky. Lawns. . I fl A CASES Fancy Lawns, on hand for sale by 1UU JAMES LOW tc. CO., mar3I 113 Main street, Louisville, Ky. Frencli Jaconets. - r BALES printed French Jaconetts, very handsome XO styles, on hand and ror sale by JAMES LOW & CO., ma31 418 Main street, Louisville, Ky. Crepe D'Espague. CASES Crepe D'Kspagne. assorted colors; 3 1 case Satin Striped and Challl; 1 caselFlgured aud Challl ; on band and for sale bv JAMES LOW Sc. CO.. aar31 413 Main street, Loulsvlil. Ky. Re lie ere. a ' CASES f De Bege, 10 cases 4- -1 De Bege. on hand acd tf for sale by JAMES LOW & CO . mar3 413 Main street, Louisville. Ky. Bleached Cottons. O r r CASES Bleached Cottons, on hand and sor sale by iUU JAMK3 UUW & CO.. mar31 418 Main street Louisville, Ky, Striped Osnatiurgs ! rjr BALES Striped Osnaburgs, on hand and tor sale by 10 JAMES LOW Jt CO., mat31 413 Main street, Louisville, Ky. Linen Pant S tun's! r ft CASES Plain and Twilled Linen Pant Stuffs, on hand 0U and for sale by JAMES LOW jt CO.. mart I 418 Main street, Louisville, Ky. Sea Island Rrovrn Cotton! 4 n fi balks sea island urown uotton. on hand and fui 1UU salely JAMES LOW Js, CO., mar3l 418 Main street. Louisville. Ky. Hosiery I rnfifi DOZEN nose and Half Hos., on hand and for (SUUM sale by JAMES LOW & CO . mar31 418 Main street. Louisville, Ky. Just Received. 1EA CASKS Booth Sc. Sedgwick's London Cordial XJJ Gin, by H. n. POTTER. Main street. febl 9 Third door North Worsham nouse. jtiiJYcm pies: MIJSTCE PIES ! THRESH and hot MINCE PIE3 are to be' had every day families sen d regularly, on the shortest notice, with a superior article. J3" Parties furnished with Cakes. Confections. Wines he, on the shortest notice, acd In SPECHT'S usual good style, uive nim a cau. nonj-a- u Overland Mail Route to Califor nia. PosT-Orn- Dupartjimt, AprU 20, 1S57. ACT of Congress, approved 3d March. 1857, making appropriations for the service of thePost-oac- e De-p- al tmeat tor the fiscal year ending 30th June, lSi8, pro vide; Sec. 10. That the postmaster General be and he u hereby authoilxed is contract for the conveyance of the ' entire letter mall iroui sucn poms on me Mississippi river as the contractors may select 10 san a rancuco, in the ' State ot California, for six years, at a cost not exceeding three hundred thousand colors per annum fer semi- monthly, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars tor weekly, or six hundred thousand dollars for ly service, U be performed weekly, or semi- - weekly, at the option of ice rosimasier uenerai. "Sec 11. That the contract shall require the service to be performed with good four-hor- se coaches or sprlog- - wagons, suitable for ine conveysnce ei passengers aa well as tbe safety anu security 01 in mans. "Sec. 12 That the contractor snail save ice rism 01 to three hundred and twenty acres ot any land not then CIS posed 01 or reservta, ai eacn point ncces- - sary tor a station, not to be nearer than ten miles from each other; and provided tLat no mineral land shall be thus d. "Sec 13. That the said service shall be performed within twenty, five days for each trip; and that, before entering iato such contract, the Postmaster General shall besatUfiedof the ability and disposition of tne parties, bona fide and in good faith, to perform the said coo tract and snail reulre isod and suDcient security for 1 e per formance ot the same, the service to commence within twelve months after the sign in 2 ef the contract," Pro csals will accordingly be received at tne uoniraci Office ot the Post-OS- Department, until 3 p. at of the 1st day ot June 1S57, for conveying malls under the pro- visions of tte above act. Besides the starting point, cn the xisiissicct river. bidders will name the Intermediate points proposed to b embraced in tha route, and otherwise designate Ks course as nearly as practicable. Separate proposals are mviira ror y, wees- - lv and semi-week- ly trips each way. Tbe aecision upon tne pr posais oaercu wm oe ibhc att-- r the Postmaster General shall I satisfied ot tha ability and disposition of the parties ia good filth to nerfarm the contract. A guarantee to be executed, with good and sufficient sureties, that the contrast shall be executed with like cood security, whenever the contractor or contractors shall be required to do so by th Postmaster General, and the service must commeixe within twelve months after the date ot such contract. Form of Propotal. 1, of , county of . State of . propose to convey the entire letter mall, for the terra ot si years, from the date speciaeu tn tne coairacr ror csraraen clnsr service, from , cn ta Mississippi river, by to Saa Francisco, California, atreeabty to the advvrtlte-- ment of the Postmaster beneral ot the 3'n April, 1ST, in good four-hor- se coaches or sprlng-wagen- s. suitaMe for the conveyance of passengers, as well as the safety and security or the maUs, eaea way. for the annual sum of dollars: weekly, each way. far the annual sum of dollars ; seal-weekl- y, each way, for the annual sum ot dollars. Dated. (Sitned.) Form af Gaarantie. Th) undersigned, residing at State of , under take that. It the forgslng bid for carrying the mall on the rout frem , on the MUslstippl river, to Saa Francises. California, be accepted by the Postmaster General, the bidder shall. wnn required by the Psstmas tsr General, enter into the necessary obligation to per form th service prepoea, wun gooa aaa isbuhii sureties. This we do understandioz diitlncHy the egatlen and labilities assumed by gnarantera under the 27 Ih seel km ot the act ot Congress ef JMy 1, is. Dated. (Signed Dy two guarantors.) Jtorsi of Certificate. The UBcerslsnfd, post-mast- er of Stale of certifies, under his oath of tOce, that he is a ovulated with the above guarantors, and knows Item to te men of property, and a We to make gm tceir guarantee. Dated. fS ) INSTRUCTIONS. Containing condition! to be incorporated In the con- - tracit 10 tne extent me urparijncni may uc yr vy I. No nav will be made lor trips not performed; and for each of such omlssMBs net satisfactorily explalm d three times th pay ot the trip may be deducted. Deduc tions will also be ordered tor a grade ot performance late rlor to that specified in tbe contract. Far repeated de- - linauences of the kind herein spedfled enlarse-- t penalties, proportioned to the nature thereof and th importance of the mall, mar be made. 2. Fjr leaving b hind or throwing off the malls, or any portion ot them, for the admission ef passBgrs, or for being concerned in setting up or running an express ug Intelligence in advance ot the mail, a quarter's pay may be deducted. 3. Fines win be an posed, unless the delinquency be promptly and satisfactorily expiaiatd by nrtificalcs of postmasters, or the asasvn 01 WB- -r crraiote persons, for fatltnt to arrive In contiaet lime: fer neglecting lo take the mail from or deliver it into a posteOce; to: suf- fering it (owing either to the unsurtabteness of Ihe place or manner of tarrying it) to be wet, injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost; and lor refusing, after demand, te con vey the mall as frequently as tne contractor runs or is concerned tn tunning a coach on th route. 4 The Postmaster General may annal the contract for reseated failures to run agreeably to contract; for vio lating the post office laws, or disobeying the instructions of the Department; for refuting to discharge a carrier when required by the Depaitment to do so; far assign- ing th contract without the assent cf, the Postmaster General; tor running an express as aforesaid; or tor transporting persons or pacxazes conveying ciauasie matter out of tha mall. S. A bid received after the last day and hour named, or without the guaranty required by law, cannot be con side red in competition with a regular proposal reajona ble In amount. 9. The rou e. tbe service, the yearly pay, the name and residence of the bidder, (that Is. bis usual post office ad dress,) aud those of eaih loemoer or a arm, wnere a comcanv offers should tw distinctly stated 7. Altered bids should not be submitted ; nor should bids once submitted be withdrawn. 8. Each bid must be guarantied by two or more respon sible pers.ns satisfactory .0 the Postmaster Uenerai. General guaranties cannot be admitted. Ihe bid and guaranty shou.d be tigr.ed plainly with the full came ot each person. S. The Department reserves tbe right to reject any bid which may be daenied extravagant, and also the lids of failing contractors and bidders 10. The bid should be sea ed ; superscribed " Mall pro posals for overland route to Calif ornla. " addressed "Sec ond Assistant postmaster uenerai, ' tioniraci ucot. 11 A modiacatlen of a bid In any of its essential terms is tantamount to a new bid. and cannot be received, so as to tnterfer wita a rerular competition, after tbe last hour set for receiving bids. 12. Postmt,ters are to bs careful not to certify the su- f- ficlenty ot guarantors or sureties without knowing that thev are prrsoas of sufficient rcsponsiDimy; ana ail dm dsrs. and sureties are distinctly cetlfied that, on a failure to enter Into or perform the contracts fer the service proposed for in the accepted bids, their legal lia- - billtieawlll be ectorceu aa nit inent 12. Present contractors, and persons knswn at the De- partment most, enually with others, pre care guarantors audcertlfieates ot their sufficiency substantially in the forms atova proscribed. The ceitlncates or sufficiency must be slmed by a Postmaster, or by a Judge ot a court of record. The attention ot bidders, guarantors, suretl's, he , is directed to tie following lsi, vlx: Sec. 2. Act March 3, 1825, requiring contratkTJ, car- riers. &c. to b. sworn. Sec. 44. Act of March 3, 1315, in relation to failure to enter Into csutract. Sec 21. Act of July3. 183. liabilities of guarantors Sec. 24. Act of July 3, 1836. authorizing bids of falling contractors to be rejected. Sec. 73 An act of July 2, 163S, in relation to combina- tions amsngst bidders. Act ot AprU 21, 1801, provides that no member of Con- - ness can be a contractor. Sec 42 An act of March 3, 1325, prvlds that no postmaater, at slstant postmaster, or clerk in post office shall be a contractor. Sec 7 Act of Mar h 3, 1S2S, provMes that no other than a free white male perscu sha 1 be emptajed la eir- - rrlnr the mall. The Poitmastsr General wl'I reserve te the rlg&tot annulling any contract mad; uncer the above act, whenever he shall dlover that Ihe same, or any part of It, IS oaereil ror sale in rue mart. ior ine par pose of tpecuation; and he wUl in no rase n action a transfer of the same. In wb.4 or In pit t. to an assignee or less qualin. d In his opinion than the original contractor to carry the same into ruccrs.f! op eration. AAKllX V. BKIlwn, ap29 3aw4w Pustmsttn General Trustee's Sale. T)URSUANT t a Deed of Trust, rasde ami entered tele JL on the ISth day ot February. .1 DIMS" T nomas J. Cogswell and Anna M. Cogswell his mire, wbortla 1 am appointed Trustee, for crtala m said deed aet forth, I win proceea to sell at poa k aucti Q. ror can in front of G. B. Locke's t r.. ua Main street in the city of Memphis, Tetmse on FhlDAT. the 1st day of May, 1SS7, to the big nest bid er ir cash, the fol- lowing described piece or pircel of crnt.d, leing aud situate In tho city ot Memphis ao I State of Tran-- s see. Said lot or parcel ot gr.und i known aud designated as the lot of grounn d etl.l te F.rv. Taykr h Robinson by W. L. Vance, and d as fni'ews vlx : Beriming at a stake on the .mu .1 tr I about sixty feet east ot the eastern batik of Rayan. Gay-o- so ; thence eastwardly with th n rta si te of Beat treet thirty ftet to a state ; thence northwardly at rir-h- t angl.s with Beat street one hundred and fi'ty fiet te an aHey; thence westwardly with said alley thlity feet tu a stake. and then southwardly tu the being svutb wst corner ot Block No. 14 ot the sub- division. I will convey sasl prop-r- ty te tbe purchaser in as full and complete a maoier as I can a Trustee, and not in any other way. 11 a. CLARKE, apl-t- d Trustee Clerk's Sale of Valuable City .property. Fraier Titus, Louisa V. Nelson! Petition lo q.i.v, xr v.i -- ,.i., I .i. .V--i . i sen neat estate ror friend J. M. Provine. J alTon- - PURSUANT to a Decree of tbe Circuit Court of Shelby at tbe 3. ptember Term, 1346, tn the aoove cans. 1 win, on SATURDAT, THE 2d or MAT, 1857, on the premises, in theci'yuf Memphis, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, a valuable Lot of Giound, being part of Lots 138,137 and 133. fronting 31 feet 1 i inches on Exchange Square, and running back east 143 M feet to jiain street, in ut city ot nempnis, ccun-- y or aceioy ana state of Tennessee. Terms op Sale. One third cash; talsnve on a credit of one and two years In tonal lnsta'mnt. Pur chaserto execute bond security fur tbe ucpal) purchase- money, an! a Hen will te retained on the Lot until una payment Is made. Nevertheless, said Lot will b offered at private sale upoa the above terms, until the above time, when, If a suitable purchaser is not found, sai l Lot will be sold as aforesaid. Tor tartlculsrs, call on Fraier Titus, J. X, Provine. or me. mar26-td- s M D. L. STEWART, Clerk, he. TO THE LADIES AND GEXTLE3IEX OF JAMES MILLSON, formerly ot Clncia-- J rati. Ohio, would resxtful!y announce t tne citizens of xemnhis mat ne ass opened a BLEACHING and PRKM8IXG Establishment on Union street, near DeSoto. where Bonnets. Flats. Glpsey and Gents' nats will be done in the best style for tbo wao favor him with their patronage Also, Bonnets dyed and pressed for stores, at lew prices. Please give him a call, ou Cnlon street, near uesoto. mar22 3m TO 'X'l-- X The Madison Street Sash, Door and Blind Factory. understlgrvd has taken tbe stand recently THE by Moore h Hatstesd, over tbe PUnlnr MUI ef Whlrinle Xenutlazri h. Co.. and If prepared to fill all or ders for Sash, Doors, Bllna , Frames, Casings, Mould- ings, Msntles, he. Particular attention paid lo dressing and ripping Lum ber, for the Carpenters and Builders. South American Fever & Agne Is a Cheap, Safe and Penaanent Cart, AXD IS A JLSO A PREVENTIVE OF THE VARIOUS FORMS OF Bilious andlntermittent Fevers. PRICE OXE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. preparation contains n Artenic r lltmry, THIS will not, like the many camot-Bfcd- new rvcviu-mend- ed fer Blltuos or other Fevers. 1st itibw m a condition mere te be dreaded than tee disease; best i great taerit is In its Cuiative, Preventive and Bnten-tlv- e properties, and is adapted te all aoes asset o,ii-tion- s ot the system. Mearlyatl the articles watch ester lota Ms esses- - tion are t therasetve, sing y, reuawMal siesta hi 1- - care ef Biilou sb4 iBtetmltteet Fevers. Asa preveBtise, this MMietee Minis be aseet "l valesceots, Triveiers. Btusgrant, sad ethers, dr tag tax Summer and Fall Btoetas, warn maiarst disease are most prevalent. A Treatise tyG. A LEON ABB, Xew Task, eat ta disease, with Testisseaial aaet Ortiacales ef twee. pr-- f ecUd, can be obtained gratetteestj, at all Mm ptc s where the isevHrtM is mm. Coartifieza-Tcsi- . The following .tiiemrot r tke R. K. M. Peas', ' pertateBdeatef the Five Petals Hess ef Ussijity ! glvea betew. is est taai ste-a- veiauwa aa tela maa-M- e properti s of This mseety Mr. G A L o.iAga Sir: 1 take a tHaswe set rest. -- milting to yea the fdUewtstg leeks, in reiallea V ti perfected by :he use ef year S. A Fever aad Ago a, upmoBe of the lanvstes ef tae Hease ef Jsn ati j Jobs Teasis, who has beea sastVrtn; frees tae cai 1 v d fever daiiag tae past See stoat., vu ka ?ftiseer attacked, and the. perexytsas were as severe a say 1 ever knew; ataest. saetaat relief was axpersraad m t via; the arst ce; ess the txpsettd day ef it was administered, and It aad the kiayf Bl r I,m t ruptiBg the parexyscM. Siaco then evetrvestM r Uto d seae has Mt him, aad be has neevered is turn r wonttd appearance aad aUa. Traty yaSMs.&e.. New Tork, Jsn. , 186$. L. M. PEASR. G. A. LrosARD, Bio, Deer Sir: Haviag r- - d f rest severe attacks or Fever aad Atrae, I bad aeariy d s pal red or naeliec any r'tlef, other tkaaa tneperary o. But wbHeraeevrBC BBtser a severe attack, Knstttn-e- d te try year reaMdy, aad, ast'tke aaaer rtraidli. I iuvd Hied, it hat prevMl a aroatpt sat! erataaent cave a- - I have never Before goae to ieag witaaat a,iag,a te- - aia t the e naalalBt, aatt caa rtrtaimia tho S A. Frv end AgseReatedyasa valuable oaefartae f4eesa1 ewr i.f the disease. RO0T. F. PBILPtT. New Tobc, Dee. 1, 1865 Ct. WaH aad Wat.-i- t. Mr. A. F. Ster sag, ef this cat, has eaasat4 i be paMkatiea ef the lotktwutg tacts, ever hi slpma n . roaeerDtnt a cure per feted by the ase af thin reeen-- y. which facu are eerreheraMet by sue Rev. L. M, wbe was acqewiltetl with all th ilnaaiilinrss. Ms. 6. A. Leoxasd Dear Kr: ScatH teada' I brard of apeer est eeitrving Gersaaa, sa Uul'.r r street, wbe was saSertag frees a severe- attar k rf ehtslo and fever, ceatracted tn the lew ansjaas, stearNewert, L N. J. I gave Ma eae kettle mj yestr SeaiS Aseeswea Fever aad Agae Reateoy, aaa It tltteew me Btarsari tf say that the disease has been brokers op by Ks aee. aet) a perataaeat eare etected. Tvwty years. New Tore, Nov. S, lM. A. F. SMRI IS lam acqaam'ed with th facts set ierth ta the aht, e certtHcate. aad caa witaee to the trait ef the s'sir-men- ts t serein oaatalsted. L. M. PKAR Soft Five ?teat Resteer. Iiattaetiy. The fettewtag CerUflcatrt at FvasFt L. HtetJe tft Henry M.ter, are asaoag that pecaitar caste ia whi u a permanent cere caa be effected. Betwahaasljuv. ib :e centloaed ripoetre te predraatia; aetes. Attar in the cares were aertected. they were eogaaadiB the ; a -- ical Workt ot Meters. Caes. Pr i. Ce .Tii0t cirt After baviog beer troubled with Fever aaJAlan f'tf nearly a whole ntoatk, aad twallnwem Ms ef Cfibwa. a acqoalntaaee of loe reeosmeoclecf nte to try V'!l- - ..( what Is called tbe Soath Aatrrtea eVveraad Atasettiai-ed- y, and tare eaeagh it workM likaacharss. It - .1 . only one day. aad that was the test I saw ef lh f r It is with great pleasure that I state rati faet fer an whets HBMyotars,aaet whvh eve-)- 'r the same saccess in BUtterias: tats eVIpasiag eV -- ;, which is likely enco;. If theywM SeBew my nar.H'. FRMVIC L. HERTLR. Aagast, lSe5. 44 Whlaast st BreMht) n. I have bad tbe Fever and A fee far several w., which kept me at home, usable Wwefk. I tried a i.u.-b- er of prescript too, without 8odi: aay relief. a r a.y factory boss seBt bm a bottle of the Seatn Asacsicei. -- ver and Ague Remedy, which I have axel, aad after diy. foattei myself entiiely cured. I have bed a at ac since that time, new feBrtees aeoths. sad feel imi eonadence ia this valuable raetrMae, ta which I . recovery. HENRT MBIsTR Sept. 20. ISS5. 9 Mcatihaes-st- ., wskamsatt yb The certrflcates ef Mr. J. G. VaaVrhhm, Bretrr-- t of Jamaica, N. T.. aad those recetved tstreaah htat. il be read with mach IBteiest, not only Iroea the vety able character ot Ihe parties, hat that the saedtcn w j used under very naaaveraMe eirorBt-t- H jHly when ether reran! Irs had seee ated wtlb U J l Jjr 5 Mr. G. A. Leo.vard, N. T. StmrStr: lnet..T-- H "eT will Cud some eertttcale ot the ssed eaeets of yvtu a in tbl llaee It gives -- ttttaetfaa te e ty ssm that has used It, aael the sat will iBeiease as il hcvtMS known. I take the respoaaihtlily ta warrast u Mr. Stephen Hrndersea. of this place, seat a bottle t 1 s wife's sister, wtth like eeed malts as whea ad by himself and wife. Mr n is aa eed usan, a very reap. -- table citizen of tai ptaee, and is weH known. Tiuly years, he , JAS. G. Jamaica, N. T., Sept. 23, 18M. We, the aadersigae-d.havease- theS. A Rracdy for Fever and Ague aad IaterraitttBe; Fevers, aad it has made a perfect enre ef oar selves aad Uruast . ami with much pteatare rreemaMtMi It ta the rthsss a. a tele and cheap Btetlicsae. ELBSRT CONKLIN, TO. JOHNSON, CHARLES J GALE, "VTM. BENNBtT. Jamaica, N. T.. Sept. 27, M6. Mb. J. G. Undchhill, Drasrrttt, &c Dfr Sir: I have nsed the Seath ABerieaa Retaedy, seMaasy re. by jen, belh fer myself aad wife, aad we have been curd. .'I btttev i is the best medtHas tr the chttts and fever oat. I sbeoM net hare uted it if v did net warrant a care, hat bow I aat'seiiiiiaj you recemmenaed tt to e. rears, re- - sisrtiu MKNasajsavN. Jamaica, N. T., Sept. 27, 1865. Jamaica. N" T , May JX, HK Mk G. A. Leoxaed Dtar Strr My aaotaes, a g4 lady, was sSiCtrd wi'h the cfail-- s aad fever very bed U.1 summer, SBd having heard joar medtctne Mealy r .he was induced to try it ; alter taktae; ear a4 a halt bottles, she was perfectly cared, aad I catiul:y recommend It as a sate and sare trare RespecUBUy, sours, G. N. CtrBWlMi Mora certiSeates mtcht be added to swell the Ust. but a d'Hcacy on tbe part of maay to have their aaate aac-a- r In print, prevent a poMicalleB ef thea The a eve, however, are 1 urMent evtdeaees te ettahtith h Let . that this reraedy is witboat aa equal tor tha pesaaoaei.1 cure of the Fever sad Ague. A supply of th above Medietee en iaael and fer , WARO It JONKS. apie-&- a 'Vrhjlesal Agents tar MtsBtht- -. TT Zj 0E3 ST S GREAT PRIZE SARSAPARILI, AVAUDK) MST OCTOBER, As fie bat and ovfg gemane nvtpmnd of ti oa now presented to the public. lOUISVLtLE AZmULL EZHTBITION wonderful preparation-- , so Jaslly appn-attee- f by THI3 Amertcas peeple, has now become the atacdard remedy of the sge. The aSscted hear teHimonr, tu marvelous properties, aad tte enhappy, paiB-w-.r and exhausted suSerers rejeiee ttere t Beta, whets h a' failed. Out ot the hundreds of cases scatter t ver Mississippi, Alabama, fTisoeaslB, Misseori, IzM. . ail Kentucky, It has never la a slsde tBSUsca beeru . wn to tall, and wlH cure, beyond all deubt : -- Dyspepsia er Indigestion, Scref-c- 'a or Sing's Evfl, ot the Bones, SyphBls, DebeHty, Habitual Cestiveseas,Kfysipe-la- st Pulmonary Diseases, Liver Osnralti Piles, Female Irresatarrtres. Fbrtala, Skhx Bs Diseased atldseys, aad as a great anet so-er- Tonic, pBrifytag the Blood, and lnvtgoratiag the entire System. This medicine, thejigh prepared at great expetwt, u nevertheless wRhln tie reach af peer as west a, two. aad looked upon by the community as th greatest Ue.ig evrr centerred n aanklBd. Dr. T. A. HURT-EX- 'S Maaufaetory, corner ot nth and Greene streets, Louisville, JCy., where aH dr must be addressed. For sale by H. F. TARNS rORTH h CO., and CU ,N-DL- h CO., Memphis, Teaaessee, and DnUKuts throughout the United States aad Canada. Price $1 per bottle, er six fer $3. lrj21-ur- ." ,v Purify your Blood! CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF THS DOCK is the sovereign remedy far hrctte rial Affect tens. Scrofula, Swelling of the Joints, Kbrn-mitls- m. he. As a UverMedicioe, it has Boeetak.. Us alterative efTect on the system, In addition to ita bema a purely Vegetable Preparation, adapts It to alavt tny Chronic Affection where an alterative medldse k re- quired. For Eruptions on the Skin, 044 Ulcers, ly . sla. and Nervous Headache, it has no success ul among the oestrums of the, day. Asai'maii Medicine it trill befound invaluable. t3T For onlf tr CHANDLER & CO , ly Druggists aad Apeihecariev. Odd FeUews' Hall Block. Merr-vv-. SOME FORTY OR FIFTY ACCLI- MATED COTTOrV NEGROES POE SALE. FROM the State of Georgia, censtsuse; afa. tt ttrn women, boys ana guts. Among tars kt stale very likely families. Ia a tvs L fSSIy. we Inieed to concentrate ear purchase. rrora glenturkr aad Virginia to this poict, and flee nbe buyers ot this country an opportunity of invesU&g lb- - ir money In good Negroes. Give us a call befere nukms your purchases. ma!2.-3- m jJUl.iu,e, uioai.t3CLolf Carriage Factor 3v- - undersigned cave opened a Carriage Facteay aa THE street, between WaJhlncton and Adaua streets, where they are prepared to Manufacture aad Re- pair Carriages at the shortest notice. AH wark 4aae by them will be guarantied, sod a share ot public p'-ia- u. soUdted. lan3-l-y U. 3. BCRR.. N IHAVEJust received some of rant FRENCH BOURDOHl PlA.Vtvl, from the celebrated Plane Factof f " Erabo, " at Paris and London. atl r. fer them for tale. I keep those splendid little ORGANS. called Seraphlne, with from ten to thirteen steps, and alt tbelatest Improvements, These are knowa, to be th bet Instruments fer Churches, Lodges and School Rooms. AH Instrument sold by me a.e warranted far Ave years, Pianos, Violins. Oinu. Melodeocs, etc, etc, done In a wirkmanllks maimer at moaerare priors. ... r?-- 1 do not pretend to give lessons on anv.nanib and variety ef Instruments. ' HENRT GiHOLLENBKRGl JanJ-t-f 144 Mala stmt. httaJi 1 m J I

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Page 1: CLASS C.K. Hardware, CLASS CUTLERY,...SelecOeas for Sabbath Reading. Fer site ty apl2 CLEAVES &. GUION'. INTEREST IIVG BOORS. EBNEST, Talame 1; Or, Ten Days' THEODOeHA ot the Chares





V f

a Profitable.stment.

., feet ef Ground cn the south tide of

.eel, adjoining the bayea (eppolte J. Pbe--jed-re)

on wcK there it a geod Dwelling House.taHtiBg 6 Room, with 2 Cisterns and aH ceaveclet.t

t .t houses necessary fer family purposes. Aho. a FatnUr

I cond story and 2 State In to first, with a cod CU-rn-

above property Is off tor sale by Private. itract until the in of next month. either la f',abvlslente suit purchaser. If not kM trd;eUwillbesoM tothehlrbest bidder for ow-thl- rd

lalaaee in ece and twe years. JAMES BOXU

aplO-dJ- w


--TUVE Lots SB Alabama road, adJolBlngthe property of

Mr. Marsh Miller, and nearlr opposite the residence7i fronting oa Alabama real 60 feet--act. runnln?back H8H fee'. This Is a most desirable

Jetsiten tor resKJewmi, in a rrost healthy past of the city,sad wUl be sotd In lots t- - suit purchasers .

ALSO. 117 feet on Market street. Immediately opposite

the residence of F. Titus. Esq-- , running back some lbO

lee, upon wblca it dwelling and outhouses, wetlanda choice selection f fruit tr-- Those

trt.Wng to secure sites for family residences contiguous

o the boslness portion of the city would do well to matec.rlyappHcatien. Teeasy.

aplS-S- v At E. M Apperson h Co 'ifr-i-T rsT itp rnn a - . . t .v--r. -- L.

I HATE for sale nine acres m one .e -- r.aoatedontheMeiorhls and Chartrtton RaHread,

attest two Biles and a half from Court These dceirtBE caeap preperrij, m rjU O.DSUK their jBterett in applying "rtyto

na-t- f At PBilitB&-WTilte'-. 233 Main street.

FOR SALE!seotfa half ot Lot No. 4S, treating 37 H' feet on

THE street, and nwtBtBB back 13M feet. Oa

tilts Lot there H a man coalortal boase. nie termsto B LOCK.K,are liberal Apply -

marW-- U AactloBeer and Real Batate Broker.

T n- PrlT-n- t Snip.a.w in a .a.ww - -

OFFER for sale, upon easy terms, aalmproved Lota,

I 1!1 122,125,136, 1W, KM, 131. 132. Improved Lota.16S and 170 betes ob the plan of inbiivisHHief Greenlaw.

SaSarrant. Loaaey h Keete. O. B. LOCKE,Mrt-t- f ABCtfoceer and Seal Estate Broker.

Tlios. Peters' Residence for Sale.HATE for aste the Beetdeaee and 183X acres of leadI beieagiBg t Thomas Peters. Esq., lying on the SUte--... . n&ilraad.21.v. u,Mwi. .iwf rhiflMtM

miles east of MeasaaM, at Bray's Station The traprove- -meats consuls ox a Jt -

. n u fli L&Ba ctarfli FBARS. &Crooms aaav -- " V.' .Kttcben, 2 serraata' toobh, dstera, weU, sttNes anabarn carriage hoase, wason sbed, &c, 4te In short, Itis one of the best lmoroTed places la Shelby connty, all

. , . ,. t .in j th imBTsreraentsjew awx is i' v. "

and S3 H acres of Uad, or slI together. If desired, I will

Mil the stock aoeep, tB, -- " -and pork, aUaghtered and packed In the smoke boose. A

barfUn will be Siren. Apply to Thos. Peten . on thepremises, or to

decai Aactioneer and Real Estate Broker.

Suburban Residence for Sale.nnnpub,..!. .n tr,A tMl , t V. fl tbTOffT Refitmr- - , wvhIUIIum t. t--i IrtBrnn fh Tuirlh tide Of

I oeucc w u. aT c... it ...a - .It mnA a fclf ut of theim new cutc-u- u - -

dty. The tract eaatates 11 aeres, and is improved witha small resweace ol inree rooms, ni ui nun

Also, a fonr acre wood kt, nearly oppostte. This tractis within three qaaalers of a QBe of a good charca and

ef the best and healthiest neUhlor- -achool. aad is In eae. . .... . -- . i . r rnirvcoods m tse Tscttuty or aiemptit.. . . u)both Aactiuaeer and Real Estate Broker.

TO REXT.OV Landerdale atre-1- , oststde the corporalton,

VTVE AOF.ES OF LAXD. which has been oc--

'II mAnl tar wars bra Gardener. On tbe prem- -Ism it a aaan cweiiinK. coauiBiBE lour mui

i bunsnt. There is a cead cistern near the hoaae.Tsiere is also a good orchard, and a Cne grape arbor. Apply immediately to


A RARE CHAXCE.OFFER for sale, oa favorable terms and at alow ?rice,T nrPi iVTiTmr: nf fino acres of the best anility of

MlsslsalBpi bott m land, all greatly aboTe overflow, 10

sited west ef MesonUs, on the plank road; 1G0 acres ofcleared Laa4 and a new doable-fram- e House with smuabtooces. Apply at the place to

PETER LEONARD, or toiep7-- tf DANIEL HUGHES, Memphis

The Best in the Worldr i v n ane lbaxe who wish to nnrchas

nu-- Pronertr. or hindsame Coantry ResldeDcesjiiil in the sabarbs. on some of the latter caa bei"U nun iteiideace. readr for occnratlon.

Terms liberal, and title goua. APPiy uocUT-- tf CHARLES D. McLEAK

FOR SALE.THE sabscrlber oSers for sale the tract of land

an which he now resides, in Haywood coanty,Tennessee, throngh which the MemphU aBd Ohio

. Railroad sasses. Salt tract contains about fourtboasaitd acres. The improvements consist of a fineframe dwelling, with ten rooms, negro qaaners, ginfcaese. atabtea. a fine steam and grist mill, good orchards,and ad the necessary improvements for a large farm, orcaa be conveniently divided into several small ones. Forhealth and fertility ef soil this place is unsurpassed byany iti tbecoeatrj. For farther partlcejars apply to thessbscrieer on the premises.

declO-dac- if TH03. SHAPARD.

lusks aitH JltatioMrjJe

Books for Every Library.TiEVSOK'S Abridgement of the Debates of CongressD Beaton's Thirty Tears in the United States SeeaU,

ttreTois.;Cerresponoerjce of Daniel Wcbiter, two vols.;

Webster's 'Htrks. 6 vols.;John C. Oalheaa's "Works. 6 vols.;Cane's Arctic Explorations, two vols.;Catlia'a American Indians. 2 vols.;Csiapb-U't- - Uvea of the Lord CI ana&ors, 7 vols.;Camobell's Lives of the Chief Justices, 2 vols.;Miss Strickiaad'a Lives ot the Qoeensot England, C vole.Bancroft's History of .be UnlUd SUtes, 5 vets.;The Britssh EesayisU. 3 vols :TJayckiack a Cydpcdta of American Literature, 2 vols.;Irviara Life of TTahiaglon, 3 vols.;Spark's American Biography, IS vols.;SelecOeas for Sabbath Reading. Fer site ty



THEODOeHA ot the Chares.Tbe Giant Killer; Or, The Battle All Must

FUht.Scampi vial from Gibe! Tarek to Stambeel, by Lieut.

Vise, U. S. X.Fifty Tears la Bath Hemcpberes ; Or, Brmlatseeaces

ef the Life of a Farmer Merchant, by Vincent Nolte, latevf Xew Orleaas.

Chambers' History of tbe Russian Ifar, 1SI1-'S- 6, withMaps, Plans and 'Wood Engravings.

CarUs' Works, S vols., embracing NHe Notes, Howadjiia Syria, Potepfaar Papers, and Prae aad I.

CatMas' North American Indians, 2 vols.Charles Lamb's Works, t vols.Hood's Works, I vols. For sale byap5 CLEAVES fc GUIOX.


Cleaves & GuloiuArtist's Bride; or. The Pawabreker'a Heir, byTHE Bennett, author of " Prairie Flo-ve- r, " ic.

01 Hasn, the Pawnbruker;or, Tbe Orphan's Lsgacy;A Tale of NewTork, Founded on Facta ;Inquire Within for Anything Tea Want to Enow; or.

Over Three Thousand and Seven Euadred Factsworth knowing ;

Tbe GoMen Legacy; A Story of Life's Phases, pro-nounced to be oa of tbe best novels written by alady;

A Tb'eefM Test ef Modern Spiritualism ; by WilliamS Gartten, D. D.; .

Sitverweed ; A Book ef Memories ;Xsthte Braade; A Fireside History ef a Qatet life;The Poetical Works of neraee Smith and James Smith ;

authors ef the " Bejected Addresses, " with Por-traits and Biographical Sketch ; edited Vy Epes St

Parlor Dramas; or. Dramatic Scenes for Heme Amuse-mea- ts

; by Wm. B. Powle.msrlS CLEAVES &. GCI0N.

JUST KECEIFED.FEW copies of "WASHINGTON CROSSING TOFA DELAWARE " Painted by E. Leutae, and engraved

byPaaJGlrardet.A large assortment ol French Lithographs and Steel

Eagraviegs, ssitaMe for Grecian PalntUg, weH worthythe atteatlos of Teachers; those wishing, would do wellta call early and make selections.

Late Books.Benton's Abridgement or the Debates in Congress fr m

1789 ta I7SS, boaad la mud in or law sheep.Dayckisk's Cyclopedia of American Literature, in two

vols IHsstratedFiae 16cao. Pocket edition of Longfellow's Poems.

. . - ot Tennyson's "Fer sale by CLEAVES & GD10N.

IMPROVE YOUIt STOCK- -COMPROMISE win make the pre.ent aeasea in

l my farm in Fayette, and at S. W. Maloae's. Innear Mason's Depot; stopping cne day

inthrwctrklnthenelghtorbood of Galloway's the Mewpfais aad Ohio Kallroaa. Having tasen twoPremiums as thoroagh.brtvd Stallion, and six of his coltsPremiums at the District aad County Fairs, Compro-

mise can wed claim patronage from those withUg to Im-

prove their stock, or raise Premium Colts.Mares from adistanoe sent to me or Mr. Malone wi.I

be properly a'teaded to, and fed el $2 per week, but toliability fer accidents or escapes.

Trails Season $15; insurance $25; Groom fee nttrout. For pedigree, ttc, write to me, at Macon, or S.W. Malone, Shane.

Seasaa will dose at Maloae's, 1st July; continued athome till Aagast. Gemp'omlse will make a fall seasonat R. Vaa'a, Mill Rh-ge- , St. Francis county, Arkan-sas, eemmencinz 1st September


TRUSTEE'S SALE.Tlrtaeef a trat deed executed by Abram Block to

BT as Trustee, on tbe 12th day of September. 1SSS,

ua the feHowiac piece, parcel or lot of ground situated,lying aLd being in the city of Memphis, (formerly partlyla South Metapbl' and Butler's addition) Shelby county,Tennessee, and bounded and desctioed as follows, 1o wit :

BegtBBiag at a stake on the east ride of Main street, onehundred and twelve and a half feet northward from thenortheast corner of Main and Elliott streets ; thence withtbi.-ei.- ikle of Main streetin a northward direction 54

feet and one inch to an alley to a stake; theace touth-wan-

with tbe west side of said alley forty-thr- feetnine Inches to a stake ; thence north 76 !,-- west, one hun-

dred and sixty-tw- o feet to Main street, theb ginning cor-

ner as wHl fulls appear from said deed t oly registered Intbe Register's office ot Shelby runiy, aforesaid, on the25th day ef September, IS56. m 3ik No. 25 pases 635,US and 577; the object and purjosi of said deed being tosecure th prrmpt and punctual payment of certain notestherein specified; and the said notes being due and unpaid;new in consideration of the power and authority in mevested, and the cf ssld notes so secured, Iwill proceed to sH said lot to tbe highest bidder fer cash,

la frvBt ef the Pest OOoe in the city of .Memphis on the8th day of May. 1S57

Redemption expressly waived by said Trust. The titleIs deemed perfect. I convey as Trustee only.

ap5-1-d B. g. TPBNAGE. Trustee.



ozs2.T33bLJS , Toun.. 'in Ale, Porter, Cider and'Wines of an Binds

DEALER by the most celebrated estatlish-neut- i

to the United States. For sale, WTiolesale or Retail.From ray long experience In the business (twelve years ciwhich has been la the city of Memphis) I flaterniysei:with tbe guaranty I have had front my old enstcmenthat my exertions bsvebeen appreciated by them.

Jnlrn-oswt- f JACOB BECHTOLD.


Iai aaaMliiaTs"r

GOATS COATS ! J COATS!!Blsck and Olive, Stage xuru us? ,

BLUE. Mars and Dck ;

Blaci Alpscca and Drab De Elte;Brown Linen Dus ers, ate., 4c.

Pants 1 Pants! Pants I

Light Casjlmere, assorted colors;Black Dee St In, extra ;Black Drab De Ette. extra ;

White. Dock and DrtllDg;Marseilles, ssstrted styles;Seersucker. ic.

Vests! Vests I Vests!Marseilles, new styl'S ,Marseilles, White and Buff;Orleans Drill;light and dark colored Silk.

A. D. MANSFIELD 4 CO., No S .trest.


JOH. 1857.JAS. A. STEEETT & CO.,


ARE jost opening a choice buck or anac rtRT GOODS, which tber offer low for cash, or

the usual time to prompt customers. We invite tte at- -

t mloncr cur ana coaiurj payers uu ujiircour stock before purchasing el.ewbere. Oar stock con-ili- ts

In part of rich Dress Silks, Silk Tissues,Orsandles. French Cambrics, Lawns, Preach, English

. .ISC AQKTiau rnu, uiuB,uia, -ALSO, Silk Tissue, Jjeretr, ursuutTf uani

Lawn Rbes Oi the newest design; Lace Shawls andMantillas, new and elegant stiles.

Pflmilv Purnishinc Materials,TU .nrf ITnltnti Shfwtlcr 11

widths aad qualities. Pillow Case Linens, doable and sln--gle uamasa aote i,iuu. , w...,T wellBgs, Curtain MaterUL of all descriptions, Mar--

.fT3av iaa m vw r rTttr&d and Brown Bliettnjr nd Shlrtiag. Pliln aad

Apron CnecKs, iltnnets, jcani, k., m mic www, wu-.i.u- nnrfMl ftntl frcied Swlis Baelc India. .Mull. &c ; EmbroWe riea and Laces.

- n.Wu TM lit ssul 1?TnirAb1tsi1 TT TV . Kln Of LIV iWll, A (JSgaa oaawa uuo v a wavw

GIotm, noiiery. Fancy Bella, Fan, Perfumery, Smailyv arvi. etc.

ture ol nnviness, and oar friends can rely vpon flndmc ataU IIXJC lUil AIM aJWatsw;. iuiws.

Clothine and Purnishing Goods.Stock in this line manufacture under our cwn super- -


Boots and Shoss, Hats and Caps,Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Carpet Bags, a c

apl 3m


Gcntlemcns' Boys and Cbildrens


Sole "Licatlicv Trunks, Carpel lsags, xc., JcM


are now receiving oar SPRING AND SUMMERVY STOCK, which will be found comilele In quality.

styW aad prices. We have600 Spring aad Summer Casslmere Suits, "seme very

One;"COO pairs Fancy Casslmere Pantaloons, "at sll prices ; "500 pairs Black Casslmere and Drap E Tete Pantaloons;300 Black Cloth Frock and Dress Costs, some very cne:Hue Cloth Dress Coats. good style;"Black and Faccy Silk Vests, Ktflan Patterns and styles ;600 Fancy and White Mareilles Vests, Raglan style ;Rich White Figared Satin Vests, new styles ;

0-- White Linen Fnxks aad Raslans :600 Slsck Drap E Tele, Alpacca and Cashmere Frock and

Raglan coats ;Spring Casslmere Raglan Over Coats ;600 'oten White and Fancy Shirts, which will be

found all tbe styles.We also have a large stock of Medina Goods."We respectf nlly solicit an examination of our stock.

The prices will be found low.rssrl7 STIVE T &. CLARKE.




FlJRIWSIIXiVG GOODS,Sole Leather Trunks and Carpet Bags

343 aiAI. STREET,Union Block, Opposite Court Square,

"tUR terms are cash, which enables as to sell at theJ lowest prices. "Werepectlully solicit a call from all

in want or ixoinrng. mayo-aawi-y

SpringamiSummerT R. ATD E .




Staple and Domestic Dry GoodsBOOTS, SHOES AND PLANTERS' GOODS.

UR facilities this year being ot such a nature we areW enabled toour oar Spring and Summer stock, whichis unusually large, to the trade and citizens geneiallyatthe very lowest rates. Country Merchants and RiverTraders la particular are earnestly requested to call andexamine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.

SIMON & SEESSEL, 61 Front Row,Corner Jeceraon-st- ., under Commercial Hotel,

marlO-daw- tt

J. W. WATSONMerchant Tailor,remove. to No. 6 Court street, betweenHAVING street and Front Row, begs to retuin his

thanks to his friends and tbe public generally for theirliberal patronage for the last six years, and hopes, bvstrict attention to baslness to merit a continuance ot thesame.

Having engaged a No. 1 Critter, of long experience, heis now prepared to make up his goods In first rate style,and cheaper than any other house In Memphis, for cash,De buys for cash and sells for cash. fet27-3-

AVIDIA.! voqLiiil',Jflercliant Tailor,

187 --rvr attvt ST.,Under the Worsliani House.

rrtnE subscriber begs leave to auncunce to his custom- -cifl suu uie uiixca. ui xruijtoii lust nc uu return

ed from Xew Tort with a full assortment of most sclendid Goods, which be is prepared to make up for cash onshort notice. sep6-l- y



by the Legislature ot Tnnesee. SessionCHARTKREU to make Fire, Life and Mirine Insuranceaad to cause tbesnselves to be when deemedexpedient. In view of wblch they have arranged withthe following Companies, for by means ofopen policies :Brlti.h Commercial Life, London.. ...Capital $3 000,000

" " 2,000,000Equilable Fire,International Life, " " 2 600,000Knickerbocker Life, TjLltrd States, " 200.0o0Great Wi stern Marine, " " 1,000,000Howard Fire rnd Marine, " " 600,000Consolidated Fire " 300 000

At the annual election on Tuesday, the 10th i'stant, thelo) lowing Directors and Committee were elocted for theensuing year :



3. B. CrrRTIS, L. J. DOPREE, H. S. E1HQ.Medical Examiner GhO. R. GRANT, 1 . O,Attorney J. B. THORNTON, EsqAttutedbvS. P. BANCHEAD. Kta.And at a meeting of tte new Directory of MtoiaeoSsr.

the 11th inst., the following officers were sboocc tor theyear:

JAMES B. THORNTON, President.GEO R. GRANT, FTcc President.THOS. McAD.VM. Secretary.

OFFICE No. 8, Madison street, comer Iroat Sow.febl7-dl- y

District InspectorfP STEAMBOATS, Steamboat Boilers, and SteambostVy Jiacninery. naaer the provisons of the Acts of Congress ct 1S33 and 1812. Office, S Madison street,

marl THOMAS McADAM, Intpector.


Of Xoslaville, Tenn.CAPITAL, :::::: 8150,000.


JohnM H1U, Alex. Allison, Thompson Anderson,James uoney, is. u. uaruner, r. A. uvea,O.M.Fogg. Joseph Vaulx, James Ellis,

N. E. Alloway, T. S. Eakin.MARINE INSURANCE on Cargoes and Freights under

open or special policies. Inland Transportation Risks St.Merchandise, by steamboats, railroads, or landcarrlagisjalso, hazards on rivers and lazes to or from any part ofthe United States.

FIRE INSURANCE oa buildings, dwelling or otherileuses, goods in store, furniture, sc., in town or xentry.

Insured against the dangers ot the rlvei.J. G. LONSDALE, Agent,

Office Jefferson street, Memphis.

Toe Mutual Life Insurance Company,OF NEW YORK.

Accumulated Fund, S3.0O0.0OO.THE rates adopted by this Company are based upon ths

aad correct observations. Policy holders get all the gainsot the Company, aa it is purely mutual, having no prefer-red stoexor other capital to taze the first fruits ot ptcStsfrom the Insured.

Any person wishing Insurance on his or her life will re-

ceive all InformatUn, together with tbe requisite forms tiapplication, by calling en J. G. LONSDALE,

Agent Mutual Life Insurance Company,octll-l- y Office Jefferson street. Memphis.

JLOSZ.THIS day lost In Memphis, and as I believe, cn "WashI lngton street, a small memoranda-bou- k,

'and $1000 o

Arkansas Swamp Land Scrip.No. 1013 for $ 0No. lull for 96C $1900Issued in September, 1S56, and payable at Pine lnufiThis is to notify tbe finder who the owner is, and lo xlrtall persons notice not to purchase th- - same. A propercompensation wit! be given by me to the finder on deliverytome.


A. I

fS. 1. ail douteati oe s


Capital Prize 50,000.TICKETS ONLY $10!to the eat lavor with wblch our Single

OWING have been received by tbe public, andthe. large demand Tor llckeU, the Manaxers. S SWAN SiCO will have a drawin each Saturday tbrougiijui mayear. The f Hewing Scheme will U! drawn in tacu oitWlr Lotteries for May, 1SS7.

CLASS 3&,To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, UmocU, In public.

on SATDBDAT, May 2d, 1SS7.

CLASS 35,To be drawn In the city of Atlanta, Georgia, In public, oa

SATJKDAT, May 9lh, 1S57.

CLASS as.To be drawn In the city ot Atlanta. Georgia, la public, on

SATURDAT, May 16th, 1S67.

nr. a rtV.To be drawn In the city cf Atlanta, Gdorsta, in public, oa

MltttlAl, flWfl.

To be drawn la tbe city of Atlanta. in public, on

a ATI KUA , May mjui, iooi, uu iud juau wi

Single JViimhers3.290 JPi-jy.oi- si : I

More than One Prize to Every TenTickets.


EACH SATURDAY IS MAY.1 Prise of $50,009 l $50.0iW1 2,000 Is 20 0001 10 000 Is 10,0001 " 1O.U00 i 10 0001 6,0 O Is 6.0001 6,000 U 6,0001 6,000 i 6.0001 2,600 U 2,600t 2,600 Is 2,600I 2 600 is 2.100I ti 2 600 is 2 6001 " 2,t0o Is 2,6001 2,503 is 2,6001 1,0.0 is 1,0001 i 1,C is 1,000

100 ' 100 are 10,100100 " 60 are 6,V00

APPROXIMATION PRIZES.4 Prizes of SiSSAprox'tlng to $50 000 Prixe are $9004 " 1C0 " 20.000 " 6105 " 80 " 10,000 " 650

12 60 " 8,000 " 600

21 30 ' 2,600 " 720

20 " 25 " l,0f0 " 6003,000 " 20 are SO.tOO

3.290 prises amounting to 3201,000

Whole Tickets, 810; Halves, 85 00;Quarters, tu.

PEAK OF THE LOTTERY.The Numbers frura I to 30 000. corresponding with those

Vnmbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in onewheel.

The first 218Prixes. similarly printed and encircled, areplaced in another wheel.

TBC wneeis are isea rcroiTeu, iuu uuuiwr is mfrera the wheel of numVers, and at tbe same time a Prize1. drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prizedrawn eat are opened and exhibited to the audience, aadregistered by tbe Commissioners; tbe prize being piaceuagainst the Number drawn. This operation is repeateduntil all tbe Prizes ar drawn out

Approximation Prizes. The two preceding and thetwo succeeding: Numbers to those drawing tbe first ISPrizes will be entitled ti the 72 Approximation Pi lies, according to the sebe-ne- .

53-T-he 3.000 Prizes of $20 will be determined bv thelast figure ot ihe number that draws the $60,000. Prize.Fer example, it tbe Nnn-ber- s drawing $60,000 Prize eadswith No. 1, then all the Tickets where the number endsin 1 will be entitled to $20. It the Number ends withNo. 2, then all tbe Tickets where tbe number ends in 2will be entitled to S20. and so on to 0.

Certificates ot Packages will be soM at the to! lowingrates, wblch Is tbe risk :Certificate of Package of 10 "Whole Tickets $50 00

" 10 Half " 10 00" " 10 Quarter " 20 00

" 10 Eighth 10 00In ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose the money

to our aJdres- - for tb Tickets ordered.on receiptor whichthev will be forwarded by first mall. Purchasers canhaveTickets ending In any figure they may designate.

The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be foiward,ed to purchasers Immediately after the drawing.

Purchasers will please write their sign.tures plain, andelve their Post Office. County and State.

53" Remember that every Prize Is drawn and payablein full without deduction.

J3 A'J Prizes of $1,000 and undsr, paid immediatelyafter trn drawing other Prizes at the usual time ofthirty days,

ef- All Communications strictly confidential.Addm orders for Ticket, or Certificates of Packages to

S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga.S. SWAN St CO.. Montgomery. Ala.

3" A lift of the numbers that are drawn irom thewheel, with the amount of the prize that each one Is en-

titled lo, will be published alter every drawing in the following pipers : new unrans iia, aioDiie uecisicr,Charleston Standard. Nashville Gazette, Atl.nta Int-lli- -

sencer, New Tork Wtekly Day Boos, and SavannahMorning Hews.

fafror-Jfelrii- uj TacjjhtcSa

Planters, Eook. to Your Interest!TTTE are etUl agents for the sale of the EAGIE GINr T STAND Actual tests pruve that the Gins now be

inc manufactured are the bet In ue.Fer lightness of draught, speed, and making a fine sam

ple, these Gins csnnot be equaled.Now is the time to vend In your orders, so as tn have

them made and to arrive here in time for the next crop,HARRIS, WORM El ET & CO., Azents,

mr25 daw3m No. 8 Front Row, Memphis.J3 Enquirer copy.



Manufacturers of Southern Star Cottou Gin,GERMANTOWN, TENN.,

call the attention tf the public,RESPECTFnLLT ton Planter, to their GIN MANC-FACTO-

ni.w in succesff ul operation In this place. Wedeem It unn ce.sary lo pub'lsh any testimonials of thegood performances of our Gins, thush many could beprncwred of gentlemen who are now uing hem men ofhigh reputation as plauws. and wou'd not be satisfiedwith any but a good Gin ; and we will only add ".bat weare determined to spare bo pairs or means lo mate aCotlun Glc that will pi- - ase the Planter.

In addition to the Gin we formerly advertis-- and soldfor$J per saw, we are nw fittlnt up aa improved style,at additional expense, wvich we will sell at$3 60 per saw.

A sample or our Gins can always b seen at Messrs.Graham & mil's, who are our agents in Mtmphis.

Gentlemen Platters, send in your orders with speclflcations, and th y shall be prompt y attended to. A sufficient guaranty given In every sale

Repairing done with neatness and disratch.mar24-dawS- m

Important to Cotton Planters!THE TAILOR PRElillUM COTTON GIX,



subscriber begs leave to call the attention otTHE to an examination of tbe merits or thereGin Stands. which possess In a greater degree the quail-ti- es

to be desl-e- d In a Cotton Gin vU. : Speed, LightDraught, and Good Sample than any Gin extant, andare offered on as reasonable terms as any establishmentin the South.

I feel fully authorized in saying that I caa furnish, allthings considered, a superior Gin Staud to any factory inthe United Statts.

Messrs. Fowlkrs, Mount & Co. are agents for tbe ssleof these Gins, who will keep a supply of various sizes onband, or will order any rlze at short notice. Office onJeCnoa street, Memphis, Tenn.

S. A. TflORNTON, Ag't.

Premium Cotton Gins.attention of Cotton Planters is respectfully cslledTHE the above superior Gins, manufactured by E. Car-

ver & Co., East Brldgewater, Mass. Under a recentthe Carver Gins are regarded as the best now

in general ase; their superiority needs ao comments frczaas, aa thousands are now in successful operation in tieSouthern country.

Wefhave on hand fifty Gins, embracing all the differentalies and numbers of saws.

Also 10 and 12 feet segment bolts, washers, 4tc, com.plete, all of wblch wo offer to oar friends upon the usualterms and time. GWTNN & GIBSON,

Kos. 1 and 2 Exchange Building.Memphis, Sept. 23, 1854 tf


I fTiii Wmm rmEsti.


CLAKE & AYEKI,St. Louiif Mo.


taken the Agency for the sslo of the aboveHATING Saw Mills, I am prepared to till all ordersfer Mills, with or without the power te drive them oathe shortest notice.

Persons wishing to purchase Mills, and also deslrons thstthey should be set up and put into operation, can be ac-

commodated.We do net wish to praise our own work, all we ask of

persons wishing to purchase Mills Is to examine ourwork before buying elsewhere, as we think they will giveus the preference after such examination. We are sati-

sfied our Mills will saw more lumber, and la better stylein the same number of hours than any other Saw Millnow made

Persons wishing to purchase Mills will please addressme at Memphis, Tenn. O. M CLEAN.


Black Smith and Sheet Iron Worker,Corner of Front Row and IVinchatcr-tt- .,

MEMPHIS,' TENN.SECOND-HAN- D Boilers bought, sold

and exebacged for new ones. Sheet Ironwork done of every aescripiion, sucu asChimnevs. Brichen. Fire Beds. Escape

Pipes. Condensers Forges.Metallc Life-Boa- aadSteam-bo- at

Work in general. Also, Bank Safes, Flreprovf Shuts,Gasometers, CUterns, &c

N. B. Boilers repaired at the shortest nolle, and oathe noil reasonable terms. novH-daw- ly

- - r J. xi r

DISSOLUTION.OX the 1st June, 1S56, the firm heretofore existing

F. n. CLARE and A C. WURZAnrr wat unsolved by mutual Consent. F. H. Clark Is charged wKnthe tettiemeut cf the business of the late firm of T H.Clark St Co. F. H. CLARK.


XEW FIRM.The subscribers bsve associated thernutn. iv.ih

under the firm of F. H. CLARE & CO.F. H. CLARK,JAS. 3. WILTONS,THOS. HILL.

5f C.K.OUE NEW .FIRM.It affords me pleasure to announce to m rri.nd. .ni

the public that I have associated with me my former., . ....- -, TIQ a T T V?"n J--, ud mj assu --tsnt, T1I03. niLL, nndr the familiar style of F. H.CLARK &. CO.

The new firm will start with an efficient force In eachmechanical branch, tbe Watch department being under tbesupervision of nr. wiikins.

Sto fall at all times of tbelatest fashions, and crteeaai loi. is tbe same quality and style of goods can be pur-chased In Philadelphia or New Tork.

I am thankful tor the liberal patronage extended to meduring my fifteen years' resilience in Mempvls, aad myaim win oe 10 merit its continuance.


ESTABLlisiED 1841.OUR aim has besn to keep pace with our growing city,

furnish those who want Goods in our line withgood articles, snd at fair prices. Our assortment, foryears, nas Deen mui nine lr any Deaina our Kasterncities. It Is more extensive this season than ever. OurleuiLg branches are, first

WATCHES,s? Of whl.-J- i we have every variety in general use.

together with a large assortment made to ourorder, which for neatness ot style sndUme-keep-'in- g.

are surpassed by none. In our assortmentwill be found the Eight Day "Watch and the Repeatingv aronomeier, giving toe time to a minute In the dark.

JEWELRY.Our assortment in this Important branch Is kept full

by frequent receipts of all the new styles, whether ofI j reign or aamesuc production.

GUjl8, GUNSWe have made this branch ot our business a study for

years, not only posting ourselves with regard to the dif-

ferent qualities and merits of the different styles and ma-kers, but of the kinds best suitable to our market Ourassortment, for a number of years, has been large, towhich we have recently made many additions of our ownlmrcrtatkm. We caa furnish our customers with SHOTGUNS from $5 to $200; RIFLES frem $10 to $100Also, the celebrated SUAIU'K'S rijtlk.

Pistols,DERRINGER and COLT, of all sizes, Also, a full as- -

sjrtmeat ot the kinds in, general use.

SILYER GOODS.Tea and Cofie Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Castors,

Spoons, Forks, Ladles, with many choice Fancy Articles,all coin fine.

S1XYER PLiTED GOODS.Urns, Castors, Candlesticks, Tea and Coffee Sets, Eperg

nes. Cake and Fruit Baskets. Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Pitch'era, Gobteti, Cups, Wallers, ox., ate.

OTJTIiSRT.A full assortment of Pocket and Table, from the beatmakers, with a great variety of Fancy Goods.

OUB MECETANICAIi BRANCH.All kinds ot Watch Work done in the most faithful

manner. Jewelry repaired, and new made to order.

Engraving1.Plain and Oramental; Seals for Lodges, Courts, Stc.,

in any style, stencei nates oi ail sizes.

DAGIJERRE AN GALLERY,Prof Remington, Artist,

Embraces a suit of rooms built expressly for the purpose.and we are prepared to furnish our customers with firstclass pictures in all the various styles.

Ia building expressly tor our business, we have comblned every convenience fr the different branches, andgreatly reduced our expenses, which, with our facilitiesand theextemien of our business, enables us to sell goodsand do work on the most reasonable terms. Goods cheerfully shown aud fairly represented, and we invite allboth buyers and the curious, to drop in without ceremonyand examine our stoc. W e keep open bouse for all.

octI6-daw- Iy F. II. CLARK it CO.


Some very fine.WATCHES New styles.SILVERWARE Coin fine.SILVER PLATED GOODS Best quality.SPCTACLf.S To suitevery ccndit.on of sight.GUNS Best makers.PISTOLS Fml assortmentPOCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY.CLOCKS.CANES.FANCr GOODS.

Making by far the best assortment ever offered In thismarket F. II. CLARK & CO.,

mar2S No. 1 Clsrb's Marble Block.

SHARP'S RIFLESMississippi BiOes,



THE SPHEREOTYPE.rp riElatett and by far tLe most Important ImproveJL merit In Photography Is th: recently patented pic

ture known as the SFHEREOTTPE, which Is not onlynew ana unlike any of Its predecessors, but greatly su-perior te all. The Sphereotype is proof against time,air and WATEK,and for richness of tone, warmth ofexpression and distinctness bis ro equal In fact the IIluslon Is such thst th? picture, or image, seems suspcrded in air, entirely Independent of the back ground

For this picture we have the exclusive right for Memphis. Specimens can be seen in our Gallery, where pictures are also taken in the various style by our Artist,

PROP. REMINGTON,who enmblms the Chemist with the Artist., which ena,bles him at all times to produce superior Pictures.

T. n. CLARK & CO ,dec2-- tf No. 1 Clark's Marble Block.

(fonftrttflimtus- -


Wliolcsalc and "RetailCANDY MANUFACTORY,

No. 67 Front Row.Cj7 THANKFUL to his friends and the public

tbe very liberal patronage extended tohim fer tbe last eight years, M. LOUIS

begs leave to Inform the citizensof Memphis and vicinity that he will constantly keep onhand a large assortment of the best Imported WinesClaret, Fort, Madeira, White, &c ; also, Scotch Ale andLondon Porter.

M. L. MOXTEDONICO always keeps on band a greatvariety ot Fancy Candles and Toys, sn asortmst of stickCandy, Prunes In Jars and boxes. Raisins, Grapes, everykind of fruits ana .nuk, JAUSiers, aaraines,Olives. French and English Mustard, Sugar in loaf andboxes, Caracao, Maras hins, Old Wines, Ginger, Pre-serves, Savannah, New Tork and Boston Preserves, Cat-

sup, Pepper Sauce, Chocolate, Cordials, Syrups, Macca-ron- l,

VemacelU, the best Havana Cigars, and a greatmany o'her articles, too numerous to mention, now offeredfor sale very low, either by wholesale or retail.

Having, at much expense, secured theiservlces of twoof the most experienced workmen ever in this city, beflatters himself that he cannot be surpasse I In arrangingand decorating tables for Parties Wedding., & , withhonor to himself and satisfaction to nis customers.

dec24-t- r

It. ROCCO,Manufacturer and "Wholesale Dealer In

JPlain and FancyCANDIES, CAJCES, &C.No. ii20 Main-s- t, Odd Fellows'

Hall, Memphis, Tenn.,TTEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Green

J. and Dry Fruits, Fruits in their own juice. Jellies,Preserves. Sardines, Lobsters, Spiced and Pickled Oysters, Pickles, Cordials, Syrups, fine Wines, Brandies, allkinds ot Nuts, itc

In connection with this establishment I have Stted upin superior style an

Ice Cream Saloon,expressly for the Ladles. Also. Gen:.enen oaoon,where ice urearn is servea irom a. n. im 12 r. a.




TTTTIERE can be found all description of Grave Work.VV which will be furnished aa cheap a; it can be got

in any market West. Also, Building Work done at shortnotice.

It Is to tbe Interest ot all persons wanting such work topurchase from the yards at Memphis instead of purchas-ing from Agents, as tbe Manulactorshave to add thetwenty per cent, mat is psia Agents to me worx soia oythem. Southerners, lock to your Interest.

der3-diw- m O fl WAYDWTST.T.

JflempHis Founder tAND

MACHINE SHOP,Adams Stroot, Memphis, Tenn.,now prepared to do all kinds ot Machine Work; also,

ISStesmboat Work o. every description. Steam Engines,Saw Mills Of everv description, Cotton and Wool Ma-

chinery, Oln Gearing, Planing Machines. Also. BrassFoundery, Casting and Finishing. Steam Guage Cocks andCasting!- - of every description, heavy Wrought Iron Forg-ln- g,

Wroujtht Iron Gratlncs for Jails, Bank Vaults, Cel-

lar and Side-Wa- lk Grater, Iron Fencing of every descrip-

tion made to order. Alio, House Fronts, Window Capsand 8111s, of varloa patterns. In a word, I am preparec"to do every description of work in my line.

I have now In shop tho latest aud most Improved pat-

terns ot Steam Engines. ISAAO MELON3. McKehxa, Supetlntendcnt. fcblO-l-y






AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,Nob. S04 and 806 Main-s- t.


" Heaing's " Patent Salamander Safes !

HAVING now received tbe greater portion of ourfor tho TRADE, bv recent arrivals

from Europe and the Eastern Cities, we are prepared toouer greater inducements lo I tie Merchants, Planters anajsecnamcsoi ine aoumwest than have hilnerto been offered in this market, for proof ot wblch we respectfullyso lclt the Inspection uf our stock and prices. In view ofthis, we have placed ourselves in a position to offer suchinducements to those who may visit Memphis for the pur-pose of making their purcbas a. as will deter them fromaeexmganotQer market, so far at least as our ousinessis concerned. To fully carry out this object we have madspermanent arranztmcais with the best manufacturers InEngland and in this country, to be regularly supplieswith a full stock of Goods In our line, and will furnishthose wba way farorus with their orders, with goods ataa low ngurrs as any nouse in ine country,.aoum or n cabuur stock comprises

For tlie Country Trade.Boiled and Charcoal Iron Castings,Boston. Phllalelphla and Wheeling Nails,Hunt's and Collins' Axes and Hatchets,Log, Trace. Stay and Stretch Chains,Brlsht snd half bright caststeel Hoes,Caststeel polished rive ted --eye Hoes,Oil root aud steam bent 1 lames,nog skin Collars, horse and mule.Cotton, wool aud Jim Crow Cards,Manilla and Jute Cordage,Thread and common cotton Rope,Plow Lines, Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, he.,Louisville, Cincinnati and New Tork Sitters,Nova Scotia and Bsved Grindstones,Ames' caststeel Shovels and Spades,Rowland's and Can's Shovels and Spades,Table and Pocket Cutlery, all patterns.Locks, Latches, Hinges, &c"Well Wheels aud Well Buikets.

Together with every at tide suited to the trade of thcountry merchant. In the

Agricultural DepartmentWe hate made tbe best selections Irom thosnost approvedmanufacturers of every article necessary for the plantingcommunity, inciuuinc

Cotton. Cane and Grub Hoes.Cane Knives, and Briar Hooks,Plow and Wagon Chains,Fan Mlds, Corn Mills, Corn SteHers,Corn aud Cub Crushers, Straw Cutters,Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, ac.Grain Cradles, and Scythes,Patent and common Churns,Hames, Collars, Singletrees, &c,Pruning Saws and Chisels,Garden Implements ot all kinds.Hall K Spear's wrought and cast Plows,Allen's Cottou Plows and Scrapers.

Together with a full stock of tbe celebrated Avery andLivingston St Co. Plows, wblch have for several yearspast given such universal satisfaction. We are tally prepared to keep always on hand a large stock of thesePlows, together with the extra Points aud Castings, su asto be ante to supply our planters with tbetn at all times,

In the seltctlon of our stock of Goods In theMechanical Department

We have pildrnesi particular attention to tbe Interestsof our mechanics. We have selected such goods as arebest suited to this market, and can safely guaranty satisfaction is an.

Our stock in this department is full and complete,comprising in

Building MaterialsGreenwood's celebrated Pinges,Greenwood's Axle Puliies and Shutter Fastnlngs,Pearl White snd Mineral Knb Locks and Latches,Cloie and Electro-Plat- ed " " " "Cottage, Rural and Mortise " "Front and store door " "Sliding door Locks and Furniture,

door and Gate Hinges and Latches,Bolts and Hooks. Nails. Brads. Screws. 2tc.

This departmen . In our business Is under the specialsupervision of one of the partners, who has fer manyyears, In this city, given It his careful attention, and be-lieving that this branch ot our business requires morethan ordinary care, both tn the selection of the goodsand In filling orders. h is determined to use bis best endeavors to keep .nch goods as shall please all our mechanics, jnd will hold every Inducement to merit thipatron-- e

We wouldcall particular attention to our stock ot Tools,the quality of all which we can fnlly guaranty, comprising in

Carpentf-r'-s ToolsUnion Factory Plane, Rules, &c,Spear & Jackssn's Hand and Pannell Saws,Butcher's cast steel Chisels and Files,Earl Smith & Co.'a Files,Wetherby's Chisels and Draw Knives,Cam's celebrated " "Spirit Levels, Rules and Gnages,Augers, Auger Bitts, Screwdrivers, &e.

niacltsmitli-'- s Tools.Peck's Louisville Bellow,Newcomb's New Tork Bellows,Slid Box and Parallel Vices.Armitage's Mousehole Anvils,Coleys warranted Anvils,Hand and Sledge namniers,Blacksmith Tongues,Farriers, Hammers, Knives and Pincers.

Tinners' Materials.Best Charcoal Tin Plate 1 0.

1 4t "II" Leaded Roofing Plate 1 C,Bar Tin, Speltrf, Stc,Iron Brass and Copper Wire,Bolt Copper, Soldering Irons, &c,Tinned and Braziers Sheet Copper,Boiled andCbarcoiI Sheet Iron.Buss Imitation, Russ. and Galvernlzed Iron,Bar Lead, Rivets, Copper Tacks, Jcc.

We would also call the attention ot Ra lire ad and LeveeContractors to our stock of

Railroad Barrows, Ame's Shovels and Spades,Boring Machines, Mattocks. Picksi &c

Having a thorough knowledge ot our buslnesi In all Itbranches, we are determined to give It our entire attention, and shall attend personally to all thi orders, and lothe transaction of our business in every particular, andby so doing flatter ourselves that we can give satisfaction. HAWKS, SMITH & CO.,

febl 301 and 306


No. 338 Main Street,Bet. Union and Gsyoso,

TS now open for the reception of Students. EverythingX that is taught in any Institution of a similar kind inthe united States can be learned here. The course idbraces Single and Double Entry g, Penmanship. Commercial Law, Commercial Forms and Calculatlens, Banking, Wholesale and Retail, Commission,Steambost, Manufacturing &c

Students are not taught In classes ; they are InstructedIndividually aud e'paiately ; so there will be no detentionon account of classes. It takes but a few weeks to complete tbe course.

The hours ot Instruction will be from 9 to 12 A. M., andfrom 2 to 5 p. at. Also, Evening Lessons Irom 7 to 9

TERM SiFor full course, time unlimited, $35 00For partial course....... 25 00For Penmanship, time unlimited 16 00For " twenty lessons................ 6 00

For further particulars, addressFREESE & FLOWERS,

febl0-6- Proprietors.

A CARD.T HAVE this day disposed of my entire Interest In theJL firm of GOODLKTT, NADERS t CO., to my asociati ain Dusmes, woo assume tu iiaDltlties, aud to whom payment must be made. In retlilug I beg to return my sin.cere acknowledgments to my friends tor their supportauring my connection with the above cause, acd wouldnow bespeak a continuance of the same to my formerpartners and successors In business.


"vewIfiimi.THE subscribers beg letve to annource to their friends

and the public that Mr. R. B. Bone, ot Hickory Wythe,Tenn., becomes a partner In their house this day. TheGroc ry and Commission bu Iness will be continued bythem under tbe style aud firm ot GOODLETT. BONE h.CO.Tat their old stand. No. 47 Front Row, they assum.dug Ihe liabilities and entir control of the huse ofGoodlctt, Nabers & Co. They hop by strict attention tobusiness to merit a further kind patronage, heretofore soliberal y extended to them. R. 1). GOODLETT,

Memphis April 15, 1S57. W. W. MILAM.apl6.dawlm




I SO Cm OF UNION STREET.)TTAS lust received a large assortment of EUROPEANII LUXURIES, such as Prussian CeeseBreasts, Bruns-

wick Sausages, Eel In Gelee. Paf de Foies d' Oiet, itCanard, de Becatset en rruje. Green vegetables, con-

sisting of Asparagus, Beans, Peas, etc.; Anjovlsb, Holland Herrings, Limourg ana sap aago ineese, jr rencnChocolate, German Prunes, Rhenish, Hungarian. Moseland French WINES, Cove Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines,Sauces, Pickles, etc., and general assortment of FANCYand FAMILY UKUUKltltS.

Manvof the abovo articles are for the first time Imported Into the United States, and can be had In Memphis ONLY 01 uiiaq. n. ∋u.

feblO tt


undersigned are now opening at their NEWTriE STORE,

NO. 37 FRONT ROTF,a general snd well selected assortment of

Frcsli Drugs and Medicines,Chemicals Paints, Oils, Dyestufii, Patent Mtdlcines.Glassware and Perfnmery, warranted to be fresh andf. nclne, direct from New Tork, wl ich are offered on ac-

commodating terms. Call and Judge for yourselves, orsend in your orders, which will be promptly attended to,particularly those from a distance, and the goods sentforward without delay. The patronage of our friendsand the public Is respectfully solicited to our new es-

tablishment, as we reel assured we can render satisfac-tion to all who may favor us with their custom.

Pnscilptlons put up carefully at all hours.n BLACK fc'PRRKINS.

3Et an ivr o 7 XjOP THE

WBW DRUG STORE.n WE take pleasure In informing thevcitixens ofA MemphU aud the public generally that we have re--W

moved our stock of Drugs lo the corner ot Main andH Union streets, and will take pleasure in accommo

dating all who may favor us with a call.We are also in receipt of a full supply of fresh and gen-

uine Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, icreticular attention paid to filling of Prescriptions at

all hours of day and nigbt.decJI-- tf A. JUXMGB K tu.

!iaralaTsTsTsTsslWtPaTsTsaTTlaT laT mTrTmWmTWI M II tall WiIsmii il la as AtSU -

TO MERCHANTS."TTTE respectfully call your attention to our extensiveV V stock of Hardware. Cutlery, Guns, French Window

Glass, Nails, Castings, Metals, and all other articles Inour Una suited to the trade of this section of countrymoil or wnicn nss eitner been imported by us direct frontEurope, or selected from the best factories in America byour partner resident In the Est.

The recent addition ot another store to our premises,enabled us to establish a convenient

WHOLESALE SA11PLE R003I.entirely disconnected from the retail branch ot our trade.ana we reel assured mat aiercnants win consult their owninterest by looking Into this room and making their se-lections. None but good and punctual men need apply,unless accompanied with the cash.

LOWNE3. 0RGILL i CO ,13 and It Front Row.

Jsn NewTork Once, 1 Piatt street.

Chinese Sugar Cane and Prolific Pea.CHINESE SUGAR CANE This most valuable plant

at perfection, and fully ripen its seed.ltplanted any time befoie the middle of June. We have.on ssle, genuine seed, from D. Redmond, editor of ths' aociuciu muiTaior.

ALSO, the new Chinese Prolific Pea. the most nrtvlnc.tlve variety known. Price of each, (1 per package or,if sent per mall, pre-pai- d. 4130. Circulars furnishedgratia. Address, with plain directions for mailing erauipping. ORGILL tc CO.,

apl I daw Memphis, Tenn.

Three Thousand Kecs Nails.711 recent heavy additions to our stock, we have nowJlJ on hand orr Three Thousand kegs Boston and etherwarranted brands of aasorted Nails and Spikes, whichwe oner 10 tne irsae. in regularly assorted lots, at exceeuiusiy low raies lor car a.

LOWNES. ORGILL k CO.,ap!2-da- IS and 1 1 Front Row.

Sheet an Hoop Iron.BUNDLES Sheets, assorted. No. 12 to 28:

UU 2CS bundles Hoops ass'ted, to 2 Inches wide,LUW.NK3. ORGILL & CO.,

splX daw 13 and 14 Front Row.

Ncvr Corn and Cob Crusher.WE now have the moat efSelent

. Crusher, for less money, than haseTer before been offered In anymarket. It win make Meal and

t Hominy, and crush the Corn andCob perfectly, and has taken thepremium la every contest.

LOWNES, ORGILL CO.,13 and U Front Row,

apI2-da- w .

SUPERIOR FISniXG TACKLE!r ENTLEMEN who desire to provide themselves withVJT a good outat for

Summer Fishing,Are invited to call aud select from our new and rarestack, the following articles ot tbe choicest styles andqualities :

Walking Cane Rods, asserted patterns ;French Rods, 3, 4. and S Joints ;English Rods. 3. 4 and 5 Joint. ;Artlneial File, Minnows, Mace, and every other

variety or Artinciai salt ;German Silver and Brass Reels, Sneil Books ;Sandwich Boxes and Dram Flasks ;Lines of Silk, Linen, Sea Grass and Cotton.

ALSO, a complete stock, comprising every size otHoiyoakes Superior Cast Steel, LimerKk, CheatertownVirginia, Klrby ana uarusie


mar27 13 and 14 Front Row. Memphis, Tenn.

JPlou&JisJ JPloualisTUST Received, heavy shipments of Ploughs, embracingU various sizes or "ijvingsion iuniy," amongst wnicaare several hundred ot the celebrated No. 11. Also DoubleMould-boar- d. Sub-ao- ll. Hill-sid- e, Harrows. Cultivators,and an endUss variety of and necessary Agricultural andHorticultural Implements tor particulars of which, seeour Illustrated Catalogue, furnished eraru at our store.

LOWNES, ORGILL h. Co.,J ant 13 snd 14 Front Bow.


I T the great fire which broke out in Warren and Murray. streets, jew xorx, '.a aovemper last, wnere prop

erty to the amount of

600.000 ! !was destroyed, several of these Safe's weru tested withresults similar to the following :

New Tors. Nov. II. 1S55Mr. Editor : In the fire at No. 33 Warren-stree- t, on

the morning of the 9th lust., our most valuable books andpapers were exposed for 3S hours In one of StearnsMarvin's Flre-Pro- cf Safes.

We say fire proof, not because they are so labeled, butbecause we have so proved them. Our books and paperscame out uninjured, save the binding of the books, occasloned by steam.

Our store was five stories above ground, and two sto-

ries below, occupied from cellar to garret. The intensityof the heat can b attested by any fireman who witnessedIt,

No furnace could be contrived by tbe ingenuity of manto create a more intense heat. We voluntarily five thistribute to the value ot these Safes, and select yonr widelycirculated commarslal Jaurnal to Inform the mercantileCommunity what estimate to place upon Stearns X Marvin's Wilder Patent Salamander Safes.


Wholesale Bruggists.In this connexion the Manufacturers write us: "We have

made these Safes over 14 yea I have sold over 9.600nad 215 tested In accidental fires in the United States andCanada, and never yet had a customer to lose a dollar byfire from one ot them. We think they have earned a highreputation, as they are readily sold here in preference toother Safe's at 25 to SO percent. less price." A full stockkept constantly en hand by

LOWNES. ORGILL & CO.Agents for Stearns k Marvin.

8100 REWARD.RANAWAT from the subscriber, at Bowie's tJk.

Point, Tunica county. Miss., three negro men, Jarit :TOM. hUelr. ared ihflnt'.23THni about five

teet eleven Inches high, thick under Up, and rather slowot spcecn. wetgns about 170 pounas.

GEORGE, black, aged about 21 years, about six feethigh, we.l made, fine countenance, and weighs about 160pounds.

WILSON, black, aaed about 22 years, about 5 feet 9 Xor 10 incurs high, weighs about 160 pounds, has a slightaerect in nts walk as 11 cis leu were sore.

If taken out ef the State, and lolged In Jail at Mem,phis, I will pay the above reward. If within the State,and secured so I get tntm, fifty dollars

E. W. DALK,maris dawtf Bowie's Point, Tunica Miss.


Cabinet JtlalcersAND

UNDERTAKERSMaln-st- ., Old Stnnd, First Dor below Monroe,

fTTle oldest permanent stand in the City.)TTAVE constantly on hand all sties ot Patent MrlallJLJ. Burial Cases, which they line and put up alr-ina- t.

In the best manner Also, all kinds ot Wood an' C'lottCovered Coffins, which they sell at a fair price.

Orders from the courtry promptly attended to. Furniture made and repaired, and Upholstering done,

ool-l- y


PEARL WORK UPON GLASS.NOTICE Is hereby given to all whom it may concern,

undersigned Is the Patentee, having th exelusive and sole right to manufacture and vend SHAW'SPATENT PEARL WORK., being an entirely new andDeautirui mutie or ornamenting glass la Imitation of pearwjrk, by an original design and Droces. lmoartlnz abrilliant, vai legated appearance to the snrface of theGlass. It is admirably adapted to lettering upoa signs,show cards, &c , He , being impervious to water, durableana lasting, ana cneaper tn execution than ordinary painting, aud can be learnt in one hour.

Any Infringement upon my patent will be prosecutedto the extent t the law. Persons wbodeslre to purchaseauieorwuDirniuii. euner in Tennessee. Arkansas orMlisissippi, can apply lo J.M. SHAW & CO.. corner ctBank Avenue and MadisoVstreet, Memphis, Tenn., whjare imiy auiaorizza 10 act ror me.

JEROME B. SnAW,apl-l- m NewTork City.

Fancy Prints.OATH CASES Fancy Prints, new styles, on hand and for4U sale Dy JAME-- LOW &. CO.,

marll 418 Main streeu, LoalsvlBe. Ky.

Lawns. .I fl A CASES Fancy Lawns, on hand for sale by1UU JAMES LOW tc. CO.,

mar3I 113 Main street, Louisville, Ky.

Frencli Jaconets.- r BALES printed French Jaconetts, very handsomeXO styles, on hand and ror sale by

JAMES LOW & CO.,ma31 418 Main street, Louisville, Ky.

Crepe D'Espague.CASES Crepe D'Kspagne. assorted colors;3 1 case Satin Striped and Challl;1 caselFlgured aud Challl ; on band and for sale bv

JAMES LOW Sc. CO..aar31 413 Main street, Loulsvlil. Ky.

Re lie ere.a ' CASES f De Bege, 10 cases 4- -1 De Bege. on hand acd

tf for sale by JAMES LOW & CO .mar3 413 Main street, Louisville. Ky.

Bleached Cottons.O r r CASES Bleached Cottons, on hand and sor sale byiUU JAMK3 UUW & CO..

mar31 418 Main street Louisville, Ky,

Striped Osnatiurgs !rjr BALES Striped Osnaburgs, on hand and tor sale by10 JAMES LOW Jt CO.,

mat31 413 Main street, Louisville, Ky.

Linen Pant S tun's!r ft CASES Plain and Twilled Linen Pant Stuffs, on hand0U and for sale by JAMES LOW jt CO..

mart I 418 Main street, Louisville, Ky.

Sea Island Rrovrn Cotton!4 n fi balks sea island urown uotton. on hand and fui1UU salely JAMES LOW Js, CO.,

mar3l 418 Main street. Louisville. Ky.

Hosiery Irnfifi DOZEN nose and Half Hos., on hand and for(SUUM sale by JAMES LOW & CO .

mar31 418 Main street. Louisville, Ky.

Just Received.1EA CASKS Booth Sc. Sedgwick's London CordialXJJ Gin, by H. n. POTTER. Main street.

febl 9 Third door North Worsham nouse.

jtiiJYcm pies:MIJSTCE PIES !THRESH and hot MINCE PIE3 are to be' had every day

families sen d regularly, on the shortest notice, with asuperior article.

J3" Parties furnished with Cakes. Confections. Wineshe, on the shortest notice, acd In SPECHT'S usual goodstyle, uive nim a cau. nonj-a- u

Overland Mail Route to California.

PosT-Orn- Dupartjimt,AprU 20, 1S57.

ACT of Congress, approved 3d March. 1857, makingappropriations for the service of thePost-oac- e De-p- al

tmeat tor the fiscal year ending 30th June, lSi8, provide;

Sec. 10. That the postmaster General be and he uhereby authoilxed is contract for the conveyance of the '

entire letter mall iroui sucn poms on me Mississippi riveras the contractors may select 10 san a rancuco, in the 'State ot California, for six years, at a cost not exceedingthree hundred thousand colors per annum fer semi-monthly, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars torweekly, or six hundred thousand dollars for ly

service, U be performed weekly, or semi- -weekly, at the option of ice rosimasier uenerai.

"Sec 11. That the contract shall require the serviceto be performed with good four-hor- se coaches or sprlog- -wagons, suitable for ine conveysnce ei passengers aawell as tbe safety anu security 01 in mans.

"Sec. 12 That the contractor snail save ice rism 01to three hundred and twenty acres ot any

land not then CIS posed 01 or reservta, ai eacn point ncces- -sary tor a station, not to be nearer than ten miles fromeach other; and provided tLat no mineral land shall bethus d.

"Sec 13. That the said service shall be performedwithin twenty, five days for each trip; and that, beforeentering iato such contract, the Postmaster General shallbesatUfiedof the ability and disposition of tne parties,bona fide and in good faith, to perform the said coo tractand snail reulre isod and suDcient security for 1 e performance ot the same, the service to commence withintwelve months after the sign in2 ef the contract,"

Pro csals will accordingly be received at tne uoniraciOffice ot the Post-OS- Department, until 3 p. at of the1st day ot June 1S57, for conveying malls under the pro-

visions of tte above act.Besides the starting point, cn the xisiissicct river.

bidders will name the Intermediate points proposed to bembraced in tha route, and otherwise designate Ks courseas nearly as practicable.

Separate proposals are mviira ror y, wees- -lv and semi-week- ly trips each way.

Tbe aecision upon tne pr posais oaercu wm oe ibhcatt-- r the Postmaster General shall I satisfied ot thaability and disposition of the parties ia good filth tonerfarm the contract.

A guarantee to be executed, with good and sufficientsureties, that the contrast shall be executed with likecood security, whenever the contractor or contractorsshall be required to do so by th Postmaster General, andthe service must commeixe within twelve months afterthe date ot such contract.

Form of Propotal.1, of , county of . State of . propose

to convey the entire letter mall, for the terra ot siyears, from the date speciaeu tn tne coairacr ror csraraenclnsr service, from , cn ta Mississippi river, byto Saa Francisco, California, atreeabty to the advvrtlte--ment of the Postmaster beneral ot the 3'n April, 1ST,in good four-hor- se coaches or sprlng-wagen- s. suitaMe forthe conveyance of passengers, as well as the safety andsecurity or the maUs, eaea way. for theannual sum of dollars: weekly, each way. far theannual sum of dollars ; seal-weekl- y, each way, forthe annual sum ot dollars.

Dated. (Sitned.)

Form af Gaarantie.Th) undersigned, residing at State of , under

take that. It the forgslng bid for carrying the mall onthe rout frem , on the MUslstippl river, to SaaFrancises. California, be accepted by the PostmasterGeneral, the bidder shall. wnn required by the Psstmastsr General, enter into the necessary obligation to perform th service prepoea, wun gooa aaa isbuhiisureties.

This we do understandioz diitlncHy the egatlen andlabilities assumed by gnarantera under the 27 Ih seel kmot the act ot Congress ef JMy 1, is.

Dated. (Signed Dy two guarantors.)

Jtorsi of Certificate.The UBcerslsnfd, post-mast- er of Stale of

certifies, under his oath of tOce, that he is a ovulatedwith the above guarantors, and knows Item to te men ofproperty, and aWe to make gm tceir guarantee.

Dated. fS )

INSTRUCTIONS.Containing condition! to be incorporated In the con--tracit 10 tne extent me urparijncni may uc yr vy

I. No nav will be made lor trips not performed; andfor each of such omlssMBs net satisfactorily explalm dthree times th pay ot the trip may be deducted. Deductions will also be ordered tor a grade ot performance laterlor to that specified in tbe contract. Far repeated de--linauences of the kind herein spedfled enlarse-- t penalties,proportioned to the nature thereof and th importance ofthe mall, mar be made.

2. Fjr leaving b hind or throwing off the malls, or anyportion ot them, for the admission ef passBgrs, or forbeing concerned in setting up or running an express ug

Intelligence in advance ot the mail, a quarter'spay may be deducted.

3. Fines win be anposed, unless the delinquency bepromptly and satisfactorily expiaiatd by nrtificalcs ofpostmasters, or the asasvn 01 WB- -r crraiote persons,for fatltnt to arrive In contiaet lime: fer neglecting lotake the mail from or deliver it into a posteOce; to: suf-fering it (owing either to the unsurtabteness of Ihe placeor manner of tarrying it) to be wet, injured, destroyed,robbed, or lost; and lor refusing, after demand, te convey the mall as frequently as tne contractor runs or isconcerned tn tunning a coach on th route.

4 The Postmaster General may annal the contract forreseated failures to run agreeably to contract; for violating the post office laws, or disobeying the instructionsof the Department; for refuting to discharge a carrierwhen required by the Depaitment to do so; far assign-ing th contract without the assent cf, the PostmasterGeneral; tor running an express as aforesaid; or tortransporting persons or pacxazes conveying ciauasiematter out of tha mall.

S. A bid received after the last day and hour named,or without the guaranty required by law, cannot be considered in competition with a regular proposal reajonable In amount.

9. The rou e. tbe service, the yearly pay, the name andresidence of the bidder, (that Is. bis usual post office address,) aud those of eaih loemoer or a arm, wnere acomcanv offers should tw distinctly stated7. Altered bids should not be submitted ; nor should

bids once submitted be withdrawn.8. Each bid must be guarantied by two or more respon

sible pers.ns satisfactory .0 the Postmaster Uenerai.General guaranties cannot be admitted. Ihe bid andguaranty shou.d be tigr.ed plainly with the full came oteach person.

S. The Department reserves tbe right to reject any bidwhich may be daenied extravagant, and also the lids offailing contractors and bidders

10. The bid should be sea ed ; superscribed " Mall proposals for overland route to Calif ornla. " addressed "Second Assistant postmaster uenerai, ' tioniraci ucot.

11 A modiacatlen of a bid In any of its essentialterms is tantamount to a new bid. and cannot be received,so as to tnterfer wita a rerular competition, after tbelast hour set for receiving bids.

12. Postmt,ters are to bs careful not to certify the su- f-ficlenty ot guarantors or sureties without knowing thatthev are prrsoas of sufficient rcsponsiDimy; ana ail dmdsrs. and sureties are distinctly cetlfied that,on a failure to enter Into or perform the contracts fer theservice proposed for in the accepted bids, their legal lia--billtieawlll be ectorceu aa nit inent

12. Present contractors, and persons knswn at the De-

partment most, enually with others, pre care guarantorsaudcertlfieates ot their sufficiency substantially in theforms atova proscribed. The ceitlncates or sufficiencymust be slmed by a Postmaster, or by a Judge ot a courtof record.

The attention ot bidders, guarantors, suretl's, he , isdirected to tie following lsi, vlx:

Sec. 2. Act March 3, 1825, requiring contratkTJ, car-riers. &c. to b. sworn.

Sec. 44. Act of March 3, 1315, in relation to failure toenter Into csutract.

Sec 21. Act of July3. 183. liabilities of guarantorsSec. 24. Act of July 3, 1836. authorizing bids of falling

contractors to be rejected.Sec. 73 An act of July 2, 163S, in relation to combina-

tions amsngst bidders.Act ot AprU 21, 1801, provides that no member of Con- -

ness can be a contractor.Sec 42 An act of March 3, 1325, prvlds that no

postmaater, at slstant postmaster, or clerk in post officeshall be a contractor.

Sec 7 Act of Mar h 3, 1S2S, provMes that no otherthan a free white male perscu sha 1 be emptajed la eir- -rrlnr the mall.

The Poitmastsr General wl'I reserve te therlg&tot annulling any contract mad; uncer the aboveact, whenever he shall dlover that Ihe same, or anypart of It, IS oaereil ror sale in rue mart. ior ine parpose of tpecuation; and he wUl in no rase n action a

transfer of the same. In wb.4 or In pit t. to an assigneeor less qualin. d In his opinion than theoriginal contractor to carry the same into ruccrs.f! operation. AAKllX V. BKIlwn,

ap29 3aw4w Pustmsttn General

Trustee's Sale.T)URSUANT t a Deed of Trust, rasde ami entered teleJL on the ISth day ot February. .1 DIMS" T nomasJ. Cogswell and Anna M. Cogswell his mire, wbortla 1

am appointed Trustee, for crtala m said deedaet forth, I win proceea to sell at poa k aucti Q. ror canin front of G. B. Locke's t r.. ua Main streetin the city of Memphis, Tetmse on FhlDAT. the 1stday of May, 1SS7, to the big nest bid er ir cash, the fol-

lowing described piece or pircel of crnt.d, leingaud situate In tho city ot Memphis ao I State of Tran-- ssee. Said lot or parcel ot gr.und i known auddesignated as the lot of grounn d etl.l te F.rv. Taykr hRobinson by W. L. Vance, and d as fni'ews vlx :

Beriming at a stake on the .mu .1 tr Iabout sixty feet east ot the eastern batik of Rayan. Gay-o- so

; thence eastwardly with th n rta si te of Beat treetthirty ftet to a state ; thence northwardly at rir-h- t angl.swith Beat street one hundred and fi'ty fiet te an aHey;thence westwardly with said alley thlity feet tu a stake.and then southwardly tu the being svutbwst corner ot Block No. 14 ot the sub-division. I will convey sasl prop-r- ty te tbe purchaser inas full and complete a maoier as I can a Trustee, andnot in any other way. 11 a. CLARKE,

apl-t- d Trustee

Clerk's Sale of Valuable

Fraier Titus, Louisa V. Nelson! Petition loq.i.v, xr v.i --,.i., I

.i. .V--i . i sen neat estate ror

friend J. M. Provine. J alTon- -

PURSUANT to a Decree of tbe Circuit Court of Shelbyat tbe 3. ptember Term, 1346, tn the

aoove cans. 1 win, onSATURDAT, THE 2d or MAT, 1857,

on the premises, in theci'yuf Memphis, proceed to sellto the highest bidder, a valuable Lot of Giound, beingpart of Lots 138,137 and 133. fronting 31 feet 1 i incheson Exchange Square, and running back east 143 M feet tojiain street, in ut city ot nempnis, ccun-- y or aceioyana state of Tennessee.

Terms op Sale. One third cash; talsnve on acredit of one and two years In tonal lnsta'mnt. Purchaserto execute bond security fur tbe ucpal) purchase-money, an! a Hen will te retained on the Lot until unapayment Is made.

Nevertheless, said Lot will b offered at private saleupoa the above terms, until the above time, when, If asuitable purchaser is not found, sai l Lot will be sold asaforesaid. Tor tartlculsrs, call on Fraier Titus, J. X,Provine. or me.

mar26-td- s M D. L. STEWART, Clerk, he.


JAMES MILLSON, formerly ot Clncia-- Jrati. Ohio, would resxtful!y announce ttne citizens of xemnhis mat ne ass opened

a BLEACHING and PRKM8IXG Establishment on Unionstreet, near DeSoto. where Bonnets. Flats. Glpsey andGents' nats will be done in the best style for tbo waofavor him with their patronage Also, Bonnets dyed andpressed for stores, at lew prices.

Please give him a call, ou Cnlon street, near uesoto.mar22 3m

TO 'X'l-- X

The Madison StreetSash, Door and Blind Factory.

understlgrvd has taken tbe stand recentlyTHE by Moore h Hatstesd, over tbe PUnlnr MUI efWhlrinle Xenutlazri h. Co.. and If prepared to fill all orders for Sash, Doors, Bllna , Frames, Casings, Mould-ings, Msntles, he.

Particular attention paid lo dressing and ripping Lumber, for the Carpenters and Builders.

South American Fever & Agne

Is a Cheap, Safe and Penaanent Cart,


Bilious andlntermittent Fevers.PRICE OXE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE.

preparation contains n Artenic r lltmry,THIS will not, like the many camot-Bfcd- new rvcviu-mend- ed

fer Blltuos or other Fevers. 1st itibw ma condition mere te be dreaded than tee disease; best igreat taerit is In its Cuiative, Preventive and Bnten-tlv- e

properties, and is adapted te all aoes asset o,ii-tion- s

ot the system.Mearlyatl the articles watch ester lota Ms esses- -

tion are t therasetve, sing y, reuawMal siesta hi 1--care ef Biilou sb4 iBtetmltteet Fevers.

Asa preveBtise, this MMietee Minis be aseet "lvalesceots, Triveiers. Btusgrant, sad ethers, dr tag taxSummer and Fall Btoetas, warn maiarst disease aremost prevalent.

A Treatise tyG. A LEON ABB, Xew Task, eat tadisease, with Testisseaial aaet Ortiacales ef twee. pr-- fecUd, can be obtained gratetteestj, at all Mm ptc s

where the isevHrtM is mm.Coartifieza-Tcsi-.

The following .tiiemrot r tke R. K. M. Peas', 'pertateBdeatef the Five Petals Hess ef Ussijity !

glvea betew. is est taai ste-a- veiauwa aa tela maa-M- eproperti s of This mseety

Mr. G A L o.iAga Sir: 1 take a tHaswe set rest. --

milting to yea the fdUewtstg leeks, in reiallea V tiperfected by :he use ef year S. A Fever aad Ago a,

upmoBe of the lanvstes ef tae Hease ef Jsn ati jJobs Teasis, who has beea sastVrtn; frees tae cai 1 v dfever daiiag tae past See stoat., vu ka ?ftiseerattacked, and the. perexytsas were as severe a say 1

ever knew; ataest. saetaat relief was axpersraad mt via; the arst ce; ess the txpsettd day ef itwas administered, and It aad the kiayf Bl r I,m truptiBg the parexyscM. Siaco then evetrvestM r Utod seae has Mt him, aad be has neevered is turn rwonttd appearance aad aUa. Traty yaSMs.&e..

New Tork, Jsn. , 186$. L. M. PEASR.G. A. LrosARD, Bio, Deer Sir: Haviag r- - d

frest severe attacks or Fever aad Atrae, I bad aeariy ds pal red or naeliec any r'tlef, other tkaaa tneperary o.But wbHeraeevrBC BBtser a severe attack, Knstttn-e- d

te try year reaMdy, aad, ast'tke aaaer rtraidli. I iuvdHied, it hat prevMl a aroatpt sat! erataaent cave a- - Ihave never Before goae to ieag witaaat a,iag,a te-- aia tthe e naalalBt, aatt caa rtrtaimia tho S A. Frv endAgseReatedyasa valuable oaefartae f4eesa1 ewr i.fthe disease. RO0T. F. PBILPtT.

New Tobc, Dee. 1, 1865 Ct. WaH aad Wat.-i- t.

Mr. A. F. Ster sag, ef this cat, has eaasat4 i bepaMkatiea ef the lotktwutg tacts, ever hi slpma n .

roaeerDtnt a cure per feted by the ase af thin reeen-- y.

which facu are eerreheraMet by sue Rev. L. M,wbe was acqewiltetl with all th ilnaaiilinrss.

Ms. 6. A. Leoxasd Dear Kr: ScatH teada'I brard of apeer est eeitrving Gersaaa, sa Uul'.r rstreet, wbe was saSertag frees a severe- attark rf ehtsloand fever, ceatracted tn the lew ansjaas, stearNewert,

L N. J. I gave Ma eae kettle mj yestr SeaiS AseesweaFever aad Agae Reateoy, aaa It tltteew me Btarsari tfsay that the disease has been brokers op by Ks aee. aet) aperataaeat eare etected. Tvwty years.

New Tore, Nov. S, lM. A. F. SMRI ISlam acqaam'ed with th facts set ierth ta the aht, e

certtHcate. aad caa witaee to the trait ef the s'sir-men- ts

tserein oaatalsted. L. M. PKARSoft Five ?teat Resteer. Iiattaetiy.

The fettewtag CerUflcatrt at FvasFt L. HtetJe tftHenry M.ter, are asaoag that pecaitar caste ia whi u apermanent cere caa be effected. Betwahaasljuv. ib :ecentloaed ripoetre te predraatia; aetes. Attar inthe cares were aertected. they were eogaaadiB the ; a --

ical Workt ot Meters. Caes. Pr i. Ce .Tii0t cirtAfter baviog beer troubled with Fever aaJAlan f'tf

nearly a whole ntoatk, aad twallnwem Ms ef Cfibwa. aacqoalntaaee of loe reeosmeoclecf nte to try V'!l-- ..(

what Is called tbe Soath Aatrrtea eVveraad Atasettiai-ed- y,

and tare eaeagh it workM likaacharss. It - .1 .only one day. aad that was the test I saw ef lh f r

It is with great pleasure that I state rati faet feran whets HBMyotars,aaet whvh eve-)- 'r

the same saccess in BUtterias: tats eVIpasiag eV -- ;,which is likely enco;. If theywM SeBew my nar.H'.

FRMVIC L. HERTLR.Aagast, lSe5. 44 Whlaast st BreMht) n.

I have bad tbe Fever and A fee far several w.,which kept me at home, usable Wwefk. I tried a i.u.-b- er

of prescript too, without 8odi: aay relief. a r a.yfactory boss seBt bm a bottle of the Seatn Asacsicei. --

ver and Ague Remedy, which I have axel, aad afterdiy. foattei myself entiiely cured. I have bed a at acsince that time, new feBrtees aeoths. sad feel imieonadence ia this valuable raetrMae, ta which I .

recovery. HENRT MBIsTRSept. 20. ISS5. 9 Mcatihaes-st- ., wskamsatt yb

The certrflcates ef Mr. J. G. VaaVrhhm, Bretrr-- t ofJamaica, N. T.. aad those recetved tstreaah htat. il beread with mach IBteiest, not only Iroea the vetyable character ot Ihe parties, hat that the saedtcn w jused under very naaaveraMe eirorBt-t- H jHlywhen ether reran! Irs had seee ated wtlbU J l Jjr 5

Mr. G. A. Leo.vard, N. T. StmrStr: lnet..T-- H "eTwill Cud some eertttcale ot the ssed eaeets of yvtu a

in tbl llaee It gives --ttttaetfaa te e ty ssmthat has used It, aael the sat will iBeiease as il hcvtMSknown. I take the respoaaihtlily ta warrast u Mr.Stephen Hrndersea. of this place, seat a bottle t 1 swife's sister, wtth like eeed malts as whea ad byhimself and wife. Mr n is aa eed usan, a very reap. --

table citizen of tai ptaee, and is weH known.Tiuly years, he , JAS. G.

Jamaica, N. T., Sept. 23, 18M.We, the aadersigae-d.havease- theS. A Rracdy for

Fever and Ague aad IaterraitttBe; Fevers, aad ithas made a perfect enre ef oar selves aad Uruast . amiwith much pteatare rreemaMtMi It ta the rthsss a. a teleand cheap Btetlicsae.


Jamaica, N. T.. Sept. 27, M6.Mb. J. G. Undchhill, Drasrrttt, &c Dfr Sir: I

have nsed the Seath ABerieaa Retaedy, seMaasy jen, belh fer myself aad wife, aad we have

been curd. .'I btttev i is the best medtHas tr thechttts and fever oat. I sbeoM net hare uted it if v

did net warrant a care, hat bow I aat'seiiiiiajyou recemmenaed tt to e. rears, re--

sisrtiu MKNasajsavN.Jamaica, N. T., Sept. 27, 1865.

Jamaica. N" T , May JX, HKMk G. A. Leoxaed Dtar Strr My aaotaes, a g4

lady, was sSiCtrd wi'h the cfail-- s aad fever very bed U.1summer, SBd having heard joar medtctne Mealy r

.he was induced to try it ; alter taktae; ear a4a halt bottles, she was perfectly cared, aad I catiul:yrecommend It as a sate and sare trare

RespecUBUy, sours, G. N. CtrBWlMiMora certiSeates mtcht be added to swell the Ust. but

a d'Hcacy on tbe part of maay to have their aaate aac-a- r

In print, prevent a poMicalleB ef thea The a eve,however, are 1 urMent evtdeaees te ettahtith h Let .

that this reraedy is witboat aa equal tor tha pesaaoaei.1cure of the Fever sad Ague.

A supply of th above Medietee en iaael and fer, WARO It JONKS.

apie-&- a 'Vrhjlesal Agents tar MtsBtht- -.



As fie bat and ovfg gemane nvtpmnd of ti oanow presented to the public.

lOUISVLtLE AZmULL EZHTBITIONwonderful preparation--

, so Jaslly appn-attee- f byTHI3 Amertcas peeple, has now become the atacdardremedy of the sge. The aSscted hear teHimonr, tumarvelous properties, aad tte enhappy, paiB-w-.r andexhausted suSerers rejeiee ttere t Beta, whets h a'failed. Out ot the hundreds of cases scatter t verMississippi, Alabama, fTisoeaslB, Misseori, IzM. . ailKentucky, It has never la a slsde tBSUsca beeru . wnto tall, and wlH cure, beyond all deubt : --

Dyspepsia erIndigestion, Scref-c- 'a

or Sing's Evfl,ot the Bones, SyphBls,

DebeHty, Habitual Cestiveseas,Kfysipe-la- st

Pulmonary Diseases, Liver OsnraltiPiles, Female Irresatarrtres. Fbrtala, Skhx BsDiseased atldseys, aad as a great anet so-er-

Tonic, pBrifytag the Blood,and lnvtgoratiag the

entire System.This medicine, thejigh prepared at great expetwt, u

nevertheless wRhln tie reach af peer as west a, two. aadlooked upon by the community as th greatest Ue.igevrr centerred n aanklBd.

Dr. T. A. HURT-EX- 'S Maaufaetory, corner ot nthand Greene streets, Louisville, JCy., where aH drmust be addressed.

For sale by H. F. TARNS rORTH h CO., and CU ,N-DL-

h CO., Memphis, Teaaessee, and DnUKutsthroughout the United States aad Canada.

Price $1 per bottle, er six fer $3. lrj21-ur- ." ,v

Purify your Blood!CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OFTHS DOCK is the sovereign remedy far hrctte

rial Affect tens. Scrofula, Swelling of the Joints, Kbrn-mitls- m.

he. As a UverMedicioe, it has Boeetak.. Usalterative efTect on the system, In addition to ita bema apurely Vegetable Preparation, adapts It to alavt tnyChronic Affection where an alterative medldse k re-

quired. For Eruptions on the Skin, 044 Ulcers, ly .

sla. and Nervous Headache, it has no success ulamong the oestrums of the, day. Asai'maii

Medicine it trill befound invaluable.t3T For onlf tr CHANDLER & CO ,

ly Druggists aad Apeihecariev.Odd FeUews' Hall Block. Merr-vv-.


POE SALE.FROM the State of Georgia, censtsuse; ttrn women, boys ana guts. Among tars kt

stale very likely families. Ia a tvs LfSSIy. we Inieed to concentrate ear purchase.rrora glenturkr aad Virginia to this poict, and flee nbebuyers ot this country an opportunity of invesU&g lb- - irmoney In good Negroes. Give us a call befere nukmsyour purchases.

ma!2.-3- m jJUl.iu,e, uioai.t3CLolf

Carriage Factor 3v- -undersigned cave opened a Carriage Facteay aaTHE street, between WaJhlncton and Adaua

streets, where they are prepared to Manufacture aad Re-

pair Carriages at the shortest notice. AH wark 4aae bythem will be guarantied, sod a share ot public p'-ia- u.soUdted.

lan3-l-y U. 3. BCRR.. N

IHAVEJust received some ofrant FRENCH BOURDOHl PlA.Vtvl,from the celebrated Plane Factof f" Erabo, " at Paris and London. atl r.

fer them for tale. I keep those splendid little ORGANS.called Seraphlne, with from ten to thirteen steps, and alttbelatest Improvements, These are knowa, to be th betInstruments fer Churches, Lodges and School Rooms. AHInstrument sold by me a.e warranted far Ave years,

Pianos, Violins. Oinu.Melodeocs, etc, etc, done In a wirkmanllks maimer atmoaerare priors. ...

r?--1 do not pretend to give lessons on anv.nanib andvariety ef Instruments.

' HENRT GiHOLLENBKRGlJanJ-t-f 144 Mala stmt.


