class dojo proposal


Upload: karcen2

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Quick Introduction

Quick and Easy Set Up: TeacherUpload students accounts with a simple copy and paste feature!

Quick and Easy Set Up: Student

Increase Student Motivation: Gamification

Customized Feedback: Reinforce School Values & Class Specific Expectations

Class Atmosphere: Positive Focus

Instant Feedback: Student Connectivity

Instant Feedback: Parent Connectivity

Behavior Data and Trend Tracking

There is an App for That

Dojo Supports PBIS Schools

Amazing Things Class Dojo Can Help You Do

• Randomly pick a student

• Grade participation, group work, discussions

• Create competitions between classes

• Easily decide where rewards are deserved

• Keep parents informed

• Encourage positive behavior

• Time an activity

• Pinpoint areas of improvement

• Allow administrators to follow specific students

• Collect and analyze behavior data at the click of a button

• Will work anywhere (hallways, cafeteria, classrooms, library, etc.)

• Let parents know immediately if homework wasn’t handed in

• Train your students like Pavlov’s dogs

• Provide instant feedback to students and parents

• Improve student participation