class notes - semeiosic anthropology

1st Class. - Semiotic Anthopology The idea of semiotics (Semeiosic Athropology) Semi: a unit, a sing a meaning – semeion (is greek) (John Locke, John Poinsot) Modern Semiotics Ferdinand of Saussure (soSER) called the study of signs: semiology, the discipline starts in linguistics (Course in General Linguistics, F. de Saussure) Eco, Guattari (gaTAri), Derrida: critical of the semilogy Semiotic: goes beyond the language, STC studies all kind of signs (myth, ritual, images, films) LS discovers that what is makes us human, is the language (and the use of signs). The difference between animal language and human language is that we use symbols, there are totally arbitrary (AR-bi-tra-ri) or conventional (a bunch of speakers of a language which enter in a tacit agreement about the signs). Convention are no arbitrary, convention compels. In modernity, the convention is contractual, covenant (CO-ve- nant) or a commitment: it’s more than a promise. It’s knowingly and willingly then this transforms in a habit. The reaffirmation (Western Christian Europe) is an active act, i.e, the difference between adult´s baptism and child´s baptism. After that, the literacy was up, because people start to reading the bible and making an active compromise with god. Even in Puritans, Relative relations had a contract fundament When signs are conventional, the next logical step is relativism; and after that knowing the world get affect by language (a cocoon of semiotic experience). Onomatopeya, Deictic (pronombre, palabras que apuntan) are examples of the no conventional aspects of the language. This words are symbolic indexes; it need the sign and the signifier to be contiguous to produce meaning. The moment of production of meaning which creates surprise and disturbs convention is called punctum. Saussure

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Notes on Anthropology


1st Class. - Semiotic Anthopology The idea of semiotics (Semeiosic Athropology)Semi: a unit, a sing a meaning semeion (is greek) (John Locke, John Poinsot)Modern SemioticsFerdinand of Saussure (soSER) called the study of signs: semiology, the discipline starts in linguistics (Course in General Linguistics, F. de Saussure) Eco, Guattari (gaTAri), Derrida: critical of the semilogySemiotic: goes beyond the language, STC studies all kind of signs (myth, ritual, images, films)LS discovers that what is makes us human, is the language (and the use of signs). The difference between animal language and human language is that we use symbols, there are totally arbitrary (AR-bi-tra-ri) or conventional (a bunch of speakers of a language which enter in a tacit agreement about the signs). Convention are no arbitrary, convention compels. In modernity, the convention is contractual, covenant (CO-ve-nant) or a commitment: its more than a promise. Its knowingly and willingly then this transforms in a habit. The reaffirmation (Western Christian Europe) is an active act, i.e, the difference between adults baptism and childs baptism. After that, the literacy was up, because people start to reading the bible and making an active compromise with god. Even in Puritans, Relative relations had a contract fundamentWhen signs are conventional, the next logical step is relativism; and after that knowing the world get affect by language (a cocoon of semiotic experience). Onomatopeya, Deictic (pronombre, palabras que apuntan) are examples of the no conventional aspects of the language. This words are symbolic indexes; it need the sign and the signifier to be contiguous to produce meaning.The moment of production of meaning which creates surprise and disturbs convention is called punctum. Saussure Sign: sound image (signifier) and concept (signified) dyadic or binary logic; dual(ism) the logic is part of modernity, even in Descartes philosophy: how does the mind know the facts? The departure of this link that create the sign is called punctum Idealism (AI-da-lis-m) Realism Nominalism Charlie Pierce The sign is accesable to all; the smallest unit is trydic Representamen (R), Object, (O) Interpretant (I) Semeiosis: activity of signs; the study of this is semeiotic; semeiosic The difference with Saussures definition, is that signs are understood as a process. The the representam links with the object, the arbitrary transforms in a stable relation so the powers of the representem are disminished, and the object affects the production of meaning Interpretant is different that Interpret : that has the capacity of receiving or understanding; the capacity of representing enhance the fitness of the capacity of representing Significant effect that R-O has in the I: Man is a sign, and cosmos is perfuse with signs 2nd Class - Semeiosic AnthropologyDescartes, Kant & Pierce Pierce Doubt appears when something alters a routine/habits; rote beliefs(PERs) first encounter: seeming // freshness could come as seeming // vague // potentiality // possibility //Second encounter: shock // interruptionThirdness: relation between the contrast What anthropologist must do is search Presentness 3rd Class Semeiosic AnthropologyA sign, or Representamen, is a First which stands in such a genuine triadic relation to a Second, called its Object, as to be capable of determining a Third, called its Interpretant, to assume the same triadic relation to its Object in which it stand itself to the same Object. The triadic relation is genuine, that is its three members are bound together by it in a way that does not consist in any complexus of dyadic relations El signo son dos cosas: el representamen y el conjunto de relaciones triadas; podemos abstraer lgicamente (prescind) los elementos del signos. Pero el Signo, es irreductiblemente una triada. determine -> no es en el sentido fuerte, sino que persuade, influencia (tiene poderes causales) La pregunta que surge es a quien Genuine significa que no puede ser reducido a una diada / Degenerate es que la triada es independiente, la relacin no representa el sentido original, puede ser reemplazada The Object es un objeto semitico, tiene una historia de representacin; incluso que puede tener cierta orientacin a la representacin, y que tiene su historia de representacion incorporada en su presentacin El proceso de trasmisin puede ser aclarar o escurecer, P. no establece el producto La muerte del Sign es su incapacidad de transformarse, es perfecto, pero no se transforma Problemas de representacin irrepresentabilidad (a declaration of stuckness in pares y trios) a) Ultimate interpretant: est de acuerdo y no hay conflicto en su representacinComment by Ignacio Sandoval Marmolejo: Power: segn Nietszche es la fuerza para dominar, nos unimos semiticamente a lneas de poder, si no nos unimos quedamos sin poder Comment by Ignacio Sandoval Marmolejo: Tres campos de P. : pragmatism, semeiotic and realism

Los signos que se cristalizan se vuelven habitos, se vuelven firstness (?) Dnde est la agencia en semeiosis? Consciencia es una irrumpcin de hbito: einrror es un choque, es un momento supraconciencia, duda struggle en construir sentido Fitness > the object influencia su capacidad de representacin Agency del humano: solo tiene el hbito del cambio de hbito P. reconoce la agencia, pero no cree en la versin individual de James (una ficcin), pero tampoco cree en la agencia voluntarista GROUND > Qualisign (tone) / Sinsign (token) / Legisign (type) Icon-icity (similarity, identity, sharedness) / indexicality (contiguity, doing things) Comment by Ignacio Sandoval Marmolejo: El camalen es un buen icono, oscurece la informacin Index : convencionales, universales (principio biolgicos, fsicos, etc) Symbol: convention/arbitrary symbol estn ms conectado al lenguaje, y funcionan mas rpido El aspecto ms fuerte de creacin es la irona y sarcasmo 4th Class Semeiosic Anthropology

Incluso la teora ms compleja tiene aspectos rhematicos", iconicos, qualisign en ella Los aportes semeiosica, pragmatismo y realismo Mximo: the meaning of concepts is no more that the practical consecuences that these have Pragmatism: en el sentido de que habitos produce en las personas

It appears, then, that the rule for attaining the third grade of clearness of apprehension is as follows: Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object.

P. cambio su enfoque de pragmatism a pragmaticism P. usa la metfora del cable, porque existen diferentes tipos de signos, como funciona P. siempre existe continuidad en la comunidad, no hay quiebres limpios/radical raptures Gross misrepresentation