class six english 2nd paper hare and tortoise story presentation


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Page 3: Class six english 2nd paper hare and tortoise story presentation

Conducted ByRashida AktherAsst. TeacherDept. Of English

Class-SixSection-BGroup -Rose

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Let’s see some images

Speedy Slow

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They are starting their race Hare is sleeping & Tortoise is running slowly

Finally the tortoise is going to win the race

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So Todays lesson is

Completing Story

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Now you will know about completing story

First you will have incomplete few lines of a fable or imaginary story You will read out and try to know what about the story is By reading the story you will guess about the title Finally you will complete the in complete story

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Let’s know the kinds of story

Fables Imaginary

It focuses on mainly morality

It focuses on mainly practical situation

describing positively

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Learning objects

At the end o f the l esson , you w i l l be ab le to l ea rn :

What is completing story?.How you will write it?.Title/ Moral LessonImplementation in Practical Life

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The hare and the tortoise - short moral story - slow and steady wins the race.mp4

Hare and TortoiseVideo

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Read the following outline and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.One day a hare met a tortoise. He laughed at the tortoise and said, “You have as many legs as I have. But I am sure, you cannot run as fast as I can. Perhaps you cannot run at all”. The tortoise........................ 

Title:Pride Goes Before DestructionOne day a hare met a tortoise. He laughed at the tortoise and said, “You have as many legs as I have. But I am sure, you cannot run as fast as I can. Perhaps you cannot run at all”. The tortoise became very angry. He answered quietly that you can run quietly fast no doubt, but think, you can talk even faster than you can run’. The hare neglected the tortoise for his comment upon his ability. He challenged the tortoise. He offered him a race. The tortoise agreed. One day they ran a race. The hare ran quickly but after running for few minutes he looked behind and saw the tortoise lagged. awaking from sleep he saw it was too late. Then he stared to run again but he was perplexed to see the tortoise already reached the place. Then the tortoise smiled seeing the hare helpless and commented, ‘Oh you miserable it in the price of pride’. The hare realized the truth and felt much ashamed for this pried which brought his fall. From that time the hare became conscious of his shortcoming and tried to follow the example of the tortoise.

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Write about the character of…….




Group work



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What about the story is?W ho feels proud?Who was slow but steady?Finally who won the race?

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Write the story in not more that 150 words

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“Pride Goes Before Destruction”

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