classifying documents using both textual and visual features

Erasmus University Rotterdam Erasmus School of Economics Master Thesis Business Analytics & Quantitative Marketing Econometrics and Management Science Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features 19th August 2019 Author: Student Number: Auke Zijlstra 387892 Abstract With the increasing importance of Customer Due Diligence, financial institutions are forced to digitize and categorize their paper archives. Currently, document classification is primar- ily realized using textual information. This paper proposes to complement textual features with visual features, using a convolutional neural network and transfer learning. The pro- posed approach is tested on both a small real-world data set for a large Dutch bank, and on the larger academic RVL-CDIP data set. It is found that using the combined approach yields better classification performance than using only textual or visual features. For the RVL-CDIP data set the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy of 93.51%, ex- ceeding previous results based on solely visual features. For the smaller real-world data set, the combined method scores marginally better than the benchmark set using only textual features, while being computationally much more expensive. Therefore, it is concluded that adding visual features using deep learning is a favorable approach to increase document classification performance, given that the data and computational resources are available. Keywords: text classification, document image classification, feature combination, tf-idf, convolutional neural network Supervisor: Second Assessor: Prof. Dr. Ilker Birbil The content of this thesis is the sole responsibility of the author and does not reflect the view of either Erasmus School of Economics or Erasmus University.

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Page 1: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus School of Economics

Master Thesis

Business Analytics & Quantitative MarketingEconometrics and Management Science

Classifying Documents using both Textual and

Visual Features

19th August 2019

Author: Student Number:

Auke Zijlstra 387892


With the increasing importance of Customer Due Diligence, financial institutions are forced

to digitize and categorize their paper archives. Currently, document classification is primar-

ily realized using textual information. This paper proposes to complement textual features

with visual features, using a convolutional neural network and transfer learning. The pro-

posed approach is tested on both a small real-world data set for a large Dutch bank, and

on the larger academic RVL-CDIP data set. It is found that using the combined approach

yields better classification performance than using only textual or visual features. For the

RVL-CDIP data set the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy of 93.51%, ex-

ceeding previous results based on solely visual features. For the smaller real-world data set,

the combined method scores marginally better than the benchmark set using only textual

features, while being computationally much more expensive. Therefore, it is concluded that

adding visual features using deep learning is a favorable approach to increase document

classification performance, given that the data and computational resources are available.

Keywords: text classification, document image classification, feature combination, tf-idf,

convolutional neural network

Supervisor: Second Assessor:

Prof. Dr. Ilker Birbil

The content of this thesis is the sole responsibility of the author and does not reflect the view

of either Erasmus School of Economics or Erasmus University.

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1 Introduction 3

2 Literature Review 5

2.1 Textual Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1.1 Document retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1.2 Preprocessing of text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.3 Feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.4 Classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Visual features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3 Combination of features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Data 11

4 Methodology 15

4.1 Textual features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1.1 Feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1.2 Hyperparameter tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.1.3 Classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.2 Visual features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2.1 Neural Network architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2.2 Convolutional Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.3 Backpropagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.2.4 Stochastic Gradient Descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.2.5 Model design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.3 Combination of features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.4 Model evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Results 30

5.1 Rabobank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5.1.1 Textual feature classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

5.1.2 Segmented textual feature classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.1.3 Visual feature classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.1.4 Combined features classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.2 RVL-CDIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.2.1 Textual features classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.2.2 Visual feature classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.2.3 Combined feature classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

6 Conclusion and discussion 41


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1 Introduction

As computers and electronic communication slowly started to emerge into everyday life, the

concept of a ‘paperless society’ was introduced by Lancaster in 1978. A paperless society would

be a society in which paper communication was replaced by digital (electronic) communication

and storage. As a result, the need for paper would decrease and eventually ‘digital’ would

completely replace ‘paper’. 40 years later, the paperless society has still not materialized and

our current information society is producing more and more information, of which a large part

is still printed on paper.

However, even if all information would be stored digitally, it would be mostly encoded

in natural language, either in English or any other language that is around. Although the

technological possibilities and computing power have increased enormously over the past 40

years, the processing of natural language remains one of the more difficult tasks for a computer.

One of the applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the classification of text or

documents into categories, describing the topic or type of a certain text or document. While

document classification within the field of NLP has focused exclusively on the textual basis

of documents, in practice there are more features that can be used for classification. Besides

textual features, one of the most important types of document features are visual features, that

is, the layout of the document that needs to be classified. This thesis focuses on the combination

of textual and visual document features, within the context of document classification.

The outline of the problem that this thesis intends to investigate has been supplied by

Rabobank and formed the basis for an internship. The goal of this internship was to classify a

set of financial documents of Rabobank’s subsidiary De Lage Landen (DLL) into approximately

20 (given) categories, based on what type of document it is. This (re)classification of documents

is mandatory for the Rabobank, based on the guidelines issued by the European Central Bank

(ECB). The classification will be done based on both textual and visual features, extracted from

the documents. This leads to the following research question:

What is the best method to classify financial documents using both textual and visual features?

The above research question is chosen to be broad, as there are many ways to determine what

the best method is to classify documents. In doing so, this thesis will not focus on classification

accuracy alone. Other factors that are taken into consideration are robustness, computational

efficiency, the amount of training data needed and the possibility to transfer models between

domains/applications. Next to that, this thesis does not focus solely on textual features or

visual features, but investigates the combination of both fields for classification purposes.

The motivation for this research question (and the considered factors) mainly follows from

the application at hand. While good classification performance in terms of accuracy is import-

ant, from a business perspective it is also important that this performance is consistent over

different document types and is not overly dependent on document (image) quality. In addition,

the computational efficiency of the used method is important. Although computational power


Page 5: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

has increased enormously over time (and has relatively become cheaper), the size of the problem

(initially 1.3 million documents, 300 million in total) makes it necessary to take computational

efficiency into account. Moreover, the amount of labelled training data differs per application,

but is often relatively small compared to the complete data set. Therefore, it is important to take

the amount of labeled training data needed for different methods into account. For example, it

could be that good classification speed and performance can be obtained by means of a Neural

Network, but that this method is less feasible because the amount of training data is greater

than (generally) available. Lastly, besides needing relatively little training data, the possibility

to transfer models between domains or specific applications shortens the implementation time

for future projects.

The contributions of this work are twofold:

1. While the majority of the academic literature within the field of document classification

focuses either on textual features or visual features, there is a gap in research that fo-

cuses on the combination of both fields. This work contributes to academic literature by

looking specifically at the combination of both approaches. Moreover, the perspective of

the research question is wider than only accuracy, contributing to the existing academic

literature that often primarily focuses on classification accuracy metrics.

2. The second contribution of this work lies within the practical application for the Ra-

bobank. Currently the bank does not have a technical solution for the document classi-

fication problem at hand, besides using manual labor. However, the problem size makes

this an unfeasible and costly solution. This work contributes to the problem by providing

them with an automated solution to perform document classification based on textual and

visual document features.

The remainder of this thesis is structured as follows: Section 2 covers the relevant academic

literature concerning textual and visual features for document classification. Section 3 covers

the data used in this thesis. Afterwards, Section 4 covers the methodology, first concerning the

textual classification and then concerning the visual classification. This is followed by Section

5, where the results for both data sets are presented. Lastly, Section 6 presents the main

conclusions of this thesis, and discusses limitations and suggestions for further research.


Page 6: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

2 Literature Review

This section describes the relevant literature related to the research question. First it describes

the literature regarding textual features, secondly it describes the literature regarding visual

features. Lastly, the literature regarding the combination of both type of features is covered.

2.1 Textual Features

At the core of Natural Language Processing (NLP) lies the problem of how information is

extracted from text. Human language can be considered highly efficient, as humans are able to

convey a lot of information using relatively short amounts of text. However, the disadvantage of

this efficiency is that human language is often highly ambiguous and relates back to information

that was either given previously in the same text, or is presumed to be already available to

the reader. Over time, linguists, later followed by computer scientists, have come up with a

multitude of different ways to deal with this information retrieval problem, often specifically

focused towards the task at hand. Within the process of document classification, often the

steps shown in Figure 1 can be distinguished (Sumathy & Chidambaram, 2013). The following

subsections (briefly) look into the different steps in the classification process.

ClassificationClassifierFeature extractionPreprocessingDocument


Figure 1: Schematic overview document classification steps

2.1.1 Document retrieval

The document retrieval steps are largely dependent on the document source. In the academic

literature, there are multiple standard textual data sets available, which are often relatively

clean and well structured, such as the twenty newsgroup data set (Lang, 1995) or the IMDB

large movie review data set (Maas, Daly, Pham, Huang, Ng & Potts, 2011). When using a

new data set, the origin of the text is important to take into account. Nowadays, text is often

already digitally available, for example because the text was scraped from the internet.

However, when this is not the case, the first step towards document classification is to make

the textual contents of the document digitally available by performing optical character recog-

nition (OCR). The quality of OCR is largely dependent on the quality of the input images, but

also on the language used, typesetting and layout used within the document (Govindan & Shiv-

aprasad, 1990). Although character recognition performance can be improved by preprocessing

input images, some typical OCR errors are generally found in the digital output (e.g. ‘i’ being

recognized as ‘l’). Taghva, Borsack & Condit (1996) discuss that this often has no material effect

for general purposes, but could raise potential problems for documents with particular features


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such as tabular data. To perform OCR, open source OCR software is available supporting more

than 100 languages, with error rates as low as 1% (Smith, 2007).

2.1.2 Preprocessing of text

A second step in the text classification process is the preprocessing of the textual input. The goal

of this step is to reduce and clean the textual input, by removing noisy and non-informative

parts. However, what is considered to be noise or non-informative depends on the problem

setting and the feature extraction method used.

Uysal & Gunal (2014) provide an overview of commonly used preprocessing steps when per-

forming text classification and investigate the impact each separate step has on the classification

performance. They include: (1) lowercasing, (2) removing stops words (words that carry little

meaning and/or occur frequently such as pronouns prepositions and conjunctions), (3) token-

izing (splitting text into seperate terms) and (4) stemming (reducing words to their stem). In

their emprical evaluation, Uysal & Gunal (2014) find that lowercasing, tokenizing and stemming

positively influences classification results, confirming previous literature. Interestingly, for stop

words removal they find a negative effect, while previous literature generally showed positive

effects. A possible negative effect of tokenizing is that words consisting of multiple terms (e.g.

“New York”) are split into seperate tokens. Therefore, not only unigrams (single tokens), but

also bigrams and higher order N-grams can be included in the list of tokens.

2.1.3 Feature extraction

After preprocessing, the (tokenized) words (hereafter referred to as terms) must be transformed

to a numeric representation, that can afterwards be used in a classifier. This step is known as

feature extraction. Although there exist multiple ways in which a piece of text can be trans-

formed into a numerical representation, this thesis focuses on two different methods: the sparse

representation of text and the dense representation of text.

The sparse representation of text is based on the Vector Space Model (VSM) of Salton, Wong

& Yang (1975), which is based on the bag of words hypothesis. This hypothesis states that

a document can be represented as the bag of words (BOW) that make up the document. In

the setting of document classification, this implies that the frequency of words in a document

indicates to what class a document belongs. In the VSM, a set of document is transformed into

a document-term matrix. In this matrix, each document forms a row-vector, with each term in

the vocabulary represented as a separate column. Consequently, each value xij in document-

term matrix X indicates how often term j occurs in document i. In general, the resulting

document representation is a very sparse vector that contains mainly zeros, since most terms

do not occur in a given document.

In the simple VSM as described above, a document is represented only as a BOW, not taking

into account the relative importance of different terms in different documents. Therefore, it is


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common to re-weight the document-term matrix by using a form of term frequency-inverse

document frequency (tf-idf) re-weighting (Salton & Buckley, 1988). The idea of tf-idf is based

on counting terms within and across documents, based on the hypothesis that terms that occur

more frequently across documents are less informative features. Although the order in which

words occur in a document is lost when representing a document using the VSM, in practice

tf-idf is widely used and performs often reasonably good (Sebastiani, 2002; Zhang, Zhao &

LeCun, 2015). Therefore, tf-idf is used as the text feature extraction algorithm in this thesis.

Besides that the VSM does not take into account the word ordering, it also ignores the

structuring of the input document. For example, text contained in the header of a document is

equally important (before re-weighting) as text in the body of a document, although it might be

more important with regards to the classification of the said document. This motivated Bratko

& Filipic (2006) to investigate three possible methods of including (predefined) structural in-

formation in the context of text classification, being: tagging, splitting and stacking. They

find that stacking to be the best way to include structural information, clearly outperforming

plain text classification. Although the data used in this thesis lacks a predefined structure, the

findings of Bratko & Filipic (2006) show that including structural information improves classi-

fication performance. Therefore, this thesis looks into segmented textual feature extraction as

a way to include structural document information.

Representing text in a dense vector, as opposed to the sparse representation described earlier,

is a relatively new concept. Although the idea has been around for quite some time (Hinton,

McClelland, Rumelhart & others, 1984), applying this concept really took off after the publica-

tions by Collobert, Weston, Bottou, Karlen, Kavukcuoglu & Kuksa (2011) and Mikolov, Chen,

Corrado & Dean (2013). When using distributed representations at a word level, every word

is encoded into a continuous vector (known as word vector or word embedding) in a low di-

mensional vector space, in such a way that word’s semantic and syntactic similarity (which can

be thought of as word meaning) is encoded within the vector representation. Low dimensional

in this case refers to between 50 and 1000 dimensions, whereas high dimensional refers to a

dimensionality equal to the amount of words in the vocabulary.

Mikolov et al. (2013) show that by using their Neural Network model architecture, they are

able to obtain word vectors that encode semantic and syntactic information in such a way that

they are able to perform mathematical operations on words. For example, they find that the

vector(“King”)−vector(“Man”)+vector(“Woman”) gives a resulting vector that lies closest to

the vector(“Queen”) in the vector space. The authors called their improved model word2vec and

released the source code to the (academic) community, resulting in a lot of follow up research.

Another influential paper in the word embedding literature followed a few years later, when

Joulin, Grave, Bojanowski & Mikolov (2017) published their fastText model. The main novelty

of the their model was using subword N-grams (combinations of 3-6 characters that ‘build’ up

a word), not only enabling them to calculate embeddings for words that are out of vocabulary


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(OOV) but also improving the embeddings for rare words. OOV here means that the word

is not in the corpus of words previously seen by the model and therefore no word embedding

is available. In this thesis a large set of financial documents is classified, containing relatively

more words that are rare outside of the financial domain. Besides that, calculating embeddings

for previously unseen words as done by the fastText model is especially useful for languages

that share a lot of subword N-grams between words (often seen in compound words), such as

Dutch and German (Bojanowski, Grave, Joulin & Mikolov, 2017). For these languages, it is

hypothesized that the resulting OOV word embeddings will capture relatively much of the word


A large part of the work on textual embeddings has focused on words as smallest textual units

to train distributed embeddings on. However, already shortly after the seminal work of Mikolov,

Sutskever, Chen, Corrado & Dean (2013) on word embeddings, further research was conducted

on how to extend this idea to larger text bodies such as paragraphs or complete documents. A

simple approach to do so is by taking a average of the word embeddings to create document

embeddings, which can consequently be used as input for a classification algorithm. Intuitively,

this would result in a document embedding that describes the ‘topic’ of a document, based on

the (topic-specific) words in the document. However, simple word embedding averaging does

not take into account the word-order and word-context, but simply represents a document as a

‘bag of word embeddings’. Thus, common words could have a disproportionately large influence

on the created document embeddings, resulting in document embeddings that all converge to a

common centroid.

With this in mind, the findings of Zhang et al. (2015) are especially relevant, who show that

a bag of means approach yields consistently bad classification results. Moreover, they conclude

that N-gram tf-idf methods remain the best approach in data sets up to several hundreds of

thousand observations, while neural network based embedding techniques perform better in

larger data sets. As a preliminary study, we have tested several dense embeddings techniques

on the Rabobank data set, and came to similar conclusions as Zhang et al. (2015). Based on

this result, this thesis focuses on using tf-idf re-weighted VSM sparse embedding techniques for

the textual features, limiting the scope towards the more recent neural network based dense

embeddings techniques.

2.1.4 Classifiers

Within the text classification literature, several different classification algorithms have been

applied. Yang & Liu (1999) provide a comparison of five often used classification algorithms:

Support Vector Machines (SVM), a k-Nearest neighbor (kNN) classifier, the Linear Leastsquares

Fit (LLSF) mapping, a Neural Network approach and a Naive Bayes (NB) classifier. They find

that the first three classification algorithms significantly outperform the last two, especially if

less training data is available.

Moreover, Joachims (1998) has already shown that SVMs perform well in the context of


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text categorization, theoretically supporting his findings based on the high dimensional feature

space, containing relatively few irrelevant features and the sparseness of the instance vectors. A

later study by Dumais, Platt, Heckerman & Sahami (1998) confirms the findings by Joachims

(1998), pointing out that their usage of the simpler linear kernel performs even better than the

radial basis function kernel used by Joachims (1998), with the advantage of being simpler and

more efficient.

Based on these works, this thesis uses a SVM with linear kernel as base classifier. However,

with regards to combining features, a disadvantage of the SVM is that is does not output a

vector of class probabilities. Platt & others (1999) have shown that fitting a sigmoid function

to the output of the SVM can help overcome this problem, but this would imply an extra model

fitting step. Therefore, this thesis uses the often quite similarly performing logistic regression

as second classifier. Because the logistic regression optimizes a logistic loss function (compared

to the hinge loss in SVMs), it is expected that the logistic regression will be more sensitive to


2.2 Visual features

Besides including textual features, as described in Section 2.1, it is also of interest to include

visual features from the documents that need to be classified. The main reason for this is that

the formatting of the documents follows to a great degree from the type of document. For

example, a letter usually contains one or two addresses on the top of the first page, followed

by a salutation and one or more (short) text paragraphs. Finally, a letter is usually ended by

a greeting and/or signature, followed by a name. Even if the text within a letter would be

illegible, one can usually recognize the document type from the formatting described above.

Similar features could be thought of for different types of financial documents, such as invoices,

bank guarantees or contracts. Moreover, as the document set at hand originates from one

company (the Rabobank), many documents follow more or less the same standard company

template, which could yield discriminatory power between different document classes.

Within the field of information retrieval, classifying documents without using textual in-

formation has been a research topic for quite some time. Chen & Blostein (2007) provide a

survey of the literature on document image classification at the time, structuring their survey

along three components: (i) the problem statement, (ii) the classifier architecture, (iii) and the

performance evaluation. They show that there is a wide variety in methods used, following

from the document space, document classes, the way in which document features are represen-

ted and the type of classifier used. Although their survey does include some statistical pattern

classification techniques such as nearest neighbor, decision trees and neural networks, at the

time these models were not used in the majority of the academic applications.

In the past ten years, just as in the field of natural language processing, neural network

models have been increasingly used in visual document classification. Following other computer

vision literature (e.g. object recognition), Harley, Ufkes & Derpanis (2015) apply a convolutional


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neural network approach to document image classification and retrieval, showing that their

Machine Learning approach outperforms ‘hand-crafted’ alternatives by a substantial margin.

Moreover, they released a large new data set called RVL-CDIP 1, consisting of 400,000 grayscale

document images, covering a total of 16 different document classes.

Based on this data set, further model improvements have been suggested by various authors

(Tensmeyer & Martinez, 2017; Afzal, Kolsch, Ahmed & Liwicki, 2017), with the current best

performing model to our knowledge being Das, Roy, Bhattacharya & Parui (2018). Interestingly,

the model proposed by Das et al. (2018) makes use of inter-domain transfer learning. This is

done by using freely available initial model weights that were obtained by Simonyan & Zisserman

(2014), who trained their model on the ImageNet (Deng, Dong, Socher, Li, Li & Fei-Fei, 2009)

data set, commonly used in the domain of object classification.

Similarly as in the field of NLP, it is shown that using initial model weights (word em-

beddings respectively) obtained from a different domain yield better classification performance

than randomly initializing model weights. This thesis uses the methodology of Das et al. (2018)

as inspiration for extracting and modelling the visual features.

2.3 Combination of features

Instead of looking only at textual features as in Section 2.1 or only at visual features as in Section

2.2, taking a combination of features could yield better classification performance. Within the

academic literature, combining features from different modalities is commonly referred to as a

multimodal approach. Although relatively less academic work has been done on the combination

of features than on the the individual type of features, there has been some previous literature.

Within the field of medical imaging, relevant academic work has been done as submissions for

the ImageCLEF cross-language image retrieval track of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum

(CLEF) (Villegas, Muller, Gilbert, Piras, Wang, Mikolajczyk, de Herrera, Bromuri, Amin,

Mohammed & others, 2015). In the 2015 edition of the ImageCLEF medical classification track,

the winning submissions used both textual and visual features, outperforming submissions based

on single modalities by a substantial margin (Pelka & Friedrich, 2015). In their submission, the

authors used feature-level fusion (Shan, Gong & McOwan, 2007), combining the features (with

reduced dimensionality using principal component analysis) from textual and visual input in a

‘joint vector’, before applying a linear SVM classifier.

Another possibility to fuse modalities is decision-level fusion; modelling and classifying each

modality independently, combining unimodal results at the end. The exact way in which un-

imodal results are combined can differ, but usually simple operations such as majority votes,

sums, products or statistical weighting are used. According to Poria, Cambria, Howard, Huang

& Hussain (2016), some earlier studies prefer decision-level fusion over feature-level fusion, be-

cause in the former errors from different classifiers are uncorrelated. Moreover, the former

1Data set information can be found on the RVL-CDIP webpage: aharley/rvl-cdip/

(Last access date: August 12, 2019)


Page 12: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

method gives more flexibility regarding the methodology applied to the different modalities.

A comparison between both methods of fusing modalities was made by Poria et al. (2016),

when combining textual, visual and audio modalities to perform sentiment analysis on Youtube

videos. It was shown that the proposed multimodal system outperformed all unimodal state-

of-the-art systems by more than 20%, achieving a total accuracy of nearly 80%. This accuracy

was achieved using feature-level fusion, although the difference between both fusion methods

was only 3%. Based on these papers, this thesis uses decision-level fusion to combine textual

and visual modalities.

3 Data

In this thesis, we use two data sets: one data set originating from the Rabobank and one

academic data set named RVL-CDIP, first put forward by Harley et al. (2015). This section

describes both data sets, followed by a brief discussion on the way the data is used for training,

validation and testing.


The data set corresponding to the classification problem at the Rabobank is part of a larger

data set, consisting of over a million financial documents. The document types are (among

others) lease contracts, lease agreements, checklists, invoices, correspondence and other types

of financial documents. Parts of the documents are hypothesized to follow a more or less

predefined document structure, therefore it should be possible to perform visual categorization.

Moreover, the textual content of the documents is hypothesized to be of such nature that it

should be possible to perform further textual categorization, for example regarding the exact

type of financing agreement. The documents originate from De Lage Landen (DLL) which is a

vendor finance company owned by the Rabobank Group.

The raw input files are scanned images, on which optical character recognition (OCR) is

applied. The individual files consist of scans containing from one page (short email, several

kilobytes file size) to 300+ pages (multiple contract with appendices, 100 megabytes file size).

A data characteristic that complicates the classification problem, is that a single input file

usually contains several documents, which have been scanned together. Therefore, the input

files are split page-wise and consequently categorized per page. This implies that information

is lost, because the page ordering is not taken into account. Moreover, the ‘prior’ knowledge

that a page has a higher probability to belong to the same category as the preceding page (i.e.

two pages belonging to the same document) is not taken into account.

From the larger data set, a subset has been labeled by business users. This subset con-

tains in total 12, 462 labeled document pages, spanning 23 categories. The data set is highly

unbalanced, which poses a problem when splitting the data set into train, validation and test

sets. Therefore, the categories with less than 10 observations are removed, bringing the total


Page 13: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

2 4 6 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 29

Document class









ber o

f doc



(a) Document class distribution

0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750Number of tokens per document










(b) Textual length ( of tokens) histogram

Figure 2

included observations to 12, 440 observations in 17 categories. Figure 2a shows the distribution

of the observations over the categories. The resulting data set contains about five large classes

(> 1000 observations), seven medium sized classes (100−1000 observations) and five more small

classes (< 100 observations).

Moreover, Figure 2b shows the distribution of the document length, measured as the number

of found tokens, for the different documents. The majority of the documents includes about

200 tokens (words) with almost no documents having more than 750 tokens. Lastly, Figure 3

shows five (redacted) example documents that are representative for their respective document

classes. Clearly, the document structure differs vastly between the classes, indicating that visual

categorization is something to further investigate.

FINANCIELE LEASE-OVEREENKOMST Contractnummer 31 I 62714406 Lesseenummcr Naam Bank Bankcode CRAB nr.

Rabobank Noord-Holland Noord 3031 30310825919


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hiema (zowel gczamcnlijk als ieder atzonderlijk) te noemen: Medeondergetekende.


Rabobank De Lage: Landc:n Financial Services 8 V. Vestdijk 51 561 I CA Eindhoven Tel 040-2339650 Fax 040-2338617

A. DLL verstrekt c.q. zal onder de hiema vcrmelde voorwaarden en condities aan Client een geldlening verstrekken.

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C. Aan hct vcrstrckkcn van de geldlening is onder meer de voorwaarde verbonden dat ten hchoeve van DLL ccn hoogst gcrangschikt pandrecht wordt gevestigd op Itel Object.

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I . a. DLL verklaa rl aan Client ccn gcldlening te hebben verslrekt c .q. tc zullcn verstrckken en Client verklaan deze geldlening te aanvaarden en na verstrekking terzake aan DLL vcrschuldigd te zijn een bedrag. in hoofasom groot: Eur 286.300 .00


b. Clienc zal de geldlening uitsluitend mogen aanwenden voor de aanschaf en verkrijging in volledigc en onbezwaarde eigendom van bet Object.

c. De ge ldlcning is aangegaan onder de navolg ende voorwaardcn en bepalingen:

• Metter leen ontvangen c.q. nog te ontvangen bedrag dient inclusief rentever goc ding door Client aan DLL te worden terughetaald in 84 termijnen van ieder Eur 4.073,29 per maand gedurende 84 maanden , zodat het totaal aa11 DLL vcrschuldigde bedrag bedraagl: Eur 342. 156,36.

• De ee rstc lcrmijn vervalt op: 18-11-2011 . De tweede en volgende termijnen zij n tel kens een maan d later verschu ldigd.

• De geldlening zal aan Client ter beschikking worden gesteld d.m.v. overbocking op . Deze overboeking za l tezamen met dcze Financiclc Lcasc-overeenkomst strekken tot volledig

bewijs van verstrekking van de geldlening door DLL aan Client.

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Pagina I van 3

(a) Lease Contract

From: Sent: To:

05 juni 2009 11 :25

Subject: .

Attachments: image.pdf


Wij hebben zojuist de aangepaste getekende akte depot en verpanding ontvangen. Het contract wordt vandaag geactiveerd en de gelden van de aanbetalingsfactuur ad. Eur 538.125,00 (valutadatum 24-04-2009) alsmede de provisie ad. Eur 10.760,00 warden vandaag overgemaakt naar de betreffende grootboekrekeningen van de Bank.

lk vertrouw erop dat jullie de gelden direct met valutadatum 24-04-2009 overboeken naar de rekening van de klant.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Sales Support Officer

De Lage Landen Financial Services B.V. T: 040-2339604

image.pdf (46 KB)


(b) Correspondence

CRS45138: Checklist account rabolease: bankposten Da Laga Loodon

Controles: Sales CM&S: Su~~ort:

Goedkeuring: O' □ V 0 Voorwaarden ingevuld: r:I □ \/ 0 T enaamstelling checklist tov contract: d □ \I ~ T enaamstelling factuur tov contract: d □ V 0 Bedrag factuur tov hoofdsom: c,t) □ V 0 Objectgegevens compleet: d □ I/ GI Ondertekening klant: di □ V 0 Ondertekening bank: ~ □ V ~ Checklist geparafeerd/ondertekend: ; -<'I □ V 0 Dossier geschoond:

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Manco's Datum oegelost lnitialen

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2. \






I lnlUalea CM&S ---!zj0-

Niet akkoord (te wijzigen door SASU):

(c) Checklist

KvK NL - Uittreksel inzien

...................... Online inzage uittreksel


Rechtspersoon RSIN Rechtsvorm Statutaire naam Statutaire zetel Eerste inschrijving handelsregister Datum akte van oprichting Maatschappelijk kapitaal Geplaatst kapitaal Gestort kapitaal Deponering jaarstuk

........................................ Onderneming Handelsnaam Startdatum onderneming Activiteiten Werkzame personen

Vestiging Vestigingsnummer Handelsnaam Bezoekadres Telefoonnummer Faxnummer Datum vestiging Activiteiten

Werkzame personen

Enig aandeelhouder Naam Geboortedatum en -plaats Enig aandeelhouder sedert

......... Bestuurder Naam Geboortedatum en -plaats Datum in functie Titel Bevoegdheid

Page I of I

Deze inschrijving valt onder beheer van Kamer van Koophandel Noc

Besloten Vennootschap

26-09-2000 20-09-2000 EUR 90.000,00 EUR 18.200,00 EUR 18.200,00 De jaarrekening over boekjaar 2010 is gedeponeerd op 23-03-2011 .

20-09-2000 SBl-code: 6420 - Financiele holdings 0

20-09-2000 SBl-code: 6420 - Financiele holdings Beheermaatschappij 0


20-09-2000 Directeur Alleen/zelfstandig bevoegd

Woerden, 09-09-2011. Gegevens zijn vervaardigd om 14.47 09-09-2011

(d) KvK extract

FACTUUR verkoop auto F~ctuumummer Factuur datum Debiteuren nr.

28-3-2013 3450


BTW nr. debiteur Blad nummer

1 van 1

Merk Kenteken Kleur

Opel Movano 2.3cdti 3300 l2h2 125 roetf. V Arctic White

Datum eerste toelating 22-3-2013


- Factuur - Overschrijfbewijs - Kentekenbewijs - Bedrijfsvoorraadbewijs

19.591,63 Bedrag BTW 21,00% Eur 4.114,24 Totaal ex BTW


Totaal bedrag

T. 0547 - 284 064 F. 0547 - 284 069

.nl nl



Eur 19.591,63

Eur 4.114,24

Eur 23.705,87

KvK 3

BTW .B01

ING Bank E

(e) Invoice

Figure 3: Example documents for several classes


The second data set that will be used is the RVL-CDIP data set as gathered by Harley et al.

(2015), from the larger IIT CDIP Test Collection (Lewis, Agam, Argamon, Frieder, Grossman

& Heard, 2006). This larger data set contains document images (scans), which have been

collected from publicly available document regarding lawsuits against a series of American


Page 14: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Figure 4: Example documents RVL-CDIP data set

tobacco companies. In the original IIT CDIP Test Collection data set, more than seven million

documents have been included, in multiple unevenly distributed categories. However, in this

data set, not all documents have been labeled (correctly).

From the IIT CDIP Test Collection Harley et al. (2015) gathered 400, 000 labeled gray-

scale document images, evenly distributed over 16 categories. Harley et al. chose the included

categories based on earlier work on document categorization, taking into account the range of

categories included in an earlier data set (SmallTobacco) based on the same IIT CDIP Test

Collection. Moreover, they have restricted their sample selection to well represented categories,

based on the knowledge that CNNs perform well with large data sets, i.e. when a large training

sample is available. The categories that have been included in the RVL-CDIP data set are: “let-

ter”, “memo”, “email”, “filefolder”, “form”, “handwritten”, “invoice”, “advertisement” (first

row), “budget”, “news article”, “presentation”, “scientific”, ”publication”, “questionnaire”, “re-

sume”, “scientific report” and “specification” (second row). An example for each category is

shown in Figure 4. Because the original IIT CDIP Test Collection data set sometimes had

multiple tags per document, it could be that the final categories in the RVL-CDIP data set are

not perfectly distinct, as only one tag per document is present in the current data set.

Based on the document id’s present in the RVL-CDIP data set, we have retrieved the

OCR text output from the IIT CDIP Test Collection, in order to test the textual classification

performance. Unfortunately, this was not possible for the complete document set, resulting in

398, 010 documents for which both the visual and the textual content is available. Consequently,

for 1, 990 documents no text could be found. For these documents, the textual input has been

set to null. Next to that, for 11, 356 documents a match could be made, although no text was

available in the IIT CDIP Test Collection. Therefore, a total of 13, 346 documents are included

as not containing text. Besides that, for one document a corrupt document image is included.

This document is therefore excluded, leading to a total test set size of 39,999 documents.


Page 15: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Data splitting

In this research, multiple modelling techniques are used, compared and combined in order to

find the best modelling technique for the problem at hand. However, doing so is not trivial.

Ultimately, we like to know how our model performs on unseen data. In other words, we

like to estimate the generalization performance of the proposed models. For large data sets,

this is usually by done by randomly splitting the data set into three parts: train, validation

and test sets. If the observations are independent and identically distributed, and if the total

number of observations n becomes large, this gives an unbiased estimation of the generalization

performance of the model (Raschka, 2018). Therefore, this approach is taken for the RVL-CDIP

data set, using the already predefined data splits introduced by Harley et al. (2015).

For smaller data sets, splitting the data set into three different parts is a less ideal situation,

as the individual parts (train, validate and test set) will have relatively little observations. This

could introduce a pessimistic model bias, as the model might not have reached its capacity

(Raschka, 2018). In other words, the model would have performed better in case there was

more training data available. In order to minimize this problem, we split the Rabobank data

set into only two parts, using 80% of the data set as train data and the remaining 20% as

test data. In order to take the class imbalances into account, splitting is done in a stratified

fashion. This implies that the class proportions are similar in both the training and test set.

The different models are trained on the train set and afterwards predictions are made for the

unseen test set. In order to estimate the model performance, the predictions are then compared

to the true labels in the test set, which have not been seen by the model before.

Next to comparing different modelling techniques, we also try to optimize the different

models by selecting the optimal hyperparameters (tuning) for our models. This is done by

training a model with different sets of hyperparameters and evaluating the model performance

on an independent validation set. However, for this the test set cannot be used, as this would

result in optimizing the model towards the test set, consequently positively overestimating the

generalization performance. Hence, for the hyperparameter tuning k-fold cross validation is


The idea of k-fold cross validation is to randomly split the data set into k folds, train the

model on k − 1 folds and then validate the model on the remaining hold-out fold. This is

done k times, each time holding out a different sample, as shown in Figure 5. Afterwards, the

average performance of the model on the k hold-out sets is considered to be the best estimate of

the model’s generalization performance, to select the optimal set of hyperparameters. Having

selected the optimal set of hyperparameters, the model is refitted on the entire train set and

scored on the hold-out test set. Unless otherwise specified, this thesis uses k = 5 as the number

of folds.


Page 16: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features



Performance3 Performance

= 15%Performance/




1st iteration

2nd iteration

3rd iteration

4th iteration

5th iteration

Training folds Validationfold

Training set

Figure 5: Schematic overview of 5-fold cross validation,

based on figure in Raschka (2018, p. 25)

4 Methodology

This section further elaborates on the methodology used to classify the different data sets. First,

the methodology for the textual feature classification is explained, covering feature extraction,

hyperparameters and classification algorithms. Secondly, the methodology regarding the visual

features is covered, explaining the main concepts of classification using a convolutional neural

network. Afterwards, we discuss how we combine both the textual and the visual features in

one classification model, and how this combined model is trained. The last part of this section

covers the evaluation measures that are used to compare the different models.

4.1 Textual features

This section covers the methodology related to the textual features. Based on the literature

review and preliminary research, a sparse textual feature representation is chosen. After ex-

plaining how the textual features are extracted, hyperparameter tuning is covered, followed by

the methodology of the classification algorithms used on the extracted features.

4.1.1 Feature extraction

The textual features are generated using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf).

Tf-idf is a numeric method that intuitively gives each word in a document a score, that reflects

the relative importance of a word in a corpus. The tf-idf score is proportional to the number of

times a word is found in a document and is corrected for the number of documents that contain

the word. This helps to down weight words that appear more frequently in the whole corpus

and are therefore hypothesized to be less informative for a specific document.

Mathematically, the tf-idf score for a term t in document d from corpus D can be calculated


Page 17: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

as follows:

tf-idf(t, d,D) = tf(t, d) · idf(t,D), (1)

where the term frequency tf(t, d) is either the raw count of the number of times that term t

appears in document d, denoted by ft,d, or the logarithmically scaled version:

tf(t, d) = log(1 + ft,d). (2)

The inverse document frequency idf(t,D) is calculated by logarithmically scaling the ratio

between the the total number of documents N and the number of documents containing the

term, denoted by |d ∈ D : t ∈ d|:

idf(t,D) = logN

1 + |{d ∈ D : t ∈ d}|. (3)

Here the denominator is adjusted by adding one, in order to prevent division-by-zero if the term

is not in the corpus. Moreover, both the term frequency and the inverse document frequency

are scaled by taking the logarithm, to reduce the influence of terms that occur frequently.

Before applying tf-idf, input documents are preprocessed by removing stopwords, lower

casing all terms, tokenizing and stemming, which is done using the NLTK library (Loper &

Bird, 2002) 2. This is done using the language settings corresponding to the document language,

i.e. Dutch for Rabobank and English for RVL-CDIP documents.

4.1.2 Hyperparameter tuning

Besides applying the preprocessing steps, there are several hyperparameters that have to be set

by the researcher relating to the textual feature extraction. In order to select these hyperpara-

meters, a 5-fold cross validated grid-search is used. The hyperparameter values that will be

considered for the tf-idf feature extraction are:

• Number of N-grams to be included: {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4)}• Minimum document frequency for terms in corpus: {2, 5, 10, 20}• Maximum document frequency for terms in corpus: {0.5, 0.75, 1.0}• Maximum number of features to be included: {1× 104, 2× 104, 3× 104,no limit}• Tf-idf normalization: {l1, l2}• Term frequency: {raw count, logarithmically scaled count}

One of the preprocessing steps is splitting the input text into terms, known as tokenization.

Tokenization is done by using spaces and punctuation marks as delimiters. One of the negative

effects of this process is that words consisting of multiple terms (e.g. “New York”) are not

taken into account. Therefore, not only unigrams (single tokens), but also bigrams and higher

order N-grams (up till the 4th order) are included as terms in the tf-idf model. Because of the

informational value of multi-word terms, it is hypothesized that including higher order N-grams

will improve model performance.

2Using the word tokenize function and the SnowballStemmer


Page 18: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Next to removing stop words, terms are removed if they appear very little or very frequently

in the corpus. This is done by experimenting with multiple minimum document frequencies

(absolute frequencies) and maximum document frequencies (relative frequencies) per term. Be-

cause terms that appear very rarely are hypothesized to be OCR artifacts, and terms that

appear very frequent are hypothesized to be less informative, it is expected that this also im-

proves model performance. Next to that, only the N features with the highest tf-idf scores are

included, where initially four different values of N are considered.

The last two hyperparameters are related to the technical implementation of the tf-idf al-

gorithm, and can both be useful to decrease the influence of frequently occurring terms. Either

l2 normalization is applied, making the sum of squares of the vector elements equal to one, or l1

normalization is applied, setting the sum of absolute values of the vector elements equal to one.

Both methods ensure that each output row has unit norm. Next to that, the term frequency is

either taken as raw count or as logarithmically scaled count.

4.1.3 Classifiers

After the feature extraction using tf-idf, a supervised learning method is used as classification

algorithm. This section describes the methodological aspects of both the (linear) Support Vector

Machine (SVM) and the Logistic Regression (LR).

Support Vector Machine: The first supervised learning algorithm that is used is the SVM

algorithm, as first proposed by Cortes & Vapnik (1995). The goal of the SVM algorithm is

to construct a hyperplane through the data set that distinctly classifies the data points, i.e.

that all points on one side of the hyperplane belong to the same class. After the hyperplane is

constructed, a (non-probabilistic) prediction can be made for a new observation, by checking

where the observation lies in the high-dimensional hyperspace. There could be many possible

hyperplanes that separate the two classes of data points, but the ‘optimal’ hyperplane is the

plane with the maximum margin. This means that hyperplane is chosen such that the distance

between the nearest training-data observations (of any of the two classes; called the ‘support

vectors’) and the plane is maximized.

In practice, a data set is usually not linearly separable and therefore a hyperplane cannot be

constructed. This problem is solved by using a so-called kernel function, that has to be specified

by the researcher. The kernel function maps the original data into a high-dimensional feature

space. It follows that an optimal hyperplane can always be constructed in this feature space,

resulting in a global optimal solution. This thesis uses a linear kernel, because of its good com-

putation performance and because it was found that a linear kernel is usually sufficient for text

classification problems (Yang & Liu, 1999). Afterwards, when turning towards feature combin-

ation, this thesis will also use the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, for which Coussement

& Van den Poel (2008) state several advantages over other possible kernel functions. Using the

RBF kernel, it can be seen whether a non-linear kernel adds to the categorization performance


Page 19: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

of the SVM when combining textual and visual features.

Mathematically, the SVM algorithm can be formulated as follows, assuming a binary data

set that is linearly separable. Let yi denote the classification variable, such that yi ∈ {−1, 1}with xi ∈ Rn the corresponding vector of explanatory variables for observation i = 1, 2, . . . , N

and n the dimension of the training data space. Because the training data is linearly separable,

for every observation in the training set the following equations must hold:

w · xi + b ≤− 1, when yi = −1; (4)

w · xi + b ≥ 1, when yi = 1 (5)

with w being a weight vector and b a scalar. Rewriting and combining these equations gives:

yi(w · xi + b) ≥ 1. ∀i (6)

Equation (6) can be interpreted as finding two parallel boundaries at each side of the separating

hyperplane w · xi + b = 0, with the ‘support vectors’ lying at the boundary. Because finding

the optimal hyperplane implies maximizing the distance to these ‘support vectors’, the margin

width between the boundaries 2||w|| needs to be maximized. From this the following (constrained)

minimization problem can be formulated:



subject to yi(w · xi + b) ≥ 1(7)

which can be solved using a Lagrangian function. By formulating a Lagrangian, solving the

first order conditions and substituting back into the Lagrangian, the following expression can

be obtained:

maximize L(α) =∑i

αi −1




αiαjyiyjxi · xj

subject to αi ≥ 0 with i = 1, 2, . . . , N and∑i

αiyi = 0,(8)

where the Lagrangian multipliers are denoted by α. However, in practice the data used will

often not be linearly separable. Therefore a non-linear transformation Θ can be used to map

xi from its original space X to the higher dimensional feature space X ′, with Θ(xi) being the

resulting value of observation xi in the feature space X ′. One would expect that this mapping

to higher dimensions would give rise to computational complexity, however this is not the case.

As can be seen in the maximization criterion of (8), only the dot product of xi and xj has to be

calculated and consequently, only the inner product kernel has to be calculated in the feature


In the above formulation, non-linearly separable data was handled by using the kernel trick.

Now imagine the case where you observe a data set with two classes that are pretty much

separated, except for a small group of points that violate the linear separability criterion. Besides

using a non-linear kernel, this situation can be handled by introducing positive slack variables


Page 20: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

εi (relaxing the stiff condition of linear separability) in equations (4) and (5). This results in

the following adjusted minimization criterion:


2||w||2 + C



subject to yi(w · xi + b) ≥ 1− εi and εi ≥ 0,


with C being a cost parameter, penalizing the error terms. The resulting optimization problem,

that will be used in this thesis is:

maximize L(α) =∑i

αi −1




αiαjyiyjΘ(xi) ·Θ(xj)

subject to 0 ≤ αi ≤ C with i = 1, 2, . . . , N and∑i

αiyi = 0.(10)

The Linear SVM algorithm is implemented using the LinearSVC function of the scikit-learn

library in Python. Default parameters are used, tuning the hyperparameter C using a 5-fold

cross validated grid-search over the values C = {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100}.

Logistic Regression: The second classifier that is used is the Logistic Regression (LR), also

known as the Multinomial Logistic Regression in a multiclass setting. The logistic regression is

commonly used to model a binary/ordinal dependent variable based on one or more independent

variables (predictors), assuming a linear relation between the log-odds and the predictors. In

the logistic regression, the logistic function is used to convert log-odds to probabilties, although

there also exists analogous models that use alternative functions (e.g. sigmoid function in the

probit model). Technically, the logistic regression is not a classifier, as it only models the

probability of a certain output class based on the input features. However, using the class

probabilities, one can easily assign observations to classes.

Mathematically, under a multinomial logistic regression model, the probability that obser-

vation x belongs to class i is defined as shown in Equation 11. Here, we follow the notation

that an example belonging to class i is denoted as y(i) = 1 and y(i) = 0 otherwise. It follows


P(y(i) = 1

∣∣∣x,w) =exp




) , (11)

for i ∈ {1, . . . ,m}, where w(i) denotes the weight vector corresponding to class i and the

superscript T implies a vector/matrix transpose.

Because of the normalization condition on the class probabilities, the weight vector for one

of the classes does not need to be estimated. Therefore, without loss of generality the last weight

vector can be set equal to zero w(m) = 0. The remaining model parameters are determined

using maximum likelihood estimation, maximizingn∏j=1

P (yj |xj ,w), where w denotes the con-

catenated vector of parameters to be learned. This corresponds to maximizing the log-likelihood


Page 21: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features


L(w) =n∑j=1

logP (yj |xj ,w)



y(i)j w

(i)Txj − logm∑i=1




In practice, the Logistic Regression is often used in combination with some form or reg-

ularization, in order to prevent overfitting of the classification algorithm. This thesis uses l2

regularization, which adds a penalty term 12w

Tw to the log-likelihood function in Equation 12.

In order to tune the regularization, a constant C is added to the non-regularization part of the

log-likelihood function, resulting in the following regularized log-likelihood function:

L(w) =1

2wTw + C



y(i)j w

(i)Txj − logm∑i=1


)], (13)

which is minimized using the SAGA solver (Defazio, Bach & Lacoste-Julien, 2014) implemented

in the scikit-learn library in Python. It follows from Equation 13 that setting a higher value

of C results in less regularization, as the part 12w

Tw becomes relatively smaller compared to

the total value of the log-likelihood function. The hyperparameter C is chosen in a similar way

as with the support vector machine, using a 5-fold cross validated grid-search over the values

C = {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100}.

4.2 Visual features

Besides classifying our documents using purely textual features, we also investigate classification

using only visual features, before looking into a classification method that combines both types

of features. This section further explains how the visual classification is performed.

From the literature review it follows that current state-of-the-art visual classification per-

formance is obtained by using (deep) convolutional neural networks (CNN). Therefore, this

thesis focuses on using a CNN to perform visual classification. For doing so, the methodology

for this thesis loosely follows the methodologies of Afzal et al. (2017) and Das et al. (2018).

The main idea that this thesis follows when performing visual classification is: extracting

visual features by using a pre-trained VGG16 model (Simonyan & Zisserman, 2014) and con-

sequently using the extracted visual features to train a shallow neural network model, in order to

perform (visual) classification. The subsequent parts cover: the general architecture of a neural

network, some specifics for convolutional neural networks, the concepts of backpropagation and

stochastic gradient descent, and the model design used in this thesis.

4.2.1 Neural Network architecture

In Figure 6a, a schematic overview of a neural network architecture can be seen. The basic

idea of a neural network is to create a mapping between an input layer and an output layer,

through a series of in between (hidden) layers. The input layer takes in raw data, in this case


Page 22: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

the pixel values of input images, and the output layer returns the wanted output based on the

input features, in this case the classification score for each category. Consequently, the input

document is classified into the category that gets the highest score. The small circles in each

layer in Figure 6a are so-called ‘neurons’, a central concept within the framework of neural


(a) Network design (b) Neuron

Figure 6: Schematic overview of Neural Network concepts

To explain the concept of a neuron, in general the analogy with a neuron within the human

brain is used. In our brains, neurons receive input through dendrites, which are connected to

other neurons. If enough input is received, a neuron will become active, resulting in an output

signal, which will be the next neuron’s input. A schematic overview of a neuron’s mathematical

equivalent, which forms the basis of neural networks, is shown in Figure 6b.

In Figure 6b, three inputs xi can be seen, each with their corresponding weights wi. The

weights wi reflect the degree of importance of the given connection in the neural network. Within

the neuron in Figure 6b, a weighted sum z is taken over the inputs, including a bias term b.

Afterwards, the sum is taken as input for the (non-linear) activation function f , which forms

the output of the neuron shown. In general, a single activation function is a relatively simple

mathematical transformation. However, when stacking several layers of non-linear functions,

the resulting network can capture complex, highly non-linear patterns, resulting in often very

good classification performance.

In matrix notation, the mathematical relation between different layers can be described as:

zl = wlTal−1 + bl,

al = f(zl),(14)

where al is the activation vector of layer l and zl is the weighted input to the neurons in layer

l. The latter is linearly dependent on the activation vector al−1 of the previous layer, the

corresponding weights wl and the corresponding bias vector bl. Moreover, the superscript T

again implies a vector/matrix transpose and f denotes the (non-linear) activation function that


Page 23: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

is applied element wise to the weighted sums. Going forward, we will use matrix notation, but

it is good to note that the jth element of zl can be calculated as follows: zlj =∑k

wljkal−1k + blj ,

with k in this case being the number of neurons in the (l − 1)th layer.

The exact type of activation function differs for different types of neurons. A typical example

of a type of neuron is a binary logistic unit, also known as sigmoid neuron, for which the

activation function is given by: f(z) = 11+e−z . Other commonly used neurons types are the

perceptron, tanh and rectified linear unit (ReLU). This thesis uses the ReLU (Nair & Hinton,

2010) as activation function for the hidden layers, as it is considered to be a good default choice

for the hidden layers by Goodfellow, Bengio & Courville (2016). The reasons Goodfellow et al.

give for this are: the ReLU is easily optimized, has a large and consistent derivative at each

point where the ReLU is active and has a second derivative that is zero in almost all situations.

Formally, the ReLU is defined as:

f(z) = max(0, z). (15)

The only thing to note when using the ReLU is that Equation 15 is not differentiable at

z = 0. However, in practice software implementations usually return either the left or the

right derivative, which can be heuristically justified by the observation that the gradient-based

optimization is subject to numerical (rounding) errors anyway (Goodfellow et al., 2016).

The activation function used in the output layer is the softmax function, as we would like

to represent a probability distribution over the number of classes in our classification prob-

lem. Intuitively, the softmax function can be seen as a generalization of the sigmoid function.

Mathematically, it is defined as:

softmax(zi) =exp(zi)∑nj=1 exp(zj)

. (16)

Attractive properties of the softmax function are that exponentiation results in strictly positive

values, while the denominator ensures that the output values over all classes together sum to


4.2.2 Convolutional Neural Networks

The hidden layers in a neural network are formed by neurons, that apply simple mathematical

operations on the weighted inputs they receive, running the result of the operation through an

activation function onto the next hidden layer. A special mathematical operation that is often

used when processing data that has a grid-like structure (such as the pixels in images), is the

convolution. Neural networks that apply this operation are therefore known as convolutional

networks or convolutional neural networks (CNNs) (LeCun, Boser, Denker, Henderson, Howard,

Hubbard & Jackel, 1989). This subsection explains the theory of a CNN based on three concepts:

local receptive fields, weight sharing and pooling, following the work of Nielsen (2015).

When explaining the concept of a CNN, it helps to think in two (or three) dimensions,

corresponding to for example an image. A local receptive field can be thought of as a little


Page 24: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

window, that slides over the input layer (image), thereby forming a connection between the

input layer (e.g. the pixels of an image) and the hidden layer. To be more precise, each neuron

in the hidden layer is connected to a small region of the input layer, for example a region of

5 × 5 pixels. This concept can be seen in Figure 7a. The complete hidden layer is formed by

sliding the window over the complete input layer, usually moving one pixel at the time, although

different stride lengths can be used.

The value of the neuron in the hidden layer can then be calculated by taking the values of the

input layer and multiplying them with the 5×5 weights corresponding to the local receptive field

(window), summing the result, adding it’s bias and applying the nonlinear activation function.

Important to note is that the weights corresponding to the window are shared, in contrast to

the situation described before, where each neuron had it’s own weights. Because of the shared

weights, one can think of the sliding window as detecting the same feature in different locations

in the image, for example detecting a vertical edge throughout the complete picture. The

combination of the local receptive field with it’s shared weights and bias is often referred to

as filter or kernel. Moreover, the resulting hidden layer that is obtained by applying a specific

filter over the complete input layer is referred to as feature map. In order to detect multiple

features, a convolution layer usually consists of multiple feature maps, as is shown in Figure 7b.


Hidden layer

(a) Local receptive field

228 x 228input layer

3 x 224 x 224 hidden layer

(b) Multiple feature maps

Figure 7: Schematic overview of CNN concepts

The third concept that is usually present in CNNs is the concept of a pooling layer. A

pooling layer is often used directly after one or more convolutional layers. Essentially, a pooling

layer simplifies the output of the convolutional layer, by repeatedly summarizing small input

regions, in a similar fashion as convolutional layers do. An example of a pooling layer is a

layer where each neuron takes the maximum value of 2× 2 neurons in the previous layer. This

is known as max-pooling, but other pooling techniques such as average-pooling or L2 pooling

might also be used. Intuitively, pooling can be thought of as asking the network whether a given

feature is present somewhere in a region of the image, but throwing away the exact positional

information. In the context of image classification, this would translate to checking whether

a certain logo is present somewhere in the header of the image, although the exact position

might differ from document to document. An added benefit of applying a pooling layer is that

it greatly reduces the dimensionality of the neural network, thereby increasing the statistical

efficiency of the network (i.e. reducing the computational cost of training the network). An

example of a convolutional layer followed by a pooling layer is shown in Figure 8.


Page 25: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

3 x 112 x 112poolinglayer

228 x 228input layer

3 x 224 x 224 convolution


Figure 8: Schematic overview convolutional + pooling layer,

based on figure in Nielsen (2015)

4.2.3 Backpropagation

In the previous section, it was shown how the input features x01, . . . , x0k form the neurons in the

first (input) layer l0. The next layer is then formed by taking the summed weighted values of

these neuron and transforming them by means of an activation function, to form the second

layer in the network, being the first hidden layer l1. Consequently, the same steps are repeatedly

applied for all N hidden layers and for the output layer lN+1. The result is a mapping of input

features to a number of output neurons, that correspond with the number of classes, in case of

a classification problem.

When training a neural network, the goal is to learn the weights that determine the mapping

between the different layers in the network. This is done by minimizing a loss function, that

has to be chosen by the researcher. Although finding the optimum of the loss function may

be done analytically in a small neural network setting, this is usually not possible when the

network size increases due to the large number of variables. In order to minimize the loss

function and optimize the learned weights, neural networks nowadays usually use a technique

called backpropagation at training time (Rumelhart, Hinton, Williams & others, 1988).

The goal of backpropagation is to compute the partial derivatives ∂L∂wl


and ∂L∂blj

of the loss

function L with respect to any weight wljk or bias blj in the network, and consequently use

these partial derivatives to minimize the overall loss function using Stochastic Gradient Descent

(SGD) (Nielsen, 2015).

Before we derive the partial derivatives, we first note that ∂L∂bl

= ∂L∂al



∂bland ∂L

∂W l =∂L∂al



∂W l share a common component: ∂L∂al


∂zl . Therefore, we define the local error δlj of

neuron j in layer l as:

δlj ≡∂L∂zlj

. (17)

Next, we define an equation for the error δN+1j in the output layer lN+1. Moreover, we define a

relation between the errors in different layers, which we can use to propagate the error backward

through the network. Consequently, by combining these two equations, we are able to easily

calculate the error for each layer, which is the strength of the backpropagation algorithm.

First, define the influence of the error δN+1j of neuron j in the output layer on the loss

function as:

δN+1j =



f ′(zN+1j ). (18)


Page 26: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Looking at Equation 18, two terms can be seen. The first term, ∂L∂aN+1


, measures the degree

of change in the loss function, as function of the j-th output activation. From the chain rule

follows the second term, f ′(zlj), the derivative of the activation function used in the output layer,

evaluated in zL+1j . As equation 17 is defined component wise, it can rewritten in matrix-based

form to ease further derivation of the backpropagation formula’s:

δN+1 = ∇aL � f ′(zN+1), (19)

with ∇aL being a k-dimensional vector containing the partial derivatives ∂L∂aN+1


for all k neurons

in the output layer, f ′(zl) containing in a similar fashion the partial derivatives f ′(zN+1j ) for

j ∈ 1, . . . ,m and � being the Hadamard product.

As a second step, define an equation for the error δl in terms of δl+1, the error in the next


δl = ((wl+1)Tδl+1)� f ′(zl), (20)

with wl+1 being the weight matrix for the (l + 1)th layer, containing the weights between the

the lth and the (l + 1)th layer. Intuitively, Equation 20 shows how the error at the (l + 1)th

layer passes through the network to the previous layer, via the transposed weight matrix. By

taking the Hadamard product with f ′(zl), the error subsequently moves backwards through the

activation function in layer l, which gives the result in Equation 20.

Using Equation 14, Equation 19 and Equation 20, it is possible to calculate the partial derivat-

ives ∂L∂wl


and ∂L∂blj



= al−1k δlj and∂L∂blj

= δlj . (21)

4.2.4 Stochastic Gradient Descent

Using the partial derivatives calculated by means of backpropagation, the loss function can

be minimized using iterative optimization algorithm such as Gradient Descent. The idea of

Gradient Descent is to calculate the gradient of L(θ) for the current value of θ, and then take

a small step in the direction of the negative gradient. Mathematically, this can be denoted as:

θnew = θold − α∇θL(θ), (22)

with θnew being the updated parameter values, ∇θL(θ) being the gradient of L(θ) and α being

the step size or learning rate. Because the loss function is in general not convex, it is not

guaranteed that the gradient descent algorithm converges to a global solution. It might also

be the case that the found optimal solution in fact is only a local optimum, or even that the

algorithm does not converge at all within the specified number of iterations.

However, next to these problems, calculating the gradient itself is computationally expensive

when the number of training observations increases. Therefore, one can use Stochastic Gradient

Descent (SGD) in order to reduce the computation time Bottou (2010). The idea of SGD is:


Page 27: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

instead of calculating the gradient ∇θL(θ) completely, estimate the gradient in each iteration

using a random sample of m′ observations B ={x(1), . . . ,x(m

′)}∈ X, also known as a mini-

batch. Provided that m′ is large enough, the calculated average gradient over the mini-batch is

expected to be roughly equal to the average gradient over the whole sample, being:∑mj=1∇θ,xjL(θ)


X ∇θ,xL(θ)

n= ∇θL(θ), (23)

where the last part holds provided that the chosen loss function is such that L(θ) = 1n

∑ni=1 Li(θ).

In practice, choosing a large value for m′ might result in a slower convergence speed, due to less

added variance in the optimization problem, while choosing a small m′ might result in noisy

gradient estimates (Li, Zhang, Chen & Smola, 2014). Typically, the mini-batch size m′ is chosen

to be relatively small, ranging from one to a few hundred observations (Goodfellow et al., 2016).

Next to plain (vanilla) SGD, a multitude of related optimization techniques have been pro-

posed in literature that automatically adapt the learning rates of model parameters, such as

AdaGrad (Duchi, Hazan & Singer, 2011), RMSProp (Tieleman & Hinton, 2012) and Adam

(Kingma & Ba, 2014). This thesis uses the Adam algorithm, the most recent of these three,

although no major difference was observed when using RMSprop.

4.2.5 Model design

The model design for the document classification based on the visual features is inspired by

the methodology of Das et al. (2018). The basis is formed by the VGG16 model (Simonyan &

Zisserman, 2014) trained on the popular ImageNet data set (Deng et al., 2009). A schematic

overview of this model is shown in Figure 9.

From the pretrained VGG16 model the top layers are excluded, keeping the rest of the layers

as feature extraction layers. This means that the first five blocks (18 layers in total) of two

(three respectively) convolutional layers followed by a pooling layer are used with pretrained

weights. Based on the output of the last pretrained layer a new set of top layers is trained, in

order to finetune the neural network for the specific data set at hand. To be able to use the

data set with the VGG16 model, as a preprocessing step the input document are resized to be

224 by 224 pixels and standardized.

Because of the computational complexity, a limited set of design options is considered for

the shallow top network. For the Rabobank data set, the dimensionality of the fully connected

top layer(s) is initially varied to be 1024, 2048 or 4096 wide, while also varying the number of

fully connected layers between one and two. In total, this gives six different models that are

tried in a cross-validation setting. The dimensionality of the top layer is explicitly chosen to

be smaller than the top layers in the original VGG16 model, because of the relatively limited

size of the Rabobank data set. For the fully connected layers the ReLu activation function is

used. Moreover, the Adam optimizer is used with a learning rate of 2e−4, using categorical

cross-entropy as loss measure, optimizing the accuracy in the validation fold. As regularization

measure we use a dropout of 0.5 between the fully connected layers.


Page 28: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features


t Lay

er: 2

24 x


x 3


x 22

4 x



x 11

2 x


56 x


x 25


28 x


x 51


14 x


x 51


Conv1: 2 layers64 filters 3x3 Conv2: 2 layers

128 filters 3x3Conv3: 3 layers256 filters 3x3

Conv4: 3 layers512 filters 3x3

Pooling 2x2Pooling 2x2

Pooling 2x2

Pooling 2x2Pooling 2x2

Conv4: 3 layers512 filters 3x3

7 x

7 x


Fully connected2 layers, dim.: 4096,

Dropout: 0.5



: 100

0 cla


Transfer Learning Adapted & trained

Figure 9: Schematic overview of model architecture based on VGG16 model,

based on figure in Das et al. (2018, p. 3)

For the RVL-CDIP data set, a slightly different model design strategy is considered. With

respect to the design of the CNN, we adhere to the VGG16 model, with two top layers consisting

of 4096 fully connected neurons. Instead, we vary the number of layers that are retrained.

Initially, the same approach is used as with the Rabobank, extracting visual features using the

convolutional blocks of the VGG16 network and (re)training the two fully connected top layers.

Afterwards, another model is estimated, this time extracting visual features using only the first

four convolutional blocks (the first 14 layers), (re)training both the last convolutional block and

the two fully connected top layers. By doing so, more parameters are trainable, resulting in a

more flexible model, that should theoretically be able to yield better classification performance.

The reasons for using this different model design strategy are threefold: first of all, because

the RVL-CDIP data set is considerably larger than the Rabobank data set, it is not needed to

change the dimensionality of the top layers. Second of all, adhering to the model architecture

of the VGG16 model enables better comparison with previous results in literature. Last of

all, by varying the number of trainable layers, the computational complexity of the model is

also varied. This gives insight in the trade off between statistical performance (classification

accuracy) and the computational performance (amount of time needed for training/scoring).

4.3 Combination of features

After classifying our data sets based on purely textual and purely visual features, it is of interest

to see whether combining both types of features can give more classification power. In order

to combine our features, we use decision-level fusion. This means that the features are not

directly combined by concatenating them, but that the both types of features are used through

the previously made classification models, with their respective optimal hyperparameters. A

schematic overview of this approach is shown in Figure 10a. These classifiers, the logistic


Page 29: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Data set

Textual features Visual features

Optimaltextual model

Optimalvisual model

Combined features


modelMeta classifier

Level-0 classifiers

Feature extraction

Hyperparameter tuning

Feature combination

(a) Model stacking

F1 F2 F3 F4 P1

F1 F2 F3 F5 P2




1st iteration

2nd iteration

3rd iteration

4th iteration

5th iteration

Training folds Prediction

Training set

Training set

Train set level 0 classifier

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Train set meta-classifier

Predicted by level 0 classifier

Predicted by meta-classifier

Test set

PredictLevel 0 classifier

PredictLevel 0 classifier

(b) Training meta-classifiers

Figure 10: Schematic overview of feature combination

regression for the textual features and the CNN for the visual features, are referred to as the

level-0 classifiers. In order to combine the predicted class probabilities of the level-0 classifiers,

a meta-classifier is used. We consider two deterministic methods and three probabilistic models

as meta-classifiers. The next section describes each of the combination methods, followed by a

short discussion on how the meta-classifiers are fitted.

Meta-classifiers: Five different methods are considered to combine the predicted class prob-

abilities obtained from the level-0 classifiers, two deterministic methods and three probabilistic

methods. The baseline is formed by two simple deterministic methods: averaging and mul-

tiplying the predicted class probabilities. These methods are used because of their simplicity,

resulting in both fast and understandable models, that do not need additional training. Next to

these deterministic methods, three probabilistic models are used as meta-classifiers. For these,

we choose the same models as used before; a logistic regression and a linear support vector

machine. Next to that, we add a non-linear classifier, being a support vector machine model

with the radial basis function kernel. This non-linear model is added in order to see whether

this adds additional classification performance over the two other linear models.

Training the meta-classifier: The stacking of models also has implications for the way in

which the meta-classifier is trained. The meta-classifier takes as input the class probabilities

predicted by the level-0 classifiers. Therefore, we need (unbiased) predictions for the train set,

made for observations that have not been used in the training of the level-0 classifiers. In


Page 30: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

order to generate these unbiased predictions, we essentially use a variation on the k-fold cross

validation algorithm, as shown in Figure 10b.

First, we split our training data in k folds (k = 5 in this thesis), denoted as F1, . . . F5 in

Figure 10b. Next, we fit a level-0 classifier on k − 1 folds and predict the kth fold, denoted as

P1. We repeat this step in order to generate predictions P1, . . . , P5 for each of the k folds, as

shown in the upper part of Figure 10b. Afterwards, the predicted folds are combined and used

to generate training data for the meta-classifier. Moreover, the level-0 classifier are retrained

on the entire training set. This is done for each of the level-0 classifiers, in our case for both the

textual and the visual features. When evaluating the model, a sample document from the test

set is first predicted by the level-0 classifiers. The combination of the level-0 predictions is then

used by the meta-classifier to form the final prediction (left part of Figure 10b). In order to

tune the hyperparameters of the meta-classifier (if needed), we use 5-fold cross-validation using

the combined predictions that form the training data for the meta-classifier.

4.4 Model evaluation

In order to evaluate the model performance, the primary performance measure will be the

accuracy of the predictions. However, it is known that accuracy tends to favor models that

primarily predict the larger classes. Therefore, accuracy is a less favourable evaluation measure

for data sets that are highly imbalanced. In order to further evaluate the model performance

with respect to the minority classes, this thesis also looks at the macro-averaged F1-measure

(Van Rijsbergen, 1986).

The macro-averaged F1-measure can be calculated by taking the (unweighted) average of

the F1,c-measure’s for each of the different classes c. In general, the F1-measure is calculated as


F1 = 2 · precision · recallprecision+ recall

, (24)

with precision defined as the ratio between the number of correct predictions and the total

number of predictions for a specific class, and recall defined as the ratio between the number

of correct predictions and the total number of observations in a specific class. Mathematically,

that is:

Precision =true positives

true positives + false positives

Recall =true positives

true positives + false negatives



Page 31: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

5 Results

This section presents the results of this thesis. First, the results obtained for the Rabobank

data set are discussed, followed by the results obtained for the RVL-CDIP data set.

5.1 Rabobank

In this section, we follow the structure that has also been used in the methodology section,

starting with classification based on textual features, followed by classification based on visual

features and concluding with classification based on the combination of both feature types.

First, we start with some preliminary results for the textual feature extraction.

Textual feature extraction

As a preliminary analysis, we investigate to what extent tf-idf is able to extract textual features

from the documents that seem intuitively correct. Therefore, we calculate the tf-idf scores for

the complete data set, average them over the separate classes and evaluate whether the top

10 terms per class can be considered reasonable (for that class). As there are 17 classes, with

similar patterns observed for different classes, we only show the results for four classes in Figure


In general it is observed that tf-idf is reasonably able to extract relevant features for the

Rabobank data set, as the terms match with what is expected based on the class definition.

Moreover, the effects of stemming and adding bigrams can clearly be seen. Next to that, some

interesting things are observed in Figure 11. First of all, it is seen that (part of) the class name

sometimes comes up as top tf-idf term, for example in Figure 11b. Next to that, it can also be

seen that the same term sometimes shows as top tf-idf term for another class, as we observe the

term borg not only in the category ‘Borgtocht’, but also for the category ‘Zekerhedenregeling’

in Figure 11a.

Besides the terms that are (closely related to) class names, we also observe terms that, at

first sight, appear to be quite general. An example of this is shown in Figure 11c, where the top

terms are any, or and the. Interestingly, these terms are not only in English, but also words

that would normally be filtered when using an English stopword list. However, when taking

into account the class for which these terms are found (Correspondence), it becomes clear that

these terms are probably found in the English disclaimer that is often included at the bottom

of sent emails. Further evaluation shows that the disclaimer indeed includes seven of the ten

terms shown in Figure 11c. Next to that, it can be seen that the average tf-idf score for this

class is much lower than for the other classes shown, which could be an indication that this

class is more difficult to classify and why relatively general terms come up as top tf-idf terms

for this class.

Last of all, we observe in Figure 11d that sometimes class names are not shown as top

tf-idf terms, although these class names are often found in documents of these classes. An


Page 32: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

0.00 0.05 0.10

ingeschrev handelsregister

jegen borg



debiteur vorder

netto opbrengst





Class 2


(a) Zekerhedenregeling

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

aldus opgemaakt

borg dient

kost gevolgd

goed borg


borg verklaart





Class 4


(b) Borgtocht

0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012











Class 21


(c) Correspondence

0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010











Class 28


(d) KvK extract

Figure 11: Top tf-idf terms for different classes

example is shown for the class in Figure 11d (Invoices). We had expected that the term factuur

would be shown, as a visual inspection showed that this term is included in virtually every

invoice document. However, this term is not found in the top 10 tf-idf terms, and upon further

inspection also not found in the top 25 terms. Our hypothesis is that this is related to the

downweighting of frequent terms in the tf-idf algorithm. As factuur is almost always shown

on documents within this class, combined with the fact that the invoice category is relatively

large compared to the entire document corpus, the result is that the word is downweighted and

therefore not shown in the top tf-idf terms.

5.1.1 Textual feature classification

Next, we turn towards the classification results based on the textual features. As described in

Section 4.1, a 5-fold cross-validated gridsearch was used over a set of hyperparameters in order

to find the classification model that yields the best result. Afterwards, this best model was

retrained using the complete training set and scored on the previously unseen test set.

From the hyperparameter search, several things can be seen immediately. First of all, it is

seen that models that apply l2 normalization strictly outperform models that use l1 normaliz-

ation. The latter models obtain accuracy figure ranging from 60% to 90% (averaged of the 5

folds), while the former models consistently score above 90% average accuracy. After correcting

for normalization, we find that models using the logarithmically scaled term frequency outper-

form models that use the raw count as term frequency in all but a few cases. Next to that, it

is observed that linear SVM models mostly outperform logistic regression models, except for

when the logistic regression model is tuned with a larger regularization constant C (implying

less strict regularization). Interestingly, the support vector machine algorithm is relatively ro-

bust for different values of C, whereas the classification performance of the logistic regression

decreases for smaller values of C to figures below 90% accuracy. This suggests that overfitting

is not much of a concern in the current application.

For the other hyperparameters, the effects are less clear. It is seen that different combinations

of hyperparameters yield slightly different classification performances, but both in terms of

absolute performance and in terms of variation between different folds, models score similarly.


Page 33: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Therefore, it appears that choosing the classification method and tuning its hyperparameters is

more important than the tuning the hyperparameter of the feature extraction method.

Table 1: Results textual hyperparameter gridsearch

Classifier Optimal Hyperparameters Performance CV1 Performance OOS2

N-grams Min. df Max. df Max. Features Norm. Term Frequency Accuracy F1 (macro) Accuracy F1 (macro)

LinearSVM (C=1) (1,2) 2 None None l2 log(1 + ft,d) 0.9597 0.9317 0.9622 0.9333

Logistic Regression (C=10) (1,2) 5 0.5 None l2 log(1 + ft,d) 0.9568 0.9271 0.9606 0.9177

1 Performance CV denotes the average classification performance obtained in the 5-fold cross validation.2 Performance OOS denotes the classification performance when scored on the quasi out-of-sample test set.

In the end, the best classification performance using only textual features was obtained

with a linear SVM classifier with regularization constant C = 1, using both unigrams and

bigrams, combined with a minimum document frequency (for terms to be included) of two, and

no maximum number of features. This model, together with the best scoring logistic regression

model is shown in Table 1. The linear SVM model was able to classify 95.97% of the documents

correctly, averaged over the five different folds. Scoring this model on the test set, which was

held out in the hyperparameter tuning, led to a marginally higher classification performance of

96.22%. From the classification report in Table 10 (Appendix A) it can be seen that the model

performs quite robust over different classes, obtaining a macro averaged F1-score of 0.933. The

best scoring logistic regression model did not perform much worse, and was found to score only

0.3% less accurate (in absolute terms) averaged over the five different folds. When scoring on the

held out test set the differences was even smaller, with the logistic regression model obtaining

96.06% accuracy.

5.1.2 Segmented textual feature classification

One of the primary disadvantages of tf-idf is that the order of words in a body of text is ignored.

This not only means that the context in which a word is placed is ignored, but also that it is

not taken into account in which section a word is used. Whereas losing contextual information

is often a problem when doing sentiment analysis, this information is usually less important for

document classification. However, ‘sectional’ information often is important when classifying

documents, as headers or titles sometimes contain more information than the body of a text.

This is for example the case for invoices or contracts, that often mention their document type

somewhere on top of the first page.

Therefore, we have adapted the tf-idf algorithm to run on specific segments of a document,

in order to capture the sectional information of the textual features in a document. As different

document types can potentially have different document sizes, the segments are defined to split

a document in n ×m equal rectangular parts, for the x and y axis respectively. This implies

that a segmentation of (x, y) = (2, 2) refers to splitting a document in four equal quarters,

while a segmentation of (x, y) = (4, 1) refers to splitting a document only on the x-axis, and

(x, y) = (1, 4) refers to splitting a document in a similar manner on only the y-axis.

Running the textual feature extraction in a segmented fashion introduces an additional


Page 34: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

hyperparameter, being the number of segments to use. As the documents in our set are in

general portrait oriented pages of size A4, we choose to limit the number of segments to a

maximum of 20 segments, dividing the x-axis in four parts and the y-axis in five parts. Next

to that, we try somewhat less granular segments with (x, y) = (3, 4) and (2, 3) respectively.

Moreover, we try segmenting the document over only the x or only the y axis, as this potentially

helps classifying document categories that mainly contain tables, such as the Checklist category.

Together with the (x, y) = (2, 2) segmentation, this forms a total of six different segmentations

that are initially tried. The other hyperparameter settings are taken from the (optimal) results

of the gridsearch ran previously (see Table 1). Therefore, we use a LinearSVM as classification

algorithm including unigrams and bigrams, with the other hyperparameters following from

Table 1.

The results for the 5-fold cross validated segmented textual classification are shown in Table

2. It can be seen that the accuracy scores for the different models are very close to eachother,

with the worst performing model scoring an accuracy that is only 0.29% lower in absolute terms

than the best performing model. Next to that, it is seen that for the 5-fold CV only the best

scoring segmented model, with segments (6, 1) and 95.98% accuracy, is able to outperform the

best performing unsegmented model, which scored 95.97% accuracy. However, because of the

segmentation, the feature extraction process is much more computationally expensive, resulting

in train and score times that scale with the number of segments used.

Table 2: Results initial hyperparameter gridsearch segmented textual models

Classification model Computational cost1 Performance CV2

Algoritm Segments (x,y) Train time (min.) Score time (min.) Accuracy F1-macro

LinearSVM (C=1) (1, 10) 14.32 17.66 0.9577 0.9312

(2, 2) 14.25 22.41 0.9592 0.9377

(2, 3) 20.94 25.16 0.9591 0.9367

(3, 4) 22.49 32.19 0.9569 0.9331

(4, 5) 36.14 49.64 0.9575 0.9302

(6, 1) 19.35 26.74 0.9598 0.9373

1 The train and score times are averaged over the five folds in the cross-validation. Results are obtained

on a Intel Xeon E5-2667 quadcore processor @ 3.2GHz. Computation times can be influenced by

other running processes and should therefore be only seen as indication of the true computational

load.2 Performance CV denotes the average classification performance obtained in the 5-fold cross valida-


Interestingly, the best scoring segmented model uses only splits on the x-axis, resulting

in documents that are divided in six vertical segments. Based on this finding, another set of

segmented models is trained, this time using only a varying number of vertical segments. The

results of this additional analysis are shown in Table 3. It is seen that varying the number of

vertical segments can yield some extra classification performance, with the best scoring model


Page 35: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

using not six but four vertical segments. Doing so results in an overall performance of 96.05%

accuracy, with an F1-score of 0.938 (averaged of the five folds). Scoring this model on the held-

out test set led to a classification performance that is marginally higher, at 96.34%, being 0.12%

higher than the best unsegmented model. However, when further inspecting the classification

report in Table 12 (Appendix A), no differences are seen for the category Checklist, although

this mainly contains tabular documents. For other categories there are small differences between

the segmented and unsegmented model, but no clear patterns are observed.

Table 3: Results additional hyperparameter gridsearch segmented textual models

Classification model Computational cost1 Performance CV2

Algoritm Segments (x,y) Train time (min.) Score time (min.) Accuracy F1-macro

LinearSVM (C=1) (2, 1) 11.56 12.33 0.9596 0.9360

(4, 1) 13.69 17.29 0.9605 0.9380

(6, 1) 16.62 22.36 0.9598 0.9373

(8, 1) 22.08 27.40 0.9600 0.9334

(10, 1) 26.01 32.82 0.9586 0.9320

(12, 1) 18.19 21.86 0.9602 0.9345

1,2 See notes in Table 2

Based on these results, we conclude that it is potentially useful to include structural inform-

ation in our classification models. Therefore, we continue with classification based on visual

features, to see whether only using visual (i.e. structural) information is a feasible method to

classify documents.

5.1.3 Visual feature classification

After classifying our Rabobank document set based on purely textual features, the next step is

to try and classify the documents using only visual features. As described in Section 4.2, we do

so by rescaling the document images to 224 by 224 pixels, extracting features using a pretrained

VGG16 model and taking these features as input for a shallow, fully connected neural network.

Table 4 shows the result of our 5-fold cross-validated hyperparameter search in the train

data. In total, six different models were fitted, experimenting with three dimensionalities (1024,

2048 and 4096) and either one or two layers. However, Table 4 shows only the results of the four

smallest models, as we were unable to fit the largest two models to our data set. This was due

to not having enough RAM memory to estimate the models. Although the 2048 dimensionality

model has two times the number of parameters compared to the 1024 dimensionality model, no

improvement is seen in the classification performance. Based on these results, we do not expect

that increasing the dimensionality even further to 4096 would have yielded better classification

results for this data set.

From the results of the four other models, it can be seen that the smallest model is found

to be the best performing model, both in terms of accuracy and in terms of the macro averaged


Page 36: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

F1-score. This model, with one layer consisting of 1024 fully connected neurons followed by

a softmax layer, obtained 89.54% accuracy in the cross validation and an macro-averaged F1-

score of 0.7977. Nonetheless, it is found that the even the best scoring visual classification

model performs considerably worse than the previously seen textual models. Similar patterns

can be seen when retraining the optimal visual model on the train set and scoring on the test

set. In Table 13 (Appendix A) we see that an overal accuracy of 91.04% is obtained, but that

the macro averaged F1-score is only 0.8323. This last figure is mainly cause by relatively lower

classification performance in class 2, 4, 16, 17 and 26, all classes with less observations.

Moreover, it can be seen in Table 4 that the visual features based CNN models have a much

higher computational cost (primarily at train time). Whereas training a linear SVM based on

unsegmented textual features took about 20 seconds, with a logistic regression model taking

about a minute longer, we find that training our neural network takes at least 28 minutes.

Furthermore, it is seen that the training time scales almost linearly with dimensionality, while

adding extra layers also increases the training time considerably. An exception to this appears

to be our largest model with two layers of 2048 neurons. However, further inspection of our

training logs reveal that the training of this model was prematurely stopped, as the model was

’stuck’ in a local minimum. We think this problem could be solved by further tweaking the

learning rate, but as we do not find our models improving with larger size, we leave this out of


A last observation that is made, is that the model with two layers of 1024 dimensionality

scores almost as good as the (best) visual model with one layer of dimensionality size 1024,

looking at the overall accuracy. However, when considering the macro averaged F1 score, it is

seen that model performance on the smaller classes is actually much worse. We hypothesize

that this is related to having not enough training samples for these specific classes, especially

considering the deeper model architecture.

Table 4: Results initial hyperparameter gridsearch visual models

Classification model Computational cost1 Performance CV2

Dimensionality Layers # of parameters Train time (min.) Score time (min.) Accuracy F1-macro

1024 1 25,708,561 28.71 0.42 0.8954 0.7977

1024 2 26,758,161 42.18 0.64 0.8871 0.6815

2048 1 51,417,105 64.67 0.68 0.8943 0.7963

2048 2 55,613,457 32.85 0.73 0.1915 0.0187

1 The train and score times are averaged over the five folds in the cross-validation. Results are obtained on a

Intel Xeon E5-2667 quadcore processor @ 3.2GHz. Computation times can be influenced by other running

processes and should therefore be only seen as indication of the true computational load.2 Performance CV denotes the average classification performance obtained in the 5-fold cross validation.

For completeness, we ran another 5-fold cross-validation, testing three additional models

with smaller dimensionalities. Based on our previous results, we chose single layer models with

dimensionalities of 128, 256 and 512. The results of this second cross-validation can be found


Page 37: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

in Table 5. In this table, it can be seen that the performance of the smaller models appears

not to be much worse than the larger models’ performance, looking at the accuracy figure that

range from 86.07% (dim. size 128) to 89.20% (dim. size 512). However, when taking the macro

averaged F1-scores into account, it is seen that the loss in accuracy is disproportionately high

for the smaller classes. Therefore, it is concluded that the best performing visual classification

model is the model with one layer of 1024 fully connected neurons (followed by the softmax

layer, which is similar for all tested CNN models).

Table 5: Results additional hyperparameter gridsearch visual model

Classification model Computational cost1 Performance CV2

Dimensionality Layers # of parameters Train time (min.) Score time (min.) Accuracy F1-macro

128 1 3,213,585 5.53 0.33 0.8607 0.5854

256 1 6,427,153 16.72 0.44 0.8796 0.6564

512 1 12,854,289 33.85 0.63 0.8920 0.7565

1,2 See notes in Table 4

5.1.4 Combined features classification

Besides classifying our document using only textual or only visual features, we now look at the

combination of both features types. As both types of features can capture different document

characteristics, it is of interest to see whether the combination of features yield better model

performance than obtained so far in this thesis. In order to do so, the optimal models found

in Section 5.1.1 and 5.1.3 (the level-0 classifiers) are used to obtain a set of predicted class

probabilities for each document. However, instead of using the textual linear SVM model,

we use the best found logistic regression model as level-0 classifier. The reason for this lies

in the fact that no predicted class probabilities are obtained as output for the linear SVM

model, but only the signed distance of observations to the fitted hyperplane. For the visual

features, the single layer model with dimension size 1024 is used as level-0 classifier. This set of

predicted class probabilities, consisting of m predicted probabilities based on textual features

and m predicted probabilities based on visual features per observation, are used as input for

the combined classification model (the meta-classifier). Here, m denotes the number of classes

in our classification problem, which was 17 for the Rabobank document set.

For the meta-classifier, five different methods are considered, as described in Section 4.3. In

Table 6 the results for each of the considered methods are shown, together with the best found

hyperparameters (if applicable). Recall that the best unsegmented textual classification model

yielded 96.22% OOS classification accuracy, with the best visual classification model scoring

91.04% respectively. However, the best textual classification model used the linear SVM as

classification algorithm, but the textual feature input of the combined model comes from the

logistic regression classifier, which yielded 96.06% OOS classification accuracy. In Table 6 it is

seen that only the three statistical meta-classifiers are able to outperform this last figure. In


Page 38: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

other words, only the three statistical meta-classifiers lead to better (combined) classification

results than would have been obtained when classifying using only the textual features. From the

three statistical meta-classifiers, it can be seen in Table 6 that the SVM with linear kernel scores

best on OOS accuracy, with 96.42% of the observations classified correctly. The corresponding

classification report can be found in Table 14 in Appendix A.

Although the absolute differences in classification performance compared to the previous

textual and visual model are quite small, these results do indicate that it is a good idea to

combine features. Table 6 shows that the three statistical models give classification results that

are better than would have been obtained by classifying on the inputs separately. Moreover, we

find that simply combining the inputs by means of averaging or multiplying is not necessarily

a good idea, as the obtained accuracy of 95.18% is lower than the 96.06% accuracy that would

have been obtained by only using textual features.

Table 6: Results combined features classification

Meta-classifier Performance CV1 Performance OOS2

Accuracy F1 (macro) Accuracy F1 (macro)

Average n.a. 0.9518 0.8868

Multiply n.a. 0.9518 0.9145

Logistic Regression (C=100) 0.9567 0.9262 0.9626 0.9294

Linear SVM (C=1) 0.9584 0.9303 0.9642 0.9280

Rbf SVM (C=100) 0.9576 0.9277 0.9630 0.9274

1 Performance CV denotes the average classification performance obtained in the 5-fold

cross validation. As the Average and Multiply method do not have hyperparameters,

no cross-validated performance measures are given for these meta-classifiers.2 Performance OOS denotes the classification performance when scored on the quasi

out-of-sample test set.

This section concludes the results obtained based on the Rabobank data set. We have seen

that the absolute differences between different methods and different models were quite small.

Therefore, we continue with a larger data set, that is potentially more difficult to classify. This

enables us to further validate the results obtained so far.


Page 39: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features


Next we turn to the classification results obtained for the (academic) RVL-CDIP data set

(Harley et al., 2015). The RVL-CDIP data set is (more or less) comparable with the Rabobank

data set, containing documents for which both images and text is available. Moreover, the

number of classes (16) is similar as in the previous data set, although they are balanced (unlike

the 17 (included) classes in the Rabobank data set). The classes itself are different, but some

categories are found in both data sets, such as “correspondence/email” and “factuur/invoice”.

Two important data characteristics that differ between the data sets are the size and the

age of the data. The RVL-CDIP data is considerably larger than the Rabobank data set and

covers 400, 000 documents, equally divided over 16 classes, with 320, 000 documents as train

set, and 40, 000 documents as validation and test set respectively. This difference in number

of observations could prove important for the visual classification models, as it is known from

literature that (deep) CNNs benefit from additional training data. Moreover, the RVL-CDIP

data set is older, with documents primarily dating between 1960 and 2002. This could impact

the textual classification performance, as preliminary data analysis showed that the OCR quality

for older documents is often less than for newer (digitally created) documents.

We continue our results for the RVL-CDIP data set by first classifying using only textual

features, then classifying using only visual features and lastly by using the combination of both

textual and visual features.

5.2.1 Textual features classification

When classifying our second data set using only textual features, we use a slightly different

approach than for the first data set. Because the process of textual feature extraction is com-

putational heavy, we choose to fix the hyperparameters that are related to this step. Moreover,

like in Section 5.1.1, the hyperparameters of the textual feature extraction are less important

than the hyperparameters of the classifiers used afterwards. Therefore, we do not expect that

our results would change much by varying the feature extraction hyperparameters.

Based on the results obtained from the Rabobank data set, we choose to include unigrams

and bigrams, we set the minimum term document frequency on five, the maximum document

frequency on 0.5, and the maximum number of features on 2,000,000. This implies that unigrams

and bigrams that occur in between five and 160,000 documents are included. In total, this led to

a dictionary size of 1,942,832 included terms. In Table 7 the classification results using textual

features are shown for the RVL-CDIP data set. We see again that the linear SVM model yields

slightly better classification performance than the logistic regression, with 86.46% OOS accuracy

versus 86.22% for the logistic regression. Moreover, the same optimal hyperparameter values

for the regularization constant are found as with the previous data set. For both classifiers, the

classification report when scored on the test set can be found in Appendix B in Table 15 and

Table 16, respectively.


Page 40: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 7: Results textual models

Classifier Textual Hyperparameters1 Performance CV2 Performance OOS3

N-grams Min. df Max. df Max. Features Norm. Term Frequency Accuracy F1 (macro) Accuracy F1 (macro)

LinearSVM (C=1) (1,2) 5 0.5 2000000 l2 log(1 + ft,d) 0.8642 0.8655 0.8646 0.8663

Logistic Regression (C=10) (1,2) 5 0.5 2000000 l2 log(1 + ft,d) 0.8609 0.8624 0.8622 0.8638

1 The tf-idf hyperparameters were fixed for all models, due to limited computational resources. Moreover, it was found that the hyperparameters of the

classifiers were more important than the hyperparameters of the feature extraction.2 Performance CV denotes the average classification performance obtained in the 5-fold cross validation, done using the train set of 320,000 observations.3 Performance OOS denotes the classification performance when scored on the quasi out-of-sample test set (39,999 observations).

5.2.2 Visual feature classification

After having classified the RVL-CDIP data set using textual features, we turn towards visual

classification. From literature, it is known that the current best performing visual classification

method for this data set was proposed by Das et al. (2018). First they used intra-domain transfer

learning, retraining a full VGG16 deep CNN to obtain an accuracy of 91.11%. Afterwards, they

used the obtained weights to stack five region based CNNs to obtain a state-of-the-art accuracy

of 92.21%.

Because of computational limitations, we were not able to follow the model architecture

of Das et al. (2018). As can be seen in Table 8, training their full model for 20 epochs (the

mentioned number in the paper of Das et al. (2018)) would take over two weeks on our setup.

Instead we created two smaller CNN models, based on features that are extracted from a VGG16

network that was pretrained on the ImageNet data set. Next to that, we used the model weights

as obtained and shared by Das et al. (2018) to create predictions for the validation and test set.

Interestingly, we were not able to replicate their results, presumably due to using a different

software framework3.

From Table 8 it can be seen that our larger model scored 88.01% and 87.64% accuracy on the

validation and test set respectively, after having trained our model for eight epochs. Moreover,

we observe that this is about 4% better in absolute terms than the performance of the smaller

model, which takes about half the training time. See also Table 17 (Appendix B).

Table 8: Results visual models

Classification model Computational cost1 Performance Val.2 Performance OOS3

Name Model architecture # of parameters Train time Score time Accuracy F1-macro Accuracy F1-macro

Small model 2 Fully Connected (FC) 4096 119,611,408 33 min. 39 sec. 0.8349 0.8352 0.8355 0.8351

Large model 3 Conv. 3× 3× 512 + MaxPool 2× 2 + 2× FC4096 127,485,472 1 hour 100 sec. 0.8801 0.8801 0.8764 0.8761

Literature (replicated) Hollistic VGG16 (Das et al., 2018) 134,326,096 n.a. 350 sec. 0.8644 0.8637 0.8620 0.8612

Literature Hollistic VGG16 (Das et al., 2018) 134,326,096 19 hours 350 sec. 0.9111 4

1 The computational costs are indications, as obtained running on the Google Cloud platform, on a 8 core server, with 52gb of RAM and a Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU. Training

times are per epoch. Score time is for 40,000 observations.2 Performance Val denotes the classification performance obtained when scoring on the held-out validation set.3 Performance OOS denotes the classification performance when scored on the quasi out-of-sample test set.4 Accuracy figure as mentioned by Das et al. (2018), we could not replicate this due to computational limitations.

Based on the results of Das et al. (2018) we hypothesize that additional training time

combined with retraining not only the last layers, could yield another 3.5% classification per-

3We have contacted Das et al. to sort out this issue, and would like to thank them for their co-operation in

this matter.


Page 41: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

formance. However, this thesis implements another strategy. Therefore, we continue with our

large visual model and combine this with our logistic regression based textual model.

5.2.3 Combined feature classification

Table 9 shows the results obtained by combining both types of features through the different

meta-classifying methods. We observe that all methods yield considerable improvements in

classification performance, with the simple averaging method scoring already 92.75% accuracy.

We find this improvement quite remarkable considering that the class probabilities that are used

as input for the meta-classifier came from classification models that did not score higher than

87.64% accuracy. This proves that combination of features provides additional information over

using only textual or visual input.

Next to that, we (again) find that the more advanced statistical meta-classifiers score better

than the (simpler) average and multiply method. In Table 9 we observe the best classification

performance for the non-linear radial basis function (rbf) kernel SVM meta-classifier. This

model, obtains a state-of-the-art classification accuracy of 93.51%. To our knowledge, this is the

best classification accuracy seen for the RVL-CDIP data set to date, bringing an improvement

of 1.3% in absolute terms over the computationally heavier stacked CNN approach of Das et al.

(2018). For this model, the corresponding classification report can be found in Table 18 in

Appendix B.

Table 9: Results combined features classification

Meta-classifier Performance CV1 Performance OOS2

Accuracy F1 (macro) Accuracy F1 (macro)

Average n.a. 0.9275 0.9272

Multiply n.a. 0.9332 0.9331

Logistic Regression (C=1) 0.9347 0.9348 0.9338 0.9338

Linear SVM (C=10) 0.9329 0.9328 0.9335 0.9333

Rbf SVM (C=100) 0.9345 0.9346 0.9351 0.9350

1 Performance CV denotes the average classification performance obtained in the

5-fold cross validation. As the Average and Multiply method do not have hyper-

parameters, no cross-validated performance measures are given for these meta-

classifiers.2 Performance OOS denotes the classification performance when scored on the quasi

out-of-sample test set.


Page 42: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

6 Conclusion and discussion

The goal of this thesis was to classify financial documents using both textual and visual features,

studying what is the best way to use both types of features. In order to do so, documents were

first classified using one of the two features types only. For text, this was done using tf-idf as

feature extraction method, combined with a linear classifier. For visual input, features were

extracted using a pretrained (deep) CNN and classified using a (shallow) fully connected neural

network. Moreover, this thesis proposes to combine textual and visual features by means of

decision-level fusion. This implies stacking models, using the predicted class probabilities of the

textual and visual classification models as input for a meta-classifier.

The main findings of this thesis are the following. First of all, it was found that classifica-

tion using both textual and visual document information is often superior than using only the

one or the other. This was especially seen for the RVL-CDIP data set, where the combined ap-

proach yielded the best classification performance to date, outperforming advanced classification

methods that used only visual features. Besides, it is seen that good classification performance

already can be obtained using only textual features, applying the simple tf-idf feature extraction

method and a linear classifier. Although tf-idf brings a relatively large number of hyperpara-

meters that have to be set, their influence is found to be modest. Last of all, when using only

visual features for document classification, is it seen that CNNs in combination with transfer

learning yield good classification performance. By using transfer learning one can leverage fea-

tures learned from (for example) the ImageNet data set, which also proves to be beneficial in

the context of document (image) classification. However, visual classification techniques are

computationally more expensive than the textual methods and require a considerable amount

of training data to be available.

In this thesis, a data set was used that was made available by the Rabobank, containing a

little over 11,000 labeled observations. However, this data set proved to be both relatively easy

to classify and can be considered only of moderate size, which is a limitation for this research.

In order to overcome this limitation, the proposed methods were also applied to the RVL-CDIP

data set. Although we consider this data set to be comparable, the different data sources have to

be kept in mind when generalizing (preliminary) results. Ideally, it would have been preferable

to replicate our complete methodology for both data sets, but this was computationally not

feasible. Not having more available computational resources is a second limitation of this

research. Therefore, we could not (fully) replicate more advanced visual models, that could

have potentially increased the visual and overall classification performance even further.

Finally, this thesis can form the basis for further research into the combination of different

types of (document) features. While this thesis applied decision-level fusion, further research

could focus on feature-level fusion or perhaps on novel combination techniques. Moreover, this

work used only one feature extraction method per type of feature. Future research could extend

this, focusing on whether different feature extraction techniques can extract complementary

information from the same type of features.


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Page 48: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Appendix A - Rabobank

Table 10: Classification report optimal linear SVM model (text)

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

2 Zekerhedenregeling 1.0000 0.9286 0.9630 14

4 Borgtocht 0.9412 1.0000 0.9697 16

6 Lease-overeenkomst 0.9870 0.9769 0.9819 389

8 Kredietgoedkeuring 0.9458 0.9522 0.9490 293

15 Overige documenten Lease 0.9811 0.9630 0.9720 54

16 Hoofdelijke medeschuldverbintenis 1.0000 0.5000 0.6667 6

17 Aanhangsel lease 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3

18 Leasevoorwaarden 0.8605 0.9487 0.9024 39

19 Lease-offerte 0.7955 0.8537 0.8235 41

20 SEPA-machtigingsformulier 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5

21 Overige correspondentie klant 0.9854 0.9543 0.9696 635

23 Jaarcijfers 0.9633 0.9459 0.9545 111

24 Checklist 0.9956 0.9784 0.9869 231

25 Uitboeking 0.9643 0.9474 0.9558 114

26 KVK extract 0.8769 0.9048 0.8906 63

28 Factuur 0.9490 0.9907 0.9694 432

29 Betaalbewijs lease-object 0.8542 0.9762 0.9111 42

Accuracy 0.9622 2488

Macro Avg. 0.9470 0.9306 0.9333 2488

Weighted Avg. 0.9634 0.9622 0.9623 2488

(Optimal) hyperparameters used: unigrams and bigrams included, min. term

document frequency (df) = 2, max. term df = None, max. features number =

None, normalization used: l2, term frequency type: logarithmically scaled, SVM

regularization constant C = 1.


Page 49: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 11: Classification report optimal logistic regression model (text)

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

2 Zekerhedenregeling 1.0000 0.9286 0.9630 14

4 Borgtocht 0.9375 0.9375 0.9375 16

6 Lease-overeenkomst 0.9794 0.9769 0.9781 389

8 Kredietgoedkeuring 0.9360 0.9488 0.9424 293

15 Overige documenten Lease 0.9804 0.9259 0.9524 54

16 Hoofdelijke medeschuldverbintenis 1.0000 0.5000 0.6667 6

17 Aanhangsel lease 1.0000 0.6667 0.8000 3

18 Leasevoorwaarden 0.8605 0.9487 0.9024 39

19 Lease-offerte 0.7907 0.8293 0.8095 41

20 SEPA-machtigingsformulier 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5

21 Overige correspondentie klant 0.9791 0.9591 0.9690 635

23 Jaarcijfers 0.9633 0.9459 0.9545 111

24 Checklist 1.0000 0.9784 0.9891 231

25 Uitboeking 0.9818 0.9474 0.9643 114

26 KVK extract 0.8769 0.9048 0.8906 63

28 Factuur 0.9532 0.9907 0.9716 432

29 Betaalbewijs lease-object 0.8696 0.9524 0.9091 42

Accuracy 0.9606 2488

Macro Avg. 0.9476 0.9024 0.9177 2488

Weighted Avg. 0.9615 0.9606 0.9606 2488

(Optimal) hyperparameters used: unigrams and bigrams included, min. term

document frequency (df) = 5, max. term df = 0.5, max. features number = 20,000,

normalization used: l2, term frequency type: logarithmically scaled, logistic regression

constant C = 10.


Page 50: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 12: Classification report optimal segmentation model (text)

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

2 Zekerhedenregeling 0.9333 1.0000 0.9655 14

4 Borgtocht 1.0000 0.9375 0.9677 16

6 Lease-overeenkomst 0.9845 0.9769 0.9806 389

8 Kredietgoedkeuring 0.9426 0.9522 0.9474 293

15 Overige documenten Lease 0.9811 0.9630 0.9720 54

16 Hoofdelijke medeschuldverbintenis 1.0000 0.6667 0.8000 6

17 Aanhangsel lease 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3

18 Leasevoorwaarden 0.8837 0.9744 0.9268 39

19 Lease-offerte 0.7955 0.8537 0.8235 41

20 SEPA-machtigingsformulier 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5

21 Overige correspondentie klant 0.9762 0.9669 0.9715 635

23 Jaarcijfers 0.9902 0.9099 0.9484 111

24 Checklist 0.9956 0.9784 0.9869 231

25 Uitboeking 0.9732 0.9561 0.9646 114

26 KVK extract 0.8750 0.8889 0.8819 63

28 Factuur 0.9572 0.9838 0.9703 432

29 Betaalbewijs lease-object 0.8913 0.9762 0.9318 42

Accuracy 0.9634 2488

Macro Avg. 0.9517 0.9403 0.9435 2488

Weighted Avg. 0.9642 0.9634 0.9635 2488

(Optimal) hyperparameters used: unigrams and bigrams included, min. term

document frequency (df) = 2, max. term df = None, max. features number =

None, normalization used: l2, term frequency type: logarithmically scaled, SVM

regularization constant C=1. Segmentation used: (X,Y ) = (4, 1).


Page 51: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 13: Classification report optimal CNN model (visual)

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

2 Zekerhedenregeling 0.7500 0.6429 0.6923 14

4 Borgtocht 1.0000 0.6250 0.7692 16

6 Lease-overeenkomst 0.9223 0.9769 0.9488 389

8 Kredietgoedkeuring 0.8736 0.8020 0.8363 293

15 Overige documenten Lease 0.9615 0.9259 0.9434 54

16 Hoofdelijke medeschuldverbintenis 1.0000 0.1667 0.2857 6

17 Aanhangsel lease 1.0000 0.6667 0.8000 3

18 Leasevoorwaarden 0.8333 0.8974 0.8642 39

19 Lease-offerte 0.6400 0.7805 0.7033 41

20 SEPA-machtigingsformulier 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5

21 Overige correspondentie klant 0.9200 0.9417 0.9307 635

23 Jaarcijfers 0.9512 0.7027 0.8083 111

24 Checklist 0.9824 0.9654 0.9738 231

25 Uitboeking 0.9722 0.9211 0.9459 114

26 KVK extract 0.7467 0.8889 0.8116 63

28 Factuur 0.9124 0.9398 0.9259 432

29 Betaalbewijs lease-object 0.8696 0.9524 0.9091 42

Accuracy 0.9104 2488

Macro Avg. 0.9021 0.8115 0.8323 2488

Weighted Avg. 0.9128 0.9104 0.9090 2488

Model architecture used: # of layers = 1, dimensionality size = 1024.


Page 52: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 14: Classification report linear SVM combined features model

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

2 Zekerhedenregeling 0.8667 0.9286 0.8966 14

4 Borgtocht 0.9333 0.8750 0.9032 16

6 Lease-overeenkomst 0.9921 0.9692 0.9805 389

8 Kredietgoedkeuring 0.9488 0.9488 0.9488 293

15 Overige documenten Lease 0.9808 0.9444 0.9623 54

16 Hoofdelijke medeschuldverbintenis 1.0000 0.5000 0.6667 6

17 Aanhangsel lease 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3

18 Leasevoorwaarden 0.8605 0.9487 0.9024 39

19 Lease-offerte 0.8085 0.9268 0.8636 41

20 SEPA-machtigingsformulier 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5

21 Overige correspondentie klant 0.9747 0.9701 0.9724 635

23 Jaarcijfers 0.9722 0.9459 0.9589 111

24 Checklist 1.0000 0.9784 0.9891 231

25 Uitboeking 0.9818 0.9474 0.9643 114

26 KVK extract 0.8769 0.9048 0.8906 63

28 Factuur 0.9640 0.9907 0.9772 432

29 Betaalbewijs lease-object 0.8511 0.9524 0.8989 42

Accuracy 0.9642 2488

Macro Avg. 0.9418 0.9254 0.9280 2488

Weighted Avg. 0.9654 0.9642 0.9643 2488

(Optimal) hyperparameters used: Model based on optimal hyperparameters

found in textual and visual models. Regularization constant of linear SVM C = 1.


Page 53: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Appendix B - RVL-CDIP

Table 15: Classification report optimal textual linear SVM model (C = 1)

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

0 Letter 0.8899 0.8231 0.8552 2464

1 Form 0.8789 0.7997 0.8374 2506

2 Email 0.9721 0.9424 0.9570 2516

3 Handwritten 0.7813 0.7800 0.7806 2532

4 Advertisement 0.8447 0.7332 0.7850 2515

5 Scientific report 0.8355 0.7950 0.8148 2498

6 Scientific publication 0.8901 0.9257 0.9075 2571

7 Specification 0.9463 0.9405 0.9434 2472

8 File folder 0.6102 0.8896 0.7239 2527

9 News article 0.8686 0.8372 0.8526 2463

10 Budget 0.9071 0.8850 0.8959 2505

11 Invoice 0.9138 0.8946 0.9041 2477

12 Presentation 0.8450 0.8433 0.8442 2489

13 Questionnaire 0.9124 0.9281 0.9202 2435

14 Resume 0.9817 0.9724 0.9770 2537

15 Memo 0.8828 0.8435 0.8627 2492

Accuracy 0.8646 39999

Macro Avg. 0.8725 0.8646 0.8663 39999

Weighted Avg. 0.8723 0.8646 0.8662 39999

Hyperparameters used: unigrams and bigrams included, min. term

document frequency (df) = 5, max. term df = 0.5, max. features number

= 2, 000, 000, normalization used: l2, term frequency type: logarithmic-

ally scaled, linear SVM regularization constant C = 1.


Page 54: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 16: Classification report optimal textual logistic regression model (C = 10)

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

0 Letter 0.8878 0.8190 0.8520 2464

1 Form 0.8752 0.8005 0.8362 2506

2 Email 0.9720 0.9380 0.9547 2516

3 Handwritten 0.7749 0.7994 0.7869 2532

4 Advertisement 0.8169 0.7396 0.7763 2515

5 Scientific report 0.8298 0.7942 0.8116 2498

6 Scientific publication 0.8923 0.9218 0.9068 2571

7 Specification 0.9499 0.9349 0.9423 2472

8 File folder 0.6232 0.8908 0.7333 2527

9 News article 0.8622 0.8356 0.8487 2463

10 Budget 0.9020 0.8822 0.8920 2505

11 Invoice 0.9105 0.8870 0.8986 2477

12 Presentation 0.8359 0.8309 0.8334 2489

13 Questionnaire 0.9135 0.9199 0.9167 2435

14 Resume 0.9816 0.9669 0.9742 2537

15 Memo 0.8834 0.8331 0.8575 2492

Accuracy 0.8622 39999

Macro Avg. 0.8694 0.8621 0.8638 39999

Weighted Avg. 0.8692 0.8622 0.8637 39999

Hyperparameters used: unigrams and bigrams included, min. term

document frequency (df) = 5, max. term df = 0.5, max. features number

= 2, 000, 000, normalization used: l2, term frequency type: logarithmic-

ally scaled, logistic regression regularization constant C = 10.


Page 55: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 17: Classification report best visual model

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

0 Letter 0.8367 0.8819 0.8587 2464

1 Form 0.7566 0.7889 0.7724 2506

2 Email 0.9589 0.9817 0.9701 2516

3 Handwritten 0.9270 0.9431 0.9350 2532

4 Advertisement 0.9141 0.8974 0.9057 2515

5 Scientific report 0.7546 0.7314 0.7428 2498

6 Scientific publication 0.9384 0.9004 0.9190 2571

7 Specification 0.9202 0.9001 0.9100 2472

8 File folder 0.8975 0.9632 0.9292 2527

9 News article 0.8893 0.9001 0.8947 2463

10 Budget 0.8481 0.8467 0.8474 2505

11 Invoice 0.8963 0.8724 0.8842 2477

12 Presentation 0.7863 0.8027 0.7944 2489

13 Questionnaire 0.8338 0.8012 0.8172 2435

14 Resume 0.9542 0.9279 0.9408 2537

15 Memo 0.9128 0.8780 0.8951 2492

Accuracy 0.8764 39999

Macro Avg. 0.8765 0.8761 0.8761 39999

Weighted Avg. 0.8769 0.8764 0.8764 39999

Model architecture used: Feature extraction using first four convo-

lutional blocks of VGG16, followed by training 3 Convolutional layers

3 × 3 × 512, a max pooling layer 2 × 2, 2 fully connected layers of size

4096 + softmax 16 classes.


Page 56: Classifying Documents using both Textual and Visual Features

Table 18: Classification report rbf kernel SVM combined features model

Class name Precision Recall F1-score Support

0 Letter 0.9107 0.9188 0.9147 2464

1 Form 0.8652 0.8603 0.8627 2506

2 Email 0.9791 0.9869 0.9830 2516

3 Handwritten 0.9560 0.9526 0.9543 2532

4 Advertisement 0.9490 0.9392 0.9440 2515

5 Scientific report 0.8783 0.8695 0.8739 2498

6 Scientific publication 0.9539 0.9502 0.9521 2571

7 Specification 0.9574 0.9555 0.9565 2472

8 File folder 0.9658 0.9731 0.9694 2527

9 News article 0.9269 0.9269 0.9269 2463

10 Budget 0.9331 0.9250 0.9290 2505

11 Invoice 0.9393 0.9370 0.9382 2477

12 Presentation 0.8810 0.9044 0.8925 2489

13 Questionnaire 0.9366 0.9466 0.9416 2435

14 Resume 0.9905 0.9823 0.9863 2537

15 Memo 0.9374 0.9318 0.9346 2492

Accuracy 0.9351 39999

Macro Avg. 0.9350 0.9350 0.9350 39999

Weighted Avg. 0.9352 0.9351 0.9351 39999

Optimal) hyperparameters used: Model based on (optimal) hyper-

parameters found in textual and visual models. Regularization constant

of RBF kernel SVM C = 100.