classroom mangament plan

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  • 7/29/2019 Classroom Mangament Plan


    Mrs. Ross,

    Aspiring Elementary Teacher

  • 7/29/2019 Classroom Mangament Plan


    Part I:

    Classroom OrganizationWhat will the classroom look like?

    I have designed a primary elementary classroom in which I feel sets up an

    inviting and conversation-based classroom. Student desks are formed where they

    are facing one another in groups or communities of four, allowing for

    collaborative work and conversation. However, no student is facing away fromthe dry erase board where some instruction will take place. There is also a large

    group rug in which interactive large group activities will take place. For

    example, with the use of the Smartboard students will be able to move objects on

    the screen in a math lesson or Skype with a classroom in another country for a

    social studies lesson.

    The students also have interests areas set up throughout the room. The library

    center has a short, but long, bookshelf that contains book baskets of specific

    reading levels or student interests as well as books that are culturally diverse.

    Books that are a part of the specific unit taught will be displayed on top of this

    shelf so students may have their own access to these texts. The area also

    provides an Ipad Cart where students may explore e-books or educational apps

    with an Ipad and headphones. Beanbags are provided to sit on, or students many

    rest by the bookshelf and window. The wall in the library contains two large

    maps, a world map and a U.S. map, at the students eye level. These maps are

    placed in the library so that students may further explore the origin and cultures

    associated with texts read-aloud or available in the classroom.

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    Near the library are the writing and art areas. These areas are placed here so that

    students may engage in expression of what they are learning in a variety of ways.

    A writing table and two-sided easel are provided. Supplies, pencil sharpener, and

    wastebasket are provided as well.

    The science and math center is located on the opposite side of the library. This

    area will be using many hands on materials for students to explore and that may

    be messy, so the sink is in close proximity as well as a waste basket. This area is

    located near a window because students will be growing plants in this area as


    My desk is near the door of the classroom, but I do not plan to be in my desk very

    often. This is where the phone is located. The students also have a coat closet

    that is near the door as well so that they can place these inside as soon as they

    enter the classroom, but it is placed so that it does not cause a traffic jam at the

    door. The guided reading table is set in a corner so that it is fairly secluded for

    small group instruction and/or assessment. My chair, however, is facing the rest

    of the classroom so that I may monitor the rest of the students while working

    with some.

    Overall, I feel this classroom provides interaction between teacher and student,

    student and student, as well as the opportunity for individual study and

    exploration. However, changes to the environment may be necessary and are

    dependent on how students themselves react to the classroom set up.

    How the will the classroom work?

    What will be the teacher record-keeping procedures?

    I will have a binder for record keeping of assessments and grades for each subject.

    A template with the name of each child in the class along with a place to take

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    notes will be used for assessments. This will be used to track a childs

    progress/special needs and also assist in creating small groups. Graded materials

    will be marked in this book as well as the rubrics these grades are based upon.

    The graded materials will be given back to the students with the rubric and a

    copy will be kept in a file cabinet so that I may refer back to specific details ifnecessary.

    Students will also be monitored in their daily behavior. Using a monthly

    calendar, how students do on a 7 color system (Appendix A) will be self-recorded.

    A color will be shaded in for each day for the teachers own records, and the

    students will also be asked to shade in their color at the end of the day and reflect

    on Something I did well today and What I can do the same or differently


    How will new students be welcomed into the room?

    New students will receive a Welcome Packet from the teacher. This packet will

    include the Need to Knows i.e. main classroom procedure and rules, where things

    are located, what supplies will be needed. The new student will be given the

    materials and instructions to create a T-Shirt that describes themselves and

    their interests to be added to the wall and will also be assigned a Classroom

    Buddy for their first week based on their interests.

    How will the classroom be kept orderly and kids desks clean?

    Each student will be assigned a team for classroom cleanup of the centers. The

    names of the team members will be displayed at childs eye level in the center

    they are responsible for. At the end of the day, these teams will be responsible for

    making sure their assigned area is clean and organized.

    Each student will also be individually responsible for keeping his or her desk

    clean. This task will be associated with how much the student earns for their

    Days Pay (Appendix B).

    How will students artwork be displayed?

    Each student will have his or her own Art Portfolio binder that will be placed in

    the Art Center. Each student will also have on display in the Art Center an

    artwork of their choice. This project will be framed with scrapbooking paper

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    with the childs explanation of the project and his or her name and the date.

    These featured artworks will be changed in the middle of each month, and the

    previously displayed artwork will be sent home.

    Class art projects may also be displayed in the hallways near the classroom or on

    students lockers if the school permits. Project that relate to units of study will be

    placed on the walls around the room.



    PROFESSIONAL ETHICSWhat is the classroom discipline plan?

    Establishing initial group rules/expectations?Rules will be discussed as a class in the first week of school. Following the

    discussion, there will be 3 or 4 outlined rules put on poster display, written

    largely. The circumstances or examples of what fits into the general rule that the

    students provided will be written around it. (Looks Like/Sounds Like)

    As the year progresses, ideas of what it means, for example, to BE

    RESPECTFUL, or to follow other school-wide rules, can be added so that the

    classroom rules are continually being addressed and the students are reminded of


    What are consequences for breaking class rules?

    After the classroom rules are created the first week, the second week will focus on

    consequences for following these rules and consequences for breaking these rules.

    These consequences will be based on a 1st, 2nd, 3rd consequence system and will be

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    reflected on the 7 color behavior chart. Because the class rules do include

    behaviors, such as not Disrupting or offending another student during class, this will

    be handled in the same way. When students are at the 3rd negative consequence,

    this is the point and where parents/guardians will become involved and a phone

    call will be made home.

    Breaking school-wide and district-wide rules?

    Severe rules that are broken in or outside of the classroom that are handled in a

    specific manner throughout the school or district will be handled according to

    that policy (i.e. if a child cheats or gets into a physical altercation). Under these

    circumstances, parents/guardians or the principal will become involved.

    How is student conflict on the playground, in the halls, or at lunch handled?

    If a conflict involving students occurred outside of the classroom was not dealt

    with or is still unresolved, students will be asked to grab an Appointment Card

    from the teachers desk. Those involved will write their names on the card and

    use a magnet to place it onto the whiteboard. Time will be taken to discuss the

    problem during individual work time or center time. This will also be used if a

    student is being disrespectful to you or to other teachers in order to give them the

    opportunity to explain the reason for this behavior. A plan will be written out,

    together as student and teacher, and what each of you can do to prevent future

    problems and what future consequences will be if these actions continue. It willbe signed by myself and the student and placed in classroom records.

    How will student inattentiveness or lack of motivation, and incomplete

    work be handled?

    Many of the discussions, classwork, and projects will be based on students and

    their own interests, which will hopefully help students stay attentive and

    motivated. Attentiveness to class and classwork will also be given positive praise

    and rewards. Extra effort and attentiveness can be rewarded by moving up onthe 7 color behavior chart. Completing work will be a part of the Days Pay

    (Appendix B), which will help with motivation of completing tasks. If a child is

    trying to complete work, but is unable to because extra guidance or time may be

    needed, then this child will be given time in the classroom to do so.

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    How is student tardiness handled?

    Tardiness will be associated with how much the student earns on their Days

    Pay. If tardiness becomes excessive, the teacher will schedule an Appointment

    with that student and a plan will be written out to prevent future problems and

    what future consequences will be if the tardiness continues. This plan will be

    signed by the student, the teacher, and a parent or guardian.

    How will professional ethics be shown on

    the part of the teacher?

    Lounge gossip?

    If I am in the lounge when gossip about staff or students is taking place, I willchoose not to participate in this part of the conversation. If a colleague attemptsto involve me, I will politely change the subject.

    What if you do not get along with a colleague?

    If I have a disagreement or conflict with a colleague, I will be respectful of theiropinion and stay professional. If this conflict causes problems with mine or his orher job performance, than I will seek advice from my supervisor.

    What if you do not agree with the leadership strategies or views of yourprincipal?

    I will do my part to respectful of schools views and teaching strategies. I willalso offer input and suggestions during professional development or staffmeetings that may be beneficial to school growth and success. If I feel that theprincipal may have differing views than my own, I will again be respectful, butoffer support and researched information to different strategies and techniques ofteaching and learning.

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    ROUTINES ANDPROCEDURESWhat will the students DO?Student sharing

    Students will be encouraged to share during many classroom activities. Because

    students have different comfort levels with sharing aloud, different styles of

    sharing will be used. For small group work, it is part of the group work rubric

    that every student participates (rubric found in record-keeping binder).

    Room helpers

    Room helpers will be assigned each day using a clothespin system. Each

    students name will be on a list near the front of the room on a rotating system

    (clothespins will move down the list of names). The job list is below:

    Line Leader Door holder Paper Person

    Attendance Helper Pencil Sharpener Messenger

    Supply Helper Phone Answerer

    Librarian Inspector

    Each job will have two students assigned to it-one will be assigned for the

    morning and the other will be assigned for the afternoon. Jobs will be coded with

    different colors for the a.m. and p.m. and set on opposite sides of the class list.

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    Use of free time

    There are several opportunities during the day for students to be working

    independently or in partners. Expectations and procedures of how to make use of

    this time and to find independent work will be practiced in the first 2 weeks, and

    reviewed when necessary. Areas of the room used for choice activities will have

    their own set of rules posted inside of the centers.

    Activities for students if finished with their work

    If students finish their large group work early, they will have the opportunity to

    work on their weekly take-home assignments (although a parent signature is still

    needed). They will also have the opportunity to work in their journals or find an

    independent learning center. Teacher approval that work is complete will be

    needed before these tasks begin, so the student should raise their hand and havetheir work checked before they move on to one of these activities. These options

    will be written on the board as a reminder to students of what they can be doing.

    Doing homework

    Students will be expected to complete 1 math and 1 reading assignment each

    week. A monthly calendar sheet will be placed in their binder, on the HOME

    side, which will have the assignment title written on Saturday and Sunday of each

    week. Students will be given opportunities throughout the week to completethese assignments during class, but will need a parent signature on the calendar

    as well as the completed assignments with them by Tuesday of the following

    week (binders will be checked as students are working on daily board work).

    Students will earn a bonus for each day an assignment is early, and a pay

    deduction for each late day, up to 3 days. Reminders will go home with the

    student, and a parent signature is still necessary. If the assignments are still

    incomplete by Thursday, the student will finish the assignment during center

    rotation or recess and parents will be communicated with by email, note, or phone


    Handing in papers

    For homework, students will switch over completed assignments from the

    HOME side to the SCHOOL side of their binder. For handing in papers that are

    completed in large group, students will place their table groups papers into a pile

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    that is placed in the front/middle of their desks. The Paper Person will then

    collect these piles from the desks and bring to them to the teachers desks in the

    IN box. When working independently and in small groups, students will be

    responsible for bringing completed work to the IN box before he or she moves on

    to other work.

    Passing out papers/announcements

    Papers will be passed out by the Paper Person when students are working at their

    desks. Graded papers will be placed into the students Daily Binder and a copy

    will be kept with the teachers filed records.

    Announcements will be verbally read in the morning, posted near the door, and

    any announcements that need to be relayed on to parents will be placed in the

    students binders.

    Bathroom procedures and getting a drink

    Students will be encouraged to use the restroom and to get a drink during certain

    transitions in the day. However, there will be bathroom passes displayed by the

    door of the room. There will be 1 girls pass and 1 boys pass for the bathrooms.

    There will be a single pass for the drinking fountain, if one is not located in the


    Dismissal for and going to recess, lunch, specials & end of the day

    Prior to dismissal times, students will be in large group discussion, reflection, or

    read aloud, which will take place on the large group rug. From here, students

    will be dismissed by the teacher using transition games or by who is showing a

    good example.

    Going on field trips

    Field trip information will be given to parents 1 month prior to. It will also be

    mentioned in the bi-weekly communication bulletin as a reminder.

    Students will discuss field trips prior to going and questions they will want to ask

    on the field trip. A KWL Chart will be filled out to accomplish this task.

    Students will then be able to reflect afterword through classroom discussion,

    independent journal writing, etc.

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    How will students be differentiated?

    Assisting students who dont understand directions or tasks

    Students will be assessed prior to, during, and after concepts are taught to make

    sure that each student understands the material being taught in the classroom. If

    students are in need of more assistance, referrals will be made to benefit that

    students ability to learn.

    Challenge for gifted or high ability students

    Again, much of the classroom work and instruction will be done in small groups.

    Gifted and high ability students will be challenged by product, process, and/or

    content depending on the lesson and their interests. Resources will be used to

    plan and guide these adaptations.

    What will parent-teacher communication

    look like?

    How will regular communication with parents be held?

    A bi-weekly communication bulletin will be posted online to keep parents updated

    on what is going on in the classroom. For students who do not have internet

    access, a printed copy of information will be made and placed in student binders.

    Parents will also be signing their students weekly assignment calendar and their

    behavior calendar, located in each students take-home binder, so that parents are

    kept informed on their childs progress. Written notes from or to parents can

    also be placed here for daily communication. Parents will also be encouraged to

    email or set up a time to talk with me by phone or in person if desired.

    Preparing for and conducting parent conferences

    Parent-teacher conferences will be conducted in a way that is respectful to thestudent, the parents, and their family culture as well as respecting the schools

    mission statement and strategies of instruction. The teacher will be prepared

    with documentation, assessment information, student work, and grade standards

    so that they and the parents can work together towards the students best


  • 7/29/2019 Classroom Mangament Plan


    Appendix A

    REDOutstanding-On Fire!!!

    ORANGEGreat Choices

    YELLOWGood choices

    GREENReady to Learn!

    BLUEReminder of Expectations

    PURPLETime to Think

    PINKParent Contact

  • 7/29/2019 Classroom Mangament Plan


    Appendix B

    Days Pay

    Every school day, you have the opportunity to make $3 dollars

    in your Days Pay. This is the chance to make $15 dollars

    each school week! The following must be done to earn your

    pay. It is ALL OR NOTHING for each day-

    1. Arrive to class on time

    2.Complete your daily job and classroom duties- including

    keeping desk clean

    3.Complete classroom and take-home assignments

    Each Friday, you will have the choice to save your weekly

    earnings or purchase item(s) from our class store.