classroom rules and procedures welcome to mrs. magner’s math class

Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Magner’s Math Class

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Page 1: Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Magner’s Math Class

Classroom Rules and ProceduresWelcome to Mrs. Magner’s

Math Class

Page 2: Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Magner’s Math Class

Classroom RulesBe Respectful - of your teacher, of

your peers, of the learning time, of materials

Be Responsible - for being prepared to work, with assignments, cleaning workspace

Be Perseverant – keep working, keep trying, keep your group on track, ask questions, attempt it ALL

Page 3: Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Magner’s Math Class

School RulesTransition quietly* between classesBe on time and prepared with all

materialsFollow school dress codeFollow instructions the first time givenRespect self, others, space and property

*inside voice, 3” voice

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How do I know how I’m doing?Consequences

Verbal warning Chill out seat Parent contact :-/ Silent lunch Detention Team/student

conference Parent conference Counselor referral Office referral


Special treats Ice-cream Parent contact Written note home Computer time Minute with Magner

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SWEET!!!! Earn “cupcakes” *When you don’t ‘strike out!’ *For an awesome

solution/participation Room clean & tidy without

reminders from me *100% completed homework *Class test average of 80% or


15 “cupcakes” earns a treat!!

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Restroom ProceduresWe will go to the restroom as a

class at designated times*.All restrooms will be checked for

cleanliness by the teacher (or a

helper) before entering and before leaving the restroom area.

We will line up quietly and walk silently in the hallways.

*go after breakfast/during homeroom

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What if I have an emergency?

You will need your agenda.Sign out on the Restroom

Clipboard.Sign out in your agenda and

I will initial it.Go directly to the 6th grade

Academy office

Page 8: Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Magner’s Math Class

Getting StartedCome in quietly and get your

math journalPut your homework on desk/table

ready to be picked up by the Homework Captain. Make sure your name is on it!!

Get Weekly Target Time Sheet and begin work

Page 9: Classroom Rules and Procedures Welcome to Mrs. Magner’s Math Class

During a lessonListen carefully , always be ready to

take notes, respond, and participateBe sure you and your neighbors can

participateRaise your hand to ask questionsTransition quickly and quietly when

moving into group workUse time wisely and complete classwork

I speak…I listen! Me hablar…¡me escuchar!

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Heading for Work on loose paper

NameDateActivity or page #

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Work in the journal Turn to the NEXT clean page. Fill out the table of contents completely Put a heading on the page Organize work left to right, top to bottom

Rags to Riches LCM game

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Group WorkEveryone listens to directionsEveryone participates in the activities

and discussions.Respect others’ opinions and inputsEveryone keeps records in their


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After the Lesson/Activity

Complete summarizing activityNeatly put up your journal and/or turn

in work according to directions

Copy your homework in your agendaClean your work area

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How much is each assignment worth?

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Grading Scale

90-100 A80-89 B74-79 C70-73 D69 < U

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Can I find a listing of homework assignments on the Internet?

It is your responsibility to write your homework down in your agenda daily.

Most days, your homework will be posted on my web page. (


Teacher webpages

Magner, Laura

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Progress Reports You will receive at least three progress

reports each nine week period. Progress reports must be signed by

parent and returned the next day. Parents will be contacted if progress

report is not returned.

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Parent CommunicationParents will be calledfrequently for manyReasons.

Job well doneAcademic progressSchedule conferencesBehavior concerns* All communication with parents

is documented

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Character counts in our class!

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Bully Free Zone…If you expect RESPECT… Be the first to show it…

Use the Magner Mail…

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Positivity is a Must!!!

The only negative things allowed are


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At Lilburn Middle School, we have Mustang PRIDE.


and we are ENGAGED!Why do we have PRIDE?

Because our success depends on it!

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We will have a wonderful 2012-2013!