clause (part 7 of 10)-defining & non-defining relative clause

Md. Abdul Kader Lecturer Department of English Cambrian College Mobile: +8801715447430 Email : [email protected] Welcome to all of you. English Grammar Class-IX-XII

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By the end of the lesson you will be able to … •define defining relative clauses. •define non-defining relative clauses. •explain punctuation rules with the defining and non-defining relative clause. •mention the use of wh-words.


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Md. Abdul Kader Lecturer

Department of EnglishCambrian College

Mobile: +8801715447430Email :

[email protected]

Welcome to all of you.

English GrammarClass-IX-XII

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Lesson: Types of Adjective Clause

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Learning Outcome

• define defining relative clauses.

• define non-defining relative clauses.

• explain punctuation rules with the defining and non-defining relative clause.

• mention the use of wh-words.

By the end of

the lesson

you will be able

to …

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Types of Adjective /Relative Clause

There are two kinds of adjective clauses:

They are-

Non-defining (or non-essential)


Defining (or essential)


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Non-defining (or non-essential) clauses

An adjective clause that is non-essential to the basic meaning of a sentence. Non-defining clauses add extra information about somebody or something which could be left out and the sentence would still make sense. This extra information is separated from the main clause by commas. For example:The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine.(We don't need this information to understand the sentence. "The desk in the corner is mine" is a good sentence on its own--we still know which desk is referred to.)

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Likewise:John ,  who  is  sitting  on  my  right  , is  left-handed.

International students, who pay high tuition, often want to skip levels in the program.

The  film,  which  was  shot  in  Mexico,  has won an Oscar. 

Non-defining (or non-essential) clauses

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Non-defining (or non-essential) clauses

Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like all  of,  many  of + relative pronoun:

Person Thing all of + whom + which any of + whom + which (a) few of + whom + which both of + whom + which each of + whom + which either of + whom + which half of + whom + which many of + whom + which most of + whom + which much of + whom + which none of + whom + which one of + whom + which two of etc... + whom + which

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Non-defining (or non-essential) clauses

Examples:There were a lot of people at the party, many  of  whom I had known for years.He was carrying his belongings, many of which were broken.

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Non-essential adjectival clauses should not begin with “that” and we can’t omit the Relatives:-I liked Toy Story, which I’ve seen recently. (not “that”, no Omission) -Shakespeare, whom you just mentioned, is the most famous British playwright. (not “that”, no Omission) -I’ve found my keys, which I had been looking for. (not “that”, no Omission)

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Defining (or essential) clauses

An adjective clause that is essential to the basic meaning of a sentence. They define, give us essential information about a general term or expression. Essential adjective clauses are not set off by commas. Example:The students who missed the test yesterday need to talk to the teacher.(There are many students, but only a small group of them missed the test. These are the students who need to talk to the teacher.)

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Defining (or essential) clauses

More examples:The person who is sitting on my right is left-handed.          The  gentleman who  dropped  his  wallet will  come  back for it.           My brother who  lives  in Alaska works as a  trapper and hunter. The package that arrived this morning is on the desk.We really enjoyed the tour that we took.People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

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Generally, essential adjectival clauses should not begin with which. You can omit Who, whom, when and That when they are not the Subject of the Relative Clause.Examples:The house (that /in which) I was born in is gone.The man (who/that /to whom) I spoke to was very friendly.

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Use of who & whom

Use “who” when the subject is a person:1. My sister, who is a vegetarian, ordered a salad.2. The man who came in the late is the boss.3. Peter, who nobody had met before, arrived late.

Use “whom” when the object is a person:4. Peter, whom nobody had met before, arrived

late.(formal)5. She’s the girl whom I met last night.(formal)6. She’s the girl who/that I met last night. (or) She’s

the girl I met last night.(Informal)

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Use of that or which

When the subject is a thing: I sit at the desk that faces the window.

(OR) I sit at the desk which faces the window. (formal)

I’ve finished that book that you lent me.(or) I’ve finished the book you lent me.(or) I’ve finished the book which you lent me. (formal)

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To show that something belongs to somebody:He helped a woman whose car had broken down.They’re the people whose house was burgled.Lucy, whose car had broken down, didn’t go.Whose is not usually used to refer to a thing. Of which is usually used instead.He’s reading the book, the name of  which I can never remember.But it is more natural to say:He’s reading that book-I can never remember its name.

Use 0f whose

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In spoken English a preposition in a relative clause is usually placed at the end of the clause, and the relative pronoun is omitted. A more formal alternative is to put the preposition after the relative pronoun.When the object is a person:The man I spoke to was very friendly.(or) The man who/that I spoke to  was very friendly.(or) The man to whom I spoke was very friendly. (formal)When the object is a thing:The house I was born in is gone.(or) The house that I was born in is gone.(or) The house in which I was born is gone.(formal)

Relative clauses and prepositions

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Use 0f WHEN (THAT)

When is used to show Time: I’ll never forget the day (WHEN/THAT) I met my best friend. Can you remember a time WHEN you didn’t worry about the future?Note: WHEN can also be omitted in Defining Relative Clauses.

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Use 0f WHERE

Where is used to refer Place: This is the hotel WHERE we are staying next weekend.The city WHERE my sister is living is interesting.

Can you remember a place WHERE you met someone very important to you?

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Use 0f WHY

Why is used to refer reason: This is the reason WHY we are staying next weekend.

Do you know the subterfuge WHY they are leaving?Can you remember a reason WHY you didn’t choose a different career?

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Group Work

Work together to expand the following story by using as many non-defining relative clauses as you can. Feel free to make a funny story!

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A man called Peter took an airplane to New York to visit his sister. When he arrived at the airport, an old man asked him a question. Peter gave a short reply and the man invited him for a drink. Peter accepted, and after he had the drink, caught the airplane to New York. When he got to his sister's apartment, his sister invited him into the living room. As he entered the room, he was surprised to see the same man.

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Pair workComplete the sentences of the following slide with whose, who, which, or where.

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1. Dublin, ______ is the capital of Ireland, is my favourite city.

2. Amelia, ______ mother is from Shanghai, speaks English and Chinese fluently.

3. This smartphone, ______ I bought last week, takes great photos.

4. Buckingham Palace, ______ the Queen of England lives, is in the centre of London.

5. Ferraris, ______ are made in Italy, are very expensive.6. Russell Crowe, ______ starred in Gladiator, was born in

New Zealand. 7. Emily, ______ brother is a singer, is in my English class.8. Mr Kemp, ______ teaches physics, is going to retire next


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Answer of Exercise-1

1. Dublin, which is the capital of Ireland, is my favourite city.

2. Amelia, whose mother is from Shanghai, speaks English and Chinese fluently.

3. This smartphone, which I bought last week, takes great photos.

4. Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of England lives, is in the centre of London.

5. Ferraris, which are made in Italy, are very expensive.6. Russell Crowe, who starred in Gladiator, was born in

New Zealand. 7. Emily, whose brother is a singer, is in my English class.8. Mr Kemp, who teaches physics, is going to retire next


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Pair workDecide whether the following clauses are defining or non-defining clauses. Insert commas where necessary.

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1. The car which was a rare sports coupe was built in 1966.

2. We invited the boy who Tom had met the week before to the party.

3. Our friends who we met at university are coming to visit next week.

4. That is the building where they shot the film 'Vanilla Sky'.

5. Mr. Jackson whose son also goes to this school will be attending the party next weekend.

6. The author's latest book which has become a bestseller is about two children in Jamaica.

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Answer of Exercise-2

1. The car which was a rare sports coupe was built in 1966. D.

2. We invited the boy who Tom had met the week before to the party. D.

3. Our friends, who we met at university, are coming to visit next week. N.D.

4. That is the building where they shot the film 'Vanilla Sky'. D.

5. Mr. Jackson, whose son also goes to this school, will be attending the party next weekend. N.D.

6. The author's latest book, which has become a bestseller, is about two children in Jamaica. N.D.

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Pair workChoose the correct explanation for each sentence of the following slide from the slide immediately after:

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1. All my friends who are Asian came to my party.2. All my friends, who are Asian, came to my party.3. The Italian restaurant in Long Street got a new owner. 4. The Italian restaurant, which is in Long Street, got a new owner.5. My cousin who lives in New York is getting married next year.6. My cousin, who lives in New York, is getting married next year.7. We study at the only school in Cape Town, which has afternoon

lessons.8. We study at the only school in Cape Town which has afternoon

lessons.9. The book which I finished yesterday was fantastic.10. The book, which I finished yesterday, was fantastic.

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1. There is only one Italian restaurant in town and it now has a new owner:2. There are many schools in Cape Town but only one that has afternoon

lessons:3. I am reading many books at the moment. Some of them are boring, but

not the one I finished yesterday:4. I have many cousins who live in various countries all over the world:5. I have only Asian friends:6. There are many Italian restaurants all over town, but only the one in

Long Street now has a new owner:7. I was reading only one book and I finished it yesterday:8. There is only one school in Cape Town and it has afternoon lessons, too:9. I have only one cousin. She now lives in New York:10.I have many friends, but only my Asian friends came to my party:



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1. Define defining relative clauses.2. Define non-defining relative clauses.3. Explain punctuation rules with the

defining and non-defining relative clause.

4. Mention the use of who & whom .

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Home work

Recall the class and practise more and more.

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