clean water talk draft2

Kristen Grimm, President June 4, 2014 The Power of Communicatio ns

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Kristen Grimm, President June 4, 2014 The Power of Communications

2. What are you working on? 3. 60% say they worry a great deal about the pollution of drinking water 7% increase from 2013 4. 53% say they worry a great deal about the contamination of soil and water by toxic waste 7% increase from 2013 5. 53% say they worry a great deal about the pollution of rivers, lakes and reservoirs 7% increase from 2013 6. You must anticipate what you are up against But.... Jobs Killer 7. Engage, Activate, Motivate Your job No Outsourcing Allowed 8. What is the plan to get to know them? How will you keep them engaged? New audiences: Recruitment & activation 9. Analyze 10. New audiences: Who do you need? 11. Motivation: Frame it well 12. Motivation: Make it personal 13. Motivation: Use psychological jujitsu 14. Motivation: Offer incentives/disincentives Clean water is essential to great-tasting beer. 15. From 1,000 hits a week to 30,000 in two days! Readiness Level 16. Clear, doable ask 17. DO NOT help the opposition 18. Trigger the right emotion Fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, trust, anticipation, admiration, surprise, envy, pity, amusement, pride, caution, love, lust, confusion, hope, nervous, anxious, tense, pleased, elated, relived, satisfied, skeptical, guilty, excited, determined, mad, inspired, forgiving, daring, bold, eager, bitter, confident, ambitious. 19. Trigger the right emotion 20. Trigger the right emotion 21. Make your cause compelling 22. The Rain Tax 23. What do pro-stormwater fund people want? What do rain tax people want? Maryland Rain Tax: Decision Points vs. Point A Point A Point B Point B 24. No lying, exaggerating or making idle threats And, no matter what.... 25. Timing: Created 26. Timing: Guaranteed 27. Timing: Unexpected 28. Dirty Water Campaign Video 29. What does this mean for your work? 30. Additional resource 31. 2014 Spitfire Strategies LLC Spitfire Strategies owns all copyright for this presentation. You may reproduce copies of this presentation for non-commercial use to share with colleagues at your organization. The presentation may not be copied or reproduced for other purposes without the express written permission of Spitfire Strategies LLC. Like us: Spitfire Strategies Follow us: @SpitfireSays 1800 M Street, NW * Suite 300 North * Washington, D.C. 20036 P: 202-293-6200 * E: [email protected] Thank you!