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March 2006 Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests Construction of Vegetative Yield Profiles for Forest Plan Revision

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March 2006

Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests

Construction of Vegetative Yield Profiles

for Forest Plan Revision

Page 2: Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests Construction of ... · March 2006 Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests Construction of Vegetative Yield Profiles for Forest Plan Revision


Don Vandendriesche USDA Forest Service, WOD

Forest Management Service Center Fort Collins, Colorado

Page 3: Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests Construction of ... · March 2006 Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests Construction of Vegetative Yield Profiles for Forest Plan Revision

Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests

Vegetative Yield Profiles

Page Table of Contents

I. Forest Stratification 1 II. Data Sources 4 III. Model Calibration 9 IV. Natural Growth Runs 13 V. Treatment Prescriptions 34 VI. Yield Profiles 45 Conclusions 59

Appendix I – Plot Distribution {Collapsed} 60 Appendix II – Tree Species Codes 61 Appendix III – Silvicultural Prescriptions 62 Appendix IV – Special FVS Techniques 98 Acknowledgements:

• Kris Hazelbaker, Ecologist/Silviculturist CNPZ, Clearwater NF • Kendrick Greer, Spectrum Modeler, MBG

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I. Forest Stratification The Spectrum forest planning model will be used to allocate vegetation treatments on the Clearwater/Nez Perce Planning Zone (CNPZ). Spectrum aids in determining a schedule of activities to move existing vegetation toward desired future conditions. Analysis Areas Traditionally, strategic level planning involves grouping stands of like attributes into stand types or land classes. This approach is referred to as “strata-based” planning and the individual land classes are often called “stratum” or “analysis areas”. There are six land stratification layers available in the Spectrum model. Not all were used. The Forest’s geographic information system (GIS) was engaged to determine the number of acres in each combination of attributes across the six layers. They are defined as follows: Layer 1 – Vegetation Desired Future Condition Areas

Six Landtype Association Groups or Ecoregion Section Settings comprise the Clearwater/Nez Perce Planning Zone. These areas were stratified as follows:

lookup level1

LEVEL1 Code Description L1_aaname

B333 Bitterroot Mtns. (M333D) Breaklands B U333 Bitterroot Mtns. (M333D) Uplands U S333 Bitterroot Mtns. (M333D) Subalpine S B332 Idaho Batholith (M332A) Breaklands K U332 Idaho Batholith (M332A) Uplands R S332 Idaho Batholith (M332A) Subalpine C Layer 2 – Roadless Status

Roadless areas are of great importance to many interest groups. Including roadless status attributes simplifies reporting of outputs. Two classes regarding road status were identified as follows:

lookup level2

LEVEL2 Code Description L2_aaname

rdls Roadless and undeveloped R nrdls Roaded and developed N Layer 3 – Timber Suitability

Management areas were grouped into classes with similar timber production capability. Three classes were designated as follows:

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lookup level3 LEVEL3

Code Description L3_aaname

NSNMgt Not Available or Not Suited; No Timber Harvest Allowed Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Gospel Hump Wilderness River of No Return Wilderness Non-forest Not capable of producing commercial wood Research Natural Areas Wild Rivers


SNProd Generally Suitable for Timber Harvest for other resource objectives, no scheduled output Riparian conservation areas Pilot Knob special interest area Native fish stronghold watersheds

SNProd Generally Suitable for Timber Harvest for other resource objectives, scheduled output Scenic and Recreational Rivers Special Interest Areas Landslide prone lands Most inventoried roadless lands due to low economic viability without road construction

National Historic Landmark Developed Recreation Areas Administrative Sites


STProd Suited for Timber Production All other lands


Layer 4 – Resource Condition Zones

Resource condition zones were identified to reflect specific areas where objectives other than timber would impact harvest schedules. Anticipated resource constraints included the following:

lookup level4

LEVEL4 Code Description L4_aaname

Lcons Lynx habitat – conserve watershed L Lrest Lynx habitat – restore watershed H Cons Non-Lynx habitat – conserve watershed C Rest Non-Lynx habitat – restore watershed R Layer 5 – Vegetation Cover Types

Spatial data from the V-map project and existing PVT maps were used to identify the various overstory vegetation layers. The individual cover types were group for yield table construction as follows:

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lookup level5 LEVEL5

Code Description L5_aaname

WDI Ponderosa Pine P WDT Dry Douglas-fir/Grand Fir D MI Mesic Douglas-fir mix W MT Grand Fir/Western Red Cedar C SI Cold Douglas-fir mix I ST Subalpine Fir mix A LP Lodgepole Pine L Layer 6 – Size Class

Dominant size class was used to attribute the vegetation structure. Size classes for the Spectrum model were derived from V-map polygon data. Six size classes were identified as follows:

lookup level6

LEVEL6 Code Description L6_aaname

sdsp Seedling and Sapling (0” – 5”) S small Small (5” – 10”) P med Medium (10” – 15”) M large Large (15”+) L nfor None N

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II. Data Sources Two types of data were used for the CNPZ plan revision project: spatial and temporal. The spatial data was compiled from remote sensed, satellite imagery and the rendering project will be referred to as V-Map. Acreage compilation was accomplished by summing the various analysis areas residing within the V-Map polygons. Temporal data is gathered during a field inventory. Place-in-time attributes are collected to provide an estimate of forest stand conditions. The Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Unit, is mandated to conducted field inventories of all forested lands within the United States. Data derived from this survey will be referred to as FIA. The Northern Region of the National Forest System maintains number of permanent growth plots scattered throughout the various National Forests in Region 1. Initially established in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, these plots have been remeasured on a 5-year basis. Active samples from the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests that were measured in the same timeframe as the most recent FIA measurement were assembled and used for this analysis. Data derived from this plot set will be referred to as R-1 PGP. Inventory values provided from FIA and R-1 PGP data render per acre estimates. When the spatial data is multiplied by temporal data, total strata estimates are generated. Inventory Data With respect to the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests in Idaho, the following table summarizes the FIA and R-1 PGP inventory sampling scheme utilized for the construction of vegetation yield tables for forest plan revision:

FIA Design National Forest

Proclaimed State

Inventory Method

Measurement Years

Plot Sample

Clearwater Idaho Periodic 1998-2002 305 Clearwater Idaho Perm Growth 1998-2002 26 Nez Perce Idaho Periodic 2000-2002 339 Nez Perce Idaho Perm Growth 1997-2001 42 Total: 712 Stand Type Delineations In order to associate V-Map acreage delineations with inventory data estimates, a common stand type naming convention needed to be adopted. The following codes convention was used:

Vegetation V-Map Code Description FVS

Code WDI Dry Intolerant: Ponderosa Pine DIP WDT Dry Tolerant: Douglas-fir DTD

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Vegetation V-Map Code Description FVS

Code MI Mesic Intolerant: White Pine MIW MT Mesic Tolerant: Western Red Cedar MTC SI Subalpine Intolerant: IMXS SII ST Subalpine Tolerant: Subalpine Fir STA LP Lodgepole Pine LPP Prior to assigning the inventory plot sample to their associated vegetation type, a split between dry, mesic, and subalpine moisture regimes needed to be applied. Habitat typing was used to determine the break. The following codes were employed to differentiate warm to cold cover types:

Warm/Cold Assignment V-Map Code Habitat Codes

Dry 130, 140, 170, 190, 210, 220, 250, 260, 261, 263, 280, 310, 320, 322, 323, 330, 340, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 515

Mesic 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 524, 525, 526, 529, 530, 531, 533, 534, 535, 540, 541, 542, 545, 546, 547, 548, 560, 570, 571, 573, 574, 578, 579, 591, 592

Subalpine 510, 511, 512, 515, 523, 590, 591, 592, 620, 621, 624, 625, 636, 637, 640, 650, 652, 655, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 676, 677, 680, 681, 682, 686, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 710, 711, 712, 713, 720, 750, 830, 860

A cross-walk was established to correlate the V-Map Cover Labels with the Region 1 Dominance Types. The following list was used:

Cover Labels FVS

Code V-Map Strata

Prescription Group

Habitat Type Group

R1 Dominance Types

DIP PP, IMXS Ponderosa pine Warm, dry PIPO, PIPO-1MIX, IMXS





STA TASH, AF, ES Subalpine fir mix Cold TASH, ABLA, ABLA- 1MIX, PIEN, PIEN- 1MIX,

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LPP LP Lodgepole pine Any PICO, PICO-1MIX

Average overstory tree diameter can be used to define the dominant size class of a forest stand. Region 1 computes basal area weighted mean diameter to determine average overstory tree diameter. The following table identifies tree diameter class breaks that are implemented by Region 1 for base- and mid-level mapping.

Size Class V-Map Code Description FIA

Code sdsp Seedling and Sapling (0” – 5”) E small Small (5” – 10”) S med Medium (10” – 15”) M large Large (15”+) L nfor None N The FIA forest cover typing algorithm that is embedded within the Forest Vegetation Simulator was used to determine size class. A keyword component file was written to determine the comparable size class to the R1 size class definition. V-Map cover type, R1 dominance type, and FIA size class labels were appended to each FIA plot to enable sorting the data set into their representative vegetative stand type. The following table depicts the sample distribution. Note that there was one or less sample plots available to represent the small size class for the Dry-Intolerant and Dry-Tolerant, V-Map and R-1 Dominance Types. For these situations, the small size class was combined with the seedling-sapling size class for vegetation yield file construction. Refer to Appendix I for the plots counts by forest type and size class that were used for analysis purposes.

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CNPZ FIA Plot Distribution V-Map Strata R1_Dom Strata Cover Type

Size Class

FIA Plots

Stocked Plots

FIA Plots

Stocked Plots

dip large 20 18 medium 9 10 small 1 0 seedsap 4 34 3 31 nonstocked 1 0 dtd large 19 21 medium 14 13 small 0 1 seedsap 5 38 6 41 nonstocked 1 0 miw large 39 33 medium 26 32 small 12 12 seedsap 7 84 6 83 nonstocked 5 1 mtc large 69 72 medium 46 42 small 15 13 seedsap 17 147 18 145 nonstocked 3 2 sii large 33 30 medium 63 48 small 24 18 seedsap 21 141 14 110 nonstocked 1 2 sta large 31 35 medium 63 73 small 14 16 seedsap 16 124 15 139 nonstocked 5 4 lpp large 11 13 medium 38 41 small 13 20 seedsap 6 68 18 92 nonstocked 2 2 Subtotal: nonstk/stk 18 636 11 641 oth other 56 49 non non-forest 2 11 Total: 712 712

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Software Support A brief discussion of the primary computer programs used for the analysis and construction of vegetation yield tables for the Clearwater and Nez Perce Planning Zone is in order. The “Forest Vegetation Simulator” refers to a suite of computer programs used for data input, processing, and reporting of yield projections. “Suppose” is the front-end program designed to set up runstreams for FVS. The “FVS Variant” refers to the growth model that is specifically fit for a given geographic area. “Post Processors”, such as the Fvsstand, Repute, Compute, Combine, and Spray programs, have been developed to take the output from the FVS Variant and produce custom reports. A few specifics about Suppose and the FVS Variant follows.

Suppose is the graphical user interface for the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Suppose permits silvicultural actions to be entered into FVS by using common MS-Windows to accept input rather than using the FVS keyword system. Keywords are mnemonic acronym commands that direct the simulation. The

Suppose program provides input windows allowing use of FVS without knowing the extensive FVS keyword language or having to remember the details of keyword usage. Suppose can simulate changes in forest vegetation over a long time period (100-400 years). Suppose creates input files used by the geographic variant. It is FVS Variant that performs the projection.

The FVS Variant is an individual-tree, distance independent, growth and yield model. It is based on the Stand Prognosis Model. The U.S. Forest Service Forest Management Service Center has calibrated twenty-one variants to specific geographic areas throughout most regions of the United States. The

Inland Empire variant with the fire and fuels extension was used for the Clearwater and Nez Perce growth projections. The variant requires plot and tree level data. Important variables include stand location and site productivity for the plot, and tree species and diameter measurement for the individual trees. The projection cycle length was set at ten-year intervals as needed by the Inland Empire Variant. The FVS model contains modules for growing trees; predicting mortality; establishing regeneration; simulating damage reductions due to insects and disease; performing management activities; calculating tree volumes; and producing reports. One of the strengths of the FVS system is its ability to incorporate local growth data directly into the simulations. Growth rates for common tree species as measured on the FIA plots are automatically compared to embedded growth rates used by variant. Calibration factors are developed accordingly. Also, volume information from past timber sales on the Clearwater and Nez Perce was evaluated versus yields generated by FVS. Adjustments were made based on these comparisons. Additional information relative to FVS and its component parts can be obtained on the World Wide Web at

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III. Model Calibration An essential step in properly using the Forest Vegetation Simulator is calibration of the model. The FVS geographic variants are comprised of numerous mathematical relationships. In the biological sciences, regression equations at best achieve an r-squared correlation value of 70 relative to the fitted data. If the results of one regression function provide the input to another, then the resultant error is compounded. Thus, it behooves the user to validate the virtual world estimates generated by FVS versus the real world values obtained from the inventory sample. Measurement Data One of the end targets for calibrating the FVS model is the creation of the ReadCorD (Readjust Correction for Diameter) keyword. Input of this keyword alters the baseline estimate for the large-tree diameter growth submodel. For a particular species, the original baseline estimate is multiplied by the value of this keyword, and the result becomes the new baseline estimate. These adjustments are done prior to the model’s self calibrating routines. Calculated scale factors derived from FVS self calibrating attenuate toward a value midway between the calculated scale factor and the new baseline estimate at twenty-five year intervals. The following values were computed for model calibration. Values that show a line through the record were not used due to small sample size. FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Dry Intolerant CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_DIP DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 13:13:55 VARIANT: IE 6.21 LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 3 DF LD | 13 0.682 0.949 1.345 0.204 | 134 0.930 4 GF LD | 4 0.303 0.933 1.594 0.530 | 35 0.908 7 LP LD | 2 0.599 0.877 1.155 0.393 | 14 0.908 10 PP LD | 10 0.455 0.915 1.617 0.385 | 82 0.903

FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Dry Tolerant CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_DTD DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 13:16:12 VARIANT: IE 6.21 LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 3 DF LD | 19 0.543 1.188 2.232 0.415 | 182 1.180 4 GF LD | 10 0.602 1.113 1.881 0.462 | 104 1.105 7 LP LD | 1 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.000 | 8 1.001 10 PP LD | 6 0.789 0.957 1.312 0.189 | 43 0.955

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FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Mesic Intolerant CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_MIW DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 13:22:23 VARIANT: IE 6.21 LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 2 WL LD | 1 1.229 1.229 1.229 1.228 | 6 1.317 3 DF LD | 34 0.421 1.089 2.198 0.372 | 345 1.117 4 GF LD | 37 0.591 1.207 3.505 0.489 | 287 1.214 6 RC LD | 7 0.685 1.127 1.560 0.272 | 52 1.165 7 LP LD | 3 0.445 0.842 1.209 0.383 | 18 0.890 8 ES LD | 4 0.838 0.972 1.221 0.170 | 27 0.935 10 PP LD | 2 0.955 1.276 1.598 0.455 | 11 1.331 21 PB LD | 1 1.564 1.564 1.564 1.563 | 6 1.722

FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Mesic Tolerant CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_MTC DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 13:26:07 VARIANT: IE 6.21 LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 2 WL LD | 5 0.977 1.146 1.498 0.209 | 30 1.182 3 DF LD | 34 0.750 1.281 3.021 0.494 | 281 1.309 4 GF LD | 86 0.281 1.188 2.759 0.385 | 871 1.258 5 WH LD | 1 2.580 2.580 2.580 2.579 | 7 2.587 6 RC LD | 42 0.386 1.107 3.181 0.491 | 415 1.116 7 LP LD | 2 0.734 1.169 1.605 0.616 | 13 1.220 8 ES LD | 11 0.231 0.789 1.070 0.282 | 69 0.791 9 AF LD | 4 0.339 0.782 1.032 0.309 | 24 0.771 21 PB LD | 2 2.725 3.105 3.485 0.537 | 11 3.157

FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Subalpine Intolerant CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_SII DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 13:30:11 VARIANT: IE 6.21 LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 2 WL LD | 1 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 | 5 0.564 3 DF LD | 29 0.379 0.940 1.737 0.327 | 214 0.950 4 GF LD | 18 0.433 1.090 2.711 0.482 | 160 1.046 7 LP LD | 30 0.433 0.929 1.775 0.368 | 234 0.921 8 ES LD | 16 0.674 0.955 1.458 0.211 | 110 0.948 9 AF LD | 22 0.271 0.971 1.633 0.317 | 157 0.980 10 PP LD | 6 0.617 0.884 1.372 0.257 | 46 0.870

FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Subalpine Tolerant CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_STA DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 13:38:39 VARIANT: IE 6.21

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LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 2 WL LD | 1 1.165 1.165 1.165 1.164 | 9 1.274 3 DF LD | 14 0.525 1.063 2.616 0.515 | 108 1.111 4 GF LD | 23 0.593 1.048 2.561 0.416 | 233 1.023 7 LP LD | 19 0.387 1.010 2.724 0.489 | 113 1.041 8 ES LD | 42 0.342 0.883 1.623 0.288 | 339 0.881 9 AF LD | 72 0.235 0.903 3.314 0.440 | 529 0.884 11 MH LD | 15 0.825 1.363 2.330 0.415 | 178 1.422 12 WB LD | 1 1.510 1.510 1.510 1.509 | 5 1.572

FVS Scale Factors used for R1 Dominance Group Lodgepole Pine CALIBRATION STATISTICS GENERATED BY RUNSTREAM : Calib_LPP DATE: 11-18-2005 TIME: 14:00:44 VARIANT: IE 6.21 LARGE TREE DIAMETER GROWTH CALIBRATION SUMMARY | SCALE FACTOR SUMMARY | TOTAL MEAN MODEL | STD | TREE READCORD SPECIES TYPE* | N MIN MEAN MAX DEV. | RECORDS MULTIPLIER ------- ----- | ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- | ------- ---------- 2 WL LD | 1 1.427 1.427 1.427 1.426 | 7 1.477 3 DF LD | 9 0.544 0.901 1.246 0.198 | 83 0.895 4 GF LD | 11 0.349 1.190 2.882 0.621 | 119 1.191 6 RC LD | 1 1.605 1.605 1.605 1.604 | 6 1.694 7 LP LD | 48 0.274 0.849 1.697 0.326 | 409 0.842 8 ES LD | 9 0.407 0.918 1.939 0.456 | 66 0.909 9 AF LD | 12 0.242 0.961 1.631 0.417 | 87 1.050 10 PP LD | 1 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.054 | 12 1.083

Tree Defect Determining net merchantable volume from gross tree dimensions requires an estimate of tree defect. Values were obtained from recent timber sales from the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests. Weighted averages between the two Forests were developed to produce composite estimates for the planning zone. More weight was given to one Forest than the other based on the relative occurrence of a particular species. Western Redcedar is more prevalent on the Clearwater National Forest thus the Redcedar defect value is closer to the Clearwater's average. Ponderosa Pine is more predominant on the Nez Perce National Forest so is its soundness estimate is closer to that of the Nez Perce average. FIA

Code FVS

Species FIA

Species DBH-

5 DBH-

10 DBH-

15 DBH-

20 DBH-

25 DBH-

30 DBH-

35 DBH-

40 017 GF Grand

Fir 15 16 18 21 25 30 36 43

019 AF Subalpine Fir

12 13 15 18 22 27 33 40

064 JU Western Juniper

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

072 LL Subalpine Larch

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

073 WL Western Larch

9 10 12 15 19 24 30 37

093 ES Engelmann Spruce

7 8 10 13 17 22 28 35

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FIA Code

FVS Species

FIA Species









101 WB Whitebark Pine

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

108 LP Lodgepole Pine

8 10 13 17 22 28 35 43

113 LM Limber Pine

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

119 WP Western White Pine

8 9 11 14 18 23 29 36

122 PP Ponderosa Pine

5 6 8 11 15 18 20 23

202 DF Douglas-fir

6 7 9 12 16 20 23 27

242 RC Western Redcedar

15 17 20 24 29 35 42 50

263 WH Western Hemlock

9 10 12 15 19 24 30 37

264 MH Mountain Hemlock

14 19 25 32 40 49 59 70

290 OS Other Softwoods

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

375 PB Paper Birch

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

740 CO Cottonwood

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

746 AS Quaking Aspen

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Merchantable cubic foot volume specifications were:

All Species – • 3.0” minimum dbh {diameter-breast-height} • 1.5” minimum dib {diameter-inside-bark}

Merchantable board foot volume specifications were:

All Species – • 7.0” minimum dbh {diameter-breast-height} (Lodgepole Pine: 6.0”) • 4.5” minimum dib {diameter-inside-bark}

FVS volumes are shown in terms of cubic feet and board feet on a per acre basis. Default stump height for both cubic and board volume was one foot. The volume equations are those used in the Region 1 National Cruise Program.

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IV. Natural Growth Runs Forest planners are being asked to make estimates of stand development well beyond the pool of existing stand ages. In many situations, simulations of old growth structures are needed. The age of these types of stands far exceed current stands. It is tenuous at best to assume exact knowledge of long-term physiological processes. A reasonable assumption would be a ‘steady-state’ condition extending for some time into the future. As individual trees attain their morphological age, mortality agents will take their toll and the stand will transition back to an earlier seral stage. Forests are very dynamic, they are not static. Two of the most difficult aspects to forecast in stand development are regeneration and mortality components. One adds trees to the system, the other subtracts. Both are stochastic (random) events. Normal inventory sampling procedures render high variability regarding seedling recruitment and tree demise. Finding reliable predictor variables from collected data is not easy. Regeneration and mortality responses are weak links in the chain of growth and yield prediction. Regeneration Imputation To impute implies the assignment of something to another. With respect to regeneration inferences, imputation procedures examine existing conditions to predict potential conditions of future stands. Basically, the process calls for querying existing data sets for representative stand types (stands of similar vegetative characteristics) and tabulating their seedling/sapling component. Ground Rules Established seedlings generally have an acceptable minimum girth and height that indicates having a root system firmly entrenched in mineral soil. The threshold used for this analysis examined small trees from 0.2” to 3.0” in diameter to define the large seedling/small sapling understory layer. Reference to these small trees will be as the 2”-sapling component. Inventory samples were categorized by cover type, size class, and stocking density. R-1 dominance type was used to declare the overstory cover. Four primary types were recognized: Dry, Mesic, Subalpine, and Lodgepole Pine. Intolerant and tolerant variants between the types were not distinguished. A ‘Vegetation State’ algorithm was developed that classified the size and density class. Size class was determined based on the quadratic mean diameter of the largest trees; largest being defined as the largest 20 percent of the trees, with a minimum of 20 trees. Size classes span a five-inch diameter range (i.e. 0”-5”, 5”-10”, 10”-15”, 15”-20”, 20”+). Three density classes were computed based on canopy closure. They were: 10%-40%, 40%-70%, and 70%+. Inventory plots rendering canopy cover less than 10% were considered non-stocked.

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The following spreadsheet displays the average 2” sapling count per acre by cover type, size class, and stocking density. Regarding inventory sample representation, there were 72 plots in Dry, 228 plots in Mesic, 259 plots in Subalpine, and 92 in Lodgepole Pine for a total of 641 plots. Of these, 27 plots were classed as non-stocked, that is, having less than 10 percent canopy cover.

Although minor differences in average 2” sapling counts per acre can be observed between the cover types, overall these were not deemed significant. Collapsing the individual types to the composite ‘All’ seemed reasonable given the increased sample size per size/density class combination as displayed in the following spreadsheet:

The row below the grid summarizes inventory plot counts per size class. The next row is the overall plot count for all size and density classes. Pattern Revelation An interesting pattern was observed when viewing the combined ‘All – 2” Saps’ table as presented in the following spreadsheet table:

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Using a factor of “½” from the smallest size, most dense class to the largest size, least dense class {or conversely “2” from the largest size, least dense class to the smallest size, most dense class} an overlay matrix could be developed that closely mimics observed trends in 2” sapling occurrence. The “2-factor” matrix does a good job of smoothing inordinate ‘jumps’ between adjacent size/density classes. Use of the “Trial: All – 2” Saps” table guided expected sapling counts at various stages of stand development. The question of species composition needed to be addressed. ‘Shade Tolerance’ ratings were used as a guide for determining the mix of individual tree species that would likely reside within a size/density regime. A forest tree that can survive and prosper under a forest canopy is referred to be tolerant whereas one that can thrive only in the main canopy or in the open is termed intolerant. From the ‘Forest Ecology’ textbook, Spurr and Barnes state:

“The problem of survival in the understory is basic to an understanding of forest succession, since those forest trees capable both of surviving as understory plants and responding to release to reach overstory size will inevitably form a major portion of the evolving forest community.”

A logical assumption relative to shade tolerance is that intolerant forest trees would be more prevalent in the smaller, less dense size classes. Tolerant forest trees would dominant the larger, more dense understory environments. Five classes of shade tolerance were recognized: Shade Tolerance Rating

Inland Empire

FVS Shade Shade Tolerance Scale:

Species SPC Tolerance 1 Very Intolerant

(072) Subalpine larch LL 1 2 Intolerant

(073) Western larch WL 1 3 Intermediate

(108) Lodgepole pine LP 1 4 Tolerant

(740) Cottonwood sp. CO 1 5 Very Tolerant

(746) Quaking Aspen AS 1

(113) Limber pine LM 2

(122) Ponderosa pine PP 2

(375) Paper birch PB 2

(101) Whitebark pine WB 3

(119) Western white pine WP 3

(202) Douglas-fir DF 3

(017) Grand fir GF 4

(019) Subalpine fir AF 4

(093) Engelmann spruce ES 4

(264) Mountain hemlock MH 4

(242) Western redcedar RC 5

(263) Western hemlock WH 5

(290) Other softwoods OS 5

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Shade tolerance classification was cited from the USDA Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook 654, Summary of Tree Characteristics, pages 646-649. Sorting the ‘All – 2” Saps’ data set by shade tolerance rendered the following information:

Reflecting back to the plot count distribution by size and density class, it is readily apparent as note in the following graphic that size class 2 {5-10” QMD}, density class 2 {40-70% CC} contains the majority of plots. This is an important aspect relative to further discussion concerning regeneration imputation.

CNPZ Inventory Plot Distribution










11 12 13 21 22 23 31 32 33 41 42 43 51 52 53

Size_Density Class




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REPUTE the Program

Repute, a post post-processing program, has been written that embodies the concept of Regeneration Imputation. This program reads the ‘Stand Table’ output files from the Fvsstand Alone post processing program to develop regeneration keyword component files.

Repute will cycle through the Fvsstand Alone stand tables and pick the diameter classes less than the maximum diameter specified on the initial Repute screen.

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Separate lines in the regeneration addfile (a.k.a. keyword component files) are created per species, per diameter, given that there are trees per acre values listed. Keyword statements account for minimum stocking targets and for pre-existing tree species occurrence. The final step for the Repute program includes naming the newly created regeneration addfile. Repute regeneration addfiles were constructed from each of the primary cover types. Elate to Prorate Running the Repute program using the inventory data set per shade tolerance class produces an average representation of the strata. This average condition on the whole depicts size class 2, density class 2 given that this combination contains the largest plot set. Dividing the 2” sapling count for each size/density class by the size class 2, density class 2 renders an expansion ratio that can be used in conjunction with sapling values generated through the Repute program. The following ratios were generated from the CNPZ data:

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Not all size/density combinations per shade tolerance class are adequately represented. Thus, a prorated ratio was developed using the measured trends and professional judgment in the context of shade tolerance effects. Reference the following table:

Trial Results To test the resultant regeneration imputation procedure, a trial was conducted using the prorated ratios multiplied by the size class 2, density 2 sapling counts by shade tolerance rating. The results are presented for review:

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On average, there are 340 2”-saplings per acre residing on all plots, for size class 2, density class 2. Of these, there are:

• 40 Very Intolerant 2”-saplings • 5 Intolerant 2”-saplings • 40 Intermediate 2”-saplings • 225 Tolerant 2”-saplings • 30 Very Tolerant 2”-saplings

These values were placed into the size class 2, density class 2 vegetation state box then expanded by the prorated ratios per shade tolerance class to produce projection estimates. Summing the individual shade tolerance classes generates a comparative matrix to the measured data. Overall sapling counts and species composition as depicted by shade tolerance ratings are reasonable. Using the same processing logic, the following spreadsheet table displays the results by forest cover type:

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Mortality Matters The primary reason for producing the natural growth runs prior to the silvicultural treatments runs is to estimate baselines within the realm of reasonableness. FVS does not contain a senescence algorithm. Without this constraint, FVS tends to produce stands with few trees that are very old and very large. Disturbance ecology is not its forte. The best way to establish a baseline growth trends is to gleam inferences from the raw inventory data. That is, use non-modeled inventory data as a basis and cross-check. Tree Mortality The TreeSzCp keyword sets the morphological limits for maximum tree diameter and height for a given species. The specified diameter acts as a surrogate for age to invoke senescence mortality. Determining the mortality rate is akin to computing the discount interest rate needed to payoff a capital sum. The process entails choosing a large diameter class that contains approximately one tree per acre {dbh/tpa min} (the exact number is dependent on the relative abundance of a particular tree species) and targeting an ending diameter class that contains approximately one-tenth tree per acre {dbh/tpa max}. Subtracting the diameter min from the diameter max and dividing by the diameter growth rate renders the length of time in terms of projection cycles needed to get from the min to the max diameter size. The mortality rate compounds each projection cycle. Iterations of the mortality rate raised to the power of the projection cycle reveals the factor needed to diminish the tree count from one to one-tenth. This factor becomes the proportion of trees to succumb to mortality agents during each projection cycle. The following table shows the TreeSzCp keyword values for diameter minimum and height maximum per tree species that were used to constrain the upper limit on tree growth. The table was derived using tree measurement data from the FIA and R-1 PGP plot sample for the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests. Adjustments were made based on input from the Forest. The following values were determined from those plots:

FIA FVS Species DBH DBH TPA Grow Mort Prj TPA THt Code Code Name Min Max Min Rate Rate Cyc Max Max ========================================================================= 017 GF Grand fir 21 33 1.00 1.50 0.250 8 0.100 125 019 AF Subalpine fir 17 23 1.00 1.00 0.325 6 0.095 95 072 LL Subalpine larch 13 19 1.00 1.00 0.325 6 0.095 55 073 WL Western larch 27 33 1.00 1.00 0.325 6 0.095 135 093 ES Engelmann spruce 27 37 1.00 1.25 0.250 8 0.100 125 101 WB Whitebark pine 11 19 1.00 0.75 0.200 11 0.093 65 108 LP Lodgepole pine 15 19 1.00 0.75 0.350 5 0.101 85 113 LM Limber pine 11 17 1.00 0.75 0.250 8 0.100 60 119 WP Western white pine 21 29 1.00 1.25 0.300 6 0.102 135 122 PP Ponderosa pine 33 39 1.00 0.75 0.250 8 0.100 130 202 DF Douglas-fir 31 39 1.00 1.00 0.250 8 0.100 125 242 RC Western redcedar 37 47 1.00 1.75 0.325 6 0.106 130 263 WH Western hemlock 25 31 1.00 0.75 0.250 8 0.100 100 264 MH Mountain hemlock 29 35 1.00 1.00 0.325 6 0.095 125 290 OS Other softwoods 7 13 1.00 0.50 0.175 12 0.099 25 375 PB Paper birch 9 15 1.00 1.50 0.450 4 0.092 55 740 CO Cottonwood 11 17 1.00 1.25 0.375 5 0.105 70 746 AS Quaking aspen 7 13 1.00 1.25 0.375 5 0.105 45

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Western White Pine required additional modifications regarding its development through time. White Pine Blister Rust is a disease that was introduced from Europe at the turn of the 20th century and decimated the species. Genetically resistant strains are available to aid in reintroducing Western White Pine to its native range. However, existing inventory data sets used to build growth relationships for Western White Pine were sparse and resultant model behavior is therefore somewhat erratic. A set of FixMort keywords were constructed specifically to assist in tempering Western White Pine growth toward reasonable trends.

Stand Mortality Mortality predictions for the Inland Empire FVS Variant are based on inferences used in the Stand Prognosis model developed by Stage (1973). Two independent equations are involved. The first equation predicts annual mortality rate as a function of habitat type, species, diameter, diameter increment, estimated potential diameter increment, stand basal area, and relative diameter. The estimated annual mortality rate is multiplied by a factor based on Reineke’s (1933) Stand Density Index that accounts for expected differences in mortality rates on different habitat types and National Forests. The second equation used to estimate mortality rates is dependent on the proximity of stand basal area to the assumed maximum for a site, and on the estimated rate of basal area increment. The mortality rate applied to a tree record is a weighed average between equation one and two. Thus, setting the Stand Density Index and Basal Area maximums to control stand level attainment is an important aspect in calibrating the FVS Variant. Stand Density Index is a theoretical model stating that any pure, fully stocked, even-aged stand of a given average stand diameter contains approximately the same number of trees per acre as any other pure, fully stocked, even-aged stand of the same species of the same average stand diameter. Since most forest stands are not pure, fully stocked, or uniformly even-aged, SDI values derived from research tend to over estimate the carrying capacity of general forest sites. The forest at-large is very heterogeneous with regard to stocking and structure. A proxy for the average maximum SDI can be derived from the inventory data sets that are used for the planning effort.

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The SDI value for each inventory plot was determined. The cluster of the top three percent was then averaged to determine the observed maximum value. To get the average maximum value of measured stands, the maximum value is multiplied by 85 percent. The Basal Area maximum is simply the basal area stocking most closely aligned with the Stand Density Index maximum. The following values were used to set the maximum SDI and associated maximum BA for the CNPZ.

R1 Dominance Group SDI Maximum BA Maximum DIP 310 160 DTD 370 180 MIW 415 195 MTC 490 220 SII 400 190 STA 430 200 LPP 460 210

Values were assigned by R1 dominance type. Tree species considered Intolerant in regards to overstory shading received the intolerant SDI and BA Maximum values. Tree species considered Tolerant received the tolerant maximum values. Tree species considered Mid-Tolerant received the mid-range between intolerant and tolerant maximum values. New Age Two types of vegetation yield tables can be imported into the Spectrum forest planning model. They are: time-based tables and age-based tables. Values reported for time-based yields are arrayed by the projection year and are usually utilized for uneven-aged management activities. Values presented for age-based yields tables are arrayed by the stand age and are generally used for even-aged management scenarios. An additional benefit of age-based tables is that they intuitively follow stand development from juvenile through mature size classes. Structural diversity can be captured at various age classes. Thus, age-based yield tables were used for the CNPZ. To properly derive age-based vegetation yield tables for the Clearwater/Nez Perce forests, a fundamental relationship needed to be followed to synchronize stand size with stand age. The following association was adhered to:

Size to Age Parameters:

Size Class Age ClassLarge Very 150+Large Medium Large 100-150Large Medium Medium 70-100

Medium Small Small 30-70Small SeedSap 0-30

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CNPZ - Dominant Height to Stand Age

y = 1.4888x0.916

R2 = 0.7566












0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Dominant Height


d A


Many stands are comprised of multiple canopy layers. Assigning a singular age for these conditions can be subjective. The first step in the determination of stand age under these conditions is usually a function of selecting the size class with the most density in terms of trees per acre, basal area, tree stocking, crown canopy, or merchantable volume. The second step would be summing the trees that comprise the dominant size class and averaging their individual tree ages to come up with stand age. Given this process, it can be surmised that differing measure of density would render differ stand ages. If one process uses basal area (i.e. R-1 Dominance algorithm) and another uses tree stocking (i.e. FIA Size Class algorithm), two measures of stand age could be derived. To rectify differences in stand age by size class, an investigation into the relationship of dominant tree height to stand age was undertaken. Tree height development is mostly undeterred by stand stocking. It is a good indicator of stand age. Computing the average height of trees comprising the dominant size class (FIA) and gathering the associated stand age value (R-1 Dominance) provided a data set for inference. The following scatter plot and trendline provided guidance for resolving stand age disparities:

Using the size class to stand age thresholds in conjunction with the regression equation resulting from the dominant tree height to stand age analysis allowed for resolving inconsistencies in stand age values within the inventory data set for the CNPZ. Approximately twelve percent of the plot sample used to describe the vegetated forest types had their stand ages adjusted from the R-1 dominance age determination to a value aligned with FIA size class requirements. Considering the difference in classification methods used by R-1 dominance and FIA size class for determining stand age, discrepancies were indeed minor.

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Let Grow Natural growth runs are a common starting point in the development of yield files for forest planning. It is quite possible in this day of limited management that many stands will simply be left to let grow through the planning horizon. From a yield modeling standpoint, this scenario may appear to be the simplest to construct. However, due to our limited knowledge of older stand structures, this run stream may require the most time and imagination. Cultured stands are fairly straightforward with regard to stocking density at various stand ages. Also, the regeneration response may be highly regulated. Natural stands that are left to grow are definitely more complicated to model. Forests are not static and in some cases are very dynamic over short periods of time.

Fvsstand Alone is a Forest Vegetation Simulator Post-Processor program. It produces Yield Reports and standard Stand and Stock Tables. Two types of yield reports are available: time-dependent and age-dependant. These reports are specifically designed for importation into forest planning models. Two

types of stand and stock tables are available: diameter class and size class. These tables have been used for stand type designation, structural stage forecasting, and product merchandizing. Linkage to the Stand Visualization System (SVS) is also included. Fvsstand was used to display yield tables of measured inventory data versus modeled stand data. During the last round of forest planning, emphasis was placed on commodity production and extraction. During this round of forest plan revision, the emphasis is on forest structure. Thus, it is extremely important that the distribution of trees per size class match measured trends. Getting the board foot volume yield correct is still important. However, if the board foot volume is rendered by a few large trees rather than on several smaller trees, this is an overstatement of the stand structure and non-commodity resources such as wildlife habitat would not be accurately represented. Extreme care was taken to properly portray stand development within the realm of known reality (measured trends). Seedling Cohort Recall that a concerted effort was put forth to forecast the 2” sapling recruitment through various size and density classes. A pattern of sapling counts was postulated that followed a ½ rule, that is, there were approximately half as many 2” saplings in successively larger size/density classes. This same pattern does not hold true for seedlings. There appears to be a somewhat regular frequency of seedlings residing throughout stand development at least in regards to canopy cover. Refer to the table on the following page. A prolific seed crop is produced during most stages as stands mature but fewer seedlings become established and progress to 2” sapling size. However, it is still necessary to input a seedling component to match the expected number of trees per acre as observed in measured stands. The Repute program was run by R1 dominance type to developed imputation values for the seedling cohort. Thus, seedlings and 2” saplings were infused into stand development.

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Measured versus Modeled For the measured yield table, inventory data is summarized. There is no growth projection whatsoever. For the modeled yield table, inventory data is projected for twenty ten-year cycles (200 years). The data is then summarized to provide aggregate values. Review the yield tables on the following page. Notice that the forest cover type transitions for the Mesic Intolerant modeled run. A forest type of 201 indicates a “Douglas-fir” cover type whereas a code of 304 indicates a “Western Redcedar” type. The transition of forest type occurs at age 220. Currently, the bulk of the measured Mesic Intolerant type is less than 150 years old, not much time until natural succession will begin to covert this type from Douglas-fir to Western Redcedar.

On the pages following, graphical comparisons of the Mesic Intolerant R1 Dominance Type are presented using the Stand Visualization System (SVS) software. SVS generates geometric depictions of stand conditions based on an input list of stand components, e.g., trees, shrubs, and down material. The

images produced by SVS provide a realistic representation of silvicultural treatments and management options that appeal to a variety of audiences. Following the initial frame that depicts the 40-year age class, forty year age-intervals were selected to show stand progression. These age brackets appeared to have adequate measured plot samples. Notice similarities and discrepancies between measured and modeled age classes. Of note is that the measured stands do not display down logs as is indicated in the modeled stands. The measured stand inventory data includes only live standing tree information. The modeled stands include mortality components between projection cycles. The goal of the modeling exercise is to maximize the positives and minimize the negative attributes between measured versus modeled data. The measured stand data terminates at the 160-year age class. The modeled stand data continues for the Year-200 through Year-320 old age classes. These slides go beyond the realm of the measured data. Tree senescence and mortality were induced to larger trees via the TreeSzCp keyword sequence. Regeneration imputation would fill in gaps left by the death of older trees. The modeling goal for older age classes is to project a steady-state dynamic to characterize long-term stand development.

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Mesic Intolerant R1 Dominance Type, Measured vs. Modeled

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Mesic Intolerant, Measured versus Modeled Stand Data, Year-40 old Age Class

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Mesic Intolerant, Measured versus Modeled Stand Data, Year-80 old Age Class

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Mesic Intolerant, Measured versus Modeled Stand Data, Year-120 old Age Class

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Mesic Intolerant, Measured versus Modeled Stand Data, Year-160 old Age Class

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Mesic Intolerant, Modeled Stand Data, Year-200 old Age Class

Mesic Intolerant, Modeled Stand Data, Year-240 old Age Class

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Mesic Intolerant, Modeled Stand Data, Year-280 old Age Class

Mesic Intolerant, Modeled Stand Data, Year-320 old Age Class

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V. Treatment Prescriptions Management direction suggest action, be it passive or active. In the preparation of a Land and Resource Management Plan, certain stand level treatments are postulated as potential activities to move the forest toward desired outcomes. For example, it may be proposed to reduce stocking densities to lessen insect impacts. It may also be recommended to provide remedial fuel treatments to minimize wildland fire intensity. It may additionally be advocated to produce a balance of stand size classes throughout the forest to furnish a spectrum of wildlife habitats. For each proposed action, a stand treatment schedule needs to be formulated to achieve the stated goal. The natural growth runs described in the previous section are a de facto prescription option to let stands grow with minimal management intervention. “Decision Variables” are synonymous with ‘supply’ and “Accounting Constraints” with ‘demand’ in resource allocation economics. Decision variables comprise the columns and accounting constraints comprise the rows in most linear programming models. Linear programming techniques have been employed for over two decades to assist solving forest planning problems. A decision variable represents the level of activity that can be undertaken on a given resource. The primary resource of the forest is the land. The primary unit is therefore expressed in terms of acres. The number of acres by stand type that are allocated to each activity renders an efficient solution to the planning problem. Decision variables are combinations of stand type, silvicultural prescription, and timing option. Stand types identify unique vegetative units within a forest. Basic attributes are used to construct a stand type such as overstory cover, size class, crown density, site productivity, and understory component. The formulation of stand types was presented previously in this text. Associated silvicultural treatments and timing options will be presented in the following section. Silvicultural Regimes A silvicultural prescription is a ‘blueprint’ of recommended activities to be applied throughout the life span of a forest stand. Treatments for existing stands can be quite different than those for future stands. Thus, an activity schedule needs to be developed for each condition. Timing options are composed of timing choices and time periods. To provide flexibility in finding a good solution to the forest allocation problem, several timing choices are often presented. Offsetting the standard series of silvicultural events by additional 10-year increments provides an expanded decision space. The planning horizon dictates the number of time periods to be represented in the forest planning model. If stand development needs to be tracked for 300 years (usually, up through rotation age of existing stands plus through the rotation age of regenerated stands), or 30 ten-year projection cycles, then there are 30 time periods to consider per silvicultural treatment per stand type. In order to model forest sustainability, the time horizon selected for the Clearwater and Nez Perce plan revision was 250 years.

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Culmination of Mean Annual Increment In terms of forestry, increment is the increase in diameter, basal area, height, volume, or value of individual trees (a.k.a. growth). Mean annual increment is computed by dividing total increment by stand age. The point of culmination of mean annual increment indicates the age at which average annual growth is the greatest and hence defines the rotation length of maximum volume-growth productivity. In accordance with Forest Service Directives (FSM 1922.15, Forest Planning – Resource Integration Requirements) regarding timber production:

7. Meet the intent of the culmination of mean annual increment (CMAI) requirement by ensuring the total yield from stands at harvest age is equal to or greater than 95 percent of the volume production corresponding to CMAI. Base CMAI on cubic measure and on the yield from regeneration harvests and any additional yields resulting from intermediate harvests.

Maximizing volume-growth on the forestlands within the Clearwater/Nez Perce Planning Zone is certainly not the primary goal for forest plan revision. Moving existing stand structures toward the desired future condition for vegetation, reducing fire hazard, and improving forest health definitely override commodity output. However, determining the stand age at the culmination of mean annual increment assists in setting the transition age to regenerate existing stands. With this in mind, an analysis of the CMAI by stand type was undertaken. Review the table on the following page. The inventory data set was stratified by R1 Dominance Type and V-Map Cover Type. Size class subdivisions were also drawn. Individual plots were simulated over a 200-year projection. The CMAI was computed per plot and aggregated to an average value by stand age using the Fvsstand post processor. The column to the right of the stand type code within the table represents the average CMAI age. The age at which maximum mean annual increment is attained is an important factor influencing the rotation for a given stand type but it is seldom alone decisive. It is only indirectly related to the age at which trees of highest product value are produced. The primary product of Western Conifer forests is quality sawtimber. This quality rotation would culminate several decades beyond the cubic growth maximum. Non-timber considerations weigh heavy in the determination of rotation length for even-aged silvicultural treatments. Mature forest structures for hawks, owls, and woodpeckers require old trees be present. The base timing option for even-aged prescriptions was set at 100 years. Timing offsets of 10-year periods were added to the base to provide a broader scope of timing options for the Spectrum model.

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R1 Dominance Type - Cubic

SizeClass CMAI

dip 12 120110 13 110

20 **30 90

dtd 12 120110 13 110

20 **30 90

miw 12 110100 13 110

20 8030 70

mtc 12 100100 13 100

20 9030 80

sii 12 120110 13 110

20 9030 80

sta 12 110110 13 120

20 10030 90

lpp 12 100100 13 110

20 9030 70

V-map Cover Type -Cubic

SizeClass CMAI

dip 12 100100 13 110

20 **30 80

dtd 12 110110 13 110

20 **30 90

miw 12 110110 13 120

20 8030 80

mtc 12 110110 13 110

20 9030 80

sii 12 110100 13 110

20 9030 80

sta 12 120120 13 120

20 10030 90

lpp 12 110110 13 110

20 9030 70

Species Preference SpecPref is an important FVS keyword. It sets the removal priorities for individual tree species. This affects the order in which trees are selected for removal when a harvest is implemented. When a thinning is scheduled, tree records with the highest species preference are selected first, and selection continues on removal priority until the parameters of the thinning have been met. The species preference used for Clearwater and Nez Perce were:

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Dry Intolerant

1 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Dry Tolerant

1 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Mesic Intolerant

1 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 3

Mesic Tolerant

2 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 3

Lodgepole Pine

3 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 3 3

Subalpine Intolerant

3 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 2

Subalpine Tolerant

3 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 1

1: Preferred (SPECPREF weight of 5 {A preferred species 3” or less in diameter will be favored over an desirable species or favored if 5” or less in diameter over an acceptable species}) 2: Desirable (SPECPREF weight of 2 {A desirable species 2” or less in diameter will be favored over an acceptable species}) 3: Acceptable (SPECPREF weight of 0) If needed, refer to Appendix II for translations of tree species codes. A positive species preference increases the chance for tree removal during thinnings and a negative value increases the chance for tree retention. Silvicultural Prescriptions The spreadsheet on the following page is a synopsis of silvicultural prescriptions used for the Clearwater and Nez Perce forest plan revision. Refer to Appendix III for a narrative description. Even-aged prescriptions such as Shelterwood normally require ‘aged-dependent’ yield tables. Uneven-aged prescriptions such as Group Selection usually require ‘time-dependent’ yield tables. For the Clearwater and Nez Perce analysis, the Group Selection silvicultural option was handled using an aged-dependent method. Although Group Selection is an uneven-aged silvicultural system, a requirement was specified that stands be at least 80 years old prior to the initial group entry treatment. This stipulation required using an age-dependent approach. Thus, all yield tables were processed as age-dependent tables.

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A common stand entry-interval was selected that best-fit silvicultural prescription needs. A 40-year period between treatments provided a balance for even-aged and uneven-aged silvicultural methods. The Base Minimum Timing Option table establishes the earliest possible thinning and regeneration harvest stand ages. Offsets of 10-year periods are produced to provide the Spectrum model a wider scope of timing options to select an optimum solution. Using the Dry-Tolerant type as an example, if the base minimum regeneration stand age is 120 years old, timing offsets of 130, 140, 150, and 160 were developed to depict stands that were not harvested at age 120 and carried over to age 130, or then again to age 140, 150, or 160. A depiction of the Dry-Tolerant type, Even-Aged Silvicultural Regime that prescribes a Shelterwood system with remnant Reserve Trees is displayed on the following pages. Ponderosa Pine is the favored tree species for the regenerated stand.

CNPZ - Base Minimum Timing Option:

Even-Aged Silvicultural Method:

Stand Structure All dip dtd miw mtc lpp sii sta Rx Code Silvicultural System(SW) (SW) (ST) (CC) (CC) (ST) (SW) (EA) (EA) - Even-Aged w/reserve trees

21-30 pct/ub pct/ub pct pct pct pct pct pct/ub (SW) - Shelterwood w/reserve treesExisting 31-40 ub ub (ST) - Seed-Tree w/reserve trees

71-80 ct/ub ct/ub ct/ub ct ct/ub ct/ub (CC) - Clearcut w/reserve trees111-120 ub rh rh rh rh rh151-160 ub ct/ub ct/ub ub/ct191-200 rh rh rh rh231-240

Code Silvicultural Treatment(SW) (SW) (ST) (ST) (CC) (ST) (SW) (EA) pct - precommercial thinning

21-30 pct/ub pct/ub pct pct pct pct pct pct/ub ct - commercial thinningRegenerated 31-40 ub ub ub - understory burning

71-80 ct/ub ct/ub ct/ub ct ct/ub ct/ub rh - regeneration harvest111-120 ub ub ct rh ct ub/ct/rh151-160 ub ub ct/ub ct/ub ub/ct191-200 rh rh rh rh rh rh rh231-240

Group Selection Silvicultural Method:

Stand Structure All dip dtd miw mtc lpp sii sta Rx Code Silvicultural System(GS) (GS) (GS) (GS) (CC) (GS) (GS) (GS) (GS) - Group Selection

21-30 pct pct pct pct pct pct pct pct (CC) - Clearcut w/reserve treesExisting 31-40

71-80 ct111-120 rh

Code Silvicultural Treatment(GS) (GS) (GS) (GS) (CC) (GS) (GS) (GS) pct - precommercial thinning

21-30 pct gp - group openingRegenerated 31-40 gp1

71-80 gp1 gp1 gp1 gp1 ct gp1 gp1 gp2111-120 gp2 gp2 gp2 rh gp2 gp3151-160 gp2 gp3 gp3 gp3 gp2 gp3 gp4191-200 gp4 gp4 gp4 gp1 gp5231-240 gp3 gp5 gp1 gp1 gp3 gp2 gp1

Prescribed Burn Silvicultural Method:

Stand Structure All dip dtd miw mtc lpp sii sta Rx Code Silvicultural System(PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) - Prescribed Burn

21-30 ub pct ub/pctExisting 31-40 ub ub


Code Silvicultural Treatment(PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) (PB) ub - understory burning

21-30 rg - regenerationRegenerated 31-40 pct - precommercial thinning

71-80 ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg111-120 ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg151-160 ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg191-200 ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg231-240 ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg ub/rg

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Dry-Tolerant Existing Stand Data, 30 and 70 Age Classes

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Dry Tolerant Existing Stand Data, 110 Age Class, Shelterwood with Reserves, Pre- and Post Harvest

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Dry-Tolerant Existing Stand Data, 120 Age Class, follow-up Underburn; Dry-Tolerant Regenerated Stand Data, 30 Age Class

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Dry Tolerant Regenerated Stand Data, 70 Age Class, Commercial Thin, Pre- and Post Harvest

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Dry-Tolerant Existing Stand Data, 80 Age Class, follow-up Underburn; Dry-Tolerant Regenerated Stand Data, 110 Age Class

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Dry-Tolerant Regenerated Stand Data, 150 and 190 Age Classes

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VI. Yield Profiles As the name implies, the Forest Vegetation Simulator is much more than a timber tracking tool. Forest plan revision efforts are embroiled with contemporary issues such as forest structure (wildlife habitat and cover type transition), forest health (insect and disease impacts), and forest disturbance (wildfires and catastrophic wind events). The FVS model has evolved with time. Model Extensions have been added to address a myriad of concerns. Beyond reporting commodity production, ecosystem components are forecast. FVS is truly a full-scale vegetation projection system. A fundamental step in forest planning is the analysis of the management situation. Various alternatives are proposed to guide future programmatic direction. Inherent to the analysis process is the gathering of inventory data and the projection of potential outcomes. Computer models play an important role in the projection process and formulation of management alternatives. Generally, two types of computer programs are used for forest planning. They are a yield forecasting model and a decision support system. An analogy could be drawn to a mechanized vehicle. The yield model is akin to the motor. It powers current and future developments by providing value estimates. The decision support model is analogous to the chassis. It pulls together the resource supply and user demand components of forest planning. Coefficients computed by the yield model are keyed into the decision support model to drive allocation decisions. Accounting Variables A list of output variables was developed that would be comprised of yield estimates. These values would be input into the forest planning model to aid in solving for the best combination of activities subject to resource constraints. Stand Types comprised the basic accounting variable:

Example: Stand Type = VDTD12B1Vegetation = Dry-Tolerant Type, Large Size ClassRx = Shelterwood w/ reserves / Timing = 1st option {10-year base offset}

Silvicultural Prescription

Timing Choice

VDTD 12 B 1

V-Map Cover Type

Size Class

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In addition to vegetative characteristics, silvicultural prescription and timing choice are defined. The total number of yield tables that are created is a function of the number of vegetation types, the number of silvicultural prescriptions, and the number to timing choices. For the Clearwater and Nez Perce forest plan revision, 416 yield tables were produced. The Fvsstand post processor was used to generate the bulk of the accounting variables. Refer to the listing on the following page.

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Accounting Variables for Clearwater/Nez Perce Planning Zone

*Base Model Output Variables: Fvsstand Alone Post Processor 1 - Strata = Stand Type/Rx/Timing Choice Label 1 - Proj_Year = Projection Cycle Year 1 - St_Age/10 = Stand Age/10 years 1 - Stand_Age = Stand Age 1 - StDnIndex = Stand Density Index 1 - CulmMAI-A = Culmination Mean Annual Increment - Merchantable Cubic Feet, All Trees 1 - Qd_Mn_Dia = Quadratic Mean Diameter 1 - Plt_Acres = Plot Acres (Count) 1 - Trt_Acres = Treatment Acres (Count) 1 - LTr.AllSx = Live/Trees per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes -----------------------------1 - LAD.AllSx = Live/Average DBH/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - LAH.AllSx = Live/Average Height/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - LBA.AllSx = Live/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - LCA.AllSx = Live/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - LBd.AllSx = Live/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes | All Species 1 - HTr.AllSx = Harvest/Trees per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes | - Sx = All Size Classes 1 - HAD.AllSx = Harvest/Average DBH/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - HAH.AllSx = Harvest/Average Height/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - HBA.AllSx = Harvest/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - HCA.AllSx = Harvest/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - HBd.AllSx = Harvest/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes | 1 - LTr.Gp1Xx = Live/Trees per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes -----------------------------1 - LAD.Gp1Xx = Live/Average DBH/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - LAH.Gp1Xx = Live/Average Height/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - LBA.Gp1Xx = Live/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - LCA.Gp1Xx = Live/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - LBd.Gp1Xx = Live/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes | All Species 1 - HTr.Gp1Xx = Harvest/Trees per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes | - Xx = Mature Size Classes 1 - HAD.Gp1Xx = Harvest/Average DBH/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - HAH.Gp1Xx = Harvest/Average Height/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - HBA.Gp1Xx = Harvest/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - HCA.Gp1Xx = Harvest/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - HBd.Gp1Xx = Harvest/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes | 1 - LTr.Gp2Mm = Live/Trees per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes -----------------------------1 - LAD.Gp2Mm = Live/Average DBH/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - LAH.Gp2Mm = Live/Average Height/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - LBA.Gp2Mm = Live/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - LCA.Gp2Mm = Live/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - LBd.Gp2Mm = Live/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | All Species 1 - HTr.Gp2Mm = Harvest/Trees per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | - Mm = Mid-Age Size Classes 1 - HAD.Gp2Mm = Harvest/Average DBH/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - HAH.Gp2Mm = Harvest/Average Height/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - HBA.Gp2Mm = Harvest/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - HCA.Gp2Mm = Harvest/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - HBd.Gp2Mm = Harvest/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | 1 - LTr.Gp3Yy = Live/Trees per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes -----------------------------1 - LAD.Gp3Yy = Live/Average DBH/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - LAH.Gp3Yy = Live/Average Height/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - LBA.Gp3Yy = Live/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - LCA.Gp3Yy = Live/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - LBd.Gp3Yy = Live/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes | All Species 1 - HTr.Gp3Yy = Harvest/Trees per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes | - Yy = Young Size Classes 1 - HAD.Gp3Yy = Harvest/Average DBH/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - HAH.Gp3Yy = Harvest/Average Height/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - HBA.Gp3Yy = Harvest/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - HCA.Gp3Yy = Harvest/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - HBd.Gp3Yy = Harvest/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes | 1 - LTr.Gp4Ss = Live/Trees per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes -----------------------------1 - LAD.Gp4Ss = Live/Average DBH/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - LAH.Gp4Ss = Live/Average Height/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - LBA.Gp4Ss = Live/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - LCA.Gp4Ss = Live/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - LBd.Gp4Ss = Live/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | All Species 1 - HTr.Gp4Ss = Harvest/Trees per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | - Ss = Sapling Size Classes 1 - HAD.Gp4Ss = Harvest/Average DBH/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - HAH.Gp4Ss = Harvest/Average Height/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - HBA.Gp4Ss = Harvest/Basal Area per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - HCA.Gp4Ss = Harvest/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top | 1 - HBd.Gp4Ss = Harvest/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | 1 - PCA.AllSx = Proportion Cut/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top -----------------------------1 - PBd.AllSx = Proportion Cut/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/All Size Classes | - Sx = All Size Classes 1 - PCA.Gp1Xx = Proportion Cut/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top -----------------------------1 - PBd.Gp1Xx = Proportion Cut/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Mature Size Classes | - Xx = Mature Size Classes 1 - PCA.Gp2Mm = Proportion Cut/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top -----------------------------1 - PBd.Gp2Mm = Proportion Cut/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Mid-Age Size Classes | - Mm = Mid-Age Size Classes 1 - PCA.Gp3Yy = Proportion Cut/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top -----------------------------1 - PBd.Gp3Yy = Proportion Cut/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Young Size Classes | - Yy = Young Size Classes 1 - PCA.Gp4Ss = Proportion Cut/Cubic Feet per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes, All Trees - Cubic Top -----------------------------1 - PBd.Gp4Ss = Proportion Cut/Board Feet per Acre/All Species/Sapling Size Classes | - Ss = Sapling Size Classes -----------------------------

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*Structure Variables: Compute Post Processor 2 - _STNDAGE = Stand Age 2 - _AGEINT = Stand Age Interval - 10 years 2 - _CC00P = Canopy Cover O" plus 2 - _CC10P = Canopy Cover 10" plus 2 - _CC15P = Canopy Cover 15" plus 2 - _CC20P = Canopy Cover 2O" plus 2 - _LYNX = Lynx Habitat *Fire Variables: Compute Post Processor 3 - _CRBD = Crown Bulk Density 3 - _TRIDX = Torching Index - Severe Fire 3 - _CRIDX = Crowning Index - Severe Fire 3 - _FIRE = Fire Hazard Rating - Torching x Crowning Index Matrix 3 - _SNAG10T = Snags 10"-20" 3 - _SNAG20P = Snags 20" plus *Pest Variables: Compute Post Processor 4 - _ESBTL = Spruce Beetle 4 - _DFBTL = Douglas-fir Beetle 4 - _PPBTL = Ponderosa Pine (MPB/WPB) 4 - _WPBTL = Western White Pine (MPB) 4 - _LPBTL = Lodgepole Pine (MPB) 4 - _HZBTL = Composite Beetle Hazard 4 - _BDWTSM = W. Spruce Budworm/DF Tussock Moth *R1 Vegetation Variables: R1 Stand Classifier Post Processor 5 - Dom_Grp = Dominance Group (a.k.a. Cover Type) 5 - Siz_NTG = Size Class (National Technical Guide standards) 5 - _StndAge = Stand Age 5 - _AgeInt = Stand Age Interval - 10 years

User defined variables can be declared in FVS using the “Compute” keyword functionality provided by the Event Monitor. The Compute post processor program produces a comma/column delimited file of variables generated by the Event Monitor. The pre-defined variable Age was used to report stand age at the

beginning of the projection cycle. The pre-defined function SpMcDBH was used to generate canopy cover estimates. Lynx habitat was defined as Subalpine Fir habitat types (620s, 630s, 640s, 650s, 670-674, 690s, 720, 730, 750) residing between 4000' and 7000' elevation. Weather station measurements were obtained from Remote Automatic Weather System (RAWS) data stored in the Fire Family Plus software application. This information was used as parameter inputs to the Potential Fire Wind, Temperature, and Moisture keywords. A wildfire hazard rating code was generated as a cross-reference between the Torching and Crowning Indices. Refer to the associated tables on the following page. Snag counts are also derived from the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator. The ‘Snags’ Event Monitor function renders these values. Consultation with R1 Entomologists culminated in coding of a forest health rating system for several insect agents. Thresholds for stand attributes were determined for Spruce Beetle, Douglas-fir Beetle, Mountain Pine Beetle, Western Spruce Budworm, and Douglas-fir Tussock Moth. Refer to the pest hazard rating matrix two pages following. Criteria were established so as to not over emphasize endemic levels of activity as reflected in the potential combination spreadsheet also displayed two pages following. Current pest ratings for existing inventory conditions are presented three pages following. The pre-defined Event Monitor variable forest cover type (ForTyp) was used as a proxy for R1 Dominance Type. The variable SizCls was used to determine the size class of a stratum. Refer to the chart presented four pages following for relative associations.

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Predicted 10-year Average Fuel Moisture Percentage and Temperature Measurements (1994-2003) from Fire Family Plus (RAWS)

June 1 - October 31

Fuel Class Percentile 80th 90th 97th

1 Hour 5 4 3 10 Hour 6 5 4 100 Hour 10 9 8 1000 Hour 13 12 11 Duff* 75 40 20 Live 95 86 78 Wind Speed** 10 12 15 Temperature 80 85 90

*FOFEM inputs for Idaho Panhandle National Forest moist-site forests. ** 97th percentile default from NRO. 80th and 90th percentile estimated by Fuel Management Specialist, IPNF, and concurred by Clearwater/Nez Perce National Forests.

******************************************************************************** * Fire.kcp -- Fire Model Output Variables (Severe Fire) 01/19/2005 * * _CRBD =Crown Bulk Density * * _CRBHT =Crown Base Height * * _FLGTH =Flame Length * * _TRIDX =Torching Index * * _CRIDX =Crowning Index * * _FIRE =Fire Hazard Rating * * _SNAGS =Number of hard and Soft Snags per Acre * * * * Fire Hazard Rating: Calculated from Torching and Crowning Index * * - Hazard Matrix developed by Paul Langowski & Eric Twombley {INFORMS} * * * * Crowning Index * * Low Med High * * * * Low L M M L = Low * * -------------- M = Moderate * * Torching Med M H VH H = High * * Index -------------- VH = Very High * * High H VH E E = Extreme * * ============================= * * * * Torching Crowning * * Index Index * * * * High 15 mph- 15 mph- * * * * Medium >=16-39<= >=16-39<= * * * * Low 40 mph+ 40 mph+ * * ===================================== * * * * Low(1), Moderate(2), High(3), VeryHigh(4), Extreme(5), * * Undefined(0) = canopy fuels so sparse, canopy base hgt undefined. CI&TI=-1 * ********************************************************************************

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******************************************************************************** * Pest.kcp -- Forest Health Hazard Rating System (03/22/2005) * * ======== * * 3 Factor: {Multiplicative: L= <2 / M= 2-12 / H= >=13} * * Spruce Beetle: * * -------------- * * Low Moderate High Multiplicative * * QMD ES >=10” dbh <12 >=16 L= <2 * * Stand Basal Area <100 >=150 M= 2-17 * * % BA: ES >=10" <50 >=65 H= >=18 * * * * Douglas-fir Beetle: * * ------------------- * * Low Moderate High Multiplicative * * QMD DF >= 9” dbh <10 >=14 L= <2 * * Stand Basal Area <100 >=250 M= 2-17 * * % BA: DF >=9" <50 >=50 H= >=18 * * * * Ponderosa Pine (MPB/ WPB): * * -------------------------- * * Low Moderate High Multiplicative * * QMD PP >= 5” dbh <6 >=10 L= <2 * * Stand Basal Area <80 >=120 M= 2-17 * * % BA: PP >=5" <40 >=65 H= >=18 * * * * White Pine (MPB): * * ----------------- * * Low Moderate High Multiplicative * * QMD WP >= 5” dbh <8 >=12 L= <2 * * Stand Basal Area <80 >=120 M= 2-17 * * % BA: WP >=5" <25 >=50 H= >=18 * * * * Lodgepole Pine (MPB): * * --------------------- * * Low Moderate High * * QMD LP >= 5” dbh <7 >=8 * * Stand Basal Area <80 or >=250 >=120 and <250 * * % BA: LP >=5" <25 >=50 * * Trees per acre >= 3” dbh <100 or >=800 100-300 or 600-800 >=300 and < 600 * * Elevation {feet} >=7,500 5,000-7,500 <5,000 * * 5 Factor: {Multiplicative: L= <3 / M= 3-107 / H= >=108} * * * * Western Spruce Budworm/Douglas-fir Tussock Moth: * * ------------------------------------------------ * * Low Moderate High Multiplicative * * Stand Basal Area <80 >=100 L= <2 * * % BA: ES, AF, GF, DF <50 >=80 M= 2-17 * * Trees per acre >= 5” dbh <50 >=100 H= >=18 * * * * ============================================================================ * * Hazard Ratings: No Host (0), Low(1), Moderate(2), High(3) * ********************************************************************************

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CNPZ - Plot Distribution per Hazard Rating

Spruce Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Beetle High 3 0.4

Moderate 132 18.5Low 199 27.9No Host 378 53.1

712 100.0

Douglas-fir Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Beetle High 25 3.5

Moderate 242 34.0Low 196 27.5No Host 249 35.0

712 100.0

Ponderosa Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Pine High 20 2.8(MPB) Moderate 77 10.8

Low 37 5.2No Host 578 81.2

712 100.0

White Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Pine High 0 0.0(MPB) Moderate 24 3.4

Low 43 6.0No Host 645 90.6

712 100.0

Lodgepole Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Pine High 43 6.0(MPB) Moderate 190 26.7

Low 41 5.8No Host 438 61.5

712 100.0

All Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Beetles High 88 12.4

Moderate 410 57.6Low 143 20.1No Host 71 10.0

712 100.0

W. Spruce Haz Rating Plt Count Rating %Budworm/ High 274 38.5DF Tussock Moderate 239 33.6Moth Low 139 19.5

No Host 60 8.4712 100.0

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The “Combine” program was written to take output from various FVS post processing programs and merge the resultant values. For continuous variables, mean values are reported. Examples of continuous variables are stand density index, trees per acre, and board foot volume. For classification variables,

mode values are determined. Examples of classification variables are forest cover type, stand structure class, and fire hazard rating. Combine was used to aggregate the output columns into a single file for important into the Spectrum model.

The “Sequential Processing Routine Arraying Yields” (Spray) program was designed to run a group of stands with particular treatment activities to produce yield profiles for forest planning. The founding principles in the development of the Spray program was to utilize as much of the FVS existing software as

possible. Then, design a user interface that would allow easy input of stand types, their associated silvicultural prescriptions, and possible timing options.

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The Spray program builds a composite keyword file set per branch node. Once created, the runstream is processed through the FVS Variant. The Fvsstand and Compute post processors are then called upon. Finally, the Combine program synthesizes the output files into one composite yield file. The process continues until all branch nodes have been processed. Yield Files After several iteration and verification runs, 416 vegetation yield tables were produced for the Clearwater and Nez Perce Forest Plan Revision. There were 103 accounting variables output to the yield files. The yield files are formatted as text files with each accounting variable occupying ten characters. The following is a segment from V-Map Dry-Tolerant Type, Large Sawtimber Size Class, Even-Aged Silvicultural Treatment, Timing Option 1 (VDTD12B1.yld) yield file:

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Strata Proj_Year St_Age/10 Stand_Age StDnIndex CulmMAI-A Qd_Mn_Dia Plt_Acres Trt_Acres LTr.AllSx LAD.AllSx LAH.AllSx VDTD12B1e 2006 8 71.00 29.00 2.09 16.40 1.00 0.00 305.88 16.40 55.00 VDTD12B1e 2016 9 84.00 173.00 19.25 11.87 4.00 0.00 784.76 14.28 73.90 VDTD12B1e 2026 10 94.00 181.00 20.74 8.83 9.00 0.00 437.36 12.76 65.98 VDTD12B1e 2036 11 105.00 211.00 26.85 10.80 12.00 0.00 385.89 15.22 79.08 VDTD12B1e 2046 12 115.00 213.00 25.63 11.43 14.00 0.00 374.90 14.45 76.10 VDTD12B1e 2056 13 125.00 215.00 38.96 11.76 16.00 13.00 401.30 14.70 79.27 VDTD12B1e 2066 15 146.00 299.00 43.15 11.81 1.00 0.00 355.18 12.81 77.69 VDTD12B1e 2076 16 156.00 275.00 38.91 11.70 1.00 0.00 340.25 13.37 81.74 VDTD12B1e 2086 17 166.00 251.00 49.28 12.17 1.00 1.00 276.16 14.01 85.50 VDTD12B1e 2096 18 173.00 68.00 27.77 17.68 1.00 0.00 95.02 17.37 59.59 VDTD12B1e 2106 19 183.00 81.00 27.18 13.91 1.00 0.00 116.31 18.97 65.62 VDTD12B1e 2116 20 194.00 105.00 27.49 9.60 2.00 0.00 140.91 22.51 81.62 VDTD12B1e 2126 21 204.00 134.00 27.43 8.76 2.00 2.00 302.71 20.32 76.12 VDTD12B1r 2136 1 10.00 108.00 564.42 13.55 19.00 0.00 303.70 17.66 83.66 VDTD12B1r 2146 2 20.00 100.00 263.06 7.39 19.00 0.00 520.75 15.53 74.47 VDTD12B1r 2156 3 30.00 83.00 161.04 4.60 19.00 3.00 514.81 8.61 46.21 VDTD12B1r 2166 4 40.00 87.00 120.29 5.32 19.00 0.00 316.34 7.77 44.42 VDTD12B1r 2176 5 50.00 141.00 110.00 7.08 19.00 0.00 267.40 8.96 50.16 VDTD12B1r 2186 6 60.00 212.00 106.56 8.65 19.00 0.00 424.23 10.41 57.75 VDTD12B1r 2196 7 70.00 255.00 103.99 10.13 19.00 0.00 418.65 11.70 64.55 VDTD12B1r 2206 8 80.00 271.00 99.79 11.49 19.00 0.00 355.95 12.91 70.56 VDTD12B1r 2216 9 90.00 273.00 107.51 12.75 19.00 15.00 278.93 14.03 75.86 VDTD12B1r 2226 10 100.00 215.00 91.08 13.42 19.00 0.00 209.73 14.96 79.68 VDTD12B1r 2236 11 110.00 224.00 87.09 14.46 19.00 0.00 182.59 15.76 82.48 VDTD12B1r 2246 12 120.00 227.00 82.65 15.64 19.00 0.00 156.61 16.59 85.15 VDTD12B1r 2256 13 130.00 229.00 78.02 16.88 19.00 0.00 140.02 17.59 88.23 VDTD12B1r 2266 14 140.00 232.00 73.27 17.78 19.00 0.00 141.13 18.67 91.34 VDTD12B1r 2276 15 150.00 229.00 68.28 18.61 19.00 0.00 133.92 19.68 93.98 VDTD12B1r 2286 16 160.00 225.00 63.61 19.08 19.00 0.00 131.80 20.71 96.51 VDTD12B1r 2296 17 170.00 219.00 59.01 19.34 19.00 0.00 130.17 21.51 98.05 VDTD12B1r 2306 18 180.00 212.00 54.69 19.48 19.00 0.00 127.21 22.01 98.37 VDTD12B1r 2316 19 190.00 201.00 50.36 19.39 19.00 0.00 124.03 22.10 97.37 VDTD12B1r 2326 20 200.00 190.00 46.40 19.23 19.00 0.00 120.02 22.00 95.77 VDTD12B1r 2336 21 210.00 179.00 51.60 18.80 19.00 18.00 119.26 21.64 93.47 VDTD12B1r 2346 1 10.00 96.00 875.83 15.76 18.00 0.00 213.87 27.57 105.71 VDTD12B1r 2356 2 20.00 81.00 410.33 8.48 15.00 0.00 466.54 18.80 75.68 VDTD12B1r 2366 3 30.00 87.00 258.90 3.39 9.00 5.00 951.84 8.52 45.02 VDTD12B1r 2376 4 40.00 73.00 191.43 5.14 5.00 0.00 228.05 6.71 35.20

The ‘Yield Examination Program’ (YEP) was developed to assist forest planning staffs with the assessment of vegetation profiles. YEP imports tabular data from text files and displays the results in the form of scatter plots. Users can select from any one of the many columns of information contained in the

yield files to designate X and Y coordinates. A trendline is overlaid through the data points to assist visual inspection of the portrayed profile. Visual examination of the scatter plots can aid in concluding the goodness-of-fit. Select scatter plots from the V-Map Subalpine Intolerant Type, All Size Classes combined, Natural Growth run are presented on the following pages. Refer to the list of accounting variables for acronym translation. Basic forestry metrics depict stand development over time. Inferences related to canopy cover and size class are important characteristics for describing wildlife habitat. Fire and insect hazard ratings can be correlated to disturbance processes.

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Conclusions Preparing yield tables in support of forest planning efforts is not akin to processing inventory data through developed software. You can not simply feed data in one end and produce meaningful output reports at the other end. The professional talents required to construct relevant vegetative trends include that of a mensurationist, silviculturist, forest analyst, forest planner, technical writer, and computer scientist. This is not a complete list of specialty skills. Possessing these abilities does not ensure proper integration of tasks. Formal experience on several projects aids in solidifying the corporate memory to conduct such analyses. There is as much art as science that goes into the process.

Mesic Tolerant








0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400





mtc_r1dmtc_vmpmtc_wrdPoly. (mtc_wrd)Poly. (mtc_vmp)Poly. (mtc_r1d)

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Appendix I


CNPZ FIA Plot Distribution {Collapsed} V-Map Strata R1_Dom Strata Cover Type

Size Class

FIA Plots

Stocked Plots

FIA Plots

Stocked Plots

dip large 20 18 medium 9 10 small 0 0 seedsap 5 34 3 31 nonstocked 1 0 dtd large 19 21 medium 14 13 small 0 0 seedsap 5 38 7 41 nonstocked 1 0 miw large 39 33 medium 26 32 small 12 12 seedsap 7 84 6 83 nonstocked 5 1 mtc large 69 72 medium 46 42 small 15 13 seedsap 17 147 18 145 nonstocked 3 2 sii large 33 30 medium 63 48 small 24 18 seedsap 21 141 14 110 nonstocked 1 2 sta large 31 35 medium 63 73 small 14 16 seedsap 16 124 15 139 nonstocked 5 4 lpp large 11 13 medium 38 41 small 13 20 seedsap 6 68 18 92 nonstocked 2 2 Subtotal: nonstk/stk 18 636 11 641 oth other 56 49 non non-forest 2 11 Total: 712 712

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Appendix II Tree Species Codes

FIA Code

FVS Species

FIA Species

017 GF Grand Fir 019 AF Subalpine Fir 072 LL Subalpine Larch 073 WL Western Larch 093 ES Engelmann Spruce 101 WB Whitebark Pine 108 LP Lodgepole Pine 113 LM Limber Pine 119 WP Western White Pine 122 PP Ponderosa Pine 202 DF Douglas-fir 242 RC Western Redcedar 263 WH Western Hemlock 264 MH Mountain Hemlock 290 OS Other Softwoods 375 PB Paper Birch 740 CO Cottonwood 746 AS Quaking Aspen

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Appendix III Silvicultural Prescriptions

Page Even-Aged Method: - Dry Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 63 - Dry Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 65 - Mesic Intolerant (Grand Fir HT): Regenerated Stands 67 - Mesic Intolerant (W. Redcedar HT): Regenerated Stands 69 - Mesic Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 71 - Lodgepole Pine: Regenerated Stands 72 - Subalpine Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 73 - Subalpine Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 75 Group Selection Method: - Dry Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 76 - Dry Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 78 - Mesic Intolerant (Grand Fir HT): Regenerated Stands 80 - Mesic Intolerant (W. Redcedar HT): Regenerated Stands 82 - Mesic Tolerant (Grand Fir HT): Regenerated Stands 84 - Mesic Tolerant (W. Redcedar HT): Regenerated Stands 85 - Subalpine Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 86 - Subalpine Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 88 Prescribed Burn Method: - Dry Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 89 - Dry Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 91 - Mesic Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 93 - Mesic Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 94 - Lodgepole Pine: Regenerated Stands 95 - Subalpine Intolerant: Regenerated Stands 96 - Subalpine Tolerant: Regenerated Stands 97

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Rx EA – Dry Intolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Shelterwood seed cut with reserves


0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees, providing for openings sufficient to regenerate PP and associated species by planting. Retain 30-40 sq. ft. of BA, preferrably PP in the dominant and codominant size classes (usually 12-14” DBH or larger). Select sprecies preference from the species preference table.

Regeneration 1-5 Prepare site for artificial regeneration by underburning. Planting of PP will be necessary to assure target objectives will be met. Plant 300-400 tpa of PP, at year 5 after harvest. Anticipate the following natural regeneration fill-in on site at these densities: DF 200 tpa; PP 20 tpa. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 150 tpa. PP should be at least 50% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 Thin if stand density exceeds 600 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 250 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining PP as a minimum of 50% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

20-30 Underburn after completion of precommercial thin for fuel management purposes. Burn will also reduce the number of small trees left in the sub-merchantible class. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of trees over 3” in the stand as measured by ba.

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

40-60 Underburn to maintain single strata and open grown conditions. Mortality should be limited to trees less than 6” DBH. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Commercial Thinning



Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 120 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 80 sq. ft. for trees 8” and larger. Maintain at least 50% of stand composition as PP. Thin from below starting at the 6” diameter class.

Slashing 4465 80-110

Slash smaller diameter size class (less than 6”DBH) to create fuel loading and reduce latter fuels in preparation of prescribed burning.

Underburning 4980 80- Underburn after completion of commercial thin for fuel

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SIMFIRE 110 management purposes. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Underburning 4980 120-130

Underburn to maintain single strata and open grown conditions. Mortality should be limited to trees that have established during understory re-initiation (less than 6” DBH). Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Underburning 4980 140-150

Underburn to maintain single strata and open grown conditions. There should be at least 20 years between underburning events, and at least 20 years or more prior to the regeneration harvest. Mortality should be limited to trees that have established during understory re-initiation (less than 6” DBH). Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Underburning 4980 170+ Underburn to maintain single strata and open grown conditions. There should be at least 20 years between underburning events, and at least 20 years or more prior to the regeneration harvest. Mortality should be limited to trees that have established during understory re-initiation (less than 6” DBH). Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Shelterwood seedcut w/reserves


200+ Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 200 years. Go to begininning of prescription for regeneration specifications.

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Rx EA –Dry Tolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Irregular Shelterwood seed cut with reserves


0 The objective is to remove about 65% of the overstory trees, providing for openings sufficient to regenerate PP and associated species by planting. Retain about 50-70 sq. ft. of BA, mostly in the dominant and codominant size classes (usually 12-14” DBH or larger). Assume that from 30-50% mortality occurs within the overwood during the regeneration phase. Select species preference from the species preference table.

Regeneration 1-5 Prepare site for artificial regeneration by underburning. Planting of PP will be necessary to assure target objectives will be met. Plant 200 tpa of PP, at year 5 after harvest. Anticipate the following natural regeneration fill-in on site at these densities: DF 200 tpa; GF 100 tpa; PP 20 tpa. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 150 tpa. PP should be 30-50% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 Thin if stand density exceeds 600 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 250 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining PP as a minimum of 50% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

20-30 Underburn for thinning, stand structure maintenance, and fuel management purposes. Objective is to thin from below, reduce lower branches, and reduce lower strata in the sub-merchantible class. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Stocking levels following burning should be 200-300 tpa, 30-50% of which are PP.

Commercial Thinning


80-110 Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 150 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 100 sq. ft. for trees 8” and larger. Thin from below in 6”+ diameter classes. Select species preference from the species preference table.

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

80-110 Underburn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to

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exceed 10% of the thinned stand as measured by ba. Underburning 4980 120-

130 Underburn 20 years after previous thin and underburn to maintain single strata and open grown conditions. Mortality should be limited to trees that have established during understory re-initiation (less than 6” DBH). Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Underburning 4980 140-160

Underburn to maintain single strata and open grown conditions. There should be at least 20 years between underburning events, and at least 20 years or more prior to the regeneration harvest. Mortality should be limited to trees that have established during understory re-initiation (less than 6” DBH). Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba.

Irregular Shelterwood seedcut w/reserves


200+ No regeneration harvest will occur in the this dominance type until the DFC for old growth conditions is achieved on a forest-wide basis. Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 200 years. Go to begininning of prescription for regeneration specifications.

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Rx EA – Mesic Intolerant (Grand Fir HT): Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Irregular Seedtree with reserves


0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for openings sufficient to regenerate WL or PP and associated species by planting. Retain 50 sq. ft. of BA, in the dominant or codominant crown classes (usually 12-14” DBH or larger). Assume that approximately 50% mortality occurs in any DF/GF in the overwood during the regeneration phase. Select species from the species preference tables.


4473 or 4471 and 4431 PLANT Year 5

1-5 Prepare site for artificial regeneration, primarily with underburning. Plant 150-200 tpa of WL and 150-200 tpa of PP at year 5 after final harvest. Anticipate the following species will also regenerate on site at these densities: DF: 300 tpa; GF 300 tpa. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 400 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground. WL/PP should be at least 50% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL/PP at a minimum of 40% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning



Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 170 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of trees 7” and larger. Maintain at least 40% of stand composition as WL/PP. Thin from below, removing shade tolerant species as a priority (primarily GF, also some DF) starting at the 6” diameter class.

Underburning 4980 Jackpot burn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Objective is reduce fuel loading. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba, mortality should be aimed at 6” diameter class and less.

Commercial Thinning


140+ Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 170 sq. ft. of ba, and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of trees 12” and larger. Maintain at least 40% of stand

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composition as WL/PP. Commercial Thinning should occur at least 20 years or more from Seedtree regeneration harvest (See below).

Underburning 4980 Jackpot burn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Objective is reduce fuel loading. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba, mortality should be aimed at 6” diameter class and less.

Irregular Seed tree w/reserves


200+ Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 200 years. Retain 50 sq. ft. of basal area per acre for natural regeneration.

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Rx EA – Mesic Intolerant (W. Redcedar HT): Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Irregular Seedtree with reserves


0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for openings sufficient to regenerate WL or PP and associated species by planting. Retain 50 sq. ft. of BA, in the dominant or codominant crown classes (usually 12-14” DBH or larger). Assume that approximately 50% mortality occurs in any DF/GF in the overwood during the regeneration phase. Select species from the species preference tables.


4473 or 4471 and 4431 PLANT Year 5

1-5 Prepare site for artificial regeneration, primarily with underburning. Plant 100-150 tpa of WL, 100-150 tpa of WWP, and 50-100 tpa of PP at year 5 after final harvest. Anticipate the following species will also regenerate on site at these densities: DF: 300 tpa; GF 300 tpa; WRC 150 tpa. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 400 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground. WL/WWP/PP should be at least 50% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL/WWP/PP at a minimum of 40% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning



Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 170 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of trees 7” and larger. Maintain at least 40% of stand composition as WL/WWP/PP. Thin from below, removing shade tolerant species as a priority (DF, GF, C) starting at the 6” diameter class.

Underburning 4980 Jackpot burn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Objective is reduce fuel loading. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba, mortality should be aimed at 6” diameter class and less.

Commercial Thinning


140+ Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 170 sq. ft. of ba, and minimum harvest level

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TINBBA of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of trees 12” and larger. Maintain at least 40% of stand composition as WL/WWP/PP. Commercial Thinning should occur at least 20 years or more from Seedtree regeneration harvest (See below).

Underburning 4980 Jackpot burn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Objective is reduce fuel loading. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba, mortality should be aimed at 6” diameter class and less.

Irregular Seed tree w/reserves


200+ Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 200 years. Retain 50 sq. ft. of basal area per acre for natural regeneration.

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Rx EA – Mesic Tolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Clearcut with clumped reserves


0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for openings sufficient to regenerate WL/PP/WP and associated species by planting. Retain 40 Sq. ft. of BA, in the dominant or codominant crown classes (usually 12-14” DBH or larger). Assume that approximately 50% mortality occurs with the overwood during the regeneration phase. Select species from the species preference tables.

Regeneration 1-5 Prepare site for artificial regeneration, by underburning. Plant 450 tpa of WP/WL/PP, at year 5 after final harvest. Anticipate the following species will also regenerate on site at these densities: DF: 400 tpa; GF 400 tpa; WRC 200, Spruce: 50. Minimum stocking at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 400 tpa on 80% of the ground. WP/WL/PP/DF should be approximately 70% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 400 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WP/WL/PP/DF as a minimum of 80% of dominance type. Objective is to maintain as much WP in the stand as possible. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning



Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 170 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. for trees 8” and larger. Maintain at least 50% of stand composition as WL/WP/PP. Thin from below, removing shade tolerant species as a priority (DF, GF, C) starting at the 6” diameter class. Commercial Thinning should occur at least 20 years or more from regeneration harvest (See below)

Clearcut w/ clumped reserves


200+ Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 200 years. At the time of regeneration harvest, regenerate stand with a clearcut w/ reserves regeneration regime.

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Rx EA - Lodgepole Pine: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for clearcut with reserves


0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for the natural regeneration of primarily LP through serotinous cones. Other species may regenerate on the site, but LP will maintain dominance over the rotation. Retain 20% of existing stand BA in trees greater than or equal to 10” DBH of all species for snag recruitment and other ecosystem functions. Assume 80% plus mortality over the rotation.

Regeneration 1-5 Prepare site for natural regeneration, by underburning. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 250 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground. LP should be approximately 80% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 For stands ouside of Lynx habitat (less than 4,000 feet in elevation, or anything except subalpine fir habitat type series): Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 360 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining LP as 80% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age). For stands within of Lynx habitat (greater than 4,000 feet in elevation, all other habitat types): No precommercial thinning allowed.

Commercial Thinning


60-80 Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 150 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 100 sq. ft. of trees 8” and larger. Give preference to retain larger diameter WL when available. Retain larger diameter LP to assist in meeting target density of 100 sq. ft.

Clearcut w/ reserves



Regeneration Harvest should occur at CMAI or at least 20 years after a commercial thin is completed (if scheduled). Retain 20% of existing stand BA in trees greater than or equal to 10” DBH of all species for snag recruitment and other ecosystem functions. Assume 80% plus mortality over the rotation.

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Rx EA – Subalpine Intolerant: Regenerated Stans

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Seedtree seed cut w/reserves


0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for regeneration of WL and DF. Associated species will be obtained through natural regeneration fill-in. Retain 10-15 tpa of WL greater than or equal to 14” DBH where available. Retain WL overwood throughout rotation.

Regeneration 1-5 Prepare site for natural regeneration, by underburning. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 300 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground. WL should be approximately 35% of the stand composition, DF about 35%.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 For stands ouside of Lynx habitat (less than 4,000 feet in elevation, or any but AF habitat type series): Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL as a minimum of 30% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age). For stands within of Lynx habitat (greater than 4,000 feet in elevation, all AF habitat types): No precommercial thinning allowed.

Commercial Thinning



Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 150 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of trees 8” and larger. Maintain at least 30% of stand composition as WL. Thin from below, removing the shade tolerant species (GF, AF, ES), and also give preference to remove LP. Commercial thinning should start at the 6” diameter class.

Jackpot burning PILEBURN Jackpot burn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba, mortality should be aimed at 6” diameter class and less.

Commercial Thinning


140+ Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 150 sq. ft. of ba, and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of trees

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8” and larger. Maintain at least 30% of stand composition as WL. Thin from below starting at the 6” diameter class. Commercial Thinning should occur at least 20 years or more from Seedtree regeneration harvest (See below)

Underburning 4980 Underburn after completion of commercial thin for fuel management purposes. Objective is to maintain XX to xx tons/acre of CWD. Use FFE extension to predict mortality. Mortality objective is not to exceed 10% of stand as measured by ba, mortality should be aimed at 6” diameter class and less.

Seedtree seed cut w/reserves


200+ Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 200 years. Retain 10-15 seedtrees per acre for natural regeneration.

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Rx EA - Subalpine Tolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Irregular Shelterwood with reserves

THINBBA 0 The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for the openings sufficient to regenerate Larch/Douglas-fir by planting. Other species will regenerate on the site, but Larch/DF will maintain dominance over the rotation. Retain clumps of trees to average 30-50 sq. ft. ba/a of trees greater than or equal to 12” DBH (favor L/DF) for snag recruitment, horizontal diversity, and other ecosystem functions. Assume 50% mortality of overwood over the rotation period.

Regeneration PLANT 1-5 Prepare site for regeneration, by underburning. Plant 150 tpa of WL and 150 tpa of DF. Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration period (5 years after harvest) is 300 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground. Assume natural fill-in of 100 LP, 200 AF and 200 S, 100 DF.

Precommercial thinning


20-30 (Only thin if plot location is under 4000 feet in elevation): Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. Thin from below to 360 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period). See species preference table for species selection.

Commercial Thinning



Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 150 sq. ft. of ba, average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre. Target Condition is 110 sq. ft. of trees 8” and larger. Favor WL/DF (see species preference table). Thin from below, removing the shade tolerant species (AF), and also give preference to remove LP. Commercial thinning should start at the 6” diameter class.

Prescription for Irregular shelterwood with reserves

THINBBA 150+ Regeneration Harvest should occur at a minimum of 150 years. At the time of regeneration harvest, regenerate stand with an irregular shelterwood regeneration regime.

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Rx GS – Dry Intolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection Harvest


0 1stGroup

• The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for artifical regeneration of PP on 33% of the stand acres every 70-90 years.

• Groups should be between 2-3 acres in size • Retain 4-8 tpa of PP overwood greater than or equal

to 14” DBH. Retain PP overwood throughout rotation.

Underburning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 1stGroup

Underburn group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. • Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to

10% of reserve overwood within group. Underburning can also be applied on a stand-wide basis to assist in the management of ladder fuels throughout remaining stand (the portion of the stand that is not within the group selection harvest). • In the remainder of the stand, from 50 - 80%

mortality would be desirable in the less than 7” DBH size class. Larger size classes should have less than 10% mortality.

Regeneration 4431 PLANT

5 1stGroup

• Plant 200 tpa of PP • Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration

period (5 years after harvest) is 100 tpa. • PP should be approximately 60% of the stand

composition at the time of certification (60% of the 100 tpa of crop trees).

• Assume 500 tpa of DF will regenerate naturally during regeneration period.

Underburning for thinning and fuels reduction


25 1st group

Underburn stand-wide to manage ladder fuels and reduce DF or GF stocking. 50 – 80% mortality is desirable in the DF and GF less than 7” dbh. Larger sizes should have less than 10% mortality.

Precommercial thinning


40 1stGroup

• Thin if density within young patches exceeds 600 tpa at age 20-30.

• Thin from below to 150 tpa, exclusive of trees 14” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining PP as a minimum of 60% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Underburning For fuel reduction after


43 1stGroup

• Underburn group after thinning to reduce fuels generated by activity.

• Acceptable mortality within the group should be less

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precommercial thinning

than or equal to 10% of reserve overwood within group.

• Mortality in the sapling size component within the group should be less than 25%. Mortality should be mostly the DF.

Commercial Thinning


100 1stGroup

• Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 120 sq. ft. of ba,

• average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and

• minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre, • Target Condition is 80 sq. ft. for trees 8” and larger.

Maintain at least 50% of stand composition as PP. Thin from below starting at the 6” diameter class.

Underburning For fuel reduction


103 1stGroup

• Acceptable mortality within previously established groups (in this case, group 1 consisting of the 100 year old age class) should be incidental (<1%).

• Trees that were regenerated after previous understory burns should have between 80-100% mortality

Understory re-initiation

4431 105 1st Group

• To simulate additional regeneration due to burning activity, assume 100 tpa of DF, and 25 tpa of PP regenerate within 5 years after underburn.

Underburning For fuel reduction


130 1stGroup

• Acceptable mortality within previously established groups (in this case, group 1 consisting of the 130 year old age class) should be incidental (<1%).

• Trees that were regenerated during the understory regeneration should have between 80-100% mortality

Understory re-initiation

4431 135 1st Group

• To simulate additional regeneration due to burning activity, assume 100 tpa of DF, and 25 tpa of PP regenerate within 5 years after underburn.

Underburning For fuel reduction


170 1stGroup

• Acceptable mortality within previously established groups (in this case, group 1 consisting of the 170 year old age class) should be incidental (<1%).

• Trees that were regenerated during the understory regeneration should have between 80-100% mortality

Prescription for Group Selection Harvest


210 • Begin regeneration sequence as described above

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Rx GS – Dry Tolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection Harvest


0 1stGroup

• The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for artifical regeneration of PP on 20% of the stand acres every 40 years.

• Groups should be between 2-3 acres in size • Retain 4-8 tpa of trees greater than or equal to 14”

DBH. PP are preferred, if available. Retain throughout rotation.

Underburning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 1stGroup

Underburn group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. • Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to

10% of reserve overwood within group. • Underburning can also be applied on a stand-wide

basis to assist in the management of ladder fuels throughout remaining stand (the portion of the stand that is not within the group selection harvest).

• In the remainder of the stand, from 30- 80% mortality would be acceptable in the less than 7” DBH size class. Larger size classes should have less than 10% mortality.

Regeneration 4431 PLANT

5 1stGroup

• Plant 150 tpa of PP • Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration

period (5 years after harvest) is 150 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground.

• PP should be 30-60% of the stand composition at the time of certification (% of the 150 tpa of crop trees).

• Assume 500 tpa of DF will regenerate naturally during regeneration period.

Precommercial thinning


40 1stGroup

• Thin if stand density exceeds 300 tpa at age 20-30. • Thin from below to 150 tpa, exclusive of trees 14”

DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining PP as a minimum of 60% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Underburning For fuel reduction after precommercial thinning


43 1stGroup

• Underburn group after thinning to reduce fuels generated by activity.

• Acceptable mortality within the group should be less than or equal to 10% of reserve overwood within group.

• Mortality in the sapling size component within the group should be less than 25%. Mortality should be equally divided between the PP/DF.

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• Underburning can also be applied on a stand-wide basis in assiting in the management of ladder fuels throughout stand (the portion of the stand that has not been regenerated harvested by Group Selection).

• In the remainder of the stand, from 30- 80% mortality would be acceptable in the less than 7” DBH size class. Larger size classes should have less than 5% mortality outside of the group.

Understory re-initiation

4431 45 1st Group

• To simulate additional regeneration due to burning activity, assume 200 tpa of DF, and 50 tpa of PP regenerate within 5 years after underburn.

Commercial Thinning


120 1stGroup

• Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 150 sq. ft. of ba,

• average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and

• minimum harvest level of 500 cu. ft./acre, • Target Condition is 100 sq. ft. for trees 8” and larger.

Maintain at least 30% of stand composition as PP. Thin from below starting at the 6” diameter class.

Underburning For fuel reduction


123 1stGroup

• Acceptable mortality within previously established groups (in this case, group 1 consisting of the 120 year old age class) should be incidental (<1%).

• Trees that were regenerated during the understory regeneration should have between 80-100% mortality

Understory re-initiation

4431 125 1st Group

• To simulate additional regeneration due to burning activity, assume 200 tpa of DF, and 50 tpa of PP regenerate within 5 years after underburn.

Underburning For fuel reduction


123 1stGroup

• Acceptable mortality within previously established groups (in this case, group 1 consisting of the 120 year old age class) should be incidental (<1%).

• Trees that were regenerated during the understory regeneration should have between 80-100% mortality

Understory re-initiation

4431 125 1st Group

• To simulate additional regeneration due to burning activity, assume 200 tpa of DF, and 50 tpa of PP regenerate within 5 years after underburn.

Underburning For fuel reduction


170 1stGroup

• Acceptable mortality within previously established groups (in this case, group 1 consisting of the 170 year old age class) should be incidental (<1%).

• Trees that were regenerated during the understory regeneration should have between 80-100% mortality

Prescription for Group Selection Harvest


210 • Begin regeneration sequence as described above

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Rx GS – Mesic Intolerant (Grand Fir HT): Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection


0 • The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for regeneration of WL/PP on 25% of the stand acres every 50 years,

• Groups should be between 3-5 acres in size. • Retain 5-10 tpa of WL/PP greater than or equal to 14”

DBH where available. Retain WL/PP overwood throughout rotation.

Underburning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 Burn harvested group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. • Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to

10% of reserve overwood within group. • Underburning can also be applied on a stand-wide

basis to assist in the management of ladder fuels throughout remaining stand (the portion of the stand that is not within the group selection harvest).

In the remainder of the stand, from 30- 80% mortality would be acceptable in the less than 7” DBH size class. Larger size classes should have less than 10% mortality.

Regeneration PLANT 4431

5 • Plant 450 tpa of WL/PP • Minimum certification at the end of 5 years should be

300 tpa. • WL/PP should be approximately 60% of the stand

composition at the time of certification. • Assume 800 DF/GF will regenerate naturally during

this regeneration period. Precommercial thinning


20-30 • Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. • Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10”

DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL/PP/DF as a minimum of 40% of dominance type.

• (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning


80 • Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 160 sq.ft. of BA/A.

• Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and

• Minimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 100 sq. ft. of BA/A for trees 8”

DBH and larger.

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• At least 40% of species composition should be WL/PP.

• DF is highest priority for removal, GF is second. Commercial Thinning


160 • Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 180 sq.ft. of BA/A,

• Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger,

• Mimimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 150 sq. ft. for trees 8” DBH and

larger. • DF is highest priority for removal, GF second.

Prescription for Group Selection


200 • Return to regeneration sequence as described above.

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Rx GS – Mesic Intolerant (W. Redcedar HT): Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection


0 • The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for regeneration of WL/WWP/PP on 25% of the stand acres every 50 years,

• Groups should be between 3-5 acres in size. • Retain 5-10 tpa of WL/PP greater than or equal to 14”

DBH where available. Retain WL/PP overwood throughout rotation.

Underburning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 Burn harvested group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. • Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to

10% of reserve overwood within group. • Underburning can also be applied on a stand-wide

basis to assist in the management of ladder fuels throughout remaining stand (the portion of the stand that is not within the group selection harvest).

In the remainder of the stand, from 30- 80% mortality would be acceptable in the less than 7” DBH size class. Larger size classes should have less than 10% mortality.

Regeneration PLANT 4431

5 • Plant 450 tpa of WL/WWP/PP • Minimum certification at the end of 5 years should be

300 tpa. • WL/WWP/PP should be approximately 60% of the

stand composition at the time of certification. • Assume 800 DF/GF and WRC will regenerate

naturally during this regeneration period. Precommercial thinning


20-30 • Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. • Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10”

DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL/WWP/PP/DF as a minimum of 40% of dominance type.

• (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning


80 • Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 160 sq.ft. of BA/A.

• Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and

• Minimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 100 sq. ft. of BA/A for trees 8”

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DBH and larger. • At least 40% of species composition should be

WL/WWP/PP. • DF is highest priority for removal, GF is second.

Commercial Thinning


160 • Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 180 sq.ft. of BA/A,

• Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger,

• Mimimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 150 sq. ft. for trees 8” DBH and

larger. • DF is highest priority for removal, GF second, WWP

third. Prescription for Group Selection


200 • Return to regeneration sequence as described above.

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Rx GS – Mesic Tolerant (Grand Fir HT): Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection


0 • The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for regeneration of WL/PP on 25% of the stand acres every 50 years,

• Groups should be between 3-5 acres in size. • Retain 5-10 tpa of WL/PP greater than or equal to 14”

DBH where available. Retain WL/PP overwood throughout rotation.

Underburning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 Burn harvested group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to 10% of reserve overwood within group.

Regeneration PLANT 4431

5 • Plant 450 tpa of WL/PP/DF • Minimum certification at the end of 5 years should be

300 tpa. • WL/PP should be approximately 60% of the stand

composition at the time of certification. • Assume 800 DF/GF will regenerate naturally during

this regeneration period. Precommercial thinning


20-30 • Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. • Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10”

DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL/PP/DF as a minimum of 40% of dominance type.

• (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning



• Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 160 sq.ft. of BA/A.

• Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and

• Minimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of BA/A for trees 8”

DBH and larger. • At least 40% of species composition should be

WL/PP. • DF is highest priority for removal, GF is second.

Prescription for Group Selection


200 • Return to regeneration sequence as described above.

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Rx GS – Mesic Tolerant (W. Redcedar HT): Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection


0 • The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for regeneration of WL/PP on 25% of the stand acres every 50 years,

• Groups should be between 3-5 acres in size. • Retain 5-10 tpa of WL/PP greater than or equal to 14”

DBH where available. Retain WL/PP overwood throughout rotation.

Underburning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 Burn harvested group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to 10% of reserve overwood within group.

Regeneration PLANT 4431

5 • Plant 450 tpa of WL/WWP/PP • Minimum certification at the end of 5 years should be

300 tpa. • WL/WWP/PP should be approximately 60% of the

stand composition at the time of certification. • Assume 800 DF/GF will regenerate naturally during

this regeneration period. Precommercial thinning


20-30 • Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 20-30. • Thin from below to 300 tpa, exclusive of trees 10”

DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL/WWP/PP/DF as a minimum of 60% of dominance type.

• (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Commercial Thinning



• Schedule commercial thinning where stand density exceeds 160 sq.ft. of BA/A.

• Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH is 8” DBH or larger and

• Minimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 120 sq. ft. of BA/A for trees 8”

DBH and larger. • At least 40% of species composition should be

WL/WWP/PP. • DF is highest priority for removal, GF is second.

Prescription for Group Selection


200 • Return to regeneration sequence as described above.

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Rx GS – Subalpine Intolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection


0 • The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees providing for natural regeneration of WL on 33% of the stand acres every 70 years.

• Groups should be 3-5 acres in size. • Retain 10-15 tpa of WL greater than or equal to 14”

DBH where available. Retain WL overwood throughout rotation.

Jackpot burning for site preparation and fuel reduction


3 Jackpot burn group to reduce fuels generated by harvest, preparing site for artifical regeneration. • Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to

10% of reserve overwood within group. • Underburning can also be applied on a stand-wide

basis to assist in the management of ladder fuels throughout remaining stand (the portion of the stand that is not within the group selection harvest).

In the remainder of the stand, from 30- 80% mortality would be acceptable in the less than 7” DBH size class. Larger size classes should have less than 10% mortality.

Regeneration PLANT 4431

5 • Plant 200 tpa each of WL and DF • Minimum certification at the end of 5 years should be

300 tpa. • WL should be approximately 30% of the stand

composition at the time of certification. Assume 800 AF/ES will regenerate naturally during this regeneration period.

Precommercial thinning


30 For stands ouside of Lynx habitat (less than 4,000 feet in elevation, or DF habitat type series): Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 40. Thin from below to 200 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), maintaining WL as a minimum of 30% of dominance type. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age). For stands within of Lynx habitat (greater than 4,000 feet in elevation, all other habitat types): No precommercial thinning allowed.

Commercial Thinning


100 • density exceeds 150 sq.ft. of ba. • Average stand diameter for trees greater than 5” DBH

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is 8” DBH or larger and • Mimimum harvest level of 500 cu.ft./acre, • Target Condition is 110 sq. ft. for trees 8” DBH • At least 30% of species composition should be WL

Prescription for Group Selection


200 • Return to regeneration sequence as described above.

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Rx GS – Subalpine Tolerant: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for Group Selection


0 • The objective is to remove the majority of the overstory trees in the groups, providing for the openings sufficient to regenerate some larch and Douglas-fir by planting.

• Groups should be 2-3 acres in size • Cutting cycle should be 50 years with 3 distinct

groups produced over 150 years • Other species will also regenerate on the site, but

Larch/DF will maintain presence over the rotation. • Retain 4-8 tpa of trees greater than or equal to 12”

DBH of L/DF (preferred, if available) for snag recruitment and other ecosystem functions. Retain WL overwood throughout rotation.

Jackpot burning for site preparation and fuel reduction

PILEBURN 1 Jackpot burn slash after harvest. Expected mortality is less than 10% in residual trees.

Regeneration 4431 PLANT

5 • Plant 100 tpa of WL, 100 tpa of DF • Minimum certification at the end of the regeneration

period (5 years after harvest) is 200 tpa on 80% of the stockable ground. WL/DF should be approximately 10% to 30% of the stand composition.

Precommercial thinning


30 For stands ouside of Lynx habitat (less than 4,000 feet in elevation): Thin if stand density exceeds 800 tpa at age 30. • Thin from below to 200 tpa, exclusive of reserve trees

(surviving reserve structure from regeneration period), favoring WL and DF. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

For stands within Lynx habitat (greater than 4,000 feet in elevation, all other habitat types): No precommercial thinning allowed.

Commercial Thin 4220 THINBTA


• Schedule commercial thin where stand density exceeds 140 sq. ft. ba.

• Target Condition is 100 sq.ft. ba. • Minharvest is at least 500 cu.ft. • WL should be maintained at least at 10% of the

species composition. Group Selection 4152 150 • Schedule regeneration of 1st group. Follow same

sequence as above.

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Rx PB – Dry Intolerant: Regenerated Stands


SIMFIRE 20-30 Underburn stand to reduce surface, ladder fuels and to lift

lower tree crowns. Acceptable mortality should be less than or equal to the following percentages by size class:

Size Class Mortality Limit

Residual Target TPA

0-5 320-400 5-10 <10% 10-15 1% 15+ Incidental

PP should be maintained at a minimum of 30% of stand composition of codominant/dominant classes after completion of burning.

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

50-70 Underburn stand to reduce surface/ladder fuels and to lift lower tree crowns, and create horizontal diversity within existing stand structure (small gaps in main canopy). Acceptable mortality by underburning should be ≤ by size class:

Size Class Mortality Limit Residual Target TPA

0-3 90%+ ≤25 3-5 70%+ 0-50 5-15 10-30% 140-180 15+ <1%

PP should be maintained at a minimum of 50% of stand composition of codominant/dominant classes after completion of underburning.


ESTAB 55-75 Invoke regeneration model to simulate establishment of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-1000 tpa, 90% of which will be DF within 5 years of burn activity.

Underburning SIMFIRE 80-100+ As std. progresses, underburn stand every 30 years.

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Continue to underburn stand on approximately 30 year cycle. Acceptable mortality and residual target TPA are included in the table below: PP should be maintained at a minimum of 50% of stand composition of codominant/dominant classes

Size Class Mortality Limit

Residual TargetTPA

≤ 10’ in height

90%+ ≤25

1-5 90%+ ≤50 5-10 10-30% ≤50 10-15 <1% 15”+ trace

Residual basal area after burning should be between 80-100 sq. ft. and should be contained in the larger size classes (10” DBH and larger)


4431 ESTAB

85-105 Invoke regeneration model to simulate establishment of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-1000 tpa, 90% of which will be DF within 5 years of burn activity.

Underburning SIMFIRE 115-135+ continue burning every 30 years.

Burning should continue on a 30 year cycle. At maturity, mortality limits by Rx and target distribution by size class is as follows for maturity and beyond

Size Class Mortality Limit

Residual TargetTPA

0-5 90%+ 0-200 5-15 10-30% 25-60 15+ <1% 20-50 20+ trace 10-15

PP should be maintained at a minimum of 50% of stand composition of codominant/dominant classes

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Rx PB – Dry Tolerant: Regenerated Stands



20-30 When stand density exceeds 800 tpa in the seed/sap class, reduce stand density at age 20-30: Thin from below to 400 tpa, exclusive of trees 10” DBH or greater (surviving reserve structure from regeneration period). Favor PP and WL (first) or DF (second) if in codominant size class. (Use THINBTA Keyword with condition class statement for age).

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

53-73 Underburn stand to reduce surface/ladder fuels, to lift lower tree crowns, and create horizontal diversity within existing stand structure (small gaps in main canopy). Acceptable mortality by underburning should be ≤ by size class:

Size Class Mortality Limit Residual Target TPA

≤ 10’ in height 90%+ ≤25 3-5 70%+ 0-50 5-15 10-30% 140-180 15+ <1% 0-20

Regeneration 4431 PLANT or ESTAB

58-68 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of natural conifer seedlings as a result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-1000 tpa, 80% will be DF/20% GF, within 5 years of burn activity.

Underburning SIMFIRE 100-120+

As std. progresses within medium size class, underburn stand when the following conditions are met or exceeded:

• A minimum of 50 years has occurred since last underburing

• Total Stand basal area is ≥ 120 sq. ft.; • At least 100 tpa are ≥ 10” DBH

Continue to underburn stand on approximately 50 year cycle. Acceptable mortality and residual target TPA are included in the table below:

Size Class Mortality Limit

Residual TargetTPA

≤ 10’ in height

90%+ ≤25

1-5 90%+ ≤50

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5-10 10-30% ≤50 10-15 <1% 75-125 15”+ trace ≤25

Residual basal area after burning should be between 80-100 sq. ft. and should be contained in the larger size classes (10” DBH and larger)



105-125 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-1000 tpa, 80% of which will be DF/20% GF, within 5 years of burn activity.

Underburning SIMFIRE 150-180+ continue burning every 50 years.

Burning should on a 50 year cycle and should be invoked when ba exceeds 150 sq. ft.: At maturity, mortality limits by Rx and target distribution by size class is as follows for maturity and beyond

Size Class Mortality Limit

Residual TargetTPA

0-5 90%+ 0-200 5-15 10-30% 25-60 15+ <1% 20-50 20+ trace 10-15

Residual basal area should not exceed 150 sq. ft. after underburning.

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Rx PB – Mesic Intolerant: Regenerated Stands



Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

30-40 Target is to reduce stand density to 300-400 tpa. PP/WL/DF/WWP should be a minimum of 50% of stand if available.

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

80-90 Target conditions after underburning is complete: PP/WL/DF/WWP should be maintained at a minimum of 50% of the codominant/dominants if possible.

Size Class Mortality limit Residual Target TPA

0-5 60-90% 0-100 5-15 10-30% 100-250 15+ <1% 0-20

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

85-95 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of nautural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribe burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-500 tpa, mostly of shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant species (GF/DF/WRC).

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

130-140 years 180-190 years 230-240 years

Repeat underburning to the above parameters. Underburning should be repeated on a 60 year cycle. Target Conditions at maturity and beyond should be in the following ranges after each underburning event. PP/WL should be maintained at a minimum of 30% of the codominant/dominants if possible.

Size Class Mortality Limit Residual Target TPA

0-5 50-90% 50-200 5-15 10-30% 50-150 15+ <1% 10-60

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

5 years after each underburning event

Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of nautural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribe burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-800 tpa, mostly of shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant species (GF/DF/WRC).

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Rx PB – Mesic Tolerant: Regenerated Stands



Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

70-80 Target conditions after underburning is complete: PP/WL/DF/WWP should be maintained at a minimum of 20% of the codominant/dominants if possible.

Size Class Mortality limit Residual Target TPA

0-5 60-90% 0-100 5-15 10-30% 100-250 15+ <1% 0-20

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

75-85 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-500 tpa, mostly of shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant species (GF/DF/WRC).

Underburning 4980 SIMFIRE

130-140 years 190-200 years 260-270 years

Repeat underburning to the above parameters. Underburning should be repeated on a 60 year cycle. Target Conditions at maturity and beyond should be in the following ranges after each underburning event. PP/WL/DF/WWP should be maintained at a minimum of 20% of the codominant/dominants if possible.

Size Class Mortality Limit Residual Target TPA

0-5 50-90% 50-200 5-15 10-30% 50-150 15+ <1% 10-60

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

5 years after each underburning event

Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of nautural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribe burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-800 tpa, mostly of shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant species (GF/DF/WRC).

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Rx PB – Lodgepole Pine: Regenerated Stands

ACTION CODE YEAR SPECIFICATIONS Prescription for prescribed burn


0 The objective is to remove about 80% of the overstory trees providing for the natural regeneration of primarily LP through serotinous cones. Other species may regenerate on the site, but LP will maintain dominance over the rotation.

Regeneration ESTAB 1-5 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 500-1000+ tpa, mostly LP. LP should be approximately 80% of the stand composition.

Prescription for prescribed burn



The objective is to remove about 80% of the overstory trees providing for the natural regeneration of primarily LP through serotinous cones. Other species may regenerate on the site, but LP will maintain dominance over the rotation.

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Rx PB – Subalpine Intolerant: Regenerated Stands



Prescribed burn 4980 SIMFIRE

70-80 Use defaults for SIMFIRE, except moisture, which should be 3 (moist). The aim is to simulate a mixed severity fire, with the objective of regenerating DF/WL/LP/WBP. Expect about 50% mortality across all size classes due to clumpy burn conditions.

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

75-85 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-500 tpa, of a mix of species (AF/ES/DF/WL/LP/WBP).

Prescribed burn 4980 SIMFIRE

140-160 years 210-230 years 280-300 years

Repeat burning to the above parameters. Burning should be repeated on a 70 year cycle.

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Rx PB – Subalpine Tolerant: Regenerated Stands



Prescribed burn 4980 SIMFIRE

70-80 Use defaults for SIMFIRE, except moisture, which should be 3 (moist). The aim is to simulate a mixed severity fire, with the objective of regenerating WBP. Expect about 50% mortality across all size classes due to clumpy burn conditions.

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

75-85 Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of natural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribed burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-500 tpa, mostly of shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant species (AF/ES/WBP).

Prescribed burn 4980 SIMFIRE

140-160 years 210-230 years 280-300 years

Repeat burning to the above parameters. Burning should be repeated on a 70 year cycle.

Regeneration 4431 ESTAB

5 years after each burning event

Invoke regeneration model to simulate ingression of nautural conifer seedlings as result of the prescribe burn. Anticipate regeneration of 100-800 tpa, mostly of shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant species (AF/ES/WBP).

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Appendix IV Special FVS Techniques

Group Selection Scheduling Cutting Cycle length refers to the number of years between entries in uneven-aged silvicultural systems. If a stand of a given age does not meet the age bracket requirements for entry, it must wait until the next cutting cycle. For example, if a Group Selection prescription calls for a 40-year cutting cycle beginning when a stand exceeds a minimum stand age of 70, based on a 10-year age class (e.g. 71-80, 111-120, 151-160), then for stands not within the age range, they will grow forward until they obtain the desired age bracket before they receive treatment. The following algorithm was developed to accomplish this goal:

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The “MOD” function returns the modulus or remainder from a division operation. If the remainder is equal to zero, then the activity is scheduled. Otherwise, a non-zero return argument will result in the activity not occurring. The “Timing Choice” variable {_TC} enables adding subsequent decades to a base minimum age to carry out additional timing options. These tidbits were developed to aid in processing the Group Selection prescription.

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Front cover photo provided by:

Kris Hazelbaker, Ecologist/Silviculturist Clearwater National Forest

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