clerksroom barristers & mediators - civil & family law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · with...

Civil & Family Law, Throughout the UK barristers arbitrators mediators

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Page 1: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

Civil & Family Law, Throughout the UK

barristers arbitrators mediators

Page 2: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators


2 for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

The Clerksroom service is designed around the needs of you, the solicitor. All our staff work as part of your team to facilitate a whole range of help andassistance. It is the ethos of the organisation to offer a proactive service inour case management centre, and all our meeting centres offer a centralpoint to contact barristers and mediators for advocacy or advice, large orsmall, whatever your budget. Our services are offered on a local, national andinternational basis providing a solution for your clients, large or small.

It’s easy to say we are better than other organisations, but as you read thisbrochure you will see the testimonials coming from solicitors who have alreadytried us and benefited from our proactive approach to their problems.Conferences and court hearings are always confirmed in writing at the pointof booking and all instructions are acknowledged the same day by fax or email,clearly stating the hourly rate to be applied to the work or the agreed budget.

With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers,arbitrators, mediators and neutrals. The panels include many retired membersof the judiciary, Queen’s Counsel and many other leading practitioners,specialists in their own fields of law and advocacy.

We hope once you have read this brochure and understood the depth of ourcommitment and enthusiasm you will want to try out the Clerksroom service.Our team of clerks are friendly, accessible and ready to demonstrate what wecan do. Ring us now on 0845 083 3000, which is available 24 hours a day,7 days a week.

Martin DaviesChambers Director

It’s easy to say we are better than other

people, but as you readthis brochure you will seethe testimonials comingfrom solicitors who have

already tried us andbenefited from our

proactive approach totheir problems.

With Clerksroom you have access to a

unique panel of specialistbarristers, arbitrators,

mediators and neutrals.


Page 3: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

3for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

indexIntroduction 2

Contents 3

The Brief Exchange / QC Search 4

Advocacy 5

Advising 6

Mediation and ADR Admin 7

Fees 8

Offices & Facilities 9

Key contacts 10

Feedback and mediator 11CPD training

...I wanted to say just how grateful I am for your expert guidance andadvice...importantly your approach was tempered with an understanding of the

emotions and feelings involved, something so often overlooked by lawyers.Lay client in ancillary relief matter - client name withheld.


There is little doubt in my own mind that

the particular expertisewhich you brought to this case was crucial in our obtaining a

favourable judgment.Client name withheld ”

Page 4: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

4 for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

thebriefexchangeClerksroom offers a unique online service that allows solicitors to instruct abarrister to attend any court or tribunal in England & Wales. Once you havesubmitted your case it is given a unique reference number which is emailedto you as a confirmation that your submission was successful. The systemis monitored by our clerks from 8.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday andonce the submission has been reviewed our clerks will contact you by emailor telephone advising you of the appropriate counsel for the task. The onlineservice is available to your firm 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

The service is supported by many chambers across England & Wales,ensuring you access to local counsel. At the Brief Exchange you submityour requirements, including the proposed fee, and we find counselprepared to accept your case on the proposed terms.

QC search has been developed by Clerksroom to assist solicitors searchingfor Queen’s Counsel across all 500 UK chambers. You can check availability,suitability and fee rates on line, and our IT system is currently linked to 90chambers directly. QCs often find lengthy or substantial trials are settledearly which leave gaps in their diaries. Clerks are always keen to fill thesegaps and, as we know, a barrister without a brief can cause a clerk muchheartache. By knowing the availability and workload of the QCs at manyUK chambers we are able to offer a unique service where we can find theright QC for the date or period you require at a budget set by you. Many QCs with gaps in their diaries will accept a brief at Senior Juniorrates if asked. If you would like to locate a QC for a trial date, advice orpleadings, we will respond quickly with your options. Put us to the test!

At the Brief Exchange you submit your

requirements including the proposed fee and we find the counselprepared to accept your case on the proposed terms.


Many Queen’s Counsel with gaps in their diaries will

accept a brief at Senior Junior rates if asked.

Page 5: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

5for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

If you’re looking for an advocate then you need look no further thanClerksroom. All counsel instructed through Clerksroom are fully compliantwith the Bar Council standards of practice and code of conduct, and wecan provide barristers anywhere in the country. Once booked, counselwill not be changed unless by prior arrangement, and all preliminaryhearings will be attended by the same counsel where possible.

As you would expect from leading professional advocates, all the paperswill be thoroughly read and researched and all necessary trial paperwork,including skeleton arguments, case summaries and chronologies,prepared as early as possible and copied to the court and other parties.Preparation times for trial will be provided by counsel to the clerks at least2 days ahead of the trial or hearing to assist with costings. Times once setwill be adhered to save for unforeseen circumstances.

At the conclusion of trials or hearings, solicitors will be supplied withjudgement notes.

Fast track, multi track and small claimsClerksroom operates a nationwide service to provide counsel at CPRrates to attend hearings in all UK courts and tribunals. This service isavailable to all legal professionals and those entitled to Bar access.


All the papers will bethoroughly read and

researched, and skeletonarguments prepared.‘

’We provide barristers for all UK courts and

tribunals.‘ ’

key areas of law■ Chancery■ Clinical Negligence■ Commercial, Property, Banking & Finance■ Credit Hire■ Employment■ Environmental■ Family & Children■ Family Finance■ Personal Injury

Page 6: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

6 for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

advisingAdvising covers a whole range of areas, but you need the assurance thatthe advice you are given stands the test of time under legal and judicialreview. Clerksroom offers a whole range of counsel for civil and familymatters. In fact there is no speciality that we cannot cover when asked tofind advisers for your clients.

Advice will be typewritten with an executive summary on the first page ofthe substantive advice; it will address the matters raised and respond in aclear precise and reasoned manner. Pleadings will be succinct, clearlyreasoned and follow the requirements of the CPR for reading by Judges.

If conferences are required these will be conducted under Bar Councilregulations in either the solicitor’s office, the chambers, court or, if requiredin the client’s home or workplace.

The venue will be agreed by the clerk and the conference fixed. The datewill not be cancelled, unless unavoidable, as we understand the importanceof keeping to original timetables.

A comprehensive library is available to all Clerksroom counsel, enablingrapid retrieval and copying of papers, allowing complicated researchprojects to be undertaken.

Pleadings will be succinct, clearly reasoned

and follow therequirements of the CPRfor reading by Judges.



The date will not becancelled, unless

unavoidable, as weunderstand the

importance of keeping to original timetables.

I would like to thank you and your staff very much, for all the help that you have given me since taking my case. The work that you and your staff did for me was at all times of the highest professional calibre and I would

certainly recommend you to anyone who requires the best.Client name withheld


Page 7: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

7for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

These days mediation is an important part of the modern legal system,and Clerksroom is well positioned to offer a first class mediation service,with a range of staff experienced in all aspects of mediation. With officefacilities in three major centres Clerksroom spans the country. Whether your mediation task is local, national or international we havethe staff and facilities to ensure that the back up you get is professionaland second to none. Our service provides both parties with a neutralpoint of contact from the beginning to the end of negotiations. All documents used are kept on separate secure servers, and separatefiles are maintained for both parties. Our helpline is available 24 hoursa day 7 days a week to offer prompt response, friendly help, guidanceand information.

Once appointed, we can handle appointment services where peoplecan’t agree timings. We also offer fixed fee schemes, online submissionof mediation documents and single clear mediation agreements.

Clerksroom is your gateway to a whole range of high quality mediation services.

These days mediation is an important part of

the modern legal system,and Clerksroom is well

positioned to offer a firstclass mediation service.


Clerksroom is yourgateway to a whole range of high qualitymediation services.‘

mediation andADR administration

Can I say that your approach is most refreshing, with such generosity unhappily becoming increasingly rare in these mercenary days. I would also

like to reflect XX's appreciation of your efforts at the mediation meeting which I know was not an easy day for anyone concerned.

Client name withheld


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Advice & PleadingsWe aim to provide clear information about our fees at alltimes. Hourly rates can be quoted or a budget agreed.The fees will not exceed the amount quoted withoutfurther agreement

Hearings■ Infant approval hearings are accepted for all UK courts.■ Small claim hearings are agreed at the time of booking

and we attend all UK courts.■ Fast track hearings are undertaken in accordance with

the fees set out in the Civil Procedure Rules. Our members attend all UK courts.

■ Multi-Track hearing fees are calculated by consideringthe time likely to be taken, multiplied by the hourlyrate of the counsel required. The fees will varydepending on a number of factors, so early discussionis encouraged and written estimates provided. Our members attend all UK courts.

■ 1st appointment, FDR and final hearings areconducted across England & Wales by our ancillaryrelief practitioners.

TribunalsThe fees for tribunals will vary depending on the seniorityof counsel required, the volume of preparation and thetime estimate of the hearing. Our aim is to provide clearinformation about our estimated fees, or alternatively, wewill try to find a solution that fits with your budget. Either way, we encourage you to discuss the specificrequirements with us.

CLS Funding (Legal Aid)Civil and family matters are accepted where CLS fundingis in place or where the instructing solicitor has authorityto instruct counsel within the scope of devolved powers.

Conditional Fee AgreementsCFA agreements are accepted within the rules. An initialadvice will be provided to confirm acceptance or rejectionof a CFA matter. The initial advice is charged only if thecase is accepted.

Local Authorities & Block ContractsWe encourage enquiries and regularly tender for blockcontract work throughout the UK. We are quite happy toconsider reduced rates for volume work, new orinnovative fee structures that comply with our professionalrules. We always welcome new ideas.

Pro-Bono InstructionsAll of our Counsel will consider pro-bono instructionsthrough the Bar’s pro-bono scheme where appropriate.

General1. Each diary booking is acknowledged in writing at the

time of booking. The confirmation letter sets out thedetails discussed and the fees proposed or agreed.Double-bookings are notified at the outset.

2. Fee notes will always detail the work done and thetime taken.

3. Our junior counsel rates start at £100 + VAT per hour.4. Our Queen’s Counsel rates start at £300 + VAT

per hour.

8 for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit


We are quite happy toconsider reduced rates

for volume work.

‘ ’

‘ ’Our aim is always to

provide clear informationabout our fees.

Page 9: Clerksroom Barristers & Mediators - Civil & Family Law, … · 2010. 9. 23. · With Clerksroom you have access to a unique group of specialist barristers, arbitrators, mediators

9for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

offices & facilities

London Manchester Taunton

Clerksroom offers a variety of facilities inconvenient locations across the country.‘

London218 Strand offers all solicitors the opportunity of access to our fully servicedoffices right opposite the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand. 218 Strandhas 12 meeting rooms, a training suite and 2 mediation suites which canaccommodate between 2 and 50 people. Room layouts can be adjustedto suit individual requirements.

Ring Tim Dingle on 0207 353 3936 or email [email protected]

ManchesterOur Manchester centre at 64 Bridge Street offers 7 fully serviced meeting rooms, 2 mediation suites and a video conference suite. We can accommodate most conferences, meetings, mediations and round table meetings. Our training suiteoffers a theatre style venue for up to 40 people.

Ring Bob Moss on 0161 839 1002 or email [email protected]

TauntonEquity House at Blackbrook Park Avenue, Taunton offers 5 fully servicedmeeting rooms, training room and a mediation suite. Our training roomaccommodates up to 40 people in theatre style or 24 in boardroom format.

Ring Lisa Kingscott on 01823 442671 or email [email protected]

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10 for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit


switchboard tel: 0845 083 3000fax: 0845 083 3001

Equity House (Taunton)Martin Davies Chambers Director [email protected]

Gregory Speller Senior Clerk [email protected]

Jennie Richards 1st Junior Clerk [email protected]

Karla Ratcliffe 2nd Junior Clerk [email protected]

Hazel Altria Case Manager [email protected]

Stephen Ward Mediation Clerk [email protected]

Adrian Gage Billing Clerk [email protected]

Allan Grant Senior Credit Controller [email protected]

Kelly Lynes Assistant Credit Controller [email protected]

Lisa Kingscott Helpline Supervisor [email protected]

Kate Norton Book Keeper [email protected]

218 Strand (London)Tim Dingle Manager [email protected]

64 Bridge Street (Manchester)Bob Moss Manager [email protected]

For 24 hour advice and assistance email us at: [email protected]

CounselChancery Alex Dumbill [email protected]

Children Anne-Louise Robinson [email protected]

Clinical Negligence Dr. Michael Powers Q.C. [email protected]

Commercial & Property Harry Hodgkin [email protected]

Credit Hire Duncan McNair [email protected]

Employment Barry Havenhand [email protected]

Environmental Fiona Darroch [email protected]

Family Finance Elissa Da Costa [email protected]

Personal Injury Jonathan Dingle [email protected]

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11for more information telephone 0845 083 3000 or visit

Mediator & CPD trainingMediator training courses are offered at all of our offices on a regular basis.The courses are high quality and lead to fully qualified commercial mediatorstatus. We run many courses including traditional legal updates, discussionsand formal seminars. We are quite happy to discuss any requirements youmay have for internal training in any area of civil or family law.

Meeting Room HireOur facilities include:■ Meeting rooms of various sizes and layouts

■ Mediation suites - up to 5 parties

■ Video Conference Suite (IP and ISDN enabled) (Manchester)

■ Common Room area (tea, coffee, water cooler, wi-fi and hot desk pc)

■ Post/DX collection and forwarding

■ Dedicated professional environment

■ Reception with refreshments

■ Hot desk facilities

■ Audio conference facilities

■ Training and conference room for up to 40 people

■ High speed secure wi-fi throughout

■ PC’s with high speed internet

■ Incoming / outgoing faxes

■ High speed scanning

■ Laser printing facilities

■ Data projector, screen-pointer

■ Photocopying

■ Discounted courier services

■ Lunch ordering service

■ Lectern

■ Flip charts

■ Corporate hotel & flight booking service


I saw a very happy client yesterday - very impressed with her barrister and the way the case was concluded.“ ”

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Telephone 0845 083 3000lines open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week