cli, the other sapi phpnw11

CLI, the other SAPI Thijs Feryn Evangelist +32 (0)9 218 79 06 [email protected] php

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Slides for my PHPNW11 talk about the command line interface SAPI for PHP


Page 1: CLI, the other SAPI phpnw11

CLI,  the  other  SAPI

Thijs  FerynEvangelist+32  (0)9  218  79  [email protected]


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About  me

I’m  an  Evangelist  at  Combell

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About  me

I’m  a  board  member  at  PHPBenelux

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Follow  me  on  Twi+er:  @ThijsFeryn

Give  me  feedback:  h+p://

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The  way  you  interact  with  PHP

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Common  SAPIs

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Common  SAPIs

• Apache/Apache  2


• FastCGI




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PHP  script  execuWon  via  the  command  line  interface

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When  to  use

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When  to  use

• In  crons

• For  batch  tasks

• For  worker  processes

• Daemons

• Process  control

• InteracWon  with  other  binaries

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CLI 101

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CLI 101

The PHP binary

Passing arguments

Reading from STDIN

I/O with pipes

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CLI 101Invoking a script with the

PHP binary

php  file.php

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CLI 101Passing arguments

php  file.php  arg1  arg2

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CLI 101interpreting arguments

<?phpecho "Number of arguments {$argc}\n";foreach($argv as $key=>$argument){    echo "Argument # {$key}: {$argument}\n"; }

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CLI 101interpreting arguments

<?phpecho "Number of arguments {$argc}\n";foreach($argv as $key=>$argument){    echo "Argument # {$key}: {$argument}\n"; }

Argument  countArgument  


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CLI 101interpreting arguments

$  php  args.php  arg1  arg2Number  of  arguments  3Argument  #  0:  args.phpArgument  #  1:  arg1Argument  #  2:  arg2$

The  PHP  file  is  an  argument  too

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CLI 101interpreting arguments





!!! register_argc_argv !!!

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CLI 101getopt

<?php$arguments = getopt('ab:c::');var_dump($arguments);

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CLI 101getopt

<?php$arguments = getopt('ab:c::');var_dump($arguments);

OpWonal  value

Flag  (no  value)

Required  value

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CLI 101php  getopt.php  -­‐a  -­‐b  2  -­‐c3array(3)  {    ["a"]=>    bool(false)    ["b"]=>    string(1)  "2"    ["c"]=>    string(1)  "3"}

No  spacing  for  opWonal  arguments

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CLI 101getopt: longopts

<?php$arguments = getopt('',array('arg1','arg2:','arg3::'));var_dump($arguments);

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CLI 101php  getopt2.php  -­‐-­‐arg1  -­‐-­‐arg2  123  -­‐-­‐arg3=xarray(3)  {    ["arg1"]=>    bool(false)    ["arg2"]=>    string(3)  "123"    ["arg3"]=>    string(1)  "x"}

Mind  the  “=”  sign

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CLI 101REading From STDIN

<?php$handle = fopen('php://stdin','r');while(!feof($handle)){    $line = trim(fgets($handle));    if(strlen($line) > 0){        echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;    }}fclose($handle);

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CLI 101$  cat  test.txt  |  php  stdin.php  enOowTeerhT$

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CLI 101$  cat  test.txt  |  php  stdin.php  enOowTeerhT$

Output  file

Convert  output  to  input  with  pipes

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Comparing  the  Apache  &  CLI  SAPI

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Comparing  the  Apache  &  CLI  SAPI

Web  based  SAPI’s• HTTP  is  a  stateless  protocol

• Request/response  based

• Limited  interacWon

• Sessions  &  cookies  as  workaround

• ExecuWon  Wmeouts

• Limited  request/response  size

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Comparing  the  Apache  &  CLI  SAPI

CLI  SAPI• Controlable  state

• Controlable  script  execuWon

• ConWnuous  interacWon

• No  need  for  sessions

• No  execuWon  Wmeouts

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The  PHP  binary


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The  PHP  binary

Usage:  php  [options]  [-­‐f]  <file>  [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]              php  [options]  -­‐r  <code>  [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]              php  [options]  [-­‐B  <begin_code>]  -­‐R  <code>  [-­‐E  <end_code>]  [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]              php  [options]  [-­‐B  <begin_code>]  -­‐F  <file>  [-­‐E  <end_code>]  [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]              php  [options]  -­‐-­‐  [args...]              php  [options]  -­‐a

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InteracMve  mode  (-­‐a)

$  php  -­‐aInteractive  shell

php  >  echo  5+8;13php  >  function  addTwo($n)php  >  {php  {  return  $n  +  2;php  {  }php  >  var_dump(addtwo(2));int(4)php  >

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InteracMve  mode  (-­‐a)

$  php  -­‐aInteractive  shell

php  >  stri[TAB][TAB]strip_tags          stripcslashes    stripslashes      stristr                stripos                php  >  stri

Tab  compleWon

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Run  code  (-­‐r)

$  php  -­‐r  "echo  date('Y-­‐m-­‐d  H:i:s');"2011-­‐03-­‐02  22:04:45$

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Config  directory  (-­‐c)

$  php  -­‐c  /custom/dir/php.ini  script.php

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Define  custom  INI  seSng  (-­‐d)

$  php  -­‐d  max_execution_time=20  -­‐r  '$foo  =  ini_get("max_execution_time");  var_dump($foo);'string(2)  "20"$

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Get  INI  informaMon  (-­‐i)

$  php  -­‐i  |  grep  “log_”define_syslog_variables  =>  Off  =>  Offlog_errors  =>  On  =>  Onlog_errors_max_len  =>  1024  =>  1024$

Filtering  items

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Syntax/lint  check  (-­‐l)

$  php  -­‐l  myFile.phpNo  syntax  errors  detected  in  myFile.php$

Only  checks  parse  


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Module  list  (-­‐m)

$  php  -­‐m[PHP  Modules]bcmathbz2calendarCorectypecurldatedba$

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Syntax  highlighMng  (-­‐s)

$  php  -­‐s  helloworld.php  >  helloworld.html$

<?phpecho  "Hello  world";

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Syntax  highlighMng  (-­‐s)

<?phpecho "Hello world";

<code><span style="color: #000000"><span style="color: #0000BB">&lt;?php<br /></span><span style="color: #007700">echo&nbsp;</span><span style="color: #DD0000">"Hello&nbsp;world"</span><span style="color: #007700">;</span></span>

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Version  info  (-­‐v)

$  php  -­‐vPHP  5.3.3-­‐1ubuntu9.3  with  Suhosin-­‐Patch  (cli)  (built:  Jan  12  2011  16:07:38)  Copyright  (c)  1997-­‐2009  The  PHP  GroupZend  Engine  v2.3.0,  Copyright  (c)  1998-­‐2010  Zend  Technologies$

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FuncMon  reflecMon  (-­‐-­‐rf)

$  php  -­‐-­‐rf  json_encodeFunction  [  <internal:json>  function  json_encode  ]  {

   -­‐  Parameters  [2]  {        Parameter  #0  [  <required>  $value  ]        Parameter  #1  [  <optional>  $options  ]    }}$

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Class  reflecMon  (-­‐-­‐rc)

$  php  -­‐-­‐rc  stdclassClass  [  <internal:Core>  class  stdClass  ]  {    -­‐  Constants  [0]  {    }    -­‐  Static  properties  [0]  {    }    -­‐  Static  methods  [0]  {    }    -­‐  Properties  [0]  {    }    -­‐  Methods  [0]  {    }}$

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Extension  reflecMon  (-­‐-­‐re)

$  php  -­‐-­‐re  jsonExtension  [  <persistent>  extension  #20  json  version  1.2.1  ]  {...    -­‐  Functions  {        Function  [  <internal:json>  function  json_encode  ]  {

           -­‐  Parameters  [2]  {                Parameter  #0  [  <required>  $value  ]                Parameter  #1  [  <optional>  $options  ]            }        }...}

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Extension  INI  informaMon  (-­‐-­‐ri)

$  php  -­‐-­‐ri  pdo


PDO  support  =>  enabledPDO  drivers  =>  mysql,  sqlite,  sqlite2$

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Back  on  track

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Back  to  I/O

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Input  &  output


• $_GET

• $_POST



• $_ENV


• $argc/$argv

• $_ENV

• getopt()


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Change  your  mindset

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Change  your  mindset

Don’t  use  sessions  &  cookies

Just  use  local  variables

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Change  your  mindset

If  you  don’t  need  HTTP,  use  CLI

Avoid  overhead

E.g.  cronjobs

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Change  your  mindset

Current  directory  !=  webroot

➡Use  dirname(__FILE__)

➡Use  chdir()

➡Use  getcwd()

CLI  scripts  are  executable  everywhere

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<?php$handle = fopen('php://stdin','r');while(!feof($handle)){    $line = trim(fgets($handle));    if(strlen($line) > 0){        echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;    }}fclose($handle);

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<?php$handle = fopen('php://stdin','r');while(!feof($handle)){    $line = trim(fgets($handle));    if(strlen($line) > 0){        echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;    }}fclose($handle);

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while(!feof(STDIN)){    $line = trim(fgets(STDIN));    if(strlen($line) > 0){        echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;    }}

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while(!feof(STDIN)){    $line = trim(fgets(STDIN));    if(strlen($line) > 0){        echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;    }}

Stream  that  is  opened  by  default

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$  php  -­‐r  "var_dump(STDIN);"resource(1)  of  type  (stream)$

The  proof  !

Stream  that  is  opened  by  default

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Wordcount  example

<?php$wordArray = array();while(!feof(STDIN)){    $line = trim(fgets(STDIN));    if(strlen($line) > 0){        foreach(preg_split('/[\s]+/',$line) as $word){            if(!array_key_exists($word,$wordArray)){                $wordArray[$word] = 0;            }            $wordArray[$word]++;        }    }}ksort($wordArray);foreach($wordArray as $word=>$count){    echo "$word: $count".PHP_EOL;}

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Wordcount  example

$  cat  wordcount.txt  UK  ThijsThijsUKThijs  PHPNW11ThijsUK$  cat  wordcount.txt    |  php  wordcount.php  PHPNW11:  1Thijs:  4UK:  3$

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<?php$handle = fopen('php://stdout','w');fwrite($handle,'Hello world');fclose($handle);

STDOUT  ==  


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<?phpfwrite(STDOUT,'Hello world');

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<?php$handle = fopen('php://stderr','w');fwrite($handle,'Serious error!');fclose($handle);

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<?phpfwrite(STDERR,'Serious error!');

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<?phpfwrite(STDOUT,'STDOUT output'.PHP_EOL);fwrite(STDERR,'STDERR output'.PHP_EOL);

$  php  stdmix.php  STDOUT  outputSTDERR  output$

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<?phpfwrite(STDOUT,'STDOUT output'.PHP_EOL);fwrite(STDERR,'STDERR output'.PHP_EOL);

$  php  stdmix.php  STDOUT  outputSTDERR  output$

Looks  the  same

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$  php  stdmix.php  >  /dev/null  STDERR  output$

$  php  stdmix.php  &>    /dev/null$

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$  php  stdmix.php  >  /dev/null  STDERR  output$

$  php  stdmix.php  &>    /dev/null$

STDOUT  is  caught

STDOUT  &  STDERR  are  


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AlternaMve  output

<?phpfclose(STDOUT);$handle = fopen(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/output.txt'),'a');echo "Hello world!".PHP_EOL;fclose($handle);

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AlternaMve  output

<?phpfclose(STDOUT);$handle = fopen(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/output.txt'),'a');echo "Hello world!".PHP_EOL;fclose($handle);

echo  output  is  wrioen  

to  file

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$  php  -­‐r  'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)  echo  $i.PHP_EOL;'0123456789$  php  -­‐r  'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)  echo  $i.PHP_EOL;'  |  wc  -­‐l            10$

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<?php$name = readline("What's your name: ");$location = readline("Where do you live: ");echo PHP_EOL."Hello $name from $location\n";

$  php  readline.php  What's  your  name:  ThijsWhere  do  you  live:  Belgium

Hello  Thijs  from  Belgium$

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Shebang  !

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Shebang  !

#!/usr/bin/php<?phpecho "Hello world".PHP_EOL;

$  chmod  +x  shebang.php$  ./shebang.phpHello  world$

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Process  Control  should  not  be  enabled  within  a  web  server  environment  and  unexpected  results  may  happen  if  any  

Process  Control  funcWons  are  used  within  a  web  server  environment.

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<?php$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {

//Forking failed} else if ($pid) {

//Parent logic} else {

//Child logic}

Copy  program  execuWon

PID  value  determines  context

PID  of  child  process

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<?php$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {     die('could not fork');} else if ($pid) {     echo "[parent] Starting".PHP_EOL;     pcntl_wait($status);     echo "[parent] Exiting".PHP_EOL;} else {        echo "[child] Starting".PHP_EOL;    for($i=0;$i<3;$i++){        echo "[child] Loop $i".PHP_EOL;        sleep(1);    }    echo "[child] Exiting".PHP_EOL;    exit;}

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<?php$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {     die('could not fork');} else if ($pid) {     echo "[parent] Starting".PHP_EOL;     pcntl_wait($status);     echo "[parent] Exiting".PHP_EOL;} else {        echo "[child] Starting".PHP_EOL;    for($i=0;$i<3;$i++){        echo "[child] Loop $i".PHP_EOL;        sleep(1);    }    echo "[child] Exiting".PHP_EOL;    exit;}

Perform  forking

Wait  for  child  terminaWon

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<?phpdeclare(ticks = 1);function sig_handler($signo){     switch ($signo) {         case SIGTERM:             echo PHP_EOL."SIGTERM".PHP_EOL;             exit();             break;         case SIGINT:             echo PHP_EOL."SIGINT".PHP_EOL;             exit();             break;     }}pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "sig_handler");pcntl_signal(SIGINT, "sig_handler");sleep(100);

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<?phpdeclare(ticks = 1);function sig_handler($signo){     switch ($signo) {         case SIGTERM:             echo PHP_EOL."SIGTERM".PHP_EOL;             exit();             break;         case SIGINT:             echo PHP_EOL."SIGINT".PHP_EOL;             exit();             break;     }}pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "sig_handler");pcntl_signal(SIGINT, "sig_handler");sleep(100);

Process  terminaWon

Process  interrupWon

Catch  signals

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POSIX  process  control  funcMons<?phpecho "[prefork] PID: ".posix_getpid().", parent PID: ".posix_getppid().PHP_EOL;$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {  die('could not fork');} else if ($pid == 0) { echo "[child] PID: ".posix_getpid().", parent PID: ".posix_getppid().PHP_EOL;  exit;} else {  echo "[parent] PID: ".posix_getpid().", parent PID: ".posix_getppid().PHP_EOL;  pcntl_wait($status);}

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POSIX  process  control  funcMons

<?phpecho "[prefork] PID: ".posix_getpid().", parent PID: ".posix_getppid().PHP_EOL;$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {     die('could not fork');} else if ($pid == 0) {        echo "[child] PID: ".posix_getpid().", parent PID: ".posix_getppid().PHP_EOL;        exit;} else {        echo "[parent] PID: ".posix_getpid().", parent PID: ".posix_getppid().PHP_EOL;        pcntl_wait($status);}

Prefork  PID  ==  

parent  PID

Parent  PID  of  parent  ==  session  PID

parent  PID

child  PID

child  PID

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POSIX  process  control  funcMons

<?php$pid=pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {    die("could not fork");} else if ($pid) {    $exists = posix_kill($pid,0)?'still':'no longer';    echo "[parent] Child process $pid $exists exists".PHP_EOL;    echo "[parent] Killing child process $pid".PHP_EOL;    posix_kill($pid,SIGTERM);    echo "[parent] Child process $pid killed".PHP_EOL;    pcntl_wait($status);    $exists = posix_kill($pid,0)?'still':'no longer';    echo "[parent] Child process $pid $exists exists".PHP_EOL;} else {    while(true){        sleep(100);    }    exit;}

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POSIX  process  control  funcMons

<?php$pid=pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {    die("could not fork");} else if ($pid) {    $exists = posix_kill($pid,0)?'still':'no longer';    echo "[parent] Child process $pid $exists exists".PHP_EOL;    echo "[parent] Killing child process $pid".PHP_EOL;    posix_kill($pid,SIGTERM);    echo "[parent] Child process $pid killed".PHP_EOL;    pcntl_wait($status);    $exists = posix_kill($pid,0)?'still':'no longer';    echo "[parent] Child process $pid $exists exists".PHP_EOL;} else {    while(true){        sleep(100);    }    exit;}

“KILL  0”  checks  existence

Send  SIGTERM  signal

Child  process  is  dead

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Jeroen  Keppens:  @jkeppens­‐in-­‐the-­‐dark

Talk  dedicated  to  

process  control  in  PHP

Check  this  guy  out  !

Page 89: CLI, the other SAPI phpnw11

•January  27th  &  28th  2012•Best  Western  Hotel  Ter  Elst  Antwerp  (Belgium)

•Call  For  Papers  unWl  October  15th•Schedule  &  Wcket  announcements  beginning  of  November

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Page 91: CLI, the other SAPI phpnw11


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Thanks  !