clothiers. -...

pilfslmtgf $fniind »TtftBbnrgh. PriilRV, July 12,1872. Ih, hihilonjiioiHi <l<m.<l on II... (11. <if Inlj ti\eiui;li l i n e m l i m p j i l . m n n t n . v ' 'iintuMRlli tli«' r,,lnl«. .< n failm. !, , ( .' tliuf then will 1 « » ele ft. ,' of <U )0 (Mid Tin iiippl.'inimt 11 y Oi>li ,,it. mi.! II.. mnl.lm/Minel fului* M wln.-li , r( I ' , ol.l J!MU ixlii. . Ill) .mi) It: (,,]!,] ,< ...1 < f Hi. e .it'ljnim , ,wll f\ u L< W.I.I il lo it <I. ti«n<l> It, ton \\< licll i 1! on Hi. 11K 1 il «nion-K< l |»nbIifah Aomin?lions. ULYSSES S HENRY WILSON •I lie itaUtmoM "slioi . i'ii^ j^i^nt Hnltinioso moiuitobmiK u .oiio.iiMl o n i h i moimiiKof tho ' , 1»T August TMmmit, plmiimw l delimit, l«ut i«>\ MI ii>n for two UI>OUH Will mil Hni idmiliml momlm.' fl »>< «<> I', neei vill l,o inomolMl l.\ lluniwKi" ne pr l l)n l li i i«'].ii 1 ,>. Hi <•(•!<}, iie'iioinmntetl 'II'OMAS .1! I i'l'USOM UANDOliIMI, of \ irftiun fo 1) of .Hi f J \ ,t,. honor-i, nml ili« nominntioii for JK i nmnmit dmirmiin of thir f.. oi<ll. <1 ISHIIODPI J)<jm«Miili.«( umnition.ftiimi pntlo JHni'l. K-rmbW in, H< nrtoi T It 0OOL1TTU ' IIKM]"! hit v M (OM i HOY, (ho Cm cmanti Pl.-tfonn \> tlun s i i p o f ibr djHiurli the -hem S<.imtoi ]«njsird, and oihe»r-omniMi( umllif. loDgDtiuoMula, undeitooL to (jet up i. dobi>to upon tho pli tiorin, mid liitioduco coif am nuiuud limit',. Ba* .luso boisterou" fcllov.n v(reip<tdilj uppnsud, In ouloniig i 1 ml tho Cincnniufi i'l.Ufoim was BUHI -o% od ol ono gulp •I hen tamo I ho grand, flubhmelj ndi mloin ,in<l Bide fphttingaflorpiooo, tho nomination of lloinco Gicoloy mi the Lvmoortitic <" ioi Jl'iowdpnt of ZnmiiP, ft tomWo t . t truck tlio building Tho black ol.)iul nlmt out tho liRlit of t)io mil), and tin great amuhithtfitri) bocuinoii dnrk ii'i nght Tho mud blow u linnICMW, and ho ram, which fell in teirnuts, \Yf Invcn through tho (H1«M of th<> wntilif IIR tumtn, tho »k> hghtu and tnxle l Hi .hniftl.vof tho v.^twii roof, and foil i ipon tht h.a.lHof thoaiidumi ilar to that he p a loakj rdu-d to OKOnpo i hemj nli A moment Inter, lionntr, nml tin Hfttmnwns forgotkn in HiognatiBt t A tn mi ndotiH piibtof waul droxo " cloud i)f dimt and RIHMI through the open door-,, «Inch filled tho building and half blnxlt d Lho au<lion(^o At the next time c timber in tho front gullerj f< 11 and broki 1 ie\t n.l r noB of glass « 4 »«1 a f . «npl...ti.« foU from tho interior of tho roiitn I tinnt Only tlwwe who him> t h o f u u o ' fiudden ilt ulh upon them can iin<u<ino thofnJ mi/H of thoram,v onion i nd clnldion ,u icmblid undt-i the roof of the C'oli 'Phi tboiirot ballot, th nig oulj about With this performance, the BIIOW ended, and tho mountebanks packed up their duds and sneoked off home. Wo state explicitly that there is noth- ing about this convention, from its beginning to its end, which u decent Democrat is bound to respect. It is simply the consummation of ft bargain between Democratic and Republican omce seeKero, eutuuiy regardless of tho wishes of the people. If tho rank and file of tho Democratic party were consulted, and could decide between Greeiey and such a man as Charles Francis Adams, 09'.) out of every 1000 would hold up both handa for Adams. And yet, an attempt is to bo made to stuff this nauseous Doolittle-Grcoley- Gratz Brown dose down their throats— and for what? Why, to bout Grant! And why beat Grant ? Simply to enable this hungry set of Republican and Dem- ocratic office seekers—political cormo- rants—whom the peoplo have been afraid to trust, and have ignored or kicked over- board—to enable these lazy chaps to get back into office again. Will the labor- ing classes and business men of the Democratic and Republican parties con- eent to be made mere foot balls to be kicked around purely for the diversion or profit of a few aspiring politicians and office seekers? We think not. The peo- ple are afraid to trust such a greedy crowd. They do not eare about thrusting the hands of Doohttle, and Blair, and John Cochrane, and Hank Smith, and Bill Tweed and Charles A. Dana into the National Treasury. Now that this com- bination is completed, and these two packs of wolves, the prairie wolves of Cincinnati, aad the saddlebacks of Balti- more, have united their lorces, and set up the dismal howl, "anything to b-e-a-t G-r-a-n-t," the people who love their country and its prosperity more than they do office, will send up the shout, "anything to beat Greeiey," and save our now xiftp|3y country from psnio uncl bankruptcy. They will rally around the old Boldier, who, though he may have made mistakes, has never made such a consummate ass of himself as has Horace Oreeley ! They will retain in power tho be brilliant inftpolitical office seeker's opinion, nevertheless gives peace, securi- ty and prosperity to the country, reduces its taxes and pays its debts. 'File Baltimore Bolters. BALTIMORE, July 10. The Anti-Grealey Democratic Conven- tion met this afternoon at one o'clock. The following gentlemen wera nominat- ed by the Committee on Permanent Offi- cers : President Bamuei J. Buyard, of New Jersey;_, Yice-Presidents, Z. F. Stokes, of South Carolina ; James Swee- ney, of Pennsylvania; Eara Keyser, of Texas ; C. Jessie Miller, of West Virgin- ia. Secretaries, James G. Underwood, of Connecticut, and S. J. Chute, of N. York. Tho report was adopted. It was moved and tarried that a co niittee be appointed to draft an addrc to the Democrats of the country, a the following were appointed : Mess Murrell ol Kentucky, chairman, Samuel J. Bayard of Virginia, M. M. Pomer. of Now York, Gcorgo D. Parker of Vi ginia, Joseph J. Davis of West Virgini Joseph Leddiis of Illinois, and K. Jfev of Texas. Death ofJli«5g« Mel'iiam. Judge McCunn, of New York, v,i has just been removed from office by th« unanimous vote of the Senate of' New York, died suddenly from prostration by She heat, early Saturday morning. Hfi the despatches also intimate that hjeniay have died from grief occasioned by his lho .. nil <>r linn /HIM! p i l I n u i i i ' i i ,1, t li< llltlie III ll I 111. I 111 111. 1.11 II „. 11,0 t.Mi.lmov of line). i> lni lniiMm( r I.I to demand tion o ioltn .(hfi»r,ln],.nn? .iiltwrf. m.iHt ».< l< )t >'• »H he. Wmini vim hru, hftd me mW tin* ml I i 1 ho I ugh <h bund U fl (.1 III tl>< lunt moiiTl.m id n il »h<.u«h n«>t IXKIU «i-< oi.lii),' ti pioRinnniK, uorid iv nun 1. of th limi i>n)babl\, in iniy(hiiiR Oilmen b.o'nrht out II *u» .>!>. thnt «. itmi' in tho IIIRIK td<pr<d mid thm witiKMdl it will i>iol»nl>!> not s,,c»i ROI the night Jutit after tlmaftmnooi S ' d ' " th " " i th midst of t DIO IU etil for ,t thin >nt 'J lit the JI tho lnht i IDK'd Me d made a \eie not behind >nd climbing ov< -»K through tin ciowded PIHI.H, th^ added to tho genoml fright Jlnt fen the Dlncsn anel foiothouglit of a lev. nidi InalH, and especially of Mr Dan Cie.d fuj, ft panic would him- MIMIC el, tho 10 ilts of which would hu\o been most montablo The situation was suggest ive of a great disaster, and thoughts of the fate of thefirBtColiseum, a t trusses, arose in themindt . __„ but the building did not quake, aud ) out of the Btorm with all its pen- nons flying. A happy thought of God frey's saved tho audience from harm. Ii the height of the terror and confusion, he struck up the Star Spangled Banner, •hich had tho effect to re-assure the ivaying crowd, and order was quickly ?sforea. It was a most trying moment nd mado Dan Godfrey tho hero of th. hour. A Complimented Candidate. The complimentary tone of Greoley' dherenta must certainly be soothing to the sensitive nature of tho Sage. About all the Democrats) who fall into lino take him as Squeers' boys did thei latutinal mixture of sulphur and treacle, ith wry faces and strange "cusses. In the Fifth Avenue Conference he wa generally alluded to as an "emetic.' Schurz eays he is "surrounded by bad, •f the Rocheste the New York cull to Cincinnati is rep- ;iited as covering his position under same anecdote as that adopted by two delegates in the Virginia Convention yesterday, they "kin eat crow, but they don't hanker arter it." And "Extra Jilly' 1 Smith calls out for somebody, 'dogor devil," anything "to beat Grant." This is the tenor of the enthusiasm evok- ed by the name of Greeiey. Filing up- m the country by a fraudulent and forc- sd nomination, effected by corrupt in- luencoB, ho appeals to the Democrat- c Party for support, and they adopt him n sheer revenge and madneBB, and utter- ly loathing the man whom they hope to iple never has been witnessed, and such a fearful rout as awaits them er has been known. When promi- it Democrats only accept Greeiey be- se they are in a desperate straight, > may be Bure that thousands will •er vote for him. I, )invi))|f I mnuliiti mai . Ifllt Plffll"! Good tonmlntlo ii bod> iiiti<ip(it( I In i d d i n Ilin \inhi- WcIIIc « r a n l and tlio <fciircn. 'Ilio follerswnrj; lottr>>, wiittonb> Misn 'oll.c Grant to ^uron Vi.-toun provioin . hoi reri-iit Tisit to WHKIHOI 1'iilnco, 11 ubhf'lwelby UiofJan Kmiu'we) C/»,o~. Ir, hnviiiR bon rocnvfd thr«iiBli nvato nouropft rt-» mmplie'ity and e.od nonm will bn heartily nppn < i Ucil "IMVIIM-V'S ITontr,, May, 1S7J "My dear Li.lj un«i cj,1Ooii T am <inil.ftiriiBf.ed at the. hewn of an official <inc«l, Riun thinugh ft luglt oflicor our Lend Cliainherhiin I tlimk ) to bo pip^pntwl tojemi Ma]P«tj I should dearly lo\ ( to t e>o you tint T n.tpht tell mj mother ami filhii that I hid boci tlnn he.iieirrd 1 am but i <umi>]( Amen ..m ("il 1 am th. I'nw.l.'iit kind U who ll (d bu Hll fe.llou.M , S!..l« d. < 11.<»len. ptiMh.d f o r u m . 1 < n , i mi imtiei <l.i> In,'it fo) (IH1 mil. in.! i . i i . h . d ( ubiubii nf ( ji|l vhl'h I ent.le.l, (111 •!..< Vine. 4«l n [ho ii. r i im\id dip, with n lml<d ('(.Id bund, nml P sliiit PnnerMLgft de nor of ealiiiiKiiH'bufoii tin Amlv, I ired, "I). l.miUMtoin, IpH""™"' .1 up tho banli of tin* Il( \ I. |»ot fll/'llt( llld, (I. KM tt (I - length of the) Nilei J JhOOmilen It tiol supplied by tho T.Mi|'.iliMkf He wind within LS0 mih» of th< explore el both 1. ft e»n tho K,lh of O.-te.boi I'lid il d at riigaiiyemhl Wo qptnt 24 diijf. Clinstmiu in'lV)! T'-iimod e'in^the »Ht Mur.h Hill, leaving I,mnpHtem. at t^uiij cmbt to o\ploic noith of Tan> i iKilak, and the romannng ISO milf Dimliihn mei Tin twill tho V Wiior tiojn /an/ibni icpoith the> ie pti. u of m nil them thionph in) \ r i b utl.'i tlint Ij.vnigi.tono wu <ibv<> and ['11 nt UJIJI in April and that all th.< IIiueipoRii r. «ude nts belie se d lh<» r< port Ihn ii important ineu'lj m corrobont i«r tho ntfttem. ni revencd frtim Stanlo i Rit . ntiiolv diftercnt route- ''•' thnVg't "lob.dn nd )>., li.lin Hobn \()lll 11 Lin n It n 'awl 'nll'thV"piu M>*"< M* 1 h.ihiul bun 'hippi'd from Bmlguport on i fieipht limn tothn eit> Vpi>"s(n ger cm foi tho.ieeommod,itioti ofUmpe>r emntrs ilnuit, «nd attendanti n. ittathtd to tht rcAi of tht ti.mi. As the train was passing under n •oodway bridge, two miles west of the jity, the bridge fell. The falling tim- ber first struck the platform cars, on which were the cages Twelve of the latter were smashed, and six of tho larg- traok for several hundred feet with their broken fragments. The caged brutes thus suddenly fre.d flrs^out'Tol'lowed quickly" b/two'yonng lions andftwild cat. A valuable tiger, .tripped kangaroos, and several of irmils were crushed and instantly killed. Most of tho OURICR, of which away, as also.did several of tho smaller Tho train was promptly stopped and it drivers had sustained severe injuries. Mr. G. N. Robinson, tho treasurer of the asleep in'the ticket wagon, which wat- money in every direction, but ho escip ed without a scratch. Tho IOBH to the company is estimated at $50,000. Tho rear car and its inmates escaped uninjured. The spectacle at the instaut of the overturning of the cages The monkeys chattering aud screaming Boainpered up the sides of the brok- en bridge, and seemed to eojoy the fun ' The tigers, Blondin and Dick, after lapping up the_ blood of their less for- ditch, and disappeared. The bear crip- pled, limped off up the track, scaring their wits. The conductor, chased by a hyena, saved his life by climbing a tele- Ilow it is Cabins 3 ; view of the conceded probability that Horace Greeiey would be endorsed by the Baltimore Convention, the Demo- i of New York City who do not pro- pose to be sold out in that manner, com- ced to move last week On Monday, July 1, a Grant Democratic Campaign Club was organized intho Twenty-second Ward, at No. 815 West Forty-third street, composed of 150 I3c moor tits wlio liuvo agreed to support President Grant in preference to any other candidate for the Presidency. The officers are : H. C. Wice, President; D. Kompner and B. Levy, vico-presidents ; I'. Lydecker, treasurer j iJ, LI. ilones, correspondin (T secretary; W. Mullon, recording Becro- tary. and W. Ijydccker, ficrge^nt-at- graph pole at a critical i The wolves dined off the smaller men: if the happy family, and then din in the same- direction as th appeared, i _ .._ tigers, and, it is feared after more One of the large rattlesnakes was c two, but his companions, a bo& com tor and two smaller snakes, were seen shooting off in the grass to this city. As it is known that several of the dangerous and blood thirsty membe aternation reigns here. To-night a large party, armed with guns and revolvers, are scouring '" " ' " * " miles of the £ ing for the tri A CliaisJos- of I Tho ml IJ IANCE, Ohio, July :,. d Pitts ille, on tho Cleveland burg Railroad, took iiro about thief o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. There were twenty mon and one boy in tht mine when the iiro began. Eleven mei. utuothercd to death. Up to "eleven been recovcrtul, Xho lire han subsided, A diwpatoh from Calcutta reports that Tho club it about to ngage arge rooms, and tho names of Democrats only will be received, who will pledge them- selves to support Grant, tho people's candidate The president of the club oiiers to bet and deposit in any bank that may bo mutually named that Grant will be re-elected President, TSic Turf. —In view of tho recent report thai Bonner's horse Joe Elliott had trotted a mile in 2.15}, the proprietor of Gold- smith Maid, has challenged. Bouner to trot either Joe Elliott or Dexter against Goldsmith Maid for from flvo thousand to fifty thousand dollars, on any regular sylvamaorMawyork. —aG^oldytmtlis m&itjfooct^ri.' J\ great trotting match took place at Meoiwood Park, Tuesday, at, which "American Girl" beat "GoLdsmith Maid," "Lucy" »nd "Henry," in threo straight heat?. Time. 2:21, 2:10}, and 2:24 LOUISVILLE, Ky., July C named Norris, while lighting a hall pre- paratory to a theatrical performance, let fall u coal-oil lamp in the midst of a group of children. The lamp broke. tion and setting the clothing of the child- ren on fire. The little sufferers ran wild- ly through the hall, and before the flumes wore extinguished three little girls were so badly burned that they died in seven hours. Nome was also badly, but not fatally, burned. It is said he was dtunk. Hists to Writers for Newspapers than they cau insert, and more they l(i insert if Hi.i.v oonM. It is a toilsome tank, '-ot Juno day, to read page after page of suitable for publi- to find ~- " Much clmtt ia sifted .fj-oodwlicat. To ail who juid be contributor!) to The Methodist, say a few words in (t friendly aud milliner. We are always glad ' 1 articles. We never had, and t to have, too many of them. Fit if any kind i;) Hcarce—especially deutial ir'a judgment only, but in . . . _ i of decided intellectual jility often make a signal failure in writing a iwupapor article. The article id good in itaelf, it ia ttio tony or too deep to be acceptable ' •lie c. itiility oft tony or Sect. L Study deeply L and "ivrit^Thoroughly,'' verfiy which distracted the Church for cent tion to Church history, but 'bend it where belon^ft—to some Quarterly Review. A frag- but in building up. Give your own views rath- ar than set up the viowa of an imaginary oppo- i d t i h l gy p hantly demolish th ber this hint. Better a monopoly of contention, vity. Do not give process lt Aid long prefaces play p yu ideas with force and bre ty. The compact Grecian phalanx in the da of old was more than a match f all th h ty. T of old F act G e th palanx in the tch for all the h _ ._ ;h : Hence, labor on style. Men of gi thoughts sometimes lack tbe patience to their thoughts into suitable forms of cxpr ion. They fall to do the polishing work which success often depends. The gold ma' "- J '- —'- - polished c h fro ivapapar rough ore ; but because It L ._ sible to give it a circulation. Hence we Fifth : Be- patient. Months may pas your article appears—perhaps it may m rcjeeted! h S ! mwu-"\u^ Tho Longfcllow-Bnssett Race. The great excitement in. sporting circles last week was the raoe at Long Branch between Bassett and Longfellow, two unci onG-Iiftlf miles. Our report says that Bassett ied on the first mile and a half, the betting being two to in his favor before the start. At the end of the first mile and a half the confi- dence of the Bassett men was str and they wer denly, how nthusiastic. Sud- r, old John Harper's hoi began to reach out, passing Harry, and coming in amid a perfi^ot tumult o^ apr plause full twenty lengths ahead of Me. Daniel's favorite animal, and thus win* ning back again the laurels of tho turf. The distance was made in 4:3-1. otighly h mirage in Missouri—Driven irm Home for Opinion's Sake. u , Bun u^ u <.™,. , . ? ,„. ST LOUIS, July 8. I Ilev. Thomas Callahan arrived he. _ ANOTHER GREAT Finn IN THE TUBKISH j from Centerville, Mo., and reports that i .u'iroL—ON*. TUocsAND iiorsES ^L- [ on tbe night of the 26th of June, seven HEADY DESTiiovEu. I disguised men entered his house, drag- LONUO.V, July 5. ge d his sick wife from her bed, gave him 4. dispatch just received from Conatan- -| seventy-five lashes on the bare back, and tinople bnugy news ol a terrible confla- ordered him to leave the country within gration now raging in that city. Ono ten days under penalty of death. He t h d houses in the poorer <iuwter, charges that he has been thus persecuted of Scuturi hftd already , b ^ h i Republican and be n no ra and house been destroyed when the telegram was j he knew who recently burned the Rey- forwarded. s>o indication was given that I nolds county court house to destroy the tho nro was under control, and farther j records, so as to payer up the frauds in details are anxiously awaited, > }ana title8 Oftrried on by his persecutors, tli the Triad' 1 bo-wr> proud hi., imto of mi. e. I think it tlin right Nil Qm.n returned tho folio i N«>lb<iGiiint 7 haioiiiNtn J.B.HAGERTY&CO. CLOTHIERS. Wo have just received direct from the annfacturern a fine assortment of Whito cstfl and Linen Dusters, to which wo ivito the attention of those desiroiif! of procuring those articles. And in thin connection wo would say that wo are pre- pared and intend to manufacture Cloth- ing, and, in fact, sell everything in our line at prices as low as they can be ob- tained at any place in this vicinity or elsewhere, anything said to the contrary notwithstanding. Our stock is always full nnd complete, consisting of Ameri- an, Foreign, standard and fancy cloths 'hich wo will make up in tho best I er, in the latest styles, or according to j the wishes of the customer J. B. HAGERTY k CO. Pittsburgh, June 13th, 1872. 886 Breech Loading Rifle Terms—Net Cash. itrd ,v?'Jiall n'om'vo j.m m'l'tlie".!.'"^^^ i' of ,oiu honoud pir< nts without the intor- ,(>ntion of our lngh oflici rs of itato I nlia.Il accept your visit a«i an 'American girl,' and there shall be no other nigmfi- (Mnecirithe fat t than imir kindly tx- pir«Hfd (l.'tiro to r«o tho mid " 't tin) t,o\<r<iK» T hhall find it plciwant to forf/(,t that I nm OiH.ii in Keening jon DIM- i^lllU',. iiu untKipitcd, tluru v, n I l >r- ljlo bolt of pumnnenr d.mocrits tin mm itm il and humiliating pro- nifii of lh« Tialtimore ronvntion. . f it.onnt of procfdinf we nil and tiny will IK. 1,. , 1 fxora . it longtli homaftn v w A tl v t» r i i s e m *. 1 n», s . CLOTHING STORE I 9. R1ESS 9 So. 1 Bridge Street,--Balley's Block READY-MADE CL0TH1M, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. CENT'S FURNISHING HOODS, nks and Valises I'LJMJ'sBLJlf.II, iN i' A\\ I"£SVR'U YIClV '.'intHVif 'n 'uJb'u .™h T' Y" 'loa H' ' M I ASH ) UTiViVi JA ON NOTICE. R. 0, Barber & Sons, 18 & 50 MARGARET STREET, IIAVK A FUtl, STOCK OF CARPETS ! 1S0LCDINQ English Brussels, Tapestry, English and American 3-Ply s Extra-Sup, and Supers, Matting and Oil Cloths? RUGS, HUTS, HASSOCKS. OTTOMANS, fee. ALBO, A FULL STOCK OF Fancy & Staple Dry toils, AND, IN CONNECTION, IT 52 MARGARET STREET, A FWX.I, STOCK OF GROCEKIESXPRGVISIGNS. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. IVIUNRQ 8c WARREN, SUCOKSdOKS TO BEPiJ= TSLLEY & CO, STATTO¥E N RY OF EVERY DESCUIPTIOS, BLANK BOOKS, PA88 BOOKB. DIAKIE8, TUuK MEMORANDUMS, ENVELOPES, LEGAL AND FOOLSCAP PAPER, NOTE AND LETTER PAPBB, BLOTTING AND DBAWING PAPER, VISITING AND PLATING OAKDi IMPRESSION PAPER, ERASING KUBEER, STEEL PENS, FABER'S LEAD PENCILS, TISSUE PAH BED TAi'E, INK STANDS, ARNOLD'S IKK, INDELIBLE INK, PKN RACKS, SCHOOL REWARD CARDS, &c, i SCHOOL BOOKS, I-IEAD QUARTERS For tho supplyof tho dl Iferent kinds of School Bool Country Merchants and Teachers LOWEST MARKET PRICE. JoFeaile Books, Cards, Primer*. Fancy Goods3 Confectionery CONSTANTLY ON HAND. MUNRO & WAEREN'S Is tho placu to continue to buy your toppllc NEW BOOKS RtCEIVED AS 80011 AS PUBLISHED. JM^RVT^^KET; ( Piattsbnrgh. DRUGGISTS. J. PERCY & SON, Drug Store NEW MEDICINES. The People's Magic Cough Remedy PEKCT'S ADIRONDACK ! IRE ARMS COMPANY'S PRICE LIST BARE CHANGE FOR AGENTS! ~KNT8. we will pay you $40 pervr«?k in cash, 1 w(" enisaife with AT O»O« Bver>ttiin(( DAUCHY £ CO. MONTH eo-IIy mode il and KyrOhk D ^I^MSSK MY JOLLY FRIENDS' SECRET ! EYE AND EAR DISEASES. HERE OJ CI.13JTOW COUNTY ! "THE BOME OF THE BRAVES" Historic Memory, AHD OB* THS EMPIRE STATE! FREE TO BOOK AGENTS!I «:, Gu i. Ger cy 8 Comb <•[)<;) tight. o Mot.,1 Ti man H,lv,r Dai rirnn kTr: je.l, . T.immod OFT xpeDMve finish 'Pe, Globe & Ft inaUem Bight, i nira-.-a, Siivtr •ak, or Beftcb 35 00 !)f> 00 40 00 45 00 ,'D Pat- DNLY FIRST-GLASS EIFLES! E7ERY GTJN AS EEPRESEHTED. irget Companies furnished a Fair Rates, il the mual dl«cot t th di WELLS' <1RBOLI€ TABLETS! F3R COUGHS. SOLOS AHO HOARSEMESS. IAUTIOII ^;;I:''^;% E Af PBKATE. mo«T DURA- BLR AND RELIABLE ? "DOMESTIC" 3EWM8 MACHINE. TIM ev« Faiihful Domuitlo. U*.!B B Sirslaht Nxedle. Tbo most Darable and Uoliable. nlon Drop Leaf. Parti Bxpnaltlon. )o the "oldest" Mac! rca»o or salus 600 par cent, within the litt year. FOB BALE AT 66 Margaret St., Plaltsbnrgh, N. ¥, Also, AtKEESEVlLLE and PBBTJ, l¥!a H1CKOK, Agent, i89t Clinton and Suax Oonntie*. 1872, NORTON'S BLOCK 1872. EAST IHD OF THE BRIDGE, BRIDGE STREET. C. F.NORTON & CO. HAVE OS HAND A Large and Splendid Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Glass Ware, Stone China Ware, Common Ware, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, Kerosene Lamps and Fixtures, Provisions, Flonr and Feed -AND- WH1 be Sold at the Lowest Prices. AID fo IP nnd krop Coughs aod Colds »way. IS: X IV G'8 OIL S FOR -WORMS. k 8UKK tiKMKDY. A 0UKE QUAEANTBBD. * GEORGE'S Marlborough Condition Powdersf N I»TICIC TO CO If T R A C T O R S . DELi WAKE AND flUDHOM CANAL COHfl NV-COXBTaUCTIOS Of NEW YuHK AN_ CANADA itAlLKOAD.—Suiiletl pri.po»-t<t* will be ih pros 'lh« map*, pruUl^s. plans and flptcliica- v/hme hlank proposals will be lumlshcd. Proj exit)" should be aealud and indorsed ''Proposals for N. Y. 4 O. K.K., and addressed 10 th<. uodersiga. Tho right Is re«erved lo r.-jttct any or all proposals N OTICE: IS HBCIKHV QIVK« TO"TH tJiockholdi-rs of tho Adironduc Twine Uo tha a rnretli-g of tho 8UWBh»lders of said Company wil bo held »t ih« office ot sal<J Oompaoy, In K«e«uvlli« "-- York, on thu 27th day of July u*xt. at 2 o'cloc II. A. HOTJGHTON, r PHYSICIAN'S PEESCEIPTIONS @AREFUUi.Y COMPOUNDED At all boura of the Day and Nightfrya Competent Apothecary. A LARGE AS80RTMBNT OF PERFUMES AND FANCY GOODS, BOLE AGENTS FOR PISO'S CURE FOE CONSUMPTION Robertson's Liquid Dentifrice. A inrgo Block of OALIFOKNiA WIN2£a ja»t J. PSJiCY & SON, S04 Flatisbursjh, N. Y. ^REPAIRING SHOP! ry variety ottiowlnyMachine paumted. All work warranted. M«blne. aunt hy Expregi. SUge or other wine, will ruoeiva prompt uuoniion aud bo-returned in aood woriinu ordor. Puraona winhing to two tholr maohlncs examined at their homta before takon for repairs, cau do ro by HUGH ROSS & HARTWELL 8c MYERS, AGBNT8 FOR THK Fire and Water Proof PLA8TIC 8LATB ROOFING MATERIALS! !. DAN DHOW * CO. QlrUwtshlng to go to Cotton Mlllo—farca pald- W ^a I>leMe "*^B- ANGELL, Forw^rting A^, •fJt&Vf I SEW! NEW ! SEW I EVERYTHING SEW AND NOBBf New Carriaores ! New Horses I, TROMBLY, Agent, and CorneUa Strtjut», whons he 1B prepared, to rst-cla«8. 'i'he pubtio are requested to ce Inn for incmneWei. has also Utted up a shop, convealent i stabli'8, where be will attend to Blacksmlthing in ail Its Branches AT THJS bHOKTJSST NOTICiS. T BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, CKSTABlflBaaD IMS) ro itlargaret Street, Piuttsburgh, N. Y, The undorslgned be^s leave to call the attention jf ilie uubllo w nl» laollltlw ior sieoutlng every va. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, La experience of o JO given to orders by m eads. Letter and Nole HeatU, Envelopes, nf*, Busineig and Addrrsa Cards, CircuJa Forwarding Tag* and Card»t $ct &>c. l 76 l Iron in the Blood k | The Peruvian Syrup AN IRON TONIC. Sold by Druireist* Sener»Jlj» pott SALE ! HTAVB MACHINE with 3-4W, 16 loebes KNINQ LATHK. torookeChurns, Palli <STABI<I8IfKD SSchiTyler Falls HARNESS SHOP! KSTOCK WJUTANTLY G£OBGE liEET. ^SGINK FOR SAI.K I ^ good pOBT ^ BL ^*^ IN ^ n as 1n ° o o 7| 0 1> sj* Kyi" Falls, May 8, Wit. ' ' 981 Vo°of oV*'nt. P | Dr. Haynes Xtia Receive Him PARCHMENTS IN TUB EMPIRE CiT\ \ F. E. SMITH & CO'S * GRU8HED WHITE WHEAT. Porridge. Miitrl and BreSkfial °DUh. " " ' i'or BJilo at the Mill* aijd by Urooera generally thrnushout tha country. relatm8 a to It. preparation Sent lroe.° IP *'"''' ° Q Even thontih he hns visited-at greater- D tlmoanrl money, tbe other principal (JHie>t is first Oonrte of Medical Leotures twenty-one years since. There Is space for bat a few oi his large number A REMARKABLE CASE. Cases of this description are acknowledged to be if tha mo«t difficult to cure In the whole range of 5ye Surgery. T. Wharton Jones, P. R. B., says in its Surgery of the Kye. "The prognosis is trwtr unfavorable, i, decidedly bad, Ire And so «ay other lthori and surgeons -hot mark tha result of treat- ent hy Dr Haynes. It Is not a physic, which may elve temporary re- Mto the sutlerer for thu first, few do»e«, W Wbicb, tored liquor, which, linger the poimlar nai -erel/a rem^dle^nt SisTmoiit piwi»»nl Fo and Alterative* pronounced so by the as been long used by" the landing phyeiol»n countries with wonderlul remedial reroltt. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubtba ret»ln« all tbe medlclnsl virtues pep.ullar to the plmat andraa«tbo ttken a» a permanent curative a-— ~ lhtr«w»ntof BO)Ion In your i Mpieen 1 DIJIUB. relieved at once, the ing «crofulou» or skin dl»ea«es, blotchei, fe'ior tnlei, canker, pimple*, &c, 4c. Tufee Jarubeba to olean.o, purify and : inn vitiated blood lo healthy action. Have you * Dyaprptlc Stomach ? Unless t}]ifs<lun promptly aided the «y«temIK drbilitatad with losi of Tital force, poverty of the Blood, Drop- »lcal Tendenry, General Weakness or La«situde. Take It to >Mlat Digestion will Import youthful vi*or Ilsvd jou weatti knesaof tbe Intestine Chronic Dlarrhtaa or thedre •' Bowels. % e you weakn ry Organ* 1 of tbe Cterli re loaun "Finafiy it »ho'uld he freqneptly taten to keep I sjstem In perfect health or you are otberwi»« . frreat danger of malarial, miasmatic or contaglouB -'q. KJILLOGG, 18 Ptatt St, Sew York. °~<- *-••- '- the ijDiied Btates. Oirou'ar 8»0w4 !e Agent fo Ie. Send ro WALTER A, WOOD'S IRON FRAME MOWER W AS BROl'GHT OUT I,AST TSAR and a sufficient number of them weru put work lo every variety of crop, and on every vatla -' —-faee, to thoroughly l"st them. In calling a m to this Mower we desire to any we believe Simple, Durable, and Efficient Grasi Gutter! id's Harvettlng Machines tb to abide the xegolt of his j WOOD FRAME MOWER, -ALBO, - WOOD'S IMPEOVED SELF-RAKE REAPER. without Mowin Farmers: We ask yon to Examine our Machines before purchas- ing: any other! kept by JOHN RBA, Bant Bdekmuntown, who wl be able to do as thorouuh repulra as oaa be doue a ^For^'ircu'lars, or further Information, adoren MOSELEYS6 STODDARD POULTNEY, VT. Local Agents in Clinton and Essex Counties: I.7J1AN THOMPbOS, South Plattsbargh. JejHN BKA. Kant Beekoianiown. B. G 'SWINBUBS, Kuuses Point. THOS H HKFFKttNAN^ Mo^rs. 8A U USL UAYNK8, Baraaac. ^'K.' BiKNK-re, ejro'wnpolut. V. L. KKKD. Moriuh Centie. Kr Iiflr reported ed from ary, (of w» bad k ld f the troth of xioe of the cut* nowiaoae, tbongn they had pssa- .) From tlxw reporti, we were e that oor daughter mi*tjt poisi r daughter mi*tjt poisi i; be saved trom orooming blind. We had sooaht for her the advice and treatment of medlaal tonUe- men of coneedfd ability, and yet her eaaeeoiltiraei to get worse, and from what we learned of the dis- ease, from the Doctors, we despaired otherner being helped. The disease waa krjdwn as Amawa- disease of the Optlo Nerve, or baok part of tha e Unit v of naea should b tions not to give an unfavorable opialo ^d et to P ner?S for ' hehad ^ enPal Overta#ktD{ the eye*, oy kerow&e llgut ana con* Inntns tonse them afttr they ware very weak, brought on th* disease in question, for three yean Hajnes entered into prospect of ch-crlecu, that we encased wereftatistiedsome uood w o a critical examination which he did not (eel w ^°rked 8 to t0 hI h m ing beirij % ^inal|oYof|tl^l : bsnefiUed, and the prosp e encased to pay notbtng b«fon%e be received* ICoi^y did not seem uppermost in the Doctor 1 * mind, and conscience to do what we felt was right as between ns, &c We placed her under his advice and treat- mnl, though we anticipated tittle more than here- tofore, bnt we were happily disappointed, for we bad the pleasnreof seeing as hnprov-menUn her general health <with bat now and then a relapse,) and also In her Kye sluht for tbe two years she con- tinned pnder.h,. treatment, and now we^re.- or, for cavlnii her from becoming blind, which. "— "-e affllowd,) may be ample excuse for to long a. waaie gratefully ana truly your», LAVISH* i)*ss. In January, 1885, 1 cootructeii allitht fnflammatioa jHcame chrouic, and for a long time my caLe^a* o New fork city for treatment in the fall of"l886, md remained three munths without having a cure —,_— tooer, 18*8, f .._, under Hay.e. 1 treatment. At that time one e>e waa Buffering from ohrooic irjflammation, with a tllm over the eight, which caused such a de- gree of blindDess that I could only distinguish light In a fow weuk» my case had propes»ed to wall that the Doctor sent me to school, whioh 1 was able school and still my eyes grow stronger. JAMJS Don*. 8. Haynes, M. D. : DSMRSIB: -Tours ol your bill very modt you^person and than. M. Boran being a ma had been to the expen aesd bin son to New Y have his son grope In ready and willing toil hundred* more to send theVthlnst., with Und draft for the sane, * • * K you for your klod attention .poctfully Yours, in of intelligence, though he se of hundred of eJolian to ork city, yet rather than to darkneii through life, waa near the further expemoof him iato thu VnUeyof I*ake Champtaln with the hope per chance of obtaining he'p for hl« son. And hia willingness to pay, what Is worthy of mark, ae& coupled with bis gratitude. IS TEAKS OF BLINDNB88 CUBSD. ' When I wa» three years old I bad the measles. to me, hut 1 hiid to irrope iu darkoeu, and move mostly by the sense of feeling. It waafifteenlong years from the time tbac my eyes became affeoied to the time when f was fnduceM to apply to Dr.B. Haynes. But I amgrateful In being a1)le to write, that after bavlnK been under treatmentforatew weekF, my sight is perfectly restored. .antown, N. T., Fab"™18«! M "' ^"'^ ^ f i ^ e r of^the^aid Abigail, J. B, Pardy, her caao, said: "If yoa cure h e r e>r help her?"'*' 1 ?!/*)*: . 1T a ,, An(J be dld :erlsllc of the mso, and SS YKAB3 DBAFi\K9S by Dr. B. Hayne* la a man 74 years of age in 1S63. TM$ letter isgtvan to Bhow that tbe cure waa nanent one. A good deal of interest was man- Dsia 8ia:-Mr Murdock came here last spring. _ b*v« sceo 11m at public places with his spe .tin* horn la his hand; hav« Bousht an opportunity of conversing with htm. Thi. week IfiSTmcompany wi»h him and inirodoced ih«I «ubject of dtqfnon. I ' him a very ready talker, aud after questioning ..ten treated, 1 formed the opinion that he had not met with the right person. I then told ofyonr auccesttal treatment in my case, and the opportuni- ty I bdd in seeing many others under treatment, and im,'ha»e J 'you*seiid your Prescriptions. J told Mm oureeir. ltald°h\m heb^d batter write and give ou the particulars of his case and I would toward i to you! I now enolose tlie same. Now, ilr, it i« stud In matting a trial for his deafnesd. Ii yoa W A V . COMPSTBST BLiCK3MITH, ft re a new Shop and ifopd opening. 'eru, N. T.. June 4, If N. LAPHAM. & SONT. n 1 SOAP. onstant supply, by the barrol, n*lf barrel or , for sale by S. DUKSBS, «0 Water Street, Pittsburgh. Caah paid for good hard-wood boose Mhem. hly interesting Ca»o. The imporUnce of tho subject Is reason uudlotont for giving the following uotation from Mr. Bosworth's ktter. For many thers, like him, have been taught to look upon dla- laws as ilia of other parts of the body aad suffer on, Osinrui!!, Dec 80th, Ml. IUTNSS :-Afterreachinghome I commence* „,,„, jour medicines amwding to dlructions, and) continued to do so until I tboaght Ulsnt wotOd bo no further oeoeMity as I soon felt as welt as I ev« Jitt in my h/e and continue to feel so yet, my throat. o btialL rtffht, for which L feel T«rv,««F>ttb&uk> . . . —d hope 1 -ball continue to fed a* well as I do. at present, • » » • Koolowd ,au wtU Bad K ollars tit part payment, will elthor Mod or brine' you the balance on ^.ctfuU yoo ^(i Wn. BoswokTB-. WhydoBS Dr. Hayne» 7^»lt PlrtUbaigh oa the FIRST and THIRD TUa3DAY8 of each, th 1 Antwtr.' Ta aa.»8 expenae in Uau «ad> ;y to tboaa who can ill afford an extension ot the Journey, if possible to prevent It. Hence being ed In man; oasea to return by Bill or Bo«V day.

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Post on 02-Jul-2019




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Page 1: CLOTHIERS. - · IIR tumtn, tho »k> hghtu and tnxle l Hi.hniftl.vof tho v.^twii roof,

pilfslmtgf $fniind»TtftBbnrgh. PriilRV, July 12,1872.

I h , h i h i l o n j i i o i H i < l < m . < l o n I I . . . ( 1 1 .

<if I n l j t i \ e i u i ; l i l i n e m l i m p j i l . m n n t n . v

' ' i i n t u M R l l i t l i « ' r , , l n l « . . < n f a i l m .

! , , ( . ' i n i . i t . e l t l i u f t h e n w i l l 1 « » ele ft .

, ' o f <U ) 0 (Mid T i n i i i p p l . ' i n i m t 11 y Oi>li

, , i t . m i . ! I I . . m n l . l m / M i n e l f u l u i * M w l n . - l i

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( , , ] ! , ] ,< • L u l l . . . m e . . .1 < f H i . e . i t ' l j n i m

, , w l l f\ u L< W . I . I i l l o i t <I. t i « n < l >

I t , t o n \ \ < l i c l l i

1!on Hi. 1 1 K 1 il

«nion-K< l |»nbIifah Aomin?lions.



•I l ie i t a U t m o M "slioi .

i'ii^ j^i^nt Hnltinioso moiuitobmiK u

.oiio.iiMl on ih i moimiiKof tho

' , 1»T August TMmmit, plmiimw

l delimit, l«ut i«>\

MI ii>n for two UI>OUH Will mil Hni

idmiliml m o m l m . ' fl »>< «<>I', neei vill l,o inomolMl l.\ l l u n i w K i "

n e prl l )n

l li ii«'].ii

1 , > .

Hi <•(•!<}, iie'iioinmntetl 'II 'OMAS .1! Ii'l'USOM UANDOliIMI, of \ irftiun fo

1) of .Hi f J \

,t,. honor-i, nml ili« nominntioii for JK i

nmnmit dmirmiin of thir f.. oi<ll. <1

ISHIIODPI J)<jm«Miili.«( umnit ion.f t i imi

pntlo JHni'l. K-rmbW in, H< nrtoi T It

0OOL1TTU 'I I K M ] " ! hit v M ( O M i HOY, (ho Cm

cmanti Pl.-tfonn \> tlun s i i p o f ibr

djHiurli the -hem S<.imtoi ]«njsird, and

oihe»r-omniMi( umllif. loDgDtiuoMula,

undeitooL to (jet up i. dobi>to upon tho

pli tiorin, mid liitioduco coif am nuiuud

limit',. Ba* .luso boisterou" fcllov.n

v( re ip<td i l j u p p n s u d , In ouloniig

i1 ml tho Cincnniufi i'l.Ufoim was BUHI

-o% od ol ono gulp

•I hen tamo I ho grand, flubhmelj ndi

mloin ,in<l Bide fphttingaflorpiooo, tho

nomination of lloinco Gicoloy mi the

Lvmoortitic <" ioi Jl'iowdpnt of

ZnmiiP, ft tomWo t .t truck tlio building Tho black ol.)iulnlmt out tho liRlit of t)io mil), and tingreat amuhithtfitri) bocuinoii dnrk ii'inght Tho mud blow u linnICMW, andho ram, which fell in teirnuts, \YfInvcn through tho (H1«M of th<> wntilifIIR tumtn, tho »k> hghtu and tnxle l Hi.hniftl.vof tho v.^twii roof, and foil i

ipon tht h.a.lHof thoaiidumi

ilar to that he pa loakj rdu-d to OKOnpo i hemj nliA moment Inter, l ionntr, nml tinHfttmnwns forgotkn in HiognatiBt tA tn mi ndotiH piibtof waul droxo " cloudi)f dimt and RIHMI through the open door-,,«Inch filled tho building and half blnxlt dLho au<lion( o At the next time c timberin tho front gullerj f< 11 and broki1 ie\t n.lrnoB of glass «4»«1 af .« npl . . . t i .« foUfrom tho interior of tho roiitn I t inn tOnly tlwwe who him> thofuuo ' fiuddenilt ulh upon them can iin<u<ino thofnJmi/H of tho ram, v onion i nd clnldion ,uicmblid undt-i the roof of the C'oli


tboiirot ballot, th nig oulj about

With this performance, the BIIOWended, and tho mountebanks packed uptheir duds and sneoked off home.

Wo state explicitly that there is noth-ing about this convention, from itsbeginning to its end, which u decentDemocrat is bound to respect. It issimply the consummation of ft bargainbetween Democratic and Republicanomce seeKero, eutuuiy regardless of thowishes of the people. If tho rank andfile of tho Democratic party wereconsulted, and could decide betweenGreeiey and such a man as CharlesFrancis Adams, 09'.) out of every 1000would hold up both handa for Adams.And yet, an attempt is to bo made tostuff this nauseous Doolittle-Grcoley-Gratz Brown dose down their throats—and for what? Why, to bout Grant!And why beat Grant ? Simply to enablethis hungry set of Republican and Dem-ocratic office seekers—political cormo-rants—whom the peoplo have been afraidto trust, and have ignored or kicked over-board—to enable these lazy chaps to getback into office again. Will the labor-ing classes and business men of theDemocratic and Republican parties con-eent to be made mere foot balls to bekicked around purely for the diversion orprofit of a few aspiring politicians andoffice seekers? We think not. The peo-ple are afraid to trust such a greedycrowd. They do not eare about thrustingthe hands of Doohttle, and Blair, andJohn Cochrane, and Hank Smith, andBill Tweed and Charles A. Dana into theNational Treasury. Now that this com-bination is completed, and these twopacks of wolves, the prairie wolves ofCincinnati, aad the saddlebacks of Balti-more, have united their lorces, and setup the dismal howl, "anything to b-e-a-tG-r-a-n-t," the people who love theircountry and its prosperity more thanthey do office, will send up the shout,"anything to beat Greeiey," and saveour now xiftp|3y country from psnio unclbankruptcy. They will rally around theold Boldier, who, though he may havemade mistakes, has never made such aconsummate ass of himself as has HoraceOreeley ! They will retain in power tho

be brilliant in ft political office seeker'sopinion, nevertheless gives peace, securi-ty and prosperity to the country, reducesits taxes and pays its debts.

'File Ba l t imore Bolters.BALTIMORE, July 10.

The Anti-Grealey Democratic Conven-tion met this afternoon at one o'clock.The following gentlemen wera nominat-ed by the Committee on Permanent Offi-cers : President Bamuei J. Buyard, ofNew Jersey;_, Yice-Presidents, Z. F.Stokes, of South Carolina ; James Swee-ney, of Pennsylvania; Eara Keyser, ofTexas ; C. Jessie Miller, of West Virgin-ia. Secretaries, James G. Underwood,of Connecticut, and S. J. Chute, of N.York. Tho report was adopted.

It was moved and tarried that a coniittee be appointed to draft an addrcto the Democrats of the country, athe following were appointed : MessMurrell ol Kentucky, chairman, SamuelJ. Bayard of Virginia, M. M. Pomer.of Now York, Gcorgo D. Parker of Viginia, Joseph J. Davis of West VirginiJoseph Leddiis of Illinois, and K. Jfevof Texas.

Death ofJli«5g« Mel'iiam.Judge McCunn, of New York, v,i

has just been removed from office by th«unanimous vote of the Senate of' NewYork, died suddenly from prostration byShe heat, early Saturday morning. Hfi

the despatches also intimate that hjeniayhave died from grief occasioned by his

l h o . . n i l <>r l i n n / H I M ! p i l In u i i i ' i i

,1, t li< llltlie III ll I 111. I 111 111. 1.11 II

„ . i .nl 11,0 t.Mi.lmov of line). i> lni

l n i iMm ( r I.I to demand tion o i o l t n

.(hfi»r,ln],.nn? .iiltwrf. m.iHt ».< l< )t >'• »Hhe. Wmini vim hru, hftd me mW

tin*ml I i

1 ho I ugh <h bund U fl

( . 1 I I I t l > <


m o i i T l . m id nil »h<.u«h n«>t I X K I U «i-< oi.lii),' ti

pioRinnniK, u o r i d iv nun 1. of thlimi i>n)babl\, in iniy(hiiiR Oilmen

b.o 'nrht out II *u» .>!>. thnt « .i tmi ' in tho IIIRIK td<pr<d mid thm<» wit iKMdl it will i>iol»nl>!> not s,,c»iROI t he night Jutit after t lmaf tmnooi

S ' d ' " th " "i th midst of t

DIO IU etil for

,t thin >nt 'J lit• the

JI tho lnht i

IDK'dMed made a

\eie not behind>nd climbing ov<

-»K through tin ciowded PIHI.H, t h ^added to tho genoml fright Jlnt fen the

Dlncsn anel foiothouglit of a lev. nidiInalH, and especially of Mr Dan Cie.d

fu j , ft panic would him- MIMIC el, tho 10ilts of which would hu\o been mostmontablo The situation was suggest

ive of a great disaster, and thoughts ofthe fate of the firBt Coliseum, a

t trusses, arose in themindt . __„but the building did not quake, aud) out of the Btorm with all its pen-

nons flying. A happy thought of Godfrey's saved tho audience from harm. Iithe height of the terror and confusion,he struck up the Star Spangled Banner,

•hich had tho effect to re-assure theivaying crowd, and order was quickly?sforea. It was a most trying momentnd mado Dan Godfrey tho hero of th.


A C o m p l i m e n t e d Cand ida te .The complimentary tone of Greoley'

dherenta must certainly be soothingto the sensitive nature of tho Sage.About all the Democrats) who fall intolino take him as Squeers' boys did thei

latutinal mixture of sulphur and treacle,ith wry faces and strange "cusses.

In the Fifth Avenue Conference he wagenerally alluded to as an "emetic.'Schurz eays he is "surrounded by bad,

•f the Rochestethe New York cull to Cincinnati is rep-

;iited as covering his position undersame anecdote as that adopted by

two delegates in the Virginia Conventionyesterday, they "kin eat crow, but theydon't hanker arter it." And "ExtraJilly'1 Smith calls out for somebody,'dogor devil," anything "to beat Grant."

This is the tenor of the enthusiasm evok-ed by the name of Greeiey. Filing up-m the country by a fraudulent and forc-sd nomination, effected by corrupt in-luencoB, ho appeals to the Democrat-c Party for support, and they adopt himn sheer revenge and madneBB, and utter-

ly loathing the man whom they hope to

iple never has been witnessed,and such a fearful rout as awaits them

er has been known. When promi-it Democrats only accept Greeiey be-se they are in a desperate straight,> may be Bure that thousands will•er vote for him.

I, )invi))|f Im n u l i i t i mai

. Ifllt Plffll"!

Good t o n m l n t l o

ii bod>iiiti<ip(it(

I In i d d i n Ilin \inhi-

WcIIIc « r a n l a n d tlio <fciircn.'Ilio follerswnrj; lottr>>, wiittonb> Misn

'oll.c Grant to ^uron Vi.-toun provioin. hoi reri-iit Tisit to WHKIHOI 1'iilnco, 11ubhf'lwelby UiofJan Kmiu'we) C/»,o~.• Ir, hnviiiR b o n rocnvfd thr«iiBlinvato nouropft rt-» mmplie'ity ande.od nonm will bn heartily nppn < i Ucil

"IMVIIM-V'S ITontr,, May, 1S7J"My dear Li.lj un«i cj,1Ooii T am

<inil.ftiriiBf.ed at the. hewn of an official<inc«l, Riun thinugh ft luglt oflicorour Lend Cliainherhiin I tlimk ) to bo

pip^pntwl tojemi Ma]P«tj I shoulddearly lo\( to t e>o you tint T n.tpht tellmj mother ami filhii that I hid bocitlnn he.iieirrd 1 am but i <umi>]( Amen..m ("il 1 am th. I'nw.l.'iit

kind U wholl

(d buH l l

f e . l l o u . M , S ! . . l « d . <

1 1 . < » l e n . p t i M h . d f o r u m . 1 < n , i m i i m t i e i

< l . i > I n , ' i t f o ) ( I H 1 m i l . i n . ! i . i i . h . d (

u b i u b i i n f ( j i | l v h l ' h I e n t . l e . l , ( 1 1 1• ! . . < V i n e .

4«l n


i i . r i im\id d ip , with n lml<d ('(.Id bund,nml P II rt nool . i l sliiit PnnerMLgf t de

nor of ealiiiiKiiH'bufoii tin Amlv , Iired, " I ) . l .miUMtoin , I p H " " ™ " '

.1 up tho banli of tin* Il( \I. |»ot fll/'llt( llld, (I. KM tt (I

- length of the) Nilei J JhOOmilen Ittiol supplied by tho T.Mi|'.iliMkf Hewind within LS0 mih» of th< explore el

both 1. ft e»n tho K,lh of O.-te.boi I'lid ild at riigaiiyemhl Wo qptnt 24 diijf.

Clinstmiu i n ' l V ) ! T ' - i imod e'in^the»Ht Mur.h Hill, leaving I,mnpHtem. att^uiij cmbt to o\ploic noith of Tan> iiKilak, and the romannng ISO m i l fDimliihn m e i Tin twill tho

V Wiior tiojn /an/ ibni icpoith the> iepti. u of m nil them thionph in) \ r i butl.'i tlint Ij.vnigi.tono wu <ibv<> and['11 nt UJIJI in April and that all th.<

IIiueipoRii r. «ude nts belie se d lh<» r< portI h n ii important ineu'lj m corrobont

i«r tho ntfttem. ni revencd frtim Stanloi Rit . ntiiolv diftercnt route-

' '• ' thnVg't" l o b . d n

nd )>.,

l i . l in H o b n

\ ( ) l l l 11

Linn It n

'awl 'nll'thV"piu M>*"< M* 1h.ihiul bun 'hippi'd from Bmlguporton i fieipht limn tothn eit> Vpi>"s(nger cm foi tho.ieeommod,itioti ofUmpe>remntrs i lnui t , «nd attendanti n .ittathtd to tht rcAi of tht ti.mi.

As the train was passing under n•oodway bridge, two miles west of thejity, the bridge fell. The falling tim-ber first struck the platform cars, onwhich were the cages Twelve of thelatter were smashed, and six of tho larg-

traok for several hundred feet with theirbroken fragments.

The caged brutes thus suddenly fre.d

flrs^out'Tol'lowed quickly" b/two'yonnglions and ft wild cat. A valuable tiger,

.tripped kangaroos, and several ofirmils were crushed and instantly

killed. Most of tho OURICR, of which

away, as also.did several of tho smaller

Tho train was promptly stopped and it

drivers had sustained severe injuries.Mr. G. N. Robinson, tho treasurer of the

asleep in'the ticket wagon, which wat-

money in every direction, but ho esciped without a scratch. Tho IOBH to thecompany is estimated at $50,000.

Tho rear car and its inmates escapeduninjured. The spectacle at theinstaut of the overturning of the cages

The monkeys chattering aud screamingBoainpered up the sides of the brok-en bridge, and seemed to eojoy the fun '

The tigers, Blondin and Dick, afterlapping up the_ blood of their less for-

ditch, and disappeared. The bear crip-pled, limped off up the track, scaring

their wits. The conductor, chased by ahyena, saved his life by climbing a tele-

I l o w it is Cabins 3

; view of the conceded probabilitythat Horace Greeiey would be endorsedby the Baltimore Convention, the Demo-

i of New York City who do not pro-pose to be sold out in that manner, com-

ced to move last week On Monday,July 1, a Grant Democratic CampaignClub was organized intho Twenty-secondWard, at No. 815 West Forty-third street,composed of 150 I3c moor tits wlio liuvoagreed to support President Grant inpreference to any other candidate forthe Presidency. The officers are : H. C.Wice, President; D. Kompner and B.Levy, vico-presidents ; I'. Lydecker,treasurer j iJ, LI. ilones, correspondin(T

secretary; W. Mullon, recording Becro-tary. and W. Ijydccker, ficrge^nt-at-

graph pole at a critical iThe wolves dined off the smaller men:

if the happy family, and then dinin the same- direction as thappeared, i _ .._

tigers, and, it is feared after moreOne of the large rattlesnakes was ctwo, but his companions, a bo& comtor and two smaller snakes, wereseen shooting off in the grass tothis city.

As it is known that several of thedangerous and blood thirsty membe

aternation reigns here. To-night a largeparty, armed with guns and revolvers,are scouring '" " ' " * "miles of the £ing for the tri

A CliaisJos- of I

Tho ml IJIANCE, Ohio, July :,.

d Pittsille, on tho Clevelandburg Railroad, took iiro about thiefo'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Therewere twenty mon and one boy in thtmine when the iiro began. Eleven mei.

utuothercd to death. Up to "eleven

been recovcrtul, Xho lire han subsided,

A diwpatoh from Calcutta reports that

Tho club it about to ngage argerooms, and tho names of Democrats onlywill be received, who will pledge them-selves to support Grant, tho people'scandidate The president of the cluboiiers to bet and deposit in any bankthat may bo mutually named that Grantwill be re-elected President,

TSic Turf.—In view of tho recent report thai

Bonner's horse Joe Elliott had trotted amile in 2.15}, the proprietor of Gold-smith Maid, has challenged. Bouner totrot either Joe Elliott or Dexter againstGoldsmith Maid for from flvo thousandto fifty thousand dollars, on any regular

sylvamaorMawyork.—aG^oldytmtlis m&itj fooct^ri .' J\ great

trotting match took place at MeoiwoodPark, Tuesday, at, which "AmericanGirl" beat "GoLdsmith Maid," "Lucy"»nd "Henry," in threo straight heat?.Time. 2:21, 2:10}, and 2:24


named Norris, while lighting a hall pre-paratory to a theatrical performance, letfall u coal-oil lamp in the midst of agroup of children. The lamp broke.

tion and setting the clothing of the child-ren on fire. The little sufferers ran wild-ly through the hall, and before the flumeswore extinguished three little girls wereso badly burned that they died in sevenhours. Nome was also badly, but notfatally, burned. It is said he was dtunk.

His ts to Wri ters for Newspapers

than they cau insert, and more theyl(i insert if Hi.i.v oonM. It is a toilsome tank,'-ot Juno day, to read page after page of

suitable for publi-to find ~- "Much clmtt ia sifted

.fj-oodwlicat. To ail whojuid be contributor!) to The Methodist,

say a few words in (t friendly audmilliner. We are always glad '1 articles. We never had, andt to have, too many of them. Fitif any kind i;) Hcarce—especially


ir'a judgment only, but in. . . _ i of decided intellectualjility often make a signal failure in writing aiwupapor article. The article id good in itaelf,it ia ttio tony or too deep to be acceptable '

•lie c .itiility oft

tony or

Sect. L Study deeplyL and "ivrit^Thoroughly,''

verfiy which distracted the Church for cent

tion to Church history, but 'bend it wherebelon ft—to some Quarterly Review. A frag-

but in building up. Give your own views rath-ar than set up the viowa of an imaginary oppo-

i d t i h lg y p

hant ly demol i sh th

ber this hint. Bettera monopoly of contention,vity. Do not give processlt A i d long prefaces

play p y u ideas with force and brety. The compact Grecian phalanx in the daof old was more than a match f all th hty. Tof old


act Ge th

palanx in thetch for all the h

_ ._ ;h : Hence, labor on style. Men of githoughts sometimes lack tbe patience totheir thoughts into suitable forms of cxprion. They fall to do the polishing workwhich success often depends. The gold ma'" - J ' - —' - - polished c

h froivapapar


ore ; but because It L ._ „sible to give it a circulation. Hence we

Fifth : Be- patient. Months may pasyour article appears—perhaps it may m

rcjeeted!hS !mwu-"\u^

Tho Longfcllow-Bnssett Race .The great excitement in. sporting

circles last week was the raoe at LongBranch between Bassett and Longfellow,two unci onG-Iiftlf miles. Our reportsays that Bassett ied on the first mileand a half, the betting being two toin his favor before the start. At theend of the first mile and a half the confi-dence of the Bassett men was strand they werdenly, how

nthusiastic. Sud-r, old John Harper's hoi

began to reach out, passing Harry, and

coming in amid a perfi^ot tumult o^ apr

plause full twenty lengths ahead of Me.

Daniel's favorite animal, and thus win*

ning back again the laurels of tho turf.

The distance was made in 4:3-1.

otighly h

mirage in Missouri—Driven irmHome for Opinion's Sake .

u , B u n u^ u <.™, . , .? ,„. ST LOUIS, July 8.I Ilev. Thomas Callahan arrived he. _

ANOTHER GREAT Finn IN THE TUBKISH j f r o m Centerville, Mo., and reports thati .u'iroL—ON*. TUocsAND iiorsES ^L- [ o n tbe night of the 26th of June, sevenHEADY DESTiiovEu. I disguised men entered his house, drag-

LONUO.V, July 5. g ed his sick wife from her bed, gave him4. dispatch just received from Conatan- -| seventy-five lashes on the bare back, and

tinople bnugy news ol a terrible confla- ordered him to leave the country withingration now raging in that city. Ono ten days under penalty of death. Het h d houses in the poorer <iuwter, charges that he has been thus persecuted

of S c u t u r i hf td a l r e a d y , b ^ h i R e p u b l i c a n a n d b e

n no raand house

been destroyed when the telegram was j he knew who recently burned the Rey-forwarded. s>o indication was given that I nolds county court house to destroy thetho nro was under control, and farther j records, so as to payer up the frauds indetails are anxiously awaited, > }ana t i t l e 8 Oftrried on by his persecutors,

tli the


1 bo-wr> proudhi., imto of mi.e. I think it tlin right

NilQ m . n returned tho folio

i N«>lb<iGiiint 7 haioiiiNtn


Wo have just received direct from theannfacturern a fine assortment of Whitocstfl and Linen Dusters, to which woivito the attention of those desiroiif! of

procuring those articles. And in thinconnection wo would say that wo are pre-pared and intend to manufacture Cloth-ing, and, in fact, sell everything in ourline at prices as low as they can be ob-tained at any place in this vicinity orelsewhere, anything said to the contrarynotwithstanding. Our stock is alwaysfull nnd complete, consisting of Ameri-an, Foreign, standard and fancy cloths

'hich wo will make up in tho best Ier, in the latest styles, or according to

j the wishes of the customerJ. B. HAGERTY k CO.

Pittsburgh, June 13th, 1872. 886

Breech Loading RifleTerms—Net Cash.


,v?'Jiall n'om'vo j .m m'l'tlie".!.'"^^^ i ' of,oiu honoud pir< nts without the intor-,(>ntion of our lngh oflici rs of itato Inlia.Il accept your visit a«i an 'Americangirl,' and there shall be no other nigmfi-(Mnecirithe fat t than imir kindly tx-pir«Hfd (l.'tiro to r«o tho mid " 'ttin) t,o\<r<iK» T hhall find it plciwant toforf/(,t that I nm OiH.ii in Keening jon

DIM- i^ l l lU ' , .

iiu untKipitcd, tluru v, n I l >r-

ljlo bolt of pumnnenr d.mocrits

tin mm itm il and humiliating pro-

nifii of lh« Tialtimore ronvntion.

. f it .onnt of procfdinf we

nil and tiny will IK. 1,. , 1 fxora

. it longtli homaftn

v w A tl v t» rii s em *.1 n», s.


So. 1 Bridge Street,--Balley's Block


Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing.


nks and Valises


i' A\\ I"£SVR'U YIClV '.'intHVif 'n 'uJb'u .™h T ' Y"

'loa H' ' M I ASH )UTiViVi JA

ON N O T I C E .

R. 0, Barber & Sons,18 & 50 MARGARET STREET,



English Brussels, Tapestry,

English and American 3-Plys

Extra-Sup, and Supers,

Matt ing and Oil Cloths?



Fancy & Staple Dry toils,A N D , IN CONNECTION,


















For tho supply of tho dl Iferent kinds of School Bool

Country Merchants and Teachers


JoFeaile Books, Cards, Primer*.

Fancy Goods3 ConfectioneryCONSTANTLY ON HAND.

MUNRO & WAEREN'SIs tho placu to continue to buy your toppllc


JM^RVT^^KET; ( Piattsbnrgh.




The People's Magic Cough RemedyPEKCT'S



• ~KNT8. we will pay you $40 pervr«?k in cash,1 w(" enisaife with u« AT O»O« Bver>ttiin((


il and K y r O h k D^ I ^ M S S K





Historic Memory,AHD OB* THS



«:, Gu

i. Ger

cy 8


< • [ ) < ; ) t i g h t .

o Mot.,1 Ti

man H,lv,r




je. l , .



xpeDMve finish'Pe, Globe & FtinaUem Bight, i



•ak, or Beftcb

35 00

!)f> 00

40 00

45 00

,'D Pat-



irget Companies furnished aFair Rates,

il the m u a l d l « c o t t t h di


IAUTIOII ^;;I:''^;%



TIM e v « Faiihful Domuitlo.U*.!B B Sirslaht Nxedle.Tbo most Darable and Uoliable.

nlon Drop Leaf.Parti Bxpnaltlon.

)o the "oldest" Mac!

rca»o or salus 600 par cent, within the l i t t year.


66 Margaret St., Plaltsbnrgh, N. ¥ ,Also, AtKEESEVlLLE and PBBTJ,

l¥!a H1CKOK, Agent,i89t Clinton and Suax Oonntie*.

1872, NORTON'S BLOCK 1872.



A Large and Splendid Stock of

Dry Goods, Groceries,Crockery and Glass Ware,

Stone China Ware, Common Ware,


Kerosene Lamps and Fixtures,

Provisions, Flonr and Feed

-AND-WH1 be Sold at the Lowest Prices.

AID fo

IP nnd krop Coughs aod Colds »way.




Marlborough Condition Powdersf


NV-COXBTaUCTIOS O f NEW YuHK A N _CANADA itAlLKOAD.—Suiiletl pri.po»-t<t* will be

ih pros 'lh« map*, pruUl^s. plans and flptcliica-

v/hme hlank proposals will be lumlshcd.Proj exit)" should be aealud and indorsed ''Proposals

for N. Y. 4 O. K.K., and addressed 10 th<. uodersiga.

Tho right Is re«erved lo r.-jttct any or all proposals

NOTICE: IS HBCIKHV QIVK« TO"THtJiockholdi-rs of tho Adironduc Twine Uo tha

a rnretli-g of tho 8UWBh»lders of said Company wilbo held »t ih« office ot sal<J Oompaoy, In K«e«uvlli«" - - York, on thu 27th day of July u*xt. at 2 o'cloc


PHYSICIAN'S [email protected] COMPOUNDED

At all boura of the Day and Night fry aCompetent Apothecary.




Robertson's Liquid Dentifrice.

A inrgo Block of OALIFOKNiA WIN2£a ja»t


S04 Flatisbursjh, N. Y.


ry variety ot tiowlny Machine paumted. All workwarranted. M « b l n e . aunt hy Expregi. SUge or otherwine, will ruoeiva prompt uuoniion aud bo-returnedin aood woriinu ordor.

Puraona winhing to t w o tholr maohlncs examinedat their homta before takon for repairs, cau do ro by

H U G H R O S S &


Fire and Water ProofPLA8TIC 8LATB



QlrUwtshlng to go to Cotton Mlllo—farca pald-W ^ a

I > l e M e " * ^ B - ANGELL, Forw^rting A ^ ,

•fJt&Vf I S E W ! N E W ! S E W I


New Carriaores !

New Horses

I , TROMBLY, Agent,

and CorneUa Strtjut», whons he 1B prepared, to

rst-cla«8. 'i'he pubtio are requested to ceInn for incmneWei.has also Utted up a shop, convealent i

stabli'8, where be will attend to

Blacksmlthing in ail Its BranchesA T THJS bHOKTJSST NOTICiS.


ro itlargaret Street, P iut t sburgh , N. Y,The undorslgned be s leave to call the attention

jf ilie uubllo w nl» laollltlw ior sieoutlng every va.

BOOK AND JOB PRINTING,La experience of o

JO given to orders by m

eads. Letter and Nole HeatU, Envelopes,

nf*, Busineig and Addrrsa Cards, CircuJa

Forwarding Tag* and Card»t $ct &>c.

l 76 l

Iron in the Blood k| The Peruvian Syrup


Sold by Druireist* Sener»Jlj»

p o t t S A L E !

HTAVB MACHINE with 3-4W, 16 loebes

K N I N Q LATHK. to rooke Churns, Palli

< S T A B I < I 8 I f K D

SSchiTyler Falls




^ good p O B T ^ B L ^ * ^ I N ^ na s

1 n ° oo 7 | 0

1 > s j *

K y i " Falls, May 8, Wit. ' ' 981

Vo°of oV*'nt. P | Dr. HaynesXtia Receive Him




F. E. SMITH & CO'S *


Porridge. Miitrl and BreSkfial °DUh. " " '

i'or BJilo at the Mill* aijd by Urooera generallythrnushout tha country.

relatm8ato It . preparation Sent lroe.° I P *'"''' ° Q

Even thontih he hns visited-at greater-D tlmoanrl money, tbe other principal (JHie>t

is first Oonrte of Medical Leotures twenty-oneyears since.

There Is space for bat a few oi his large number

A REMARKABLE CASE.Cases of this description are acknowledged to be

if tha mo«t difficult to cure In the whole range of5ye Surgery. T. Wharton Jones, P. R. B., says inits Surgery of the Kye. "The prognosis is trwtr

unfavorable, i, decidedly bad, Ire And so «ay otherlthori and surgeons -hot mark tha result of treat-ent hy Dr Haynes.

It Is not a physic, which may elve temporary re-M to the sutlerer for thu first, few do»e«, W Wbicb,

tored liquor, which, linger the poimlar nai

-erel/a rem^dle^nt SisTmoiit piwi»»nlFo a n d A l t e r a t i v e * pronounced so by the

as been long used by" the landing phyeiol»ncountries with wonderlul remedial reroltt.

Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubtbaret»ln« all tbe medlclnsl virtues pep.ullar to the plmatand raa«t bo ttken a» a permanent curative a-—

~ l h t r « w » n t o f BO)Ion In your iMpieen 1 DIJIUB. relieved at once, the

ing «crofulou» or skin dl»ea«es, blotchei, fe'iortnlei, canker, pimple*, &c, 4c.

Tufee Jarubeba to olean.o, purify and :inn vitiated blood lo healthy action.

Have you * Dyaprptlc Stomach ? Unlesst}]ifs<lun i» promptly aided the «y«tem IK drbilitatadwith losi of Tital force, poverty of the Blood, Drop-»lcal Tendenry, General Weakness or La«situde.

Take It to >Mlat Digestion willImport youthful vi*or

Ilsvd j o u weattik n e s a o f tbe IntestineChronic Dlarrhtaa or thedre•' Bowels. %

e you w e a k nry Organ* 1

• of tbe Cterlire loaun

"Finafiy it »ho'uld he freqneptly taten to keep Isjstem In perfect health or you are otberwi»« .frreat danger of malarial, miasmatic or contaglouB

-'q. KJILLOGG, 18 Ptatt St, Sew York.°~<- *-••- ' - the ijDiied Btates.

Oirou'ar 8»0w4!e Agent foIe. Send ro



and a sufficient number of them weru putwork lo every variety of crop, and on every vatla- ' —-faee, to thoroughly l"st them. In calling a

m to this Mower we desire to any we believe

Simple, Durable, and Efficient GrasiGutter!

id's Harvettlng Machines tb

to abide the xegolt of his j



REAPER.without Mowin

Farmers: We ask yon to Examineour Machines before purchas-

ing: any other!

kept by JOHN RBA, Bant Bdekmuntown, who wlbe able to do as thorouuh repulra as oaa be doue a

^For^'ircu'lars, or further Information, adoren


Local Agents in Clinton and EssexCounties:

I .7J1AN THOMPbOS, South Plattsbargh.

JejHN BKA. Kant Beekoianiown.

B. G ' S W I N B U B S , Kuuses Point.


HKF FKttNA N^ Mo^rs.

8A U USL UAYNK8, Baraaac.

^'K. ' B iKNK-re , ejro'wnpolut.V. L. KKKD. Moriuh Centie.

Kr Iiflrreporteded from

ary, (ofw» bad k

l d

f the troth of xioe of the cut*nowiaoae, tbongn they had pssa-.) From tlxw reporti, we weree that oor daughter mi*tjt poisir daughter mi*tjt poisi

i; be saved trom orooming blind. We had sooahtfor her the advice and treatment of medlaal tonUe-men of coneedfd ability, and yet her eaaeeoiltiraeito get worse, and from what we learned of the dis-ease, from the Doctors, we despaired othernerbeing helped. The disease waa krjdwn as Amawa-

disease of the Optlo Nerve, or baok part of tha

e Unitv of naeashould b

tions not to give an unfavorable opialo

^d e tt o

P ne r?S f o r ' h e h a d ^ e n P a l

Overta#ktD{ the eye*, oy kerow&e llgut ana con*Inntns tonse them afttr they ware very weak,

brought on th* disease in question, for three y e a n

Hajnes entered into

prospect of

ch-crlecu, that we encasedwere ftatistied some uood w

o a critical examinationwhich he did not (eel w

^ ° r k e d 8 t o t 0 h I h m

ing beirij


^in a l |oYof | t l^ l

: bsnefiUed, and the prosp

e encased to pay notbtng b«fon%ebe received* ICoi^y

did not seem uppermost in the Doctor1* mind, and

conscience to do what we felt was right as betweenns, & c W e placed her under his advice and treat-m n l , though we anticipated tittle more than here-tofore, bnt we were happily disappointed, for webad the p leasnreof seeing a s hnprov-menUn hergeneral health <with bat now and then a relapse,)and also In her Kye sluht for tbe two years she con-tinned p n d e r . h , . treatment, and now w e ^ r e . -

or, for cavlnii her from becoming blind, which.

"— "-e affllowd,) may be ample excuse for to long a.• w a a i e gratefully ana truly your»,

LAVISH* i ) * s s .

In January, 1885, 1 cootructeii allitht fnflammatioa

jHcame chrouic, and for a long time my caLe^a*

o New fork city for treatment in the fall of"l886,

md remained three munths without having a cure

— , _ — tooer, 18*8, f. . _ , under Hay.e . 1 treatment. At that timeone e>e waa Buffering from ohrooic irjflammation,with a tllm over the eight, which caused such a de-gree of blindDess that I could only distinguish light

In a fow weuk» my case had propes»ed to wallthat the Doctor sent me to school, whioh 1 was able

school and still my eyes grow stronger.JAMJS D o n * .

8. Haynes, M. D. :

D S M R S I B : -Tours ol

your bill i« very modtyou p e r s o n and than.

M. Boran being a mahad been to the expenaesd bin son to New Yhave his son grope Inready and willing toilhundred* more to send

• theVthlnst., with bilf . f ire-Und draft for the sane , * • *

K you for your klod attention.poctfully Yours,

in of intelligence, though h e

se of hundred of eJolian to

ork city, yet rather than todarkneii through life, waa

near the further expemoofhim iato thu VnUeyof I*ake

Champtaln with the hope per chance of obtaininghe'p for hl« son. Andhia willingness to pay,

what Is worthy of mark, ae&coupled with bis gratitude.

IS T E A K S OF B L I N D N B 8 8 C U B S D .

' When I wa» three years old I bad the measles.

to me, hut 1 hiid to irrope iu darkoeu, and movemostly by the sense of feeling. It waa fifteen longyears from the time tbac my eyes became affeoiedto the time when f was fnduceM to apply to Dr .B.Haynes. But I am grateful In being a1)le t o write ,that after bavlnK been under treatment fora tewweekF, my sight is perfectly restored.

.antown, N. T., F a b " ™ 1 8 « ! M " ' ^"'^

^ f i ^ e r of^the^aid Abigail, J . B, Pardy,

her caao, said: " I f yoa cure her e>r help her?"'*'1?!/*)*:. 1 T a , , An(J b e d l d

:erlsllc of the mso, and

SS Y K A B 3 DBAFi \K9Sby Dr. B. Hayne* la a man 74 years of age in

1S63. TM$ letter isgtvan to Bhow that tbe cure waananent one. A good deal of interest was man-

D s i a 8 i a : - M r Murdock came here last spring._ b*v« sceo 11m at public places with his spe . t in*horn la his hand; hav« Bousht an opportunity o fconversing with htm. Thi . week I fiSTm companywi»h him and inirodoced ih«I «ubject of dtqfnon. I

' him a very ready talker, aud after questioning

..ten treated, 1 formed the opinion that he hadnot met with the right person. I then told o f y o n rauccesttal treatment in my case, and the opportuni-ty I bdd in seeing many others under treatment, and

im,'ha»eJ'you*seiid your Prescriptions. J told Mm

oureeir. ltald°h\m heb^d batter write and giveou the particulars of his case and I would towardi to you! I now enolose tlie same. Now, ilr, it i«

stud In matting a trial for his deafnesd. Ii yoa

WAV. COMPSTBST BLiCK3MITH, ftre a new Shop and ifopd opening.

'eru, N. T.. June 4, IfN. LAPHAM. & SONT.

n1 SOAP.onstant supply, by the barrol, n*lf barrel or, for sale by S. DUKSBS,

«0 Water Street, Pittsburgh.Caah paid for good hard-wood boose Mhem.

hly interesting Ca»o. The imporUnce of thosubject Is reason uudlotont for giving the following

uotation from Mr. Bosworth's ktter. For manythers, like him, have been taught to look upon dla-

laws as ilia of other parts of the body aad suffer on,

Osinrui!!, Dec 80th, M l .IUTNSS :-After reaching home I commence*

„ , , „ , jour medicines amwding to dlructions, and)continued to do so until I tboaght Ulsnt wotOd bono further oeoeMity as I soon felt as welt as I ev«Jitt in my h/e and continue to feel so yet, my throat.

o btialL rtffht, for which L feel T«rv,««F>ttb&uk>.. . —d hope 1 -ball continue to fed a* well as I do.

at present, • » » • Koolowd ,au wtU Bad Kollars tit part payment, will elthor Mod or brine'

you the balance ™on^.ctfuU y o o ^ ( i

Wn. BoswokTB-.

WhydoBS Dr. Hayne» 7 »lt PlrtUbaigh oa

the FIRST and THIRD TUa3DAY8 of each,

th 1 Antwtr.' Ta aa.»8 expenae in Uau «ad>

;y to tboaa who can ill afford an extension ot

the Journey, if possible to prevent It. Hence being

ed In man; oasea to return by Bill or Bo«V
