cloud computing - · 2013-06-15 · perkufizime te ndryshme per cloud “no less...

Cloud Computing Gerti Kallbaqi Universiteti “Aleksander Moisiu”, Durres Mars 2013

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Page 1: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Cloud Computing

Gerti Kallbaqi

Universiteti “Aleksander Moisiu”, Durres

Mars 2013

Page 2: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Syllabus 1. Problem: Skedulimi dhe allokimi I


2. Problem: Siguria dhe monitorimi1

3. Problem: Konsistenca dhe disponueshmeria1

4. Problem: data center networks 1

5. Problem: Kosto ne sistemet Cloud 1

6. Problem: mobile, video streaming, ne cloud 1

7. Hadoop platform tutorial 2

8. Map-reduce Algoritmi 2

9. Shkallezueshmeria dhe balanca 3

10. Replikimi I te dhenave 3

11. Fermat e serverave per kursimin e energjise 2

12. Energjia e rinovueshme dhe qendrat e te dhenave 1

13. Prezantimi I detyrave te kursit 3

14. Kriptografia dhe sigurimi I te dhenave 3

15. Manaxhimi I sigurise ne Cloud 3

16. Inter-data center routing 1

17. Modelet e cmimeve ne Cloud 2

18. Prezantimi I projektit final 3

Page 3: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Web Site




Page 4: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Karakteristika te kursit

• Vleresim nepermjet detyrave te ndryshme qe do jepen

• Vleresim I detyres perfundimtare

• Vleresimi me dy provimet

• (Provim i I i ndermjetem , Provim perfundimtar)

Page 5: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Projekte per kursin

• Grupe me nga 3-4 studente

– Mix mes kerkimit teorik si dhe ushtrimeve praktike

• Prezantimi ne dokument te shkruar si dhe ne power point ku secili duhet te kete kontributin e tij.

Page 6: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

• Teknologjite e reja te informacionit jane ne mjaft raste percarese dhe kontradiktore ne kerkesat qe parashtrojne

• Sherbimet e informatikes jane ne nje ndryshim te vazhdueshem

• Shperndarja e informacionit paraqet nje model te ri per biznesin tani

Njerezit, Infrastruktura, Energjia

Page 7: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker


• Cfare nenkuptohet me

– Cloud Computing

– Sherbime informatike

– {Infrastrukture, Platforme, Software} si Sherbim

• Pse korporatat e medha I kane kushtuar nje rendesi te vecante

• Principe te pergjithshme

• Kerkime ne internet me tematike te caktuar

Page 8: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud

“No less influential than e-business”

(Gartner, 2008)

“Cloud computing achieves a

quicker return on investment“

(Lindsay Armstrong of, Dec 2008)

“ Economic downturn, the appeal of that cost advantage

will be greatly magnified"

(IDC, 2008)

“Revolution, the biggest upheaval since the invention of the PC in the 1970s […] IT departments will have little left to

do once the bulk of business computing shifts […] into the cloud”

(Nicholas Carr, 2008)

“Not only is it faster and more flexible, it is cheaper. […] the

emergence of cloud models radically alters the cost benefit decision“

(FT Mar 6, 2009)

The economics are compelling, with business applications made three to five times cheaper and

consumer applications five to 10 times cheaper

(Merrill Lynch, May, 2008)

Domestic cloud computing estimated to

grow at 53% (,

June, 2011)

Page 9: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Cloud Computing

A Computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing will be

determined by economic rationale rather than technical limits

Professor Ramnath Chellappa

Emory University

It is not just Grid, Utility, or Autonomic computing.

Page 10: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Nje tjeter perkufizim

Nje model per te lejuar qe ne cdo moment , me nje

kerkese per te aksesuar nepermjet rrjetit nje burim

te konfigurueshem (sherbim, servera, magazinim te

dhenash etj) mund te realizohet me manaxhimin

minimal dhe perpjeket me sa me pak kosto per te

arritur qellimin.

Page 11: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Karakteristikat e Cloud

• Nje vete-sherbim me kerkese

• Qasje kudo e rrjetit

• Bashkim I pavarur nga vendodhja I burimeve

• Elasticitet te shpejte

• Pagese per perdorim


Page 12: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Modelet e sherbimeve

• Software as a Service (SaaS) – Perdor aplikacionin e providerit nepermjet rrjetit –

• Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Vendos aplikacione te ndertuara nga klienti ne Cloud – AppEng

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – ‘Jep me qera’ procesim, magazinim, kapacitet rrjeti dhe

burime te tjera informatike. – EC2, S3


Page 13: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Software Stack

Mobile (Android), Thin client (Zonbu) Thick client (Google Chrome)

Identity, Integration Payments, Mapping, Search, Video Games, Chat

Peer-to-peer (Bittorrent), Web app (twitter), SaaS (Google Apps, SAP)

Java Google Web Toolkit, Django, Ruby on Rails, .NET

S3, Nirvanix, Rackspace Cloud Files, Savvis, Full virtualization (GoGrid), Management

(RightScale), Compute (EC2), Platform (






Page 14: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

NIST: Nderveprimi ndermjet aktoreve ne Cloud Computing


Cloud Consumer

Cloud Provider Cloud Broker

Cloud Auditor

Rruga e komunikimit ndermjet Cloud provider dhe Cloud klientit

Rruga e komunikimit per nje cloud auditor per te siguruar informacione

Rruga e komunikimit per nje broker Cloud per te siguruar sherbimin tek nje

konsumator Cloud

Page 15: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Google Trends:- Cloud computing, virtualizimi

● cloud computing ●virtualization

Page 16: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Sherbime Informatike

“Computing may someday be organized as a public utility, just as the telephone system is organized as a

public utility”

John McCarthy, 1961

Page 17: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Rreziqet e koorporatave Informatike

• Pervetesim I sistemeve te Informacionit

• Por … – Investim ne kapital teknologjie

– Kosto fikse te medha

– Shpenzime te teperta

– Kosto e larte Energjie dhe perdorim I ulet I CPU

– Shpesh kane te bejne me hardware jo te qendrueshem

– Nivel I larte I mbikapaciteteve qe rrit koston


Page 18: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Google: CPU Utilization

Activity profile of a sample of 5,000 Google Servers over a period of 6 months

Page 19: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Google: Energjia si shtese

Page 20: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Google: Nderprerja e sherbimit

Page 21: Cloud Computing - · 2013-06-15 · Perkufizime te ndryshme per Cloud “No less influential than e-business” (Gartner, 2008) “Cloud computing achieves a quicker

Sherbimet informatike

• Lejon ekonomine e shkalles qe te mbizoteroje

• Te gjithe problemet I tejkalohen nje entiteti tjeter

• Ofruesi I sherbimit do te ndaje koston shtese mes klienteve duke amortizuar koston ne total per cdo klient.

• Ju paguani vetem per:

– shtesen e kostos se amortizuar

– Perdorimin nga ana juar real te CPU / Storage / Bandwidth