cloud computing into mainstream

Cloud Computing Moving into Mainstream Businesses

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Cloud Computing Moving into Mainstream


Cloud Computing Moving Into Mainstream Businesses 1

Changing Attitudes to Cloud Computing

It doesn't seem long since the expected reaction to talking about ‘the cloud’ was a mixture of befuddlement and skepticism.

But this emerging technology, once viewed as niche and a little ‘out there’, is slowly but surely starting to become a normal part of our business world.

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What Does ‘Cloud’ Mean?

The cloud is a general term used to describe accessing data, services and applications from external servers – rather than needing to be stored on your PC or handheld device.

Cloud Use Increasing

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A CIF survey, based on interviews with 250 British companies, found that 79% had now ‘formally’ adopted at least one cloud-based service – an increase of 15% on previous figures.

Most of the businesses, 45%, said they were currently using just one cloud service, with just 14% saying they were using four or more.

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Access Your Data Securely

The most popular uses were for web hosting and data backup, followed by collaboration tools, business apps and video conferencing services.

At the moment, therefore, most organisations are adopting a hybrid approach; integrating traditional on-site IT set-ups with these new cloud based services.

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Have the App Wherever You Go

The adoption of cloud services allows companies to significantly reduce IT spend with no need for internal servers or software maintenance. Users can access cloud services from any device with an online connection.

Clarity365 is one of a new generation of business tools using the technology to transform the way organisations operate – replacing manual, paper-based expenses with more efficient digital processes.

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