cloud hosting - the benefits


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Post on 10-May-2015




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Page 1: Cloud Hosting - The Benefits

The usage of Cloud Web Hosting is growing. There are a number of benefits to website owners.

Cloud Web Hosting – The Benefits

Page 2: Cloud Hosting - The Benefits

Cost Savings

Cloud Hosting can save on costs due to the way in which resourcing works:

• You don’t pay for a defined amount of hosting resource, but pay for what you use

• Capacity is available when you require it

• But you only pay for it when it is being utilised

This gives you a balance between having as much capacity as you need without having to pay for more than you are using. With other forms of hosting you would have to pay for a particular amount of resource. This has two potential downsides:

• Go too low and you risk not having enough hosting resource to cope with the website and its traffic

• Go too high and you are a left paying for resource that is not required

Page 3: Cloud Hosting - The Benefits


Cloud hosting is beneficial as the popularity of a website grows. More traffic to a site means that more bandwidth is required to ensure visitors are able to view the site as intended

• Additional bandwidth is available if required

• This is automatically dedicated to the site when it becomes necessary

• But it is only paid for once requirements reach this stage

In terms of scalability, other forms of web hosting have a number of disadvantages compared to cloud hosting:

• If required resource suddenly increased, it would not be available

• But if contingency resource is to be made available it will need to be paid for, meaning higher costs, possibly unnecessarily so

Page 4: Cloud Hosting - The Benefits

Less Chance of Downtime

By opting for cloud hosting website owners can limit the possibility of their website being unavailable

• Due to the additional resource being constantly available it means a situation will not arise whereby a site is down due to too much traffic

• Sudden spikes in traffic will not result in the hosting not being able to cope

• The load of a website is spread across a number of servers, so if one server fails the site is unaffected

With other types of web hosting this contingency is not in place

• If there are spikes in traffic the hosting will not be able to cope and there may be downtime

• If there is only one server dedicated to a site and it experiences problems then a site will experience difficulties

Page 5: Cloud Hosting - The Benefits

Backup and Data Storage

With cloud hosting there is less chance of losing data if there is a problem such as a server blowing up or a fire.

• A single server being lost does not lead to lost data

• There are other servers that can take up the slack should there be problems

The above are not the case with other forms of hosting. If there is only one server, then data being lost from there will mean it cannot be recovered unless backed up, something that will mean higher costs.

Page 6: Cloud Hosting - The Benefits

Who Can Benefit?

There are certain types of websites that can particularly benefit from cloud web hosting:

• Growing Businesses – As traffic increases the hosting resource is available but it doesn’t need to be paid for until it is required

• Seasonal Businesses – Seasonal websites will need a much higher amount of bandwidth at certain times of the year without needing it all year around

• Websites with Fluctuating Traffic – Will pay for the bandwidth they need when traffic levels are high, but only when it is required.