cloudstack at schuberg philis

CloudStack at Schuberg Philis Killing your darlings

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Post on 03-Nov-2014




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CloudStack European User Group Meetup in London Jan 2014. Presentation by Arjan Eriks


  • 1. CloudStack at Schuberg Philis Killing your darlings

2. CULTUREFASTERMISSION CRITICALCREATING & SHARINGCUSTOMER SATISFACTIONINTEGRATIONTHE POWER OF VULNERABILITYSOFTWARE WILL EAT THE WORLDCLOUD 3. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-20142004 2012 show significant growth with sustaining customer satisfaction 4. CUSTOMER NAMEWE BELIEVE 100% ATTITUDE CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE 5. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014KEY VALUES AT SCHUBERG PHILIS OwnershipCommitment / DedicationEmbracing changeResponsibility vs FreedomResult drivenPeople over processTransparentExceed expectationsWe are still debating shape and form, but we need to codify our values 6. FASTER 7. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014CUSTOMER DEMAND TOWARDS OUTSOURCING SERVICES HAS CHANGED As complexity increases integration of services becomes a challenge and specialized services are requiredMore focus on fulfillment of business needs: The ever shorter Time-to-marketFlexibility & scalability of provided IT systemsIncreased security & regulatory demandsWhile Keeping uptime at parCustomers require partners to advise them on potential improvement areas within their own organizations 8. CUSTOMER NAMETHE SOFTWARE REVOLUTION IS COMING TO EVERY INDUSTRY RetailPaymentsFilm distribution 197019902000200720132015 9. CUSTOMER NAMETeams Model A Model BGeneric Critical applications Costs vs RisksModel AModel B Partner Customer teamPartn erPartner Customer teamPartner Customer teamQuality Control / Self Assessment Service / Project management Support Systems / Processes Monitoring / Event management Datacenter / Network 10. CUSTOMER NAMETEAMS: What you see is what you get Plan Build Run with one teamPlanBuildPotential conflictPlanRunPotential conflictBuildRunClear expectation managementSupportPotential conflictSupport 11. CO-CREATING & SHARING 12. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014CO-CREATION OPEN SOURCEOpen or closed source. Functionality is key. Nextto that: when we can afford it to contribute backwhen we predict that the life cycle of the product is long enoughif the skills we gain benefit us (employee and company in the long run)If we want to be member of the community. If yes, play a role of some importanceThis means open source is not free, but it means a high level of control as well 13. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014CO-CREATION CLOSED SOURCE Closed source products are chosen if: They are best of breed (e.g. splunk)They are open enough to interact with other tools (e.g. they have an API)We can work directly with labs or dev departments on features, training and issuesWe do not have timeNo or limited co-creation if We need quantitative support (e.g. Netapp)If the product, tool, or infra component does not has a high change frequency 14. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014THE SCHUBERG PHILIS VALUE CURVE 10 Years Ago we focused on Uptime and Application stability that was fixed in Infra6 Years Ago we gained speed by workingtogether with customers with integrated procedures 3 Years ago we started our Cloud Journey asa basis towards Continuous everything 15. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014A: THE SCHUBERG PHILIS VALUE CURVE TTM Transition project: Customers do not have to fear the cost of transition. Not in cost (fixed Price) and not in duration (we nevermissed a deadline) Application Infrastructure Integration with full DR testingLayer3 and Layer7 designs are keyAll infrastructure behavior is monitored within SBPDTAP model to ensure robustnessGuaranteed 100% uptime 16. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014B: THE SCHUBERG PHILIS VALUE CURVE Infrastructure is highly virtual (2012)Monitoring Infrastructure and Applicationsshared with customers Set up agile working methods, iterative designsChange windows have less or no downtime due to virtualizationCo Creation extends to Functional ApplicationMaintenance Departments 17. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014THE SCHUBERG PHILIS VALUE CURVE Infrastructure is flexible and integrates with others by using SDNEverything that moves is measured, infrastructure and code, deploys automatedDevelopers and SBP Create joint continuous delivery platform (git/github/jenkins/tfs)Implement full scrum or kanban together withcustomers and development parties Co Creation: Developers can push (a lot off) changes to prod, Developers are standby as well 18. CLOUD 19. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014HOW DO WE LOOK AT CLOUD WITHIN SCHUBERG PHILIS? Infra is commoditizedProviding infra is industrializedFundament for application landscapesInfrastructure as Code (PaaS as well) 20. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014Infrastructure model depends on requirements: Availability Flexibility Confidentiality Integrity Compliancy CostINFRASTRUCTURE: IAAS ON A SCALEShared Mission Critical CloudControl (risk)Private Mission Critical CloudDedicated Virtualised Environments Dedicated Physical Environments 21. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014DIFFERENT WORKLOADSCloud WorkloadsTraditional Workload Reliable hardware, backup entire cloud, and restore for users when failure happensDistributed Workload Tell users to expect failure. Users to build apps that can withstand infrastructure failureBoth types of workloads must run reliably in the (a) cloud 22. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014NEXT TO THAT: INFRA IS COMMODITIZED New applications all run on Linux or WindowsCompute, Storage and Network are the next commoditiesTrading these commodities is not far away for end users 23. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014PROVIDING INFRA IS INDUSTRIALIZED We treat are servers as cattle, not as petsWe measure output Initially in OATContinuously in alerting and monitoringAnd aim for automated audit and control 24. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014FOUNDATION FOR APPLICATION LANDSCAPES Infrastructure must be upApplications should be resilientInfrastructure clusters should be reliable onits own The price of failure is acceptable for the risk you run 25. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014SERVICE INTEGRATION OVER STACKS New issues at the horizon: Where does my data live? Local Datacenter? Remote Datacenter? Cloud? Where do my apps reside? Local Datacenter? Etc.. Who is making these judgments over IAAS layers? Can I pay OPEX and not CAPEX? Pay per use? Is my organization ready? How do I scale down (remember data and VM growth explosions)? 26. CUSTOMER NAMEOUR ASSIGNMENT: KILLING YOUR DARLINGS 27. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014AS A CLOUDEXPERT: OUR WEAPONS OF CHOICE Pick your cloud on what you need: Compliancy ISAE3402/ISO27001Feature richnessAdaptability to Enterprise RequirementsPrice and Pricing ModelsLevel of Control 28. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014CURRENT CLOUD IMPLEMENTATIONS New Belgium Bank Online savings and payments (stocks later) Dutch Harbor Pilot organization logistics and control Royal Dutch Airline - Campaign environment bursts Dutch Retailer Burst peak load with Caching PoC Dutch Bank Social Global Platform PoC Dutch bank entire front end Employee Cloud Free environment for all employees (800vms) 29. CUSTOMER NAMEVAN LANSCHOT BELGIUM Private bank goes retail Roll-out complete new e-bank in record time 30. CLOUDSTACKMEETUP LONDON23-jan-2014QUESTIONS? If you have questions later:Mail: [email protected]: DrozerT9-11 April CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2014DENVER Youre invited!