club sports illustrated - april 8


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App State Club Sports program competes against other non-Varsity collegiate teams throughout the year. Read what some of the 21 teams are up to!



April 8, 2016

In This Issue:Equestrian

Men’s Ultimate


Women’s Basketball

Women’s Rugby

Women’s Ultimate

Women’s Lacrosse

Executive Officers

Special Event

Special Event











For more information on any of the club teams, visit the website: email us at: [email protected]

or call us at the Student Recreation Center (828)262-2100

Director of UREC: Joe Carter [email protected]

Director of Club Sports: Erin Sanders [email protected]

Coordinators for Competitive Sports: Chris Carr [email protected]

Heather Marshall [email protected]

Executive Officers: Chad Deaver [email protected]

Olivia Chason [email protected]

Patrick Sekel [email protected]

February 19th Edition of Club Sports Illustrated Edited by Hallie Langley and Kristen Poole, UREC Publicity Programmer and App State Students

Cover Photo taken by Mike Collins Table of Contents Photo taken by Patrick Sekel

Finals Practice

Big Weekend at Clemson

Spring Flingin’ It

The Road to Nationals

100% or Nothing at All

Losing the Seniors

Closing Out the Season

Executive Corner

Club Sports Banquet

Club Sports Symposium

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Finals Practice

As our show season comes to an end, so do our practices and long trips down the barn. Although show season ending is bitter-sweet, it allows us to have more fun in lessons and try different things which we normally would not be able to do.

At Foothills Equestrian Center, which is where the Hunt Seat and Dressage teams ride, we have had the opportunities to ride cross country, do drill team, and go on trail rides. When riding cross country, riders take the horses outside of the ring and ride them all around the property. They also practiced jumping over fences going up a hills while keeping their horses balances. In drill team, the lesson group works together to learn and form a pattern that they can execute together. These moves are not easy and are performed simultaneously and looks very elegant. Lastly, one of everyone’s favorite things to do is go on a trail ride. The trails are many miles long and go through fields, around ponds, and through the woods. The best part of riding on the trails is being able to relax and see the waterfall.

The barn where our Western team rides, Mimosa Hills Farm, also has been having

fun since show season ended. They have been learning valuable tricks and horsemanship that is not normally possibly. Many of our newer members have been learning how to properly and effectively lounge a horse. Some of the other members have been taking driving lessons with mini horses. With these driving lessons, there is a miniature horse (or donkey) attached to a cart and members are able to learn how to drive the cart.

All of these opportunities help remind us why we love this sport and give us a different perspective into the equestrian community. These last few lessons have been fun, adventuresome, and full of learning opportunities for everyone.

“All of these opportunities help remind us why we love this sport and give us a

different perspective into the equestrian community.”

Photo by: Sarah KlassettPhoto by: Sarah Klassett

Photo by: Crosby Reed Photo by: Molly Bostancic

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The Men’s Ultimate team traveled to Clemson this past weekend to compete in a round robin tournament against seven other teams. The Nomads started Saturday well by going on a 6-0 run on Tennessee before beating them 13-6. They then continued on to a frustrating loss to Clemson Alumni, but instead of getting discouraged, the Nomads went on to beat Charleston 13-2 and Duke 12-10.

These games were highlighted with trick throws like “hammers” and “scoobers”, along with layout catches and blocks. First year player Paul Summerville also got his second career “Callahan” which a catching a block in the opponent’s end zone. After celebrating the wins with pizza, the Nomads rested up and got ready for the second day of the tournament.

On Sunday the Nomads started the day with two tough losses to Vanderbilt (10-13) and Clemson (8-13). Although frustrating, the Nomads still showed great defense, including another “Callahan” from Dan Hickman. We also saw lot of great deep “hucks” from

many of our throwers, and even some from players who usually only throw short distances. The Nomads then rallied to beat Georgia in their final game 12-9.

The entire weekend was a great team effort. Although seated last in the tournament, the Nomads finished 3rd on the weekend, only behind Clemson and Clemson Alumni. The team didn’t mind being the underdogs and truly showed the teams there how good of a team they are. The Nomads will continue to build off of this year, and will be a force to be reckoned with next year. Look out North Carolina ultimate, the Nomads are coming back!


Big Weekend at Clemson




All Photos Submitted by: Otto Solberg

“These games were highlighted with trick throws like “hammers” and

“scoobers”, along with layout catches and blocks.”

7 8

Love is in the air! What is this love you may ask? This love is Spring Fling love. Every triathlete gets bit by this love bug when spring comes. Spring is the most exciting season because it is the season that holds the Collegiate Club National Triathlon Championships. Your Appalachian State Triathlon team has been training day and night for this season. Our first race is April 9 in good ol’ Valdese, NC. This is an important race for the team because this is the race right before Nationals on April 23. The race this weekend will give us the practice we need to be successful in Nationals.

We are all very pumped for this season but for some this season can be bittersweet. A few athletes will be graduating in May so this will be their last season with their team they have sweat and cried for. We have all grown very close with each other and cannot wait to go out with a bang for these upcoming races. This season has been one for the books from countless selfie stick photographs to cheering each other on until our voices were gone except for our VP, Abby Duffy, who enjoys yelling at us through a megaphone. She literally almost scared me off my bike during the White Lake

Triathlon this year. Will Rumley, President of the team, had a few words for me when I asked him what it is like knowing that this will be his last season racing with the team: “It’s bittersweet. I know that the experiences we have in the next few weeks will be fond lasting memories, but I will miss all of the friends that I’ve made after I graduate. These last few races will be an excellent cap to my experiences with the triathlon team and I can’t wait to experience them with my teammates”. Well, there you have it readers. Mr. Rumley summarized what every graduate on the team is feeling. This weekend will be one great, memorable roadtrip.


Spring Flingin’ It




“These last few races will be an excellent cap to my experiences with the triathlon team and I can’t wait to experience them

with my teammates”

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The Road to Nationals


100% or Nothing at All

The App State Women’s Basketball team has enjoyed a nice long break since their last tournament. They are currently getting prepared for their upcoming travel to The Ohio State University for national’s weekend. There are getting prepared for the numerous amount of teams that will be there, and will be ready to take on anyone that stands in the way of them getting the tournament title.

They have just started back their regular practice schedule, and everyone is eager to get back in the gym. The pressure is definitely on though, considering there is only 3 weeks left before the big weekend. Although the girls haven’t been as successful as they have wanted in this past semester, the girls know the potential of the team, and what they can do.






SECRETARYThis Saturday, April 9th, is AHO’s last matrix game of this season. Although we have not had a perfect semester, we are going in with high hopes. After this Easter Break the team got their well deserved rest and now, with our heads fully in the game, we are going into this last game with a greater amount of confidence than in the past. Our captains, Megan “Soup” Campbell and Julie Blakesmith have no doubt AHO can go in and put their best foot forward to fight without backing down to end this semester on a win.

We’ve had a few injuries this year which has taken some people out of games. However, AHO has been able to flawlessly adapt. All of our positions have been taken up by great players who have been able to step up to the

plate. Although learning a new position is very hard, our various teammates have held their own. With this last, challenging, game, AHO hopes to not only play to the best of each person’s ability, but also bring out the best in everyone. Rugby is a very support dependent game and support each other for the full eighty minutes is exactly what we intend to do to ensure our place on top. If you have any interest in joining our team next semester, we would love to have you join us! Come check us out at the LGBT+ pride on Friday, April 15th in the Plemmons Student Union. You can also email any of our officer found on about joining the team.

Photo Submitted by Jordan Cobb

Photo by: Madi Thomas

Photo by: Savannah Dougher

“Once AHO, always AHO. Oderint dum metuant”

Be sure to cheer on the ‘Neers as they take on Nationals in just 3

short weeks!

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Losing the SeniorsAs the season is nearing it’s end, the Nonads are gonna have to say bye, see ya, later, adios, auf wiedersehen, so long, what have you, to four totally rad seniors. It will for sure be a loss, but nothing the App State Nonads can’t handle. On April 16th-17th these seniors will be competing in what could turn out to be their last tournament. So with all that said, here are your four vets that are leaving our numbers to head to the real world:

As co-captain and president of the team, Maggie (also known by many as Mag-Swag) has been a huge asset to the team. She’s got the throws, she’s got the cuts, she’s got the intensity, she’s got it all. She has turned into a beautiful player. Maggie and her twin sister Guinevere (who isn’t on the team but likes to show up every now and then) are loads of fun. They really know how to get a team pumped up. She will be a sorely missed part of the Nonads.

Kenyon has been through it all. She’s been a cutter, she’s been a handler, she’s been captain, she’s done everything. When not on the ultimate field, you can often find her crushin’ it on some rock. No, she doesn’t crush rocks, she “crushes” rocks…as in she is a totally kickin’ rock climber. As the legs on the team, you constantly see Kenyon rippin around the field catching discs all over the place. Kenyon, and other senior on the team Lindsey, will be bringing a little taste of App State Ultimate to Hawaii when they move there this fall. Mahalo Kenyon.

Maggie Simmons

Kenyon Hall

Madison Coughlin

Joining the team just last year, you would have never guessed that Madison was a rookie. She came right out of the gate strong. Madison is a nasty handler, schooling her mark every time. She’s got the speed and the throws. You never know what she’s gonna snag out of the air. When she’s not playing some formidable defense or kickin’ offense, you can find her playing with her crazy, rad, cute, awesome puppy Emma. We are totally stoked that Madison was able to join the Nonads, even if it was a little late.

Lindsey Rotche

The Nonads will feel a special hole in their hearts when they say goodbye to Grossmutter Lindsey. When Lindsey isn’t sailing around the ultimate field shooting cannons and catching lasers, you’ll most likely hear her talking about food or cracking guts with her deadpan wit. We wish her all the best as she departs the continental 48 for an adventure with fellow Nonad, Kenyon Hall. Zing Zong, Lindsey.

With great sorrow, these seniors must make like a baby and head

out. Good luck out there you nasty goons!ARTICLE BY:


SECRETARY & PRESIDENT All Photos Submitted by: Lindsey Rotche

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Closing Out the Season

It always seems like each season flies by even when there have been months of games and practices. This season may not have been the women’s lacrosse team’s best from looking at the scores; however, it was full of fun and unique experiences that we will take with us years after college. We still have one tournament left, and we are ready to finish strong.

This past Sunday we played a scrimmage game against Elon University, one of our tougher rivals in the MAWLL Conference. Unfortunately, we could not get many points on the board and lost 11-3. What the score did not show was the way our defense came together as a group, communicating more efficiently then we have all season. This will be a vital factor for our final tournament that is being held at ECU, and with our attack being able to put more points on the board, we will be a tough team to beat.

At ECU, we will face teams like NC State and ECU who have always been a challenge to play against. During this final week of practices, we are really focusing on perfecting our stick skills

and scrimmaging a lot so we can be as game-ready as possible. Along with this, we are ending on a fun note with some themed practices. We decided to have a country-themed practice where each player wore the colors of their favorite country. We had Israel, the Netherlands, Mexico, the USA, and even the Ocean show up (yes, someone decided to make the oceans into a country because we are a team full of creativity). This really helped keep spirits high which will carry into the weekend, and hopefully into next year as well.

It has been a great last week of practices, and we look forward to a final chance to show other teams that we are the team to beat.




Photo by: Staci Hunter

Photos submitted by: Emma Evans

Executive Corner Article by: Olivia Chason


The Executives have been very busy over the last two weeks. We have been preparing for a Budgetary Proposal that we will be presenting to the Budgetary Committee for the university. Last week, we spent some time at the library practicing for our mock proposal. Last Friday, we presented our proposal to the some of the directors and programmers for UREC. Although it went well, we learned that we still have a lot we still need to work on before we present to the Budgetary Committee. Our final presentation to the Budgetary Committee will mostly likely take place next week. We will be asking for a 15% increase from the allocation that we received this year.

Aside from the Budgetary Proposal, we have also been putting together the End of Year Banquet for this year’s officers and the Symposium for the 2016-2017 Club Sports officers. The program awards and the budget for the Banquet were voted on by the Club Sports Council at the meeting on April 6th. The budget was approved and the awards for the winners will be ordered this week. We will also start making the decorations for the Banquet over the next couple of weeks.

Chad has been working very hard on putting together the details for the Symposium. He has put together a schedule and will be having five different stations that are aimed to help all of the 2016-2017 officers learn the in’s and out’s of the Club Sports program.

We are very excited and looking forward to the big events we have coming up!


Celebrating and thanking all Team Officers for their hard work!

The Club Sports Banquet will be April 28 at 6:30pm at Broadstone!

Woodlands will be provided, Program Awards will be given out, and the winner of the Photo Comp will be announced!

Come and enjoy the company of other Club Sports teams and have a fantastic night!

Remember to RSVP to the Club Sports Email by April 8!

The Annual Club Sports Banquet!

The Club Sports Symposium!

All Officers for the 2016-2017 Year must attend the Symposium on Sunday May 1 at 5pm at Broadstone.

It will be a fun and infomation packed night!

You’ll learn all about the basica about the Club Sports Program, start organizing your team for next year, meet other officers, and learn great

leadership skills!

Mandatory for all 2016-2017 Officers



follow us on twitter: @asuclubsports like us on facebook: facebook/appstateclubsports