clunes june community news€¦ · news items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be...

CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected] Cost: Free Students from Clunes Primary School and Wesley College formed a guard of honour along Fraser Street for the traditional ANZAC Day March on April 25 th . A large crowd joined returned service men and women, RSL members, families and friends around the Cenotaph where RSL President Mr. Norm Shearer led the Commemorative Service. Norm was assisted by Clunes Primary School Boy’s Captain, Lachlan Salomon who recited the first verse of The Ode. Mr. Bryan J. Nicholls J.P. was guest speaker at the Town Hall service, telling the story of two of the young Clunes men who gave their lives in the First World War. Clunes Primary School Girls Vice Captain, Matilda Hill, shared her thoughts about ANZAC Day. The service concluded with a retiring collection to aid the work of Legacy. Refreshments at the Club Rooms, provided by the RSL Women’s Auxiliary and friends, followed. Several people took the opportunity to place flowers on the individual crosses in the Field of Honour at the front of the Lone Pine tree at the RSL. The RSL President and members thank all concerned for their support on ANZAC Day and for supporting the Welfare work of the RSL by buying ANZAC Tokens. Submitted by Betty Duncan, Secretary. Inside this month CTDA Events Page 2 Booktown success Page 3 Promote your Event Page 6 Clunes Police & CFA Page 7 June 2013 ANZACS Clunes Anzac Day March Clunes Cenotaph with flowers

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Page 1: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS


Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected] Cost: Free

Students from Clunes Primary School and Wesley

College formed a guard of honour along Fraser

Street for the traditional ANZAC Day March on

April 25th.

A large crowd joined returned service men and

women, RSL members, families and friends around

the Cenotaph where RSL President Mr. Norm

Shearer led the Commemorative Service. Norm

was assisted by Clunes Primary School Boy’s

Captain, Lachlan Salomon who recited the first

verse of The Ode.

Mr. Bryan J. Nicholls J.P. was guest speaker at the

Town Hall service, telling the story of two of the

young Clunes men who gave their lives in the First

World War.

Clunes Primary School Girls Vice –Captain, Matilda

Hill, shared her thoughts about ANZAC Day.

The service concluded with a retiring collection to

aid the work of Legacy.

Refreshments at the Club Rooms, provided by the

RSL Women’s Auxiliary and friends, followed.

Several people took the opportunity to place flowers

on the individual crosses in the Field of Honour at

the front of the Lone Pine tree at the RSL.

The RSL President and members thank all concerned

for their support on ANZAC Day and for supporting

the Welfare work of the RSL by buying ANZAC


Submitted by Betty Duncan, Secretary.

Inside this month CTDA Events Page 2 Booktown success Page 3 Promote your Event Page 6 Clunes Police & CFA Page 7

June 2013


Clunes Anzac Day March

Clunes Cenotaph with flowers

Page 2: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS


Nominations for Citizens of the Year

Nominations are now open for the following:

Young Citizen of the Year Female Citizen of the Year & Male Citizen of the Year

Forms are available from the Clunes Newsagency and nominations close on Friday 21st June 2013.

Fundraising Event for Clunes

Expressions of Interest A sub-committee through the CTDA has over a number of years been hosting fundraising events such as Coloma Days, Feast on Fraser and Banquet on Bailey.

The success of these events has donated over $35,000 to various local nonprofit organizations.

The team has had a well earned rest and is back in full swing for another exciting evening.

Date: Saturday 5th October 2013

(Put it in your diary now so you don’t miss out)

Event: “Cabaret in the Bluestone”

Entertainment by:

“Amie Brulee” – combining French songs, stories of love, loss and language.

More details later

Once again proceeds from this Event will be donated to a local organization.

If you organization has a project in mind and feel they could help out providing 10 willing workers to assist the caterer serving of food, clearing and washing up, please briefly explain your project and budget, leave in a sealed envelope with Ken at the Newsagency by Friday 12th July for consideration.

Clunes16th Community Dinner Date: Friday 26th July 2013

Venue: Clunes Town Hall

Time: 7.00 p.m.

Price: $40 per ticket

Drinks at Bar Prices Announcement of “Male, Female & Young

Citizens of the Year” Guest Speaker: Bishop John Stewart

“God, don’t let anything happen. A Bishop looks at the funny side of the

Church”!!! Bookings: Ken Gibson @ Clunes Newsagency

Please advise of any special dietary requirements when booking

Submitted by Jane Lesock (Committee Member)

Page 3: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS

The 2013 Clunes Booktown Festival again drew thousands to our town over the weekend and once more demonstrated

the amazing community spirit alive and well here to pull off such a great event. Creative Clunes and the Festival Team

issue their heartfelt thanks to all who helped with the event – from helping out at the information and entry tents to

erecting marquees, lugging tables and chairs and moving hay bales, to mention just a few of the myriad jobs volunteers

signed up for. The Sunday night pack up crew working in the cold and dark after an already long weekend deserve our

special thanks – especially as many of the same had battled destructive winds trying to erect marquees on the Friday.

There are many highlights from the weekend and not enough space here to tell all the stories people shared over the

weekend. The young people of Clunes can be extremely proud of working so hard over the past six months to create one

of the real highlights of the weekend – the Alice in Wonderland themed Children’s Booktown. Thanks to the extreme

professionalism and creativity of local prop maker Clayton, costume designer Mel, theatre director Rebecca, music maker

Earl Leonard and a team of other locals, the children performed at a level that impressed all. Their march through the

street in their amazing black and white costumes behind the Mad Hatter enlivened the whole weekend.

A story from two of our long-

time volunteers, Wendy and

Gary, who share their time

between Melbourne and

Clunes, sums up the wonderful

spirit of the weekend. They

were working on the entry

point in Bailey Street when an

elderly gentleman and his wife

sauntered up and asked: “Is it

$15 for a Family?”

,“Absolutely!” they replied, to

which, out of the shadows,

trouped another 13 people!,

“We are all one Family, is it still

$15?” he asked with an impish

grin.,“Of course it is,” was the

answer and everyone

proceeded to enjoy themselves

with the day - for $15. Good

Family Value!

As many will now know, the Festival this year hosted two international guests as part of Clunes membership of the

International Organisation of Book towns (IOB): Mr Jan Klovstad from Norway and the President of the IOB; and Mr Lee

Sang of Paju Book City in South Korea. Arriving to see the welcome written in their home languages on our town entry

boards was a happy to start to what proved a most successful visit and a number of joint projects are likely to flow from

their time here.There was some concern at first among the members of Creative Clunes when a text was received from

Jan alerting us to a slight delay on his departure at Sydney airport the following Tuesday.

Reading on however revealed that he was delayed at passport control as he had written among his reasons for being in

Australia was “to visit Clunes Booktown”. The passport officer had heard him talking about Clunes being part of the

international book town group on Radio National and wanted to talk about it! He eventually signed off our new


By Linda Newitt


Great Chapter in Booktown Story

Crowd enjoys Alice in Wonderland characters

Page 4: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS

CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Produced by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc.


Submissions (including photographs) welcome, preferably sent electronically to the email address below. Priority will be given to news items and are subject to available space. Name of group or individual will be printed with all items submitted.

News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS page (space permitting).

Display ads are available to community groups at half commercial rates.

All material to reach the CTDA by the 10th day of the month.

Note: articles, photographs and ads not to exceed 2Meg in size. Hardcopy items can be left at the Clunes Newsagency, Fraser St.


Business card size (90mmx55mm horizontal only) $25

Quarter page (vertical) $40

Half page (horizontal) $80

Full page (vertical) $160

All ads to be supplied ready-made as Pdf or Jpeg files

Discounts apply to CTDA members and for multiple month adverts. All advertising to be paid in advance of publication. Ads and payment can be made through Jane Lesock at Mt Beckworth Wines, Fraser St.

Edited by Jane Lesock.

Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the CTDA, it’s individual members, or it’s associates.


Workshop Action After our Visitation 365 workshop at the March CTDA meeting, we moved to a Quo Vadis – “where to from here?’. Action items included .

Inviting groups, such as Seniors, Probus, Book Clubs and the like, to visit Clunes.

Give assistance to restoring the Clunes market.

Update the website.

Create a calendar of events which may be promoted on websites while providing a register for groups to check for any clashes.

Run a visitor survey to better understand why people visit Clunes and what they liked and disliked.

Consider using social media to attract visitors to Clunes.

Support Creative Clunes in their promotion of the Sunday Selection initiative.

A number of members have offered to work on these initiatives for the benefit of our community. Our thanks go to them for being pro-active. Clunes Community Newsletter – More Improvements How do you like the improvements to the newsletter? We are blessed to have a very committed team who put it together. If you have any ideas, please send me an email on [email protected]

Michael Cheshire

We are starting a Clunes Dateline, which will allow us to better promote what’s on in and around Clunes for the upcoming month. We also wish to create an on-going yearly calendar. Groups and individuals can check the Clunes Dateline to see what dates are free to run their own event. We welcome stories from both individuals and groups. It is great to have more interesting stories now in the newsletter. Our deadline is the 10th of the month, which allows a delivery prior to the beginning of the following month. Hepburn Shire Public Art Policy Development A number of meetings have been held throughout the Shire to help formulate an Hepburn Council Arts Policy. Arts administrator Merle Hathaway reminds us that for those who were unable to attend the meetings, an online survey is available at Merle will be the main contact. Her details are 0419 324 042 or [email protected] Booktown 2013 With the completion of this year’s Booktown weekend, we congratulate the Creative Clunes board and the many volunteers who have contributed to another successful event. iConnect Interesting local information has been circulated through iConnect this last month. If you wish to join this free community email list, or would like more information about iConnect, just send me an email to [email protected]


Email address: [email protected]


Page 5: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS


Numbers Attracted to Celebrate Books

Some 110 people came together at the old Wesleyan Church in Clunes for an ecumenical Service - Celebration of

Books, on Sunday 28 April. The Service was part of the Booktown Festival program. Booktown festival chaplain the

Right Reverend John Stewart, an Anglican bishop led the Service and spoke on the history of books, the value of

being able to read, and appreciating the creative genius of the world’s top writers. Bishop John reflected on the

beauty and long lasting love of the works of William Sharespeare, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the

English language and Thomas Cramner, who wrote the English prayer book, which was used unchanged in churches

for over 500 years.

The Service also held prayers for all those responsible for organising the festival, the volunteers, the stall holders

and those who visited the event on 4 and 5 May this year.

Biblical readings were done by chair of Booktown Festival board, Dr Tess Brady; Matthew Taylor, Acting Head of

campus, Wesley College at Clunes and Catherine King, Federal Member for Ballarat. Parishioners of the Anglican,

Catholic and Uniting churches of Clunes shared the prayers which focussed on all who are touched by the Booktown


“This is our second such Ecumenical Service, held at the wonderfully refurbished Wesleyan Church.” said Michael

Cheshire, Ecumenical Service Coordinator, “Attendance numbers show an increase of 30%, which is most

encouraging. Wesley College is most generous in making this beautiful venue available to the Clunes community.

The harmony of those in attendance showed through.”

The Christian Churches of Clunes get together from time to time. They regularly come together on Good Friday to

walk The Stations of the Cross at the Ford in Clunes and hold a friendly get-together for a hot cross bun and cuppa,

following the walk.

Submitted by Michael Cheshire

Page 6: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS


Promote Your Event with Clunes Dateline!

The CTDA wishes to expand the collection of Clunes events to promote

the town. In doing so, we will also make available, a master calendar

from which individuals and groups may check to ensure their event

does not clash with others.

We need your assistance to create this master calendar, which we will call

Clunes Dateline. The information will be used in the Clunes community

newsletter and distributed to other publications and websites for exposure.

While your event may not occur for some months, we still would still like to

build up our full year calendar now. Please complete this form and leave it

with Ken or Marg at the Clunes Newsagency.

For any further information, contact - Michael Cheshire, [email protected]

or 0418 500 680.


Name of event: ...................................................................................................................................................

Venue: .................................................................................................................................................................

Date/s: ................................................................................................................................................................

Same time each year/month?: ..........................................................................................................................

eg: 1st weekend in May? 2

nd Saturday in March? 3

rd Monday of each month? … or one off?

Times: .................................................................................................................................................................

eg: 9am to 7pm to 11pm?

Entry fee: ............................................................................................................................................................

Describe the event features: .............................................................................................................................

Contact name: ....................................................................................................................................................

Contact email: ....................................................................................................................................................

Contact mobile: .................................................................................................................................................

Website: ..............................................................................................................................................................

Page 7: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS

CFA Deputy Chief Officer, Steve Warrington, said it’s easy to reduce the risk of fire in your home.

“There’s a number of really simple actions people can take that may end up saving their life – from keeping at least one metre clear space around heaters and open fires, to never leaving cooking unattended and making sure your smoke alarm is working,” he said.

“You can check how fire safe your home is and get support for developing your home fire escape plan by visiting or calling 1800 799 203.”

Of the 1042 residential fires in Victoria last winter, 37 per cent started in the kitchen, 14 per cent in the lounge room and 10 per cent in the bedroom.

Leaving cooking unattended was the main cause of home fires in Victoria last year, responsible for 25 per cent of incidents. This was followed by electrical faults (11 per cent) and heating malfunctions (10 per cent).

Residential fires last winter resulted in an estimate $20 million in damages and six lives were lost.

Tips for being fire safe in your home this winter:

Plan and practice your fire escape plan with your family

If a fire starts, get out and stay out. Call 000

Talk with your friends and family about what to do in an emergency

Check your electric blanket, heater and other electric appliances for broken or worn wiring

Don’t overload your power boards

Don’t deadlock yourself in your home

Make sure your smoke alarm is working

Dry your clothes at least a metre away from heaters

Use fire screens on open fires

Put fires out and turn off heaters before going to bed

Never leave candles unattended

G’day everyone, the crime round up for April….

Over the last month there have been 4 separate crimes

reported in the area, 2 being damage to vehicles and

the other two being theft related.

Two vehicles were damaged on the 28th of April, both

having windows broken and duco damaged. The theft

reports relate to household items stolen from private

premises and items stolen from some earth moving

machinery. All under investigation.

In the early hours of Sunday the 28th of April, a vehicle

collided into a house at the corner of Angus Street and

Ligar Street, luckily no one was injured as a result of the

collision although the house was extensively damaged.

The male driver of the vehicle was interviewed and will

be charged with a number of traffic related offences in

the near future.

The Booktown festival went off without any hitches

(Police wise) and I congratulate the organisers,

committee and volunteers for another fantastic event. I

had friends attend from outside the area and they

commented on the professionalism of the event.

I have had some property that has been handed in over

the last couple of weeks, so if you have lost anything in

the Clunes area give me a call I may just have it sitting in

my station.

Until next newsletter, stay safe …. As I always say I am

YOUR local copper and can be contacted on station

number 5345 3211, mobile number 0427 683 940, fax

number 5345 3794 or email at

[email protected]

If you need police attendance for an emergency

situation ALWAYS ring 000.

Athol. ( CHAFFS )


Clunes Police ATHOL CHAFFEY, Clunes Police Station

Hannah St, Clunes Ph 5345 3211 or 000

Mob: 0427 683 940 Email: [email protected]

Clunes Fire Brigade, A Fully Volunteer Fire Brigade Serving Clunes

and District

Page 8: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS

Web: Email: [email protected]





State Member for Western Victoria



the Clunes


Ballarat Office: 46 Lydiard Street Sth, Ballarat 3350 | t. 5332 9443 e. [email protected] w. Authorised by S. Ramsay, 124 Koroit Street, Warrnambool

Phone: 5345 3533 Mobile: 0438 081301


Upcoming Events & Dates

Saturday 1st June: – Lucky Strike Wine Lounge - Music at 8.00 p.m. $10 p.h.

Sunday 2nd June: – Sunday Selection – Julian Burnside QC @ Union Bank

Saturday 15th June: – Wesley Students Depart

Saturday 15th June :– Lucky Strike Wine Lounge - Music at 8.00 p.m. $10 p.h.

Sunday 16th June:– Wesley College “Open Day”

Sunday 16th June: – Sunday Selection – Jenny Hocking @ Union Bank

For more details on Music functions at Lucky Strike go to or Telephone Louise on 53453308

Newsletter Changeover

On behalf of the Executive and Members of the

CTDA, we take this opportunity of thanking Jill Luke

for her dedication and volunteer time in the doing

the Newsletter over the past 10 months.

Due to work and family commitments, Jill can no

commit to the time needed to layout the newsletter.

Jill’s input has been greatly appreciated and the new

look is fantastic. Thank you Jill and we wish you all

the best for the future.

We now welcome on board Lily Mason who has

kindly volunteered to take up the position. Lily is

well known in Clunes from both previously working

at Wesley and now doing her Yoga classes. We now

look forward to seeing Lily’s artistic mind at work.

Submitted by Jane Lesock

Page 9: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS



Supporting regional communities

Sunday Selection a Creative Clunes initiative.

Top Writers, Great Ideas,

Brilliant Conversation: Free

1st and 3Rd Sunday of the Month, Union Bank Arts Centre,

22 Fraser St, 3.00 pm

Sunday 2 June. Julian Burnside QC

Julian Burnside is a human rights advocate and language buff. His book, “Word Watching. Field notes from an amateur philologist” is a series of short chapters on

words and their uses. It is witty and

insightful. Burnside’s deep humanity and

concern for human rights comes through in the many examples he gives.

He will be introduced by Mark Hogan of the

ACT Project

Sunday 16 June. Jenny Hocking

Dr Jenny Hocking is Gough Whitlam’s biographer. Her new book “Whitlam His Time” will be introduced by our local

member, the Minister, Catherine King MP.

Hocking is an experienced award-winning

biographer. Her other biographies include books on Lionel Murphy and Frank Hardy.

Books will be on sale and authors available

for signing.

Drinks at bar prices.

Working Bee

Clunes Waterways

Working Bee Sunday 23rd

. June

Location - Queens Park site

Time 9.30 – 11.30am

Tools and equipment provided

We will be preparing the site, mulching

and planting.

All welcome, please ring 53453267 for

further information.

Page 10: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS


Clunes Newsagency 49 Fraser Street

Phone 5345 3223 Fax 5345 3747

Bendigo Bank Agency


Binding Phone Cards

Folding (Single Page) Facsimile Service

Mobile Phones & Recharge Diaries and Calendars

Photocopying (Including colour) Calling Cards

Air Conditioning Wheel Balancing 2nd

Hand Landcruiser Parts

Wide Range of Tyres inc 4WD Up to Date Computer Scanning

Pre-purchase vehicle inspection

Breakdown Service for Regular Customers

69 Fraser St Clunes 3370 (03)5345 3121 Jock Leishman 0427 521 621 [email protected]



EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE 5333-5555 or 0407780749






Call 5345 3092 or 0432 604 147

Page 11: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS

Clunes Field & Game Branch marked the ‘25th

Anniversary’ of the club with a 100 target OTG event.

The day attracted 101 contestants including world

class clay target shooter, UK’s Mark Marshall who

took out the day’s High Gun award. In accepting his

prize he commented that he had totally enjoyed his

first experience on the Clunes range and

congratulated members involved in setting quality

targets over the 2 grounds.

Twenty five years ago The Right Honourable Malcolm

Fraser attended to officially open the range and was

disappointed prior commitments prevented him

from making a return visit on this occasion.

President Eric Jones thanked past and present


for their involvement and considerable effort which

has seen this unique setting remain a popular venue

for regular clay target events.


High Gun: Mark Marshall 95/100

AA Grade: R Hall 94, G Parry 90, F Vella 89

A Grade: S Wallace 88, B Graham 87, M Younger 86

B Grade: J Lorensini 84, B Younger 83, B Trotman 78

C Grade: A Harvey 60, D Lowe 59, P Toose 55

Veterans: B Hoyland 85, B Rafferty 85, J Johns 81

Ladies: L White 59, S Newey 43

Under 15: G Dillon 64, B Toose 31

Enquiries welcome to Eric or Lynne 5345 3571



Catherine King MP

Federal Member for Ballarat

Delivering for the

Clunes community

Electorate office: 5 Lydiard St North,

Ballarat PH: 5338 8123

Clunes Mother’s Day Classic

The 2013 Clunes Mother’s Day classic was once again a success

although numbers were down a little from previous years. The

combination of a beautiful sunny morning and amazing autumn

colours created a perfect atmosphere for a walk or run through

the streets of Clunes.

With a 3km course some chose to do 1 lap while others

completed the course twice for the 6km distance.

Maggie Orr was first to finish the 3km with Peter Iles the first


Fergus Orr a student at Wesley College was first to finish the 6km

with 11 year old Matilda Hill the first female.

Thanks to all our participants, some who travelled quite a

distance and those who gave us donations which helped us to

raise $1071.00 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation

A special thank you to the Wesley students who helped on the

day, the Clunes RSL for kindly letting us use their premises and to

Christine and Matilda for their help.

Andy Hill and Jaqui Featherston (organising committee)

Field and Game 25th Anniversary

Page 12: CLUNES June COMMUNITY NEWS€¦ · News items, notice of meeting, results - up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS

All Nations Masonic Lodge Every first Tuesday except January. New

members most welcome. Contact Secretary: Grant Gamble at

[email protected] or 5345 3080, 75 Worsley Road, Clunes,

Carpet Bowls Indoors at Clunes Senior Citizens Hall. Each Wednesday and

Saturday from 1-40 p.m. New members welcome. Come along for a fun

afternoon. Info from Eileen Bradsworth on 53454097.

Clunes & District Young Farmers Meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the

month at the National Hotel, 8pm. A friendly social environment for

anyone between the ages of 18 to 30. Contact either Ben or Lisa on

5345 3750.

Clunes Angling Club All welcome. Meet on the 1st Monday of the month

7.30pm, old SMB building behind Fraz garage.

Clunes Artists' Group: Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of each

month, starting at 11.30am. Venue The Bottle Museum. Newcomers are

very welcome. March workshop is 'Mosaics'. For enquiries phone

Marlene 53 453093, or Liz 53 453 807

Clunes Badminton Club Inc For further information ph: Billie Drife

5343 4233. Our competition runs at the Clunes Sporting Complex,

7:30pm. All levels and ages from Secondary School to Veterans welcome.

Clunes Bowling Club Enquiries - Jason Ryan: (h) 5345 3648 or

(m) 0409 453 642.

Clunes Book Club Enquiries Roma ph: 5345 4037. Book club meets 7.30pm

on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Clunes Library.

Clunes Card Playing Group meets every 2nd Thurs at the Clunes

Neighbourhood House, from 5.30 to 7.00PM. Games are usually euchre or

500. Cost $1.00 per session. New players always welcome Enquiries ring

Judy: 5345 3342 or 0408 088 119

Clunes Chess Club 4pm each Friday at Clunes Library.

Clunes Community Garden Alliance St. Enquiries John Paine

ph: 5345 3968 Key available at Community Neighbourhood House.

Clunes Country Women’s Association For women of all ages; junior

members also welcome (aged 8-18 years) Meetings held 3rd Sat of each

month, 10.30AM to 12PM, at Clunes Neighbourhood House, 6 Service

St. Enquiries to Lyndsey Iles, 5345 3992 or Judy Burn, 5345 3342 Various

community service activities held throughout the year. CWA Saturday

afternoon Craft and Cooking Sessions. Held monthly.

Clunes Field & Game Enquiries to Eric 5345 3571 Clunes Field & Game Branch May 75 target handicap event attracted 67 shooters. .Results: AA Grade: C Johns 65, R Dunstan 64, R Sturzaker 64 -A Grade: A Edwards 65, R Dickson 64, M Mezzavia 64 -B Grade: B Younger 70, A Harvey 67, S Allison 67 -C Grade: T Young 78, P D’Amore 65, V Kichakon 65 -Veterans: M Rodda 69, F Mezzavia 63, F Doblie 63 -Ladies: V Johnstone 62 -Under 15: B Mackus 57 Clunes Football & Netball Club Enquiries: Doug Garth (President) 0428453808 or John Bedwell 0438 320 634 email All welcome. Clunes Garden Club: Monday June 3 - a Morning coffee Meeting 10.00 am at Seniors Rooms. Guest Bill Morrison will speak about growing succulents. Bring Morning tea to share. Guests and new members welcome. July 1 Meeting - Christmas in July,12.00 noon Luncheon at Seniors Rooms. Bring casserole or dessert to share. Enquiries: contact Jill 0438640431 Clunes Golf Club Inc Ph: 5345 3499. Contact Kevin Steart 5345 3127 or Laurie Lees 5345 3034. The course features 18 holes, sandscrapes, par 70 and all year round play. NON MEMBERS CAN PLAY 18 HOLES FOR JUST $5 GREEN FEES. Children under 16 play free! Every Wednesday is over 50’s (but younger players welcome). 1st Wed. November until last Wed. March 9.30 assembly, 10am hit off at Clunes. 1st Wed. April until last Wed. October played at Talbot. Every Sunday at Clunes, hit off 10am.

Clunes Library Fraser Street, Clunes. NEW OPENING HOURS Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10.00am -1pm; 2.00pm - 5pm Saturdays 10.00am - 1pm. 3rd Wednesday of the month open from 10.00am - 1pm. Pre-school story time held on Wednesday mornings at 10.30am, Clunes Museum Volunteers Committee Museum Volunteers Meetings will

resume 2nd Thursday each month 10.00 a.m. RSL Rooms First meeting

February 14th 2013 - ph: 5345 3592

Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc. Internet, printing, courses and activities

6 Service St Ph: 5373 8426 email: [email protected]

open Tuesday-Thursday 9:45am-5pm, and Fridays 9:45am-3:15pm Clunes

Playgroup - meets at the Clunes Health centre 10-12pm every Wednesday of

the school term. A great place for parents/care givers and their preschoolers

to meet and enjoy each other’s company. Enquires Ruth Kinnersly


Clunes Pre-School 109 Fraser Street Clunes Ph: 5345 3228 email:

[email protected]. Enrolments for 3 & 4 yr olds

being taken now. 3 year olds (from Term 2) Mon 9 - 11.30, 4 year olds

Tues, Weds Thurs 9am - 2pm.

Clunes Probus Club Meets every second Tuesday of the month at the

Clunes Town Hall at 9.45am. Visitors most welcome. For information

contact Barb Webb on Ph: 5345 3865 or Barbara Fyfe Ph: 53453579.

Clunes RSL Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Teas held on the second Sunday of the month at the RSL, 30 Fraser Street, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Clunes Saturday Netball Club Meetings held at the Clunes Community

Centre, 3rd Thursday of the month, 7pm.

Clunes Senior Citizens Club Inc Further information from the Secretary -

Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097.

Clunes Swap Shop The Swap Shop is located at 99 Bailey St. Pre-loved

clothes, books, CDs, DVDs, household items, toys etc, are available for

swapping, or you can make a gold coin donation. Proceeds go towards

running costs. Donations of suitable goods always welcome. The Swap

Shop is run by Andrew Brown, who appreciates assistance whenever

possible, with sorting, tidying, serving etc. For all enquiries please ring

Andrew on 5345 3853, or call in. w/days 10-4, Sats 10-1.00

Clunes Tourist and Development Association 7.30pm Third Monday of

each month at Clunes Town Hall.

Clunes Writers Group Meets 2nd Monday at the Clunes Neighbourhood House. This is an informal friendly group and all are welcome including those who would like to write. Contact Rhonda Fawcett 5476 6227 Clunes Youth Group: Activities for all age groups are available on this years remaining Saturdays, also on Tuesdays and Thursday. Enquire at the library. Flood Coffee and Cake Group: contact Lesley Tydeman 0400466324. Goldfields Central Gold Prospecting Club. Meets 3rd Wednesday of each

month at 7.00 pm at the National Hotel. All interested people are

welcome. Darren Kamp 0439 453884

Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles Management Committee Meets at the

Bottle Museum, 70 Bailey Street Clunes on the first Wednesday of the

month at 2pm. Visitors welcome.

Spanish Conversation Group: For information call David 0429 838 537

Tourello Red Cross meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 2 pm at the

RSL Rooms, Fraser St .One of the oldest Red Cross Branches, you are most

welcome to join this wonderful organization and support your community


Yoga Every Tuesday evening 6pm - 7.15pm at Clunes Senior Citizens Hall,

25 Fraser St. Everybody welcome.


Free listing (up to 3 lines) for Clunes social and sporting groups. Items may be edited for space reasons. Information is supplied by community

groups and published in good faith. Community groups can purchase additional display ads for half normal price.